• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 29, 2019

    Legal Advice - Not hired because I sued a previous employer for sexually assaulting me.

    Legal Advice - Not hired because I sued a previous employer for sexually assaulting me.

    Not hired because I sued a previous employer for sexually assaulting me.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 04:02 PM PST

    This is in California / New York City. (I'm in the city, interviewing for a job In California.)

    Two years ago I sued a previous employer after they repeatedly sexually assaulted me.

    I was in the final rounds of interviews for a big tech company and they told me today— explicitly, in an email— that they had decided against hiring me.

    Not because I wasn't a good candidate, but because as a matter of policy, they don't hire people who have previously sued employers. They told me this because my interviewer wanted to apologize for wasting my time, saying if he had known about this earlier he never would have called me back for a second interview.

    If this was said in person I'd drop it... but I have it clear as day in an email from them. Is this... legal?

    submitted by /u/AnaHail
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    Must I divulge the reason that I am refusing active shooter training? WI

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 07:45 AM PST

    Hello. I work at 2 jobs, a regular job in the government and a weekend job at a large retailer. Yesterday I was told at Large Interstate Retailer that I must take their active shooter training. I said I would not. I was then told to talk to security and was basically yelled at for about 8 minutes. I still refused, although I did say I have had similar training at my other job and have a background in LE, which LIR did not know.

    So throughout the day, I was sent to talk to various managers. At this point they want a "detailed excuse". I was also told that I will be meeting with HR today when I start. I assume I will be fired.

    I was involved in a shooting incident years ago, was injured, and diagnosed with PTSD about a year after. I do not wish to take this training because I am sure my brain will mark my job as a "dangerous place" and I will have continual anxiety while there. I also am completely unwilling to disclose any of this to my coworkers. I don't need to work at LIR, but I enjoy my coworkers, have become mostly desensitized to crowds and public spaces, and the continuous polite retail conversation is therapeutic to me.

    I feel that this would fall under HIPAA. Should I offer a generic doctor's excuse? Does this qualify as a medical issue that would require accommodation? I am exempt from this training at my government job and did not have to offer any documentation at all.

    Thank you for your advice

    submitted by /u/Roosterlampshade
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    Old job fired a guy 10 years ago for child pornography on company computers, never reported him, now he’s committed assault on a child and been arrested. Do I report or has it been too long to matter?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 07:24 AM PST

    Hi, this story could be confusing so bear with me and I'll try to be clear.

    I worked at a medical center in Tennessee about 10 years ago. During that time, an employee was quietly fired. I later found out from a friend in IT that this employee was engaging in online child pornography. The company did NOT report this to police, instead, they deleted his browser history and just moved on. I was naive at the time I suppose, but now realize they never should have covered this up for him. I believe they were afraid of bad publicity.

    Flash forward to today, when I see he's been arrested for sexual abuse of a ten year old girl. He put photos and vids of her on a foreign site where they were viewed over a million times.

    I'm pretty angry that this possibly could have been avoided had he been reported ten years ago for what he did at work. I can't believe they covered this up for him.

    Homeland Security is investigating along with local Police.

    All of this to ask, should I report what happened ten years ago at my old job concerning this guy? Or has too much time passed? Is the info I have relevant?

    submitted by /u/Iittlemouse
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    Neighbors tree cutting

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 06:53 AM PST

    We left town for a long weekend and to our surprise, 2 of our 100 plus year old trees had been topped, leaving only two 40 ft trunks with no limbs. It looks like the trees were cut exactly along the property line. The roots and trunk are on our property and all the limbs crossed the property line. We were not consulted and have never met the owners. The trees now look ridiculous and their viability questionable without any foliage. Is this legal? Thanks so much in advance

    Edit: we live in MA

    submitted by /u/bigcoffee15
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    RN Required to be on call and on an App 48 hrs straight, not overtime. Little sleep, feels dangerous. Indiana USA

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 05:42 AM PST

    I work as an RN "on call" in a pseudo hospital in patient setting near Chicago (but in Indiana). I am on call for 48 hours straight. No overtime. I am paid a flat fee per day, regardless of hours worked. Some days it's 1 hour a day. Some days its 18 hours. Typically work is during the day, but often its overnight too.

