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    Monday, October 19, 2020

    Legal Advice - My Husband Beat me so Badly I Had to go to the Emergency Room Yesterday. How do I Find a Competent Divorce Attorney in DFW?

    Legal Advice - My Husband Beat me so Badly I Had to go to the Emergency Room Yesterday. How do I Find a Competent Divorce Attorney in DFW?

    My Husband Beat me so Badly I Had to go to the Emergency Room Yesterday. How do I Find a Competent Divorce Attorney in DFW?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Yesterday my husband of 4 years beat the hell out of me over an argument about finding his motorcycle keys. He threw me to the ground and proceeded to repeatedly choked me, close fist beat me over a dozen times, threw me across the bedroom, smashed my head on a large ceramic bowl (it broke), and repeatedly kicked me. While on the ground I managed to find his motorcycle key, which is what eventually ended my beating.

    This is not the first time he's hit me or choked me. The last time he punched me in the jaw resulting in only drinking smoothies for several days. After he punched me in the jaw I didn't call the police or file a report so I don't have any substantial evidence other than my mom, who I told. This time I called the police immediately after he left, I filled out a written form explaining in my own words what happened, and was taken by an ambulance to the hospital where all my injuries were documented. I sustained multiple soft muscle injuries causing bruising, and a concussion. The officer took photos of my injuries but I'm taking more photos today because many of the bruises are starting to show that weren't visible yesterday.

    When I got home from the hospital he wasn't there. My mom and I packed all his things in plastic tubs and left them outside the apartment. I have had no contact with him, my mom text him to say his stuff was outside and be needed to come pick it up. I have the deadbolt locked so he can't get in.

    The officer told me a detective would be getting in touch with me probably tomorrow. He also told me regarding the "No Contact" order, husband has to be arrested first before it can be served. That's really strange to me. Right now there's a warrant for his arrest.

    That's all to say I need a damn good divorce lawyer. If anyone can refer an attorney in DFW (Ft.Worth) more specifically but I'm willing to drive to Dallas. I have no idea what to look for when looking for a divorce attorney. Any advice would be deeply appreciated. Thank you!

    Oh and no kids, my car is in his name (I paid the down payment), the cats are mine (he's not going to fight me for them), I'm currently unemployed (looking daily for jobs) and there's 4 months left on our lease for our apartment.

    submitted by /u/ChiefyPoof
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    HOA claims to own structure on my property but has no easement proving access.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    Edit for location box -- North Carolina, USA

    (Please don't judge me for owning a house with an HOA, I promise you I tried my best to avoid it but it just wasn't possible)

    I purchased a house earlier this year.

    Apparently, when the HOA was very first being built ~25 years ago, they built a structure that was intended to be used by the community, and that would require an easement on what has become my property for access. However, my plot and my neighbor's plot were some of the last to sell, and no easement was actually recorded on the deeds to these properties when that happened. Perhaps it was an administrative mistake, it's not clear. The previous owners of my home, as well as the previous owners of the neighboring home put up no trespassing signs and had essentially been using the structure as private use, shared between the two of them.

    When I bought the house, I was given a copy of an agreement signed between the previous owner and the neighbor, essentially giving each other easement access to the structure (it's right on the property line) and agreeing to split the cost of maintenance. That agreement did not mention the HOA's involvement in any way, and I assumed that the two owners had built the structure themselves, though now looking closely it doesn't technically say that.

    I was recently contacted by the HOA, explaining that they owned the structure and they were hoping to "resolve" all this by having me and/or our neighbors grant them an easement. I in no way want that to happen.

    I have reached out to my title company but don't even really know what to say because I'm not sure the HOA is actually making a legal claim at this point? My questions are: Are there any situations where I would be forced to grant them the easement that they want? Also, do they still have any right to the structure itself, like maybe the materials used?

    If they do try to make a legal claim, would my title insurance get involved or would I need to hire a lawyer?

