• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 24, 2020

    Legal Advice - My father is a nonfunctioning alcoholic who is going to be in serious legal and financial trouble soon. He refuses all help. Is there anything I can do?

    Legal Advice - My father is a nonfunctioning alcoholic who is going to be in serious legal and financial trouble soon. He refuses all help. Is there anything I can do?

    My father is a nonfunctioning alcoholic who is going to be in serious legal and financial trouble soon. He refuses all help. Is there anything I can do?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 04:35 PM PDT

    Some relevant info:

    • He cannot remember what happened more than 3 minutes ago. This makes it impossible to explain to him how bad his situation is.
    • He does not pay his bills. He says he has plenty of money but we have no way of verifying that. He is retired, used to make a lot of money and was reasonably frugal.
    • He is a homeowner. He lives by himself. His house is falling apart because he performs not maintenance whatsoever.
    • If we offer to help him with something, he just keeps repeating "not today" or "maybe later". Then he forgets what we were suggesting.
    • He has no contact with any family members other than my sister and I.
    • He may be driving drunk. I have never seen him drive drunk but I've never seen him sober and he must be going out to buy alcohol somehow. He can barely walk.
    • He is old enough to qualify for Medicare and social security but refuses to sign up for it. He has no health insurance.
    • This is in California, USA

    There's nothing stopping me from walking away from the situation other than the fact that I don't want him to kill someone by accident and I don't want him to spend his last years in prison. I'm not sure exactly what question I'm asking, I'm mainly looking for any legal options that might help, or legal pitfalls I need to worry about.

    submitted by /u/DadProblemsThrwaway
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    My parents stole my identity. State: AZ

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    I just found out that my parents used my social security number to open credit cards and pay for car insurance. I'm eighteen years old and struggled as a homeless individual for about four months because my parents refused to give me any of my legal documents. When I finally received my documents, I attempted to open a bank account. I was informed that while I was still living with parents, my social security number (which I had absolutely no access to) was in use. This is effecting my livelihood because I can not open a bank account therefore I can't tether a bank account to my occupation. What would be the best legal course of action?

    submitted by /u/Lyx_18
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    Car dealership sold us a new car in 2013 never disclosing the car was in an accident during delivery. (NJ)

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    In 2013 we financed a 2014 Ford Escape. It's now completely paid off. We bought it from a Ford dealership and they sold it as brand new. No disclosure of any accident. We paid an MSRP price.

    We are now selling it for a newer car and when we're at a Kia dealership asking how much the trade in value is, they ran the Carfax. Carfax indicates there's one accident with airbag deployed. We were confused since we never got into an accident with this car. The Kia dealer looked at the detailed report and apparently the accident occurred before we even bought it, when it was on the way to the Ford dealer.

    We're appalled at this since it was never disclosed to us at purchase. The car drove with mostly no issues but without a doubt it drops our trade in or sale value.

    Is there anything we can do to right this other than complain about the dealership to Ford or write a bad review? Is there any way for us to recoup our loss on value of the car?

    Edit: thanks for all the responses! A key question we have is whether we have passed the SOL, as consumer fraud is 6 years in NJ but I'm unclear on whether the discovery rule applies. The other thing is since it's been so many years, we didn't keep the original full sale contract, we only have a copy of the retail installment contract stating the financing price and cost breakdown, dated the day we bought the car.

    Edit 2: just looked at the Carfax report again and there was a police report on the crash. So highly highly likely this happened on the road instead of a dealer lot, since there might be some exemptions to accidents that happened on dealer lot.

    submitted by /u/immalilpig
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    Mom has cancer and can barely wake up in time for her 7 am chemo treatments because upstairs neighbours throw parties through the night on a regular basis. Cops won't help, management can't help. Don't know what to do.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    Hi friends! So I realize that this is going to make me seem like a total Karen, but I hope that someone here can understand where I'm coming from and can offer some advice on what I can do.

    I live with my two senior parents in a condo building. It's like an apartment building, but rather than renting, everyone owns their apartment.

    My mom is undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer while also working full time. Because of situations surrounding Covid, her treatments happen at 7 am, which means we have to wake up around 5 am on weekends to be ready and there on time. As I mentioned, she also still works full time on top of this as my dad is sick and can't work. I also work full time and go to school, and my dad is sick full time.

