• Breaking News

    Friday, February 5, 2021

    Legal Advice - Apartment Maintenance 'Fixed' our carbon monoxide alarm by removing the battery (GA)

    Legal Advice - Apartment Maintenance 'Fixed' our carbon monoxide alarm by removing the battery (GA)

    Apartment Maintenance 'Fixed' our carbon monoxide alarm by removing the battery (GA)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 04:44 AM PST

    Hello everyone. Our carbon monoxide alarm has been going off recently. The first time we called the maintenance office and someone was sent to look at the HVAC unit. A leak could not be found, and the CO alarm was replaced as it was thought to be faulty.

    Shortly after, the new CO alarm went off, and we called maintenance back. This time apparently they did find a small leak and it was taped. After that was fixed, we were told it was corrected, but not 3 hours later it went off again. This time we aired out the apartment and called the fire department, but they too were unable to locate any leak and told us to call back maintenance.

    This leads us to the current situation. On the 3rd time maintenance arrived, they told us they fixed the alarm. Today I got a bad feeling about it, and decided to check, only to find out that they removed one of the batteries in the alarm!! I am not sure what legal recourse I have, if any. Any thoughts would be great.

    submitted by /u/throwaway4655646
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    Received a $4300 check from Wells Fargo and a letter admitting that they wrongfully repossessed my father's vehicle that I was a cosigner on 5ish years ago.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 06:01 AM PST

    Good morning friends,

    I'm not sure how I want to tackle this and am not sure if this is a settlement from a class action that I never knew existed. Long story short we attempted fighting this years ago and there was never any budging from WF. We gaslighted ourselves into thinking we missed a payment somewhere and were just perpetually behind.

    The snowball that came from this repossession is interesting and includes some significant losses and hardships. Here is the front and back of the letter they sent.

    Edit: Since this is gaining traction.. We lost our rental home the next month. Dad moved in with an uncle and I lived in a car for a bit because I couldn't afford everything alone. Things are fine now, no worries!

    I'm not sure if I should accept this payment as being enough or if I should continue to push back now that they've finally admitted fault. Also, the letter and check are both addressed to us as a single entity, despite both of us being equally affected.

    I've never been in a situation where I've considered pursuing further legal recourse, so I'm not sure if I have a worthwhile play or if I even have a play at all.

    I have not cashed the check and don't really need it right now so I have some time to mull things over.

    What would be some reasonable advice?

    Pennsylvania resident, USA.


    submitted by /u/Kfrr
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    Employer won’t hire me because I’m male

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 04:36 PM PST

    Hi everyone, no idea if there's anything at all I can do and that's why I'm here.

    I applied for a position at some offices for a hospital collecting insurance about 2 weeks ago.

    A supervisor from another department recommended me for the job and my resume was pulled. I was informed that I'd be receiving a call in a few days, but no call came.

    Some time goes by, and my fiancé (who also works there, just in a different department) tells me that the supervisor hiring in my department has my resume so I should be getting a call soon.

    Well, here we are today. My fiancé comes in, and tells me that the positions have both been filled. I asked what happened and this is what I was told.

    Her and her supervisor went to the office of the supervisor that was in charge of my would-be department. They asked if he had called me, he said no and when they asked why, his response was kind of jarring.

    "He is qualified, but I've only ever hired women here so I'm gonna keep that up."

    In front of my fiancé and another supervisor.

    It's not like I'm out of a job, I currently work at a bank (as the only male there ironically), but this job was a significant pay increase as well as better hours. I genuinely don't think I have anything I can do here, but I figured I'd ask just in case.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Equixz0r
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    I found an apartment to rent at great rate, now they say that it was clerical error and is more expensive or I should move out

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 12:54 PM PST

    Location for bot is Minnesota, USA

    I recently needed to relocate for work and went to search apartments. I was toured one place that ended up not working and I asked the agent if they had anything else in the area in my price. She checked and found a new property they made available that same day that looked amazing for the price asked, $650 a month, which seemed very cheap for a 2-bedroom place (most others I've seen are around $800-$900 and up for a 2 bed apartment unit in this area). She met me there a little while later with a key and it was actually a condo rather than a traditional apartment and was even nicer than an apartment probable would be. I even asked why it is cheap, and she said they are property management for owners, so the owner sets the price and they just do the effort of renting, so that I got lucky that this place was brand new and the owner was not looking for huge profit.

