• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 6, 2021

    Legal Advice - Bought a house, gave the sellers one week more to move out. They basically stripped the place...

    Legal Advice - Bought a house, gave the sellers one week more to move out. They basically stripped the place...

    Bought a house, gave the sellers one week more to move out. They basically stripped the place...

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 02:53 PM PST

    So I bought a house (location: california) but i'm now confronted with this situation: the sellers asked for 1 extra week (after purchase) to move out, since they had some bad luck finding another place. I didn't really mind, since they agreed to pay me for the week and I still had a place to live.

    So fast forward to today and I find out they left without notice, after taking all the interior doors, shower stall, sink, garden shed and some of the hardwood flooring (i'm guessing they didn't have enough time to remove all of it). Also some petty things like taking the batteries from the smoke detectors, removing every light bulb (it's literally pitch dark) and taking the mailbox.

    So.. where to go from here?

    submitted by /u/Lordymcfly
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    Are there kidnapping-related laws being crossed here?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 04:04 AM PST

    For a quick backup, One my my sisters, we will call her "L" has either faked 4+ miscarriages or really had some. Knowing her, I think that AT LEAST half were faked. Since then, she's been obsessed with keeping babies for long periods of time.

    My other sister, "J", asked L if she wouldn't mind babysitting for the weekend. L agreed, then afterwards took it upon herself to lie about J's parenting to other people. Making her look like an awful parent. Turns out, these things are untrue. When J demanded the baby's location or the return of her baby, L said "no" and blocked her. Then refused to give the location of the baby.

    My sister J didn't realize the crazy actions coming from L until it was too late and she already had the baby. She is treating him like some war toy.

    Has she violated a law her, and if so, which one?

    Location: MO

    submitted by /u/you-all-are-rude
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    This just happened at my house, on my sister’s Sweet Sixteenth...

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 04:06 PM PST

    Serious Topic, if triggered easily, probably don't read

    This takes place in Texas, same county as Beaumont.

    So about 30 or so minutes ago, my mother came to my house and threatened my father with two knives. She later called me and told me that she was trying to intimidate him so he did not touch (sexually, I might add) any of the girls coming over for my sister's 16th birthday. He has a history of touching girls in the past, like my 5th grade girlfriend, my best friend's sisters, and his own daughter, my sister who's birthday is tomorrow but her party started RIGHT as this happened. When I told my grandmother (the one who owns the house and allows him to freeload for no reason), she quickly dismissed me and told me that she would send me away if I tried to file a report on him, after she called the cops and had my mother arrested. My question is... Do I tell the police about his history of being a gross, sick human being of which my sister has seen and been personally affected by?

    TLDR: Dad is almost certainly a pedophile and Mom threatened him violently to stay away from the girls. Do I tell the police about him?

    submitted by /u/marcus071903
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    Can a rigging company change the price of a quoted job to move equipment after the price is agreed upon?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 11:41 AM PST

    Good afternoon legaladvice.

    This entire story takes place in Connecticut, USA. Recently I needed to have a CNC lathe moved after I purchased it from a machine shop. If you do not know what a CNC lathe is; Imagine a medium sized truck, that weighs 10k lbs and must be moved via forklift, onto a semi. It is used for cutting raw material into workable parts via blueprints.

    This past Wednesday (Feb 3rd, 2021) I contacted a rigging company in regards to moving my newly purchased lathe. I was verbally quoted for $1250 cash, or check. This price included loading the lathe, transporting it 1 hour away, and finally placing it into my garage on Friday Feb 6, 2021 (all within one working day). The owner of the machine shop has a long history with this rigging company. They have moved more then 10 pieces of equipment for him in the past. They also verbally told him it would cost me $1250. The riggers were given ample opportunity to visually inspect the machine shop to make sure their quote would accurately reflect the amount of work required. They were contacted on Monday Feb 7th, 2021. They decided, that because they were familiar with the machine shops layout, they would over the phone quote the work based on descriptors. Equipment weight, size, parts, distance, ect.

    The rigging company was also tasked with loading another lathe and holding it at their facility for another buyer. Unfortunately for that buyer, he discovered that the truck he had rented to move his lathe down 1800 miles was not air ride equipped, so he would not be using the rigging company that day for loading. The rigging company had already showed up to the machine shop when they were informed.