    I'm giving all of this useless background information because I hope that it will help you understand why I'm so upset by this.

    My upstairs neighbours are an absolute nightmare. Friday through Monday and sometimes on weekdays, they host parties complete with dancing, extremely loud music, yelling and the works all through the night and into the morning. During the day, they blast really loud high bass music and throw things? I have no idea what they're doing, but it always sounds like things are being thrown/pushed/falling/etc. It's clear that they have some problems going on, as they're also often scream fighting with each other for hours.

    I know that everyone works hard and some people just want to enjoy having fun in their own place that they bought. I'm 24 and not trying to be some bitter killjoy that doesn't get wanting to have fun. But is it wrong for me to feel angry at their behaviour?

    At first I've tried politely asking building management to kindly give them a call and just communicate our situation to them and ask them to keep it down. That didn't work. I tried knocking on the ceiling to remind them a few times. Didn't work. I tried calling building management again. Nothing changed. So on a Wednesday morning at 2 am when my mom was crying in the living room because she was exhausted and the noise just wouldn't stop, I finally called the cops. I explained our situation to them and they seemed to understand, but when the cop showed up, he didn't really seem to care. I could hear the interaction from our apartment, he just sort of knocked on their door and said "hey kids, enjoy your night but maybe keep it down just a tiny bit aight?" And left. Of course, that didn't do shit to stop anyone and the party just kept going.

    I thought that maybe it was just this one cop, so I tried again the next week. I got a call from that cop saying "I can confirm that it's just some people having a good time, nothing dangerous going on. Have a good night."

    I know the local laws and I know that my neighbours are far beyond what's legal both at night and during the day, on weekdays and weekends. I just don't know what else to do. I don't know if I should push things further with management, since I don't think that they can be kicked out. They own their apartment, so I have no idea what management could even threaten them with.

    I'm desperate at this point and feel so stuck and powerless. The noise doesn't bother me, but I hate knowing what it's doing to my parents. If even the cops won't help, I just don't know what else to do. I'm scared to post this because the reddit community can be really vicious, but I just don't know who to turn to. If anyone could help me think of any solution at all, I would really appreciate it. I live in Calgary, Alberta Canada. Thank you so much.

    EDIT: I haven't had the chance to read most of the comments since I'm still working, but I've seen some comments suggesting that I go upstairs and talk to them myself, and I just wanted to explain why I'm reluctant to do that. The guy upstairs whom I suspect to be the owner of the apartment is regularly going on screaming and throwing tantrums during the day, though I'm not sure at who in particular. I've also heard physical altercations breaking out during parties complete with things crashing and someone even threatening to throw someone else off their balcony. I want to go talk to them, but I'm genuinely scared. I'm a pretty small girl and there's no one to take care of my parents if anything happens that makes me not able to care for them for a while. When I spoke to management, I did pass them a letter explaining my situation and just asked them if they could either explain it to them or pass my letter along if they don't have the time. I really really appreciate all of the comments that everyone took the time to leave, and just wanted to explain why it seems like I keep trying to get someone else to help me solve this problem. Thank you so much to everyone who commented and I'll be reading everyone's suggestions as soon as I'm done work!

    EDIT 2: I'm starting to look silly with the amount of times that I'm commenting "Thank you" in the replies, but it's the first thing that comes to mind when reading all of your advice and empathetic comments. The amount of compassion I've received in the comments is overwhelming and I'm so grateful to feel heard and validated in my frustrations. I know that most of you who have already commented won't get to read this, but thank you. You're brightening up an otherwise shitty day. I hope that you'll all get through your own bad situations and I'm sending you all love :)

    submitted by /u/Nutelladela
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    My landlord just put his house on the market (GA), and I live in the basement apartment. I came home today to find that all my lights were on and the comforter was rearranged on my bed.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    I checked my lease and it says 24-hour notice before entrance is preferred if at all possible, but that's for repairs. What rights do I have with him entering when I'm gone? Another example ... yesterday I had just gotten up and was getting ready for work. I hear a quick knock at the door, then the key in the lock. I had the deadbolt on, which was good. But he wanted to have his agent look at the place. I'm trying to be nice, but this has all happened in less than a week, and I'm just worried that he's going to keep coming in and out while I'm not there. Any guidance is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/jenniferwoodga
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    Being asked to pay 10k bonus back after relocating with it

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    Hi Everyone, throwaway for obvious reasons.

