• Breaking News

    Friday, October 23, 2020

    Legal Advice - I'm a teacher. The principal and superintendent are upset I "went outside the chain of command" emailing the school board my concerns about Covid policy. (AZ)

    Legal Advice - I'm a teacher. The principal and superintendent are upset I "went outside the chain of command" emailing the school board my concerns about Covid policy. (AZ)

    I'm a teacher. The principal and superintendent are upset I "went outside the chain of command" emailing the school board my concerns about Covid policy. (AZ)

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    I teach in Arizona at a public high school. We had a student test positive for Covid. The school sent a letter home from the county health department. It told families that someone at the school tested positive for Covid but their child wasn't exposed because they were not within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes. Students sitting near the infected student were not socially distanced in the classroom, and thus were exposed; but we sent a letter home to the contrary.

    The principal and I talked about our mutual issues with the verbiage. When I got home I emailed the board my concerns, included the superintendent in the email, and then immediately forwarded the email to my principal to keep him in the loop.

    I got an email back from the principal telling me I went outside the chain of command and made a bad decision that we would talk about Monday. He included the superintendent in his email to me.

    I've been teaching for twelve years. Zero issues between three districts, and then now this.

    1) They can't fire me for privately telling the board my opinion, right?

    2) How do I handle the meeting on Monday?

    I have a wife, and two kids under four. I'm worried.

    submitted by /u/patsky
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    Could I sue my father for my college money?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    Potentially misleading title, but my parents divorced a few years ago. My father neglected to pay child support, so my mother took him to court and spiced it up. In the decree, he was ordered to pay 33% of college tuition for both me and my sister. We are both now enrolled in college, of which he has been informed, and when my mother asked him for his share, he claimed he did not have the money nor was he obligated to pay it because me and my sister were not speaking with him (which is no issue in the decree, as he was stripped of all custody). Because he has openly refused to pay what a judge had ordered him to pay, would I have cause to take him back to court?

    EDIT: I live in Indiana, sorry for not including this.

    submitted by /u/thatissogrossdude
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    My neighbor ‘dry-fired’ his gun through my ceiling while intoxicated. Our safety feels comprised and we don’t feel comfortable living beneath him anymore, but we just resigned our lease. What are our options? [FL]

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    edit: Link to photos bc someone asked for proof.

    Just over two weeks ago, my upstairs neighbor drunkenly fired his gun into our apartment, the bullet passing through the ceiling and ricocheting off a kitchen wall. He was attempting to clean and maintain the firearm, but didn't realize the magazine had a round in it when he performed a dry fire. I was home at the time, hard asleep, and didn't even realize what had happened until later that evening, when I discovered the hole, the bullet, and plaster scattered across the apartment. I immediately called 911, and the local sheriff's office responded.

    We learned from them that he had been drinking, and we were each interviewed separately by detectives while forensics conducted an investigation of our apartments. They decided not to arrest the neighbor or press charges despite his self-admitted intoxication -- which we later discovered was omitted from the police report -- due to a lack of intent and the fact that, fortunately, no one was hurt. In the weeks since, our rental agency has deferred to the apartment complex's HOA; however, the neighbor owns his unit, while we rent. The HOA has further decided not to pursue any action because he legally owns the firearm and no charges were filed.

    This being said, my girlfriend and I feel that our safety has been irreparably compromised. We have two cats, and I was in and out of the kitchen all afternoon prior to the incident, and any one of us could have been seriously injured or even killed. While we don't see much of the neighbor bc he travels for work, all of our other neighbors have openly talked of his drinking problems and we've witnessed him blackout drunk in social environments on more than one occasion. We're incredibly concerned about continuing to reside beneath him, as well as the fact that no one in our building thought to call 911, and unfortunately we just resigned our lease through next September. The neighbor has expressed remorse over the incident, but his apologies have done little to assaude us from our fears that such an event could very easily happen again.

