• Breaking News

    Friday, December 27, 2019

    Legal Advice - Two children (6/7) ran into the street, and I hit both of them. I was going less than 15 MPH, but they are hurt and I am getting sued. (California)

    Legal Advice - Two children (6/7) ran into the street, and I hit both of them. I was going less than 15 MPH, but they are hurt and I am getting sued. (California)

    Two children (6/7) ran into the street, and I hit both of them. I was going less than 15 MPH, but they are hurt and I am getting sued. (California)

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 09:06 AM PST

    Hello everyone. I was driving to go see a friend and I got out of my driveway and turned. I didn't even pass 4 houses when a small boy and girl both ran into the street and hit my quarter panel. Luckily I didn't run them over, and I don't see how I am at fault here.

    Their mother, came out and started screeching at me and threw more insults than I can count. She called the police and paramedics and they arrived. All of that went well, but today, a week after this happened, I got someone knocking at my door asking for my name and gave me an envelope saying I am being sued.

    I am only 18 so I don't know how any of this works. I am waiting for my dad to get home because he works with stuff like this.

    I do not have a dashcam unfortunately. I told the police I was going speed limit, and these two kids happened to run out into the street without looking both ways, and the big SUV parked on the street was blocking my view. They dismissed me and I left, so I do not know what they said to the mother.

    But now I am getting sued, and I don't know how to defend myself really, and we don't have the budget for a lawyer right now. We do, but it's not how we want to be spending money at the moment. I am thinking of taking a picture of my point of view with the SUV parked where it was but that's all I really got.

    Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

    Edit: thanks to everyone who commented. I can't respond to each individually but I've read all of them and I'm keeping everything in the back of my mind in case I need it! And yes, my diction was off. They ran into me, I technically didn't hit them. I will refrain from saying that.

    submitted by /u/Niktam-Air
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    Pharmacy gave 3 year old wrong medication

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 02:16 PM PST

    [Wisconsin] My main question is who do I call or what do I do. A few days ago she got released from the hospital with a prescription for antibiotics and steroids. The antibiotics were sent over electronically but I got a paper prescription for the steroids. I picked them up and did the consultation with the pharmacist questioning the dose and thought everything was fine.

    The next day I gave her the dose of what I thought was steroids. She was a bit off but nothing to call a doc about. The day after I took off work because she wasn't feeling well. I gave her the morning dose of steroids and 15 minutes later she collapsed at home. I call 911 and we got admitted. This morning the doctor came in and my daughter tested positive for benzodiazepines. It turns out instead of steroids the pharmacy gave her a liquid benzodiazepine and I have been giving her 5 times the adult dose and never even knew it. This is a huge problem. I brought her meds to the hospital and it says her steroid name on the sticker but on the box it says the name of the benzodiazepine. I'm so stupid not to check but trusted the pharmacy we had bee to many times before.

    Who can I call to make a complaint? Do we need a lawyer? She could be in the hospital for another 4 days! Any advice is much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/throwaway09955
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    sexually assaulted by another patient at hospital

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 04:05 PM PST

    vancouver, BC Canada, 19 yo female

    I was recently admitted into a hospital for a mental health crisis (severe panic attack). I was heavily sedated with a shot of Ativan and some Seroquel. I was then transferred to a different emergency room within the same hospital, fully unconscious. I was fully unconscious throughout the entire night until I woke up and there was a man at the foot of my bed, touching my vagina.

    I immediately screamed at him to stop touching me, and a security guard appeared and dragged the man behind a curtain, where I could hear a struggle between the clearly agitated man and multiple healthcare workers in the unit. He was eventually restrained and taken to a different part of the hospital.

    I was hysterical, so I was given another shot of ativan to calm down. The nurse who administered it alerted the psychiatrist on call about what had happened, and he accused me of lying, claiming that a security guard was near me when it happened, and it couldn't possibly have. I told the psychiatrist I needed a different doctor and he left.

