• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 28, 2019

    Legal Advice - Have been sick for 18 months. Found out through a 2nd Dr. opinion, the day before Christmas, that that my first hospital/doctor likely misdiagnosed my condition. New doctor says says surgery is now no longer an option, and was told to get my affairs in order. What can I do?

    Legal Advice - Have been sick for 18 months. Found out through a 2nd Dr. opinion, the day before Christmas, that that my first hospital/doctor likely misdiagnosed my condition. New doctor says says surgery is now no longer an option, and was told to get my affairs in order. What can I do?

    Have been sick for 18 months. Found out through a 2nd Dr. opinion, the day before Christmas, that that my first hospital/doctor likely misdiagnosed my condition. New doctor says says surgery is now no longer an option, and was told to get my affairs in order. What can I do?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 03:49 AM PST

    It's three in the morning here. Haven't slept much in 4 days. Apologies if I'm unable to separate my emotions with objectivity.

    I'm (44M) a husband to my wife (40F) and a father to two children under 18.

    In June of 2018 I began having small seizures and went to see my PCP who referred me to my hospitals Nerology clinic. The clinic ran bloodwork, did a spinal MRI, and a 60 minute EEG. Concluded that my seizures were psychogenic. For the next year+ the seizers grew worse. I went back to the neurology clinic a dozen more times.. my wife and I practically begging for some... any... additional testing to get to the bottom of the seizures. Well documented.

    Fed up, in early December of this year I went to see another neurologist / hospital for a second opinion. I've was in the hospital for weeks where they ran much more extensive testing including a complete brain / spinal MRI, brain CT, Lumbar Puncture, and other more exhaustive EEG tests.

    On December 23rd, my last day in the hospital, my "second opinion" neurologist and neurosurgeon told my wife and I that I have an tumor that likely spread from a misdiagnosed growth in my right front parietal lobe... which has spread to the base of my brain stem. The right frontal tumor is operable, but the cancer in the base of my brain stem is not.

    The 2nd doctor(s) dont seem to want to throw the other hospital under the bus, but it's obvious (at least to my wife and I) that they think my first doctors made some pretty bad mistakes in missing some fairly obvious signs and failing to run some basic tests,

    I'm sick to my stomach. I think partly because I'm scared out of my mind for both me and my family, but also at the thought that this could have been avoided. It's likely I won't have the strength to find out if, or how, the first hospital messed up.. I'm not sure I'll even be around to find out let alone ask the questions.

    No one thinks I should worry and stress about what "could have been done", and to focus my energy on getting "well" whole getting my affairs in order.

    I can't help but rage at my first doctors for, what it feels and sounds like, is a major fuck up.

    Assuming that the first hospital made a mistake, where do I even start to get the legal help I need to unwind the last 18 months? What happens if I'm not around to get to the bottom of the possible mistakes the first hospital made?

    Edit - Located in California as are both hospitals.

    submitted by /u/nopeunit
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    Neighbors cut down two very large trees in our backyard without our permission

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 02:53 PM PST

    Update: located in Cincinnati, OH. Live in a single family home.

    Just got back home from a week long Christmas vacation and were shocked to find two very large, very old trees cut down in our backyard (probably 50 year old trees). The trees provide shade and privacy in our backyard, and now there's a huge hole and a giant pile of lumber against our back fence.

    There's a tree removal truck in our next door neighbors yard, so it's obviously their doing. They did not ask us for permission, and they had to trespass in our backyard in order to cut the trees down. What should we do? We tried to knock on their door and get an explanation but they weren't home. We left a note to contact us ASAP. We've never met them before so we don't know their names.

    For more background, the trees were not hanging over the fence into their yard. We weren't really maintaining the two trees but we never heard any complaints. The neighbors live in a million dollar mansion and we live in a normal starter home, so I don't know if they just didn't like the view or what.

