• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 21, 2020

    Legal Advice - HOA charging everyone $8k for new roofs - roofs are only 8 years old

    Legal Advice - HOA charging everyone $8k for new roofs - roofs are only 8 years old

    HOA charging everyone $8k for new roofs - roofs are only 8 years old

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    I live in a community in Colorado run by an HOA. The HOA owns and insures the outside of the homes and the owners own and insure the inside. In 2012 the roofs were replaced due to hail damage. At the time the HOA paid extra for "improved" shingles with a longer life. This past June there was a hail storm that caused damage again. The roofs were inspected by one selected roofing company along with one insurance agent and the insurance deemed the roofs a total loss. The HOA insurance company deductible is 2% of the total value of the property which is now 20mil. 4 years ago, the total value was almost half what it is now, 10mil. The estimated cost of new roofs is approx 1mil for all 63 homes.

    The HOA sent out letters last year and this spring reminding people to get a HO-6 special loss assessment on their personal home owners insurance. Some people did get this added, but were unaware that it did not cover hail damage and will have to pay their fraction of the HOA insurance deductible out of pocket - just under $9k. Understandably, there was a huge uproar over the cost of the deductible. The HOA responded by saying they could contact a bank to finance the deductible that the HOA has to pay but it will increase everyone's HOA dues by almost $170/mo for the next 5 years - which of course is unacceptable since a lot of people do have the appropriate coverage from their personal insurance to pay.

    Here is where is gets really messy: The HOA insurance company is going after the previous roofing company for reimbursement because they say they didnt use the shingle they said they would - & didnt do some other things the right way. I dont have much info on this particular piece of the puzzle. However, it seems odd that the HOA insurance company should be getting $ from the previous roofer. Shouldnt that $ go to the homeowners?

    What else can be done here? It seems like the HOA insurance company is really screwing us over with an almost $9k deductible (which is double what it would have been 4 years ago). The roofing company appears to be charging around $16k/home for new roofs which seems high and if we are paying almost 9k then we are paying more than half of the cost for the new roof and I dont understand why the HOA had this awful policy to begin with.

    Edited: Although we knew they were assessing the roofs for damage in June, we were only made aware that they would need to replace the roofs and we would need to pay that deductible in October, just a few weeks prior to them starting work on the roofs. They are rushing the repairs so that it can be done before winter due to concerns of the snow sitting on the roof and causing leaks and the insurance not covering that damage due to the fact that it was caused by hail damage that was identified and not rectified.

    submitted by /u/cloudbear9
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    Landlord wants to keep me on for lease extension I never signed

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    In September, I texted my landlord about getting a one month extension on my 1-year lease that is up at the end of this month. He suggested a sixth month lease, and I said it was "agreeable", expecting that I would be getting an actual lease with hard numbers.

    I currently live in Norwalk, Connecticut (where this lease was signed), and I recently got a job in New York that I'm starting next month. I didn't know I'd be getting a new job when I talked about a lease extension, so I texted my landlord and asked if we could just do one month so that we both have a buffer. He basically told me to pound sand and that we agreed to a six month lease.

    I understand that Connecticut has laws regarding verbal leases, so I was wondering if "agreeable" is a legally binding term. Can I can spin the tables and tell him to pound sand, or am I bound by my word.

    Also, the lease has a clause that states:

    "RENEWAL. You may renew this lease with our consent by giving notice to us 60 days before lease expires. If we agree to renew your lease you will sign a new lease at the rent stated by us."

    Am I in the clear here because of this clause? Or do verbal agreements count as "signing", legally speaking.

    submitted by /u/wjolnikTheGreat
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    OBGYN without consent

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    My wife just got home from the OBGYN and is very shook up. She said that a medical student came in with a nurse and performed a full exam on her, then left. Then her actual OB came in and started to do the exam and my wife asked why she had to do it again. Her Doc kept apologizing and freaking out saying she never gave anyone consent to do so. My wife is embarrassed and feels violated. Is there any course of action? We are located in the US in Colorado.

    submitted by /u/cromation
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    How long does someone need to be at my house to need to evict them? [Michigan]

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    I let an old "friend" come stay for like a week because he had no where to go. We got into an argument and I made him leave. He called the police and told them hes been at my house for 3 weeks and they made me let him in. Then he did it again the next day. Then last night would be the 3rd night he called the police to let him in, but this time I locked the doors and didnt answer. They said LET HIM IN OR HES GOING TO KICK THE DOOR DOWN. Well luckily he just left when the police left

    My question is, how long does someone even need to stay before we need to evict them? They have no mail comming, no property in my house. What the hell is going on????

    submitted by /u/xxwickedjeckelxx
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    Contractor drilled into my gas tank

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 08:43 PM PDT

    Need help about what my legal options are. I'm in Oregon.

