• Breaking News

    Friday, October 30, 2020

    Legal Advice - Just got wisdom teeth out parents took prescribed drugs

    Legal Advice - Just got wisdom teeth out parents took prescribed drugs

    Just got wisdom teeth out parents took prescribed drugs

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    I M(18) got my wisdom teeth removed several hours before this post, my parents drove me to and from where I had the surgery And they also took me and got my meds for me. I was going through my medicine at my apartment to make sure I could separate it out in doses when I realized I was missing the hydrocodone. I texted my dad asking if he had left it at their house and he told me "I have it. It is a controlled substance. Only when needed," and they are refusing to give it back. This is concerning to me for multiple reasons, they live about 20 minutes away from me and I can imagine in an emergency situation where I will need it, the pain would only get worse with time, they also both work full time jobs, what do I do?

    EDIT 1: I would like to thank you all for the advice, I ended up calling my mother and informing her in a slightly threatening manner that this is extremely illegally and after much yelling on her part for me to call them I ended up hanging up on her. About an hour later, I have received the meds and we have talked it out. I thank you all so much for helping me figure out where to go from where I was.

    submitted by /u/conuse___
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    Father's prized deer returned from taxidermist with antlers purposefully altered

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    I cannot provide photos at this time as I haven't seen my father yet, just heard this story from him and my grandma.

    we are located in michigan, as the bot wanted this info.

    My dad, a 50 yo, returned from his hunting trip with his buddies about a week ago, and he brought home a 15pt buck. This is the highest point buck he's ever gotten and he was very excited. One of his friends is friends with a local taxidermist, so my dad's friend was able to get the taxidermist to mount the deer head for my dad within about five days. (the rest of the deer was processed for meat, don't worry! no waste here.)

    The taxidermist in question has some bad reviews, but my dad's choice of taxidermists was too booked up to take his deer, so my dad decided to try out his buddy's friend's service.

    Well, when my dad went and picked up the mount, he noticed the antlers were cut and carved. The 15pt buck was shaved down to an 8pt, and it was very obvious. This wasn't what my father wanted nor agreed to when hiring said taxidermist.

    My dad was appalled and confronted the guy, asking how and why this happened, to which he got the response of "some of the points were too frail and broke off when he was working on it", and my dad refused to accept that as an answer, but brought the mount home anyway.

    According to my dad, they are not breaks, they looked carved off with a saw or drill. The taxidermist also often sells antler points for jewelery or collections and my father thinks that he took the best points to sell.

    After contacting the taxidermist and asking for his money back, with return of the mount, the taxidermist has denied and has blocked my father's number.

    I was wondering what, if any, laws or statutes could help my father get his money back?

    submitted by /u/marshmallowtwink
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    Warning-long post. Time to whistleblow: I am an RN working at a nonprofit clinic which sees patients for drive through COVID-19 testing from a tent.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    Providers staff the COVID testing tent and are given an N-95, face shield, gloves, and gown. Testing has recently been switched to self-swab (nasal) from nasopharyngeal swab testing which was being administered by the provider. CNAs assigned to assist the providers are given a surgical mask (along with face shield, gloves, and gown) and instructed to stay at least 6 feet from the patients. In the clinic parking lot there is also a tent to see hypertension and diabetic patients from. There is a 3rd set of tents (one covered and attached to a drive through tent) that nurses are giving flu shots from.

    When staff was informed of the drive through flu clinic, we were told (in writing) that it would it would be staffed by a nurse (separate from the in-clinic nurse) and CNA. A supply bin was provided - stocked with the necessary items to facilitate the drive through flu clinic. It's a huge (heavy) plastic bin that has 2 wheels and a very short handle. It is not easily transported. Almost two months have gone by and I am still the only nurse being scheduled at the clinic. I am being expected to act as both in-clinic nurse and drive through flu nurse.

    The providers often have tasks which need to be completed by the RN inside the clinic and there are appointment slots for nurse visits as well (pregnancy tests, STD treatments, birth control administration, etc). Since we are so short staffed, I am also working without a CNA. We were instructed not to leave the supplies unattended in the tent so I've been having to pack up everything into the supply bin and bring it inside each time I am needed in-clinic. This (along with giving injections at inappropriate heights) has been putting me at increased risk for back injury. I suffer from scoliosis and bilateral winged scapula, so my back has been in extreme pain due to my current workload.

