• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 28, 2020

    Legal Advice - Tax preparer falsified my income, had my return sent to herself and kept $900. How much can I sue her for in small claims?

    Legal Advice - Tax preparer falsified my income, had my return sent to herself and kept $900. How much can I sue her for in small claims?

    Tax preparer falsified my income, had my return sent to herself and kept $900. How much can I sue her for in small claims?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    Location: US/Texas

    I am disabled/haven't filed taxes in almost a decade. Last year (2019) I managed to buy a house, there was a lot of expense and taxes paid because of that and I speculated that maybe I should file taxes. My realtor informed me that she does taxes as well and told me to come to her. So in January 2020 I did, she filed my taxes and I got a $5k return. (For the record, I also have 3 children and she told me that I get a Tax Credit for them even though my income isn't taxable, so the refund wasn't a red flag.)

    ⏭ FF to Sept I'm getting a letter from Social Security asking about my $14,500 of earned income for 2019. I look into it and realize that she completely pulled that number out of her ass to get a $6k refund- had the refund sent to herself and pocketed $900 before forwarding the remainder to me.

    So. Now I'm dealing with SS, the IRS, and the police. The police closed the case saying this isn't a criminal matter- I'm pulling a Karen and blowing up their phone and demanding to speak to a supervisor to find out how TF they came to that conclusion. SS is thankfully off my back. I filed an Amendment with the IRS and will probably have to pay the entire refund back. I also filed 3 different complaint forms through them, so hopefully she gets audited hard and tax preparer license yanked.

    Question: If I take her to small claims court (which probably won't even get me money, just a judgement against her) can I only sue her for the $900 that she stole? Or could I possibly sue her for the entire amount $6k for the frickin hassle of all this mess that began with her falsifying my income?

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    Hi there. Not sure if this is the right subreddit but, I bought a house with some land and a mobile home on it.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 04:41 AM PDT

    This is all in Coldspring, TX in the US

    The lady I bought the house and land from said that the mobile home was not included in the purchase. She said we could rent it for $500 a month.

    The property is 3.97 acres. The house supposedly sits on 2.97 of that and the mobile home on the other 1, we were told.

    I just got some tax letters in the mail that say the house sits on 3.97 acres. And then another tax letter talking about the mobile home. Says it has no attached land.

    Both letters say I'm owner of both properties.

    Did the lady lie to me in saying that the mobile home wasn't included? If I don't own the mobile home but own the land, what can I do?

    If the tax documents for the mobile home are in my name, doesn't that make it my property? What can I do about all this to make it clear?

    submitted by /u/Zootopiabesttopia
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    Dad asking me to see my ballot before I submit mine? (California)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Background: I live at home with my parents right now.

    I haven't done my ballot yet but my dad told me that he would drop our family's ballots off all at once, and that he wants to see mine before I seal it up.

    The reason for this is to make sure I'm voting "correctly" he says, and he says he's not going to let my choices cancel his out, so if I put anything different than what he put down he will likely argue with me and force me to change me vote. He is quite adamant about doing this considering I have differing views than him on some of our state's propositions.

    I understand that him interfering with my ballot would be illegal (a federal offense), but if argue this and seal mine up before he has a chance to look at mine, I worry that he may still threaten to kick me out of the house or cut me off financially (at least partially). Is there any way I can get out of this with a good outcome?

    submitted by /u/thequirkyjerky
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    PA Property Possession? Friend paid a man $2000 in May to pave her driveway, he left his machine there, took the $$, never did the job. She has since had someone else start over and complete the driveway. Now, the original man has died and his "business partner" wants the machine.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    She has the original contract, for $1400, a receipt for $300 because she had to pay for the machine to be brought to her house, and a receipt for $300 in stone that was delivered-- that had to be taken up and discarded in order for her driveway to be paved by the other(legit) company.

    The machine has been at her house since May, and she tried many times to get a refund and have it picked up by the owner-who then ended up in jail. She has a police report stating everything that happened between her and the owner. Then hasn't heard from anyone in months.

    Now all of a sudden since the man died(OD a few days after being released), someone claiming to be his business partner wants "his" machine back. My friend said bring proof that it is yours, the $2,000 that I am owed, and you can take it. A few weeks have gone by and now he is threatening to "call the cops" because she won't let him take the machine.