    In August, I made a lateral move within my company to "Launch" a site. There was a 10k bonus involved in signing the contract.

    Once I signed the contract, all official communication stopped. A few weeks later, I received the bonus in my account, but never heard anything official about the cancellation of the site. I received a phone call from a Senior Regional Manager, informing me that the bonus would not be happening because the site did not launch. I informed them that I had already spent the bonus on my relocation for the site, because I had not heard that it was cancelled. I was essentially told not to worry, and that it was a mistake on their end.

    1 month later, and I am being asked to write a check for the bonus, or have it taken out of future paychecks. If these deductions happen, I may not be able to pay my rent.

    Is this legal? Within the contract, it says I will be required to pay the bonus back if I leave the company within a year. My ideal situation involves leaving the company because of how I have been treated, but I know this might play to their favor. I feel that I am now trapped, and can either work at a very low hourly rate (my pay is salary) or leave and be required to pay the bonus back.

    Everyone I have spoken to has said this cannot be legal, but I am looking for further advice.


    submitted by /u/Desperate-Degree-547
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    Got a child support letter from a different state!? Never met the woman on it? WTF?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Do I call on Monday and tell them that this child is 100% not mine? I have never even met a girl with the name that is on this letter!? Have never been away from TX and the girl is in CA!!!

    submitted by /u/funnymonkey58
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    Fired due to discussing wage?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Hello, my friend and I needed to ask this question, today she was at work and we were discussing our wages at the job (same job except she has a business degree) she makes 3.00 more than me, which is fair she has the degree, but our boss came up and said that if we discussed it again it would be immediate termination. We reside in the US specifically Wisconsin and I've never seen such a clause in our employee handbook, (in fact I've never seen the employee handbook). Would this have been a legal termination if they did?

    submitted by /u/Definition_Far
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    It’s a long shot but a website is asking me for money in order to not post a viral video of a family member

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    A family member of mine, "Danny", has a bad heroin addiction. His wife is in the military and stationed away, they are getting divorced. A couple months ago, my family member invited a dealer over to his shared apartment with he shared with his wife (she is away) and was high and picked a fight. The dealer ended up beating the shit out of my family member. The dealer admits to selling drugs to Danny and Danny numerous times mentions he's high. When he's getting beaten up, he asks the dealer to please stop. His face is really bloody but Danny has picked the fight. The dealer recorded this the whole time.

    A week ago the video was uploaded on a Facebook page with 3,000 subscribers and most of the videos get 1,000 views. This one got half a million, and several thousand shares and comments. I asked the website owner to take it down, as it was upsetting. The next day it was taken down. However, now I'm getting a string of hurtful emails, saying that they are about to sell it to WorldStar for $500. I asked them please do not do this. My family member was in the wrong but his wife has been out through hell because of Danny. It's clearly her apartment being trashed, and she had a hard time accepting that Danny was not the same person anymore.

    I asked them again please do not sell the video, but now they are asking me for $150. I have doubts they were going to sell the video to WorldStar. Otherwise they would have done it already. Also, the video was their most successful video, and I think they would just want to reupload it there. I have $150 and it's worth $150 if it means that Danny can get help and not have this follow him around the rest of his life, and worth it for his ex-wife's sake. But I'm not just going to send money in a gentlemen's agreement.

    How can I go about making this a legitimate agreement?

    I am in South Dakota but the video takes place in Virginia. Before anyone laughs at me, please don't. A lot of my family struggle with addiction and while this may seem trashy to you, it's my sad reality

    submitted by /u/NoViralPlease
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    [Florida] Can a family member add you to a deed without permission?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    Hey guys!

    I had just talked to my mom on the phone and am left with a million questions. She's looking into houses now and mentioned off-handedly about adding me to a deed. I advised her not to; however, she tends to be headstrong.

    Can she add me (21) to a deed without my consent? Is there any way I could protect myself to prevent such a thing happening? If she can, what should I do if it were to happen?

    Edit: typo

    submitted by /u/Gamyie
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    Unknowingly sold my car to a pimp. He got arrested while driving it and never put the car in his name What do I do?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 06:51 PM PDT

    Okay. Story time. Buckle up. (OH)

    About two weeks ago, I sold my car to a lady that we'll call Carly. The car's title was, and still is, in my mother's name (so I could put it on her insurance). I sold it for $1,000, and she paid partly in cash and partly over CashApp. Carly asked for the car's title to be switched over to her boyfriend's name, which she told me was James. My mother was happy to do so and have one less car on her insurance. Carly used the old license plates to avoid being pulled over until she could register the car in her name.