    My issue is it's not typical "on call" with a pager or cell phone. My employer uses an app which requires me to be "plugged in" and responsive all 48 hrs. Including all night. Which is super dangerous to my patients because it makes sleep impossible. I take call from home and have a normal amount of time to report on site.

    My question is regarding legality and pay for on call work. I have attached Indiana on call info but I am confused about the fact we don't use the phone or pager, we use an app. So it's not like I am chilling the whole time I am home. I am working much of it.

    Is is correct that I should not get overtime? My confused circles around home engagement when I "should" be able to do normal daily activities etc.

    on call - IN

    submitted by /u/streetMD
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    (California) I've been arrested for having my prescription medication outside of their bottles.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 11:49 PM PST

    I was driving home from work two days ago when I was pulled over for having a bad tail light, which I didn't notice and was hoping for just a warning, at worst ticket. I was super tired and I guess the officer thinks tired = under the influence, because he asked me to step out and said he suspected I was DUI (he thought I was on meth because he said my eyes "looked like it". I performed the sobriety tests and another officer searched my vehicle. I passed the sobriety test but then the other officer came out of my car with a box, which was my box where I keep my medication (Xanax being the main one). They said I had controlled substances and asked if I had a prescription. I said I did but I didn't have it on me, and then they arrested me for improper handling of my medication ("controlled substances") and intent to distribute! I managed to get bailed out thankfully but now I have a court appearance in a week for a preliminary hearing, and I'm facing both felony charges for intent to distribute and misdemeanor charges for the meds. I have all the paperwork and documentation to prove they are mine, I even told the cops I can get them in my apartment but nope, was arrested.

    I talked to a lawyer who said the intent to distribute would likely be dropped, but I would still be facing misdemeanor charges for possession. He said I'd likely have to do a plea deal to drop the felony charges and that I'll likely face some time in county jail and probation and a narcotics program. This is ridiculous! I can prove they are my meds, so I'm going to do that at my court appearance. What should I do in the meantime, is there anything I can do? Or am I just screwed?

    submitted by /u/throwawaya141
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    My aunt is calling me a murderer among other racist things

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 01:04 PM PST

    This is gonna be a bit long so be forewarned.

    I'm 33 f from Canada. For the few years previous to recent events, my mother went from being an absolutely glowing figure, a supermom that everyone adored, to a drug addict with serious mental health issues.

    About 2 years ago I staged an intervention with my sister in an attempt to get my mother back on track and give her the ultimatum: choose between this lifestyle and your kids. I felt justified in cutting her off when she chose the drugs. As I'm sure anyone who struggles with addicts in their lives can relate to, I said some unkind things to my mother regarding her addiction. I wanted her to get better. I'm human and I was angry that I was being forced into this reversal of roles. I had an aunt that continuously enabled her and encouraged her to party and use drugs so she wouldn't be a lowlife on her own.

    Cut to a few months ago. I'd had minimal contact with my mother when I found out she killed herself. She hung herself after doing a bunch of pills and coke one night. I'm still figuring out how to deal with this and grieve, despite my anger and my hard line against her behavior, I still loved my mom and thought she would turn things around. I never imagined this happening.

    But for 6 months since her death, my aunt has harassed me almost daily, calling me a murderer, saying I killed my mother. She posts horrible things about me on social media, and has hundreds of my mothers friends who havent seen her since highschool thinking I literally killed my mom. This woman was my mothers biggest enabler and she has turned my entire family against me by telling them my mother died of a "broken heart" because her daughters cut her off.

    The harassment and posting about me has gone on for months, she has humiliated me publicly for simply doing what I needed to do for my relationship with my mom and has effectively iced me out of any ceremonies related to my own mothers passing. I cant even join memorial groups about my mom because people talk openly about me in there despite none of them knowing me or what my mom was like as a mentally Ill person.

    Recently this harassment has ramped up I to outright hate speech. My aunt is white, I am half black. She is calling me things like a nigger, a black bitch, making references to my vagina being black in a negative context, and is making really veiled threats. The police wont do anything because shes made no outright threats to my safety.