    I tried advising going to small claims a while ago and filing for possession of this machine that has been on her property without communication from anyone in months..

    Money is tight, getting a lawyer isn't really feasible, any ideas who is in the "right" here?

    submitted by /u/H1ke
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    My mom needs me (14) a character reference for court.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    Location: South Florida

    My mom (P) was falsely accused of domestic abuse towards my step sibling which I know for a fact is untrue. However, she said I have to write a character reference in order to 'save' her. However, my parents are divorced and my dad was concerned that the letter would be used against him in terms of custody.

    My mom isn't giving any additional information other than that it would alter the entire case. She keeps acting like I'm betraying her when I asked questions. Do minors write character references? Can they be used for custody reasons?

    submitted by /u/Think_Variation_5021
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    Friend went to jail last weekend and is now missing. Louisiana

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    I was contacted by a friend on Sunday he advised he had been arrested for misdermeanor theft and his bail had been set for $1,500. He was very lucid and very much seemed to be in his right mind. I was unable to take his calls on Monday but received a call from someone at the jail on Monday afternoon that his bail had been increased. This was weird to me but didn't think much of it.

    Tuesday I tried contacting bondsman to arrange his release since I live several hours away and in another State. He called me back after getting my friends details and advised that he was being sent to a mental hospital and the jail wouldn't give details beyond that and told me I couldn't bond him out. I called the jail and ask to relay a message to him and they told me they would pass it along but my friend is very busy right now. Today they just tell me he is not in custody.

    I've contacted a local attorney and separately a Private Investigator but they are wanting large retainer. I'm not necessarily trying to retain anyone to represent him for the criminal charges but need help finding out what's going on with my friend or where he is.

    I'm hoping that maybe someone might be able to suggest another way to go about contacting someone for this information or should I just pay the retainer?

    This is Morgan City Jail referenced.

    submitted by /u/mortville_trash
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    (VA) My doctors assumed the hospital that they scheduled my surgery was in- network and so did the hospital so I was not notified and now stuck with huge bill after surgery

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:15 AM PDT

    I reached out to my health insurance for an estimate for the surgery and stated what hospital it was being held at along with who my dr was. My Dr is covered and they failed to notify me that the hospital was out of next work and gave me an estimate that ended up being for just my dr and not the surgery as a whole. I'm now stuck with a $40k bill from the hospital.

    Do I have any leg to stand on to fight this?

    Edit: Thank you everyone for your input, I am going to file an appeal and talk to the hospital

    submitted by /u/wellshiiiiiiiiiiiiit
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    Step mother catfished me and attempted to get my nudes

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    Apologies if this is the wrong sub or if this goes against any rules I failed to understand, or if this is jumbled up and confusing ... haha.

    Currently I am a minor, and this situation happened December 7th, 2018 in Riverside County, California. Step mom (SM) was a therapist at a corrections facility before getting a kid taken away from her after several abuse allegations and is currently licensed as a marriage and family therapist running her own business. Our abuse case was settled already about a month before this happened (as far as my end goes, I was adopted elsewhere and haven't made contact since) so I don't understand her motive behind catfishing me.

    But anyway, it started off with some random account following me and trying to convince and guilt me into sending nudes (even claimed they already had my nudes). I blocked that random account, a little later unblocked and the account username + profile picture changed into SM's name, face, and the username was her company's name. I took a screen recording of it all, its somewhere in my gallery. I looked again today and the account is disabled, but she has another company account that's still active under the same name with a few changed digits.

    Could anything be done? Was anything illegal here? It deeply unnerves me that she's still licensed.

    submitted by /u/jesuishomo
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    My Land Lord wants access to our back yard for himself and his friends - is there anything we can do?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    We live in Brooklyn and have a private back yard which connects via cellar doors to the utility area below the building. The land lord came by yesterday and told us that he is converting that area into a private space for himself and his friends to hangout and that they would sometimes use our back yard.

    In the listing (which we have copies of) it clearly says "private back yard" and is the entire reason we moved into this apartment and also spent thousands of dollars on the yard. We also verbally confirmed with the land lord and the broker several times that the yard is private.

