• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 22, 2020

    Legal Advice - Jeweler returned my ring after repair but the stone in it isn’t my diamond. Washington State

    Legal Advice - Jeweler returned my ring after repair but the stone in it isn’t my diamond. Washington State

    Jeweler returned my ring after repair but the stone in it isn’t my diamond. Washington State

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    The band on my engagement ring broke, I took it in to have it repaired at a jewelry shop. They did the work and mailed the ring back to me (I'm not local) but the "diamond" they sent back isn't mine. My stone is a 2ct real diamond with a tiny bit of clouding visible to the naked eye. The stone they sent back is literally perfect. Unfortunately, I don't think they gave me I higher quality diamond I think switched it out for a fake. My diamond is a family heirloom and honestly holds more sentimental value than monetary.

    I called the store and after talking to like 5 different people I finally got the owner and they insisted that it was my stone but their cleaning process is so good that my stone probably never had clouding I was just shit at cleaning it and joked about me being a Karen.

    I have the paperwork from when the stone was purchased, it shows the imperfection.

    I'm taking my stone into another jeweler this afternoon with my paperwork to see if it's the same stone but then what? Do I call the police? Do I call a lawyer? Do I call them back and tell them I know they're full of shit and threaten to post on yelp like a Karen?

    Edit: The new stone is a fake. Local jeweler called shady jeweler. My stone was miraculous located. They're refunding me and driving the stone here this afternoon to a THIRD jewelry store (jewelry store that verified it was a fake doesn't do this kind of work.) and are paying for the work. They are incredibly apologetic and are insisting that it was an honest mistake.

    Don't know what to believe but it's solved for now, I hope!

    Edit 2: ITS MY DIAMOND! I knew it was from the naked eye imperfection but jeweler confirmed using the clarity drawing from appraiser with loop.

    Called the police station. I'm meeting an officer there after my husband gets off work to make a report. I feel a little dramatic but my gut says this was no accident. Thanks for the advice everyone!

    submitted by /u/amicoolnowguyz
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    Update: Giant dog, giant bite, giant mess

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    This is an update of my previous post:


    There was a lot that happened in between that post and now.

    4 days after our dog was bitten by the dog, the owner took the pit bull back to the same dog park and bit another dog! The police were called on the aggressive dog. The dog warden that showed up happened to be the one that took my case and statement. He recognized the name and while he was standing there getting the owner's information and statement about both dog bites, the dog bit A THIRD DOG! He then asked the owner not to return and banned them from the park.

    We did take the owner to court. They argued negligence. We argued liability. They argued that the following dog bites weren't relevant and had an excuse for every bite. They said their dog accidentally caught our dog in the face and wasn't being aggressive and the dog wasn't being aggressive the other two times either. They said that they took responsibility for it and admitted that their dog bit our dog, but that they didn't owe the whole amount. It was 'the principle' of it, according to them.

    The judge took everything into consideration and said he'd have a judgement in a few days. We got the judgement the next day and the owner owes us the full amount.

    I'm glad it's done and I hope the owner learns their lesson. Mulitple dog bites within one week means you shouldn't take your dog to the dog park.

    submitted by /u/acpaul19
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    My employer is forcing me to pay him back for my Covid pay.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    My employer has been taking money out of my check (before taxes) to pay himself back for paying me while I was out for Covid quarantine. He's calling it a "loan."

    Edited: Location is Colorado

    submitted by /u/redhead404
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    [UPDATE] Neighbor is using land for hosting campers (upwards of 200+)

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    Previous Post Original Post Link

    TLDR; the campsite was closed down, internet site removed and there seems to be no moves towards making a new campground!

    Thank you all for your advice and motivation, the zoning board was contacted by (my count) an upwards of 20+ people within the week following my post. The board updated us saying that this is not the first they have heard of/had to shut down sites that are advertised online and that they would conduct a more formal investigation on-site the following week.

    The administrator who came to investigate did so that Monday and within 24 hours the site was no longer accessible to the public and all "amenities" were removed from the land, as well. All neighbors have now been provided with some important (non-emergency) numbers to call if anyone sees camping activity in the future.