    The next professional I saw was a nurse, who asked me to describe the security guard who had taken the man away. She came back awhile later and apologized profusely, saying that story from the security guard matched my story, and even that the man was on my bed and needed to be "pulled off" (whether that means me or the bed) and then restrained and heavily sedated.

    It turns out that this man was highly aggressive, and had a "sitter" that was meant to be supervising him the entire time, but left him alone to go and get restraints for him.

    I have already filed a police report and given a statement, and as soon as this man is released, he will be arrested. I'm just wondering if there's any recourse I can take against the hospital or psychiatrist. They left me alone with a dangerous man and I ended up being sexually assaulted, and then accused of lying.

    Thank you for any help. I have no idea what to do

    submitted by /u/hmagee123
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    Previous AirBnB host keeps requesting money on the app. We keep denying it and we even deactivated our credit card. How far can this escalate [US - Texas] ?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 05:30 AM PST

    I had a bad experience with an airbnb in the beginning of December. The airbnb host was an older lady who was also living in the house she rented out and it was very obvious from the get go that she was not doing well financially. It was just me and her living in that house and unfortunately it was under my mom's account.

    Well a few weeks later my mom kept getting airbnb emails of the host requesting money for damages that have not occurred at all. She keeps denying the request and in the request she is trying to charge for things like rubbing alcohol, febreze, and other ridiculous things totaling to $1000.

    So one thing that we made sure to do was to deactivate my mom's credit card linked to AirBnb which we did. My question is how much further can this escalate ? We are getting worried that the host might intentionally start breaking things in the house to get more money from us. Can we ignore all this ?

    Are we safe ? Should we just delete the app altogether ? This was my first experience with the app and it certainly wasn't a good one. I'm very worried about using a service like this in the future because it seems like hosts can charge for ridiculous things or claim you broke something when you didn't.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated. I usually do the craigslist and although it is not as safe, living situations like this seems to be better under the table at times unless if it is a hotel.

    submitted by /u/braindead8868
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    Trying to avoid a "squatter" situation

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 11:21 AM PST

    My parents live in a small town in central Texas. They own a four bedroom home that they share with my brother and a paying tenant. My brother (unbeknownst to anyone) allowed a female friend to stay in his room for less than a week before he turned himself in to jail for drug convictions. He told me that he made it clear to his friend that she was not allowed to stay there while he was in jail/rehab. She returned and has made herself at home- completely uninvited. My parents spoke with her and she gave them a sob story and they allowed her to stay a few more days because they did not have the heart to kick her out so close to Christmas.

    Apparently last night she had some friends over and now I need to step in and put an end to this. My parents, the property owners, want her out. They have changed the locks but haven't actually gone and officially told her to leave because there is a language barrier. I am planning on confronting her today but I'd like some advice on how to best handle this in case she doesn't leave willingly.

    submitted by /u/GlassOnionSkelter
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    Work is giving me a unreasonably limited time to collect checks if I want them in a timely manner [ohio]

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 06:11 AM PST

    (I'm on mobile, I apologise for any spelling or grammar mistakes)

    So a couple of things:

    1. I'm supposed to be on direct deposits but 3 weeks ago a "glitch in the system happened", and now I need to collect checks. They said they would fix it all 3 weeks but it's not happened.

    2. Yesterday I was told at 12:40 that if I wasn't at work by 1 I would not be able to collect it for over a month. My pay schedule says I should have been paid yesterday, but I showed up only to be told no checks are in but to put my name and number down for a phone call today to collect it.

    3. I work at a different job today and won't be able to collect my check if they actually call me. In addition the store will be closed for a month after today and I've been told during this time I cannot collect my check or get paid in any way.

    4. Last week they stopped responding to me asking about my money until I threatened to make a claim with the ohio labor board.

    So my questions are: Is this legal of them? Can you guys think of anything to speed this up, I have bills in 3 days that I now don't have enough for. if I get late fees from not being able to pay bills because of this can I make my employer pay them?