    Should we go to the police to file a report? Or go to small claims court? Do we need a lawyer?

    submitted by /u/instantlyjessi
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    (North Carolina) Trying to understand 'misdemeanor death by motor vehicle' charges

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:04 PM PST

    In August of this year, three friends of mine were killed in North Carolina by a motorist who crossed a double yellow and hit their vehicle while texting and driving. I have been following the case and it appears that the motorist has only been charged with three counts of misdemeanor death by motor vehicle, rather than felony death by motor vehicle, manslaughter, or any more serious crime.

    If I'm reading the law correctly, it seems that the maximum sentence that this carries is.....only 150 days, and whatever fine the judge decides to impose. I'm furious that someone could kill three people and receive only this amount of jail time, but my anger is besides the point of this post.

    Am I reading the law correctly in this case? Are there any other relevant statutes that might impact how much time someone would serve for such a crime?

    submitted by /u/Dat_terp_u_no
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    Bank let my $8,000 CD get escheated and wants me to put up another in its place

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:44 PM PST

    ~11 years ago I got a mortgage for a 140k house just before the housing market crashed, at the height of sub prime loans and all that. I had little credit history and a condition of my loan was that I put up an $8,000 CD as collateral. The same financial institution has both my mortgage and 8k CD.

    About 8 years ago I drew off the interest on my CD to pay for some home repairs, with the bank's permission.

    Last week I was looking at doing some more home repairs and thought I'd check in with the bank about drawing off the interest again thinking I would have a bit more interest on it now.

    The loan officer types for a minute on his computer, then says 'Huh... it looks like 3 months ago your CD was escheated to the government for being abandoned property'. Then he says I should have received something in the mail to sign at some point before, like a renewal, and that I didn't sign it and therefore the CD was escheated.

    Then he tells me that because the 8k CD was collateral, it needs to be replaced or I might not get my loan renewed.

    Where do I go from here? I checked the website for unclaimed property but the loan officer said it will probably take a few months before it even shows up in the systems.

    Can anyone tell me what exactly is going on here? It sounds like the blame is on me, but I open anything that doesn't look like junk mail and don't remember ever receiving something like that the loan officer was talking about.

    EDIT: This is in North Carolina

    submitted by /u/debacin333
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    HOA stole my mom’s money

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 08:37 AM PST

    My mom has been living in her townhome for good 15 years or so. Recently, she and her neighbors discovered that the treasurer for their HOA has neglected to pay the water bill. Everyone in the neighborhood is now several thousands of dollars behind and could lose their homes if it isn't paid. My mom was advised that she would most likely be owed the money back if she were to sue, but rumor has it the treasurer lost all the money to a drug habit and the HOA would never be able to pay it back. She and a few other neighbors tried to get everyone together to start a lawsuit but enthusiasm is low due to several factors:

    Lawsuits cost money and no one thinks they will get a return on their investment Many of the residents are renters and aren't interested in this dispute Most of the owners in the neighborhood are elderly and don't have the energy to fight for it

    One of the elderly neighbors who has been there as long as I can remember and has decided to sell her home and move in with her daughter partially due to this issue. It just doesn't seem right. Is there anything my mom can do on her own or with a couple of other neighbors that doesn't come with such a big financial risk?

    At this time, this person is still working for the HOA and the fees have not changed. They are completely ignoring the issue presumably until they are forced to do otherwise.

    My my also has concerns about other practices that seem shady and predatory towards the older members of the community. General advice concerning these matters are welcome as well.

    Edit: We are located in WI

    submitted by /u/lentilsoup14
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    My fiancee is not recieving mail at our address anymore, USPS told us that our apartment manager instructed them not to deliver to her anymore.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 11:04 AM PST

    We reside in Missouri and for the past month she hasn't recieved any mail, however had been for over a year and a half prior to this. She called the post office to find out what was happening to her mail. When she finally got an answer 3 days later USPS informed her that the landlord is refusing to allow anyone who is not on the lease to recieve mail any more. We have tried multiple times to get her on the lease, but there is such a high turnover rate in the office that despite our efforts they have not drawn up the papers for us.