    Again, thanks to everyones advice, it gave my neighbors and me some great insight to an issue which seems relatively new!

    submitted by /u/givemetlc
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    I’m about 95% sure my coworker intentionally let air out of my tires because I’m leaving this job. The only reason I suspect him is because not even a week ago he told me how it’s not illegal to air out someone’s tires because nobody can own air, is this true?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    I'm leaving for the navy and today when I had to take a day off work both my front air valves were missing the cap and all of my tires were low on air. This was the day after I let my work know of my plans.I can't see this as just a coincidence, because I believe this is something he would definitely do.

    submitted by /u/Thecriminalcat
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    My employer changed their algorithm for paying our drivers without telling anyone. The change resulted in a 20-50% reduction in pay across all delivery tasks.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    I work as a customer service rep at a small tech company in the middle of nowhere Missouri. Almost identical to Uber and Doordash. In the office we are W2 employees but all of our drivers are 1099 independent contractors. I occasionally take deliveries for the extra cash and since I also work in the office I have access to our dashboard and can see the price breakdown on specific orders. I took a large order the other day to a guy who orders for his office all the time, I usually make 40 bucks on his orders but today I made 25. This got me curious so I checked the details, everything looked normal on a task that would usually pay 40 bucks. So I asked my manager what was up and she ended up asking our lead developer who told her the algorithm had changed recently, resulting in the large difference in payout. This change largely affects bigger orders of $100+, reducing earnings by nearly 50%. On the smaller $20-40 orders it's closer to a 20% reduction. There was no notification of the change to any of the drivers or anyone at the support office. Pretty much just the lead dev and top execs knew. There's no driver contract available to view online, even their "terms and services" link at the bottom of their website leads to a dead page. Just seems really shady. I know 1099 employees have very little power in these situations but this seems like a particularly awful thing to do. Surely they're at least required to inform contractors about changes in their pay? Is there any recourse in this situation? Any suggestions or just telling me I'm shit out of luck cuz they're 1099's would be greatly appreciated!

    Update: I asked my manager to dig up the contract for me just to make sure there was one since they made it impossible to find on your own. I believe this clause would make the change a moot point, however they did not inform drivers of the change so it might be something.

    "Company, in company's sole discretion, may change the User Fee Calculation at any time. Company will provide Driver with notice of a change in the User Fee Calculation. Continued use of the company Technology after any change in the User Fee Calculation constitutes Driver's agreement to such change"

    Replaced company name with "company" for privacy. We're small so I'd be found out easily lol.

    submitted by /u/Barnaby_Jones
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    Ex wife dying of cancer, wants her husband to adopt my daughter

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    Pensylvania, US.

    So for background. I got married in october of 2010. I was married for just shy of 5 years. We had one daughter, who is now 7. We never spent much time in court , maybe 15 minutes altogether, and agreed on the divorce (technically a post-nuptual agreement). We never mentioned our daughter, and kept her out of the court system, taking care of custody between the two of us. We are very civil. When she started going to school, we had the simplest, most half-assed agreement drawn up because the school required it. It basically just says that while her mother is the primary caregiver as of now, we have shared custody as determined by us.

    Two years after we split up, she got married to a man, we will call him Mike.

    Ahe was diagnosed with colon cancer when she was pregnant with my daughter's half-brother (from her new husband) last summer. We have always been honest with our daughter, even about the ugly aspects of the world, and she knew that her mom had cancer and that people can die from it.

    After a few surgeries and some chemo, she had her son without complications. A few months later, she was cancer-free.

    However, a few months ago, another scan showed more cancer, now spreading everywhere.

    When she picked up our daughter today, she and Mike distracted my daughter by having her take their puppy for a walk, and told me that my ex has a year to live, give or take.

    They said that because my daughter has a baby brother and spend the majority of her time with them, they don't want to break that cycle and would like for her to continue the same routine and that legally, the easiest way to do that is let Mike adopt my daughter, and that I would still have all of the same rights.

    I am ignorant of these matters. Do I have a reason to think there is a ploy to push me out entirely? No. Is it a concern? You bet. We are civil now, but things got pretty nasty near the end of the relationship (no violence however). I know I'm not asking a very specific question here, but I'd be grateful for any information anyone has about likely scenarios and what my next move should be.

    submitted by /u/2020inanutshel
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    Me(24f) and my sister(20f) were sexually assaulted when we were children by a teenage boy. Are we wasting our time reporting it now?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 04:45 PM PDT

    In 2003 when I was 7 years old me and my 3 year old sister were both sexually assaulted by a 15-16 year old boy that attended our church. My sister only remembers one assault happening to her but I was assaulted numerous times and fully r*ped once. I later found out that the family of this boy was forced to leave the church during this timeframe because of rumors that the boy had done something to another little girl but me and my sister were never questioned by our parents (or anyone) and we never came forward. Is it too late now to file a police report? What kind of charges can be brought against him since he was a minor at the time if he is found guilty?