    I am renovating a camper van and hired a small company to help build cabinets and install solar panels. A bunch of little things happened along the way that were disappointing, but finally I've reached the last straw. I was quoted $4000 or under for the work, which was fine. I dropped off the van (45 min away from me) and me and the guy discussed everything I wanted. I described the counter tops, the cabinets, and electrical system how I wanted. After a few days, the odd mistakes started happening. I bought all the supplies needed to set up the electrical system, then when I brought them he said they were wrong so I drove all the way back home. He texted me an hour later saying he could actually buy them from me, and then didn't pick up when he said he would. Not sketchy at this point, just annoying and inconvenient. Then, he asked if I wanted the countertops the same height or offset. I said for sure same height, keep them in one piece. He sent me a picture the next day and the counters were offset. I was super disappointed but didn't say anything because the damage had already been done. We also talked in detail about how I wanted the cabinets, which turned out not at all like I had described. He also highly recommend connecting the solar panel system to the actual cars battery. I agreed, and when I came to pick it up he said the part didn't arrive in time so it didn't end up happening. The final amount was $7500. I didn't know what to do except pay him. He said he could show me receipts, but did not.

    The last straw- yesterday I filled up the gas tank for the first time since I got it back. I started smelling a strong smell of gasoline and started to feel super woozy from the fumes. I figured it just needed to air out? I didn't know. The next morning I went to drive it and it was just as strong as before. I went to a mechanic and they inspected it, and they told me there was a big puncture in the top of the gas tank. So, when the guy installed cabinets he drilled right into the gas tank. The mechanic told me it would be at least an a-thousand dollar fix. I called the guy who installed the cabinets and he said if I brought it up he could take a look at it, or offer me $500. I feel SO taken advantage of, I am a 20 year old woman who obviously didn't know much about cars or carpentry. I at least want the $1k, if not more. What are my rights here? I don't have a lot of support behind me so I need the internet to help me out here. Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/Parking_Vermicelli_7
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    I suspect that I have IBS or a related illness that is affecting my work performance. Today, my boss threatened to send me home if I use the bathroom. Is there anything I can do to protect my employment while I wait on diagnosis?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    Location is Vermont USA.

    Hi, I've been working for my current employer for about 2 years. In the past year or so, I have had increasingly worsening indigestion symptoms that have significantly gotten worse over the past couple of months. This has resulted in me needing to take more frequent and immediate bathroom breaks. Though I have never been pulled into a formal meeting to discuss my work performance of late, my boss has increasingly brought it up to me and threatened my job on occasion. I am under the impression that he doesn't believe my illness is real, and without a diagnosis I can't prove anything.

    Last month I went to the hospital and had blood work and stool samples done hoping to figure out why I'm so tired all the time and where my indigestion is coming from. All tests came back negative, indicating that there is some other cause for my symptoms, which is why I believe I probably have IBS. I'm working on connecting with a dietician and any other medical professional that can help me diagnose what's happening, but I'm worried that if I'm let go before getting a diagnosis I'll be S.O.L.

    Is there anything I can do to protect myself? Are there certain medical people that could help expedite a diagnosis?

    submitted by /u/Alex6095
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    Girlfriend’s parents cashed the check for her remaining student loans.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    I am posting this on behalf of my girlfriend (20M) who is estranged from her parents. She does not have a Reddit acount but we are looking for a advice. Context: her parents are living in Florida and she is living with me (20M) in New York and is dependent on me and my family.

    My girlfriend received a check from financial aid for just under $2000. She is the only name on the loan as her parents refused to co-sign or help in any way. The check was mailed to her parents house in Florida (she has changed her address to here after this incident). Her parents opened her mail, and cashed her check presumably forging her signature and cashed it in their own bank account. I can see at least 2 laws being broken here, but I am no lawyer nor going to school to be one.

    Her parents are refusing to send her the money, but have said they will send it back to the school. I see two issues with that statement: One being that the check is already cashed. Two being her parents consistently going back on their word which makes anything they say hard to trust. My girlfriend has informed the bank she never received the check and they are looking into it.

