• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 20, 2020

    Legal Advice - I was laid off due to Covid in April, my employer appealed and now DES says I owe $7k

    Legal Advice - I was laid off due to Covid in April, my employer appealed and now DES says I owe $7k

    I was laid off due to Covid in April, my employer appealed and now DES says I owe $7k

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    Hi /r/legaladvice

    I live in North Carolina was laid off by my employer on April 14th due to lack of work related to COVID-19. My supervisor called me and said effective immediately, I would be laid off, but that they would pay me through May 31st. I understood, asked for a letter in writing detailing my layoff and payment, and turned in all my equipment that day. I was provided a letter by HR on April 20th saying my layoff was directly caused by COVID, and my position would be terminated on May 31st.

    On April 21st, I filed my claim with the Department of Employment Security. The form specifically asked the "last day worked" which I understood to be April 14th, since after that date I no longer performed any duties for my employer, no did I have the equipment to do so. I understood the payment to be a form of severance or separation pay covering the period from the 4/14 to 5/31. Per the DES Website, it says that claimants should not delay in filing even if receiving separation pay. In my claim, it asked whether I was receiving separation pay or severance, which I answered yes to, as well as uploading the letter from my employer under the section asking for the reason for the layoff as well as the section for proof of separation pay.

    My claim was approved and I started receiving benefits from the week of April 19th. On each weekly certification, it asks whether the claimant is receiving separation pay or severance, which I answered affirmatively on all weeks from 4/19 - 5/31. Due to the Federal Unemployment program, I received an additional $600 per week during these weeks.

    Right before the deadline for appeals on my claim, my former employer filed an appeal stating that I was not laid off until May 31st. A hearing was held on October 12th between myself, the employer, and the Appeals Referee, where the employer did testify that the period after 4/14 was severance but I was still on payroll until May 31st. In my testimony, I did not deny this, as that is how I filed the claim and provided the information for it in my initial claim and submitted the letter from the employer outlining it as well. The Appeals Referee, however, turned on me and asked me why I did not disclose that I was receiving payment and the amount received in my weekly certifications. I testified that I had filled out the form completely, answering in each week that I had said "Yes" to the question about separation pay, but was never asked for the amount I was paid (I have copies of all my weekly submissions as well as proof that there is no place to input the amount). The referee affirmed that I was wrong and had not provided enough information.

    DES has come back with their appeal decision saying that I was not eligible for benefits from 4/19 - 5/31 and now I owe that money back, totaling nearly $7,000.

    I am not disagreeing that I was receiving payment from my employer during that time that likely would have disqualified me from being eligible during that time, but I also filled out all forms completely and truthfully. I am just trying to figure out if there is any defense or help that a lawyer might be able to provide, since it seems like I am getting punished for following the exact directions and process set forth by DES, but they were not thorough enough in reading the provided evidence on the claim and following up with asking the amount I was receiving as separation pay.

    Edit: Thanks for all the responses. I should note, I'm not saying that I felt like I deserved the benefits for those 6 weeks, I'm just wondering if there is anything in the process to protect me from what I feel like is an error on the DES side. "Punishment" is probably the wrong word, more that I feel like this could have been avoided from the get go, whether that be on my end from knowing how the state defines unemployed, or DES from handling the information for the claim. Honestly, I wouldn't be as worried if I wasn't still unemployed but even with an Engineering degree, I haven't been able to get a new job since. Thanks to /u/BallardPeopleKnowMe for pointing out that I can apply for a waiver for non-fraudulent overpayments.

    submitted by /u/goatfester
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    My employer insists they overpaid me $1500 despite the fact I did not sign the paperwork for my new position until yesterday.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    I work for a casino in Mississippi. Before quarantine, I was a valet who worked on a toke rate. When we returned in July, I began the job duties as a bellman. The bellman position did not formally exist within the company at the time. I "applied" for the position last week and signed the transfer papers yesterday. The date next to my signature being October 19th, 2020.

    As I am leaving work today, my manager pulls me into her office to state that I owe the company $1500 and will be garnished to the fullest extent so they can have the books corrected before the end of the year. They claim they were paying me with the shared toke rate of the valet runners instead the pay I receive now, that I signed the paperwork for only yesterday. There are five paychecks left before New Years and it will take minimum (if I am lucky) four paychecks to cover the majority of the $1500.

    There was no paperwork that stated I had been working as a bellman since July. I will pick up copies of my bellman application and transfer paperwork to verify of when I formally started the position tomorrow.