    So my questions are 1 is it legal for them to stop her from receiving mail when this is her legal address on her driver's license? 2 with her being a legal resident of this address and us trying multiple times to get her on the lease can the landlord punish us for their negligence? 3 what options at this time do I have as in legal recourse other than adding her to the lease when we have been unsuccessful up to this point to be able to even do? Any advice or thoughts are welcome and much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/a_wet_shit
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    My employer physically assaulted me.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:33 PM PST

    Location: Hawaii

    My employer / owner of the company grabbed me by the neck and pushed me against the wall after we had been arguing about work related problems. His wife and a coworker got him off of me and I got out the back door. I've already filed a police report, they took pictures taken of bruising on my neck and such, but no serious injuries. But I want to slam this bastard as hard as I can.

    Do I have grounds to sue outside of criminal charges?

    The issue will be that it's a small business and it's mostly his family that works there. And I'm pretty sure they will back him no matter what. What can I do in this situation? Dude is twice my size and I'm afraid to even go get my belongings and my last check.

    submitted by /u/silentgreen86
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    I [16M] was awoken to the sight of my dad standing next to my bed masturbating.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 11:19 AM PST

    I posted in r/relationship_advice already and was told to post here

    Throwaway for obvious reasons, typed on mobile, apologies for formatting.

    As the title says, I was woken up this morning at around 6:15 to my dad standing next to my bed masturbating. He has a past history with sleepwalking and has pissed in laundry baskets before and other places of the house and every now and then i'll hear him walk the halls at night. He has never entered my room until recently. Last week i was awake at 1 am and he opened my door and i acted like i was waking up and i asked him what he needed. He mumbled something that sounded like "my bad" and left the room. Fast forward to today and I had just woken up to the sound of him masturbating and i see his figure standing next to my bed illuminated by my red led lights, so i mumble shouted "What are you doing" and he left the room immediately. He left the door ajar so I know that I wasn't just seeing things, as my door is always closed at night. I have no past history with sleep paralysis or lifelike dreams that transition into reality. I am still in shock, it's been 5 hours since it happened and I am shaky and paranoid and don't know how i am going to sleep tonight.

    If I set up a camera, what should I do to make sure I don't get any legal backlash?

    I don't want to call cps yet or talk to my mom about it because I don't want them divorcing, and my mom has trust issues with me so she wouldn't believe me regardless. I would be called a liar. If I confront my dad he will either not remember it if he was sleepwalking and if he was consciously doing it he will deny it aswell.

    I live in California, USA

    submitted by /u/imscaredthrowaway6
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    Utility easement in my backyard is causing issues. What legal resources do I have?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 01:18 PM PST

    Located in Lexington, Kentucky. I have a utility easement for an internet provider located in my fenced backyard of a house I own. I'll call them Company A. I don't use them for internet. I use Company B. Company A consistently enters my backyard without notice, leaves long utility cables unburied for weeks, and litters. They have also cut my internet line from Company B twice now while burying their own lines. 1. I understand that the easement means the company must have access, but do I have the legal right to lock my gate and disallow access unless given 24 hours notice by Company A? 2. Is there anything I can do to get some sort of compensation out of Company A for my own lost services and disrespect for my yard?

    Thank you for any advice.

    submitted by /u/Actuallynotaninsect
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    Friends mom does not want an autopsy on her dad who died in his sleep randomly

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:42 PM PST

    Dayton, Ohio. So my friends dad died randomly in his sleep. Facts that I know is he had heart problems and he also was very depressed, and also he and his wife were on the verge of divorce.

    The story is is that he was home alone for the first time in a while as his wife left for a church trip, and he died on the couch in his sleep.

