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    Thursday, October 29, 2020

    Legal Advice - Questions About Voting and the November 3 General Election

    Legal Advice - Questions About Voting and the November 3 General Election

    Questions About Voting and the November 3 General Election

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    After discussion, the mods have decided not to permit any questions related to the November 3 election, including voting problems or "what if" queries regarding the results.

    "What ifs" are essentially political in nature and should be directed to the proper forums. To the extent such questions are legal in nature (meaning related to statutory or decisional law, or the constitution of any state, or the US Constitution), they can be posted in /r/legaladviceofftopic.

    For any questions related to voting (including your registration status, how to vote, where to vote, how to resolve a problem, or reports of problems at the polls) please visit Election Protection, the nation's largest non-partisan voter hotline, or call 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683).

    Run by the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the hotline uses trained volunteers to help answer your questions and escalate polling place problems promptly to the appropriate officials.

    The hotline is available in multiple languages:

    Spanish: 888-VE-Y-VOTA (888-839-8682) Asian languages: 888-API-VOTE (888-274-8683) Arabic: 844-YALLA-US (844-925-5287)

    The 866ourvote.org website also has links to various resources in all 50 states. Choose your state from the drop down box next to the link.

    Decisions are made by those who show up. No matter who you vote for, raise your voice. Vote.

    submitted by /u/UsuallySunny
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    Delayed divorce due to pregnancy.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    I had what was supposed to be my final divorce hearing today. My ex and I are extremely amicable and are proceeding without lawyers. We have been separated since July of 2018, we filed divorce papers in January of 2020. We have one son together.

    Well we had a phone hearing today and when they asked me if I was pregnant I answered yes because I am. I have been engaged for about eight months now. Then the judge proceeds to put us on hold because they need to discuss if we are allowed to finalized the divorce now. Since the filings stated I wasn't pregnant. If I was pregnant in January I wouldn't be now. I wish I would have just lied. He comes back on saying the court is just uncomfortable granting the divorce until it is proven that my ex is not the father. He has been sterile since 2012 and we have not lived nor slept together in almost three years. Is there anything I can do aside from waiting until April for dna testing. Is it really against all court rules or is it just the judge's biased opinion? Can I request another hearing with a different judge? I live in Wisconsin.

    Edit: for clarification. My ex even tried to advocate for the finalization of the divorce saying that there is absolutely no way the child is his and I am in a healthy, happy relationship with the baby's father. I wish there was just something all three of us could sign establishing that the baby in fact is mine and my fiancé's and in no way my ex's. My ex would never be so vindictive as to try to claim paternity just to make life difficult. We both just want to move on. I'm not trying to say I'm being treated unfairly either I was just hoping for a faster resolution that won't cost an arm and a leg. Thank you for all the advice!

    submitted by /u/kate_ow
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    Landlord selling home with my studio attached and gave me 30 day notice to move out 2 months before my lease ends.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    What can I do? Here's the quick facts.

    • Orange County, California
    • Family owned home and housing lease for my build on studio is through 1/31/2021. I have lived there since 2/1/2018.
    • Owner took advantage of the market and listed the home. I was notified last month and have very reluctantly allowed a few viewings. She said she would request a long escrow so that we would have ample time to prepare but that did not happen. The entire thing was framed as though she would have my back; and that I probably didn't need to look or start packing, etc.
    • The notice I received today says the buyers already sold their home and I have to vacate by 11/29/2020.
    • Maybe related? My privacy rights have been violated many times in the last month. The realtor allowed buyers to view the other side of the house through a keyfab code without she, the owners or tenants present. These people tried to enter my side of the home through all three access doors. There is one door that is shared in the bedroom of both homes that remains locked/has been treated like a wall in the 3 years I have lived there. They used a tool to flip the lock open and opened my bedroom door while I was getting out of the shower. I made eye contact with a stranger peeking at me through a shower. This was the most jarring of 4 similar incidents.
    • My landlords son and family live in the other half of the house so they just have to do what the parents say. They take care of the utilities for all of us so I am dependent on them for that.

    Do I have any legal rebuttal here? Is there anything I can do to protest and extend this so I can stay there through my lease?