    From what I and my parents (both IVY league graduates with doctorates in Veterinary Medicine) she has a couple options. 1: wait to see if her parents actually come through and send the money back but, 2: they don't and she can possibly file some sort of lawsuit/take them to court with my parents fully prepared to provide her their lawyers and help in any way possible. However, she doesn't want to take them to court if possible for fear of them disowning her. I would think that she could possibly get quite a bit more from them than the $2000 they took, but again I am no lawyer.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    TL;DR: her parents are shitty people.

    Update: her parents told her to kill herself.

    submitted by /u/cademore7
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    Sold a Car...buyer is now calling me

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    Sold a used car with almost 300,000 miles on it, buyer came, checked it out, test drove it, ran a car fax and purchased it. I had him sign "as is" sale docs and signed the title over to him after we exchanged the money. He is now calling me saying that there's oil leaking, it wasn't when I sold it to him 2 weeks ago. I know I might be leaving details out of this that you might need to answer my question, but If he tries to make a legal case out of it, does he have a leg to stand on? I'm in Illinois.

    submitted by /u/justj84
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    My ex is trying to take my phone bc it was bought w his card on his Amazon account. I remember giving him the cash when I bought it though so he couldn’t hold it over my head. I have no proof I did so though.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    Can he actually take it from me legally? The phone service is in my name and I pay it but the phone itself was bought by his card on his Amazon account.

    submitted by /u/unicornhornporn0554
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    My fiancé lost her job.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    So on day 85 of a 90 day probation at Costco my fiancé lost her job because her manager didn't like her. She wouldn't listen to him talk about his 'big black cock' and he would mock her about being a 'shitty Jew' because she doesn't have a lot of money like own her own house or paid off her car like him. We called his manager and explained the reasoning he fired her without warning and he promised to look into it.

    Given she's on probation I'm not sure whether it was legal or not.

    (Btw we live in Ontario Canada)

    Do we just let it go? (Know that we can't afford to keep living in our rental or anywhere within our current area without this job and the chances of finding another on short term notice is small)

    Is this something we can fight? Or do we just have to roll over and take it.

    Any honest opinions or advice would be helpful.

    Btw there are colleagues of hers that can vouch to what happened.

    submitted by /u/3xplodingheads
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    Landlord (NY) putting office in the house I rent.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    I live in long Island, ny. I rent a house, along with 3 other people. Our landlord informed us yesterday that he will be converting our basement into an office for his business, as well as using the entire garage for storage for his business. This is not acceptable for any of us, as it will leave us with no storage for our things, on top of the fact that of course none of us want an office full of people in our house. He has now stated that a crew will be here this coming weekend to empty the basement and garage completely and that they've been instructed to throw anything remaining there in a dumpster. We have nowhere to put our things. The landlord is the former boss of two of my roommates so there was no lease agreement signed by any of us. We have been living here for 3 years without ever being a day late on a rent payment. We're all in shock. In addition, as part of the construction process to convert the basement into an office, the landlord intends to have asbestos floor tiles removed by a crew which is not certified to do so. The tenant upstairs has a baby and is especially concerned about the hazard that this will pose for her child. What can we do to protect ourselves and our belongings until we can all find somewhere else to live?

    submitted by /u/davaleo
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    Coworker has threatened to kill most of my department

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    I work for a school district in WA and as the title says, a coworker threatened to "bring in a gun and shoot you all", referring to most of my department. HR, our supervisor, and our department head were all aware of the threat, but chose to dismiss it. I'm having a harder time letting it go.

    I know for a fact he owns at least one gun and that he uses cannabis. His behavior continues to deteriorate. He often loses control and yells at other coworkers. We all walk on eggshells when he's around, but his behavior continues to fluctuate wildly and has been in a steady decline for a half decade or more. This situation is increasingly awful and is beginning to affect my health. At least five people in the department have formally complained. There are several schools in the district that have told our boss that he is not welcome for reasons ranging from sleeping on the job and neglecting work to outright theft. His family and the head of HR go to the same church, which I assume is why they keep brushing aside our complaints and numerous others.

    Please, I'm at my wits end. If HR won't act, is there some outside body that can step in? I'm happy to provide more information or expand on anything I've put down here. Thank you all in advance.

    submitted by /u/iFearForMyLife
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    Townhouse community is rapidly sinking into the ground due to negligent construction

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    I was recommended to post here from r/HomeImprovement. I'm going to try to keep this as simple as possible:

    I purchased a townhome earlier this year in the state of Georgia from the estate of a deceased guy whose family lives out of state. There were no disclosures as the sellers did not have any knowledge of any existing problems with the townhouse. As the house was extensively renovated before purchase, nothing was visually off about the townhouse. As a first time buyer, my real estate IQ was really low.