    So, I paid for the deposit and rental fee and signed documentation, and then moved into the condo where I have now lived since January 20. On February 1 I was reached out by the property manager company who says that there is a mistake, and the property should have a higher fee. I asked how this can happen. They said that the owner was confused and thought that the rate was per week instead of per month, because she was asked if she was willing to allow short term week rate rental instead of only long term residential monthly, and she said yes. So she filled her forms and put that she wanted $650 but that was per week. For a month rental she wants $1550.

    They call this clerical error and say in event of document error they cannot hold the contract up and I will need to pay $1550 month or move out.

    However I have spent a lot of funds to move into this unit, cost of movers plus also the cost of several set up fees to have internet, cable TV and and set up medical equipment for my mother which required a company to come set up for several hundred dollars. If I move now I will have to pay these costs again. I asked them to reimburse costs since this is not my error but they said that they cannot and that I must move out by February 12 Friday or immediately if possible.

    Do I have justification to ask them to pay some costs associated with having to move again? Or am I just unlucky?

    submitted by /u/renterhelp2333
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    Found out my house is getting raided. What should I expect to come home to?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:19 AM PST

    I live in MN. I learned from my moms that my dad's house(which I also live in) has been getting raided for narcotics for 5 hours.(they are still there)

    What should I expect to come home to? Will everything be a huge mess and mud tracked through the house or are they somewhat polite about it?

    My brother was there for 3 hours until they let him call my mom to pick him up. He was allowed to go to his room to grab a few things and saw that his Xbox had been dropped/thrown to the ground and the panels were screwed up. Is this legal? Does the police pay for their damages or will we have to cover everything they ruin?

    submitted by /u/mycatlikesasians
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    Fundraiser money didn't go to friend

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 04:58 PM PST

    Hello r/legaladvice,

    Location: New York

    I have a friend who is in a sticky situation and they are not sure what options they have. I was hoping that someone here could give us/them some advice on how to move forward.

    Back in August, my friend adopted a dog who has needed thousands of dollars of care in the 6 months they have had her. In December their friend offered to host a fundraiser to help them with the vet costs. The friend went ahead and did the fundraiser on December 12th, and told them they had raised $240. However, he has been dodging my friend ever since about the money. He keeps saying he's going to bring it over and then ghosts them for weeks at a time. He said today he would bring it if the weather was okay. It was beautiful out, the roads are safe to drive on here, and my friend has been messaging them but they have not responded.

    Is this something that my friend could sue in small claims court for? They have screenshots of all of the communication about the fundraiser. I know anyone can sue for anything, but is this something that a court might see as a legitimate claim? Is this something they can report to the police? Do they have any options at this point?

    Thank you for your time and I hope you all have a great weekend!

    submitted by /u/AliceDuMerveilles
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    HOA Preventing Buying of Condo

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 02:41 PM PST

    I am trying to buy a condo in California that is a part of a HOA. The president of the board claimed that I'm not able to buy the condo because the average age is around 55 and I am not a senior citizen looking to "downsize." There are no written regulations about age in the CC&Rs. Can they legally prevent me from buying it?

    submitted by /u/Cbxjsi
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    Roomate's car was towed and impounded while he is in China and I can't get it out.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:35 PM PST

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but here goes.

    This is in CA.

    My roommate had been in China since November and a mutual friend offered to let him park his vehicle across the street from his parent's house. The street doesn't have any parking signs, it's a relatively middle/upper-class neighborhood and there is plenty of space on the street (actually parked on a huge caldesac whith no other cars near it and a fence without a sidewalk on the side). It was there for about 2 months until I used it for about a week (with his permission) when my car broke down, after which I parked it in the same spot.