    This rigging company was also tasked with moving a lathe from one corner of the machine shop, to the spot that my lathe was going to leave vacant. This was going to cost the owner $600.

    I show up to the machine shop at 7:30 am. Riggers arrive at 8:00 am. I am there to visually make sure nothing amiss comes up. In this field of work, many bad things can happen without anyone saying anything. They are informed the other buyer will not have their lathe moved that day, due to the truck issue. The riggers are okay with this, and decided that my lathe will be loaded first onto the semi trailer and taken to my place. During the move, at one point, they do drop one end of the lathe 6 inches onto the concrete. This is worrying because the body is made out of cast Iron, and is susceptible to cracking when shock loaded in this manner. I visually inspect the body of the lathe, and see no cracks. I am about as okay with this as you can be in the moment. They continue on. It takes the riggers from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM to move my lathe 30 feet, off the loading dock and onto the semi. This is clearly what they did not have in mind. The riggers inform me that, after moving the other lathe into my lathes old spot, they will not have time to transport my lathe to my place that day. This will have to be finished on Monday Feb 8, 2021. I agree that after moving the other lathe, they will not have enough time that day, and I am okay with the job being pushed to the following Monday.

    At 4:15 pm that same day, I receive a phone call from a dispatcher (I'm told, likely to be the owner. This is not the same person who told the machine shop owner and I that my rigging costs would be $1250.)

    He states that "They just finished up at the machine shop (The riggers) and will be there on Monday at 8:00 am." I understand this based on the circumstances. He then says "You know that job wasn't a $1250 job." I informed him that the agreed upon price was $1250 for the entire job, and that his company had ample time to come inspect the facility to properly quote the work. He said "We are to busy to go in person and quote every job." He does not tell me the new adjusted price and tells me "You will know the price on Monday." I inform him that I am not okay with what is currently occurring, and mention that his failure to quote the job properly is not something I should be charged for. I believe the dispatcher was unhappy that they didn't get the first lathes work done, and the time spent working my lathe took longer then anticipated.

    I have a couple questions based on my above dilemma.

    1. First off, from my research a verbal quote is still a legal quote when both parties agree to the price. If they had wanted the ability to change it, they should of said "estimate" and not "quote". The owner of the machine shop is a witness to this, and said he would back my up if it came to it. Does a verbal quote hold up?
    2. If they place the lathe at my place, finish up, and I pay them the quoted price of $1250, am I legally doing anything wrong? I have not yet agreed to any price changes, verbally or in writing. I have only agreed to the originally quoted $1250.
    3. If they ask for a different amount of money before they remove my lathe from the truck, can they hold my lathe hostage on the truck before I pay? Or even drive it back to the facility, and hold it hostage?
    4. If they are in the middle of the job, realize they should take the money first, are given the originally $1250, and are unhappy with the payment, can they leave the equipment wherever they are, or at worst place it back on the truck? The agreement is it will be placed in my garage for $1250.

    I sincerely appreciate any advice you guys can give.


    submitted by /u/Split141
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    Doordash delivery driver threatened to sue me

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 02:04 PM PST

    I ordered food to my house and asked the delivery person to leave the food outside my front door. Right after the delivery was completed the person contacted me saying the porch light was off, causing her to trip and "twist her ankle" on a raised portion of my porch. She then said her lawyer will be contacting me in response to the incident.

    What should I do in response to this? Do I need to find a lawyer or is this something home insurance can take care of on its own?

    Edit: this is in california

    submitted by /u/randomnobody5
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    I’ve looked after someone else’s pet for over a year, can I claim legal ownership?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:24 PM PST

    Based in ACT, Australia.

    During the bushfires in 2020, we found a bird in a cage with a note outside the evacuation centre where we were staying. The owner had left the bird in the care of their neighbour while they travelled interstate to visit family for Christmas. The neighbour then couldn't fit the bird in her car when evacuating. I took the bird with me while evacuating as I couldn't leave it there outside in the smoke. We travelled back to ACT from NSW and found the owner after a few days.