    What are my options? Thank you for taking the time to read this and offer insight.

    submitted by /u/ChyInc
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    Found Child Pornography, reported it with my info. Should I be worried?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    Evening everyone, hopefully you're having a less stressful time than I am at the moment. To make a long story short, I admin a server that tracks recent anime releases. Earlier today I noticed some odd activity that brought to my attention that my tracking client (sonarr) pulled some videos with titles that were clearly CP (I'll spare you the details, but they all had the words "pedo" "young" and some number below 18) around two days ago. Note that the titles were CP, but I have no idea if the content of the file was CP as I never opened them.

    Anyways I basically flipped out, stopped everything on the server, and headed over to the US reporting site https://report.cybertip.org/ and explained what I'd found. Listed out the four video titles and the search terms that somehow brought them up (a fake EX would be Dragon Ball Z Episode 4 somehow leads to this shit). Explained the situation and submitted the ticket with my name, address, email, and phone number.

    In the details I explained that it was downloaded automatically, roughly 800MBs between the four files, and it uploaded about 80MBs before my server cut it off. I also mentioned that I have no idea about the content of the videos, as I refuse to view them myself. If they would like the files I had not removed them nor the references to the torrents that pulled them, but I would prefer to purge my hands of it ASAP. I actually made a mistake here, as immediately after that I black listed the releases in Sonarr, which I didn't know would remove the files and torrent magnets from my server as well, so I no longer have them on the server at this point (which is probably for the best).

    So heres the issue: I've spent the last two or so hours reading on what I should do in the case of finding CP, and now I'm super paranoid that giving my information is going to somehow bite me in the butt. I'm terrified this is going to ruin my life. Did I do the right thing? Is there someone I should talk to to make sure I don't end up screwed over here? I'm really not sure what to do right now and it's stressing me out like you wouldn't believe. Apologies if this seems incoherent

    EDIT: Per the bot I'm in the US, specifically VA

    submitted by /u/dididotherightthingt
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    My house keeps getting swatted

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    I am in NJ and I keep encountering a swatting problem. I guess someone in my house or I really pissed someone off cause someone always calls the police on my house and says there's a "hostage on the 3rd floor" or "a girl getting raped". It's to the point where the police don't respond with too much urgency anymore. Almost weekly I have to let the police into my house and search the rooms for a hostage and never finds anything. The police dept isn't giving up any info on who calls. Is there anything I can do about this?

    submitted by /u/4awesome1
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    My boss is not giving me my tools back

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    New Jersey USA .

    Hello , I I'm in New Jersey USA , I'm a mechanic and my employer is not giving my tools back after I quit , he's holding 3 toolboxes full of tools that I owned for years and I have receipts for,

    He got angry when I told him I'm quitting and he's keeping me from making a living now because he's holding all the tools I got .

    I went and did a report police but they didn't help and said it's a civil issue , how is it not theft and in what law someone can keep my stuff and hold it and keeping me from using it and getting a job ?!

    He's trying to play games by saying I damaged cars while working there which is a lie and trying to make me lose the job offer I got because he didn't like that I quit .

    How is it ok for him to do that and the law enforcement is doing nothing to help me !!!!!!!

    submitted by /u/tamimim5
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    Buyer goes into a coma 1 week before closing

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    I was planning to close on a house (in the state of Georgia) I had on the market with a buyer, but the buyer got into a really bad car accident one week before our closing date. He went into a coma and has never woken up since, so obviously my closing fell through.

    At this point, I have already moved into a new house and now have to essentially pay 2 mortgages until the house sells again. In the contract with the previous buyer (who fell into a coma), he did put down about 10k of earnest money. The buyer's agent told me they wouldn't be able to give me the earnest money until the buyer was deceased and his estate was settled (although the earnest money was being held by the agent according to the contract) given these specific circumstances. They also said it was not even 100% that we would be getting the earnest money later.

    Is there truly nothing I can do but wait or do I have any legal implications to the earnest money? And if the buyer does pass away, is it expected of me to request the earnest money (I don't expect them to willingly send me this money)?

    submitted by /u/strangethingonwall
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    Apt towed my car from its (payed) spot and is now at auction, help :(

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:40 PM PDT

    Hope this is the right place to post, but thats the long story short. I would appreciate suggestions or advice anyone has to offer.

    The longer version is I live in Denver Colorado in an apartment I've been in for over a year. Starting since may I've been remote working from home because of the pandemic. In July my mother had a bad fall suffering a compound fracture of her fibula/tibia. She lives in another state. I was able to support her recovery and just generally help her navigate the struggles of being old, temporarily handicapped, and in a pandemic by traveling back and forth working from there. Which was fine because of my remote work situation.