    Fast forward to last weekend (about a month after I used it) and a neighbor apparently called the cops who, when our friend's parents didn't have the key to move it, towed it (local Sherriff). The same day, our friend and I went to the impound to retrieve the car after we had my roommate send an email to the impound authorizing me to pick it up (they said this was all we needed, he sent a photo of me at their request). They requested the car registration which we were told was in the center console of the car.

    Let me preface this next part. My roommate has a very good job and is really smart when it comes to said job, but is one of those types that is just a complete idiot when it comes to anything else.

    When they produced the registration from the car and I signed for it/received it (I still have it) we found out that my roommate never registered the car in his name. He claims that he took over the lease payments from a guy that worked for his company and never got a chance to get it registered to him because of covid (even though he took over payments and began driving the vehicle in the prior November, about 5 months prior to the shutdown). He also has apparently been driving around without insurance the whole time (like a said, really stupid).

    The police report shows my roomate's information, but the registration shows "Toyota Lease Trust LSR" and the previous lessee "Name LSE". Apparently this guy was fired and is unreachable somewhere in England.

    The impound refuses to release the vehicle to anyone other than Toyota or the previous lessee and Toyota refuses to send them authorization for anyone other than my roommate or his power of attorney.

    Meanwhile the cost is accruing about $100/day and he won't return until Feb 28. Toyota had sent this to their impound team which will turn into a repossession and hit his credit which I imagine will be significant.

    My roommate doesn't care about the car, but is there anything we can do to either get the car out of impound without paying a ridiculous cost or to prevent his credit from taking a major hit? Any help would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/PerniciousParagon
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    I keep getting unemployment claims from people that don't/have never worked for me, what can I do?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 09:26 AM PST

    I'm located in California. As you might know, if someone files for unemployment, the EDD sends a letter to the employer to verify that person's claim.

    As soon as that $600/week bonus started, we've been getting bombarded with unemployment claims from random people that have never worked for me. I respond to the letters saying that this claim is fraudulent, he/she has never worked for me, etc. But they keep coming.

    I get maybe 2-3 of these fake claims every month. How are they finding my business? Can I get in trouble somehow?

    submitted by /u/LandFormer2398
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    Defamation of character?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:39 PM PST

    My brother had this girl harrassing him through highschool and now in college ironically enough. In highschool, she should spread rumours about him like he was a rapist and a how he stalked her. It got pretty bad, people in school were teasing him about it, i dont think they really believe that he was a rapist and a stalker like she said though. He got reported to the school a couple times and they did nothing about it cause there was no evidence. Now in college shes doing the same thing and the campis police interrogated him. What can he do to stop this girl? Location : Riverside, california

    submitted by /u/l_richa
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    My boss died. His wife wants me to “buy out part of the business”

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:33 PM PST

    I have worked at a veterinary clinic for the past 7 years. The first 5 years I was a vet tech and I've been a groomer for the past 2 years. My boss (the vet) unexpectedly passed away a week and a half ago. The clinic is located in a building with multiple units. Last year, the vet started renting the neighboring unit to move grooming over for more space. The building is now remodeled (courtesy of my dad and me and at no cost to the vet or his business) and nearly ready for a full grooming salon. In Arkansas, a veterinary office must be owned by someone who has a DVM. With the passing of the vet, the business will be closing. I have decided that I want to continue to rent the unit next door and just open my own grooming shop. The vet's wife is trying to get another veterinarian to come take over the place so the community doesn't lose another vets office. I have been told that she wants me to "buy out my share of the business." I don't see how this is fair to me. The vet and I did not have a "non-compete agreement" I was just an employee who offered different services. She wants to see how much money I brought to the business and make me buy that percentage of the company. I do not plan on using a name that in any way relates to the current business name and this would be my own separate venture. All my tools belong solely to me as I have purchased everything myself. Am I obligated to purchase a portion of the business to keep my clients even though I am opening a different business?

    submitted by /u/jonezers
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    Was paid over cash app for damage to my car, person now went through cash app to refund that money and it's coming out of my bank now