    We stated that we are looking after their bird, providing my name and number to stay updated. I also know their Facebook profile and I have been sending updates via messages to them.

    They had lost their home in the fires, losing everything except the bag they travelled with and a dog who was able to be on the plane. Then they were trapped in VIC due to the current global issues. Our states have been opening and closing as waves of the virus go around.

    Thinking of that, I'm not sure if she has been able to get back on their feet and may still be with their family interstate. I'm not sure because they have not responded to me since our first conversation, where we were given a history of the bird and it's name. I imagine it has been very difficult for them.

    In the year we've had the bird, we grew more and more attached. The kids love her and we've since adopted more birds at the end of last year. Her diet went from exclusively seeds to including fruit, vegetables and quinoa with seeds included. She has only just learned how to fly after 11 years. (The owner had said that the one time she left her cage, she flew into a curtain and didn't want to leave the cage again after that but she now leaves the cage all the time to hang out with us, we let the birds leave the cage to hang out with us around the house). She plays with toys now and is part of a flock. Though her previous owner seemed to love the bird dearly, I don't think enough research on how to care properly for the bird had been done. She had a cage with a perch, water bowl and seed bowl and she resided in there with no toys.

    As I've made efforts to reach out with no reply, I've decided that I'd like to claim ownership as she is now part of the family. Even though I'm sure the owner has, in their own way, entrusted this bird to us permanently, nothing of the sort was verbally discussed, nor in writing, and so a small part of me has started to worry that the bird will one day be claimed by them. I know that was the original plan - we look after the bird until they're back on their feet and return her... but after just over a year with no communication from them (though they're still active on social media so should've seen my messages), would it be unreasonable of me that, in the event that they did want the bird back, that I say no?

    submitted by /u/ReallyCoolChick
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    Lot Access through my property?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 03:38 PM PST

    So I have an older neighbor that just recently retired and sold his home/property on the lot next to me to a real estate company that intends to flip it after they've put work into it over the last month or so. Just this morning I had the agent that is trying to sell the house knock on the door and hand me a photocopy of a dated letter, (the previous day).

    Now my home and my immediate neighbors are all on riverfront property. The issue is there is a steep hill right in front of our homes before the portion of our properties that is actually the riverfront. Now to easily access it without traversing down this steep hill, you have to turn around and drive back through the neighborhood to the edge where my one neighbor has put up a gate (without a lock) to discourage the general public from coming onto the nice, large conjoined area there that is our properties (since there is public access to the river right next to our lots that is not so nice and spacious). He has no issue in the past with letting us and the other two neighbors go through his property to access our lots. The lot that the real estate company is trying to sell now is a completely wooded lot with a small path cleared out for the other neighbors to drive through to their property (cleared lot).

    Now the letter specifically says that the neighbor with the gate has given them the ok to pass through his property, they even went as far to ask the HoA about it and the HoA "thinks" they can access it through my property as well but they wanted me to contact them directly to say they are ok going through my property for access.

    Now I'm not quite sure if this is just like a nice formality or if its some kind of future legal binding agreement, and the fact that they gave me a photocopy of a dated, handwritten note makes me question if their intentions are opposite of my best interest. Today is also the first day that they put a "For Sale" sign up the in the yard. In their listing on zillow and various other real estate sites they list the river access and frontage (its entirely overgrown by trees and brush, but from the way the houses lay it looks like my property is right in front of the house for sale).

    I just want to know if I respond to them if it is some kind of binding, legal action that is beyond just being a nice way of saying, "hey we're going to take potential buyers down through your lot to show them the property down by the river, please don't call the cops on us for trespassing".

    Edit: I'm in West Virginia if it makes a difference.

    submitted by /u/WeeJay11
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    Dog ownership!

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:31 PM PST

    Hello so I have a dilemma going on within my family right now. I live in San Antonio, tx and my family is currently in a dispute with my families ex fiancé.

    My aunt recently passed due to covid rest her soul. She had bought a dog for her fiancé at the time and that's when she had caught covid. So after her passing he gave my family the dog stating that he couldn't keep her. He stated that he needed someone to take over payments (she was 4500), on the loan my aunt took out for her. She arrived with nothing but a kennel. The kennel apparently was filthy and cleaned more than once but still had poop caked on. She had an eye infection likely a bad case of pink eye due to the kennel. We have housed her for a month and that's when I decided I would keep the dog.