    Is she allowed to do this to me the rest of my life? Is there any order I can get in the Canadian legal system to make it so that she can't contact me or post libelous comments about me online?

    submitted by /u/Sophiapetrillo56
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    Got into a quick fight with a drunken man. I believe It was self defense but I was arrested anyway and the other guy got away.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 06:20 AM PST

    I am a 21 year old male who just started recently going to bars in my city as my birthday just recently passed. At around 3AM when all the bars were closing I was standing on the corner with my girlfriend waiting on the uber to go home. A man about 25 years old walks up was obviously extremely intoxicated. He started ranting about trumps America and said racial slurs towards my Brazilian girl, and then started sexually grabbing her then pushed her. I pushed him away immediately and then he spit on my girlfriend and then swung on me (but he was very drunk so luckily it didn't hit). Just as instinct I swung back hitting him in the mouth and once more in the eye and then stood my ground as he walked away. I didn't chase him, didn't hit him or kick him when he was or down, and didn't do anything extremely violent in my eyes.

    I did not think anything of it, as he was slightly bleeding but he was fine and I was quite literally untouched. As he's walking away still talking trash the cops put me on the floor and tackle me. They didn't even try to chase him and he was far but not uncatchable. I had no priors not even a speeding ticket and they booked me for assault and battery.

    Any chance I can beat this case? And will they ever try to charge the guy who got away or is he just getting off free even though he was the aggressor?

    submitted by /u/throwaway-sb-sb-
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    Reasonable accommodation question [WA State]

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 02:47 PM PST

    Back story: I am a 70% disabled Veteran, primarily because of a back injury. I've learned to live with it and honestly it doesn't hinder me too bad. I can still play with my son at the park, walk across the Walmart parking lot (aka haven't asked for disabled placard). As long as I don't do repetitive impact exercises and wear arch supporting shoes I'm usually fine.

    I have never claimed my disability on the reasonable accommodation form at any place of work, I've never needed any accommodation and didn't think I ever would (I am an office worker and if it's not repetitive I never have an issue doing manual labor every once in awhile). When I started at this position a few weeks ago, I did not list my back injury as a disability.

    What I didn't know about my new job is that the parking garage for my building is full, and that the wait list is 5 years long. I have to park in a garage that is about a half mile walk one way.

    First question is, did I screw myself by not putting my back injury on the form during on boarding?

    Second question is if I can update it and try to get reasonable accommodation, would moving me to the front of line for my buildings garage be reasonable? Or would they make me go get a disabled placard? I'm hesitant to even do this because I don't want any animosity between me and coworkers who've been waiting for years.

    I really don't want a disabled placard and I don't want to be "that guy" to skip everyone that's been waiting for 5 years but I am genuinely worried that the half mile walk each way (up and down a ton of stairs and hills) will eventually compound into daily back pain. I can already feel it coming. I have to quadruple check I don't leave anything in my car when going into work because if I have to do that walk an extra time it'll kill me that day.

    Thank you all for your time, go Seahawks!

    submitted by /u/ParaglidingAssFungus
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    Inherited a holiday home with 2 other siblings, they are uninterested in maintaining the property, want to start wedding venue business to help pay for maintainance, do I need their permission and are they entitled to profit generated?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 07:39 AM PST

    I inherited a property with my two other siblings, the split is 70% my ownership and my siblings have the remaining 15% each.

    They are completely uninterested in helping to pay for upkeep and I've paid a considerable amount of money over the years on basic things like the roof, electrics and plumbing without any financial assistance from them.

    The property now needs an extensive restoration to ensure its survival and I was thinking about opening the place up for weddings etc to pay for this.

    My question is: what entitlement do my siblings have to profits generated if the property is run as a business. I don't intend to take any profit myself from this but I'm worried they will demand their "share" (15%) and with 30% taken out of profits it will be very difficult to pay for the maintenance the house needs.

    Also do I need to ask their permission to start a business if I am the majority shareholder?

    The house is in Italy but I'm interested in anybody that has faced something similar anywhere in the world :)

    submitted by /u/Goingupriver20
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    Cutting off toxic family; do I have to send a message or tell them?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 06:24 AM PST

    Hello! I'm in KY, and I'm trying to cut off my toxic and abusive family. I know they're likely going to try and file a missing person's report.

    I was wondering if I had to send them a text (preferred method if so) telling them "I'm cutting contact with you. I'm not a missing person." before doing so?

    Thanks for any advice/help.