    A week later, Carly sends me a text, saying that the car has been towed off of private property, and that she hasn't had the car legally put in her name yet because of a mistake on the title. The claimed that she needed me and my mother to get the car out of the impound lot. She claimed it was towed by City Police Department. I scrambled to call and find out where it was located, but when I called the police department, they said they had no record of any car matching my description being towed in the last two weeks. I got transferred to the County Sherriff's Department, and I was put in contact with a detective. He said that my car was at Far Away Tow Lot, and that I would need my mother to get a release slip using the title. I asked Carly where the title was located. She said it was in the glove box of the car.

    The gentleman at the tow lot was kind enough to let me look through the car to see if the title really was there. I did not find a title, but I DID find a syringe with no needle attached. I texted Carly when I did not find the title, but she did not respond.

    I got a power of attorney slip and a copy of the title, and I made my way to the County Sherriff's Department. I got a release slip, and I took it to the Far Away Tow Lot to remove the car. I paid around $300 to do so. I looked for the original title once more, and I found more needles and a crack pipe. I parked it at a friend's house for the time being. When I spoke with the detective in person, he told me that whoever was driving it was pulled over for a regular traffic stop, and it was a male who had a warrant for their arrest for sex trafficking and drug use. I looked it up, and basically, this man and five girls were arrested for operating a prostitution ring. Keep in mind, she was still using my mother's license plates. I did not share this information with Carly because she had not messaged me for three days. I'm very frustrated, because I've spent a lot of money and time trying to get this taken care of. $300 for the impound fees, $50 in gas to drive a total of 6 hours back and forth, and $15 to get the new title (for a lot of people, it might not be a big deal, but I'm a college kid working part time job.) On top of that I took a day off of work to get it taken care of.

    Now Carly (the girl I initially sold it to), or whoever is using her phone is trying to get in contact with me about the car after not speaking with me for a week. She is asking for an update on the situation, and I have several questions about what I should do.

    1. Should I message Carly back? She has my address from the old copy of the title. What if she tries to show up at my house?
    2. Do I need to give her the car back? If I don't, can she take me to small claims court? Even if she wants her money back, I only have about $500 of it left.
    3. If she refuses to communicate effectively, can I resell the car? Is there a law about how long I have to wait before I sell it again?
    4. Will the City Police Department or the County Sherriff's Department need to know what I found? Or will they already have searched the vehicle when they arrested the driver? Should I call them and ask what I should do with the car? Should I just turn all of the information and the car over to the authorities and let them handle it further?

    Thank you for any help you might be able to give me. I know I'm in an incredibly specific situation, but I'm nervous and I don't know what I should do.

    submitted by /u/derpasticous
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    Am I responsible for my ex’s medical bill? I recently received a bill from my ex’s psychologist with unpaid copays. The appointments were from over a year ago. The bill addresses me as “Responsible Party.”

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 08:56 PM PDT

    I believe that my ex may have given the psychologist or a collections agency my info as revenge for having my attorney send him a takedown notice to remove my information from his business website.

    The psychology appointments were made while we were still married, and my ex was on my insurance. If I don't pay this bill, will it count against my credit?

    I left a message with the receptionist. Maybe that was a mistake.

    Location: WA State, USA

    submitted by /u/skatyshells
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    Ex girlfriend won’t move out, started making threats - CO, USA

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    (Colorado) My ex broke up with me 4 weeks ago. I spent some time away with relatives and used up some sick days. Having to return to work we started cohabitating again. Prior to the breakup she had unrestricted access to my finances, though it wasn't a joint account, and she has been unemployed by her own choice for 5 years, she is not on my lease. Since returning she has started demanding money, that I leave for another month while she "figures out" what to do next. I've continued to purchase groceries for both of us and pay her phone bill.

    About a week ago she started escalating things, insisting we were common law married (I've spoken with an attorney and this claim has no standing), she started threatening to "ruin my life" if I don't get her an apartment for herself, and 6 months living expenses. She has started to destroy things, slam doors. I wish I'd recorded this but she said she'd call the police and claim I was throwing things at her.