    I'm really hoping I can just tell them to go pound sand....

    submitted by /u/Pi4yo
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    Therapist charged me for appointment when they were 41 minutes late

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    Location: Louisville, KY

    Therapist Location: Seattle, WA

    Therapist delayed our phone appointment by 41 minutes, which made the appointment impossible for me because I had a busy workday ahead and things right after work. I can usually be much more flexible and was ready to be so when he first said he would be 20 minute late. 41 was just too much. I expected we would reschedule, but he's since all but ghosted me and sent me a bill for that session. I don't see any agreement we signed other than I need to cancel 24 hours in advance if I am going to do so. I was out of pocket, so would really prefer to not take this financial hit if possible. Would I be in the wrong (legally speaking) for refusing to pay?

    submitted by /u/Fulgere
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    Is my apartment management obligated to provide heat?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    I live in a very old apartment building that is heated by radiators. It's starting to get cold but no one's heat is working. My neighbor contacted management and they told us the boiler is entirely broken and they don't know when the parts will be in. That was several weeks ago, we've received no updates.

    For context, I live in Atlanta, GA. Is this legal and if not how do my neighbors and I go about taking action?

    submitted by /u/strawberry-week
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    Landlord took my hot water heater, leaving me without access to water.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    Just as the title says, my landlord took it saying he is replacing it, but he is clearly not going to install the new one. He is selling the house and trying to force me out. I called the police. Filed a report. I don't know how to move forward if at all. I don't know what to look for lawyer wise other than a civil one. Or even if it's illegal. I'm in Arkansas if that helps. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Im not looking for a recommendation, but more so what to look for in a lawyer to move forward if that makes sense.

    submitted by /u/Bunspacolyse
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    Nose surgery gone wrong.. I want my money back - WA state

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:30 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    This is a burner account. I'm in a tough situation and really need some legal advice! I had a rhinoplasty in Washington state and the doctor messed up my nose to the point that I couldn't even breathe. I paid him $10,000. I had to fly out of the country to Europe to get my nose fixed and had to pay another $5,000. Also, the doctor in Europe has done over 5,000 nose surgeries and told me mine was the most complicated and difficult nose he's ever done, and said the previous doctor really messed it up.

    I wish I can get some of my money back from the first doctor.. I'm still really young so I worked super hard for that money. Is there anything I can do legally to get my money back? Or even some of it? I know it was cosmetic and I signed papers before the surgery saying I understand that I can't get a perfect result.. but he messed it up to the point where I had difficulty breathing. Would that be considered malpractice? And Is there anything I can do in this situation? Or is it not even worth trying?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/littleblackdressss
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    I need advice for a ‘slip and fall’ where the guy comes back and basically extorts money out of me

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Hi guys, first time posting on reddit but long time lurker. I need some legal advice on any defense I may have for a slip and fall. Long story short, customer slipped and fell on our pavement (our business) where we have cones, a caution slippery surface sign, mats, etc. The customer fell, but I didn't get the feeling that he was actually hurt. I am prior EMS and FF, so I've seen a lot over the years. Most of it, almost all of it, seemed acted out.

    Customer gets hauled off on a stretcher, acts the part of breaking his back, then walks in 4 hours later as if nothing happened. Customer ignored all questions regarding his well-being and if there were any current medical bills he would like me to take care of. Customer then tells me I have two options, either pay him an absurd amount of dollars or he will sue me and ruin me. Thankfully I have him on video clearly stating his demands, but I'm not sure if that helps at all. I also have video of him returning to our place, walking and acting perfectly fine to and from the parking lot. What do I do from here? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you everyone!

    submitted by /u/raisins_world
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    Do my parents need my permission to be granted power of attorney over me?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 04:45 PM PDT

    I'm about to be 18 in less than a month, and my parents are trying to get power of attorney over me. I'm autistic and have schizophrenia, which I guess made my parents decide is enough to make me "unfit to care for myself". Everybody who's around me daily says I am one of the more competent people they know (more so than some of the neruotypical people associated with them as well).

    My parents have a lawyer on their side though. And I'm planning on moving out and cutting my family out of my life completely in a few months (very conflicting views religiously, health wise, politically, they're abusive in different ways, etc etc). So I'm not quite sure what's exactly going to go down.