    If not, do I have to pay November rent? Is there any financial implications they should have for breaking the lease? My deposit was the "last month" rent. The notice also stated that they would need me out for 4 hours next week for an inspection and then another time the following week. Do I have to allow this?

    I tried to make this as concise as possible. I realize I actually may have no legal recourse but this does not feel right and well...I'm pissed. Thanks in advance for the help.

    submitted by /u/somesayyoustay
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    Professional installation performed incorrectly caused $50,000 damages on home. Do I have any recourse against them?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    To give a little background, my husband and I purchased our first home 10 months ago. The seller disclosed moisture damage in the crawl space of the home which she had remediated and hired a company to "encapsulate" the crawl space to prevent the issue from occurring again in the future. It turns out that the professionals she hired performed the encapsulation incorrectly and now my husband and I are faced with $50k worth of damages due to extreme water damage.

    We called the company and they stated that because the previous owner had let the warranty lapse, they cannot be held responsible for damages. However, this is not a maintenance issue, it is an issue of faulty and negligent work by the company. Does anyone know if my husband and I have any recourse? Is there any way that we can get them to pay for damages? Any advice or feedback would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Artemis_C89
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    I (23F) resigned from my job 2 days ago. Boss wants me to sign a separation notice but misrepresented the “explanation of separation”

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    She put "(my name) submitted her resignation via email due to a disagreement with her boss and no other cause."

    That isn't accurate. Well maybe it is. The disagreement that resulted in my resignation was due to a lack of Covid19 precautions and concern.

    I feel like this is disingenuous. I think her putting "and no other cause" is a red flag or suspicious.. what do you think? What should I do?

    Edit: I am in Louisiana. Also, she says it's required by law that I sign it by this afternoon.

    submitted by /u/anonymouslycrying
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    Non-Profit owes me $4,332 on a contract. They are refusing to pay and allege that I have been overpaid for 2-years. They want me to work for free to pay off a debt?? Help! (CA)

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    I am an administrator contracted with a non-profit in California. They owed me $2,166 in July and owe another $2,166 in January 2021. I have a contract with them and it has been honored for the past two years.

    They are now claiming that I was overpaid in 2019 and this year. They are refusing to pay what I am owed and allege that I have been overpaid for 2-years and will work for free to pay of this alleged debt. They acted like this was a gift and that otherwise they would demand thousands of dollars back?? WTF!

    10 days ago I submitted bank records with copies of all checks I have received with a copy of my contract to prove that I am owed and got no response.

    What can I do? This is wrecking my finances and I feel so used. Also worried that they will tax me for money I never saw. Small Claims Court?

    submitted by /u/enretrospekt
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    Hope that’s the right flair. My therapist will not release medical records to anyone including myself. Is this allowed? Is it even a legal issue or just an ethical issue?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    ETA location: KY

    Second ETA: someone was kind enough to link me a source stating that Psychotherapy notes are not protected rights under HIPPA. On a secondary note, it states that I am allowed to see notes that are about the diagnoses (or maybe I misunderstood, please correct me if I'm wrong). As she doesn't keep such records, I will still be finding a new therapist who does. Thanks for the speedy responses!!

    I recently applied for STD for severe bipolar depression. My STD people wanted medical records from my PCP, Psychiatric APRN, and Therapist. The PCP and APRN submitted it no issues. My therapist however told me she's against doing it and will not participate in such things. After some discussion she said she'd write me a letter. She says she does not keep clinical notes, only notes for her own personal use as a means to remind her of what we've discussed and where we are in treatment. Her argument was good, as in she explained to me that the notes she keeps are a transcript of our sessions and may actually hurt any chance I have to get STD. She claims that some of the things I say in our sessions may actually hurt my job even because the STD people work, first and foremost, for the company's benefit. I can see that, and honestly, if that's true I'm glad she won't submit records without my insistence.

    The main problem I have is that I asked her what she'd do in the event that I decide to see a new therapist. She said she still would not release my information to ANYONE. I asked her if I myself could receive my medical records. She again refused. As far as I know, here in the US, I am allowed my medical records and no medical provider can refuse. Am I wrong? Does she truly have the right to deny me, for personal use, my medical records? I'm not willing to take this any further than having the knowledge to allow me to argue the fact I am entitled to my medical records. Her husband is a lawyer, not sure what he practices, but I imagine he would be willing to fight for her if it came to something of that nature. So I just want to be able to advocate for myself, as I am intending to see a new therapist who does keep clinical records for things such as STD, to receive my records because they may be helpful to avoid having to rehash issues that I've previously worked through.