    What actions, if any, can we take as far as getting out of our lease? We don't want to outright break it and are obviously concerned about losing our deposit as well as dinging our credit, not to mention being on the hook for rent payments, but we just don't feel safe living here anymore. Please help!

    submitted by /u/mgandrewduellinks
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    TX - grocery store security guard told me my car rolled into another car while i was shopping. his story doesn't make sense and i didn't receive any information on the other person. not sure what to do next?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    title explains most of it. i went grocery shopping for about 30 minutes and when i came out, i found my car in a completely different spot than i had parked it in (it was also facing the other direction). there was a security guard near my car and i asked him what was going on. he said that i had left my car in drive, and that it had rolled backwards and hit another car. he said that my car was unlocked, and he then put my car in neutral to push it into a different spot. he also said he was unable to turn the wheel, which is weird because the car was rotated 180 degrees. i asked where the other person/car was and he said that she had left but had taken pictures of my plates and wanted my contact information. i gave him my name and number and then he went about his business. i did not get her information like an idiot. i'm so confused on what to do next? i have no idea who this woman is or what damage i did to her car, i don't understand how my car was rotated 180 degrees without the wheel turning, and i don't understand how this all happened in under 30 minutes. i also didn't feel or see my car move at all as i was getting out of my car. the security guard was private, and no actual police officers were involved. is this just something i should ignore? or should i be prepared to talk to my insurance?

    submitted by /u/bluedotbirb
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    "All sales are final. No refunds. No exceptions." But I never received my product maam...

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    When I moved into my first adult place instead of a hole in a wall I decided that for the first time I wanted to buy brand new bedroom furniture instead of second hand which was my usual route. I went to a small local business and after looking around the store I found the employee (it's possible she was the owner) and told her which floor model I decided on. She said she didn't have it in stock right now, but if I paid for it she would order it for me and it will arrive in a few weeks. Ok no prob. I charge my debit the $1500 and go on about my life. 3 weeks go by so I emailed the store and asked for an ETA on my order. The owner replied that she is waiting for the manufacturer to get back to her this week and she will send me an ETA. Noted. Another 3 weeks go by so I follow up again. This time the owner says it will be an additional 3 weeks after that for my furniture to arrive. She doesn't give a reason but I assume it's due to covid so ok no prob. This time I let 6 weeks go by and I send another email following up. This time the owner says it will be an additional 3 weeks after that and if I want to bring in my receipt I can switch out my order for a different bedroom set and if it's more I can pay the difference. (I understand small businesses cant do the same things large businesses can but geez she is not trying to compensate me for my inconvenience at all). I entertain the idea and tell her to send me the links to the ones she has in stock. Frankly I forgot about it and didnt get to reviewing them until 2 weeks later. I let her know I wasnt pleased with any on her list and wanted to stick to my purchase or get a refund. She lets me know it's very clearly stated on the receipt that the store does not do refunds and that the latest ETA for my order is an additional 3 weeks. At this point nothing she says can be believed and either the manufacturer is getting over on her or she is getting over on me.

    So here I am 14 weeks after I gave her $1500 and still an additional 3 weeks minimum before the possibility of receiving the furniture I paid for. And frankly I'm over it. I just want my money back to put into savings and I'll keep my current ugly but functional furniture. Yes her no refunds policy is very clearly stated on the receipt, but I think I waited a more than reasonable amount of time for her to fulfill her end of the contract. Do I have any options to try to persue getting my money back? Surely there is some sort of exception for prepaying and never receiving the product. I am in North Carolina. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/luxpetapparel
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    [TX] Neighbor's goat got out and I put it with my goats. Neighbor isn't coming.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    Both I and my neighbor have the same breed of pigmy goats. One of his goats got out and was trying to get into my pen. I called the neighbor and he asked if I could hold it until he has a chance to grab it.

    The goat has now been in my pen for 3 months. Neighbor keeps saying he'll come get it and never does and I need to get rid of it as it's causing problems with my heard. I have been feeding it and taking care of it as if it was my own since I got it.

    What rights do I have to sell it or give it away? I am done waiting.

    submitted by /u/Anselm_oC
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    My assailant moved into my apartment complex.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    I (f22) found out yesterday that the man (m28) who sexually assaulted and stalked me two years ago moved into the building directly behind mine in my apartment complex. I live in Kansas City.

    Two years ago, I reported him through the Title IX office at our university. While the investigation was taking place, he started following me around campus, to the grocery store, to coffee shops. It got to a point where I was seeing him 6 or 7 times a day and I didn't even want to leave my house. I obtained a No Contact Directive through the school, stating that he was not to continue following me or contacting me, or an immediate ex parte would be granted. He stopped following me after that. He was found to be in violation of the school's Code of Conduct and was put on probation. I ended up having to drop down to a part-time schedule to avoid taking a class with his mother, who was the head of my major's department at the time.

