• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 18, 2020

    Legal Advice - My grandpa (82) has been sleeping with and drinking with his caregiver (60) and buying her groceries every week and has been bought her a new door. She’s married and her husband is unemployed. I feel like their both using my grandpa for his money, as he has been showing signs of mental decline.

    Legal Advice - My grandpa (82) has been sleeping with and drinking with his caregiver (60) and buying her groceries every week and has been bought her a new door. She’s married and her husband is unemployed. I feel like their both using my grandpa for his money, as he has been showing signs of mental decline.

    My grandpa (82) has been sleeping with and drinking with his caregiver (60) and buying her groceries every week and has been bought her a new door. She’s married and her husband is unemployed. I feel like their both using my grandpa for his money, as he has been showing signs of mental decline.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    As the title says, that basically describes that whole situation. Using a throwaway account for this.

    I'm here to ask what kind of actions I should take. I am fully aware my grandpa is an adult, but I feel that he is being taken advantage of.

    She gets drunk with him regularly and smokes weed. Sometimes they fight after drinking and she gets incredibly argumentative and cussed out my grandpa. She convinces my grandpa to kick out my aunt even though she's been living with him. She doesn't like it when his own family visits him. He tells us all the time to not tell anyone about this.

    Should I report her to her agency? What else can be done? I think this is straight up elder abuse.

    Edit: let me also add that she is on the clock when she is sleeping with and drinking with him

    Edit again: location is Pennsylvania

    Third Edit: Wow this is blowing up a bit. I am overwhelmingly so grateful for the thoughtful advice and the sensitivity to my situation, especially from other health care workers. Thank you all for taking the time to respond. It is definitely past my bed time though (work early in the morning) and although I haven't been able to read all of this yet, I will be able to get the ball rolling on this starting tomorrow and carefully write out a plan and what I'm going to say.

    ❤️❤️❤️❤️ much love and goodnight for now ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    submitted by /u/456anoneyabiz
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    Being charged $22,000 for Neuromonitoring during back surgery- no one told us we would be responsible for this out of pocket. What can we do? Ohio

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    My husband underwent back surgery to have a tumor removed from his spinal cord on 9/24/20. The hospital never provided us with a break down of charges we might be responsible for as per their policy. We didn't think anything of it bc we met our deductible and out of pocket max back in July. So, for all intents and purposes we thought insurance was covering at 100% since his surgeon was in network, same as the hospital. In our defense insurance has been covering everything at 100% so we had no reason to believe otherwise.

    We were told 20mins before he was wheeled off to surgery that he would need neuro monitoring, and signed for them to bill our insurance. We were emotional and scared as this was a major surgery, so yes we signed assuming the doctors had his best interest in mind.

    Cut to today when we see that we owe $22,000 to the neuro monitoring company. Insurance is not covering for two reasons- it's out of network and it's considered experimental. I thought hospitals needed to tell you if something is considered experimental bc most (if not all) insurance companies do not cover these services. I've also read that the average cost of neuro monitoring is ~$1000. This charge of $22,000 is 3x the cost of the surgery itself which seems absurd.

    We feel we are being taken advantage of. What rights do we have? What are our next steps? We are in Ohio. I can provide more details as needed.

    submitted by /u/AxReMi
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    [Texas] Guy I was dating stole a $900 pair of prescription glasses. He is on probation. What will happen after filing charges?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    I was dating a guy for about 2 weeks. I had to call the police today and file a report. What happened was I had packed my bags to leave his house and packed my glasses in them. At some point, he went into my bag and got the glasses back out and kept them.

    Now he refuses to give them back to me. He has texted that he has them and will bring them back but he is still refusing to actually do it.

    The cops said they are filing it as "Robbery of person" since he went and stole them specifically out of my bag.

    My question, do you guys think I'll actually be able to get my glasses back? And also, he is on probation and is a convicted felon. Will these charges affect his probation? Could he go back to jail over this?

    submitted by /u/glitchy911
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    A Barstool Sports affiliate Instagram account posted an embarrassing picture of me and refuse to take it down.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    As the title says, an Instagram account got a hold of a picture of me when I was 18, drunk, and leaning over a toilet. I've asked them multiple times to remove it through Instagram dm and they ignored it. They had their phone number on their account page, so I called it and politely asked them to take it down. They then abruptly hung up and took the phone number down.