    Thanks in advance for any and all help!

    submitted by /u/jncummins86
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    My homeless drug addict brother has stolen my identity

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    As stated above my homeless drug addict brother has stolen my identity. Not for the purpose of financial gut he is committing crimes under my name. I went to court back in 2018 to clear my name and at that time the judge told me that the matter has been taken care of and he would not be able to continue to do this. Unfortunately this has not happened. I once again have 4 misdemeanor counts against me and an active warrant. Also according to my (his) rap sheet I have committed over 20 crimes in the last 24 months.

    I am once again going to court on Monday with my attorney to clear the warrants and hopefully my name but is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening again? I often have to travel and I am afraid that I m going to end up in some foreign jail over crimes I did not commit or getting pulled over with my young children in the car and them having to experience traumatic experience of me getting arrested.

    Does anyone have any advice on proactive actions I can take to permanently fix this issue?

    submitted by /u/Plopplop13
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    Is there anything I can do if I've been asked to resign from a position so they don't have to pay unemployment?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    Location: TN

    So I've worked at this mom and pop pet store for about 6 years and had a manager position for probably the past 4. Over the last year or so I had decided that I wasn't really happy at this job anymore due to certain concerns I had about the animals' care. I had brought up my concerns with the owners of the store but was constantly being brushed off stating I didn't know what I was talking about (which is a really ridiculous and insulting claim considering I had been in this position for so long and had done so much research in the specific needs of the animals I was caring for). Well I finally decided that I was going to start looking for another job since nothing I was saying seemed like it was going to make a difference and I had been applying to different places for the past month. There was one instance where I had a sort of heart to heart with one of the owners and confided in them tearfully that I was considering leaving the animal industry because of how soul crushing it was for me but, again, nothing came of it. Honestly, it seemed to annoy them that I was even trying to confide in them what was bothering me about the job.

    This past Monday I came into work and both of the owners were there, pulled me aside, and stated they knew that I wasn't happy there anymore, that I no longer respected them, and asked me to resign. I asked if they wanted me to just leave and they said yes and that they'd pay me for the next two weeks but I didn't have to bother working. They said if I left they would give me good references in my job search and in my shocked state I didnt think to just tell them to fire me instead. Note that I had never been written up for anything before, and, besides the times that I had brought up my concerns with them, never even done anything to get myself reprimanded.

    I'm sure that they asked me to resign so they wouldn't have to pay unemployment (I've seen and heard them talking about doing things to cause other employees they didn't like over the years to quit so they wouldn't have to pay unemployment). I guess what I'm wondering is since I never actually gave a notice of resignation and was just asked to leave with no justifiable cause is there something legally I could do? I definitely don't want to work there anymore but what happened just isn't sitting right with me. Or should I just move on?

    submitted by /u/yukishira
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    Can I legally break a lease if the Landlord did not inform me of an HOA?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 08:07 PM PDT


    I live in California and signed a two-year lease with three roommates in July of 2019. Nowhere in the lease is it mentioned that the complex we live in is overseen by an HOA, and we were not informed of this by the Landlord. No copy of the HOA rules were ever provided to us and we never signed any HOA related contracts. We found out about the HOA because we received mail from them, but have never had a major problem and decided to let the issue lie. Apart from a request to replace an exterior lighting fixture (which we forwarded to our Landlord) and some annoyances involving parking, everything has been fine until recently.

    About a week ago we received notification from the HOA in the mail that they are switching security companies and changing/enforcing some rules in the complex, which were strict to begin with. These changes are untenable for us. These include no longer allowing any overnight guest parking, stringent rules regarding the licensing and registration of tenant vehicles (which is a problem for my roommate with an out-of-state license/registration), and garage inspections that are only available to be held while we are all at work. They also will not allow any plants on the balconies and restrict what is allowed on patios which are not visible from the street.