    I was at her home for two main blocks. The first was right after the emergency from a couple days after when I was able to pick her up after surgeries/three day hospital stay. I stayed for about three weeks, came back to Denver to check on things for another couple weeks and then went back to her place for another 5-6 weeks. I wanted to stay at least until she could be weight bearing, start pt, and drive. This second block is when I was towed.

    When I got back home I went to my numbered spot in the apts 100$/month private parking garage to find my car not there. After a good amount of confusion I found an email notice about cleaning and repainting the garage and failure to have cars moved during this time would result in them towing the vehicle. Fast forward to when I figure this all out I call the towing company and they tell me that after thirty days they go to auction. When I asked if I could do anything about this and telling her what happened she said that there wasn't anything I could do. I understand that this is technically on me, I should have been paying attention to my personal email (it's mostly spam and I have everything set up to auto pay). I'm wondering if anyone had any thoughts/suggestions on my predicament and how I might get my car back or anything? I would really appreciate any feedback.

    This is too long already but I thought I'd add the details that in my mind at least offer some mitigating factors

    The car is mine no loans

    The initial email notice was very vague they notified us Thursday it would be starting Monday and to not park from 9 to 6 there

    Then the work didn't start till Tuesday and they just did one floor, that morning they sent out a schedule with each day going on a different lvl each day for power washing 9-6 then around again to painting 9-11pm.

    However at the end of the next day they postponed the whole project tbd because of poor contracting, and wanted another crew.

    So at that point I would have already had to move my car for three full days with very little prior irregular warning. They eventually rescheduled it for a week later.

    my car must have been towed on the first day they said they would be working (even though they didn't do anything) because the rescheduled dates doesn't leave 30 days for the tow yard to send it to auction.

    All of that confusion and not once do I get a call, sms or email that I had been towed or the 30 day period, and yes they have the info we have numbered spots, but of course I owe them 5$ utility fee that wasn't calculated correctly in to my bill auto pay and they are on me like bounty hunters.

    It's been a pretty shitty couple of days and I know I can't go to these management ppl with hope for compassion to help me out so I'm posting here if anyone has a better strategy.

    submitted by /u/wishicouldgetaredo
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    My neighbour shoots his gun at my dogs daily

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    Every day, when my neighbor decides that my dogs are being too annoying (they are guard dogs and are meant to bark when people enter our yard/driveway area) he decides to fire his gun 7-16 times and yell things at us like 'shut your f****** dogs up'. I'm 17 and regularly babysit my siblings, and frankly it makes an unsafe environment. Today, I yelled back at him to mind his own business after my dogs had stopped barking, and he proceeded to fire his gun about 5 more times (for obviously no reason other to be a jerk since the dogs were no longer barking). I live in North Carolina. Do we have any legal case to be made here? Will calling the police on him do anything?

    ( as a sidenote, he sometimes comes to our house brandishing his guns and has pointed the gun directly at one of my dogs and threatened to shoot it before. next time i'm home alone and he comes into my yard, i'm planning on calling the police because that makes me super uneasy.)

    edit: my parents have spoken to the police, with a small population this is someone our town police officer (yes, ONE police officer) has had problems with 'throwing temper tantrums' before. thanks for all your advice! i will for sure be keeping video when i can. officer said we definitely have a case since he's using intimidations tactics with a gun.

    submitted by /u/W1SHB0N
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    Neighbor cut down a 1/2 acre of trees on my mom's land [NY]

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    So this has been ongoing and I wanted to field this subreddit for any advice on behalf of my mother.

    It started maybe a month ago when the neighbor cut down a few trees on my mom's property. She noticed this, and very quickly went to talk to him in person, giving him the benefit of the doubt that maybe he thought it was his land. He cut some more trees down. Next, she sent him a letter and let him know that they were not on his property and to stop cutting trees down. He said okay, sorry, he would stop. Soon after, he cut some more down. She also noticed that the guy moved the property marker that delineated their properties which is also apparently illegal (according to the forester, I think). This time, my mom sent him a cease and desist letter via certified mail, telling him to stop cutting her trees down. Upon recommendation of someone, she also went ahead and posted the property to make sure there was no confusion over whether or not the guy was trespassing on her land. She recommended him to get a survey, he said he would pay half, and she basically told him no, you're the one having trouble with knowing where your property is, you need to pay for the survey.