    I haven't returned since the last incident. I'm not sure how best to move forward. One firm wants to try getting a temporary restraining order, but I don't think I have enough hard evidence to get one. Another said I need to follow the formal eviction process. Another said to break the lease and move out myself.

    I don't have enough funds to stay in hotels much longer AND pay any retainer fees if this gets drawn out. I've just stayed away because I don't want the police involved (she is undocumented), nor do I want ice involved.

    I don't wish her any harm, I just want to reclaim my life, property and move forward.

    submitted by /u/User6t2i74
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    Stepdad wants to leave me his house [State: NV / CA] What's the best way to go about it?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    We are one of those families who have never had attorneys so we don't have anyone to ask; this might be simple for educated and informed individuals such as yourselves but for us this is a labyrinth.

    My stepdad is divorced from my mom, he has a son that he's hasn't seen in 30+ years but wants to leave me his house. He is very afraid he will get Covid because of his job and afraid that "the government" will take the house; I guess he means it will go through probate (not sure what that means).

    He wants to transfer the house to me now, but doesn't know what options or the ramifications might have, especially since I live in CA and the house is in NV, he doesn't want me to pay more in taxes.

    Should he transfer the house to me now or should he just write a will? Can the will be a simple thing like on a sheet of paper or should we seek out an attorney and have the will notarized, etc?


    EDIT: he is still paying mortgage on the property. He doesn't have other debts other than mortgage.

    EDIT: He wasn't concerned about the property tax he was concerned about me paying more in income tax for some reason.

    submitted by /u/No_Juan_4_You
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    My friends home was vandalized as a result of her dox

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    I posted a while ago about a friend who was doxxed on Craigslist. Her full name, age, university she was attending, email, picture, and phone number was released.

    Unfortunately, her apartment has been vandalized. She has contacted the police, and is extremely anxious for her safety now.

    I have done some internet searching and found out that her dox has also been released on 4chan.

    What else can we do? Is there a way to hunt down the doxxer and ensure they get justice? We're not even sure if the doxxer is one or multiple people.

    Location is United States

    submitted by /u/th1s1smypasscode
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    Employer took money for benefits but I was never covered, also probably embezzlement. What can I do?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 06:11 PM PDT

    Hello legal advice-ers,

    I'm in the US.

    On Monday my entire company was laid off, they cited covid as the cause but for months now there have been rumors of shady dealings. It is well known that they are filing for bankruptcy. When we came back from furlough in June we all had phantom deposits on our pay stubs with state and federal taxes removed as well as benefits. Our benefits were terminated on 4/1/2020. But none of us ever received any of that money. On the statement, just like every other pay check it says it was direct deposit into each of our accounts. In September I went to the doctor, only to find out my benefits were terminated April 1st and never reinstated, even though employees re-signed up for them on 7/13. I found that out after they sent me a bill in the mail. Then in early October I went to make a dentist appointment, same thing, they said I didn't have coverage. My work scrambled hesitantly and my dental was reinstated but my medical never was. At least 2 of my fellow employees said the same thing happened to them as well. I have screenshots of all of the emails back-and-forth, as well as all of my pay stub screenshots. The company's HR never responded to my final email asking them to pay me back what they owed me. Since then that person has resigned as well and I've forwarded that same email to the new person, who won't respond either.

    Is there anything I can do to recoup this money from my employer? Thanks for reading, I hope I can get some good suggestions as to the best path forward!

    submitted by /u/thaddei
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    Mississippi- limitations of adopting a child already living with me?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    My friend's sixteen-year-old daughter had a baby four months ago. Baby was a product of daughter's rape by soon-to-be-ex stepfather. Baby has lived with me the entire time, and all parties consent to the adoption.

    We have not legally pursued this yet because the attorney I consulted advised us to wait until the father has been convicted and sentenced because apparently his parental rights will need to be terminated before we can adopt in addition to my friend's daughter's parental rights. A paternity test has already proven that he is the father, but there has been no court date yet.

    My fear is that if I speak with another lawyer, the baby will be taken away from me if I admit that the baby lives with me (although my friend and her daughter consent to this and the baby visits them several times a week). Is it legal for the baby to be staying with me as long as her mom is ok with it?