    If they somehow manage to get POA over me, what does this give them? I've heard many different things and haven't gotten a clear idea of what happens as well. I believe they're trying to get regular POA and medical as well. I'm from Texas but plan on moving up north and out of state.

    submitted by /u/m4ttyyy
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    Venmo Scam

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    A few weeks ago I completed a Venmo request from my sister. I asked her why she needed the money, and she said she did not request it. Upon further investigation, it was clear that she had not requested the money, and it was part of a scam.

    I immediately contacted Venmo and my bank. Venmo was closed, so I sent an email. My bank "stopped" the payment. A few days later, the payment went through, and my bank said I would have to wait until it posted to dispute the charge. The payment disappeared, and I thought everything had been handled.

    A few days later, I got an email from Venmo saying that it was my fault for completing the transaction, and they could not help me. I responded asking for more clarification. I was annoyed, but the transaction had disappeared, so I moved on. A few more days later, I get an email from Venmo saying I need to pay the amount. I was still waiting to hear back from the Account Analyst who had helped me. There was a link on the bottom to report the transaction as fraudulent, and I completed the report.

    I received another email saying my account was in "Venmo collections". I immediately contact the number to explain the situation. The representative who helps me tells me NOT to pay the amount, and to wait for a response from the Account Analyst. Later that day, I decided I wanted to talk to a customer service rep. I call the number, but no one is in the office due to Covid. I called back "Venmo collections" to see if they can transfer me to ANYONE who can help. They transferred me to card member services, and a representative told me to trust Venmo's review process, and that they would get it figured out.

    Today, I got an email from the Account Analyst, with more of the same "This is your fault" language. I asked to speak to someone above him, as he clearly was not going to help.

    I spoke with my bank, who told me not to pay it, as I was a victim of fraud. I am completely at a loss for what to do. 2/3 Venmo employees have been sympathetic, but the one who could help doesn't feel that way.

    I cannot understand how this is my fault. The person who sent the request used my sister's name and photo, and immediately changed it to another name and photo. I have screen shots of 4 different names and pictures the scammer used in one night. I don't see how it's possible for a user to change their account information that often, or completely copy another account.

    TL;DR, I paid money to a scammer, now Venmo says I am liable.

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    I don't have an EAD, how can I work legally, and survive in US?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:30 PM PDT

    I joined Hong Kong protest, and made speeches before rallies, I was attacked stolen and arrested in Hong Kong, I lost all my money. I couldn't come back to China, so Hong Kong protesters sent me to US, and found me a sponsor. However the Hong Kong protester who sent me to US was already arrested by CCP's police. Obviously I can't come back to my homeland anymore. Now my sponsor ate his promises. So I can't get any support now. I don't have SSN, drivers license, banking card. Now I tried my best to find a place to live. But Trump changed the rule of EAD--Employment Authorization Documentation. Before people can get it in 150days, now I have to wait for a year. I don't wanna work illegally. But I really wanna settle down my life. Not to depend on others for living anymore. Advice channel seems like full of underaged kids. I'm 35 years old. I know I'm lucky, otherwise I'm gonna be a homeless probably. I couldn't find a sponsor. And finally found a place to live in California.

    But the most important thing for me is to settle down my life, and make a living. But I don't have the EAD, and I don't wanna work illegally. I'm living in US legally. I'm a political refugee. My status is X, it's not really a Visa it's a humanlitian permission to live in US. Please give me an advice, thank you very much.

    submitted by /u/skiide
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    My Ex Illegally rented my house to tenants (Snyder NY)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    My ex-husband rented out a property that is mortgaged/titled solely in my name. He has been pocketing the rent each month. He never received written or verbal permission from me to do so. He had the code to the front door.

    He requested a blank lease from my father who's also a landlord so I believe I know the lease that he signed with new tenants. It's a one year, run of the mill lease.

    I'm going to the property tomorrow with a copy of my deed, sales record from the local newspaper, and mortgage statements all showing I'm the sole legal owner and a new month to month lease for them to sign. I'll request rent payments to go directly to me.