    Well, just yesterday, my mom had a forester come in to value the trees that were cut down by this man on her property to see if it would be worth pursuing the issue further. Come to find out that he had now cut down a *half acre* of about 30 trees that did not belong to him, each valued at about $200/each. So, a cool $6000 worth of trees that didn't belong to him. She was told by the forester to mark the stumps and take photos.

    I'm not sure what action she's planning next other than getting those photos, but I wanted to field the conflict to you guys. I believe she is planning on suing him for the value of those trees. If she has to pay for the survey herself, she also plans on tacking that cost on. Are there any specific actions you'd recommend she take that she hasn't already taken to help her case? I believe she is planning on representing herself and not getting an attorney involved (she is very mistrusting of lawyers) if at all possible. This issue really burns me up. This jerk moved out there, and my mom is in her late 60's. The guy probably thought he was going to get away with taking advantage of having an old woman as his neighbor that he assumed wouldn't do anything about it. Good thing my mom doesn't take anyone's bs!

    Thank you all for any help.

    submitted by /u/ilikesnails420
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    Boyfriend received warrant for arrest in the mail today not sure why or how to proceed

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    To start off we live in Florida and we are both in our mid 20's.

    I went to our mailbox today and noticed that my boyfriend had a letter from the county sheriffs department. He opened it up and it was a letter stating that he had a warrant out for his arrest. It was a FTA Financial Respon and listed the amount of his bond.

    After about a good 20 minutes of being dumbfounded and confused we came to the conclusion it had to do with him being pulled over back in March of this year due to his registration being a newly expired. Amongst that he didn't have insurance (I'm still not entirely sure why he didn't as I was unaware of this) and his license was suspended for what we found out later was for not paying a small amount of money on a ticket from 2 years prior which he thought he had fully paid off. He also never got any mail notifying him that his license was suspended or anything related to that. So he was unaware of his suspension.

    A few days later he went and got his license reinstated and his car out of the impound lot. He paid all of his fines off in full and we thought everything was over and done with until today.

    I noticed when I pulled his records up on the county website that even though his tickets say he doesn't have to appear in court he had gotten a Notice To Appear for him not having insurance which he signed but the information on it was blank. The police officer never mentioned anything about him appearing in court or a set court date and said he only gave him the Notice To Appear as a formality. But looking at his files 3 days after he paid his fines they mailed out his arrangement to the wrong address and did so 5 times up until the middle of august. According to the website he had another court date set for the beginning of October but we still never received any mail about him needing to appear in court.

    We're really not sure what to do at this point. He's going to call the number on the letter tomorrow but we really don't know what to do or where to go from here so any advice is welcome.

    submitted by /u/cold-pisces
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    Work injury in 2017, was 'forced' to quit, still experiencing after-effects because company pulled their assistance before I got phys. therapy, were they in the wrong?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    Back in 2017 I experienced a work injury at my manual labor job (shattered bones in my foot from me dropping an object). I was put on worker's compensation and was told to hobble myself alone to an urgent care center and had my medical expenses at that clinic paid for by the company. I was making weekly visits to check progress. Weeks in, was still on crutches and a boot and was being set up for physical therapy on that next week, but upon showing up for physical therapy that next week, a new doctor I've never seen before came in, prodded me a few times and said "No, on second thought I think you're okay. You can do desk work at your workplace, right?" I could not, there is no such thing for my position. I explained to her that there is absolutely no 'desk work' and it is all quite intense manual labor that requires use of all four limbs. She basically shrugged and said "I'm sure they can find something for you" and dismissed me as a patient and alerted my work that I am able to be brought back, yet I was still in a boot and on crutches. Since I missed the first few days I was scheduled back to work, I explained this to the HR department, and they told me "You need to either come in to work or we will consider another no show as your resignation." So, I wrote my resignation letter.

    Now to this day I am still experiencing hardships. Metatarsal bones in my foot and mainly the bones in my big toe are fused, so I cannot bend them and therefore can't kneel, crouch and sit on my feet in certain ways anymore. Walking, jogging, using bikes or elliptical machines and other exercises will cause my foot to cramp up nearly the entire time and it is extremely painful. Even while resting, my arch tendon has a hair trigger for cramping. You know ~those~ foot cramps? I'm *always* on the verge of one. I have a constant issue with ingrown toenails because my nail plate is all jacked up and in a different direction now or something, and I am currently battling with half my toenail being dead for some reason. It is a pain-seeking missile as every bump and knock into something has me crying like a baby now. Who knows if any of these things could have been prevented with physical therapy, but I definitely feel like being dropped off of workman's comp and insurance while still healing did not help my situation.