    Edit: Posting my reply to a private message- I will most definitely be reporting it, I was mostly just curious if anything could truly be done when we do. It would really hurt to put the emotional effort into reporting it just for it to get filed away in a cabinet.

    Edit2: I'm located in KS, USA

    submitted by /u/coffeegroundsinmycup
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    Car illegally towed and SOLD (Texas)

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    Hi /r/legaladvice, Found myself in a bit of a situation. I've recently found out my car was illegally towed and sold by a towing company. At the point of towing I had believed my car was repossessed by the crediting bank back in February, unfortunately I got a call from said bank wanting to settle on the amount owed for the title. I told them I thought the car was repossessed and they informed me they had no knowledge of towing and they didn't issue a repossession.

    I tracked down the towing company, and when asking for information they said they sold it. I didn't get any notifications from them that they even had the car. When they said they sent two certified letters to me I asked for the address and they would not tell me the address they sent the letters to even though it was supposedly my house.

    I owe my bank 16k and now don't even have the chance to recover my car.

    What steps can I take to recover some of the loss and hopefully save someone else from this happening to them.

    submitted by /u/Ego_Asked_Pride
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    Parked at business overnight and they poured birdseed into my hood, AC vents and hood. (TX)

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    The business next door to where I work allows our employees and patrons to park in their lot after dark. I left mine overnight then got texts from my boss asking to come pick it up the next morning (around 10am). Totally fine I was going to do exactly that anyway.

    When I got there, the owner came out and sternly spoke to me. He was a lot nicer after realizing I was an employee of his neighbor and apologized because he thought I was just another "drunk idiot" (I work at a bar and people leave their cars parked on the street).

    As I was getting in my car he pulled me aside and said he had to tell me something. Him and his brother, who also owns the business, poured a bag of birdseed "in my car". When I asked him to specify, he said he wasn't a big deal and I could vacuum it out. I was really confused and shocked and just wanted to leave so I did.

    Upon inspection, it's pretty bad and I'm pissed. They poured it all into my backseat through a slightly cracked window, all over my front hood and into the AC vents. Piles upon piles. They also messed with my sideview mirrors.

    I haven't had a chance to get it checked out yet so I have no idea if there's lasting damage to the AC or anything under the hood. But me and my boss are livid.

    1. What should I be doing in this situation? I will day at this point I would rather not get the police involved but I will if necessary and if there is lasting damages.

    2. If there is damages how should I approach it? Should I get the police involved?

    3. Can I do anything if I was parked on their property?

    4. Should I make them pay for a detailing?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/birdseedissues
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    Am I free to move out at 18, no matter what my father or Friend of the Court says? (MI)

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:41 PM PDT

    I (17M) fully intend to move out of my father's house immediately after I turn 18. He's made it abundantly clear that he won't let this happen, as I'll still have 6 months left of school to complete, and he thinks that my whole senior year will go to a waste if I begin living with my mother. The custody situation I know little about, but what I do know, he has majority custody and he wants to obtain full custody, but my mother isn't budging.

    I've recently bought a multitude of things for my mother's house in preparation for the move, (small things to get me situated when I move), and he's recently caught on to my plan. He is now claiming that he will not let me move out due to the situation with school, and that the Friend of the Court papers allow him to keep me until my eventual graduation.

    My question is simple, is he allowed to do so? By no means have I read the papers, nor will I truly understand them, but with me becoming a legal adult soon, is this allowed by law? In my eyes, he's holding me against my will, while I'm a fully legal adult in the eyes of the law, in a house I no longer wish to live in, as our relationship has deteriorated over the years due to constant fighting. If this is true, is it even legal for the Friend of the Court to mitigate what I do with my living situation after I turn 18? He allowed my sister to do the exact same thing, only because "she had less school to complete". I find it extremely hard to comprehend that the court has a say in what I do in terms of living situation after I turn 18.

    Any and all help would be tremendously appreciated.