    Now, I have started seeing him all around me again, starting about four months ago. He was jogging past my apartment while I was taking my dog out in the grassy area in front of the building. We didn't make eye contact, so I was hoping he didn't see me. Then, he started taking runs around my apartment building frequently, and I tried to convince myself that it may just be a coincidence, because the area that I live in is not exactly secluded- in fact, it is one of the busier areas of KC, with lots of shops and restaurants. I didn't see him for about a month, and then yesterday walked out of the front door to the parking lot to find him just standing there, staring at me. I said "I'm calling the f**king cops" and he got in a car and left. The people in his building have an entrance on a different street, with a back parking lot that is shared with my building (the spots in this lot are reserved and I do have one that he is able to see from his apartment). He did not have any reason to be directly outside of my apartment building, or even in that parking lot. At this time, I did not know he lived here.

    I don't think it is a coincidence anymore, and am at a loss. I went to the police station afterwards and filed reports with them for sexual assault and stalking. The next morning, I went to my leasing office and found out that he moved into the building right behind mine. I obtained his address and filed for an ex parte, and am waiting to hear back on whether or not it has been granted. The leasing manager of my apartment complex says there's nothing they can do for me and it's "not their job" to help me.

    I don't know what to do and any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/adventuerin
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    Father Passed Away And Was Selling The Family RV. The Person In Possession Of My Family's RV Does Not Want To Return It After Breaching Purchase Contract

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 06:41 PM PDT

    TL;DR - Father was in the business of selling family RV, and gave the RV to the buyer before it was paid off. Father passed away recently, and after failing to get the buyer to finish paying it off, we found the location of the RV. The police did not help get it back and told us we have to go through the courts because it is on the person's property. Question is if there's anything else we can do? BTW this is in California

    So my dad was killed recently due to a a drunk driver and I have been helping my family figure out expenses and wrap up any business while we are all still in mourning.

    One of the things I have learned is that my father was in the process of selling our families RV (the title is under my dad, aunt, and uncle). Unfortunately my dad was a trusting and kind person so when the person he was selling it to was excited but didn't have the full amount to pay, he let them take the RV with the agreement they would make payments and finish paying off the RV in about 2.5 months. This was in early July. After that the buyer did not meet the payment deadlines and the few time they showed up ( I think only twice) they were always really short in what they had agreed they would pay.

    The last couple of times my dad communicated with them he would tell the buyer that he really needed the money, and the buyer would respond that they were waiting for unemployment checks to make the payments. My dad started calling and leaving Voicemails and the buyer wouldn't pick up, and after my dad passed away my aunt would call and would get no responses as well.

    I started communicating with the buyer a couple of weeks ago through my dad's phone after they texted that they were dealing with some out of town family health issues. They requested to look at the remaining loan balance for the RV. This was confusing as there never were loans on it and my family has full ownership (I guess the buyer was adding things as excuses for them not doing the payments).

    I texted that we would like to clarify in person as there seems to be some confusion. I also asked them why they hadn't communicated their concerns earlier instead of just not communicating and not doing the payments. I told them that they needed to meet with us that same day. They didn't and said they are dealing with family health issue. Fine. So I gave them 2 options: to finish paying off the RV or return it, and I gave them a deadline.

    In summary they missed the deadline and kept bringing up the non-existent loan. Because of it being past the agreement deadline we told them we wanted the RV back and no longer wanted to do business with them since they clearly don't have the money nor will have it anytime soon, and they hadn't responded since.

    Flash forward to now: my aunt found the RV at the buyer's property and we tried to get it back. When we called the police and stated that at this point it was theft because they broke the contract, they said they couldn't help us get it back because it's on their property and the only way to get it back is through the court. We had already submitted the small claims court documentation, but it feels like that route is going to take forever.

    Can we really not do anything else until the court rules, even though we know where the RV is? Are there other things we should be aware of in our rights as well or legal elements that we are missing? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Yucateco31
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    My boyfriend in Indiana bought me a plane ticket to California, canceled my return flight, and said don't come back. What can I do?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    My boyfriend (whom I have been living with for 3 years in Indiana) bought me a plane ticket to California to see some old friends and when I arrived in California he canceled my return flight and has all of my stuff back at home. He ended our relationship and told me not to come back. What can I do? Am I allowed to go back to the house even though he "kicked me out"? My name isn't on the lease too. I have no place to live and all my stuff is halfway across the country. I don't have any money to get back to get my stuff and he won't send my stuff to me. Please help.

