• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 25, 2020

    Legal Advice - Spirit Airlines keeps rejoining me to their fare club and charging me a yearly fee no matter how many times I cancel.

    Legal Advice - Spirit Airlines keeps rejoining me to their fare club and charging me a yearly fee no matter how many times I cancel.

    Spirit Airlines keeps rejoining me to their fare club and charging me a yearly fee no matter how many times I cancel.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    (US) I have canceled my membership six or seven times. They charge my credit card (Capital One) for the renewal fee even though I wasn't a member, so I checked and they have just renewed my membership. I cancel the membership and check back a week later and I am a member again. I got a new card number from Capital One but they said if Spirit has my old number they can still charge me.

    I am contesting the charge but the person I talked to said he sees this happen with Spirit Airlines "literally all the time".

    And I just now got back on the Spirit airlines website and sure enough I am a member again, despite having received multiple cancellation confirmations.

    Edit: I'm in the US.

    I told Capitol One if they can't deal with this then I will have to cancel my card and get one with a different company. I just don't see how this shit is legal. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/Minemose
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    Is a waitress responsible for the damage of a phone in a restaurant? (Louisiana)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    So my girlfriend is a waitress at a fairly well-known chain. She was trying to refill a woman's glass of water, and while she was pouring it from the pitcher, the woman suddenly lifted her glass and caused water to spill everywhere. In the process, her phone ended up somehow on the floor, barely touching any water. My girlfriend cleaned up everything, brought the woman new food, and paid for all of it. The woman was fine, and then randomly told my girlfriend that she ruined her phone. My girlfriend got her manager to talk to the woman and the woman claims that it was the brand new iphone and she fully expects my girlfriend to buy her a new one. But the thing is, she had her phone hidden away and never showed anyone that it was damaged, and my girlfriend said it most definitely did not look like an iphone. We feel like the woman is just trying to take advantage of the situation and get a new phone. The manager gave the woman my girlfriend's number, and now she is calling and texting her telling her that she needs to buy her a new phone. There's no way my girlfriend is responsible for this, right? One of her managers is telling her that she has to buy it. I just feel like this is all a big scam. We can barely afford rent, there's no way we could drop $900 to buy a new iphone for a stranger. How should we move forward?

    submitted by /u/Gay_Catdog
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    Nevada- friend's wife is covid positive with symptoms. won't quarantine. spreading virus.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    My friend contacted covid. He got horribly sick. His wife is now positive. She tested positive. She is going to public places daily (shopping). She has already spread it to her parents.

    Is there a place to report this? Anonymously if possible, but if not I will do that too.

    submitted by /u/TA1207
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    My boss takes a large percentage of our tips and I want to know if there's anything I can do about it

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    I work at a small business where, when people check out, it gives them the option to tip on the card reader. It is not a restaurant so I don't make LOT of money in tips, but significant enough to boost my pay by $2-$5 an hour. I just started working here and I have been informed by the owner that he takes 30% of our tips. It's not a secret, everyone who works there knows, and we all think it's sleazy as hell. I like to think of it from a customers POV—how outraged I would be if I set aside money specifically for a low level employee and found out their boss was taking 30% off the top "for the house." Anyway, we're all young and unsure if we there is any legal action we can take here. Is it even illegal? Is there a government body I could report this to? We're in MA.

    submitted by /u/Sea-Possession
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    My fiancé tested positive for Covid, now she’s being told she is fired for missing work. State: CO

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    Is it legal for them to fire her for missing 5 days of work due to a Covid positive test?

    submitted by /u/ROSHi_TheTurtle
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    Fired while serving on jury duty

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:51 PM PDT

    Location: Southern California

    Employer: Amazon

    Schedule: Sunday - Wednesday 1800-0430

    Hi everyone,

    A few weeks ago I was summoned for jury duty on the 19th and notified my shift leader and management. Last Sunday I told my manager and HR that I was going to be on jury duty the following day and they sent me home and told me to bring pink slips when I return to work. I was on duty Monday, selected Tuesday, and in court Wednesday and Thursday. On Thursday we were told to return Monday afternoon. However yesterday I received an email for job abandonment and missing three shifts in a row. I immediately called corporate HR and let them know that I was wrongfully terminated and they told me a case would be opened and I would hear back in 1-3 days. I then asked if l should come to my shift today (Sunday) and he told me not to. Today my site HR called me and told me I would be re-hired if I email them the pink slips and all my vacation and personal hours would be cashed out to me since I was terminated. I asked if I would receive those hours back since I legally do not need to use MY hours if summoned for duty. I told her that I would be contacting a lawyer and she sarcastically said "okay bye".