    I will ask the tenants for a copy of their security deposit check and their lease.

    My attorney is aware but did not advise on what to say to the tenants and how to inform my ex afterwards.

    My ex was abusive and has not handled covid well so I have to tread very carefully.

    I plan to sell the property ASAP but will not disclose this to the tenants at this time (I'll await attorney/realtor advice on that).

    What exactly do I say to the tenants? Will my lease trump my ex's lease?

    submitted by /u/Severe_Screen
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    Ex-Roommate just said he is going to mail printed copies of my nudes to my parents.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    He is in California, I am in Maryland as of now.

    Brief back-story: My ex-roommate and I are having a lot of disputes over how much I still owe in rent. I don't believe I owe any, as I've paid it. He believes, for some reason, that I owe thousands. I never signed a lease, nonetheless a sublease agreement, so I believe he is trying to screw me over. This is a long story and I'll skip to the gravy for the sake of time.

    He somehow came across my nude images that I have on my Reddit account. I'm not sure how, nobody else has ever found my Reddit. I can't say I'm surprised, the power of the internet is crazy today and I'm not mad that he found them. However, we've been arguing back and forth for weeks now about disagreements in unpaid rent. Lately I've started ignoring him- but today he sent me two photographs of my own nudes and said "I will be mailing copies of these images to your parents." He sent me that text directly after sending a text demanding that I pay him the money that he believes I owe to him.

    I understand that my photographs are already on Reddit, the internet- however, is this considered blackmail? This seems unlawful but I'm not sure how to proceed.

    submitted by /u/LetMeBeGay
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    Employer sent me out of state and I planned on voting in person. Missouri

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    The short version is this. I did not request a mail in ballot and want to vote in person but my employer has sent me out of state for. Work. As far as I can tell missouri requires 3 hours paid time for voting but voting in person will cause me to miss an entire work day. Do they have any obligation to compensate me for drive time or is it just a flat 3 hours?

    submitted by /u/cocainepage
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    Our upstairs neighbor's dog keeps using our patio as a bathroom.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    This is really gross and I feel like it's going to come across as a joke, but it's not. Denver, CO.

    My boyfriend and I moved into our apartment right when lockdowns started across the nation and our patio has been an MVP playing multiple roles including a sitting area, home gym, plant station, and outdoor kitchen. Basically, we use and enjoy it. We live in one of those corporate millennial apartment buildings that has a few communities around the state and in several others. We are on the second of four floors.

    A couple months ago we had two friends over for dinner and tidied up outside. Our windows were pretty dirty which we just kind of wrote off as rain residue, and since there's been increased ash here this summer, we also wrote off our new chair cushions becoming dirty and just flipped them over. I was about to hop in the shower when my boyfriend called me outside to look at this stuff on the table that "kinda looks like bird poop, but it's brown," and that's the best description of it. I looked at it, took a picture, and hopped in the shower, only for my boyfriend to inform me that when he started cleaning it, it had the smell and consistency of poop. There was the same stuff on our deck itself. We realized nearly immediately that our window wasn't covered in rain, but probably something else. Again, I took pictures, quickly send them off to my leasing office with a short email (in summary: what the hell, ew, look at these pictures) and got ready for our friends to come over.

    Fast forward a couple of hours, our friends are over, and mid-sentence something drips onto my face and my dress. Without telling our guests what our suspicions are we all move inside, I take more pictures of my wet clothes, and compose myself before finishing out the evening. Before we go to bed my boyfriend and I talk about some other instances we've noticed happen on the patio and realize that this is not one or two isolated incidents but occurring pretty regularly.

    Our leasing office was pretty receptive to this and by the next morning let us know that the unit two floors up had admitted it was their dog going to the bathroom on the patio and "they just noticed it." Leasing office said that usually after one talking to, things stop, but if they need to they can assess fines against the tenants.