    Edit: formatting

    submitted by /u/whud99
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    I didn't get paid today, apparently our company doesn't have any money. Job security is questionable (MD)

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 07:07 PM PST

    Not sure if this is the right place, but I'm gonna ask anyways.

    I didnt get paid today. This isnt the first time it happened, but it is the first time the owner said it is going to be middle to late next week before he can pay me. It's only happened once or twice before, but we were paid on Saturday morning. Me and one other person are the only ones who didnt get paid.

    Apparently the owner spent all the money we had on himself and didnt care to check the cash flows going into the holiday season. We dont have much work lined up, the bank account is over drawn, he already owes money for the last periods pay roll that he has to pay back before he can pay us for this pay period. He is unable get a business loan at this time.

    What are my obligations I have to keep with this company? Can I collect unemployment because he cant pay me? I'm mainly concerned because I've only worked here for almost 3 months. I plan on sticking it out because (from what I've read) you must work at a company for 1 quarter (3 months) before you're elidgeable for unemployment in MD. I'm less than 2 weeks away from that. I have a feeling the owner is going lay off a few other people soon based on a conversation I had with him today, and he did say my job is safe.

    How long is a reasonable amount of time to give the owner to be able to pay me in terms of acting in good faith?

    If the company goes under, how do I get the money that is owed to me? What if I get laid off and the owner doesn't have the money?

    I am searching for employment elsewhere, but it's hard out there so I'm trying to figure out my options.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Throwawaymylife54568
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    My phone company took over $1200 from me and can't tell me where it went!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 06:56 PM PST

    So during this holiday season my phone company took $600 out of my account and when asked about it they said they couldn't find any evidence of it while disputing that another $630 was taken out by the same company and both them and the bank can't figure out what is happening. They say I'm most of given my account information to someone (which I didn't) and the bank says they can't do much sense I authorized automatic payments and according to the bank that means they can take whatever they want whenever they want. (Is that true?) My grandparents (whom I live with because of my autism) are threatening legal action. Can anyone here tell me what legal actions I can take if any? Also I live in Mississippi.

    submitted by /u/Overlord_CHS
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    Can I not sell tobacco products to persons under age 21 as of today???

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 05:02 AM PST

    In regards to the post about the new FDA PSA. Mississippi.

    UPDATE: I called the ATF,no answer. Police, they're unsure. Prosecutors office isnt answering the phone. I have work at 4pm. What I'm grasping is it is now law, but unenforceable(unpunishable) at this time.

    submitted by /u/BAY0UBARBiE
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    My schizophrenic neighbour & her mum believe my mother and I are ruining her life, and is becoming increasingly unpredictable. Police refuse to intervene, because as long as she has her meds in the house and appears of sound mind when they visit, they apparently can't do anything. What can we do?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 07:02 AM PST

    Firsty, I'd like to appologize for any misspellings, I'm not a native speaker.

    TL;DR: Neighbour with paranoid schizophrenia thinks my mother is ruining her life, antagonizes daughter who is also sick. Years later the mother starts regular treatment and acts normal, but the daughter seems to have lost it and is becoming unpredictable. Yesterday, she wrote individual messages from a fake Facebook profile to over a hundred of my mum's FB friends, accusing my mum of spying on her through her goddamn radiator. Combined with different occurances over the past years, we're growing increasingly afraid of her.

    Since my parents moved to my family's current flat, the neighbours above them have been the same people - a man and his wife, both in their sixties, and their daughter, who is currently around 30 years old. The mother (lets refer to her as neigbours mum - NM) has paranoid schizophrenia, and so does the daughter. According to my mum, almost instantly after she and dad moved in, the NM has started acting suspiciously. She wouldn't acknowledge their existance, always froze up and wouldn't move when they were around, and never spoke a word to them. My mother inquired about it with the husband, who explained that NM has paranoid schizophrenia, and is very suspicious of new people. Mum was very understaning and attempted to avoid the family entirely. At that point, she didn't even know they had a young daughter, as she never seemed to leave the flat, and my parents assumed she must've been homeschooled when they found out about her existance.