    Is there anything I can do to get them to remove it? I'm graduating college soon and don't really want future employers seeing this.


    submitted by /u/raygun1997
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    Neighbor blasts music at random intervals from 1AM-5AM, went out to ask him to stop at 4AM and he starts recording me and not talking. What are my options?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    So every time this happens I just call the non emergency number and they usually send someone out and the music stops eventually, but sometimes it goes on for a long time and sometimes the cops don't get sent out. Last night I had to say something as he would blast music for 15-20 minutes then stop, then play the music for 5 minutes then stop for a few minutes, then blast for another 20 minutes ect... and I'm talking about like max volume and bass boosted, I could hear the music 8+ houses down.

    So last night I go out and scream 'Shut the fuck up' down the street hoping that would be the end of it and he would have common sense. Nothing, so I walked my way down the street until I'm standing in front of his house on the other side of the street, I notice it's literally just one guy sitting on his porch alone (as he usually does it, used to be his car) I scream 'Hey' and 'Hey buddy' a couple of times until he finally looks up and then I say something along the lines of 'It's 4 in the morning, can you please turn down your music everyone can hear it' (kinda screaming this at this point because I'm standing across the street), pretty sure I said 'wear some fucking head phones for fucks sake' as walking away but I doubt he heard that. 4 minutes later the music comes back at full blast, I go back, I say 'Hey buddy' a few times again to get his attention. He then angles his phone as if he's recording me to which I'm pretty sure I just said 'are you serious' as I started to walk away. I then called the police, but after I got inside he stopped the music shortly after. But then 15 minutes later he starts blasting again (4:30 at this point) and does the usual grind until around 5:00 or 5:15 or so. No idea if the cops came or if they did anything because I'd say about 70% of the time after I confronted him he kept his music off.

    It's downright torture having to be woken up at 2AM, and tell him to shut the fuck up at 4:00 AM and kept up sporadically until 5AM. What are my options here aside from calling the non emergency number every now and then?

    submitted by /u/YoungGucci66
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    I need my mom to lose custody of my sister

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    To start, I live in Ontario, Canada. The involved parties are my parents, who have separated and, as far as I'm aware, are both dating other people, my sister, and myself.

    I need to find some way to get my sister away from my mom. There aren't many better options. My brother is in university and I don't think he would be able to support her alone. My dad lives with his mother and brother, a household that has all its own issues, and he's in no mental state to be able to care for anyone, even himself. If it comes down to it, I would be willing to have her live with me, but I'm juggling an apprenticeship and a part-time job so I don't know how well it would work out.

    My sister is mildly autistic, which as far as I know has never mattered to my mother aside from using it to excuse her behaviour and to accept cheques from the government. My mom quit her job over the summer to go back to school, but only two weeks in she dropped out and is currently not bringing in any money. Her boyfriend lost his job because of the pandemic, and about a month ago his unemployment stopped coming in. They both buy alcohol and cigarettes regularly, and spend all their time in the garage just talking amongst each other.

    From a mental standpoint, my mom is in no way capable of raising children. She gets angry very easily, and when she does she tends to be self-destructive (i.e. dropping a knife hoping it'll land on her foot, punching a thick, metal door just to hurt her hand, etc.) and incredibly mentally abusive to my sister. By this I mean screaming and yelling at her, insulting her and then acting the victim. I have spoken to her about it, but she maintains that because she always apologizes it's fine. Years ago, when I was about 13, we had social workers visit on a regular basis because one of the neighbours suspected foul play, but nothing ever came of it.

    She's made my life and my brother's miserable since we've decided to move out, and I fully intend to cut ties with her once I know my sister is somewhere safe. My problem is that I know next to nothing about laws, and everything I do know is about American laws.

    Tl;dr neither of my parents are capable of taking care of my sister, but I need to get her away from my mother, even if it means I'll have to take her in.

    submitted by /u/nap-ak
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    What are the chances that my child will be taken from me.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    There is a lot to this story but I will try to make it very short and to the point .