    This is a very large, well-known logistics company in the US (IL to be specific). Do I even bother trying to go up against them? I feel like I've definitely been wronged a few times, but then again I've never experienced anything like this before so who knows, maybe I am just thinking too hard about it all.

    Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/BOWL_OF_OATMEAL_AMA
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    Abusive husband file a divorce without prenup (we have one)

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    Hi. I have a quick question about my situation. I got married with my abusive husband in NYC in September 2019. We have the prenup signed before the marriage (his idea. He said in case one day he's successful than me and if we were to get divorce he doesn't want me to get his money). Then July 2020 we moved to Washington state and then he filed the divorce in September.

    The night we had an argument and he made a decision to divorce me, (he was furious that I played with the dog when the dog was crying in the cage. He yelled and me and squeezed my face hardly and screamed into my ear super loud and He asked me to apologize for playing with the dog and i did not so he got furious about it)

    he was pushing me to sign the divorce but not letting me read it. He refused to give me copies. He said he will only give me copies if I sign it. I said I can't sign it if you don't let me read. He said he'll file it without the prenup if I don't sign and he'll ask the judge to make me pay for his debts.

    Then the next day he filed it. I know because he used our joint debit card to pay for it. And I went to work and when I got home, he has already moved out. He took everything in the kitchen that we bought together from microwave, pans and pots even garlic.

    I have not been served yet.

    • a brief story of my husband. He is a nice normal guy except when he's mad. He has anger problems. He gets very angry and abusive emotionally, mentally and physically. He makes very quick decisions. His decisions made based on his emotional. He loves money and be over control a lot. He loves to win and only win. He does bad thing when he gets mad (for example : he stole his best friend's money when they argued and his friend doesn't apologize). He can't control his anger.

    My questions are :

    1. We have the prenup signed. Can he file the divorce without prenup?

    2. He is the US citizen but I'm not. He is unemployed because he said he hates having a boss. He wants to be the boss. He hates to be under anyone's control. He has taken debt during the marriage for $50k for his own business and he has not made a dime from the business and he has a lease car. Me : I am employed for a contracted job just started in July 2020. I have my car paid off in under my name. I have less debt. Can I bring up the prenup in the court if he filed it without the prenup?

    2.1) he said he'll ask the judge for me to pay for his debt because I'm employed and he's not but has $50k in debt (his choice) can he do that?

    1. I haven't been served yet. I want to know the process of what will happen after the spouse filed a divorce but another hasn't been served yet.

    2. Do I need an attorney for this case? Or can I solve this myself with the prenup?

    3. Can I take half of my cash out from joint bank account? Is it legal?

    4. Anything I should do or need to know?

    **** update I file a police report telling 100% truth to the officer about what happened. Then the officer called my ex husband and then he came to the police department and gave the false statement and also blamed me and put up fake stories and has no proof. Can I report the police he give false statements?

    submitted by /u/Girlsdontcry1
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    Cyber Stalking leads to physical stalking

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 06:41 PM PDT

    Hi there. So I have had someone cyberstalking me with fake Facebook accounts. I have no idea who this person is. But. Things escalated the other night. Where I was followed home and noticed I was being followed, so I did not go home I ended up circling until I lost them. If they continued following me I was going to go to the police station. It was night. I couldn't tell what car it was or hardly the color. Just that it was a car. My fiancée has recently been getting messages from the same profile. Death threats towards me. Saying things like "sl*t trade" and that I'm theirs. He was sent gore yesterday. And I was sent a photo of myself with my eyes X'ed out in red. Everyone keeps telling me. "Just block them" Well. I currently have a block list of over 30 accounts blocked of this same person. I have no idea who it is or who even would want to do this. My fiancée was also sent messages last night stating what I was wearing. No one except my parents should of known what I was wearing. I didn't send photos of myself to anyone and I was in my PJ's for the night. I only walked outside last night to go look at the moon. But that in itself is scary that they were watching me then... I have been told the police will not help me until I know exactly who it is and proof that it is actually happening. Screen shots won't do anything until there's a name. And it states who it is. These are either my name. A messed up name I was called 10 years ago. Or random names. So. I have no idea where to turn or what to do. I also am not sure if I used the right flare. 😅 so sorry about that. But if anyone has any advice. I'd be very grateful! (: I'm in South Carolina.

    submitted by /u/kibblekatt
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    My job has been underpaying it’s workers since March

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    I am a server at a local Mexican restaurant in Amarillo, TX who has added a curbside takeout service in March as a response to the pandemic. Since then, we have opened up our dining room but still offer this service. If you are scheduled a curbside shift, we were always told that we needed to clock in as servers ($2.13/hr) because we still get tips from the curbside orders. These tips are SIGNIFICANTLY less than what you would make during a serving shift, making curbside shifts a complete waste of time and money. For example, I worked curbside yesterday morning with one other person, we have to split the tips so we each made about $15 each from 10:30-2. If I was serving, I would have made at least $100. My job does reimburse you in your paycheck if you don't average minimum wage in a pay period, but Friday and Saturday nights usually "make up" for any curbside shifts.