    Edit; oh wow, Reddit only showed me one response but holy hell. A lot of people responded, and I appreciate the help/reassurance. I tried asking the police station and they wouldn't give me a straight up answer on if I had to tell them.

    Also please no more tips on preemptively telling the police station that I'm not missing--I tried, talked to multiple people, and they can't even have my statement on-record that I'm not missing--I have to keep calling and asking "hey, is there a missing persons report for [softSnowdrop]?" and if there is, only then will they accept my statement of "I'm not missing, please don't give my family any information about me."

    For anyone else wondering: I'm 22, and they've been abusive my whole life, but only recently got even worse. I just want to be free finally. I've dreamed of cutting them off my whole life, but thing have escalated recently that really pushed me to doing so.

    submitted by /u/softSnowdrop
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    Airborne Neighbour Nuisance

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 12:59 PM PST

    My parents live on an acreage in rural Alberta and they have a Neighbour who has built a runway for his personal airplane that is aligned so every time he takes off and lands he flys directly over their house. He takes his small plane out for a joy ride nearly every day (mostly weather dependent) and he really seems to enjoy taking off and landing (he's up to seven times today so far). As he is taking off and landing he is always flying very low when he passes over the house. My parents are generally on good terms with this neighbour but when they asked if he could alter his flight path so he is not always flying directly over the house he flat out refused and told them to just deal with it (this guy owns two quarter sections so he has lots of space where he could move this runway).

    Read up on this a bit and from what I can understand because this guy has established an aerodrome already any petition to move the runway would have to go through the federal system. I also read that essentially means that there is nothing we can do about getting the runway moved.

    Are the any other options that we can explore to discourage this guy from always flying directly over our house?

    submitted by /u/ImmortalMischief
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    House was sold during lease term?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 04:51 PM PST

    Location: Alabama

    Hi all!

    I signed a lease from 8/2019 to 7/31/2020. Our rental was owned who contracted a property agency to manage the rental on his behalf. The lease I signed is between the managing property (on behalf of owner) and myself. My lease has no sale of property clause, nor severability clause. The house was put up for sale recently and new owners closed on the house a few days ago. I recieved an email today from the new owner stating I need to sign a new lease. I've quickly glanced at the new lease - it has many clauses and provisions that I'm not comfortable with signing that weren't in my original lease. I'm trying to work something out with the new owners, but it's likely they won't budge. Issues include them requesting they have access to automatically withdraw rent from my bank account (not through a secure portal) as well as them stating only verbal notices are sufficient to enter the property. I'm not okay with this, as it is easy for them to lie that they gave verbal notice when it did not occur. The old management property said I was not required to sign a new lease, and they must honor the terms of my original lease until it expires. Is this correct or will this require me to speak to an attorney? If so, what kind of attorney should I be looking for? I'll give additional information if it's needed!

    submitted by /u/_boomroasted_
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    My doctor needlessly sent my tests to an out-of-network lab, and now I'm stuck with a $1600 bill. Am I stuck paying it? [TX]

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 07:04 PM PST

    I should start by saying I have good insurance. There are dozens of labs in my city that are in-network and would have covered the tests. Instead, my doctor decided to send the labs to a random lab out of state that isn't covered by my insurance.

    When I asked him about it, he said he did it intentionally because "that lab has loose payment practices and a high default rate," and advised that I "don't pay it, it will just get dropped." I'm scared that if they decide to collect, I'm going to be out a huge amount of money. I found out that the Medicare reimbursement rate for those labs is about $235 dollars, of which I would have had a copay of 10%.

    To make matters worse, after doing some research and discussing it with a couple of other doctors, I discovered that none of these tests were indicated in the first place. For the problem I had, labs are almost never indicated and if they are, they need to be collected by a specialist with special instruments.

    Am I stuck with this bill, or do I have any recourse against what I see as bewilderingly shady behavior?

    submitted by /u/fellow_hotman
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    Ex-boyfriend harassing me nearly 4 years after break up.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 08:40 PM PST

    This is a throwaway. For the context of this post, I was dating a man from about 14-18, and for the sake of this post he is the the harassing ex mentioned in the title. I dumped him in a rather asshole manner (over the phone and immediately went no contact). I have only attempted contact once to say leave me alone that failed because the email did not send.