    EDIT: I've done little research, and the Michigan Bar (http://www.michbar.org/file/programs/pdfs/thelaw.pdf) states that I am emancipated at 18, and that my parents do not have legal control over me. My question still stands: Can a County Friend of the Court legally stop me from moving out at 18, based on time left to complete school? My mother is going to request a copy of her Friend of the Court papers tomorrow, as she hasn't read them in years, and help me out additionally, as this is a very tricky situation.

    submitted by /u/equinox2019
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    Found out my best friend has been masturbating onto my girlfriend’s and my own underwear, socks, clothing and touching me in my sleep.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    Recently I've found out that my best friend of 6 years has been masturbating into different clothing items around my house when we would get together as well as touching me in my sleep.

    The way I found out was I woke up a few nights ago to find him whispering into my ear and I jumped at the time and realized he was masturbating right across from me. I woke up the next morning and opened my phone to find texts of my girlfriend panicking that she saw him fully masturbating on our couch while she was getting ready for work. She didn't say anything at the time and was disgusted and ran out the door to get to work.

    I confronted him about all of this at the time and he admitted that he thought we liked it and that we would want to participate and become an polygamous relationship with him. He told us he's been having these delusions for years of a huge sex orgy where we all participate and enjoy it after he is caught. By this point I never wanted anything to do with him.

    However, my girlfriend and I messaged him and spoke to him asking him what else he may have done and it turns out that he has been masturbating above us while sleeping, onto our clothing, our socks, our shoes, he touched my penis in my sleep, and he would wear my girlfriends underwear. This was all admitted by him over text and has all been occurring for years without us knowing.

    We were absolutely disgusted by this and called his mother whom he lives with to let her know about all of this and she kept apologizing for what he's done and that his father might have sexual impulses as well and that they would seek therapy for him.

    As far as I know now he is going to be staying into a psychiatric hospital. But I'm not sure if I'm able to pursue any legal action or how to go about it as I never have done this before.

    I feel completely violated and disgusted that someone I had trusted for this long has done these sick things.

    submitted by /u/throwaway75829000
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    Is it legal for my employer at a gym to require me to go to unpaid workout sessions, outside of my normal hours?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 02:20 AM PDT

    I work at a large franchised gym as a personal trainer. I'm majoring in kinesiology and decided to apply for this job to get experience in the field on the side of taking classes. I usually teach a few classes a week.

    When I was hired they mentioned that one of my expectations as a trainer was to attend workout sessions of other trainers in both the franchise I work at and other franchises in the area. My boss said I should plan on attending at least two classes every week as a new hire. They mentioned how it helped to build a community with the members and with the other branches. She also said that it would be helpful to learn from the other trainers and the different workout sessions they teach. At first this seemed like it would be a benefit of the job as I would be getting free training which otherwise would cost a good sum of money. However, now with my school work increasing and several other responsibilities I've found it very hard to attend even a couple a month. A little while ago my boss confronted me about not attending more classes and explaining how it was part of my responsibilities as a trainer. Then, just the other day she confronted me again. Even after explaining that these workouts interfere with my powerlifting schedule and school work, she insisted that it's part of the job. She tries to frame it like I'm getting free classes while everyone else there is paying for it. But if it were up to me, I would never want to go to a single one of these classes.

    I'm starting to realize that by going to these workout sessions, it's pretty much training disguised as perks of the job. To me it feels like nothing more than work training and improving the experience for the customers. Although she never explicitly said I would be fired if I didn't show up to any sessions, it feels as if I'm on thin ice with my boss. I'm wondering if according to US law, this would count as illegal unpaid training or if it falls into a different category because of an exception. I'd appreciate any insight! I live in Massachusetts if that matters.

    submitted by /u/98aidan
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    Employee's husband is a sheriff and implying threats

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:15 PM PDT


    Please advise! This is vague in spots for privacy of those involved but I'm hoping it conveys enough of the situation.

    I am a supervisor at a company and I have an employee who had a behavioral concern that was medical-situation related on top of serious complaints about another employee. Those complaints included: discrimination, racism, and stalking in the bathrooms.

    HR and I invited that employee to a meeting to discuss concerns, policy, and also accommodations for medical issue (no disciplinary action planned towards this employee whatsoever at the time).

    On the day of the meeting, employee calls me before the shift. The employee has difficulties with English but she and I have never struggled to communicate. So when she handed the phone immediately off to a man, I was caught off guard.