    The first incident happened soon after my sister was born in 2005. My mum was leaving for work one day, but, after opening the door, she found NM standing in the hallway, right in front of our appartment. Without a word, NM then proceded to walk up the stairs and go back to her house. Such incidents would occur irregularly between 2005 and around 2012. My mum always assumed it was a coincidence, though my father never really believed that and mentioned on multiple occasions police shoud be called as we don't know why she just stands in front of our door. This behaviour stopped completely after 2012 - NM had an accident which resulted in a broken hip, and after being admitted to the hospital, doctors noted her talkign about things noone else could see and acting erratically. She was observed by a psychiatrist, who diagnosed her with paranoid schizophrenia (she was never formally diagnosed before, but her husband always assumed she must've been sick). She was temporarily taken to an institution, and given medication. Since then, she seems fine and doesn't act up.
    However, we later discovered she has been antagonising her daughter against my mum since the girl was 16. The first incident involving her happened in 2016. Someone has been knocking on our door, and leaving before we could check who it was. One time, my dad saw her through the door visor and asked her to go away. She did, but when we woke up in the morning, we discovered our visor was completely broken - most likely with a screwdriver. My parents replaced it and decided not to investigate further. In the summer of 2017, our staircase was filled with a putrid, rotting smell. We feared one of the neighbours passed away, but when the police were called, that was discovered not to be the case. The smell wasn't getting any better, and it was impossible to leave the house after some time. In my area, all blocks-of-flats have a very distinct design - on the middle of the wall between the two appartments on each floor, our staircases have 3 yellow metal boxes that can be unlocked with a key. Inside are the electric fuses that control electicity on the floor, a valve to cut off water, and a fire extinguisher. Most of the time those are locked, and can only be accessed by maintnance workers using a key that can be picked up in the basement. Well, "someone" broke the lock on the box holding the extinguisher, and replaced with a bag full of raw chicken meat. It had to be there for at least 3 weeks before our next door neighbours discovered it. Obviously, it was the source of the rotten smell, and I think everyone in the block knew who put it there.

    A few people from our staircase went to confront her, but the family refused to let us talk to her and nothing came of it, since we technically had no proof it was her doing. Since then, up until recently, no major incident had occured. The father informed us, however, of his daughters growing hatred towards not only my mum, but me. In November, police knocked on our door to inform us she called in with a complaint about us. Apparently, she said we have somehow placed a device in her floorboards which emits invisible waves that give her headaches and cause nightmares. The officers who came to us laughed it off, but were obliged to still talk to us. We explained the whole situation, and they advised we should call the police ourselves. When we did just that, however, we were informed nothing could be done as, when visited, she appeared of sound mind and there were meds in her room, which offically meant she was being treated. As such, the police declared she cannot be placed in a mental institution as she is "willingly undergoing treatment".

    We hoped she really is being treated, and so it seemed for about a month. She started to leave the house, even apologized for her behaviour to my dad when she met him at the store. This, however, did not last. Her dad once again informed us she is relapsing, and its worse than ever. She once again keeps talking about the device under her floorboards, which also supposedly now emits a beeping noise that causes her to lose sleep. She has apparently started sleeping with a hair band that she taped magnets to in order to "prevent the waves from influencing her brain". She installed metal blinds in her room and started sleeping with a knife under the matress, which the father tried to take away before she became violent and he had to leave the room. His wife doesn't let him call the police again, and threatens to divorce him if he does so.

    The climax of this entire story happened yesterday. At 7 AM, my mum woke up to tens of messages from her friends, warning her that someone is slandering her. Confused, she asked to provide screenshots. I can link them if necessary, but, since they are not in English, I'll provide a rough translation:

    "Hello! Do you know [mum's name]? It's hard to believe a person like her has so many friends on Facebook, considering she spent years listening in on her neighbours through their RADIATOR. She spends all of her time at home and constantly interferes with other people's lives, manipulating and ruining them due to jealousy! Do you know her well, or just barely?"