    I'm also worried that I won't be able to adopt the baby because my wife and I are considered low-income, but we arent on financial assistance from the government. The baby is already on WIC through her birth family and they do use government financial aid. Will/can this be transferred to me if I do adopt?

    In a private adoption like this where we do have an attorney and we already care for the baby full-time and the birth family considers us her parents, can we be denied adoption if we are low-income? We both work full time as well and own our home.

    Do we really have to wait for the 41 year old who raped a child to have his parental rights severed?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/RatFeet
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    Car company will not cover Certified Preowned warranty repair

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 02:30 PM PDT


    So, recently I received an error "Driver Restraint System Malfunction." I took the car to the dealership and they said I needed a replacement of the driver's side airbag module. The part was $1400 and the total was over $1600. My car still has 4 months of Certified Pre-Owned (CPO) coverage on it. I checked out the car company's website and saw a document that stated what was NOT covered in the CPO Warranty. The phrases "driver restraint" and "airbag" were not found. The dealer told me that the item and repair were not covered. I paid (because I need a car that is safe). I then contacted the company who makes the car. They told me that they would get back to me about covering the repair. A week later, they contacted me and told me "as a measure of goodwill" that they would give me a $500 credit toward repairs at the dealership that I received the repair at. I then asked the associate if he had my email and told him to email me the FULL TEXT of the CPO, so I could see where it stated that my repair was not covered. He told me that he would get back to me ASAP with that request. . . that was 8 days ago. I'm thinking they are giving me the run-around because they know they are stuck. Is small claims court my only option here? BTW, I'm in Northeast OH.

    submitted by /u/ytownbucsfan
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    Can your employer legally charge you for using materials you require to work?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 03:00 AM PDT

    The title may not be perfectly worded, but I am a pest control technician in (South) Florida making a 15% commission on the price of exterminating a home. No hourly pay.

    I've been noticing a discrepancy between what my revenue is, and what i'm bringing home on checks, and even with taxes factored in it seems extremely low...

    On this particular check my revenue was 15,000 meaning my 15% cut would've been just over 2.2k. My gross pay was 1200, roughly half of that. I worked 70 hours this week and was looking forward to a nice check so this was a really hard blow.

    I called my boss today and they told me there was no error in my check, they have simply been docking my pay for the cost of the pesticide, this weeks cut being around $900 in chemical.

    My paycheck does not clearly state anywhere that my gross pay was $2,200 and that $900 went to product, so thanks to them I don't even think I have a way to justify this on my taxes as an expense.

    Also when they calculate the cost to a client, they factor in the 15% labor cost PLUS the cost of chemical. But since they are charging me for the chemical that doesn't seem to be fair or make sense?

    I have no say over the purchasing of this product, for all I know they could be buying the premium on my dime. I'm not legally classified as a contractor either, so I don't know what grey area i'm in where they can justify charging me for company expenses. Please help because I am at my whit's end.

    submitted by /u/BeeFromHoneymint
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    Detective said he is going to Subpeona me, help

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    In the United States. This detective has been trying to talk with me for a year. He came by my parents house a year ago when I was overseas but my dad told him I wouldn't be back and he wanted to talk about some text messages from a guy who was charged I knew. They had text messages about me buying small amounts of drugs on a semi regular basis for several years (3 years, 1 or 2 times a month). They charged him but they don't have enough to charge me based on text alone (they also dont care about me) and the guy is crazy(literally severly mentally ill) and can't be witness against me. They stopped by again my parents a couple months ago and left a card and after that I left town to a friends house ( I also work remote online) because I don't want to be involved at all because the guy they want me to testify against is crazy and scares me. He came by again a few days ago and spoke with my mother who has legal experience and my mom said sounds like he has made his decision and doesnt want to speak with you. The detective said they will subpeona me and this can be avoided if I gave him 15 minutes of time. My mom said she doesnt know where I am and the detective said there will be a subpeona then. There was more to the connversation and story but this if the gist of it. If Im pulled over could I be served the subpeona like a warrant can be served? If they can't find me can they even subpeona me? If I ignore the subpeona what sort of penalites am I looking at? I really dont want to testify in court or give any information as the guy they want me talk about is crazy and scares me.

    submitted by /u/ChrisHaley34
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    Divorced father used over Half a Million in children’s college savings to live unemployed for 13 years.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    This incident occurred over the past 10 years without me or my sister knowing at all. Quick backstory:

    My father was a very wealthy man in the early 2000's, he got into lots of partying in DC (while being 50 years of age) and developed a heavy opioid and cocaine addiction which led to my mother divorcing him. After the divorce (around 2008) my father lost his job and without us knowing, he used our entire college savings accounts to attempt to save his house (which he lost) and then lived off of it, Unemployed for THIRTEEN YEARS. Our relationship was terrible as he was either knocked out from drugs on the couch all day, or screaming at us for the smallest problems. This continued for 12-13 years. When I was 16, my sister and I just left. (Around 2/3 years ago) We didn't have any custody orders or go to court, we just packed our bags and left.