    He did not introduce himself by name, stating only that he was her husband and he was a Sheriff of a nearby County. Without giving me any chance to respond, he began throwing accusations and asking questions including: Will a Union rep be at the meeting (we don't have a union) Did I/Company condone harassment? Did I/Company condone stalking? Why was she being pulled into a meeting when she did nothing wrong? Why was his wife being punished for medical issue? "She speaks highly of you and I looked you up and you seem like you are a good person" (with implications that I won't "punish" her) Etc. Along the same veins.

    After 5 minutes of non-stop questions and him talking, I finally got a word in to tell him that: 1. The only question I could answer was that there is no union for Company (public knowledge). 2. If Employee wanted to share information with him, she could, but I cannot tell him anything per policy.

    He didn't like those answers but I held firm and he gave the phone back to Employee. I heard them speak in non-English in the background and then she asked me for HR's info, which I gave and they hung up. They then called HR but HR did not answer or call them back.

    At the meeting, it didn't go well and Employee's claims of all of the above were baseless and cruel. In fact, during HR investigation it was found that Employee was breaking multiple policies themselves and disciplinary action is imminent but as of yet, undelivered.

    I'm extremely worried about retaliation. When I told my husband about the issue, he looked up Employee's husband and found ties to many violent or excessive force investigations spanning the past 10 years (with no repercussions). In addition, close family members were connected to gangs and drive-by shootings as well as drug smuggling.

    TL;DR: Employee has Sheriff of a husband with history of abusing arrestees and excessive force. His family also has a history of violence and drug smuggling. He made it clear he already looked me up in the system and is placing blame on me even pre-discipline for his wife at work. Im worried about what could happen post-discipline because it will be delivered soon.

    Has anything that has already happened crossed a legal line? Do I have any leg to stand on if there is retaliation and how can I prove it's connected if it happens? How can I protect myself?

    submitted by /u/kainespeak
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    Been a victim of online blackmail.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 08:57 PM PDT

    Hi guys, hope you're having a better day than me. Long story short, met a girl online we got talking over video chat and ended up doing the deed. She messages me after with proof of it being screen recorded asking for an exorbitant amount of money otherwise she'd post it. Now I don't have any social media apps, no Facebook, Instagram etc and I have contacted the police (I'm in the UK). I haven't payed her. I'm at a loss. My mental health is deteriorating by the minute and I don't know what to do.

    I guess I just need some advice or anything.

    submitted by /u/blahblah122221
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    [IN] Parents’ neighbor has a small dog they refuse to leash, it’s attacked my step-mother multiple times and animal control will do nothing

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    Title kind of says it all. My parents are in Indiana.

    More detailed:

    My dad's family has owned their home since it was built. A new neighbor moved in after our old neighbor retired to a community home due to the pandemic. The new neighbor has a small, vicious dog that they refuse to leash, fence or control.

    My step-mother tried making friends with at first or keeping it at bay. My step-mother reported the dog being loose to animal control after trying (and failing) to communicate with the owners. Animal control did nothing. Several people in the neighborhood (including small children) were chased and bitten. She reported this to animal control. Animal control did nothing.

    It attacked her pretty badly. She had to pry its teeth from her skin before it would let go and the owner was screaming and cursing at my step-mother. She thoroughly documented the bite wounds and interactions and emailed it to the local animal control as well as called. They finally sent someone out to have a "talk" but lo and behold the dog was out the next day.

    She was again bitten this month. Once again, she documented and emailed it to animal control. Several of her neighbors have also documented and reported bitings. Animal control continues to do nothing.

    Because it's a small dog, they aren't taking it seriously. My step-mother has repeatedly asked for the rabies vaccination information from the owners, but they have failed to provide it (and it is not on the dog's tags which I think isn't allowed in Indiana?). At this point, most of the neighborhood and my step-mom are afraid to leave their house.