    Soon after that the loan company forgave the loan and he decided to demand the dog back so that he could sell her at a high price "to help him with debt". Mind you his name is not on the loan paperwork and we assumed the dog would move to next of kin.

    My main question is if he has any legal grounding on getting the dog?

    He only has her shot records and a AKC paperwork in his name when he had the puppy. His name was not on the loan. So we are not sure if she would fall to next of kin since they were not married, or if those bits of paperwork prove that he is the owner and he has rights to take her.

    We know that he has no care for the dog because he has already stating so he is just playing hardball with us about her.

    Any advice would be amazing. We just want her to stay with our loving home

    TLDR: my aunts died from covid and her ex-fiancé gave us his dog because he couldn't take over payments. My aunt's loan was forgiven and he is wanting her back to sell her. Does he have any legal precedent to take her back? He has ALC (American Kennel Club) and shot record paper work in his name.

    Edit: left out info

    submitted by /u/dunny-c
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    Is it illegal to sell a car as a private owner without a catalytic convertor?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:23 PM PST

    I purchased a car a few months ago from a private owner on Facebook, I had him sign a contract as a bill of sales. I was told the car may not pass DEQ due to an oil-burning issue. I had the car run through DEQ, it failed so I took it to a shop in town and had them inspect the vehicle for codes. They came back with electrical problems and they told me the catalytic converter was missing which I was unaware of. I looked up Oregon laws and was unsure whether this only pertains to dealerships or private owners. I contacted the seller asking about the catalytic converter and did not deny it not informing me about the catalytic converter and says that it is there. I have a statement from the car shop saying otherwise.

    submitted by /u/BonBlackwater
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    HOA forced everyone's decks to be condemned and built shitty ones in their place

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 06:59 PM PST

    im going to keep it short our HOA condemned everyone in the associations decks even thought only a couple weren't up to standards they then had a company do a shitty job (intentionally or not) the decks have multiple things wrong with them (and ours is one of the better ones) they sized things wrong and the boards are coming up they put a 10000$ lean on everyone's houses is there anything legally that we could do to try and get the price down? TLDR: hoa put shitty decks in that are already coming apart and put a 10000$ lean on the house edit: location MN

    submitted by /u/mysecretaccountuwu
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    Videos of my wasted brother

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 06:10 PM PST

    My brother has long had very serious addiction issues. He invited me to his house where he was with his 12-year-old son. My brother was totally wasted on prescription opiates and xanax. I mean WASTED - nodding in slow motion til his face was in his plate, sitting up and eating with food falling off his face and then repeating. He was slurring, falling asleep standing up. It was baaaaad. My poor nephew was crying saying he hates going there cause my brother is like this all the time. I took several very awful videos and called his ex to come get the boy.

    My brother is furious and says we are all over reacting. He doesn't have a problem etc etc. He hates me for "betraying" him.

    If I give the videos to my brother's ex to give to her lawyer to protect my nephew would I be criminally or civilly liable? This is in Indiana.

    submitted by /u/Registered_SOffender
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    What monies can I claim for car damages?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 09:58 PM PST

    Hi legaladvice,

    A dodge ram truck recently hit my parked car in NYC and left the scene. I have video proof showing him back into my parked car, and then leaving the scene so I absolutely have no fault. I was able to match his truck to a truck in the neighborhood with the same stickers at same positions to get his plate number. He is not admitting fault. Read a fuller description here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Insurance/comments/lc7w9g/truck_hit_my_parked_car_in_nyc/

    I filed a claim with my insurance with a $1,000 deductible. I think my video evidence is enough to identify the truck (I think it's pretty air tight, but I guess that's my biased opinion) and subrogate his insurance to recoup my deductible, towing fees, and car rental fees while the car is being repaired.

    From what I googled, I saw I can claim for diminished value. I asked my insurance, and they told me that I'd have to claim for diminished value by contacting his insurance myself. Fair I guess since I don't pay them for this. So I plan on contacting a lawyer that specializes in this. But any advise on this topic would be appreciated!