    What are the Indiana eviction laws and what are my available options?

    submitted by /u/InvestigatorOk5732
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    Do I have to give my sisters attorney my Moms S.S. number?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    Sis has had the petition for appointment of conservator (Michigan) filled out by her lawyer, but she is asking for Moms S.S. # to complete the process, then file. Am I legally obligated to give it?

    submitted by /u/vinetwiner
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    What are my rights to stop an adoption as the father if the mother pursues that option? She is 8 months pregnant and doesn't want to be a mother.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Hello, back in march I had a pre-COVID lockdown fling with a woman. As soon as we returned from a camping trip the California statewide COVID lockdown took effect and in April I got a call from that woman informing me that she is pregnant and I am going to be a father. Shaken, I immediately offered my support, as I was ultimately ready to be a father. I am truly excited to be a dad. She was not not on the same page, and said she needed space, which I gladly gave her. This was understandable and for the next few months she sent me photos of the ultrasound photos and brief updates about our daughter, but her responses were usually short and it was clear that she didn't want to chat. But, she also began a monthly pattern of one day texting, then wanting to call, then FaceTime the next, followed by a few weeks of silence.

    I continued to offer support and expressed my want to be involved in any part of the process that she would allow, whether that be driving her to her appointments or helping her setup a nursery. (We are both living with other people, her-parents, me-friends. But, she said she has a nursery space at her parent's where she lives.) It was clear that her and I were not going to become involved and raise the child together, so co-parenting seemed like the best option and I decided to move closer to her once the baby was born. She is 50 miles away and I have hopes of a joint physical custody arrangement so I was going to move to a neighboring community.

    At one point she mentioned adoption, but I fully objected and honestly didn't think much of it since she had also mentioned her and I co-parenting, me taking full custody, and her being the primary parent with me only having visitation. I simply chalked all this up to uncertainty and her being fearful of what this would look like to her religious (Adventist) community. I thought this was all understandable as she was simply stressed from the pregnancy. But, one common theme that kept recurring was that she didn't want to be a mother. Her words, not mine.

    The first week of October, I reached out and asked if we could chat on the phone sometime that week. She said she was busy but could talk after the 27th because she was at a "medical conference" with "poor reception". I was not happy with that there was ten days or so before her upcoming blackout and I was simply asking that we setup a time to discuss a parenting plan as the baby was two months away and I had been asking for this. After much back and forth, she calls and explains that she is having a hard time emotionally and is going into a "counseling facility" not a conference and that she just accepted the pregnancy and that she is going to be a mother. She smooths everything over and that we could speak once she was out. To which I agreed.

    At that point, I thought we were on the same page. We finally had agreed that I could be there to hold the baby once she was born and that I could visit 2-3 days a week after she was home.

    But this week her and the counselor called and asked about adoption again. I again stated that I was against it and that I wanted to take custody and was fully ready and capable to take the baby and provide a home for her. They followed up with questions about how I would take care of her. As I am currently unemployed I understand where their position, but I also know that I will be able to find a job and provide for my daughter. We would go back and live with my mother until for now, where I have an extensive family.

    I am excited about having a child! She however is not and when I told her I want to raise our daughter this was her response, "however I am still thinking about her being a part of a family. I know that I have been confused and unsure, and also hesitant about being upfront because of your reaction, but it is still something I need to be transparent about. I understand that it may sound vague, but I would appreciate if you would respect my comfort level... I will still inform you of course, but adoption/your possibly raising her is part of the conversation tomorrow.."

    She has controlled this situation entirely and I don't trust her. I have a bad feeling that she is working with an adoption agency, and after reading the website of the Family Connections Christian Adoptions, I am nervous about my current position in this situation. I understand that the only ways to get paternity are to:

    1. file a VDOP (voluntary declaration of paternity) at the hospital or shortly thereafter, which we both must sign. (so my fear is that if she wants to exclude me she can simply not allow me there, or sign the form)
    2. Getting a court order. Either on my own, or with a lawyer, but I'd like to prepare before hiring one.