    We were recently provided with a laptop and cell phone to add to the flu tent supply bin. The supervisors directed the RNs to make patient calls from the flu tent (outside in the parking lot) between flu shots... Shortly afterwards, we were informed that quotas must be met for patient phone calls (60 calls for a 12 hour shift, 40 for an 8 hour shift, etc). If the quota is not met we must work additional hours until we've made all the required calls.

    The weather has been getting cold and no heater has been provided for the flu tent yet. We were instructed to "dress appropriately" to work outside. After working a couple of shifts in cold weather I've decided to see patients inside for flu shots (with the permission of my supervisors) since the one surgical mask we are given daily gets soaked from condensation and snot due to the temperature, wind blows my supplies/patient health info around, and any exposed skin becomes numb/pained.

    Patients who are scheduled for COVID testing regularly pull into the flu tent drive through, asking where to go for their test. Since the clinic is located near a busy road I often need to move closer to the patients to hear them. Daily, multiple patients who have been tested are coming into the clinic to pick up their negative COVID results (because they were directed to by the call center staff?) although they were exposed or symptomatic just days ago. The results are supposed to be mailed out by a specific department, no changes in this protocol have been communicated to the staff.

    Contact tracing is not being conducted for employees; when a staff member tests positive for COVID, those who were exposed to this person are not notified by HR so they can quarantine per CDC guidelines. These issues are putting the employees' lives at risk, as well as their friends and loved ones. The patients are being put at risk too since they are in contact with the employees. I have sent several emails to my supervisors regarding my concerns. None of the emails have been acknowledged or responded to. Not even a "thanks for the email, we'll look into this."

    Is there anything that can be done on my part to improve the situation at my workplace despite the complete mismanagement? Are there laws being broken or employee rights being neglected? At the very least, the company's management is behaving in a dangerously unethical and unprofessional manner during a pandemic. It's becoming beyond frustrating to work in this environment. Any input and advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/flyaway3939
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    Detective is repeatedly trying to contact me about a gig I posted on Craigslist [Pennsylvania]

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    EDIT: MAJOR UPDATE! I'm now extremely worried and would still like legal advice regarding the developments. I did what someone suggested and contacted the police precinct this "detective" claimed to work for. They were extremely interested when I told them the info I had. To make a long story short, the person contacting me is a detective who was let go over a year ago. Either someone is impersonating him or he is claiming to still be a member of the department. They have advised me to ignore the messages and contact them if he attempts to do anything else. While this was helpful, they were still reluctant to make an official report of it unless it escalates. Clearly I'm suspicious of their motivations! Legally what can I do here? Either option (former cop harassing me or conspiracy nut harassing me) is very bad. I can't get over how little I did to provoke this.

    Original post:

    So I don't know if I should take this seriously and I could seriously use some advice.

    A few days before the protests in Philadelphia I posted an ad on Craigslist asking for videographers to help me with a project I'm working on. I also posted this in a few other places that aren't quite as public. I got a couple of responses and was following up with one of them when suddenly I started getting flooded with angry incoherent emails accusing me of a bizarre variety of criminal activities.

    It turns out some conspiracy theorists found my Craigslist post and put it all over their social media claiming it was proof that everything going on in Philly was staged and I was recruiting people to riot for money. That is completely false. I updated the posts to clarify it had nothing to do with that, but it did nothing to stop the flood of emails. So I deleted it.

    I thought that would be it, but somehow I've been identified and I'm getting voicemails from a person claiming to be a police detective. He wants me to meet with him and explain the details of what I'm working on to "clear things up". On top of that, my security camera picked up two men I don't know knocking on my door while I was out. They didn't leave anything but they knocked for several minutes.