    I have since learned the following:

    The community was built in 2007 on top of a landfill. When the land was purchased by the builder, geotechnical engineers surveyed the land and determined that, due to poor soil, the piers for the townhomes would need to be built 25 feet deep. The builder signed off on a contract with the subcontractor to install these piers to build the piers to the engineers' specifications, but apparently the piers were only built 10 feet deep. As a result, the six buildings in our neighborhood are suffering from massive differential settlement problems. These problems first started visibly occurring in 2014, due to the use of post-tensioning slab which prevented the foundation from cracking until the settlement became too severe.

    In 2015, the builder sued the subcontractor over breach of construction contract, suing for the cost to repair the foundations and stop further settlement. This amount was around $750,000. In 2018, a jury trial resulted in them being awarded that money, and the subcontractor immediately filed a motion for mistrial, which was granted. No movement has happened since, and the courts have been closed since earlier this year due to the pandemic and will not be reopening until 2021 at the earliest.

    I know all of this because I got access to PACER and downloaded a lot of documents, including depositions from geotechnical engineers, the pier company that sold the piers to the subcontractors, etc.

    Earlier this month I decided to take matters into my own hands and call a structural engineer to assess my unit's situation. The bottom line is, I can't do anything with my unit because it's attached to my neighbor's unit, and because we both share a common slab, the entire structure would have to be fixed. My unit alone would require 34 push piers to be installed and I was told the cost for my unit alone would be so great that I should try to litigate the subcontractor myself before I try to pay for it.

    At this point, I'm worried about what this means for me and my neighbors. In the past 6 months I've lived here, I've already started seeing cracks re-emerge in the walls and existing cracks in the garage floor widen at a terrifying rate. I don't want to have to move, and I certainly don't want to sell at a loss if I'm forced to.

    Now, the complicating factor is there is no HOA. Well technically there's an "HOA" but it's run by the builder. The builder still owns half of the parcel that the community is built on, and they still technically own all the land. We just own our individual units. They planned on building a yet-unbuilt phase 2, selling all those units, then letting us establish our own HOA to take over utilities, maintenance, etc. And part of what they're suing for is not just for our foundations, but for corrective work to be done for the existing piers that were built in anticipation of building phase 2 in the future.

    So my question is: is there anything my neighbors and I can do to fix our homes without having to pay for it ourselves?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/GoodOpinionHaver
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    Landlord has not cashed rent checks

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    I moved into my current apartment building in April in Chicago. The landlord had me pay the first two months rent as part of signing the lease so my dumb self didn't think to ask how I regularly pay rent.

    I have had several issues contacting my landlord from the beginning. I have never personally met him and did everything online as far as viewing the apartment because this is when covid hit and everything shut down. It took him two days to get back to me to give me my keys and when my electricity went out, it took a full day for him to reach back out to me.

    When June came around and I had to pay rent, I put my check into his mailbox in our mail room and didn't think anything of it. I am not great at checking my bank account to see when charges go through so I never noticed it wasn't cashed. I paid rent for three more months like this before I realized the money wasn't taken out. Now we are in October and NONE of my checks have been cashed and I have not heard back from him when I have left messages.

    At this point, I'm wondering what the hell is going on. It is a large (very old) apartment building and he is the only owner. It is possible he hasn't noticed that my rent hasn't been paid or something I don't know. I'm just wondering if there are any possible repercussions (evictions, fees, etc). I don't plan on staying here when my lease is up for a multitude of reasons but I definitely don't wanna be evicted.

    submitted by /u/annagrose
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    Unknown neighbors dumping a whole lot full of leaves into my yard.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    I live on a small street in Michigan that has a large empty lot owned by the city; this lot only one house down from my own. The street behind mine received permission from the city to use the lot to plant a community garden in its place, as long as they keep up on the yard work-my street has no affiliation with this garden (from what I've gathered from a neighbor). I recently came home to find that my entire front yard, and the street in front of my house was full of leaves. It is Autumn in the midwest, so I understand that there will be leaves (and I don't mind) but the entire ground was covered and there were piles on the curb in front of my house. It was obvious the leaves had been intentionally blown and left there.