    There are services in place to help once the child is born, but at that point she could already be started with the adoption process.

    What do i do?!?!

    We are supposed to have a call at 4pm again today and part of my doesn't want to attend so that she doesn't have the opportunity to inform me of her decision to proceed with adoption. Something tells me my best move is to seek counsel, but where? SOS

    TL:DR What can I do to stop an 8-month pregnant (unmarried) mother of my child from giving the baby up for adoption?

    submitted by /u/wantstobeadadsoon
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    Did I Mess Up By Talking to a Detective and Getting Fingerprinted?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    Location: Oregon, USA


    So about a month ago I had a friend who had some firearms stolen. Pretty much what happened was they picked up several people (including me) in a car. We drove to a shooting spot and shot as per the usual. We got back into town relatively late and they were asking everyone if they wanted to get dinner. I was tired and wanted to get home so I asked that they drop me off. They dropped me off, I ate at home, and went to bed. The next day my friend texted me and said something along the lines of "so uh, all our guns got stolen last night". Apparently when they went to drop off their friend (who we will call C), they went inside to use the bathroom and forgot to lock their car. When they came back all their guns/ammo/gear was gone. The police came and collected fingerprints.

    Well yesterday a detective called me and asked if I could come in to get some "elimination prints" taken, I did ask about their purpose and he kind of gave me a run-around but he may have just been bad at explaining things.

    I agreed as they obviously knew I was there so I figured it would be better that they have my prints to exclude me from the list of recovered prints. I went to the station after work and pretty much just told him the events of that day. He asked if I knew C and I told them "no, we have just shot together a few times" but he also asked me where C lived and I answered as we had picked him up a few times in the past and that is where the crime took place. He did write down my address in his notes and was curious of where I was in and about the vehicle (he didn't really make an attempt to conceal his notes from me but his handwriting wasn't very good). He also did use my ID to fill out information on the fingerprint card.

    Did I mess up by talking with and cooperating with the detective? Based upon the facts do you believe they will suspect ME of committing the crime? Would any of this information be sufficient to get an arrest/search warrant? I truly am innocent and I think trying to connect me to the actual crime would be a bit of stretch but you never know.

    submitted by /u/TheCh3ck3rs
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    Teacher Belittling Students for their Political Views [Chicago Suburbs, IL]

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    I attend a private school in the suburbs of Chicago, which belongs to the Joliet Dioceses. My issue is that my English Lit teacher is actively persuading kids to agree with her political views. I would have an issue with this regardless of which "side" she was promoting.

    One student was talking about how he likes Biden's VP, to which she responded "Well, do you want someone who's actually qualified, or do you want a woman?" This isn't the first time she's made sexist comments and regularly calls women "weak" and "pathetic." She went on to talk about how superior Pence is. She spoke of how he should run for 2024 and we should vote for him then. She referred to the student as uneducated numerous times, simply for stating his own beliefs.

    My question is the following; are there any specific laws regarding teachers and political influence? I've heard rumors that there are, but I can't find anything online. It just doesn't sit well with me that she's manipulating students into thinking the way she does by shaming them.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/FigureObvious4337
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    Do police help retrieve stolen items if they know where it is?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    I had a Nintendo switch stolen from me by some dude at a bus stop this morning, good thing is I have a gps tracker and I know where my switch is but if I were to call or go to the police station to file a report would they go get it for me? or would I just have to go get it my self? (Guy who took it seemed dangerous so I wouldnt want to go get it myself)

    submitted by /u/Organic_Pickle
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    My school is protecting a predator because he plays a sport

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    tw: sexual assault

    I live in Oklahoma. One of the football players at my high school was my best friend until he sexually assaulted me. It was at his house so the school couldn't really do anything about that but he did the same thing to another girl on school grounds in the parking lot. I confided in someone about it, and they told the principal and i had to tell them what happened. I gave them the names of the other girls and other members of his football team who might have information. They told me they had been interviewing the people i told them about. they didnt. they told me they had interviewed the other girls. they didn't. Unless theyre just extremely dense, I think they're protecting him because he's one of the star players on the football team. Why else would they lie straight to my face and completely mishandle the situation unless it was for that reason? it's possible they're really just inadequate but i doubt it. I know the smart thing would be to go to the police but I'm doing this all by myself, my parents aren't concerned about the situation and i doubt they would help me. Im now looking at 2 possible cases, one against the football player for sexual assault and one against the school for either being stupid or complicit. I have no idea what to do. There are other girls hes done this to who are willing to speak out so would that help the validity of my story? And can I do anything about the school trying to hide it and intentionally mishandle it? I'm a minor so i know i would have to get my parents imvolved if I do take action, but i dont want to do that if I dont even have a solid case.