    When we brought this up, our land lord said " Yes. It will be private. No tenet from the building should have access to it. beside my self and my staff"

    Our lease makes no mention of the yard, but the listing clearly says "private" and, they confirmed it several times. Is there anything we can do?

    submitted by /u/nshopping95
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    Was told a reason I wasn't asked to come back to work because I reported boss to HR

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 08:39 PM PDT

    Hello, this is in California. I "lost" my job due to COVID this year (I was a shift lead/manager at a restaurant) except the circumstances around it were: I was told that they wanted to keep management, I would still have a job, whenever we resumed they would call me. I got a message saying I could come in for training in July right before LA immediately closed down again, then after that I heard nothing from them until I heard they were sending out letters asking people if they wanted to come back.

    I guess I was technically let go, and despite them bringing back the other shift lead, was told they wanted to start again with a new staff. (The boss I reported is no longer working there.) When I finally got to talk to them about it, they said it was due to monetary issues that I couldn't be hired alongside the other shift lead. I was told I could ask later if I was interested in coming back, and the other shift lead mentioned to me he could ask for me. He then told me that aside from wanting new staff, the reason why they didn't want to bring me back was because I had reported my old boss to HR.

    Like everyone, I'm struggling due to COVID and was banking on having this job again because it was full time and I could actually get benefits. I'm wondering if there is anything I could possibly do? I realize I was laid off so I'm not entitled to the job, but I am wondering if them not rehiring me and saying that it is because of me reporting my previous boss is grounds for anything? Or, if I was to talk publicly about it, or disclose this to other employees I worked with, could I get in trouble from my old company?

    Thank you for your help.

    submitted by /u/throwaway_LA0909
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    Hotel has anti-mask policy (Montana)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    I have researched and I honestly can't get a straight answer. I checked into a hotel wearing a mask (as one should). They asked me to take off my mask and I flashed my face thinking it was so they could check me with my ID. But no. They did not allow masks inside the building at all, they claimed that they had been robbed a few times so they don't allow them anymore. At this same time as this they have no social distancing policy or any hand sanitizer.

    I called the none emergency line for help because I'm at risk and walking through a hotel full of traveling people was not a good idea for me. They said and I quote 'I mean there's no policy requiring people to wear mask'

    Where can I go to report this anti-mask policy? There are reviews on this hotel that shows that theyve been doing this for a while.

    Please help.

    submitted by /u/IdislikePeopl3
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    Universities students made to strip down in class

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    Not really seeking advice so much as information. My brother shared with my that the drama students at his university had to strip naked in front of the class as some sort of vulnerability exercise. Their grade apparently was decided by how far they were willing to go. This sounds like it would be illegal to me, but my too-specific google searches didn't turn up anything useful. Would anyone be able to share with me what sort of laws this would be breeching, if any? Edit: this took place in NYC, USA.

    submitted by /u/Clockwork-Angel
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    Help me help my mom

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    I am in Denver Colorado.

    My incredible amazing 78-year-old mother has been recently diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia. She likely has 6 to 8 months to live.This is a terminal disease and she has been suffering with multiple sclerosis and has broken both of her hips shattered her shoulder and had all kinds of other problems in the last three years. I am her medical power of attorney and she and I have discussed many times about her not wanting to have care given to her to extend her life. She does have a LivingWell. She also has a DNR. I am wanting to know if she falls at home and breaks something or hits her head can she give me permission to ask them not to do anything to help her? If this happens can I release her without giving her medical care back home to a hospice situation? We are just unsure of a legal precedents of this. We also are a right to die state but I don't think she can get assisted suicide because she has a dementia diagnosis.

    I have been told that I need to ask about this to an attorney as these are legal questions.

    Thank you for any advice you have for me

    submitted by /u/fleurdi
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    Sexual Harassment at work being ignored

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    Around a year ago at my job, a man old enough to be my father (possibly even grandfather) began employment. Not long after, he found it appropriate to run his hand down my back and say "OP, we've got to stop meeting like this" after cornering me out of view of the managers. I immediately went and made a complaint of harassment, and thought that was that as it's supposed to be anonymous.