    My other neighbor saw one of the homeowners who keeps up on the garden blow them all onto my lawn. In my city, leaf piles in front of the curb will result in a citation, and eventually a fine. I am rarely home as I work and go to school so I do not want to be responsible for removing the mess from the garden, and do not want to end up getting a citation or a fine. Since the lot is taken care of by multiple people, I do not know who to talk to about this so I can ask them to please not do it again, or to please clean up when they are finished. I don't want to get anybody in trouble, as I like what they are doing with the garden, but I am not sure how to handle this or who to contact that could maybe notify them. If anyone could give me any advice, that would be great.

    submitted by /u/DisastrousYellow386
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    Ex fiancé and I have a house together he wants to keep it... #Arizona

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    So me and my ex fiancé have a house together. Both of our names are on the deed. He wants to keep it, ok no problem, I just ask I get half the equity. He's saying we need to factor in closing costs and disclosures of the house and take that off the equity and then split it. He's saying closing cost is roughly $20,000. 7% and another 5-8 grand in disclosures. But we aren't selling the house so I don't under stand why I have to pay any kind of closing cost? I also asked for an appraisal he said it's not needed.

    And is closing cost on something like this common? I can understand maybe $1000 in like title transfer and admin fees since all he is doing is getting refinanced under his name to take me off the deed.

    I want to keep this civil and without lawyers but with what he is saying I'm thinking I need to get a lawyer?

    Arizona #AZ #phoenix

    submitted by /u/WednesdaeRae
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    I'm being threatened with a lawsuit by a shady lawyer - please help <3

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    I am being threatened with a lawsuit for 'defamation and harassment' by someone who is well known for sexual harassment and rape in my community. He was so widely recognized as such that he was forced to leave town. He had, on multiple occasions, taken upskirt videos of many girls in a club environment, most of whom were likely intoxicated and/or underage. He has raped multiple women, by their own accounts. I've been vocal about spreading that truth as our community has a serious problem with violent sexual offenders. I refuse to let another one of my friends be assaulted or raped if I can help it in any way.

    All that said, I have not seen or heard from this person in many years. A couple of months ago, I got a message request from a rando on Facebook, informing me that an entertainment lawyer was trying to contact me. I never responded to that (as I haven't responded to any of the communications I've received since).

    This shady lawyer's practice consists only of trying to shake down people for comments made online. He was actually suspended by his state bar association for doing exactly this. His suspension ended in mid-July and I was first contacted roughly two weeks later.

    Now I've been sent a 'final warning' letter, demanding that I pay this rapist $5000 or I'll be taken to court. I'm a poor single father of three special needs kids. I have no means to fight this at all, but it's clearly a shakedown. I have pages of screenshots of people recanting their experiences being raped or sexually assaulted by this guy, but I don't have the financial or emotional ability to go to court over it.

    I've already contacted the state bar of his state, and I'm going to contact the bar in my state as well since apparently he just filed to try here. My state has free legal aid, but I don't think it's geared toward my particular issue.

    Any and all help and suggestions are greatly appreciated! <3

    I live in New Mexico and this lawyer is based in Arizona, if that helps at all.

    submitted by /u/Neuromancer_420
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    [US-NYC] Unauthorized Driver committed Hit & Run in Rental Car

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    hello. a family member rented a car and while they were asleep a friend (unlicensed and uninsured) took the car without permission. that friend said that the car got side swiped while it was parked and that's what family member told the rental company. later this family member got a notice from the rental company's claim department for damages. then the claims department said that a hit and run was committed and sent a police report. if that friend admits to taking the keys without permission what kind of trouble will that family member be in?

    honestly we're not even sure the hit and run happened.

    submitted by /u/carrentalprobsthrow
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    How do I approach a neighbors threat safely?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    My neighbor threatened me tonight and I don't know what to do about it in a way that it doesn't jeopardize my own safety. I live in new york (not nyc) and this neighbor is constantly violating the noise ordinance in the rental agreement. I've talked to him before about keeping the noise down after 10pm but essentially got nowhere with it. The building manager has also confronted him about his constant banging and slamming doors. While completely unprovoked he (the neighbor) yelled through the wall that separates our apartments "yo! If you keep telling on me im gonna make you wish you were dead, like your cat!" I didn't respond to him, just kept quiet and he didn't go any further with it. I didn't call the police because i don't want to risk the threat turning to physical aggression. I believe it to be a high possibility on account of how he treats his dog. Always yelling at the dog in an aggressive manner and allowing the dog to suffer healthwise. I did inform the building manager through text but he doesn't seem to be of any help with addressing the issue. What can i do to address the issue that will also ensure my safety short and long term? Moving out is not a viable option for me right now and i feel its not safe to try to confront the neighbor face to face.

    submitted by /u/Superb_Nail4770
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    Someone stepped in front of my car, tried to blame me

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    Hello. A little nervous. A little wired. And a little upset. I've never had this happen before.