    Is there any other damages I can claim to make sure I am getting the most money possible to not be upside down on my loan?

    submitted by /u/bennetg14wastaken
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    I was given a dog and now the owner wants visitation

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:29 AM PST

    My niece's boss had purchased a puppy in early December 2020. He is a lawyer and has a busy life so he was unable to provide the puppy with the attention it needed. He had my niece watching the dog for a while and then gave her the dog without any type of written statement or exchange of money, just a verbal "the dog is yours now". All of the paperwork was given to my niece as well. This was at the beginning of January 2021.

    After about a week my niece was unable to take care of the puppy because she has a busy life between work and school. She offered the dog to me and my wife because we coincidentally already had a dog of the same breed. We accepted and have been caring for the puppy ever since. I have registered the puppy's microchip in our name, I have gotten her vaccinated and vet checked, I have registered her with the town, and I have the breeder's paperwork which was left empty so I filled it out in my name.

    My niece's boss is now requesting to take the dog "occasionally" (whatever that means) to see her. As far as I know, he has the bill of sale from the breeder but that's it as paperwork is concerned. Do I have to grant him access to the puppy? I'm concerned because he is a lawyer and I'm sure if I refuse he will threaten legal action.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Greninjahax
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    My dad died a couple years back. His girlfriend at the time had refused us entry to her house(where he lived) and access to any personal items of his, including his phone and laptop. She lives in DC. What can I do to get those before we settle the estate?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 09:40 PM PST

    Please ask for further details, I'm not sure what else is relevant here.

    submitted by /u/armadilloradio
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    Automotive repair unpaid. When is the vehicle mine?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 05:30 PM PST

    I run a small repair shop, performing a rather large job for this customer. Engine rebuild on an older vehicle. Customer hasn't paid anything and can't get a hold of him. I can't seem to find anything in writing on this subject.

    When can I sell this Truck? It's been months, I've left numerous messages with no answer or call back.

    Thanks in advance.

    I'm located in Saskatchewan, Canada 🇨🇦

    submitted by /u/sendityoupussy
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    My incarcerated drug addicted mother has given me full custody of my unborn sibling and I’m not sure how?? [ VA ]

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:41 PM PST

    So my mother has been incarcerated since September of last year. I've hardly talked to her up until this point and recently found out she was pregnant. Of the course the baby has issues, will be born premature, has a heart issue etc. but is due this June.

    None of my family wants to take this baby mind you my mother is on #8. Today I received a letter in the mail stating she has transferred full custody over to me and that I'm responsible for it.

    Forgive me if I sound stupid but this is an unborn child how can there be any custody to begin with? And two, I was not summoned to any court hearing. I signed nothing. I don't understand how any of this is even remotely possible unless this is some joke.

    submitted by /u/__nopls__
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    Minnesota/Wisconsin. What steps do I need to take to ensure a clean private sale of a Wisconsin-registered vintage camper (1969) without a title? As the buyer, I'm in Minnesota

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 04:44 PM PST

    My girlfriend and I are looking to purchase a vintage airstream to work on together over the pandemic. We found one for a good price and decided to purchase. The issue is that the current owner doesn't have a title as he purchased it from someone who had lost it (not unusual since it had been sitting in a field for 20 years previously - farmer thing).

    The current owner purchased with the intent to restore and recover the title but put it off too long due to an unexpected pregnancy.

    So here we are. Current owner has the bill of sale from when he bought it and I'm thinking of having a bill of sale drafted and brought to a notary to be signed by us and him. Will that sufficiently cover us while we issue a bonded title in MN? I'm apprehensive to dump money into a project while dealing with the possibility of someone coming to claim ownership.

    Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/superbudda494
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    In SC, USA. Bought land years ago. Town proposing ordinances/codes/etc that immediately make me in violation. What do I do?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 01:06 PM PST

    Currently going through divorce so I live in a camper I have on my premarital land. Things in the rules that are problematic for me: - cannot stay in a camper/rv/etc or have one visible from the street (I'm on wooded acreage so seeing my camper is not an issue) - minimum frontage of lots would be 250ft (My property is narrow and long so it is in violation). Obviously there is nothing I can do to alter the shape or size of my lot. There doesn't appear to be any grandfather clause. This cannot be legal to just make my property in violation and then take action against me.