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:50 PM PST

    Like the title said, someone hit me about a month ago after I got off work.y dumb ass decided I was fine with just taking cash, as it would cover the damage and prevent my insurance from going up. Instead of cash this person paid me over cash app, and has now, a month later, filed for a refund and it appears it going through. Do I have any legal ground to stand on with cash app in terms of stopping that refund? Or am I boned because I should have went through insurance I stead of just taking cash from this person ( who by the way was "oh so grateful we didn't report it because I just had a kid and I'm young and blah blah blah... ) This is in Oregon by the way

    submitted by /u/Houseboat72
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    Getting violations for a car I sold.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:49 PM PST

    About 3 months ago my cars engine blew and it needed a full replacement. I ended up just selling it to one of those junk car auctions. After the sale I went on the CA DMV website and completed the transfer of liability. Now all of a sudden I'm receiving toll road violations and parking tickets in mail. Did the company I sold the car to never complete the sale? Did someone steal the plates off the car and using them illegally? I'm being forced to fill out all this paper work and to bring proof that I know longer own the vehicle. I'm not sure what to do in the event that this doesn't get resolved..?

    submitted by /u/TheRealJohn-Mark
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    [IN] Neighbor throwing things on our yard and trespassing

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 04:48 PM PST

    So I need some advice here. It's honestly very small and petty but our neighbors are honestly just huge jerks and kind of ruining why we moved into a quiet suburban neighborhood.

    Our neighbor has blown every leaf in the fall into our yard and thrown every single stick that falls into our yard. We do have a large tree in our backyard so I am sure some of the leaves come from there and a lot of sticks do. By sticks I mean from a foot long to smaller than my pinky finger. I am sure some leaves fall in their yard from our trees. But there are trees in every yard of our neighborhood. They even asked me to cut my entire tree down just so leaves wouldn't go in their yard. Of course I told them I would not be doing that.

    They've done this since we moved into the house in 2017. It was annoying but I just dealt with it and stuck with cleaning all the leaves either at the end of fall or beginning of spring once they had all fallen rather than spend every single day chasing down leaves.

    This all came to a head a few months ago when my neighbor took a shovel, walked from the complete other side of their house with it full of leaves, sticks, and actual garbage that had collected against their drive way that goes into their basement/a wall down there. Where this driveway is there is a tree directly next to it and three across the street, so likely the leaves came from the trees directly next to it.

    She carried them from there into my actual driveway and dumped them. I caught her and told her to leave my property and stop dumping everything on our property to make it my problem. She could have moved her trashcan right next to those leaves and scooped them in. Instead she made more work for herself just to be spiteful and rude. She refused to leave so we called the police. When she saw we were actually calling them she got in her car and sped off before an officer could get here.

    Since then we put up cameras that point at our driveway and backyard area that borders them. I've caught footage of their grandkids letting their dog walk over into our yard to use the bathroom instead of staying in their yard, them throwing and blowing leaves back, and last Monday their granddaughter pick up a stick, walk over to my small retaining wall in the backyard, and throw it up the hill. So that is three times they've come on our property so we called the police again. This time the police talked to them and banned them from our property. We got no trespassing signs and filed paperwork with the city to enforce it.

    Since then we've had a person from the building commission come out to say they had a complaint about a retaining wall leaning. It does lean slightly, but it doesn't seem like it's going to fall anytime soon and if it does it would fall into my driveway and property. This seems like the beginning of them looking for anything they can call someone about since we wouldn't allow them to come on our property.

    I have heard so many various things about who is responsible to clean up sticks,leaves,branches, etc. but none have pointed to anything that is an actual law or code. Just what people think is right. I would like to know the official exact rules and regulations for basically everything dealing with neighbors and this kind of situation to do everything we can legally.