    Because we never agreed to the HOA rules in the first place as we were never informed of it's existence by the Landlord, we are heavily considering moving out before the end of the lease. Do we have any standing in terms of breaking the lease without repercussion?

    Thanks for taking the time to read/reply!

    submitted by /u/spicypineapple13
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    Can my landlord search my apartment in depth? (Colorado)

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    Not supposed to use cannabis in my apartment but I do. Had a 90 day room check that was in our lease. Now it's been two weeks since the first room check now they are doing a "random quick inspection" Monday. My smoke alarm was faulty so I took it out and left a note for the room check. It was no problem, I've just been busy and need to make a maintenance request to get it fixed. I'm pretty sure they want to look in the apartment because of weed or the smoke alarms. I'm going to hide my stuff in depth. They can't like look in my suitcases and other concealed places I hide my bongs and shit can they? Would they need the police to get a warrant to find that stuff? Or is it their property and they can just turn my whole place upside down with a few days notice? Thanks

    submitted by /u/stoned_but_not_drunk
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    Parent quit claimed house to me, now they are being sued for CC debt

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    A parent quit claimed their house to me last year. At the time of the quit claim the house was owned free and clear with no liens or mortgage. Today I found out my parent has about $15k in credit card debt they are being sued for. They still live in the house. My parent has stated they intend to declare bankruptcy, but I am concerned that the banks will find a way to go after me / foreclose the house, as the CC debt was owed at the time of the quit claim. Thanks for the advice.

    submitted by /u/CommieTsar
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    City says we can’t park on grass, told neighbor they can’t use our driveway anymore and now we’ll “see what happens”.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 06:53 PM PDT


    The city sent out a 30-day notice for me to not park my vehicle on my grass. The driveway I have on my land I let the neighbor use because otherwise she'd have to park on the street (I park my vehicle next to theirs so we don't have to keep asking the other to move their car). I've let her know I can no longer let them park there because of this notice and they got pissed. She said that they had an agreement with their landlord that they can park there because it (the driveway) belongs to her (I bought the land from the previous owner before she started living there). The driveway in no way belongs to anyone but me, I've had the land surveyed previously. She tried to call the police which obviously didn't work. How should I word the letter I'm going to send to her landlord about this? She said that I'll "see what happens" if I don't let her use my driveway.

    submitted by /u/couldmtfindongoogle
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    Employer required everyone to work for free during lockdown

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    My previous employer had everyone sign a document saying we volunteer our time to work during quarantine and made everyone sign up for unemployment. The verbiage was vague and I can't remember exactly what it said but we didn't get to keep a copy. He also promised bonuses to everyone that worked while on unemployment once they return back to payroll. Only a handful of people actually got a bonus for a company of over 300 employees. Obviously this isn't legal, but what kind of action can be taken? This company has a history of doing illegal things. He received a government grant of $1.6 mil during quarantine and didn't use it to pay employees like he should have. Instead, he purchased an $800k spare home in cash and some other property ($200k) out of state. This company has multiple sister companies and chances are, he laundered the money to make those purchases possible. I left the company after becoming so disgusted by this, but I don't feel right that he is getting away with this. There's a lot more (illegal things) to be added to this story, but I wanted to start here. Please help! [Chicago]

    submitted by /u/Sabriina369
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    My Aunt, who despises my mother, got her to sign a f ull power of attorney and a DNR

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 07:49 PM PDT

    My mom fell and had a concussion and when she was confused my aunt had her sign a full power of attorney and a DNR form. My mom now lives with me and isn't 100% of what she used to be but my aunt and mom absolutely hate each other. I live in colorado.

    How can i overturn this POA or at least get it put it my name. My mom is cognizant (though forgetful sometimes) and barely even remembers signing the document. I have very limited money and my mom is pretty broke too.