    I dumped the EX in 2016 for my late fiancé who passed away in 2018. Since 2016, I've received harassing/unwanted emails. After the breakup, he blew up my phone and it was nearly impossible to block his number, messaged my FB, messages my roommates FB, my parents FB, made a new FB after I blocked the first one, etc.

    He stalked my various social media, sent me messages on my tumblr, sent my late fiancé messages etc. Even to this day, I can see his visits to my professional website via IP address.

    Over the course of the last few years he has sent me emails every few months. Sometime last year he sent me an email repeating my home address saying he was going to pay me a visit. I went to my college campus police and they supposedly called him and he said he'd back off.

    The form through my photography booking website seems to have been his go to because Squarespace doesn't verify phone or emails, so he just fills in fake info. I don't know anyone else who would send me emails like this.

    Last week I got a startling email referencing my late fiancé's corpse. My patience is wearing thin and I am sick of his shit.

    My profession (media and photography) has my work tied to my name and simply creating new social media/website would eliminate all the hard work I've put into it currently, and having it all on private or deleting it all is not a good look to future employers/partners.

    Is there anything I can do? He hasn't threatened violence or harm, but I am concerned he might show up at my house one day. Is a restraining order possible?

    Attached is example of emails. Examples of various emails I've received.

    Edit: I am in N.J.

    TDLR: Ex of 4 years won't stop sending me emails. Can I get a restraining order or otherwise?

    submitted by /u/starmates
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    Neighbor's "grandfathered-in" downspout and sinkhole sinking my property

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 05:48 PM PST

    Hi, first time posting and seeking some good advice to help steer me in the right direction!

    So, this is the situation- There are these joint 5 historic side-by-side commercial property buildings on the same block in Northern Kentucky; the first of which I own. My neighbor, who is a power player of real estate property investors in our city, is the new owner of the building that is joint to mine by a wall. In the back of our property, I have a concrete parking lot that holds about 4 cars and a deck, and he has a garage and holds about two cars.

    Recently, I noticed my parking concrete slabs have sunk about 2 inches off level. After some investigation, I see the main downspout from his building is buried under the concrete. This goes right across my property which could possibly have a crack, and it dumps water under my lot. Also, his parking lot now has a sinkhole where all the water drains into my property because it is sloped to my side. (I bought this building about 10 years ago, no idea their downspout ran through my lot)

    With this information, I have contacted the owner, and his property management- no responses. Called the NKY Sanitation District- said not their problem. Called City's Code Enforcement and Zoning Enforcement- tells me to get a civil engineer and deal with the property owner. To this point, I can not get any city officials to come out to even tell me if having this downspout under my property is up to code and try to enforce the owner to fix their sinkhole.

    I was actually going to fix it with my own money and just ask my neighbor to decide where to reroute their downspout away from my property and offer to fill their hole. After all of this, I think I am being ignored because I am a respectful guy. F that, I am looking to take this further and get justice.

    Tl;dr: Neighbor has a downspout that shoots straight under my property, causing a lot of water to pool into my lot. This is damaging my property. Who is responsible: me, the neighbor, the city? Do I need to hire a civil engineer or a plumber to evaluate? Do I hire an attorney to go after the property owner next door?

    submitted by /u/hello_misterchu
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    Who’s responsible for this outrageous medical bill that’s been haunting me for years? Location NJ

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 01:23 PM PST

    I went to the ER in 2017 with bleeding and contractions when I was 25 weeks pregnant. After a scary day, my labor didn't progress thankfully and me and the baby were fine. I was kept for about 48 hours. The ER was not in-network with my insurance but I knew that my insurance covered ER visits 100%, even if out of network.

    The hospital billed my insurance and insurance denied, stating they needed further medical records in order to determine medical necessity. The hospital dragged their feet but eventually did provide records. Insurance denied it again saying it didn't qualify as an inpatient visit. Now, radio silence for a long time. And then YEARS later, i get sent to collections. I call the hospital and my insurance company and insurance says They determined it did not qualify as an in patient visit and needs to be billed as outpatient. So the hospital now submits a bill to them as an outpatient visit. This bill is close to six figures.

    Insurance then denies it for "timely filling" because over 2 years have gone by.