    What do I do? I feel like you would have to be willfully trying to misunderstand what I wrote to believe it had something to do with recruiting rioters, but I also don't think it's ever a good idea to talk to the cops. What do I do if they come back? Do I have an obligation to return these messages? Is this serious enough to get legal help?

    submitted by /u/Mindless-Fox-4558
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    Girlfriend's employer super shitty about cancer treatment.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    [IL] So my girlfriend is a breast cancer survivor. She's also BRCA positive which (briefly put) is a hereditary gene that increases the likelihood of some cancers. Her mom, aunt, and cousin all died of cancer. She is the only survivor. She caught it early on last summer. She underwent chemo, followed by a full mastectomy with temporary spacers placed in. This August (after confirmed remission), she underwent surgery again to have the spacers replaced with implants.

    This, combined with handfuls of consultations and follow ups, has required extensive time off work, but for very important reasons. And she's not done. The BRCA gene makes it 85% likely that she will get ovarian cancer, and so the preventative recommendation is a full hysterectomy. She's only 33, and you can also imagine the implications and emotional stress this continues to have on her. She is scheduled for this surgery at the beginning of December and it will be the most invasive one, requiring 3 weeks off work, among many other restrictions.

    She works in a veterinary office, and the majority of her coworkers have been very supportive and have made adjustments to accommodate all of her procedures and treatments. But her boss regularly makes her feel guilty about her absences and has been denying certain things. She recently denied my girlfriend an actual vacation-vacation. My girlfriend wanted to go with her dad to Alaska to visit family and her boss told her no, saying, "Everyone around here has made sacrifices for you," resulting in my girlfriend crying to me that she didn't choose to have cancer. (She's right.)

    While that part is shitty but perfectly legal, now the boss is demanding to know the exact days she will be gone for the hysterectomy. Surgery is on the 3rd, but last time (and for most people), they required a COVID test and isolation beforehand. These things are scheduled last minute and my girlfriend can't give an accurate last day. Additionally, while 3 weeks is the SUGGESTED recovery period, it again depends on her actual condition. Her boss is demanding that to know exactly when she'll be gone and that she be back by a certain date, saying that she needs her and this business has suffered because of the sacrifices everyone is making to make up for her.

    My girlfriend's stressed to her limit. The business is too small to qualify for FMLA, but looking on their website, it says things may be covered by state or local regulations. Is there anything we can use to get her boss off her back, stop the bullying, and protect her job if things get ugly? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/thedeadwillwalk
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    Parking spot thief getting fined and still steals my spot!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    Hey there reddit so here is a classic issue of stupidity:

    In a nutshell, I rent and apartment and one of the amenities is an assigned parking space. This parking space is part of what is covered in the rental agreement, so literally ever unit has one space.

    Yes, you have guessed it: some jerk keeps stealing my space. Literally, I don't know this person, they've never so much as introduced themselves much less asked my permission. Twice I have posted a polite letter on their windsheild reading thus:

    Dear Person who has chosen to occupy my parking spot,

    Hello, I am the person who rents this apartment number and included in that is the designated parking space. While I do not park there all the time, I do use my space, often with regard to allowing my friends or family the space.

    I should like to point out that I do not know you, and thus you are neither a friend nor family. If you were to simply ask my permission chances are I would allow you to park there, free of charge, as long as I do not have other plans up to that point. I should like to add that lack of answer is NOT to be regarded as permission given. If there is no solid yes given then assume the answer is NO.

    More over, The landlady has already, repeatedly, sent out an email to all tenants stating the details of parking issues. Namely the landlady has pointed out that without permission given no one has the right to occupy someone else's parking space.

    I would advise that next time try knocking and see if I answer. If not, assume the space is off limits.

    Thank you for your time,


    (apartment Number) Occupant.

    The last time I left this note, my sibling saw a woman walk up, take the note off the windshield and walk back to a lower apartment while looking at it. To be fair, no, I'm not sure they know I'm not a big scary weirdo. To be more fair, they are doing this to multiple tenants. I've tried putting up a sign, which I'm fairly sure they tore up and left on the ground (much like a child). The landlady has fined then upwards of $50.00 several times and it seems to have no effect. I suspect they have a dash-cam because often when I take a picture to prove they are in my parking space within 15 minutes the car will have moved. It's no joke, I have actually timed this.