    Edit: my concern is that my aunt is going to seize her bank accounts and what is left in her retirement, or try to get her taken out of my home. My mom very much wants to stay with me and I have adequate living quarters for her including a personal, full bathroom, private bedroom, TV, etc.

    submitted by /u/k1n6
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    Is this illegal? Labor laws Georgia USA

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    A few days ago I started a new job as a housekeeper at a "nice" hotel in a resort area. My first day I spent making beds. The girl training me cleaned bathrooms. I noticed she was sticking her bare hands into dirty toilets with a rag. Second day they wanted me to clean bathrooms and beds. I brought my own gloves. They said the gloves are making me slow because I'm taking them on and off. They also said they usually only use one rag for an entire bathroom? They trained me to step into the shower to clean it with both doors closed, dowsing it with chemicals while the main bathroom door is closed. This makes me feel very faint. Also, two rooms had to be closed off because of severe mold on the ceilings, but they still made us deep clean them first. I'm a very shy person with social anxiety and I can tell that the whole management team/group of young girls see me as weak and easy to manipulate. Apparently they think that I think I'm better than them because of my questions about health hazards. They're really getting onto me for being slow but by the end of these long days with no breaks, I feel weak. They are condo style rooms with three beds and we are given under 30 minutes to clean them. I'm also the only one wearing a mask in general. I took this job because I'm trying to pay for college and there aren't many jobs right now, and I lost my previous job because of Covid. I do not want to accidentally touch blood or other fluids and catch some condition. I'm still going but actively trying to find somewhere else to work. I think the labor laws in Georgia are weak but is this even legal? No breaks or gloves, and getting chemical burns

    submitted by /u/throwawayelll
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    (Update) This keeps getting more ridiculous.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 09:00 PM PDT

    You can find my original post here. Thank you to everyone who responded. You have no idea how much y'all helped today, frfr. Someone asked for an update, so here goes.

    I decided to send an email explaining that I wasn't able to sign the document in its current form & re-explained why I resigned by listing every COVID precaution that was ignored and how I was verbally abused when I voiced my concerns. I requested that the form be "revised for accuracy" so that I could sign it "since there is a legal requirement" that I do!

    She replied that she "went ahead and faxed the information" and that my signature was not required but something they like to get as a "token of good faith". (ha. So that was a flat out lie. This whole thing started because my boss says I lied prequel to her and now they lie!??!)

    She went on to set up an exit interview so I can bring anything with the company logo on it (aka the wine glass and jacket they gave me at the retreat this past weekend) :(((( I am refusing to give it to them!! To my knowledge, that policy DID NOT exist until now! That was not in my contract. That was not in the drive. I've never seen nor signed a document that says that, so I will not be giving them back the gift they gave me. I can't even believe they're trying to take it from me!! Can you believe this?! This is really hurtful... :'(

    THEN SHE SAYS, "The sooner we are able to wrap things up with an exit interview the sooner we can facilitate the release of your final paycheck." Is this a threat to hold my check???! If so, I AM GETTING A LAWYER!! I really can't believe this!!

    Edit: thinking of sending this response. What do you think? my rough draft response

    submitted by /u/anonymouslycrying
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    My younger sister is extremely depressed and my mother refuses to get her mental help.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    TW MENTION OF SUICIDE. Edit: located in MI USA My sister is 15, turning 16 in a couple days, and has been saying for a while that she's depressed. Recently within the last year (I can understand why a lot of us had a tough year) she's been becoming more persistent and serious about her claims, and even said she wants to kill herself multiple times. Every time she tells my mom my mom says "you have no reason to be depressed" or "no one can fix your issues for you, you have to deal with it yourself". I dealt with a lot of similar issues growing up, as you can guess from my moms reaction to this, we were raised in a very toxic environment, I came very close to attempting several times, no one knows this though, I was very lucky to make it to age 18 (I'm 20 now) and get a therapist as soon as I was old enough to do so. The issue is that my sister is still a minor so I don't know how much she's capable of doing herself in regards to healthcare. Me and my sister are both on state insurance, and I'm able to see a therapist for free, another excuse my mom has for not getting my sister help is that "our insurance won't pay for it" which is complete bullshit. What can I or my sister do to get her help? I care a lot about her and I don't want her to be depressed, I definitely don't want her to kill herself. I will take her to her appointments if I have to, I just don't know legally what either of us can do, since she's a minor and I'm not her guardian.