    Well, fast forward to last week when we had a meeting over company policies. Somehow these curbside shifts got brought up and the district manager made it sound like we were supposed to be getting paid $8.50/hr for curbside shifts THE ENTIRE TIME. Since March. After the meeting they have been paying us this much, but I am just thinking about how much money everyone at this restaurant is owed and if a lawsuit over this would hold up in a court of law. By my estimate, they could owe us a few thousand dollars each depending on how many curbside shifts each person worked...

    I have mentioned this to several of my coworkers hoping they would be as outraged as I am, and they all kinda agreed but it was very jokingly and like they don't actually see it happening..... but I am actually super pissed about it and truly believe they owe me money. Are my thoughts valid? Should I seek legal help? Please give me advice!

    submitted by /u/FinickyAesthetics
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    Bank from Pennsylvania has accounts opened in my name. I live in California

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    So I recently got mail that told me 3 separate accounts were opened in my name. I was also sent a debit card for these accounts.
    The bank these accounts were opened for is called PNC Bank, and as far as I can tell there's no reason to think they're not a legitimate bank located in Pennsylvania.

    Obviously I didn't open these accounts, so the first thing I did was call their customer support number and tell them that I didn't. The woman on the phone told me that they could open a fraud case for me, but I would have to give them either the full account number (which the paperwork does not have - it only has the last 4 digits) or my full social. I told her I was apprehensive about doing so and she seemed understanding, and told me that I could go to a branch near me to file the fraud case.

    I said okay, that sounds fine, we hung up, and I looked online to see if there was a branch near me. As far as I can tell there's no branches even in California.

    So I'm really confused as to where to go from here. Is it safe to give them my social security number? How did an account get opened for me in the first place when it's not even physically possible for me to go to a branch to do so? And if someone was trying to steal my identity or something, why did they use my real address and have the important information and card sent to me? Is there some sort of government agency I can go through to report this?

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

    I live in CA, Bank is in PA.

    submitted by /u/slowbagster
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    Band we toured with drove away with all our equipment and luggage

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Location where this happened: Poland.

    Hello, I play in a german band (we are 3 in total) and our bandleader got a tour offer to support another band.

    After the first gig the other band asked about money. It turned out that they offered our bandleader to join them for the tour but we would have to pay 200€/show for the costs. We were in shock because our bandleader didn't inform us about the money at all and we would have declined to join the tour if we knew.

    After discussing it we wanted to cancel the rest of the tour because we simply couldn't afford it, but the other band would not let us just quit and go home, so they told us we had to pay (2800€ in total), no matter if we kept touring or went home. Bandleader won't admit it was his fault, claiming he "didn't know about the money either" even after we saw the conversations of him agreeing to everything.

    Big problem: we drove in their van, with all our equipment and luggage.

    Then after the third show, we went to a hostel to sleep and when we got up the next morning the other band drove away with all our equipment and personal belongings. We called the police but they said they can't do anything as it is not considered theft but appropiation (because we left our things in his van) but I'm not really sure about the term because there was a langauge barrier with the police

    Stuff worth around 6000€. Now they want that we transfer the money to their bank account and they send us our things back. But what if we pay and they just keep our things? They don't want to meet in person. We need a bit of guidance of what can we do, we are desperate. Thank you very much.

    submitted by /u/FrankyNeil78
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    My wife went to jail and now my kid is a ward of the state

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    My wife went to jail and now my daughter is a ward of the state. I my self have no criminal record or a cps complaint against me personally but still cps is involved and is refusing to even let me take my kid to visit her moms side of the family including my kids sister. My wife and I had agreed that she would sign over full custody to me but cps is now saying that they want to make sure that she (my wife)can't come back home and only have supervised visits witch is something I would never do to her. Thank you I'm advance for your help. P.S my wife and I aren't actually married we went and got a license but then covid happened so we had to put it off. Also we live in Michigan if that makes any difference

    submitted by /u/munch3zzz
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    After 3 months with no shower, home warranty still has not fixed our plumbing

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    Location: Ohio

    Roughly 3 months ago, our cast iron drain for our upstairs main bathroom(only shower in the house) cracked and leaked a lot of water downstairs. We immediately opened a claim with our home warranty the same night!