    This happened in California, I have a Colorado license.

    I was driving down a four lane road (2/middle/2), with parked cars alongside the right most lane. I was on my way home, when someone stepped out from behind their super duty truck, and their hand caught my side mirror. I had no time to stop, no time to swerve, was driving the speed limit, and pulled over immediately.

    Right away, upon stopping, I come up to him and ask if he's okay. If he's hurt. What happened. He said he was okay, and I being flustered, nervous and scared, tried to ask how we can fix my, now shattered, mirror. He immediately tried to pull the blame game. Said it was my fault, I was speeding, I should be driving farther into the left lane rather than my lane, and his witness tried to say I was speeding too. He said he was a cop, and I was breaking the law. And I got extremely flustered and proceeded to call the local police line.

    The police came. They talked to us. But did not open a report or anything. The other party immediately calmed down, but his partner still tried to blame me and I say that i was too far in my lane. I talked to the police, but did not ever admit to fault for it. He talked to police and calmed down. They didn't open up a report, or take down information, or even ask too many questions other than to see my ID.

    The only thing I asked the cops, is there anyway someone could be in the wrong if they're in their lane and someone steps out in front of them. He gave me a wishywashy answer, and then walked back. My driving record should be spotless, except for an illegal u turn in 2018 that amounted to 1 point. The other party returned my ID, not the actual sheriff, he gave me his.

    He and I exchanged information, and once I calmed down, I switched to asking if he was okay, and that I just wanted to make sure he wasn't hurt. Regardless of who was at fault, I wanted to make sure he was okay. Sure, this 300lb meathead claiming he was a cop to intimidate me scared the piss out of me, but I'm a human, I wanted to make sure he was okay. We exchanged information, and now I'm here waiting on my insurance to make a claim.

    Did I do everything okay? Was I in the wrong? Did I do anything wrong afterward? Am I right to be suspect of his intention by intimidating me, claiming he's a cop, and then toning down the situation when the police did show up? I have suspicions he wasn't clean, and that's why he was going to let it go/was going to let it pass and didn't pursue anything with the police despite claiming it was my fault to begin with. But I just don't know enough. I was scared, I have never been in an accident, never gotten a speeding ticket, hell any ticket outside of an illegal u turn.

    The whole situation just feels weird as hell. And I felt bad, and scared, and intimated. But his whole intimidation tactic as well as immediate backdown as soon as actual police showed up and not making a police report just feels. Off.

    Was this the right thing to do? I had a passenger with me who will attest to my side of the story, and have filed a claim with my insurance. My adjuster will call me tomorrow. I will not contact the other party.

    submitted by /u/Wetwork2D
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    Arkansas - filing for divorce when spouse is pregnant, but it's not yours.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    So, Arkansas is one of a few states where a couple may file for divorce while one is pregnant, but will not be able to obtain a judgment until the child is born. But, what if the child is the product of adultery and the husband can prove that he is not capable of fathering a child? What has to be done to contest paternity of an unborn child, since paternity is assumed unless contested before the divorce is granted.

    submitted by /u/thisnameleftblank
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    Construction Project Temporary Restraining Order

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    Location: TN

    A construction project on a neighboring piece of land has encroached on to our property. We have requested copies of the approved plans, but the issuing/approving entity is requiring a FOIA request to view them. This could take up to 20 days to receive. In which court would be file for a TRO to temporarily stop the project? There are several regulations being violated on this project. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/rj943
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    not sure what to call this. given wrong materials in order.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    hello I am (F30 hispanic) and have decided to become a single mother. because I had a person I thought was a close friend I had asked my friend (M32 Caucasian) if he would be willing to donate to me. he agreed and produced a sample for me that I used. I had paid him and went on with our lives. the issue here is that I just had the baby and it's obviously not his as the child is black... I sent him voicemails and texts but I haven't heard from him at all and I don't know what I can do from a legal perspective as we did have a signed contract because I paid him for his materials. located in texas

    submitted by /u/zanita2
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