    What can they do?

    tl;dr: Small dog has repeatedly bit step-mother and neighbors (including children). These were documented and reported to local animal control over a period of several months. No action was taken by animal control.

    submitted by /u/corn_livin
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    Car salesman lied about sales tax and is now asking for money

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    I bought a used car from a rental car dealership in February of this year. I had a license plate already on my old car which I sold, so they gave me a temp license plate until I got home to replace with the old one. They gave me a paper registration. The license plate expired in August and when I went to the DMV to renew, they told me my car wasn't even registered and that the license plate was still registered with my old car. A couple weeks ago I got an email from the car dealership manager saying that I needed to call him because I owe $749.50 in taxes and had to pay it in order for the registration to be complete. I contacted him and he told me that the computer did not add tax to my contract because the computers crashed that day. He said this happened to 4 other customers. Looking back at the contract I noticed that where it says tax he manually inputed "N/a". My dad called him back and pointed that out and he admitted that it was "a mistake" on his part. Then my dad pointed out the fact that two banks declined my loan request. The manager admitted that the banks declined the request because there was no sales tax on the contract. The last bank he contacted he had to force it through. Is what he did illegal?

    Edit: I'm in Florida for tax purposes

    submitted by /u/No-Kaleidoscope9555
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    My sisters soon to be ex husband sold a car that was only titled to her without her consent.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    My sister lives in PA. Before things went bad between her and her husband they bought a car that was primarily for his use but only had her name on the title and registration. Some time later they separated and he took the vehicle and sold it in OH without my sister appearing or consenting to the sale. I have no idea how PA/OH law treats marital property but it seems that my sister should have at least had to appear before a notary to sign over the vehicle or at the dealership to authorize the sale of the car. Is this a criminal matter for the police or just something for civil court? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/APPmontaineer
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    Disabled son being sued by a debt collector

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    Hello All,

    My autistic 22 y/o son has been sued by a debt collector. He gets SSI and works in a sheltered workshop (an employment service run by a nonprofit to give disabled people a sense of worth.) He only has one credit card (Walmart, $300 credit limit) that I opened with him a few years ago to teach him some basic life skills. He does not have the capacity to open a CC account on his own or even handle basic financial matters. I handle all of his financial matters.

    Apparently, someone used his SS# and opened several accounts (I pulled his credit report). All the accounts are closed and derogatory. I've already taken steps to resolve the ID theft. (Filed a police report, disputed with the credit bureaus.)

    The court papers he was served today have a single credit card statement from Amazon with an address in another state that I don't recognize attached as evidence.

    How do I handle this lawsuit? I guess I have to hire an attorney? Can I handle this myself?

    And no, I've never received any paperwork, bills, or statements other than the paperwork served by the Sheriff.

    I'm in Pennsylvania.

    submitted by /u/nerdburg
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    Employer forcing employees to take their Health Insurance instead of allowing us to shop for other options

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    To note - I am in located in Kentucky in the United States of America.

    Hi there - I work as a sub-contractor on a Federal Contract, and our wages & H&W (Health & Wellness) pay is determined yearly depending on the SCA. I work hourly, and get paid a hourly wage - and per the Federal Contract, I get paid an extra $X.XX per hour for my H&W. This extra pay is to allows us to shop for Medical Insurance without paying extra out-of-pocket, however - I am forced per my employer to take their Health Insurance, instead of shop for much better Health Insurance at a much better price, as they take it from my paycheck to pay for my Medical Insurance. For example, I am forced to take their Health Insurance - and their cheapest plan is over $300USD per pay period (every two weeks), and that means I am forced to pay roughly $600USD (or more) every month for insurance that is not good. For example, I recently had to go to the doctor for something simple, and I had to pay for everything - as my insurance covers almost nothing as such an expensive price. To note, I went to get my medicine, and my pharmacist told me, like the last time I was sick, that it would be cheaper for me to pay for my medicine by cash, as running it with my insurance would INCREASE the price of my medicine. So, for me paying $600USD a month I am not only receiving very bad insurance, but I don't have the option to shop around for an attempt to find better insurance. To note, the company who is the primary contractor allows their employees to NOT take their Health Insurance and to pocket the extra $X.XX per hour - so I'm wondering what prevents my company from taking the same initiative.

    I apologize for the rambling, but I appreciate all of you for reading this post.

    If you have any other questions, I'll be sure to answer as soon and as accurately as possible.

    submitted by /u/throwaway11235296
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    Won't attend a wedding I RSVPd too due to covid. They want to charge me for my plate.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    In our area cases have been shooting up the last 2 weeks. I have an immune compromised wife due to multiple autoimmune disorders.

    In the end I decided she wouldn't attend but I would. To show support for the couple who I understood were in a difficult position (due to loss of LARGE deposits if they canceled, etc.)

    When I rsvpd things were better, new cases per day were quite low. Things have changed rapidly the last 2 weeks here.