    submitted by /u/throwaway6826903
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    Collection notice from old landlord--first I'm hearing about it (CA)

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    We moved out of our apartment mid-February of this year, right before the pandemic got serious. I never heard a word about our deposit and it was my mistake in not following up, but with Covid and everything else I had going on, it slipped off my radar. I never followed up, I never heard from them, I figured they kept the total amount and wrote it off as a loss.

    Today, I got an e-mail from a collection agency claiming I owe just under $400 to the complex and it's been sent to them for collections. I was never sent any notice or bill from the complex.

    I have the money to pay it, and I'm trying to avoid any negative marks on my credit, but this seems suspect. What's my best next move?

    submitted by /u/robert_madge
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    Trouble with counselor giving harmful advice (NC)

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    I recently saw a new counselor at the behest of my mom suggesting we'd be going to a family therapist to fix interpersonal issues related to abuse. She wanted to focus only on OCD which was also spiraling out of control with the PTSD.

    I informed the therapist of the nature of my abuse; after my second appointment where he delivered a diagnostic test to measure OCD symptoms he told me by email that he was only seeing my mother to "tell her how to deal with my 'OCD'".

    He dismissed me without any courtesy, and is telling my mother harmful advice to trigger one disorder that by proxy worsens OCD.

    When my mother was abusing me and let me know of this, I sent him an email expressing my distaste and shock, asking him to confirm he wasn't intentionally trying to hurt me and my mother was merely exaggerating to be abusive.

    She used the word "cause a psychotic decompensation" though which is above her linguistic pay grade as far as jargon goes.

    It frightens me how he could dismiss abuse and even worse encourage it.

    He did not respond to my emails, after I sent him four over two weeks. As it was a grave concern that he cease and desist, I called his office manager to have her discuss this was grossly inappropriate and perhaps unethical as well.

    No response, no follow up, I sent another email. He sends me a formal copy and paste cease and desist letter.

    Am I in the wrong here for asking him to stop giving my mom advice designed to inflict emotional pain on me when I'm already disabled from a PTSD/OCD, and are there any steps to redress his cruel lack of response and further antagonizing of my trauma issues?

    submitted by /u/NightmareDelusion
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    Husband wants to renovate the house, I do not.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 10:45 PM PDT

    Partially misleading title, but here it goes. Husband and I agreed to renovate the house, mainly flooring. My husband did most of the work in getting the contractor and picking out the flooring. I'm in agreement of everything, except for the bathrooms. The problem is he already made the orders, and says the renovation will start soon. Since I am also the owner of my house, am I able to prevent contractors from working in the bathroom?

    submitted by /u/kid_az
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    Dr drug tested me and sent results to my parents without telling me? I’m not a minor. is this illegal? CT

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    Im 19. I still live with my parents. I went for a normal physical the other day and they said they wanted to do blood work for my thyroid. Well anyways they did a tox screen and found weed+shrooms in my blood and sent it to my parents, because supposedly my mom called and told them to take a test. UM? aren't doctors supposed to tell me what they're doing? I'm an adult and I feel like this violates confidentiality. My parents are trying to force me to go to rehab...... I just think this is ridiculous and a total violation of my privacy. Is it illegal for a doctor to do a tox screen and send the results to my parents without telling me?

    submitted by /u/uglybuttons
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    My employer never changed my employment relocation until the month they laid me off. I had to claim NC unemployment while living in WA state.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    I relocated from North Carolina to Washington state in November 2019 with a signed relocation agreement from my employer that states my official start date in Seattle to be November 1st, 2019. I was laid off in April 2020 due to covid. When I tried to claim WA unemployment, I did not qualify because my hours were still registered in North Carolina. This meant that I had to claim NC unemployment - a significantly lower rate with a maximum of $350 - to make ends meet in WA state where the cost of living is so much higher. This also meant that I paid NC taxes for 5 months instead of WA where I have lived since November 2019. I have suffered greatly over the summer because of this and the only reason I have not lost my home is due to the nation-wide moratorium. I brought all of this up to HR this week on Monday and now have, in writing, a response that says "we're sorry this happened to you but unfortunately there's nothing we can do for you."