    Most recently, I took a picture, sent the email off, and proceeded to park my butt on the hood of their car, and sip my morning coffee while listening to an audiobook and crocheting. About and hour and 45 minutes went by, with coffee refills, and the car did not move, no one came out to move it, or tell me to move my rear end off their hood, and no tow truck showed up. By this point it was 11:15 in the morning and I was cold and hungry. So I went back inside. No joke, 5 minutes later I sent an update email to the landlady stating that the car left, by then it had.

    Since the fines have done nothing, and since the tow truck never materializes in time, what can I do? I don't want to damage their car or run the risk of putting their lives in danger. I sort of doubt letting the air out of their tires is legal either , and I really don't want to get arrested for vandalism. I'm tempted to start billing them something obscene for the use of my parking space. Something ludicrous like $50.00 initial fee and $50.00 for every additional half hour, and, if discovered the following morning, having snuck in the night before, a nice round $1,000.00.

    I'm not literally looking to do them harm, I just want my space back and nothing seems to be working.

    Any advice?


    SO I've gotten some good feedback thus far, thanks everyone. I've also gotten some questions and feel the need to clarify a few things.

    First As stated I already have photographic timestamped proof of their antics.

    Second someone mentioned that the landlady (land-person?) Might be in on this nonsense. that thought did occur to me as well. It would explain why after several fines of 50.00each they continue these antics. If so I have written to the property management company asking to file a complaint and specifically listing the license plate numbers of the two offending cars. There is no response yet but I did send it today and it is a Friday.

    As to why I don't just call the towing company myself, I did. Essentially they told me that unless I have signed very specific paperwork allowing me to sign off on having a car towed from the apartment complex then they cannot tow a car. Anyone have any suggestions regarding that? The landlady has that power, and i could sort of see it if they don't want tenants to get into a towing war or if the complex would be responsible for damages incurred while the car was towed.

    At present it seems the best thing I can do, short of putting a boot on their car when they park in my spot again, is to send the email to both landlady and property management company, made two additional phone calls just to be safe, then do as one redditer suggested; Camp out behind their car with a book and a blanket LOL

    So legally is there anything else i can do? I am reluctant to buy and then apply a boot to someone's car simply because that sounds like throwing good money after bad. So suggestions?

    submitted by /u/AllisonWhoIsntAlice
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    How do I evict my daughter?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    My relationship with my daughter is pretty strained. however, I still pay for a part of her university, living expenses and I let her live rent free (!!!) in my apartment in another city. The problem is that I lost my job at the beginning of the pandemic and this apartment has expensive fees (just last month the building asked me for $8,000 to fix windows). Plus I'm still paying mortgage and I'm not getting rent from this apartment. I just can't afford it anymore. So I've decided to sell it but my daughter absolutely refuses to move out stating that she'll sue me and take me to court. She says she has a legal agreement (she doesn't). Here's what she's referring to: she's been living there for two years and for the first year she had a roommate. In the roommate's lease agreement I put down my daughter as a resident. She's referring to this. But the roommate's lease ended a year ago and I have never signed any type of document or agreement with my daughter. So my question is how do I legally move her out? Is she considered a tenant? Do I need to give her an eviction notice? How do I just go about the whole process?

    This is Ontario by the way and thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/Apprehensive-Bed-406
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    [DC] Can landlord show apartment by giving potential tenants keys so they can walk in unsupervised?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 10:33 AM PDT


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    Treason charge showing up on background check.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    This is the only sub reddit I could think to ask. Im getting a background check done by the Alabama state department of education for a job. The only charges Ive ever had was for a expired tag and missed court date , both of which were resolved in my local city court. I sent them the court documentation for those cases. But the specialist running my background check sent me an email saying I have a treason charge and they need more information. The local court had no idea what he was talking about, how do I clear this up?

    submitted by /u/qwilliams92
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    Am I being extorted in this divorce?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    Thank you in advance for reading. I am in the process of divorcing my wife, who initially made an offer that was absolutely absurd and would leave me with nothing. Our assets are about equal, and with the pandemic my business has pretty much closed so my income is non-existent. My lawyer had drawn up my financial affidavit honestly, but her affidavit is very much fudged. She has cash hidden around the house and foreign accounts she's not listing (under a different name). I don't want to get dirty, though, I just want the divorce to go through and move on with my life. I don't mind paying maintenance or whatever she needs. I just want a fair process.