    I'm not entirely sure if he found out it was me, but ever since he's made my work life absolutely horrible. I have made multiple reports of this, but nothing has changed. I'm tired of putting up with his harassment, and will be talking to the regional managers about him soon, but I'm worried that will also have no effect.

    What are my options if the harassment continues? I live in MO.

    submitted by /u/FauxVampire
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    My rent check was rejected by landlord due to “insufficient funds” when my bank confirms that I have the money?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 06:35 AM PDT

    Update: I had my mother call my landlord and when they finally spoke, she was told that I had "entered my information wrong" on the confirmation screen.

    When they emailed me back this afternoon (!!), they told me I had attempted to use a defunct/closed bank account.

    I have only one other bank account that was closed over a year ago - and that is not the account I used.

    As well, now that the payment is available they removed almost $100 in late fees they weren't supposed to have charged me!!!

    Location is Nevada

    So due to being late on rent in September and October , I had to pay two months worth of rent late on 10/23. My landlord stopped allowing partial payments or payment plans as of July of this year, so I was not able to pay as I went, it was either a lump sum or nothing, so we worked out that I could pay both on Friday 10/23.

    Friday evening I made sure i had the appropriate funds after being paid from work (I get paid in cash and deposited it right away - per my banks policy the money is available for use right away that way), waited an hour, and electronically placed a payment via ACH check through the online portal. It was accepted for processing and I received an email confirming so.

    At 6:15 yesterday 10/27, 15 minutes after my landlords office closed for the day, I received my email stating the following:

    "Your payment, Chk # :ACH-WEB in the amount of $2323.85 was returned to us on 10/27/2020 12:00:00 AM as non-sufficient funds.

    Your account balance as of 10/27/2020 is 2423.85 This amount includes the $100.00 NSF fee and any other applicable fees outlined in your lease. Please contact the office for questions relating to this amount.

    To avoid any further charges, please submit the full amount owed to the leasing office today. If payment is not made today, please contact the office for the full balance due."

    So, I checked my bank account and I had $2440 sitting in my account. No pending amounts, I had an ACH check taken out for $50 yesterday morning from a completely different matter unrelated, so I know I can still make an ACH check from this account.

    I called my bank and upon talking to a banker, I am told that they have to evidence of any check for that amount, I have no pending transactions, my account is indeed at $2440, and that if I had an ACH check rejected, they would have emailed me and fined me as well, which has not happened. My bank basically absolved themselves of responsibility.

    I did not pay the extra $100, as I feel something is wrong here and I think this may be retaliatory in some degree. My AC unit broke during the summer and it took them two days to even come out and see it with no repair, another four days to bring me a swamp cooler for one bedroom, and another week to replace the unit. I had threatened to file the paperwork for my apartment being uninhabitable about halfway through this mess as I had been advised to, but didn't go through with it because I wanted to avoid the drama and they finally came and fixed it after so long. But ever since then I have had an issue arise since I've tried to pay my rent. Even in August I had to ask them if I could split my payment between two accounts (mine and a family members) to pay it in full, they accepted it on the condition I made them a cashiers check immediately for my amount so they could remove it from my total bill and my family member could pay the rest online, and I bring my check to them 30 minutes later and my landlord tells me they do not process checks the same day, I will be charged a late fee the next day... after literally telling me they will accept the exact method of payment we just discussed that day.

    As well, my landlord does not return written correspondence to me or call, nor do they email me personally (they send daily/weekly letters to everyone in general) but are continuously leaving notes in my door telling me they will "enter [my] apartment in the next 24 hours to make sure you are still a resident" because "we are unable to get ahold of you!". One of these letters came a few days after I paid my rent. This is not making any sense to me, I do not know what to do, if this is just a case of a bad/irresponsible company, etc. I'm just very frustrated and stressed. Do I have any steps to take or do I have to just chin up and deal?

    submitted by /u/grenadinegarden
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    Employer requiring monthly recommendations for potential POC hires (NY)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    Is it legal for an employer to require employees to search for racially diverse hires, unsolicited?

    Since the BLM protests this summer, our team has been required to hold diversity review sessions every 4-6 weeks. These are unsolicited "candidates" for potential future work mostly found through internet search and personal network recommendations.