    Her mom decided she did not want an autopsy at all, but my friend wants one as she thinks maybe there could be foul play as the dad had just come into An absolute buttload or money that he inherited

    Maybe he had a heart attack, maybe he killed himself, maybe it was foul play, but what could my friend do to figure this out?

    submitted by /u/chickenhead22
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    My 13 year old friend has been sending nude pictures of herself to strangers for months. Is there anything I can do for her or that she can do?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:51 AM PST

    (Sorry if tagged incorrectly) I'm 13F, as is my friend. We are both Australian if that helps.

    She's always been a little wild (dumb) but last night she messaged me over Instagram saying "fcking kill me, my life is fcking over. Please help me, it's really bad, really bad" (rephrased). I was kind of freaking out because I thought she might've gotten arrested, so asked her what was wrong. She replied "Someone is gonna spread something about me." We basically had a guessing game where I tried to figure out what she'd done and after a while I said child porn (jokingly).

    She said yes.

    I asked, "Did they get leaked?" and she said "Someone is going to. [Her older friend] didn't cover my face and they said they are going to leak them to show we are sluts." so I asked to know who sent them, if she said they could send them, who took them and if she consented it having them taken. She replied that she'd consented to having them both taken and sent, that her older friend had taken and sent them, and that she didn't know who they were sent to, where they lived or how old they were. I asked, "are you sure you don't know who they are? Have you sent them to the person before?"

    She said she'd done it multiple times. Like over months she and her older friend had been sending naked pictures of themselves, both of them underage. I basically face palmed at this point, told her she could probably press charges and that she shouldn't do it again. Now I think about it more I'm totally freaking out for her.

    submitted by /u/topsecretspam
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    Signed a lease on a duplex two days ago, paid first month’s rent and security deposit, and landlord is suddenly being VERY SKETCHY and has admitted to lying about some things. Can I back out?!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:20 PM PST

    Literally just moved most of my stuff into the apartment today. I told the landlord I was about $100 short on security deposit till my next paycheck - my bad I know - so she created an addendum that I signed stating that I'll pay the last chunk on January 3 (next paycheck). This is in Michigan (USA).

    Red flag #1: She then told me, after signing, that she will hold onto the key until the 3rd. Uhhhh....what? This is my residence now. All of my belongings are here. It's not the best area in town. Am I supposed to leave my stuff unlocked all day while I'm at work? Am I supposed to call her every day this week when I'm on the way home so she can let me in? How is this legal at all? At this point I'm kind of weirded out, so I drive back there after spending the evening with my family so I can keep an eye on the place and make sure nothing too fishy is going on

    Red flag #2: I was glad to see her car was still in the driveway when I arrived because I wanted to confront her about the key issue. What do I find? My bedroom light is on. I made sure 1000% that all lights were off before I left. So I confront her about that, and she claims I must have left it on. I did NOT. So at this point, she is already creeping into my apartment unannounced and uninvited and lying about it.

    Red flag #3: my apartment is the upstairs of a two story house. She previously told me that an old lady lives on the first floor and that it's my responsibility as a tenant to take care of yard work (mowing, snow shoveling). Strange I suppose, but for the monthly rate she was asking, I figured it was worth it. Well, it turns out that it is actually HER living on the bottom floor. Not some other tenant which she previously told me. So not only is she a lazy piece of shit, but she straight up lied to my face and now this sketchy person who has already barged into my apartment is actually going to be living directly beneath me.

    Yesterday she was great and I felt great about this situation. Today, I now feel very uncomfortable and very unsafe. She is straight up scaring me. And unfortunately, she also has $1,000 of mine along with a signed lease. What the hell do I do?

    submitted by /u/mayonnaise_man
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    What are my rights as a sibling?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 08:22 PM PST

    I'm 22F, and I have two half brothers (3&5 yrs old) that are in foster care in the state of CT. I work for my own living, have a place with my partner, I'm in grad school for elementary art education, and have a BFA from a prestigious university as well as spending lots of time working with kids.