    Here's the problem: she knows that in my business, it's customary to offer (illegal) kickbacks. It's an unspoken secret, everyone does it except the local government contracts and only because they got caught a couple years back and had to stop. Anyway, she threatened to tell some of my contracts that she knows and will go to the authorities unless they motivate me to "work with her" in this divorce--in other words, hand over pretty much all of my assets, leaving me with just my business making nothing right now and losing my business contacts because no one will want to work with me after she threatens people. I know this is technically extortion, except for the fact that she wouldn't be accusing me without basis. She hasn't said anything yet about this, but she also knows about another practice in the business, hiring undocumented people. I have known my employees for years and they rely on this work--I pay them above-market because it's hard to find people with their skills and because they have young families.

    My lawyer doesn't believe she'd actually do it, but she would. She definitely has some mental health issues. The entire divorce is based on her thinking I was having an affair (we live in a no-fault state). I was not and have never, but it got to the point where she would follow me to work and call around asking about me and I could not live with the distrust. No children, thank god. At the end of the day, I would pay her off to protect my contacts and employees from harm here. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/throwaway93108432904
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    Police blocked my cousin's entire street, fired inside their residence 6 times killing their dog, without any warrant and their motive is that a bike's documents were expired, what can we do legally?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 01:29 AM PDT

    We are from brazil, the situation is currently still happening

    submitted by /u/F3LLYTrapper
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    Vet gave my new born puppies to wrong person

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 09:55 PM PDT

    So yesterday my French Bulldog had a litter of 6 puppies and as exciting as it sounds it turned out to be a nightmare of a night. My wife and I breed full bred AKC Frenchies as a side job. We both throughly enjoy it. From the time they're born till the time the find their furever home these puppies are cared for with the most amount of love possible. Well yesterday our female (Pua) gave birth to a litter of 6 pups and something happened at they clinic we were at and they some how managed to give her puppies away to someone else. We tried getting them back from the person who now has possession of the pups but he doesn't want to give them back to us. These dogs are of unique color and have a price range of about $5,000 each. My question is do I pursue legal action against the clinic the person who now has our pups or both. My entire household is completely devastated as we were all excited to help raise and care for a new batch of pups.

    submitted by /u/homerj35
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    Inappropriate use of my car at a repair shop

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    I had my car taken to a shop to get the starter replaced. The receipt shows the check-in mileage and checkout mileage to be identical. However, my dashcam shows that someone drove it around for what looks like personal business. Additionally, this drive was an hour after they called to tell me my car was ready to be picked up. So I don't think this was a test drive. If it was a test drive, they would've logged it in the checkout mileage right? So I am assuming they used my car for personal business after repair. When I say personal business, I mean: the footage shows them driving to drop someone off at home. And then they go to another residential location and the driver goes inside for 10 mins before returning the car to the shop. Plotting the route in google maps shows it was about 6.5 miles. I feel like this is unacceptable.

    I plan on calling the shop and asking about it. My university also offers free legal advice to students so I am scheduling an appointment with them.

    I live in Texas. What should I do? What can I expect the outcome to be?


    submitted by /u/realcantaloupe
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    Is it illegal to be fired for discussing my pay?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 08:57 PM PDT

    So I work in food service and I got a whopping .15 cent raise and manager warned me that discussing my pay with my other coworkers could result in termination and I'm trying see if A he can even do that and B if I do get fired for it, what are my options?

    submitted by /u/Digiking11
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    Can my roommate just break the lease? Please help.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    I live in a house in N.C. with two other roommates. One roommate said she's leaving at the end of the month and good luck finding another roommate. Is she allowed to do this? In our lease, it says it can be terminated only if there's domestic abuse, which there most definitely isn't. I couldn't afford rent if it's split two ways instead of three. I think, as a tenant, I have to sign off if she wants to break the lease. Is that true? What can I do?

    submitted by /u/meggybaby666
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    Employer trying to force me to sign a non compete agreement

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 08:49 PM PDT

    I could use some advice on a situation where my employer is trying to change the terms of my employment. They have made changes to my employee agreement and expect me to agree to them and sign them in one day. They are not-so-vaguely threatening to fire me if I don't sign. I have worked for this company for over a year. I'm linking a copy of the agreement with identifying details removed.