    I intend on voting against it and rallying anyone I can to do the same. How should I approach this should it pass?

    submitted by /u/rossionq1
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    [Landlord- NJ] Tenant wants to break to lease, wants prorated rent + deposit back

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 03:53 AM PST

    I own a condo in North Jersey in a high rise and had a good tenant there for a year. Her lease was due for renewal in October and I asked her if she wanted to renew for another year. She said yes and renewed without a question. The lease started December 1st and on December 18th, she sent me a written 60 days notice to leave without any reason nor discussing it with me prior. I told her i would let her off the lease as per her 60 days notice which we discussed last year, but as i am currently out of the country, there is a pandemic, it is the middle of the winter and holidays, it may take me some time to find a replacement tenant and that it would may be longer than 60 days and that she would be responsible for the rent until i find a replacement tenant. I put an ad on a few sites asap but it has been quiet and i still could not find a qualified tenant.

    She emailed me yesterday saying she spoke to her attorney and her attorney advised that: 1) I prorate two weeks out of February and take it out of her deposit and 2) give her the rest of her deposit by Zelle.

    I told her she would be responsible for February in full and i cannot prorate it, also her notice of termination had to be 60 days from the pay period not just any random date of her choice, also i cannot accept her deposit as rent since (certainly won't Zelle it even if i returned it) i won't be left with anything in case there is a damage to my apartment. I also told her that her attorney did not sound like he knew what he was talking about and that i was disappointed with her for expecting to break her lease and get portion of her rent back!

    She stopped communicating altogether after this and yesterday made a request to my building maintenance to have her lock changed. My building manager told me that she would have to give a copy to the building as per building rules.

    Anyone have any thoughts about how to handle this situation moving forward and how to deal with this situation? Is asking her to pay until the unit re rents considered a "penalty" after the 60 days notice? My intention was to rent the unit and once i have a tenant in place, return her deposit. in full if no damages to the apartment.

    I asked an attorney and he advised that since all courts are closed since last March there are no avenues to collect February's rent nor anything beyond that... Is there anything i am doing wrong here?

    submitted by /u/No_Reputation_3054
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    Is it legal to charge employees for being on phone?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 04:18 PM PST

    Basically, the fast food employer has been changing timesheets so that employees are not being paid for the hours worked. When confronted, the reasoning provided by the employer is that employees are on their phone during slow periods during their shift, so the employer has the right to edit the timesheet for any time spent not spent serving customers or preparing food.

    For example, if employee A clocked in at 5:00 and clocked out at 9:00, the employer is editing the time sheet to say that employer A clocked out at 8:00, instead of 9:00. As a result, employee A is being paid for 3 hours of labor, as compared to 4 hours of labor to compensate for any down time spent not working.

    Is this legal? If not, what can be done about it?Both the manager and owner claim that it is legal. The company does not have HR.

    According to the Texas department of labor, processing times can take 6-8 months and the whole wage theft process seems like a huge burden for around $400 of shortage.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/hslf
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    Would taking an 18 year old out of an abusive household/situation without asking the parents be illegal?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 09:16 PM PST

    Location: America, East Coast My friends and I have been throwing around the idea that as soon as we all turn 18 we're going to help one of my other friends escape an extremely abusive household. The problem is their parents are very over reaching and if proposed would never let her leave the house completely alone. Mind you by the time this happens they'll be 18 and 3 months and if the parents were to sue us for taking her out of the household without their knowledge, would there be repercussions? Would it be possible that me and my friends might go to jail?

    submitted by /u/Queen_Perri
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    [OH] Can I get a civil protection order dropped?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 06:54 PM PST

    I was wondering if it is possible and what steps I can take to get the CPO against me dropped. It has been a year since it was placed against me. No actually criminal offense. I have 2 years left. I have never violated it and would like it gone. I really would like to own a firearm again. So what steps do I take and is it likely or possible?

    submitted by /u/MrOreo3
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