    TL;DR My sister is a minor and my mother refuses to get her medical attention, can I legally get her a therapist and take her to appointments?

    submitted by /u/girl-anon
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    Sibling Not Adhering to Will Long After Property Dispersed

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    In California. My dad died 3.5 years ago, and the Will stipulated my sister could buy his house at a fraction of its value with the stipulation she live in it at least five years. She purchased the house and it is in her name. She has not lived in it at all over the course of 3.5 years, but she has spent some money on improvements to the property. She now wants to sell the house—it has not been five years, and she has not lived in it. What recourse do I have, if any? Are these types of stipulations in the Will enforceable?

    submitted by /u/igottothinking
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    What recourse do I have against an unsafe residential assisted living facility? (Texas)

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    I live next door to an assisted living residence that houses 3-4 people with intellectual and behavioral disabilities. (Forgive me if my terminology is not correct).

    Over the last couple years of living here, I have had to call Adult Protective Services and the police probably about 30 times because of the lack of patient care and violent incidents I've witnessed at this house.

    The care takers constantly scream at the residents, sometimes so loudly that I can hear them from inside my house. One of the residents has knocked on my door, sometimes in the middle of the night, asking for help because she is getting hit or yelled at by someone. Every time I witness this I call APS or the police.

    There has been an increasing frequency of violence occurring, mostly from one particular resident, and I now feel that my family's safety is at risk. I have a toddler and I don't feel like I can have her outside if any of them are also outside. This evening I had to rush my daughter inside because I heard furniture crashing followed by screaming from inside the house. Shortly afterwards the woman came over and asked me to call the police, which I already had done at that point.

    On several occasions this same person has come up to my open garage door while I had my daughter with me screaming about something going on next door. I have had to tell her to get off my property several times.

    I don't feel like calling APS and the police are sufficient to mitigate the situation next door. I finally was able to find out the name of the company that runs the house; other than calling their director and demanding that they do something about this, what other legal recourse do I have?

    I have absolutely zero interest in financial compensation from this, but I am tempted to have an attorney send the company a letter demanding that they do something about the residence.

    Does anyone here have any idea what I can do here?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    submitted by /u/theard7
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    Cops killed my Dad; how do I find the results of a civil lawsuit in Ontario, Canada

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    Hi, I want to find the results of a civil lawsuit that went on about 15 years ago in Ontario. Basically, I'm the son of a man who was beaten to death by some police officers. We (my siblings and I) were young and had no help from anyone. We trusted our stepmom with representation. I'm sure my stepmother made off with a bunch of money through a settlement because she disappeared shortly after and cut off all communication. It was a highly publicized case in Ontario at the time, but I prefer not to give further details here. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


    submitted by /u/chitballs
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    Friend's parents have told her that her brain tumor is being treated, but she is receiving homeopathic medicine and doesn't know. Her "treatment" isn't working.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 11:22 PM PDT

    What can I do about this. Her parents have a lot of influence over how she is treated becuase they pay for it. Im not convinced she has Healthcare and since she is an adult, newly so, she doesn't have the independence that is afforded with being more established. Is there anything that can be done to help her go to a real doctor and get real treatment options? She is starting to not feel well. Its frustrating because I think her parents think essential oils can cure her. She visits a "doctor" who isn't a real doctor who prescribes "medicine" that isn't really medicine.

    submitted by /u/tropgentil596
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    Apartment complex insists we must leave while they are in apartment

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    I live in Louisiana. Recently signed a lease and I am aware they can enter with reasonable notice but they insist that my partner and I must leave while they are there due to Covid safety reasons.

    We filed a work order today and I was told by the woman at the office that they would call prior to entry but they did not. Only then was told that I could not be there when maintenance person was in the apartment.

    I can find nothing in the lease about this. Is it legal? Can they just claim it's the complex's policy and that's that? I have no guarantee that whoever comes in will wear their mask the entire time. Like, I work in customer service, I know exactly how stupid people are about this.

    submitted by /u/brillbruisers
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    Can I get sued as a minor for selling something to my neighbors kid that ended up hurting him?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    I sold my neighbors slimy kid my beat up skateboard two week ago for 15 dollars without telling his parents. I guess it broke and he fucked up his ankle. He mom told me I'll face "legal action". Can this mf sue me? I'm a minor in the US btw.

    Edit: I'm in California

    submitted by /u/D0nt_Text_And_Drive
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