    Like I said, that was a couple months ago. We have experienced at least two more instances of droppings on our furniture and window. Each time I have emailed my leasing office photos as soon as I noticed and they say that they've reached out to the tenants. Most recently I emailed them last Sunday when we came back from a weekend camping trip and they said that they've escalated to their regional management are are working on getting in touch with the tenants since we couldn't pinpoint exactly when it happened. I haven't heard from them in a week.

    My questions are -

    1. What can I reasonably expect from my leasing office to do to remedy the problem?
    2. Is there anything that I can leverage against my leasing office?

    We like this apartment and don't really want to move this moment. We may or may not have to move due to my boyfriend's job here in a few months but that's still up in the air and I don't really want to make them aware of a contingent move at this point. Could we ask for discounted rent or waived fees at the end of our lease seeing as how this issue continues? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/kaylalalas
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    My Neighbor Threatened to Shoot my Dog

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    Earlier this year, my boyfriend and I adopted a Great Pyrenees. They are quite large, fiercely loyal, and very protective.

    That said, our dog is very friendly. Unless you were here when you weren't supposed to be, doing something you shouldn't, he's no threat.

    One day when my bf was in the yard with the dog my backyard neighbor poked his head over the fence and said "I'm going to shoot your dog".

    Now, I have never spoken to this neighbor, though I did have one very brief interaction with his wife last year. He has 2 little yappy dogs that bark and growl at the fence line, but I've always been able to wrangle my other dog (not the Pyr) away when there's an issue and bring her inside. The Pyr actually doesn't care, and widely ignores the 2 ankle biters.

    I'm not sure why he would do this, but I want to know if there's anything I should be doing. It was very out of the blue and unexpected. I don't know if he has intention or means to follow through.

    I'm assuming unless he actually does something there's nothing I can do, but I figured there's no harm in asking.

    submitted by /u/BlondeDingbat
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    Neighbor won’t stop harassing us about fence

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    A couple of months ago my fiancé, Rick, approached one of our neighbors about replacing the fence; we are in California. The neighbors are an elderly couple and 1 of their daughters, Nick talked to the man, White. White was very friendly and said that the current fence had been built about 40 years ago. It was about 5 ft tall and completely falling apart. Rick asked him if he would be ok with us replacing the fence. We weren't planning to ask for money, even though we could, it wasn't something we were concerned about, we just wanted privacy and to get rid of the hazard of broken boards and rusty nails.

    White was very excited and said we were welcome to replace the fence. When asked if he had any concerns about any aspect of the fence at all, he said, "No, no, do whatever you want!" We were very excited and started working on the fence a couple of days later.

    The fence has a weird set-up. The foundation is a foot high concrete wall, with metal pipes in it every 8 ft. At the top of the poles are a platform with holes to bolt rails to it. It's very stable but only about 4 ft. tall. We want privacy in our yard, and since White said he had no concerns about the fence height, we put up standard 6 ft planks on top of the wall, with a total height of 7 ft. Initially White was trying to help us with the demolition and build, but it was more like being "helped" by a toddler, as in it really just made more work for us. He eventually gave up and just let us continue and would come out to chat every once in a while. Once he saw the height of the fence, specifically how much taller the planks are than the upper support rail, he suggested adding another support so they don't warp. That was our plan too, so we later added more supports and a higher rail.

    The issue started when he'd seem to have good days and bad days. He showed some hesitation about the height later on in the build, and that turned into him asking if we were meeting code restrictions (we were), cause if we weren't, "He would turn us in." Well, that didn't sit well with us seemed like it came out of nowhere, and not being a fan of being threatened. We just kept assuring him that we had checked, and were within guidelines.

    A few days later, we finally meet his wife, and his son, who told us that he had had a stroke a year ago and had since been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and his grouchier nature is really starting to come out. Apparently he's had issues with every other neighbor prior. So now we've built about 80% of a fence (87 ft long) and we find out that the guy we had a verbal agreement with, has Alzheimer's, a temper, and now is deciding he doesn't like our fence.