    Just the last day or two our local health officer publicly stated not to attend weddings or funerals. Or anywhere with 6+ people from various different households. Along with a new record for new cases in 24 hrs.

    I told this person I could no longer attend, citing my wife as the reason.

    They have told me I may be charged for my plate if they can't fill my spot. I'm of the understanding the food may cost hundreds of dollars per plate and am curious the legality of this.

    When I was married some people didn't show up and I didn't seek them out for payment.

    Edit: obviously I had planned on wearing a mask at all times. I also found out they will not be making masks mandatory at their event.

    Location is Canada but I feel its not super relevant this time

    submitted by /u/WantAndAble
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    [VA / NC - Guilford County] Guilford County claims traffic fine/court fee from 1999 was not paid. I can't prove it (because 21 years ago), but I know I paid it. Is there recourse here or am I just out of luck (and $300)?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    Issue: Virginia is not permitting me to renew my driver's license because of information provided to the National Driver Register by North Carolina indicating my driving privileges in their state have been revoked. I have successfully renewed my VA driver's license every time it has come due for renewal since 1998 with no issues, until now.

    Background: In 1998, I received a traffic ticket in Guilford County, NC. I went to court, went to traffic school, went back to court, then paid my fine and court costs in 1999 after the case was decided. Traced that as the reason for the NDR placement, and the Guilford County Superior Court clerk's office told me today that their records show I failed to pay the fine and court costs from 1999, and that it's up to me to prove otherwise.

    My grump: I can afford to pay them again (plus their late fee plus the DMV fee required to clear it with the NDR), but this is a fait accompli. It's not reasonable to expect that someone retains a money order stub for a traffic ticket for over 20 years. I obviously can't apply this intent to what they're doing, but it really feels like they are not only scrambling to collect on old outstandings still on their books as well as generating even more income with DMV reinstatement fees because they know they have people over a barrel - pay up or no more driving in the 45 states part of the Driver's License Compact.

    My question is: Is there anything in NC law that speaks to how long they can pursue an old debt or by when they lose their rights to report me to the NDR? Or any sort of legit recourse attempts available other than to succumb and just pay them? I've looked online and can't find anything on this that quite fits. They have not actively pursued collecting - I've received no notifications of any kind either back then or more recently - so that may not be the right language to use, but hopefully yall get what I mean.

    submitted by /u/stubbornkelly
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    Legal advice regarding an apartment neighbor threatening to kill my cat.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:51 PM PDT

    In UTAH: My downstairs neighbor threatened to kill my cat multiple times this morning for allegedly attacking her little dog. It's not true as we have witnesses, including me, that the dog was off leash and ran after my cat while he hid in the bushes, and this isn't the first time a dog of hers has done this. Everyone in my courtyard complex loves my cat, besides her, and today was her first legitimate death threat. She also yelled through my door that she would "kick my ass" next time she sees me and throw my cat up against the wall. Any advice on what to do? We did call the police this morning so they are aware, but she's threatening me, the cat and to sue the apartments for...well something we're not so sure of.

    submitted by /u/Feebeeps
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    Being a Bystander of Sexual Abuse

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Hi all. My mother had been acting a bit weird for the past month and whenever I asked her about it she deflected. We finally had a discussion involving my aunt (her sister). My aunt has been married for a long time and has two sons. One son has a moderately severe developmental disorder and it came out that her husband had been sexually abusing him.

    When my mom and her talked, my aunt said that she had been abused (I'm not sure if it was verbal or physical not that it matters) for quite a long time but had no way out because she couldn't drive, couldn't speak English that well (and thus couldn't get a job), was financially dependent on her husband.

    She said that she could stand that. But then, she found evidence of some physical marks around the genital area of her son. She sat her son down and asked him what had happened and he told her that his dad had done some things to him (sexual abuse). I really don't know the details of this, but I know that his dad had threatened his son not to tell anyone about this.

    I think the years and years of abuse has really gotten to her because she really thinks she's not gonna last until the end of this year if she ever has to see her husband's face again. She wants to just leave the country and go back to her home country with what little money she could scrounge up. She doesn't have the financial means to take her two sons with her.

    I'm really pulling my hair out because I'm still young (in college) and have no idea what I'm supposed to do. My mom has told me never EVER to tell anyone. Any advice is welcome. Thank you for taking your time to read.

    submitted by /u/deleting_soon183
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