    We had the warranty's selected contractors come out to the house and assess the damage and estimate a repair. They estimated the whole plumbing needs replaced: get rid of all the cast iron and replace with pvc piping

    About 1 month into the claim, they called and told us they only approved the "bottom half of the drain" as that is where the crack is.

    We followed up with the contractor to confirm, and the contractor told us its all one solid piece, not a "upper and lower portion(2 pieces)".

    So we contacted the warranty again and cleared up the confusion, and they told us they were going to requote the repair as 1 full piece.

    Fast forward to present (2 months later). After weeks and weeks of waiting...and calling and asking for updates, they reply with the same thing; "it is in processing and they will reach out to you with an update".

    For 3 full months, my family(me, wife and 2 year old son) have had to go to my parents house to shower every night...My wife and I both work at a hospital where we are exposed to COVID-19 every day...and we risk my parents health every day because we need to shower.

    I dont know what else I can do..Ive been so patient and explained the urgency of this and expressed my frustration...and its the same answer every week "it is in process, the processing department will contact you when they have an update"

    Please! I need advise!!

    ~Edit: Tldr: after 3 months of "processing" through our home warranty, our plumbing still is not fixed...and this is the only shower in our house.

    submitted by /u/birdmanjr123
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    Contracted covid and my 3 employers said I have no sick leave

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    Hey guys! I'm sorry if this has been asked a million times but I'm pretty sick with covid and I just don't have the energy to search for the answers right now :(

    I work as a dental hygienist part time in three different dental offices in Los Angeles. I've worked at all of them for about a year and a half.

    I contracted covid and told them I would be out of work for two weeks. All three of them have said they don't have to pay me sick leave because healthcare providers are exempt from FFCRA.

    Is this true? And if so are there any laws for part time workers like myself to have any sick leave? I've heard LA requires employers to give sick leave but my employers are denying any knowledge of that.

    Thank you so much for your help

    submitted by /u/Legacy0904
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    MinuteClinic filed my claim late and now wants me to pay for my vaccines

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    First timer here, never ran into problems like this. Would really appreciate any input.

    I am located in the US. Back in summer 2019 I took some vaccines before enrolling in college at MinuteClinic, it was fully covered by my health insurance and I gave the practitioner my insurance card before receiving service. I just received a bill this month (yes, October of 2020) indicating my claim got denied by my insurance and I am now fully responsible for the bill, which is almost $500. I've called both MinuteClinic and my insurance company multiple times and my insurance has called MinuteClinic as well, but MinuteClinic refused to write off this bill. The reason my insurance offered for denying the claim was that MinuteClinic did not file the claim within the allowed time period (6 months iirc) and I should not be at fault. MinuteClinic's reasoning keeps changing, first they asserted that they filed the claim in time but my insurance did not process it until the time was up, then when my insurance called they said I did not show them my insurance card when I received service (in which case I wonder how they found my insurance company in the first place).

    I just got off the phone with my insurance again and they told me that is as far as they can go in terms of helping me. MinuteClinic also said they don't have anyone to handle cases like this since this should be between my insurance and I. It seems to me that MinuteClinic is at fault here but I'm really not sure and don't know how to proceed.

    Thanks for reading and I hope you can share with me your wisdom if you know anything about this or have been in similar situations before. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/zjkVirus
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    How do I find a way out of this incredibly awful apartment situation

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I'm currently in an awful situation here, I'm in Koreatown, Los Angeles, CA. Paying 1,500 for an apartment here. My upstairs neighbors have been stomping around for 15 hours a day (no exaggeration) they have what seems to be several children who wake up and run around, (wrestle?) And move furniture at the time periods 11 - 3 AM, 4 - 7 Am and then random hours throughout the whole day. I have filed 7 noise complaint and the apartment manager says that he has relayed a message but they only seem to get worse, I'm starting to think that he hasn't even talked to think, as he is pretty cowardly. I refrain from calling the police, I don't want to be that guy, and I know it won't ever stop. I've tried headphones but their stomping literally shakes my room, I am unable to sleep or work with peace.