    So far, he's told us to tear it down and put the original one back up, to cut the tops off to make it shorter, and now wants us to remove the extra support rail we added due to the height. The son assured us that everyone else is fine with the fence as is, and to basically, ignore his dads ramblings. He's since started looking through the cracks and calling out to us to come over so he can yell at us some more, so we covered up the gaps, which was my preference regardless of the situation. So now, he gets out a ladder and climbs up to yell at us, and recently started coming to our door.

    We have followed all fence code, have done nothing we didn't talk to him about initially, and even went out of our way to make the fence very nice and decorative along their driveway, and now we are badgered by him constantly. We don't know what we're supposed to do in this situation and are afraid we'll wake up one day and he'll be taking an axe to it or something. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Sorry so long.

    TL;DR: Neighbor initially agreed to us replacing a fence but turns out he has Alzheimer's, so now he's changed his mind and won't stop harassing us to tear it down.

    submitted by /u/dascully
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    Hit pedestrian with vehicle who got up and walked away. (PA, USA)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    I drove my friend to work this morning because her car wouldn't start. She was already late so she was running out of my car and I just stopped in the middle of the road to let her out. There was a car behind me so I was trying to move a little out of the way and I didn't realize my friend was walking in front of my car, so I hit her a little and she fell to the ground. She got up and I rolled down my window to ask if she was okay. She said she was fine and told me to go, so I drove away. However, there was a woman yelling at me and saying you just hit a person, you didn't get out and help them and she was also trying to tell cars behind me that I hit a person and didn't get out to help. I'm worried that someone took my license plate number and reported the incident to the police. My friend is fine and I called and texted her to make sure. How should I proceed from here? Will the police contact me if someone gave them my license plate number?

    Thanks for your help in advance.

    submitted by /u/itsjustme2379
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    Starbucks put me at serious risk, laid me off, and has not paid me the separation I was promised for months.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 04:28 PM PDT

    Hi all, I am in serious need of legal advice in regards to events that happened in my work place in early august. I live in Seattle, Washington for reference.

    My work was looted during a protest while I was inside. We had no emergency exit. Bricks were being thrown through our window, and at several other Starbucks locations, fires were set inside. We had no way to exit during, and were at a safety risk due to everything happening.

    About a month after, our district manager made the decision to close the store permanently and lay off all of the employees at that location. We were all told that we would receive 60 hours pay as separation, and signed paperwork for it.

    It's coming up on two months since the paperwork was signed. We were told we'd receive it on the next pay day after signing. Then we were told it would be a month. I still haven't received it. Only some of my coworkers received it, and one was paid 40 hours instead of 60.

    I reached out to the district manager about it and she told me she would check on it the next day. It's been over two weeks since, and she has ignored my texts asking her for updates.

    If I don't receive the separation, do I have grounds for a lawsuit? Both in regards to the fact that we were in a dangerous situation with no proper evacuation plan or emergency exit, and in regards to the refusal to pay the money that I'm contractually entitled to.

    Please let me know, I'm really trying to figure out how to go about this.

    And also please, for the love of god, don't trust the facade Starbucks puts up about caring about their employees. They don't care.

    submitted by /u/heartslums
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    My wife has a violent felony charge from 20 years ago. Can I own a gun and keep it in our home? (West virginia)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    The title. Just moved to West Virginia due to covid. In my old state I found own a gun as long as it was kept locked and the ammo was stored separately. I can't find any straight answers about West Virginia only that felons can't own guns. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/OutsideEasy89
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    Landlord "If the well goes out, you all have to move. I'm not putting another one in." Is this legal?!?!

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    My mom and I live on rented land, but she owns the manufactured home. The water well may be about to go out and we plus the 2 other tenants were told if it does, we will all have to move because LL will not replace it. Is this something that can be done?

    Edit: we live in rural north texas

    submitted by /u/r3dditus3r52
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    TSA destroyed sporting equipment and are refusing to pay for it

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    I am based in the UK and I flew to Miami, FL last year via Charlotte, NC for a sailing World Championships.

    I had to carry our sails for the event, so they were checked in as luggage. They were rolled up and kept inside a bag and then inside a rigid cardboard tube. The sails were collected at Charlotte and re-checked in for the flight between Charlotte and Miami. I then saw as the sails were being loaded onto the plane to Miami that the tube was now taped up, like it had been severely damaged.