    • I am dependent on the father of my child and his family. He was going to marry me until I got pregnant and found out he had been cheating on me for months. He kicked me out and I was homeless. Then after I had the baby he let me come back because he "cares " his family is under the impression that we are together.
    • the father is not on the birth certificate
    • the father and I have an abusive relationship. It's mostly verbal and mental abuse but we do hit each other sometimes
    • I want to move out because I believe that having two parents who love their child in separate homes is better then raising a baby in a toxic environment.
    • I am mentally ill and this living environment is bad for my mental health . I am stolen from a lot, I am verbally abused and degraded by most of the family on a daily. ( they hear me and their son fighting and blame everything on me) they also do things that trigger my ptsd such as illegal substances ( the ones who do it do it all in the same bedroom away from me and my child , I have gotten into many fights over this because it's " not my house " and they can " do whatever they want" but I bug them enough that they stay in the bedroom.
    • the father of my child and his brother record me . It's usually after being hit by the father or after being berated , they change their tones and get as calm as they can and they try to bait me . They portray it as I am just acting " crazy" for no reason.
    • anytime they are annoyed with me they make threats like taking my baby away, not taking me to work , when I was pregnant and homeless the father even denied taking me to the hospital and I almost died giving birth as a result of it because I told him I didn't want an abortion like he wanted .
    • I am working now , saving for my own car and a place to live , but the father also keeps taking money from me.
    • once I can afford medicine I will be taking it again but that was yet another incident, the medication I take cannot be suddenly stopped , I had been taking it for a while but was short 10$ I asked for help and was told no by the father ( he doesn't like giving me money most of the time ) and I had to stop taking my meds which caused some problems but I was okay.

    what are the chances that my child will be taken away from me ? What can I do to protect myself? I need some real help here I'm not sure what to do anymore.

    submitted by /u/syrupglands
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    Grandparents rights in California

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    When my wife and I married an issue arose with MIL. Neither my wife nor I have spoken to her really in 7 years. We have a 5 year old that has never meet her and we are expecting another one. Can my MIL sue for rights to see my children. We live in California and she currently resides in Colorado. She has sent messages/letters previously showing interest in resolving/seeing our child and I am afraid that a second child would increase this desire. She moved from California to Colorado leaving a another daughter (who is disabled and most likely will never have children) to be closer to stepchildren who had grandchildren. MIL is toxic to be around and we had enough of it hence why we don't talk to her and we especially do not what her around our children. You have to live family drama.

    submitted by /u/GatoPreto83
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    They’re threatening to lawyer up for grandparents rights, what do I need to be aware of?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I'm in a bit of sticky situation. I'm currently living in the province of Manitoba with my husband and now two kids (2 yr and 1 month). My parents live in Ontario.

    Last year I brought my little one (9 months at the time) to visit them for 3-4 weeks, then this January (before the world was set on fire) I brought my kid to see them for a week and a bit. Now, they want all four of us to drive down to Ontario for Christmas this year.

    When I told them that because of the pandemic it wouldn't be safe for any of us so we probably wouldn't be coming they got very angry and threatened to lawyer up to get grandparents rights and told me that they would see me in court.

    I guess what I'm asking is, does anyone have any information as to if this will hold up/what I need to do?

    submitted by /u/JaneDough53
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    Sister and boyfriend in another state will not leave me alone despite telling them multiple times to stop contacting me. Kentucky

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    In May, my sister (in Florida) called CPS on me (in Kentucky) for the conditions of my home. The case was open for less than a month. I cooperated with everything they asked and they never even came back for a follow up visit. Simple and easy, case closed.

    Let me add that my husband passed in July of 2019 and in September of 2020, I was diagnosed as ADHD. So before any judgement is passed, I am still pretty recently widowed and had a mental health disorder that went undiagnosed for 28 years.

    Now, they are continually finding ways to contact me despite me telling them to stop. I have blocked them from absolutely everything I can. They have created multiple accounts on social media to contact me. I have blocked them all. They've messaged my business page for my store and I've banned those accounts from those pages. Now, they have started using the "contact us" form on my website for my store. This was the last e-mail I have gotten from them about 2 hours ago today:

    "You can have everyone you know block me and **, but it doesn't change the fact that she was 100% right in calling CPS because you had your kids living in squalor. Don't blame this on *'s death, your house was disgusting and unsanitary before he died, but you let it get worse. Your parents and sister agreed, but were too fucking cowardly to do anything about it. They were the ones that sent ***** the pictures in the first place and encouraged her to do something, but again they were too scared that you wouldn't let them see *** and **** to say anything about it. I hope you have gotten your shit together now and have given your kids a safe, clean place to live, and if that's what it took to make that happen, so be it."

    This came in after my mother-in-law discovered that they were Facebook friends and she had posted a photo of my kids that my sister commented on. Once she realized that, she promptly blocked her which seems to have set her off again.