    My mom (45F) lost them to foster care in about September after having an open DCF case for over two years. She lost them because of neglect (was the same when I was a kid), she was dating a felon who wears an ankle tracker and let him live in our house against CPS and then lied about it, and was accused of using/selling drugs (pills, psychedelics, opiates) and has a problem with alcohol. She has never been admitted to rehab, she's extremely manipulative and has supposedly had psych evaluations required by the state, but she says she passed and I'm not sure if I believe her (she has a history of lying). I also believe she is mentally unfit to parent, she has extreme paranoia, a compulsive lying problem, forgets her own stories, and I believe she does not even have a grasp on what is reality and what she does in her head.

    Despite my brothers being in a foster home that is a million times better than at home, she is somehow still dictating how often I'm able to see/communicate with them. I was told that I was not a safety concern and therefore I had full access to them. A few weeks later, I was told that my mom was now demanding that my visits be supervised and limited to only one hour a week, however I live in Boston so I am only able to visit once in a while, so one hour is nothing since I'd been previously able to take them for a few hours to my partners parents house and then bring them back.

    For Christmas, I purchased them each an old model iPad, set it up with a bunch of educational games, kids YouTube, and put in my and my partners contact info so they could call us. I found out today that my mom took the ipads away and deleted everything of my info from them on her last visit.

    As a sibling, what are my rights as far as communicating from afar? What steps should I take?

    The case worker is extremely dodgy, never returns my phone calls or texts, presumably because my mom told her not to. However, as a stable and responsible adult in their lives, I don't feel my access to them should be limited.

    I have not communicated with my mom since October- her number is blocked though I'm sure she has tried to text me and yell at me.

    Any/all advice is welcome. I'm thinking of getting a lawyer, but my time and budget is tight while I'm in school. Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/lessthananartist
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    My aunt stole my fathers life insurance from me.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:04 PM PST

    I'm using a throwaway because I have family that uses reddit and I don't want them knowing my main account.

    I'm doing the succession for my father. I learned from my cousin that my aunt stole my fathers life insurance. He told me that the check came to my fathers house after he died and my aunt cashed it. Her name was not on the policy. I know this because my father hated her. My father had two children and I feel like we should have gotten the money.

    She did not tell me or my sibling about the life insurance. In fact after the funeral she told he didn't have any. She said that I would have to pay for the headstone for the grave because of this.

    Is there anything I can do to get the money back? Can I sue? Is she entitled to the money? I'm in Louisiana.

    submitted by /u/horriblefamily21312
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    Employer changing maternity leave policy week before I am due

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 09:07 AM PST

    Quick (somewhat) background: I am just about 39 weeks pregnant (due Jan 6th 2020). I work for a very small bank in Iowa, one branch & only 5 FT employees & two PT staff. Obviously FMLA doesn't apply for my leave. We have an 8 week maternity policy in our handbook & we are told it is paid leave. My coworker and I were pregnant at the same time (due same week even), but she was carrying twins & had them just this Monday. She had a rough pregnancy and was very ill most of it, was bedridden for months. During that time the bank paid her the 8 weeks, stating that this was considered her 8 weeks of paid leave. That was fine.

    Then just yesterday at the end of my day, 9 days before I am due, my boss told me that they've "changed their mind" and will NOT be paying me during my 8 weeks off. So not only did they pay my coworker her 8 weeks but my boss & I have had multiple talks just last month about my leave being paid. This is a complete shock, I'm surprised I didn't go into labor when he told me. When I told him this seems extremely unfair, he said "we regret paying her for those weeks & we shouldn't have paid her"...like that's a good excuse?

    My boss is literally making up policies as he goes. Is this legal?? He is springing this on me so suddenly & it feels like I'm being discriminated against. I do plan on talking to him again on Monday & seeing if I can get him to change his mind. Sorry if this is a jumbled mess, been up all night stressing about this. Thank you for any and all feedback!

    submitted by /u/itswhatevs90
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    Got ran off the road, and brake checked by someone in an SUV while riding motorcycle. Now I'm the one being sued.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 09:56 AM PST

    First post here, but have always been a longtime lurker. In June of this past year I got into a small fender bender while riding motorcycle.