    The changes to the agreement are highlighted, and although I didn't highlight the whole section, the non compete section is entirely new. That is the most problematic section, as the definitions used are broad and vague. I run a small business on the evenings and weekends unrelated to the industry in which I work, and would be in direct violation of this agreement in many ways. They are aware of my side business and insist that it would not be a problem. But it's a problem for me. The wording of their agreement encompasses ANY business arrangement with their current and potential clients, not just business directly related to the industry.

    Other issues include changing the two week notice requirement to 30 days in the event that I want to quit. That seems excessive to me and could make it even more difficult to find other employment if I agree to that restriction.

    They are also making employees responsible to pay their error and omission deductible in the event that we make the error. I work in insurance. The business owner carries an insurance policy that will pay out if we make an error at the agency level or fail to apply a coverage that the client requested and a client sues us. The deductible on their error and omission policy is currently $2,500. There is no limit placed on what we could pay on that deductible. There is nothing restricting the owner from raising it after we sign the agreement. There is nothing stating that we have to be informed if that deductible changes.

    Finally, this agreement is automatically transferred to their successors. They have repeatedly told us they are within five years of retiring, meaning that they are planning to sell the agency to someone else who is yet unknown and that person would inherit the binding agreement.

    I am a lowly customer service representative. I make less than what is now minimum wage in several parts of the country. They are offering a small raise as compensation for signing the agreement. There is no severance package. No increase in benefits. And our benefits are minimal, being a company of less than 10 people total. My employer wants me to modify the agreement to exclude my small business and sign it. I don't feel like I can sign it at all. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/Throwaway801702
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    Animal abuse/spat on...

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    Ok I'm sorry may be a long post. We are lucky to live almost on the beach in NC. Tonight I saw an act of animal cruelty that made my heart skip beats. We are on the beach....fishing because we love to do it(we catch and release...love animals!). We see a beautiful dog and the dogs owner come onto the beach. Keep in mind it's chilly outside ,the waters cold. The owner comes onto the beach and is seen ,by us and several people immediately punching this dog. And when I say punching I don't mean a brother messing around punching his sibling...I mean punching the animal as if the animal were on the attack. The dog didn't get angry or snap....nothing. it was like he was just used to it and being abused is life. Trying to drag the dog in the water. When the dog refused she ripped it's collar toward her,choking him until he got into the water,several times. Punching him over and over. Made a circle on the beach. It was to the point where,everyone on the beach noticed,and watched. But no one was doing anything. Me...always being the protective type could barely take it. My fiance calls animal control. She's getting close to exiting the beach at this point. Another dog is coming and me...on my tipee toes, about to burst because the level of abuse isn't ending and she must see everyone watching but does not care one little bit is about to leave. She's punching the dog I guess because the dog sees another dog coming and is anxiously sniffing the ground(I guess getting excited in anticipation in meeting a new friend) ,still showing no signs of aggressiveness at all whatsoever,she punches him about two more times and I couldn't take it. No one did or said anything,no one else is on the phone. I walked over and my goal was seeing the vehicle she leaves in and getting a plate number,she punches the dog yet again,so I,6-10 feet away respecting covid-19 social distancing tell her she needs to not hit the dog,he's being docile doing NOTHING at all wrong. She threatens me,starts calling me names,which had zero effect on me,I'm still focused on the abused animal. She flips off the entire beach of people says f*** you. And yah I hit my dog 3 times(was so much more than that)and that's how I train him he's a service animal in training. I say no animal or person deserved to be hit especially not a service animal. At that point she threatened me. I said ok well I'm not afraid of you. I told her I was calling animal control. She again threatened me,lunged at me. Spat at me(phlegm hit me in the face and chest) and punched me in the face. I then pushed her to the ground,held her still and told her the cops were on the way(the entire time my fiance was on the phone with animal control and then got routed to pd once they learned it was an assult). She started hyperventilating although I'm convinced it was all an act because she knew she wasnt getting up from the ground and moving and the cops were on the way. She claimed she had copd(she was born in 1992) and had asthma. That's when I let her go. Mostly because if it were true I didn't want her to have a medical emergency and it be my fault. She immediately got off the ground,cussed me at some more,ignoring another beach goers advice to sit if she's truly having a medical emergency. That beach goer told me to make sure I get her plate info. The cops came pretty quickly after she pulled off,they detained her dog because we had witnesses (random other people on the beach). Told me I could press charges and take a warrant out,told her the same. I'm legit worried she had some disease or covid etc and she spit(a nice sized spit I must say I was impressed)onto my face and also left me with scratches in my face. Normally I wouldn't care in the slightest. But you can't be too careful nowadays. And I'm just praying she doesn't get the dog back,because if she was willing to physically assault him and myself out in public infront of at least 20 other witnesses....who knows what she does behind closed doors!