    Is there anything I can do given that she is in another state? She has also admitted she wasn't going to stop until my children were removed from the home.

    submitted by /u/MrsShyster
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    Texas, Neighbor in apartment retaliating because we called office about their loud music at night put noticed on all the other neighbors doors saying to call 911 on my unit if they hear a dog bark. Their dog is always barking.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    So my other neighbors have been coming to my door today showing us these signs the shitty neighbor made and put on their doors. They said to call 911 on our unit if they hear a dog bark. To make this even worse I live in a city which has had a lot of race related police incidents and my husband is a POC. Now due to COVID, I don't go out except for 4-6 hours a week for work. My husband and I work from home, our dog doesn't bark, is old and also my PTSD service dog. We know that because we are literally always home. Even if one of us goes to the store someone is always home. To top it off their dog is always crying on their patio it basically lives out there, it is covered with poop. All our other neighbors (who have been letting us know about this) said they have never heard a dog bark from our unit. We know it is them because after the 3rd time of having to talk to the apartments about their music this happens. They play it so loud our walls shake and they do it all night long, they turn it louder each time. I literally can't sleep at night no matter what room I go into which is why we called office. More reasons we know its them is that they are literally the only ones who have not come to us telling us about these papers. What can we do here? Their dog is always barking and they trying to have people call the police on us if anyone hears a dog at all. We were originally only going to be here for a year then buy a house but are trying to find a house faster now. Can I be let out of my lease for my neighbors harassment or would I still have to pay to get out? Edit: we spoke to the apartment complex and they claim it is a different neighbor though they are the only ones who did not talk to us. They said the person who did it "was probably just bored" and that they will talk to them, no real solution, not going to tell people to disregard the notes and told us just to "deal with the police coming it's not bad or a big deal" . So I am pretty pissed since they are blowing it off.

    submitted by /u/Iwritepapersformoney
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    Mother passed away, BF claiming he’s owed

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    Live in GA My mother passed away a couple of days ago. She has a house that is paid off. She was single when she bought the house and a couple of years ago she had a guy move in with her. They never married but he did put some money in the house as far as paying for paint, a fence etc.... and he's claiming that he is owed a lot of money and has got a lawyer. How do I proceed? Send him an eviction notice? I feel he's owed some for his money spent(a few grand) and have no problem giving him that but I feel he's way over estimating his "investment" as very little of what he did increases the value of the house

    submitted by /u/Legalquestions190
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    I am going to enforce property line with neighbor who has been encroaching for years. They parked a RV 4' on my property. I have a dead tree ready to fall that might hit it, should I tell them about the tree when I ask them to move it?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    Did I accidentally commit a crime?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. This might be convoluted, so I will try my best here.

    When I was 16, I got a learner's permit in the state of Texas. This was my first government identification card. I never really cared to learn to drive, so I never tried a road test or anything. When I turned 18, I had to renew it, and was given a Texas Driver's License with Restriction "B." This meant that I was not allowed to drive without someone older than 21 in the passenger seat, so essentially a learner's permit. Again, I never drove- literally never.

    A few months after turning 18, I moved to Washington state. I applied for a learner's permit, but was told they could not do that because I had a license, not a permit. They gave me a full driver's license with no restrictions. I applied for 2 new license's during that time(due to losing them) and had no issues. Again, I never drove.

    Nowadays, about 4 years later, I live in Alaska with my wife. I have an Alaska Real ID Driver's License, and had no issues transferring it from WA. I am listed on my wife's car insurance as their spouse. A few days ago, we got a letter from our insurance company stating they needed a copy of my driver's license, as apparently WA told them that I only have an identification card.

    I sent them the info right away, I mean, I have nothing to hide. I have a full license and it is a Real ID. Looking online, it seems as though this happens more often than you would think, specifically because of the "Restriction B" in some states. However, it is a bit weird, because i've never had an identification card in any state- if they had told my insurance company that I had a learner's permit, sure, but i've never had just a plain ID card.

    All of my driving records show that I have a driver's license and have always had one in the state of WA and in AK.