    Here's how it happened: I was riding on a 2 lane road. One car was waiting for a break in oncoming traffic so they could turn left into a gas station. Subsequently 2 cars behind this car, and me, were stuck waiting. So being on a motorcycle there was plenty of room for me to go around the 3 cars on the shoulder of the road and not have to wait. So that's what i did. About a mile up the road one of those cars I went around caught up to me and started laying on their horn and getting really close to me. So I flipped him off and kept driving. Next thing I know he is in the other lane right next to me and swerves over towards me and I had to quickly get off the road and luckily there was a parking lot I was able to shoot into. I get back onto the road, and now he is infront of me. At this point he slams on his brakes and I slam on mine to avoid collision, and I almost come to a stop, but my front tire scuffs the paint of his rear bumper, and Luckily I wasn't hurt or ejected into his back window. So he gets out yelling at me how it's my fault, the cop comes, I give him my story and the guy gives a totally different story, we exchange information and then we both head our seperate ways.

    Now he is trying to sue me for $15,000 for bodily injury. I'm just flabbergasted he can because I was on a motorcycle and I had no injuries. I didn't even hit him hard enough to jolt his car, it was just a paint scuff. So I had a witness who saw the whole thing and was backing up my side of the story but the insurance companies dismissed him as a witness because we went to the same high school, both graduating only a few years prior and they said he could be a biased witness because of that. The cop said at the scene said I shouldn't have passed him, he shouldnt have ran me off the road, but there was nothing he could do, so he wrote up the police report that I was not able to stop in time. So I am wondering, is there anything i can do? Or am i just stuck and have to accept getting sued. I'm located in Pennsylvania

    submitted by /u/glutenglen
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    My Florida job might fire me today if I don’t know the answer to this by 3pm

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:34 AM PST

    So I was working on my fourth shift ever at a movie theater when one of my managers (we'll call him Jacob) comes up to me and tell me that I need a walkie-talkie. I asked Jacob for one at the beginning of my shift because I've seen everyone else with one and my coworkers have asked me, on multiple occasions, where my walkie-talkie is.

    One coworker told me about their process for issuing these walkie talkies and it turns out that in order to check out a walkie, you must present "collateral" in exchange for a tool (walkie talkie) not required required for my position (mind you I didn't even need one on the opening night of the new Star Wars movie), yet they are provided as needed. I refused to present him with any of my personal belongings as "collateral" as my car keys, my phone (Brand new iPhone 11), and my wallet (containing Christmas Cash) were all on me, which are all worth way more than a walkie.

    He went to consult another manager that also resulted in pretty much the same conversation, except he called the General Manager, attempted to find something in the employee hand book to back his claim to "collateral", finding nothing on "collateral" but it does state that each theater will have a "formal policy on issuing" these walkies. There is no "formal" policy on this and I am meeting with the GM today to decide my fate for refusing to provide "collateral".

    TLDR: Can my employer require that I present them with my personal belongings in exchange (as "collateral") for required tools without warning, or even at all? In addition to this, in the state of Florida, can corrective action leading up to termination take place if I refuse to present my personal belongings to my employer?

    Edit: I know that there are things I can provide in which have no immediate value (ex: an empty gift card) as "collateral", however I am asking about the legality of asking for my personal belongings in the first place and whether I can be penalized for refusing to provide the "collateral" requested of me, whether it be a strike on record for the future or terminated outright.

    submitted by /u/DontResp0nd
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    (GA) Private university required to have ADA entrance to building?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:54 PM PST

    I go to a private university in Georgia, USA. I will be using a wheelchair in the upcoming months. However, the building that houses my major does not have an accessible entrance.