    Anyhow, the expectation is that each employee come to the table with diverse hire options for future freelance project work. The whole method of searching for potential hires via profile pictures and essentially racial profiling has made me feel a bit uncomfortable to say the least. I'm happy to go along with it because I agree with the sentiment, but am mostly nervous of potential consequences for not finding enough candidates.

    I'm all for reviewing applicants for jobs and considering diversity as a hiring factor but am uncomfortable with what I interpret as a racial profiling exercise.

    submitted by /u/Mindful_Dribble
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    Signed a year long lease with Landlords, now they're selling the house and want us to move in two months (CO)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    In Colorado.

    My roommates and I signed a year long lease for our townhouse back in June. The landlords have been very evasive and flighty with repairs, and just notified only one of the roommates (not all of us) that they are planning to sell the house in January and will be sending professional cleaners and people to look at the house in the next few days.

    This has obviously caught all of us off guard, on top of COVID we will have to be moving in the middle of winter and the housing market is awful right now. There is absolutely nothing in our lease about if the landlords decide to sell the house. Is there anything we can do?

    submitted by /u/moolight
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    Wife cheating and may be planning to leave. We are in process of closing on a new house. What can I do?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:52 PM PDT

    I ll keep this short and sweet.

    I've been with my wife for almost 7 years and we have a 4 year old together. We are currently in the process of closing on our house in just the next week. Sounds great? No. I've recently found out that my wife is cheating on me with another individual, and is somewhat planning to, or is okay with the thought of leaving me for that person. It is not hearsay, as I have seen the proof and my wife doesn't know I know. The way she acts around me also tells me something is up.

    So legally, what can I do? I dont want to put almost all of our combined savings into this house, just for me to lose it to her. What are my options? What happens if I question her about it and she admits to it and I want out? Can we be sued by the sellers?

    I'm just lost and don't know what to do in what seems like a limited time to do so.

    EDIT: Just answering some questions that have been asked. We live in Indiana. We sign and close on the house THIS Friday. We only paid 2k down for earnest money.

    We have since talked and it looks like things are heading toward a divorce. There's been a lot of different issues in the past, this is just the worst one. We just don't know what to do.

    Our mortgage broker is a family friend of mine, so now I have to add that uncomfortableness to the pile.

    submitted by /u/Humble_Room_2314
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    Manager reluctantly agreed to a raise to retain me, only to seek a replacement and fire me a few weeks later while never giving me the raise. Do I have any course of action? [Connecticut]

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    To expand on the title, I found that I was being very underpaid and demanded an immediate raise or I would leave effective immediately for another job offer. My manager was very reluctant but knew he would be on the hook for my shifts so he agreed. Turns out he only did so to give him time to find a replacement. A few weeks later, still "waiting on the raise to go through," I was let go for a new hire. Knowing my manager is a shady person, I recorded the conversation of him agreeing to the raise. Do I have any course of action at all?

    submitted by /u/irishwonder
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    Payroll Issue, Staff was "overpaid" for a year, no pay stubs given. I believe I asked too many questions, and was laid off as a result.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Hello! I was employed at a small non-profit in Kentucky, with a staff of 4 including myself. We are also governed by a board of directors. On October 8th, 2020, the Executive Director ended a regular staff meeting by briefly and nonchalantly, mentioning that an issue with our payroll company had been discovered, and everyone on our staff had been overpaid for over a year, without our knowledge. Our paychecks were to be adjusted on the checks that we would be receiving going forward, starting the next day. Each of our biweekly checks were lowered by a few hundred dollars. We were each provided with a phone screenshot from our Executive Director of our pay stub that we would be receiving going forward. Since March, we have all been working remotely, and have not been receiving physical pay stubs since then, though each of us on the staff had requested them on multiple occasions. When we were working from the office, we did receive physical pay stubs on occasion, but only a handful of times. We have also requested electronic pay stubs, but our boss has stated that that is not possible. I have checked my direct deposits since I started in this position on October 3rd, 2019, and I have not seen an increase or decrease in the amount I have been receiving, so it appears that I have been "overpaid" since starting in this position. Without our pay stubs, it is impossible for me to truly know the amounts I have been paying in taxes, or if I have been getting paid correctly at all.