    However, I am worried that I did commit a crime or did something illegal. Like I've said, my wife does literally all the driving so I don't care if I have to end up getting a ID card or be taken off the insurance, i'm just worried that i'll get in trouble somewhere. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/blackkitteycat
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    Hi I was with my friends and we’re hit by two cars trying to trap us and my parents don’t want to help me out legally and I’m only 16

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:16 PM PDT

    Yesterday I was with my friend's when we turned down a street of one of our friend's that's a girl. We were planning on egging her house but after turning onto her street we decided not to because she told us people have egged her before and we felt bad . As I was finishing my U turn to leave her dad pulled in front of us out of no where so I freaked out and put my car in reverse to leave but the girls and her friend had pulled up right behind us causing us to hit bumpers. As this happened her dad was almost out of the truck and we were freaked out so we took the space he had left on the road to escape. After he saw that we're gonna leave he drove his truck straight into my car crushing and crippling the passenger door and part of the rear door. The hit was so bad it bent some of the frame of the car. After words I drove to the police station and reported what happened and he said he would check out their house and see if their cars had damage. After returning home and telling my parents they told me to drop the case and just take it as a loss because they are afraid the man is gonna do something to us if he gets in trouble. They told me they would help me in no way and I would have to fight the case by myself and I'm only 16 I don't know what to do and am wondering if I should just take it as a loss.( just to confirm we did not egg her house) (Also we were at the end of her street when this took place not in front of her house. She lives in the middle of the street ) Any advice on what I should I do? I do have insurance but it's very very minimal and only cover the other car (I live in Idaho)

    submitted by /u/Thatonefoo123
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    My boss is bullying and harassing me in my office, but I’m under a strict non compete contract. Do I have any repercussions?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    (FL) I recently moved across the country to take a new job in a small outpatient clinic where my boss owns, manages and operates the facility. She seemed fine during the interviewing process but since then she spends all day, every day, sitting beside me, yelling at me, belitteling and demeaning me, always in front of my own patients and my peers (for things like misspelling a word in documentation or treating people with very simple, very safe methods that she doesn't use so she will tell my patient I'm hurting them) . She's incredibly insulting, and wants to pay me less for the job she hired me to do (that I am highly qualified for). I'm under a strict non-compete contract though , so I'm not allowed to work anywhere else nearby at this point or for a year after I leave. Do I have any repercussions for how she's treating me?

    (I am not in a protected category )

    submitted by /u/SweetSoundOfSilence
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    Tenant shot multiple arrows into exterior door- refusing to pay for replacement only for a patch job

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    Our former tenants shot arrows into an exterior door, admitted to doing it and didn't tell us for two years and now is refusing to pay for replacement only wants to pay for a patch job. We only found out about the damage when the new tenants moved in. He claims that we overlooked it so it's our fault. They should have disclosed it instead of hiding it. We have multiple contractors that have said that it needs to be replaced but this guy is fighting it. I don't feel like we are asking too much. Since in the lease agreement and tenancy laws- you are supposed to return the property back in substantially the same condition that they entered it. There were not arrow holes in my door when they first moved in. I don't know what else to do. It's a half million dollar house- who shoots arrows in it?! the house is located in Alaska.

    submitted by /u/PilotWifeLife
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    Scammed by Auctioneer

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    I purchased a car at an auction for $850. Gave the guy $900 because he said I had to pay TTL I. Texas even though I live in Louisiana. Without doing any kind of math he said I owed him a total of 1798. I cash app him $900 because it was my first time at an auction and I didn't know he would not take my card. He told me to bring him the rest. So I did and when I showed up he said he sold the car. I asked for my money back and he said all he could do was give me a $900 credit. I have no vehicle and no way to get back to Texas at this time. I'm out $900 and can't afford to let this money go. Is what he did legal?

    submitted by /u/Dawson33333
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    Sensitive Matter / Cameras found in employee private area - help!!!

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    I am looking for advice, I have been made aware by an employee that a camera has been placed in an area where they change. This area doubles as a store area but for years always been an area where they change in/out of there scrubs when the bathroom is full.

    Obviously, I am horrified. I am the office manager but have been working remotely and the cameras have been installed recently. They have been installed by the owners husband. These women feel so violated and unsafe at work. They can't even speak up to the doctor because everyone is scared of the repercussions. I was made aware this weekend, an employee called me distraught about the situation. I spoke to other women in the practice and they have also changed in that area and are feeling the same way.

    Tomorrow, I will have more evidence of these cameras and locations. I am not even sure they are on or if they are just to scare people. The problem is I don't want them to be Tampered with if they are on.. I would hate to be the person that warns the pervert.

    The cameras are in an area that I have changed in for the last 8 years and in the lunch room. I know that the cameras in the office do have audio and can record. I have a picture the doctor sent me months ago, a screen shot of the office through one of the cameras.

    Our hand book does say that there is video surveillance but does not mention audio. It also states they are not to be in private areas or break room.