    submitted by /u/Sin0fWrAth1007
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    Practice Manager "lost" $3k meant for hospital surgery scheduling, and now we have to pay it again

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    Hello all. My boyfriend is having reconstructive surgery roughly a week from now. It was a fight getting insurance to cover it, but eventually went through and the cost got cut down. He's scheduling it through a private practice and we had an agreement with the practice that he would pay them and they would pay the hospital upon scheduling the surgery in the OR. The total came out to $2750, and we paid it to the practice manager (D) about a week or so ago.

    We were over the moon - him especially. This is a surgery that will greatly improve his physical quality of life and his mental health; we've been waiting for it for years, and he didn't expect to be able to get it for another four at least. To have it happen so soon is a feeling I expect he can't really put into words.

    Yesterday, however the hospital called. They told him that the money never went through, and, since the surgery was scheduled, he now owes them $2750. He had a panic attack - and another this morning. We're not that well off - both of us are young and just starting our own lives (he's living with his parents and doing work studies/part time jobs to help support his family and his bachelor's degree) and I only recently started a new job so don't have much in savings.

    That $2750 was all of his savings, and now it's just gone. His parents have come forward and said they'll help pay (pay it in full probably), but that's just as terrible. They make less than I do put together and have three other kids to feed. I've offered to help pay and send him the money several times, but he's only taking that as a last resort.

    What can/should we do, if anything? The practice manager, D, admitted fault to him over the phone, but didn't clarify what it was or where the hell his money went. It's unacceptable. This is in Atlanta, Georgia by the way, and it is not the first issue he's had with D. D has just been generally incompetent and unhelpful through the whole scheduling process (including failing to schedule the surgery even after four verbal confirmations).

    Any advice appreciated, thank y'all so much!

    submitted by /u/blarg_dino
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    Needle inside my beauty blender - stabbed myself

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    So I purchased a cheap beauty blender (makeup sponge) from Walmart today. The Equate brand, cheap I know. I opened it and wet it, squeezed it and didn't notice anything then while using something inside of it stabbed me. It left a puncture in my face that bled. I felt the blender and felt something in it, pulled out what looked like a hollow needle (but not hollow) almost the same length as the blender. Very sharp on one end.

    I've never had any experience in legalities is there anything I am able to do? I'm worried now it may have been placed purposely, don't know where to start if I should call the company or what. Any advice welcome! I know this is a strange situation.

    submitted by /u/grraygrrey
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    Fairly suddenly left without a useable kitchen in my apartment, what can I do? [Oregon]

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    I complained to my rental management company a couple months ago about a mildew smell and some possible mold in the kitchen.

    The maintenance manager was sent in and said there was a leak in one of the plumbing lines and it had caused dry rot.

    Over the following weeks, they got bids for the work from various contracting companies and informed me that when everything went down, I'd would likely be left without a working kitchen for 3+ weeks.