    So I guess my questions are:

    1. Do I contact a lawyer?
    2. Should I just send them my pink slips and accept that I'm losing my vacation and personal hours?
    3. Contact corporate HR and let them know what happened?

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/gwot_scoutt
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    Town issued violation after neighbor complained about kids clubhouse. [NJ]

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    My neighbor is the kind to complain to the town about everyone in the neighborhood. She used to be deputy mayor and uses her connections to her advantage. Back in March/April, due to COVID lockdown and keeping our kids home from daycare my husband built a kids clubhouse (next to the tree, but not supported by the tree. Could be misconstrued as a treehouse). We got a violation in the mail yesterday that we have 12 days to take it down. Here is what it says we are in violation of. To me, it does not read that we broke any rules. We are waiting for the town to open tomorrow to call, but would love any help possible to help understand my rights. It is currently only notice of violation, not a summons.

    "Outdoor recreational facilities accessory to single-family dwellings on the same lot shall be permitted and shall be subject to the following requirements. For purposes of this section "outdoor recreational facilities" Shall be defined as including, but not limited to, swimming pools, game or sports courts, and any similar facilities, but shall excludes children's play equipment that occupies less than 200 ft.² of a lot area, tree houses and any facility or activity prohibited by chapter 129 of the township code.

    The treehouse that has been constructed on your property is not permitted per ordinance listed above and at this time the treehouse must be dismantled and removed. "

    (Chapter 129 is firearms section)

    Thanks for any help or guidance you can provide!

    submitted by /u/funky_marshmellow
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    Person who we bought our house from used an unlicensed electrician for repairs and, after city inspection, we are facing $2K repair bill. (State: Iowa)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    I just purchased a house in Iowa - it had a Federal Pacific electric panel and one of the contingencies of the sale was that the seller would have the panel replaced. The work was done about 2 weeks prior to closing. The day after closing, I got a call from the power company (Mid American Energy) that there was a problem with the electric and they hadn't been able to get a hold of the seller. The electrician did not pull permits with the city (and was not licensed in Iowa), and so the city needed to inspect the work. The city inspector wrote up a list of a handful of violations to have remedied. We brought in a new (licensed) electrician to evaluate the issues and he gave us a repair estimate of a little over $2,000. My understanding is that the seller believes he has no liability, as the electric worked when he turned over the keys. I have a couple questions:

    -Based on my conversation with Mid American, I believe they may have contacted the seller prior to closing, and he may have been aware there were problems with the electric prior to closing. Would someone from Mid American be able to tell me if they had contacted the seller prior to closing, or would I need to get a lawyer involved to get this information?

    -Can I try to recover the repair expenses in small claims court, or do I need to contact a lawyer? Since the repairs are just $2,000 I am concerned that the expense of getting a lawyer involved might be more than just eating the cost of the electrical fixes.

    Thank you in advance for your advice!

    submitted by /u/Kkendr1209
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    Artist copyright issue (ITALY)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I'm a graphic designer and digital artist. I've been doing digital "collages" for a while, and clients are starting to reach out to me asking for projects for their brand/for editorial purpose/for events illustrations etc.

    My question is: how does it work with copyright, since I would be doing stuff for money? The thing is that I'm only using very old painting (stuff from early 1800), and I completely transform them into something else. I edit them, I distort/recolor/cut/add/digital paint over it. But still, if you know the original you could guess what painting was originally. A few examples:

    Before: https://huppy.it/images/3600/1603672759845jR6y8Hh.png

    After: https://huppy.it/images/3600/1603672970604uRm38Ld.png

    Before2: https://www.huppy.it/images/3600/1603672941915IZaAkjM.png

    After2: https://www.huppy.it/images/3600/1603672957077Nyx_piccola.jpg

    Can it be considered a new artform? I read online that the copyright for artpieces can last only 100 years after the painter's death. Is it true? In that case there should be no problem since I'm only using very old stuff

    submitted by /u/Long_Recording_4612
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    Moving company holding all my items hostage

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    **Hello - I was directed from r/scams to post my inquiry here as well. Thank you for any input and pointers that you may have on my situation.**

    I'm currently moving to Irvine from Portland and I'm running into some trouble with an unfortunate moving scam. I thought I did enough research but unfortunately not enough.