    I want to do the right thing. I don't care if I lost my job. These women deserve to feel safe at work. I have lost so much sleep over this the last few nights. I just don't want to screw this up for them.

    Do I file a police report? Contact a lawyer? All of the above.. please advise

    Massachusetts, USA

    submitted by /u/ImpressFancy6101
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    Someone is having pizzas delivered to my house with threatening notes.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Tonight I had 3 pizza places deliver pizza's to my home. I answered for the second one to get some clarification on what's going on. I let him know I did not order any pizzas and asked for the name on the order. He stated my name and then said there was a weird note on it. The note said "I will kill your delivery driver with a kitchen knife". Come to find out all the places received the same thing. I called the sheriffs dept. they stated there isn't much they can do. I'm thinking it's an employee I fired recently. He sent me some texts and told me he was fired unjustly and discriminated against, etc...

    Question is; is there any way to track this? Can I do anything about it?

    It was an online order. They used my phone number and my asst. managers email.

    submitted by /u/KPmyers24
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    Being sued by roofing worker who fell

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:31 PM PDT


    First off, this is in California.

    I received a summons that I am being sued by someone who worked on my roof in March, 2019.

    I hired a company, not an individual, to remove and replace my roof. During one of the days of work, one of the workers fell off the roof. The back end of the fall was actually captured on my Ring camera, so I know it happened, and it definitely looked like it hurt. He ended up leaving after that, and I'm unsure where he went, I wasn't home at the time.

    The worker was replaced by the company and the work moved forward. I actually ended up having all sorts of problems with some of the workers where they kept coming to us, saying they hadn't been paid by the company and that they weren't going to work until they were paid. I told my contact at the company and they at least sorted it enough to finish the roof, and crazy enough, they did a pretty good job. But when it came to clean up, they, again, said they hadn't been paid and left a dump truck full of debris in my driveway. Again, I told the company and they apologized and sent another crew right over to clean it up. That part, I don't believe is relevant to this case, but does paint a bit of a picture that things didn't go entirely smoothly between this company and their workers.

    So a couple weeks go by and I get letter from "A Professional Law Corporation", saying the worker who fell had retained representation and that I should forward the letter to my insurance company. But since I didn't hire this worker directly, I forwarded a copy of the letter to the company I hired, who replied that they would take care of it, and I haven't heard anything about it, until last week.

    I have since moved into a new home, and just last week received a hand-delivered summons, saying I was being sued. It says that I owned the property and that I "negligently, carelessly and recklessly owned, maintained, controlled, possessed, repaired, inspected, operated, designed, built, managed and cleaned certain premises...in a dangerous condition, so as cause plaintiff to slip and fall, lost his balance and fall to the floor from the roof, thereby proximately causing the plaintiff to sustain damages as set forth herein."

    As defendants it lists myself, my wife and "DOES 1 though 100."

    This seems, to me, that it should be a worker's compensation claim through the company that I hired, who, in turn, hired him. Not sure why I would have any liability. He was hired to be on my roof.

    There are typos all over this thing, even my address is technically off by a number. The law firm has all kinds of negative reviews and judgements against them, just performing a quick search online.

    Should I get a lawyer? Or just respond to the court using one of the court forms suggested on the top page of the summons?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/MrSynthetico
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    Just moved out, Ex (or his mom) are canceling payments and memberships of mine from our joint bank account.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    To preface this, I just moved. My ex and I are still working on the details of the separation. We had already discussed that the few auto paid bills from our respective accounts would be paid and we would meet at his bank Monday to sign me off of his account.

    We bank at different banks and each had the other as a joint account holder. I already closed my account and started a new one. (After he emptied the account.) I am just awaiting my new card so I can transfer the few reoccurring payments I have from his bank to mine.

    Today, I received an email from the bank (his) giving me an incident claim number. When I contacted the bank, I was informed that someone with my card number, representing themselves as me, was disputing a charge on the account. This charge has been an ongoing payment since 2016. I told the bank that I had not disputed the charges nor filed a claim. They cancelled out the claim and I had them shut off my card.

    I just noticed another email that is a cancellation from another membership I have. This one has the "member signature" on it. This means someone went into the location, represented themselves as me, cancelled my membership and signed the form for the cancellation.

    What, if anything can I do to stop them from cancelling more of my things or representing themselves as me?

    Edit: Forgot to add, in Pennsylvania

    Edit 2: We were not married. We were a couple for 7 years, friends/roommates for the last 2.

    submitted by /u/spilled__tea
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