    1. It has elevators inside.
    2. It has been refurbished semi-recently and is very frequently used.
    3. There is no alternate space available for me to take my classes in as they are very specific to this location.

    I plan to speak to Disability Services when I return from break, but what should I say/mention? I do not want my university to get in trouble, I just want to be able to get to class!

    submitted by /u/murmillone
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    My boyfriend’s name is on the lease. We broke up and now he wants to sell my things because he says he legally owns them now. How do I get my things back?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 01:40 AM PST

    I've been dating this guy for a few months. I moved in pretty quick to his place even though I have my own place that I still pay for. His name is on the lease but I have a key to the apartment and a parking spot that has my license plate registered so that it doesn't get towed. We recently broke up and he got a little rough so I called the cops because I was scared. When they showed up they said I had to be escorted off the property and that I had to go through the court to get my things. The police officer told me that I could go when he wasn't there to get my things since I have a key but he told me he would press charges if I "broke in." He said he owns my things because he makes more money than me and that his name is on the lease and if he wants to sell and burn my things than legally he can and I can't do anything about it. I don't know what to do and I can't afford a lawyer. What can I do to get my things back?

    Edit: called SAPD this morning and they told me I have every right to grab my things. I just need a police escort to make sure I'm grabbing my personal items. Going to get my things after work!

    Edit: update. He pawned and sold all of my belongings. At this point the cops were no help. How do I approach a civil suit like that?

    submitted by /u/pumpkinpieslut
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    removing historical landmark designation from home in NJ

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 03:00 PM PST

    My family is burdened with many debts stemming from maintaining large home with historical landmark designation. My elderly parents cannot afford the home and have been trying to sell it for years. The land is worth a lot but only to companies that want to demolish and rebuild, which is not currently an option. How do we go about removing this designation. This is in NJ.

    submitted by /u/vealthy
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    Copyright from 1973?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:54 PM PST

    I have a vinyl record called "Funtime Circus" that I found at a thrift store. I sampled a brief section in one of my songs that I am releasing commercially next month. I can't figure out whether the copyright has expired or not. The only information on the vinyl is "℗1973 Western Publishing Company, Inc. Racine Wisconsin 53404 All rights reserved". I did a bunch of digging and found the original copyright document online, but I can't interpret it to figure out if the copyright is still valid. I also found that the trademark for this particular set of records expired long ago but can't for the life of me find the copyright information. How do I know if it is expired? I don't want to ruin my music with copyright issues in the future!

    submitted by /u/emilygshaw
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    Neighbors ignoring property boundaries

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 08:30 PM PST

    So, I live in Mass and my parents who are elderly own a parcel of land next to another parcel owned by a cooporation that leases out parcels to lawn companies and other small businesses. The first issue is the lawn companies start up their equipment early in the AM which is loud and produces large amount of smoke that wafts to my parents house in the early hours of the morning. Also, the lot behind their house is practically a dump and these neighbors have stacked trash and such directly against my parents property line (directly against their fence). Also, part of the property has an ill defined property line and so much of their equipment and supplies is over the property line. They also rent out part of a building to a detailing business. They are running a car wash almost 16 hours day holidays/weekends and the power washer is incredibly loud. We have spoken to this neighbor a few times to no avail. I just don't know were to go with this. The land is zones light industrial behind my parents residential property. I tried calling the town code enforcer but she never returns my call.

    submitted by /u/ChazRPay
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    I don't even know but... please answer

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 08:15 PM PST

    Okay, so a short backstory I guess ? So my parents want to buy a property but they are undocumented and they want to put the house under my name so they can purchase it, yet I am not of legal age yet, I am only 16, and I just wanted to know if there are any forms or any ways that my parents could purchase it. We were thinking of using my ssn, yet I don't want to get them in trouble with the law, as I've already seen a lot of posts regarding that, saying it is a form of identity theft. Please comment, any type of advice would help, thank you , have a great day/night !

    submitted by /u/estellefatimuhhh
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