    This message was sent to over a hundred people on my mum's friend list. The whole thing was signed with a fake name, and so was the profile who sent those messages. We have screenshots, but the account is gone as one of mum's friends reported it for impersonation.

    Considering the fact that she seems to be growing more erratic, and is now trying to ruin my mum's reputation (mum is a rather well known psychologist and a university lecturer, so her public image is very important to her), we decided its time to finally do something. However, the police still maintain that they will not intervene, as they have no verifiable way to check if she stopped taking her meds, and thus they couldn't do anything. Is there anyone else we can reach out to? Are the police here in the wrong? Is what she's doing even illegal? It's come to a point where me and my little sister are afraid of leaving the house to walk the dog. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, and if this doesn't fit the sub, please direct me to the correct subreddit.

    Also, this is rather obvious, but we are not US citizens. We live in Poland, and I don't know how much more this complicates things.

    submitted by /u/thr0waway_neighbour
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    Store sent wrong item, wants to refund in store credit

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 08:29 AM PST

    So I ordered a package from a California-based online store to my Kentucky home for the holidays. When I opened the package, it contained the wrong item. When I contacted customer support, they informed me that the item I actually ordered was no longer in stock and they wanted to refund me in store credit (they did not request that I return the item). Upon pressing, they told me that they could return what I paid for shipping via original payment method (it is unclear whether they were going to refund shipping at all before I pressed) but said simply that store policy is to always refund via store credit. I understand this for actual returns, but given that they are now unable to provide the item I actually bought at all, is it legal for them to refuse an actual refund? Thanks for your help!

    submitted by /u/MoltenAndromeda
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    Somebody suing me for 25k

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 11:23 AM PST

    2 years ago I was driving to go get sushi with a friend. This lady kept brake checking me on the highway in traffic. While I was trying to pass her, the lane next to me had fast moving traffic, she abruptly stopped again and I ran into her. There was Literally maybe a scratch on her bumper. The cops were called and she stumbles out in a neck brace, saying she was hurt. She came up to my window saying "I just thank god you're ok" the impact was not hard what so ever, she was clearly faking for attention. She eventually wanted to drive home, and refused to go to the hospital in an ambulance, signed a form saying she was ok to drive, I remember the cop telling me this because she was so clearly faking it. My insurance handled everything. Fast forward to today where I get a letter saying she filed a lawsuit against me EXACTLY 2 years to date of the accident. She's suing me for 25k saying that I caused her neck and back injuries, and that she "sustained permanent damage that she will suffer with the rest of her life" this is all BS. I don't have money, I don't know what to do. I called my insurance and they said they would call me back. I'm lost. I really don't want to be a victim to this lady's bull crap scam to get money. Please help.

    submitted by /u/Scissorluv70
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    Son took college savings we had set aside for him

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 10:02 AM PST

    My son (22) transferred funds from a bank account that me and his mother set aside for his college savings. He no longer attends college and hasn't for a few years. He is the beneficiary of said account, but I am the account owner.

    I believe he transferred funds by using our online profile, which we had left logged in on our home computer, on Christmas.

    I'm wondering how I should pursue this legally because he does not want to talk about it.

    I'm in Oregon.

    submitted by /u/HarvestHunk
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    My landlord is trying to raise rent in the middle of my lease.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 07:39 AM PST

    Hello, I live in Georgia, USA. My landlord is trying to raise the rent by over 10% due to property taxes. They provided a 90 days notice of the increase. My issue comes in that in my rental agreement, there is no statement that they can raise rent. They also threatened that if I don't pay the increase, they will start the process to evict me.

    They did provide the option to go somewhere else, but they stated I would not get my security deposit back, since "I didn't pay the full 12 month agreement".