    I should note that I changed my address with my company's employee portal in Nov 2019 right after I moved. I also have a video recording of my lay-off webex meeting with HR where I verbally stated that I needed them to ensure my employment was registered in WA for this very reason and it was confirmed that it would be.

    I'm not sure where to go from here. Am I just screwed?

    submitted by /u/vibepods
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    Moved out brother insistson sending his mail to my house and changing thebills to his name despite not paying them. (ATL, Georgia)

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 06:11 PM PDT

    Apologies if this is not the right place to post this, but I'm getting scared and I desperately need advice. Throwaway account because I'm afraid they might find my main. Basically I have this older brother who is about 2 decades older than I am, he moved out recently but still insist on having his mail sent here. I'm terrified of him, he is dangerous. (Is on parole for beating his girlfriends, used to give me black eyes and beat me, was and still is a drug dealer) I've put a note in the mailbox telling the mailman he and his girl don't live here anymore, and it worked a couple days, but hes made it get sent back here again, he recently found out and has sent me a really ominous text message threatening me. Dozens of packages every week + mail come each week. He comes to pick it up, and each time I'm really scared. I honestly don't know why he insist on having his mail sent here and changing the bills to his name (he doesn't pay them, he just wants them in his name for some reason). My mom is just letting him, I wouldn't have a problem with it but the issue is I do not feel safe. He is a drug dealer and has had his drugs sent here before (from California) to my name. I can't change the locks because my mom won't let me, and I can't move out because I'm a minor. What can I do so his mail will stop coming by? And does anyone know why he insists on changing the bills to his name?

    submitted by /u/Thrwayyy770
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    Moving violation in NYC, unable to locate ticket to pay bc name & DOB were cited incorrectly. 2.5 years later, I get a letter saying my license has been revoked

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    Musician from Massachusetts, playing a show in Brooklyn in February 2018. I was driving to manhattan at 2 am, en route to my room for the night. GPS led me to take a u turn, which was illegal, but being from out of town and anxious about getting lost (I've missed turns in NYC that turned into 45 min detours) I made the bad judgment call to take the u turn, and was pulled over and cited.

    2 weeks later, I'm home from tour, and jump online to pay the ticket. I was having trouble retrieving it on the database, so I called the number on the citation for assistance. The person who was helping me was also unable to retrieve the citation. Not sure on how to move forward, I assumed that maybe the information was never submitted.

    Months later, I get a notice stating that my license has been revoked in the state of NY. Looking at the letter, I realized why the ticket wasn't retrievable. My name is Hayley. The ticket cited "Harley". My birthday is on the 16th. The birthdate listed was the 22nd.

    I tried calling a handful of numbers online to find out what the appeal process was like but had no luck. I couldn't afford to pay the additional fines layered on top of the original citation, and didn't feel like it was fair since there was a mistake in the paperwork.

    Finally the mark on my otherwise clean record has caught up with me, and MA also revoked my license. Looking for advice - what are my options? Can I appeal 2 years later? Can NYPD be held accountable for the mistake in the citation? It just feels like the punishment is not proportionate to the offense but NYC DOESNT CARE ABOUT MY FEELINGS OR MY SHALLOW MUSICIAN POCKETS lol help!

    submitted by /u/haysab
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    Pepper spraying someone who is threatening to fight you

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    I live in California and the other night My grandma was being threatened by a group of teenagers. I came outside and told them to leave, they started cussing and I was cussing back until the older brother of one of the teens came. He walked up to my porch and said come down here and fight me (He was at the bottom of the steps) He said it multiple times and I kept replying, no im not going to fight you. Eventually he left and told me that if he catches me outside he is going to fight me we did notify the police of this shortly after, but since nothing physical took place they couldn't do anything. My question is, If I had pepper spray, would it be appropriate to spray him as he was threatening me on my porch? I just bought some pepper spray because I don't want to get into a full on street fight, so under what scenario, if he were to approach me outside of my property, would using pepper spray be appropriate? Thank you.

    Edit :Added some more details

    submitted by /u/The0therG0D
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