    When it comes to me getting locked out, having questions about the apartment or just talking to him he ignores my calls, then he has the nerve to ask me to leave a positive review. He charged me 2x security deposit when I first signed my lease, (pretty sure this isn't illegal) but he told me that it was a nice and safe neighborhood, in the first week a homeless camp moved in outside (which isn't a huge deal for me) but there is gang spray paint across my street. The water also tastes kind of strange

    I know I'm complaining a lot, but this place is pretty unbearable, what do I do here??

    submitted by /u/JinpaiSenpai
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    [South Carolina] Is it illegal to record video, with a cell phone, inside a family court room of a proceeding WITHOUT knowledge or permission of the opposing party or judge, then disseminate the video online as well directly to others, some out of state?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    To add some context... This was a court proceeding in a county family court room concerning unpaid child support, or "back child support."

    One party of the proceedings covertly filmed the hearing using a cellphone. The video captures audio and video of all other parties included as well as the judge and people in the gallery. At no time was anyone aware of this being filmed.

    The video was then posted to Facebook by the same party filming, which was soon removed by to the same party shorty after it was posted. The video has also been sent to various other people either through directly sending the file or with a link to the file on a Google Drive. The video was filmed and disseminated with the intent of showing other party's actions, speech, and general demeanor, in a negative light.

    The courtroom had specific signs posted informing of the absolutely no cell phone policy. I wasn't sure if that was more of a courtesy rule to avoid any unnecessary noises from phones or if it was referring to a law. I realize that the court transcripts are public information available to anyone submitting a FOIA request, but wasn't sure how this differs.

    Is this legal? Can the party filmed (without any knowledge or consent) take any type of legal action, criminal or civil, against the party that performed the covert recording?

    I am extremely appreciative of any responses. Thanks again!

    Edit: to comply with rules.

    submitted by /u/IDrinkPennyRoyalTea
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    Found out I'm in an illegal apartment - MN

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    I recently found out I have been dwelling in an apartment since August that is illegal per the city I reside in. It is an above garage, mother in law apartment that has been completely renovated, I absolutely love it besides a few issues here and there with the maintenence not fixing things and my landlord seemingly ok with the maintenence man not showing up for these small jobs.

    Fast forward to this past week, I expressed concern about pipes freezing because the temperature is starting to drop. My plumbing to my apartment is connected to the vacant house next door with the water pipes being in the basement. I have been told the actual heat and furnace do not work in the empty house. So I call my landlord and ask if there is a solution to keep the pipes from freezing and he says that he will have the maintenance guy put a space heater downstairs in the house and check it weekly. HUGE RED FLAG appeared in my mind and all I could think was my place burning down while I'm at work if this thing malfunctions. I have a sweet pet who I care dearly about and am feeling anxious with winter quickly approaching. At this point, I do not have a key to the vacant house next door and my garage apartment is connected to the house by a deck. I told my landlord I am not comfortable with running a heater in a vacant house, connected to my apartment, for hours while nobody is home. He told me it'd be fine and there was nothing downstairs that could catch on fire. He eventually agreed to give me a key to the house so I could check on the space heater myself versus the maintenence man. I did not feel good with this solution so I decided to go a step further to see if the city could enforce anything.

    So I reached out to the city to explain my safety concerns with running a space heater unattended. When I told them my story, they had many questions on why the house was vacant and informed me a garage apartment is illegal per the city. They are wanting to come out and do an inspection, which I am fine with because safety is my #1 concern. I have not told my landlord I contacted the city and I also did not know until I talked to them that I was living in an illegal apartment. I would have never moved in had I known I would be possibly forced to leave because it is considered a "prohibited" dwelling.

    So my question is: do I have any rights as a tenant if I am forced to leave?

    TLDR; rented an above garage apartment which I was just informed is an illegal rental per my city after calling them with a safety complaint.

    submitted by /u/beatmeoffscotty
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    Attorney has failed to claim SSA fees in over a year - is the beneficiary now entitled to them? (NC)

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    I am asking for a family member. I am an attorney but not in the same state and not in that area of law.

    So family member went through a lengthy appeals process to get disability. Her disability insurance was paying for her attorney and her benefits until she received disability from the state. SS awarded her attorney approx $25,000.00 in attorneys fees. That was a year and a half ago and my family member discovered that the fees are still sitting with SS office because they cannot find the attorney and the attorney hasn't claimed it.

    Typically, my family member would just let it go and hope the attorney claims it eventually. But - her disability insurance recently informed her that there was a cap for attorneys fees that they would pay of $6,000.00 and, accordingly, on top of the base amount of benefits she was paid, they want her to repay $19,000.00 of the attorneys fees to them. She doesn't have that much, she only has what SS gave her. So when someone told her she could potentially request that this unclaimed money be returned to her, she was eager to see if she really could do so.

    I'm not even sure where to start to look for this information or even who to ask. Does anyone know about this?

    submitted by /u/Caa3098
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