    There are many other things that we could've taken legal action against (abuse, over 80k in child support never paid, ect.) However, my amazing mother did not want him in our lives at all and thought it would be best to just move on and not hold onto the anger.

    I am only 18 and admit that I don't know all the appropriate laws regarding these issues so please inform me and not roast me lol.

    Overall, is there any legal action I could take against him regarding our college savings? The main reason I am asking is because the money was in HIS college savings account, it was not joint or shared. Thank you for reading and for any and all advice.

    Edit: I don't know exactly where he had the money, but I remember overhearing that when he took out the 500k he only got around 300k because he did not spend the money on college expenses. (Is this from the 529 plan? I'm not too sure myself)

    submitted by /u/Jon-Wilkes-Booth
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    Wondering if my mom can actually gain legal guardianship of me, and if so, how I can stop it from happening.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    I'm on mobile, so sorry about any formatting issues.

    This conversation just happened about two hours ago. For context, my (27F) source of income was just thrown into limbo because of a wildfire encroaching on the town I work in. I have three major bills each month: rent, tuition, and car. These add up to about $1750 a month, give or take. I've been okay about getting my bills paid, and my family agreed to give about $500 a month to help.

    I work about 30 hours a week, am taking two classes, and have Monday through Wednesday set aside for classes and appointments.

    I've struggled with severe depression and suicidal ideation since college, and since moving to another state, haven't had treatment. I recently snapped from all the pressure and a second wave of grief (grandpa died in July), and had to check into a crisis center for that day. Before I did that, it was a slow descent to suicidal ideation. The trigger happened Friday, and I checked in on Tuesday. I expressed to my mother that it would possibly be better to take a break and go home for a while to get through that grief with family members. I mentioned it a few times between Friday and Tuesday, and after I started to improve in my mood, I dropped it and essentially said that I had invested too much into being where I currently am to go home and start from scratch.

    My mom decided to book a trip with my dad to come see me. Everything was going well until the town I work in was evacuated due to the fires. We were supposed to stay there this Thursday through Sunday, but we ended up in the main city instead. I was freaking out a little because if I can't work, the only money I have is the $500 I get from my family. That means I can pay for my car and part of my tuition or rent, but not all three. My mom mentioned that she would help pay for the three big things while I don't have income and I thought that was generous given how much financial pressure they're under.

    THEN she decided to mention that if I expressed wanting to come home and be with family due to a depressive episode, she would seek guardianship over me. If you don't know what that is, it's what Britney Spears' father has over her. This would essentially mean that I have zero control or say over my life. I because upset and told her that I was going to return to my apartment because I needed to be alone. She tried to stop me, saying that I always run away from things. Partially true, but I honestly needed to get away from her, since this action was such a huge breach of trust for me.

    I'm at a loss of what to do. She texted me while I was on my way to my apartment, saying that she believes she's a piece of shit and that I couldn't possibly hate her more than she hates herself. This is, I don't hate her. I love her and am so so so sad that she would pull something like that. I don't want to speak to her. I'm incredibly hurt.

    submitted by /u/blackandwhiteeevee
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    Does a passanger not qualify as a witness to fault?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    Michigan. Just had a fender bender where someone exiting an interstate ramp needled through two lanes of standing cars at a red light. They hit my front end to avoid another driver and skidded up my side to a hault. (The entire exchange is full of sus behavior thanks to Covid. Including her leaving the scene and trying to pretend she wasn't the owner...switch spots with someone else to say it was thrm driving.) #facepalm

    On to my question, when the officer arrived (1hr later) he made an incident report but said he could not determine fault because the driver's stories were different. (For 😆 sake, her story was "yeah I hit him but I had the right to 'cause freeway".)