    Is this legal? What should I do?

    submitted by /u/Walses907
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    What steps should I take after discovering that my current employer is recording surveillance footage inside of the bathroom? (Cross-post) (Serious)

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 04:27 PM PST

    I currently work in a pediatric therapy clinic. Meaning that not only adult employees, but children are filmed on the toilet. We signed various documents upon employment, so I'm not sure if I've somehow given some type of written consent. I'm sure that being filmed while in the bathroom would NEVER under any circumstances be okay with me, and I'm pretty confident that the parents of these kids would feel the same way.

    Found out after opening the lobby door today to return an office phone. The new desk attendant was away and there were three live camera feeds left on the screen. On one I could see kids playing, and one was an image of the inside of the bathroom. I've noticed a green light coming from a small gap in two of the ceiling tiles but honestly didn't want to believe that my privacy would be violated so harshly by my employer.

    Honestly, I just feel really hurt and disgusted, and glad that one of my co-workers wasn't using the bathroom when I walked up to the monitor. Definitely do not want to see that. The screen does face the door leading from the offices so basically anyone could accidentally end up seeing something that they shouldn't.

    Anyone have advice on how this should not approached? (In Michigan, U.S. if relevant)

    submitted by /u/madamesquire
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    Work got a subpoena to give video footage of ATM transactions a person made.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 10:59 AM PST

    Hi there, we got a subpoena from the Utah Third District Court at a 7-11 to produce video footage of listed dates and times that a certain individual used the ATM to do I assume illegal or fraudulent transactions. The problem is, we do not have a camera directly facing the ATM, only the ATM itself has a camera on it but it is a third party that has the ATM there, not 7-11 itself.

    We left a voicemail at the number listed on the subpoena that we cannot produce these videos, but we gave them the number of the ATM company that is on the ATM and our own phone number to get back to us.

    I'm just wondering what we can expect from here, we do have video footage of the individual going to the ATM, but not of them at the ATM carrying out a transaction. We also don't know if we should contact the ATM company and tell them about the subpoena.


    submitted by /u/Kevin7650
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    Brother is going for a citizenship test, his work will not be giving holiday pay for the whole month of Dec. for missing one day.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 12:39 PM PST

    My brother works in a warehouse that over the month of December pays him OT/holiday pay if he chooses to work Saturdays and Sundays throughout the whole month.

    He will be missing one day due to his citizenship test but they knew about this ahead of time and it is a government issued appointment.

    Is any of this legal? Can he do anything to get all of his pay?

    He makes 15$/hr but 23$/hr holiday pay. They will only pay him 15$/hr if he misses this ONE day that they knew about months ago. He has already worked all of the previous Saturday's and Sunday's up until now. Thank you in advance!

    Edit: its 15\hr salary for clarification

    Edit 2: it looks like instead of holiday pay, it is for a holiday bonus that ends up being 22.5 or 23/hr(holiday payrate)

    submitted by /u/Awgz
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    Arcade game too tier prize 7 year old used Apple iPad mini displayed sealed as new

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 01:43 PM PST

    Hello everyone Edit:Coming from {USA- Massachusetts}

    Looking for some advice as I recently yesterday won in a arcade machine at the movie theater from a vending company. It was advertised as a sealed brand new Apple iPad mini. Received it today it's a refurbished non original box non original power cord and USB aftermarket. People spend hundreds of dollars in these machines daily if not weekly. and as also customers see the top tier prize is a sealed iPad mini. yes I am grateful that I won this I really am but do I have a case that they advertise this wrong and I should at least get a brand new system that is not junk because a 7 year old Apple products will not be able to play any games do anything beyond basic function. It is completely obsolete and they are advertising it as new. I am not some spoiled brat I plan to give it to my son but feel the scam is that, a bigger scam than we already know with arcade games. Thank you for your legal input wondering if attorney general or anywhere else should be spoken to. Again this is more principle and my dissatisfaction that it is a complete scam more than I realized.

    submitted by /u/killacloud30
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    Amazon.com sent wrong item, I returned, still won't refund.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 07:31 AM PST


    Im really frustrated as I'm typing this. As i literally just got off the phone with amazon "brilliant" costumer support.