    They've been some terrible neighbors the entire time we've lived here with this, car horns honking at all hours of the night and early morning, their grandsons in lifted trucks doing burnouts in the middle of our suburban neighborhood like it's just some old country road instead of full of houses and at this point I would like to have every little petty code and law available in case they continue to try to put a stop to it.

    submitted by /u/Measkdumbthings
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    Jiffy lube ruined my transmission

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:57 PM PST

    Hey everyone. I brought my car to jiffy lube on 01/25/2021 for just an oil change. Since I have a newer model (2017) all the other oil changes I got have been through a pump from the top of the engine. So while I was at jiffy lube getting what I thought was just a simple oil change they did pump the oil from the top but they were also messing under the car for some reason. I could feel the car moving around from someone working on the underneath, I remember thinking what are they doing down there. Fast forward 10 days, on a road trip from MA to CA in Texas, started getting transmission malfunction codes. So I brought it to the dealer and they said I had "lost" 5 quarts of transmission fluid. Probably going to need a new transmission, on a car with 39k miles on it. They think someone drained the transmission fluid instead of the oil. There's no evidence of a leak. It's going to mostly be covered under the warranty, but what else can I do? I'm beyond frustrated with the whole situation. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/TJjeeper99
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    Tree on Property Line

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 12:58 PM PST

    Hello! I live in VA for reference. I have a diseased tree that sits on my property line. It's pretty much 50/50 on my land and land owned by the HOA. I've been told by an arborist that I need to get it cut down ASAP before it falls on my house and they suggested I talk to the HOA about splitting the cost.

    Is there... any legal legal strength to that argument? I.E. Would they have any obligation to partially pay for the cost of the tree removal? Or am I at the mercy of their largesse?

    submitted by /u/HollywooStarsNCelebs
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    Maximum Hours - Exempt Employee - PA

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 09:14 PM PST

    I work for an employer in Pittsburgh - they have offices in PA, CA, FL, and other states.

    I work in the IT Department as a salaried employee.

    I keep being given more and more work. I get so much that I am working a min of 12 hour days and I'm now being expected to work 20 (got that good news today). I know for hourly employees, they are always ask to work over and are not offered the OT. The have to put "40 hours" and get a comp day off at their manager's discretion. It's not a good place...

    So, I am wondering for me, is there a maximum number of hours I can be forced to work if I am salaried? I am guessing no so my only option is to say "thank you for the new work, but I can't do it. I can try if you want but I don't think I will succeed" and just tank.

    If I tank (not purposefully but because I put in 10 hours and not 20 as needed), would I still be eligible for unemployment?

    submitted by /u/confusedexempt
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    What are the rules if any regarding changing my mind on pressing charges?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 06:13 PM PST

    First off, if I used the wrong flair I'm sorry and I'll change it if someone tells me what to use instead. But the short story is that I was cashiering at a big box store, a customer struck me as I was taking a receipt from her hand, and the police were called to avoid escalation. The police asked if I wanted to do anything, and at the time I said no since I really just wanted to finish my shift and leave. After settling down, I really don't feel comfortable just letting it go knowing that she will likely be back. We have video recording of the event, and she called in a complaint to our customer service line and admitting to slapping me. So can I go back on what I initially told the police and press charges, and if so, what would the reason be or do the police determine that?

    submitted by /u/Viashano
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    Ex girlfriend harassing me >3 years after our breakup.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 05:13 PM PST

    I broke up with someone more than three years ago and she's been harassing and stalking me since day one. Early after our breakup she broke into my house, had her brother call and threaten to hurt me, slashed the tires on my car and would drive past my house several times a day. I've since moved on and married, and now she's harassing my wife. Today she made a fake IG profile and reached out to my wife calling me a pedophile. Please help me make it stop. What do I do.

    (Also, it goes without saying but should be emphasized that I'm not a pedophile). I'm in Northern California. [edited to add location]

    submitted by /u/StOcrates
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    NYS Unemployment Issue

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:17 PM PST

    Hello all, throwaway account for obvious reasons.

    I lost my job because of COVID in September of 2020 and have been on unemployment since, productively using the time to expand my resume with college technical courses while seeking part time work - no cake walk in NY right now. Now though, I've received a letter stating that from such and such week in October, my benefits are denied due to "Under sections 596.4 of the unemployment insurance law because you failed to report as required" and going on to state "You certified that you refused an offer of employment during this week 10/4/2020. You have not returned the questionnaire regarding this offer as instructed. Therefor you cannot be considered eligible for benefits until you have provided the requested information."