    Now does a passenger NOT qualify as a witness? Does that answer change if they are 18+ and currently a liscensed driver?

    submitted by /u/hypoElectron
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    My roommate keeps bringing her crazy and potentially aggressive boyfriend over and my roommates and I want him gone. [ONTARIO]

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    I moved in with a few of my friends in September for the school year. One of my friends has a boyfriend who in previous years, was fine. He was kind and normal and I was completely fine with him. However recently he's changed. He has some mental illness issues, OCD and bipolar disorder I believe, and it's clear he's in a sort of manic episode right now.

    About a month ago he called my roommate/his girlfriend and said he was running away from his parents and he had to come live with us. He had already left and we didn't really have a say but we didn't bother fighting it cause I remembered him being chill. He's not chill.

    1. He is extremely loud and has to be the centre of attention at all times. You can hear him speak from all corners of the house and he stays up until 4 AM talking and blabbering and never shutting up. Whenever he sees anyone he immediately has to start telling them about himself and what he is up to that day. He never lets anyone else speak, he'll just speak over you.

    2. He is rude and disrespectful not only to us (roommates) but as well his girlfriend and the house itself. He called me and my friends "stupid" and "low lifes" and that he is far superior to us because he is going to med school (he's not) and is rich (his parents are). He gaslights his girlfriend and says she is the cause of all of his problems, but she continues to stay with him despite all this (I've tried to talk to her about it and she just denies it). He is disgusting and will leave our bathroom, kitchen, and living room a mess. He once smeared gum all over the oven for no reason and when I asked him to clean it he ignored me.

    3. He has made it obvious he is completely unstable. He is set off very randomly and once got upset with us because we asked him to knock instead of letting himself in. He told us "we were being rude" and that he "got his mCAT books" and he "thinks we're all smart" and he's "talking to the Dean of the univerisity's med school". He does this often where he will just start talking about something completely random (and usually lies) when he is in trouble, or even just in general.

    A couple weeks ago my roommate/his gf finally told him to fuck off after we sat her down and told her that her boyfriend is awful and she agreed, so we changed the locks so he couldn't let himself in anymore. One night he showed up and demanded to be let in, and his gf let him in and he drank 3 bottles of wine and cornered her, demanding he hug her. She called the police and they gave him a warning, and she told us he was going back to his city and if he tries to come back we are to call the police. Things settled and returned to normal until the other day we realized they were calling again. And then today my roommate (not his gf) notified me that the boyfriend was back in the house and him and my roommate/his gf were back together. My roommate confronted her saying he was not to be back in the house and that he made us scared and fearful in our own home, and that she would consider calling the police next time he was there. His gf simply said we had no grounds and as long as he wasn't physically hurting anyone we had nothing to call the police for.

    I'm currently at my parent's home but I am furious. My friends are in that house as well I live there usually and I do NOT want this man near me or the people I care about. He is unhinged and his gf/my roommate doesn't care and is making us live with him and his disgustingness. How do I deal with this problem legally so I won't have to deal with it again? Can I get a restraining order when he hasn't ever actually attacked me? Could I have my roommate/his gf evicted somehow? Could I get out of my contract? My roommate/his gf is clearly pst the point of convincing and she seems determined to have him back in her life, but I can't have that happening.

    Edit: I found that in Ontario while a landlord cannot bar you from having guests, but if your guests disturb or make other tenanrs feel unsafe your landlord could opt to evict you ("right to quiet enjoyment of your home"). I'm not sure how this information holds in my case.

    submitted by /u/jesuslovesabortion
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    I trusted the wrong person..

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    A little background: I had moved in with my ex April 2019 and we decided we wanted to get a bigger place but he needed to get his credit score up, so we paid off (a lot) of his debt and added him to my credit cards as an authorized user with the agreement that it was to help his credit score go up, not for him to use. I never really checked the accounts because for what I knew I was paying them off, not using them. After we broke up I got suspicious though and went through my statements and realized that he spent over $4,000 in 8 months. Originally he promised to pay me back, said he owed me, ext. I have texts to prove it. Now he is saying that it's my own fault for trusting him, I added him as an authorized user and I don't have a case against him.

    Is there anything I could do to get at lease some of that money back? That total doesn't include any interest either.

    Edit: I am in Florida

    submitted by /u/MissBeanssss9396
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