    I ordered a collectible statue on amazon for $90. They had the best price at that time. When it got delivered, I opened a package , and there was an entirely different item. The box looked nothing like the statue I ordered,. (I'm a collector, so the box itself is really important. I contacted amazon via chat saying that they sent me the wrong package. The apologized and provided me a return label and once i return the item they will refund me...

    Well, its been almost 3 weeks since they received my return. I call them multiple times, and they won't issue my refund because I returned them the wrong item, even thought they sent me the wrong item to begin with. It's like WTF??? The lady on the phone at the return center literally told me that there is absolutely nothing she can do and has no options for me. So basically now, I'm out of $90 and no item. And the worst part is, i payed with gift card that i received as a gift. So i can't even do chargeback on them. Any advice of how to resolve this? I'm really pissed right now.

    UPDATE: After waiting on hold for 2 hrs (yes no lie) I actually got a person who listened to me and helped me with refund. Wanna thank everyone in here for tips! Problem solved!

    submitted by /u/Br00799
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    Ex-wife added me to a lease without my knowledge then skipped out part way through. Now the landlord is after me to cover lost rent, cleaning fees and penalties.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 09:14 PM PST

    I didn't sign the lease. She still has my last name and knows my SSN. I don't know if she put the SSN on the application. We haven't lived in the same state since the divorce, four years ago.

    The first I knew about this was an invoice in the mail for $3500. Rental was in Arkansas.

    Can the landlord actually come after me? I do not want this to land on my credit.

    I also can't go after her (sue her, etc) because she has custody of the kids and will punish me by badmouthing me to the kids and reducing my access. I have an agreement with her but the kids will be too "busy" to talk or visit.


    Edit: added state

    submitted by /u/friendlyNeighgrouch
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    [US-TX] Workplace has several "donation" boxes and even a place on receipts to "donate", just found out its kept and given out as bonuses to management.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 10:09 PM PST

    I work in food service/hospitality and catering, I was hired about 6 months ago and until recently nothing has really stood out as odd/illegal until my recent promotion to a lead/shift manager before the holidays.

    Basically every space people will spend time in waiting has a "donation" box saying it benefits a children's hospital. Even receipts have a spot for a "charitable donation". Most events also give permission for us to have donation boxes out at the bar, or coat check etc.

    One assumes these donations go towards what the box says but not ours, after a large holiday event on Christmas day our overall lead pulled the 3 leads/managers working off and had us count out the donation boxes after the rest of the crews left for the night. Totalled around $1100 and was split between the 4 of us, people were extremely charitable probably due to the holiday. I asked the other leads what's up and this is apparently what happens after events, and monthly cash bonuses for non-events at work. This has been this way for at least two years (that's how long one of the other leads has worked in management).

    Who are the right people to report this to (do I contact the hospital listed as the recipient of the donations?)

    submitted by /u/workboss
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    atm ate money, told to file claim, accounts closed suddenly[TX]

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 11:05 AM PST

    hello !!

    so i went to deposit money the bank atm ate my money(over 500$), crediting me 1/5 of it only and did NOT return my money. since i was there at the atm i called(they have cameras) and they said to file a claim.

    i filed a claim and next thing i know, they denied my claim and made the decision to close all my bank accounts.

    ive been with them for 20 years, and just after i file a claim they do this... is this legal? thanks!

    submitted by /u/girllfriend
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    Employer falsified paychecks

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 06:39 PM PST

    Hello, I currently reside in Florida and am seeking advice as to how I should proceed after realizing that my employer has been falsifying my paychecks. I worked as a bartender for a restaurant locally and started to notice that my pay checks were off. I have 100% proof that instead of being paid correctly they were adding claimed tips to make my pay lower on my checks when I in fact was not making anything remotely close and I can prove it. How do I proceed in order to receive what is owed to me in full and whom should I report them to if they are privately owned? Thanks so much for any advice.

    submitted by /u/Jbolzing
    [link] [comments]

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