    Who's on the hook for this? And I what should I be doing apart from constant trying to appeal to the insurance? I have since spoken to others in my community where the hospital is doing the exact same thing to them and no one that I've spoken to was able to get their case resolved.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/watermelona
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    (PA) Dad texts me daily to ask if my mom needs money. My mom has a PFA against my dad and is divorcing him.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 01:33 PM PST

    Note: the PFA is only against my dad from my mom. I can still legally contact my father. Nothing has changed about me and my father legally, only my mom and dad.

    Everyday my dad asks me if my mom needs money. However, a week prior he was begging me to ask my mom for money for him so he can afford his lawyer for a related criminal case. We didn't give him any since we couldn't afford to. Something seems odd about it. I suspect he's trying to pull something malicious. If my mom accepts money from him will it in any way nullify the PFA or divorce or effect anything regarding it at all? He tries to manipulate us on a regular basis (which is why my mom has a PFA and is getting a divorce) so it just seems like another one of his schemes.

    submitted by /u/drugguy12
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    It has taken it has taken almost 9 years for my husband to adopt my duaghter

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 06:48 AM PST

    Ok, so I got divorced from my ex husband and after fell in love, got married to my husband. Ex was a meth addict and would only want to see daughter when he thought he could use it to control me. The last time ex was supposed to see her, he showed up tweaked and I wouldn't let him take her. We found a family lawyer to start the process of taking ex's rights and also have my husband adopt daughter. We started the process in probably late 2011, early 2012. Lawyer said the first part, taking his rights away, may be a longer battle because ex would keep digging his heels on and the get arrested or disappear, then show back up and dig heels again. Finally in 2015, we had a court date. Ex shows up at court and straight up tells the judge he will sign over his rights, he cant be a good father blah blah blah. The judge makes sure he understands that he said he is willing to give up his rights. He says yes. He was supposed to stay and sign paperwork, but as soon as we're dismissed he disappears. Lawyer tells us the adoption part now should be quick and easy, he gave up his rights, it's documented, no problem. Before the court date, everytime we had to try to figure out where he was to serve him or get in touch with, I had to be the one to find him. I found out everytime he got arrested, what addresses were listed, even reached out to the baby mama that he had currently. In fact, through this while process, I've been the one to find where he is, his probation information, and now currently, where he has been an inmate in for almost 2 years.

    About, 3 years, maybe closer to 4, we had noticed that we hasnt received any statements from the lawyer. We were always paying in advance, to try to make sure that we didn't get behind. Wed been in contact with them, via email, phone, and they never mentioned anything. We always updated them with our numbers or addresses if they changed, but out emails always stayed the same. I felt like it was taking much longer than it should have, but the lawyer or his paralegal would always say they were waiting on the courts or whatever. I didn't know enough legal processes to question to much, I didn't even know what to ask or where to begin. So finally one day, we grab the mail and see something from our law office.. saying the were behind about $1000 behind! What!? We kept all our receipts and correspondence with them. We hadn't gotten ANYTHING. And we notice that it had our old address listed on it. The envelop was to our current residence but the "bill" was our old one. And while even at our old one, we hadnt received anything for a month or 2 before we moved. So we're like, WTF? We call up our lawyer and set up a meeting. He smooth talked, we had a glitch in the system and the address never transferred over, it was our fault, and since this has taken so long I'm going to balance out your account and I won't charge you anymore. This has taken too long, we will get it done soon, we're almost there. My husband, who is logical and tends to be able to separate his emotions was like, cool, that's a fair deal you say it's almost done we will trust you. At this point I'm incredibly weary. I'm the one doing all the footwork, I'm the one who has had to deal with my drug addict, abusive, and manipulative ex, just for the lawyer to tell me ok we need more or we need this or whatever. Isn't that supposed to be the paralegal job?

    At this point he had a new paralegal who seemed ok. Things are still moving snails pace backwards slow. I've lost some of my fire and since hes no longer charging us, I'm trying to, I guess, give some leeway. Hes an older lawyer, it's a small office, im sure he has probably some other urgent cases. One night, last year, at freaking like 1230 in the morning, I get a call from his paralegal at the time. Shes drunk and crying but she gives me some interesting information. She says my lawyer had taken our case and had never done an adoption case before. He had no clue what he was doing, and he wasn't even trying to get it done. He would push it off to the side, he just didn't care. She said we had a right to view our entire case file, and we should report him to the bar association. She said she would bug him to get this done, and he would yell at her and would just never work it. He hadnt filed anything, he literally had done nothing. I told my husband and we mulled it over. Yes she was drunk and rambling, but it kind if made sense. We started researching step parent adoptions in our state. We found out that in a situation like ours, once my ex had relinquished his rights, it was maybe a 3-6 month process, and about 200 bucks. We've spent THOUSANDS on this lawyer. Still, though I wanted to go storming in and demand answers and a resolution, my husband says let's stay calm and just call, nudge him, see what we can find out.