    I worked with a moving company called Summit Moving to secure a pick up date for my furniture and belongings. They had great reviews and seemed to care about their customers so I went ahead and put down a security deposit with them. They outsourced my move to another moving company called MAPS Moving & Storage. Before MAPS came to pick up my stuff, Summit and I worked up an estimate of cost - an inventory of all furniture and boxes of belongings (furniture was precise to the exact measurement in cubic feet). It was around the $3500 mark. On the day of moving, the movers did not have me pay the rest of the balance - which was weird. After they picked up my things, they gave me a number to call to check on my ETA. I called the number the next day and they said they are loading the truck up as we speak and will let me know the delivery date in a day or so. I called back a couple days later and was told they can't give me an ETA until I pay up the remaining balance - and they sent me the bill. Now they are saying I owe them over $6100.

    I started questioning why the amount nearly doubled on what we agreed on and they said it's because I had "extra furniture" - which is not true. They are now holding all my things hostage until I pay the balance in cash or personal check (payment options do not protect customers at all).

    In hindsight, they probably did not collect the rest of the balance upon picking up my stuff because they wanted to manipulate numbers - it's my first time moving by myself with pets.

    Many redditors from the other thread mentioned I should just pay the scammers, get my items and then lawyer up afterwards to recoup what I can. Is this a realistic plan? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

    submitted by /u/dothemaumau
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    Medical sexual abuse: should I report when the doctor is already being charged?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    Hi all (content warning for sexual abuse and women's health content)

    It was recently released that a doctor in my hometown was charged with sexual abuse of four of his patients. The charges include things like inappropriate comments, hugging female patients while they were only wearing a hospital gown, performing breast and pelvic examinations without gloves on, and a couple more egregious cases where he manually broke a woman's hymen without permission because she was to be married soon and it would 'make sex more pleasurable,' and performing membrane sweeps on pregnant women without permission.

    I have seen this doctor a handful of times in my life (28F) and I am unsurprised at these charges due to a couple of encounters I've had. I have always found him pretty uncomfortable and my sister and I avoided him (awkward hugs, etc).

    The most notable instance was several years ago, when I was about 23 or 24. I had recently gotten an IUD at another doctors office, and a couple weeks later needed to go in for something else (I can't remember what, I have several chronic illnesses). His office being the most convenient to my house at that time, I went there. After addressing whatever routine thing I was there for, he started asking about my birth control (I believe my IUD showed up on my medical chart). I reported that I was still cramping from it and was hoping that would resolve itself. I don't recall exactly how the conversation went, but he began talking about how IUDs can become displaced and cause pain, etc. I asked if I should go back to the doctor who put it in and I was getting pretty paranoid about a perforated uterus. Basically, after some back and forth I ended up agreeing to him checking it out. I can't remember if there was a nurse in the room for this portion, but I do remember that she was there for part of it, but was weirdly in the corner, turned away and doing paperwork. During the examination, he didn't use a speculum to look, just digits, and pushed up with one hand and down on the pelvis from outside with the other. He made several comments like "feels good" (not in a pervy voice or anything, but it felt awkward). When the exam was done, I was a little taken aback because it looked like he had not used gloves. I couldn't see before the exam and assumed he had grabbed some. After he stood up, I saw him go wash his hands and it didn't look like he had taken anything off.

    At that point in time, I convinced myself that I was probably mistaken and paranoid because it was just an awkward doctors visit and who actually wants to get a pelvic exam. I was also 23/24 and had experienced several pretty traumatic sexual abuse instances so I thought my discomfort might also have been a trauma response.

    Anyways, flash back to now when these charges go through and it now seems much more likely that I wasn't imaging it that he examined me without gloves and that the exam might not have been fully necessary (according to a friend in med school who just did her obgyn rotation, it's unusual to just feel and not even try to look at the IUD to see if it is misplaced).

    So my question is this: does it legally benefit his victims who are the plaintiffs if I contact them about my experience? There are four of them and it sounds like they have fairly ample evidence. I have absolutely zero interest in getting involved. I don't need any personal closure, I am happy he is being charged. I live out of state now and do not have the time or energy to put anything into this. I also do not know what it would entail (would they just need a single statement? Would a bunch of different lawyers be contacting me for a statement a bunch of different times? Would they even care about using a statement?). I don't think I'm a strong witness at all, my memory is a little patchy and I couldn't see for 100% certain if he used gloves or not. But, perhaps more stories like this build a stronger case against him. As mentioned before, I have zero interest in reaching out to the prosecutors. However, if this incident is something that would strengthen their case and help convict him, then it would be worth it.