    Yesterday, I got a 24hr notice of intention to enter, so when I got it, I immediately called the management office and asked if the work was beginning and if I was going to have a kitchen by the end of today. The lady I spoke to said she didn't know what was going on, that she would find out today and let me know. I told her I have a child to feed and being without a kitchen would take some planning and preparation, and asked her to please let me know what to expect. She never got back to me.

    They were scheduled to come in today while I was at work, and when I got home my kitchen looked like this.

    I still don't know what's going on, how long it will take, or how I will feed my child in the meantime.

    Is there anything I can do in this situation? I am just barely able to cover all my bills right now, so eating out for 3 weeks isn't an option, but I wasn't given an opportunity to prepare for this.

    submitted by /u/hatingevrymoment
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    [MI] Sex abuse survivor, my personal info like address is online because I'm a registered voter. Are there privacy laws that can protect me?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    When I was 15, I was a victim of statutory rape. The rapist accepted a plea bargain and went to prison. He's been out a few years but I see he hasn't been checking in to the parole officer. I am scared of not only him, but another abuser from my past who never faced criminal charges.

    As a registered voter, my personal info shows up online. I tried opting out, but it still leaves the town I live in. I obviously want to keep voting, but don't know how to keep my information private. Are there any steps I can take?

    submitted by /u/pixel_ate_it
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    Private business asking me to prove my immigration status? Am I being discriminated?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    Using a throwaway account to get /r/legaladvice advice.

    I recently attempted to rent a car through a major car rental chain (location: Philadelphia, PA). I currently hold a valid, unexpired Texas-state issued driver license but since I am on a not a US citizen, my license states "limited term license". At the rental counter, I was told in front of everyone that since it says a limited term, I need to prove that I am a legally documented immigrant in the US. I have been legally residing in the US over the last 10 years and have rented cars multiple times (even with the same rental company) but never have been asked to prove my legal immigration status after presenting this driver license. Even when I presented valid immigration documents, the branch manager refused to rent a car stating the document does not appear complete. I also noticed that she was googling on her phone how the green card or visa sticker looks like.

    Ultimately, I asked to discuss this further with higher authorities, but the branch manager indicated she has already checked with her supervisor and they won't be able to rent me the car. When I called directly to her supervisor, she indicated that the branch manager was incorrect and should be able to rent me a car with a valid, unexpired US driver license without asking any immigration paperwork. Subsequently, after intervention from the branch manager's supervisor, I was able to rent the car, but no apology was offered by the branch manager – not only I felt embarrassed and humiliated in front of everyone but also I wasted a significant amount of time at the rental counter.

    I also researched company's driver's license policy which indicates that "customers who reside in the US must present a valid, unexpired government issued driver's license" and does not indicate anything about requirements for immigration paperwork.

    My questions:

    1. Does the rental company have any rights to ask for my immigration paperwork even when I hold a valid US driver license (along with a valid US credit card and a valid US car insurance policy) while renting a car?

    2. In this situation, am I being discriminated against due to my immigration status or national origin (I am a brown guy with beard) and is that legally allowed for a private business? If not, what are the grounds against which I can take legal action?

    TL;DR: Reputed car rental agency refused to accept a valid, unexpired Texas-state issued driver license as a proof and asked for immigration paperwork. Even when appropriate immigration paperwork was presented, they refused to accept it. Am I being discriminated against based on immigration status and is that legally allowed for a private rental company?

    submitted by /u/throwaway_anon_606
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    I got subpoenaed for a court date in Canada, I’m not in Canada or Canadian, how does this work?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 02:59 AM PDT

    For more details, I lived in Canada for 4 years and in that time a close friend of mine was sexually assaulted.

    She came to me after she got away at 2am, I heard it all from her first then her dad came and picked her up (she was around 23 but living with parents)

    Anyway, she takes it to the police and that's that. I move back to England, almost forgot about it, then moved to South Korea.

    Two days ago I got a subpoena in my inbox. They said I might need to show up, and they will fly me out if I do.

    But what action do they have to serve this when I'm not Canadian or living in the country? I'm just curious how that works.

    I have every intention of helping my friend and showing up if I need to, I was just curious on the details that the detective didn't fully answer. Is the subpoena still in use despite all of this?

    submitted by /u/Suglet
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