    Of course, working at a nonprofit, and already receiving very low salaries, my coworkers and I were outraged. We began demanding more insight to what had caused the error, and asking for a plan to support the staff accordingly. I was leading the charge, and putting a lot of pressure on our executive direction, as well as the board, though I remained professional at all times. On Tuesday, October 27th (yesterday), I was laid off. They stated that they were eliminating my position, with the only reason given being that they want to focus more on direct fundraising, rather than the marketing efforts that I have been focused on. They offered me a severance agreement of one week's pay, on the condition that I sign a general release by Friday, October 30th. They pressured me to sign the document right then and there, but it did not feel right at all, so I took the documents with me, and left. The document makes reference to the payroll issue, and if I sign it, I am waiving my right to take any legal action. I think that the organization may be partaking in some shady practices that they were afraid I would uncover, and feel that they are offering me this (very, very) small severance so that I will back off.

    It has also come to my attention that the organization has not been audited by the IRS in many years. I am considering contacting the IRS to conduct an audit, but I am not sure of what steps to take/what documentation I would need. (I found the form 3949A on their website, and I assume that should be filled out as a first step.)

    The main question I want to ask is whether or not I should sign the document, or whether or not I could do more with this case.

    I am a young professional, and very ignorant to my legal rights, so I greatly appreciate your help!

    submitted by /u/PYITEllie
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    Doctor withholding my diagnosis and not communicating.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    USA, SC

    I am going to post some quotes from emails that will have names deleted because I believe this shows the serious lack of professionalism.

    I was tested for Autism in December of 2019. I needed it to be done before the end of the year because of insurance so the Neuropsychologist ran the tests over two days. One day was 8 hours of testing and the second day was 10. I was exhausted. It took me a few days to feel like I had fully recovered. I had no idea that your *brain* could be that strained. I don't think it needed to take that long.

    She would go off on stories about herself and things she had done and told me that she does something called 'anecdotal (something)' I really don't remember and though it was unorthodox and a bit annoying, I felt sort of trapped. I was there. It was the end of the year, and I had been waiting for this forever already.

    I was supposed to have a follow up in February of 2020. The morning of the follow up, as I was starting on the 2 hour drive to this Doctor's office, she called to tell me she had a family emergency and the solution was to reschedule for a month later. And we all know what happened in March.

    However, other than calling to tell me that my appointment was cancelled (and that was her assistant) I received no further correspondence from this woman. I called several times and finally, after I procured the correct email (the first one I was given was incorrect) I finally made contact in June, six months after my initial assessment. Here is the email I sent.

    Hello! I have been trying to reach you for three months now and have left messages on your office phone. I realize you may not have received them during the pandemic. I am currently pursuing disability and would appreciate, if not a tele-health follow-up appointment, then mailing the records to myself or to another clinical psychologist who can oversee the follow-up. Please call me at [redacted] or email me at [redacted]. Thank you,

    There were a few replies but *this* is the main explanation I received for why I had not heard from her.

    I'm so so so so sorry [Me]. I did not know [Assistant] was not doing her job before she quit, so many people got "dropped," because she was lying to me about the work she was doing. It was not until COVID19 hit and she quit on me without notice and stole money...that i saw how badly my communications was with patients and anyone else, like...this has been a nightmare and I am doing my best to clean it up. Please give your attorney if you have one, this email address. Our office phones are not back up and running yet. We are still trying to convert 100% telehealth and I had to close my office and was forced to be out by the 15th (and I too am disabled as you know) and my partner and I just have been hustling hustling hustling the best we can. I am adding him on to this email. It's just him and me right now, I'm hoping to find a way to bring a tech back, but regulations are "fuzzy."

    TMI much? But wait! There's more!

    I didn't hear anything until I reached out again in July 2020.

    Hello! I'm following up and I just need to know if you can email my records or a release form to send records to me. I also have a form that I need filled out for the purposes of my disability claim. Please let me know when we can get together for a follow up. It will go a long way in dealing with a lot of the struggles I'm having.