    TLDR: would a statement of an ungloved, possibly unnecessary pelvic exam be useful in a case where there are already four plaintiffs with worse stories?

    submitted by /u/Schannin
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    Mechanic refuses to release my vehicle

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 01:44 PM PDT


    Got towed after radiator blew. My insurance covered tow and basic diagnostic fee. I never met the person they towed it after I got a ride out of the site. The shop has no actual mechanic right now and the owner seemed sketchy so I wanted to have it towed elsewhere. Now the mechanic is claiming I have an oral contract with him and have to drive two hours to their location to sign a breach of contract release form.

    Is this absolute horseshit does he have any legal right to not release my vehicle to the tow company right now?

    submitted by /u/AmadeusHuck
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    The woman who raised me is trying to take custody of my children

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    I (22f) was abandoned by my birth mother at birth and her uncle and his wife got custody of me, there was no actual adoption and im not blodd related to the wife, i call them my parents for convenience here, my father passed when i was 3 so my mom raised me, i had two children while living with her and i have custody of both, i let them live with her the past year while im living with my husband in a 1 bedroom apartment, i see them every other day at least and take them every weekend to stay with me, well me and my husband plan on moving to iowa for a job offer for him and its where his parents live so i told my mom about the move with every intention of taking my kids, so now she is trying to claim abandonment and grandparents rights on me. Do i have a legal action here? Or can i just go anyway? We are set to move in a week and she has known about it for 6 months. Me and my husband have a 9 month old baby and my kids at her ouse are 6f and 3m. I fought like hell to get my son away from his abusive father, they only stayed there because if cys was called we dont have the room for them at our apartment. I wanted to keep them happy and safe and now she is trying to steal my kids. We are in pa right now

    submitted by /u/KuraiBlackfire
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    Lease says Bathroom renovations would be completed by 9/10/20 (MA)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    We live in a 6 bedroom, 3 bathroom apartment. When looking at the Apt, two of the upstairs bathrooms needed to be renovated. There are no functional issues with them but they're not nearly as nice as the bathroom downstairs. In our lease, there's an addendum that says "bathroom renovations to be completed by 9/10/2020". Through one delay or another, one bathroom isn't finished, and the other bathroom hasn't been started.

    I'm wondering what the best next steps are, we really just want the bathrooms done but would it would be good to get some money off rent as well. Massachusetts state.

    My justification is that we agreed to pay $X per month in rent because we were under the impression that these bathroom renovations would be completed ten days into the lease. Now that we're approaching 60 days into the lease, it's hard to justify continuing to pay $X per month because that renovation has not yet been completed.


    submitted by /u/kjordo
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    (M22) have a girlfriend (F21) who is an illegal immigrant

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm from the state of Massachusetts and a legal US citizen, I have an honest question that I really need help with. I've been dating this girl for about half a year now and things feel right, I'm a year and a half away from graduating in my field of engineering and we've come into a difficult situation of her legal stay here in the US. She's been living here for 3 years, graduated high school here and has been working with a workers permit since her graduation. She's been in process with a lawyer and her case is political asylum from the country of El Salvador. My question is, with the state of how things are in our country now and it's government, would marriage be a viable route? This isn't some sort of benefit kind of thing. I legitimately love this girl and she loves me. We talked about her status and everything happening in her life right now and I just need some advice. I hoped to marry her after I graduate but my family had told me that TPS is only extended until January 4, 2021 which isn't very far from now. I'm really concerned and worried as I don't want to lose her to deportation. Please, any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so so much!

    submitted by /u/just_eli
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    What does comparable mean ...

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    We are in the oh so joyous process of building a house - the builders made the decisions to change a 3 panel sliding door to one door and a window without informing us.

    We caught this because we walk the house regularly. Along with 6 missing windows.

    The 6 windows were added back in, however the contract states that they may make changes at their discretion as long as they are comparable.

    This doesn't seem comparable to me - in the original, what we were sold version, it was 3 large panels 2 of which open. In this new model, it's one door that opens. Max. With thick framing and a mix different architecture feel.

    We are in Texas for reference.

    They are claiming the reason for this change is, cost, quality and Covid. Depending on who you talk to ....

    What should we do?

    submitted by /u/gingerjade52
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    "My wife left me without any notice, over $100k in secret debt" asking for a friend.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 11:33 PM PDT

    Hello, I need urgent advice. I got arranged married to foreigner. I went overseas got married and brought her over here to Canada. We have been married now for more then 9 years and out of the blue my wife left me citing that she no longer loves me. She is staying with her friends at the moment. After digging through all the paper works, I have come to find out that my wife has maxed out all the credit cards and also opened new cards and loans under my name without my knowledge. She won't give an explanation as to where all the money was spent on. The mortgage and the house is under my name because she didn't have a job when we bought the house. My question is, how should I protect myself right now? There is no talk of divorce as of right now, but can she come after my equity (if any) after the divorce? Is it possible to change the title/mortgage of house under my parents name and will that protect me from further losses? - Asking for a friend.

    submitted by /u/CryptoMeThis
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    Woke up to mom (65) getting arrested for elder abuse

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    So I was awoken to police knocking on my bedroom door today and when I got dressed and went out they wanted to question me but I said I was sleeping.