    Nothing happens. Finally a few months later, I'm done. I call my husband and we show up at the lawyers office out of the blue, he has a new paralegal, and I demand to see my entire case file. We look through it, it's a big folder, with the same maybe, 20 documents in there over and over. I mean, just copies of the same things over and over.

    We make an appointment to.meet with the lawyer and he gives a bunch of bull, the courts messed up, we still need to contact my ex, it was filed to the wrong court division. This was, oh, 5 months ago?

    So we have been working with this slimy lawyer for the adoption for 9 years. We started calling about once a week for updates. He never answered, or his office girl would tell us hes with a client hes not in, whatever. I finally blow up one day and tell her that he needs to get it done, or I will find a way to report him to the bar. I didn't even know if I could but I was mad. So then things start to seem to get done, kind of. She tried to get whatever needed to be done, done. He tried to say we needed to contact my ex again! I said no, hes given up his rights, it's documented from the court date and in messaged between him and I where he agreed. They drop that. Then they say my daughter will have to go to counseling for the adoption. We fight that. No, she doesnt know my ex from a hole in the wall, my husband is her dad. She calls him Daddy. Hes the only dad shes ever known. They drop that. So we view the documents, everything looks good, all they have to do it file it. All the lawyer has to do is take it to the court and file it. That was it. We didn't hear anything for a couple weeks, we start calling again. Is it filed? No. Is it filed? No. Finally I call, the girl answers she had just talked to my husband, I said he told me it wasnt filed, I said, can you tell me why? This is ridiculous? She says he just hasnt taken it, he has to take it in person. I'm like he needs to DO IT. Then about 2 weeks ago, she tells us it's filled. He took it. So apparently now we are just waiting on the court date for a judge to basically sign the adoption.

    I believe this lawyer mislead and stole from us. He advertised and said he could do this and that it wouldn't take more than, maybe a couple years. It has taken NINE. What can I do? Is there even anything I CAN do? I really feel like this lawyer did us wrong? Please tell me theres something I can do.

    submitted by /u/SideEyeandSigh
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    Homeowner insurance threatening not to cover our claim unless we produce items we were instructed we could throw away. Advice needed

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 09:01 AM PST

    In the state of Georgia. Top 5 insurance company. Homeowner claim is for significant water damage (pipe break, not a flood). Claim was filed mid-2019.

    Long story short, our claim has been a nightmare since day 1. Our first adjuster did basically nothing for 5 weeks despite many emails and calls from me and my husband to the adjuster, to his manager, and to the main line for our insurance company. He came by to the property almost 2 weeks after the claim date to assess the damage and reassured us that as long as we document ownership with pictures, we can begin to discard our items/furniture/stuff if it is non-salvageable. No specification of what "salvageable" and we were told to use our best judgment (verbally....sadly none of this was in writing), but kept a lot of our damaged valuable stuff anyway because we were wary to discard items before guaranteed reimbursement. After 5 weeks of doing nothing, he produced a skeleton of an estimate riddled with mistakes, and he was fired from the company. We were reassigned to another adjuster who came by the property and, again, saw the pile of furniture, electronics, and stuff in our living room and told us it was OK to discard as long as we had documentation. Again, nobody defined what "salvageable" meant, just that we should make attempts to save as much as we could, which we did (e.g. we have receipts of our rugs getting cleaned, so it's not like we just tossed everything we owned)