    Her reply

    We are working on ALL of it as hard as we can. We have a box of mail with hundreds of requests. I know that you and others need their records and we are doing the best we can. [New assistant] can help me look for your name specifically, he is doing great, had no training, until I hired him and started just...doing one thing at a time and we finally have a "little" bit more organization. We had to bring the whole office to my home and make sure the files were stored per HIPAA and APA standards and it has made it slightly more challenging. We are making a "book it list" (meaning HURRY UP AND LOOK) so we can get people's forms out.

    Is it normal for a Doctor to speak to her patients this informally? To (in my opinion) overshare? I waited a long time, until today, the 28th of October when I emailed her again.

    [Doctor], I need to have a follow up where I receive not just my diagnosis but every piece of paper that comes from said diagnosis. It has been almost a YEAR since my testing. I understand COVID threw everyone for a loop but right now my life is dependent upon whether or not I can prove a diagnosis and at this point it kind of sounds like I'm making up some fake doctor or I got hustled. If you are not able to schedule a follow up within the next two weeks then I have to call someone else regarding the case. Thank you, [Me]

    The email I got in return...was infuriating and sent to me 20 minutes after my email was sent. And when I tell you...I just...

    UPDATES and apologies. Reply to all, [New assistant] is no longer an employee, the email is terminated.

    I will do it. I just experienced a serious traumatic event. Let me get you on my list. My former partner [new assistant] was intentionally keeping information from me to 'set me up,' he has been of course fired, broken up with, and now he has a warrant for his arrest for his assault on me. He did NOT tamper in business matters OTHER than to intentionally delay or not provide correspondence to create "angry people." You are 100% right. You will get this. I promise. I have one volunteer extern from USC and one tech and we are running like crazy, finding all the correspondence that was not given to me. I contacted my insurance and risk agency yesterday and they provided me a plan to make sure everyone can be taken care of. I understand your concern and you are valid in your frustration. COVID19 WAS one problem, however, there were "other problems" that I did not know about until the last two weeks. Thank you for reaching out. I'm going to put my new extern on this email who is in student status and is dedicated to learning about how this process works, who can help me to organize, find and search for all the names. I am so sorry you were one of the people impacted by []new assistant]'s behaviors. I will do the best I can to resolve.

    Now I have worked in the medical field enough to know that all of this is entirely unprofessional. Not only that, but I'm like 90% sure that no other person, especially a student, should have access to your emails as a medical professional. At this point I feel like she is (if you'll excuse me) full of shit.

    I am going to call an Autism advocate that I know of to see if she can help me. What I want to know is, do I have a case for anything legally? Or am I just out of luck? I know I can't afford to go through testing again, that's for sure. I really just want what I was supposed to get. This year has been exhausting.

    submitted by /u/HopefullyGinger
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    NYC Tenant Being Extorted by Real Estate Agent

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm moving to NYC next month and have found an apartment and already been approved by the landlord and building and signed the lease. However, there is a real estate agent who appeared to be working for the building managing the listing who is now trying to get me to pay a broker's fee. I met with him in person when I saw the apartment, and asked him to disclose any and all fees, including a broker's fee. He said there would be no broker's fee. Additionally, I asked the same question in email and received written confirmation for all fees, no broker's fee in sight. Now he is saying that unless I pay the fee he will prevent me from moving in. Does he have any legal standing, this feels very shady to me. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/NYCTenant_
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    Parents abusing 17 year old teen on Washington State, Law enforcement doesn't offer any aid

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    My friend and their sibling, who are both 17 at the time of writing this post, are currently being abused by their parents, both physically and mentally. Examples of this are:

    Grabbing one of their children and throwing them downstairs.

    Shoving and hitting the same child to the floor

    Telling their children that they should have let them kill themselves when they were addicted to substances.

    Says that their kids are disgraceful and should be thankful that they weren't disowned and are still being fed.

    Saying that they are horrible parents and that they are the victim, while telling their childs to " shake it off" when they are in the same emotional state.

    Among many other abusive behaviors.

    CPS and police were called multiple times. The last of them being a day ago, my friend made an anonymous call and when services arrived, They told the abusers that one of them made the call and that it was the childrens duty to serve their parents.

    Is there a way to get both of the parents up to court or similar means? And do they have to face any legal consequence by their actions against their children?

    They all live on Washington State, if that information is needed.

    submitted by /u/mario894half
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