    Upon collection at Miami it was evident that instead of removing the end of the tube, the tube had just been ripped open without any care inside for the contents. Inside was a TSA inspection notice. After this, instead of then removing the sails from the bag to inspect them, a knife was inserted into the bag cutting through several layers of sails, completely destroying them. The total value of the sails was around $5000.

    I have been through the TSA claims process and they have denied the claim without any reasoning. They have said that I would have to file suit to appeal the process - how would I go about doing this from the UK, and what kind of lawyer do I need?

    submitted by /u/georgewatso
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    Am I illegally being charged in some form of sales tax?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    I'm not sure what else to do, so I'm posting this before one of my final steps I take tomorrow in the hopes that someone here has any last advice to pass.

    I just bought a 2020 Tiguan R line. Beautiful car. I bought the car through VW financing to take advantage of the 6 years, 0% interest special (this only applies to VW financing, no outside banks). I'm military, live in VA, but vehicles are registered to NH. On the trade in for the Tiguan (a 2015 VW GTI Autobahn also registered to NH), my dealer used a 3rd party title transfer company called VITU.

    Here's where it gets spicy - VITU has a list of charges it breaks down for me to sign off on. In NH, the DMV says that it only costs $10 to change the registration from one vehicle to another. There is then of course the fee to actually register, but to transfer is $10. VITU had several small fees in addition to the $10, and the small portions added to $100. For saving me the time and pain of myself going to the DMV, sure, I'll pay some added fees. The one nasty part though is that I'm charged $730 in "Motor Vehicle Tax".

    NH is a NON-sales tax state (this is where all my vehicles are registered). Again, this motor vehicle tax appears on the form regarding the fees for transferring the registration from my VW GTI to the new Tiguan. The dealer assured me that all I had to do was call VW credit, explain I'm registering in NH, and that I'll get a refund.

    Well I called VW credit, and VW credit, including a supervisor, told me they had never heard of such a thing, that the fee was extraordinarily high, and that I should talk to a finance department manager at my dealership. I called and left a message with a secretary at the dealership today and never got a call back. I'm appearing in person after work to get him to meet with me (I don't like waiting for a return call).

    What I feel are my only options are the following:

    1. Confront the finance manager and respectfully request that they refund me the motor vehicle tax since I'm in a non-tax state
    2. If the finance manager refuses, then him and I both call VW credit together to talk about what the fee is
    3. If the finance manager refuses even that, then I go to Navy JAG to figure out what my options are from a legal perspective for being wrongfully charged a tax fee.

    I don't want it to get to option 3, but I will not leave until I either get my money or I tell the manager that I'm going with option 3. Is there anything else you redditors can think of as an option on how to resolve this? The dealership told me that in the past people got a refund for this "motor vehicle tax" charge by having their lien holder write a note saying that the driver will do their own registration transfer. I'm willing to do that, but VW credit says they have no idea what to write and request that I fax them an example/template. To do that, I'll need option 2 to work out.

    Is there anything I'm missing? $730 is a lot to pay in "tax", considering I'm registered (home of record) is in a non-sales tax state....


    TL;DR - Dealer charging $730 "motor vehicle tax" fee when I'm registering in non-sales tax state. Why? How is this legal?

    EDIT: I signed the paper with the $730 fee because I was told all I had to do was call VW credit to cancel it, and that the dealer just couldn't do it themselves at that point in time. It was a simple, fast phone call to make and boom, I get a check. I was assured that the dealer themselves had just recently done it with a sailor who used Navy Federal bank. I signed knowing I did not like the $730, but told it would be fixed.

    submitted by /u/puremojo
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    Child’s father murdered his wife. How do procede to gain full custody of my child we had joint custody

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    I am in Houston,Tx. My sons father murder his wife in September I just found out and I want to know how to proceed with gaining full custody. I don't know any details I don't know how to find any information about the case but I would like to move forward with the custody.

    submitted by /u/Ill_try_anything1
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