    Our second adjuster dropped our case for a personal family issue, and now 5 months after our claim date, we have a third adjuster. This adjuster's manager (the same manager from adjuster 2) is asking us to produce the repair assessments for our furniture and electronics....we wrote a detailed e-mail describing the many times we called the main line in the first 2-3 months of our claim when our adjusters were not responsive via phone or e-mail, how we called the manager himself, and how there were many, many opportunities for our insurance to instruct us to take things for repair but did not. We are not furniture/electronics experts...how could we know my laptop sitting in an inch of water or my swollen antique is repairable? (for context, I was aware rugs could get professionally cleaned, which I immediately did...but I assumed a water-logged antique side table was pretty much a complete loss of its value) We did as instructed and went beyond what I think is reasonably expected to get full and clear instructions. Now the rules have seemingly changed and we got a letter saying if we don't produce the repair assessments for items we discarded months ago, they may deny coverage to all or part of our claim. They even quoted a portion of our insurance policy in that letter, however nowhere in our policy is it stated that we are expected to take our items for repair assessment. NOTE: there is nothing in writing/e-mail that says we can discard our items, but we were told this verbally by multiple people...there is also nothing in writing saying we are expected to take things for repair, etc.

    We're ready to hire a lawyer because this is, to us, clear mismanagement of our claim. We are VERY scared to start down the path of a legal battle (not to mention the added financial burden) and would like to just get the money we deserve for the items we were instructed to discard, especially when our insurance company dropped the ball multiple times. Please Reddit, any advice is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/DoctorZ-Z-Z
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    My landlord keeps his 3 dogs in the basement of my building and badly neglects them. What can I do?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 06:46 PM PST

    I live in Chicago, IL. My lease says that I am not allowed to have pets; however, my elderly landlord keeps 3 dogs in the basement of my apartment building. There is one black lab and two chihuahuas. My landlord claims that the black lab belongs to his son (who is in his 40s), and the two chihuahuas belong to his granddaughter (who is 14). The dogs previously lived on his son's farm but had to be relocated for some reason... so they are now here. The black lab has been down there since I moved in (August 2019), but the two chihuahuas are recent additions and have been there for about a month.

    My landlord's son comes by once a day and gives the dogs food and water, but for the rest of the day the dogs are in the dark, cold basement alone. I know this because I have ran into his son and he took me into the basement and showed me the dogs. I live directly above the basement and can hear the dogs barking all day and all night because they want to get out of there. I can hear them growling at each other and getting into fights (presumably over food). I am unable to sleep because of the constant barking. Today, when I got home, my entire apartment smelled like dog poop, and I'm assuming it's because my landlord's son went out of town for Christmas and abandoned the dogs in the basement. The dog poop smell is coming through the vent.

    My neighbor already called the police about this animal abuse, but when the police got here, they saw that the dogs had food and water, said it was fine, and left. I cannot live like this, and it needs to stop. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/veganthrowawaylmao
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    My dad is a correctional officer and he tells me stories about how he goes out of his way to hurt inmates. Can I record him talking about what he’s done and use it to prove in divorce court that he’s a dangerous man and should not have custody of may brother and I? (Michigan)

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 09:16 PM PST

    My dad is a C.O. and he works with mentally I'll patients. He goes out of his way to harm them and he gets away with it. Him and my Mother are getting a divorce soon and I want to record him confessing to hurting people and use that in court to prove that he's dangerous. Is this something I can legally do? He's an extremely abusive and manipulative person who has sexually assaulted me on many occasions.

    submitted by /u/ArcherBTW
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    Can I kick out someone living at my house during the holidays?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 01:03 PM PST

    I'm a college student with a house near the campus. My roommates and I have gone home, but he let his one friend house sit for the break. She's been inviting people over without asking us and our former roommate who we've essentially evicted for not paying rent. My question is, would it be legal to call the police in that city for them to remove them for the property?

    submitted by /u/AndersonxCooper
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    How long until my roommate's GF becomes a tenant?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 06:57 PM PST


    I live in Canada, and I am having a bit of a problem. My roommate is attempting to move in her girlfriend without advising out landlord. Her girlfriend has already been here for just about a month (she left for 3 days over Christmas), but has since returned.

    It seems like my roommate has not advised my landlord of her plans, but her girlfriend has broken her lease at her previous apartment.

    My first question: Is my roommate legally allowed to move another person into the property as a tenant without the landlord's permission?

    Second: Is my landlord allowed to refuse to amend the lease to permit my roommate's girlfriend to move in?

    Thanks for your input and advice!

    submitted by /u/ThrowawayPrincessa
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