    Firstly, I never received this questionnaire. Secondly, I never refused a job offer - at worst I made an error when certifying. I have requested an appeals date but I am now terrified of how to prove I just made some kind of dumb typo or what I have to do or answer or how to prove I'm not trying to dodge the system or anything. I'm so stressed.

    Does anyone have any experience with anything vaguely similar or a word of advice about the appeals process?

    Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/RefrigeratorHungry61
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    Employee To Employee Gift Giving

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:17 PM PST

    I should start by saying I am very clueless when it comes to laws and taxes. I am an Arizona-based doctor and have an amazing assistant. She literally does dozens of things for me everyday without me having to ask, and this greatly reduces my stress and mental aggravation. I couldn't ask for a better assistant. The problem is that she gets paid very poorly and well below the national and state averages. She is very happy with the actual job, but she will leave to find a better paying job if she does not get a raise--and the raise would have to be substantial. I really don't want her to leave. The company will not allow me to divert this amount of money from my paycheck to hers, so I'm basically wondering if it is illegal to give her cash gifts without my employer or any other employees finding out. I'm not sure if she would even accept or think this is enough to stay, but I'd think I'd give a cash or gift card total bonus of about $2,500 broken up into smaller amounts throughout the year. I am not an owner or the employer of the practice, so this would be an employee to employee gift. While I know this whole thing seems shady and improper, I'm wondering if she or I would suffer some type of tax consequence--everything I've been able to find online is about employer to employee gifts, which would be considered taxable. Can other doctors can also chime in if this would cause an issue with state boards?

    **I don't know if this is relevant, but I should add that we are both in separate relationships and while my assistant and I have great work chemistry, there is nothing romantic going on here**

    submitted by /u/dumdum0099
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    Genetic testing company stated test was covered by insurance. Now I owe the insurance company $8,500! Please help me figure out what can be done and how!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 08:38 PM PST

    Hi everyone. Throwaway for privacy. I'm in Louisiana.

    In January 2020, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia after enduring months of incapacitating pain and having other symptoms for years. Trying to better understand the condition, I started participating in multiple forums, including r/Fibromyalgia, where people were discussing a new genetic test for fibromyalgia. The discussion included whether the test was covered by insurance, and the consensus was that it depended on your insurance company and insurance plan.

    After some research, I decided to take the test if my insurance would cover it. I had then the same insurance plan I have now, and since the website for the test displays the logo for my insurance company on its home page, I went ahead and filled out a form on the website. The information requested in the form included personal information, my primary care doctor's information, and insurance information, including insurance company, insurance phone, and ID/policy number. A while after filling out the form I received a response (that I believe was automated) saying my insurance wouldn't cover the genetic test. I gave up on it and moved on.

    A few days later, on March 16, I received an email from the genetic testing company's "Patient Services" with the following wording:

    Thank you for your application for the **** Test. Our billing department has reviewed your insurance benefit breakdown and based on your benefits, the cost of the testing will be covered by your insurance. In order to ship you a test kit, we need to speak with you to discuss medications and blood draw instructions. Please give us a call at ***-***-**** Monday-Friday 8:30am-5pm PST and we can get a test kit shipped to you as soon as possible.

    I contacted the number in the email and stated I would like to go ahead with the testing since it was covered by my insurance. A few months later (lockdown happened a week after the email) I had blood drawn for the test at a lab, and received the results a few weeks later by mail.

    To my surprise, on December 16 I receive a call from someone at the genetic testing company's Billing department stating my insurance company was not going to cover the entirety of the amount of the test, and was going to charge me a significant amount of money for it if they didn't file an appeal. I was told I was going to receive some documents by mail, and that I needed to sign and return them so they could go ahead and file the appeal. I received the documents right before Christmas, scanned them, signed them, and sent them back to the requested address on December 30.

    Today I received a letter from my insurance company stating they reviewed the appeal and that they're upholding their original decision, and that I owe them $8,500!

    (Insurance company) has reviewed an appeal request, filed on your behalf by (Genetic testing company) which we received on January 11, 2021. We have determined that the original processing is upheld since the claims were processed correctly according to your benefit plan. Before making this decision, we reviewed the letter of appeal, the claim submitted, and your benefit plan.

    Please refer to page 2 of your Schedule of Benefits for Outpatient professional services. The ********* Point of Service covers non-network providers at 60% of the allowable charges and the member is responsibility (sic) is 40%. Therefore, since the providers do not participate in the *** Point of Service network, the claims processed correctly towards the out of network deductible/coinsurance benefits.

    I am LIVID. I have opened this letter a couple of hours ago and it has taken this long for me to be able to calm down enough to be able to type. I absolutely do not have this money, and my current situation couldn't be worse: I'm out of work, barely being able to take care of myself due to the progression of the fibromyalgia, I have no car, no partner, no family, and barely making rent. There is simply no way I'll be able to pay this bill without going homeless, even if I paid it in installments. I never owed this much money to anything or anyone in my entire 42 years of life!

    I have no idea how to even begin turning this situation around. What can I legally do here? Is there any recourse for me besides suing the genetic testing company? All the proof I have are the email from them, an exchange of emails setting up the blood draw, the test results, and the appeal letter with a note from the Billing department employee. If suing is the best course of action, what kind of lawyer should I contact, and how do I go about finding one? Would I have to pay them upfront for their services?

    Are there other subreddits or forums I can go for help?

    My head is spinning and it's hard for me to even think of what questions I should be asking here. Please help!

    submitted by /u/epicg_throwaway
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    First accident, witness is lying to police about what happened. Will it matter and what can I do?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 06:18 AM PST

    Edited to add location: Pennsylvania

    I was driving in the far right lane of a several lane road, slowing down because I was going to make a (right) turn at the light about 1000 ft ahead, the light was green. I had my right turn signal on (perhaps this was a bit early) and was slowing down further as I approached the intersection. Another driver was leaving a store on the right side of the road, she had a stop sign and had stopped but "assumed I was turning in" to the driveway into the store and pulled out in front of me at the last second. I hit her. The drivers side door was smushed in but she was ok, as am I.

    The driver seemed nice enough, we exchanged info and the police were called. A man driving a cable van that was behind me pulled off and put up cones and was helpful as well. However a middle aged woman who was behind him also pulled off, would not speak to me, and immediately said to the girl that I was at fault, because I had been turning into driveway. At the time, I overheard her say it was because I was "going at a snails pace", which is subjective. But once the police arrived and took her statement they told me she said she'd seen my car actually turn into the driveway and then pull back out, which is a lie, I definitely didn't do that.

    The cars were right in front of the stores driveway, and my car was in the middle of my lane, the wheels completely straight forward, which wouldn't be the case if I'd pulled into the driveway and then turned back out. The police saw this when they got there and also seemed doubtful of the story, but of course the other driver agreed with the witness that said I was at fault. I'm not sure what the cable man said, I wish I knew.

    I wish I'd gotten more pictures as well, I have a close up of the collision spot, and photos of each cars damage, as well as one of the cars' wheels that was mostly an accident but might be helpful, but not one from further away. It was my first accident and I was nervous 😬

    The police said they would see if the store's cameras had caught the accident, and were hesitant to assign fault. I am now waiting to hear back from insurance and am nervous about that witness report that was frankly untrue.

    Could you tell me whether that will affect the outcome, and what outcome I should expect? I don't think it was my fault, I had the right of way and wasn't speeding, and I did not turn into that driveway, my turn signal was for the intersection right after.

    Sorry for the long post, again this is my first accident and I'm not sure what is relevant. If I missed any information please do ask

    submitted by /u/moonmouse1965
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    My neighbors keep harassing me

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 06:45 PM PST

    I have a long drawn out history between myself and a certain violent neighbor. Basically theft, emotional damage, battery, verbal altercations...Im at a point where im tired of fighting and literally just ask him to leave me alone. Repeatedly. He refuses and continues to try to talk to me, to try to instigate fights. I need to file for a harassment/restraining order but the courts are closed. Is there any way I can file online or by phone? Im genuinely afraid for my safety. If it helps I live in los Angeles county, California.

    submitted by /u/Entire_Resolution_36
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