    They said they were taking her to a detention center for booking.

    My first thoughts was that it was some dumb fight between my mom and her 67 year old sister again but not that my mom would actually lay a finger on her. My aunt actually fell down yesterday so she has a gash on her forehead with dried blood so to me it seems like they just took my aunts word as probable cause somehow despite it being already long since dried? They wouldn't discuss it with me.

    Is there any punishment my aunt can get for lying to the police? She has done this to my little brother in the past just blatantly lied but the police say they have to come out anyways (which makes sense).

    This is in California.

    submitted by /u/FutureImperfectt
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    Landlord agrees to give tenant house if he fixes it up, after fixing it up Landlord tells him to move in one month.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    The story is from a family argument. One family member owns the house (let's call him Jim) but decided to move out, although he wanted someone to continue to pay the bank loan so he got his brother bob to live it the old unkept house 4 years ago. Bob does things that a landlord should do. He's replaced the wiring of the whole house, bought a new water heater, and even bought 2 new ac units as they went out and his brother told him he could sign his name on the house. Bob was taking too long and eventually Jim got upset as he's been telling him for years to get his name on the house. Jim tells Bob that he has until December 2020 to get his name on the house so he can keep it. Bob was about to do it when he receives a text saying he has to move out before December 1st because he has found a new tenant to stay there.

    This is in Austin, Texas.

    I've only taken a semester of BLAW so sadly this is out of my jurisdiction. Although legally I think Jim can do this because the house and loan are under his name. I find him to be an asshole though. Since this is the most informal Landlord and Tenant Relationship there is no legal written contract on any of this. what are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/tubadesu
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    Ex-fiance wants me to sign a quit claim deed

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    Hello, I am in the state of michigan and am 24y/o. I recently moved out of the house my Fiance and I bought in 2019 simply due a relationship break down.

    Recently he asked me to sign a quit claim deed in order to proceed with the refinancing(Its currently in the mail). He says its required for him to continue. However my grandmother has told me not to sign it, saying that while it will remove my name from the title of the home. It will not remove me from being liable should he fail to pay on time.

    The house also just came out of forbearance, an option our bank (Navy federal) gave us at the start of this. My question is, is there anything I can do to protect myself should I sign this deed and he falls back on the house payments? Is he even able to refinance after the home has come out of forbearance (with a balance that is over $5k to pay back). Should I be looking out for anything or keeping track of anything special besides keeping his texts and the mail envelope.

    submitted by /u/Troubledtexter
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    Paydate change

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    Hey guys, So I normally got paid bi weekly or whenever you came in after that biweekly period to grab your check. Now you can only get your paycheck on a Wednesday within a 3 hour period. Is this legal?

    submitted by /u/alessiog789
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    Can I stop my father from texting me?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:33 PM PDT

    My father has no parental or visitation rights and my mom has full custody of me because he didn't show up to court because of child support reasons when I was 2 when I was 10 I started talking to him through email and a year later we met for the first time in 9 years over the past three years he has shown nothing but disrespect to me, my feelings, and my mother and I said enough is enough I have stopped all communication or at least tried to can I still enforce the no contact order even though I have seen him.

    submitted by /u/IMREALLYSCREWED12
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    Grandma passed away post surgery, events seem fishy not sure where to start [IL]

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:23 PM PDT

    Hello LA, I know malpractice and situations like this can be challenging but I guess I just need to get this all out and see if this is even worth pursuing. Apologies some of the details are a tad gruesome but I feel necessary for the post.

    My grandma (74) had a surgery this past Monday to remove a kidney with a cancerous mass on it. Surgery went well with no issues. On Thursday very early morning we received the call that she had had some complications post procedure and we were to come ASAP as it was not good.

    From what we were told, my grandma had an ileus which caused her to start vomiting, which got into her lungs and therefore caused her to code and her brain to be without oxygen for almost 10 minutes which eventually lead to her death. There are some aspects of the timeline that aren't adding up.

    The concern comes in that per a friend in the medical field if someone has an ileus they are not to be given food of any kind, and my grandma was given soft foods. Another aspect was that she was on at least 3 medications including methadone (has a history with this medicine for back pain/surgeries fwiw) so we believe she was over medicated. Our thought is that began to aspirate because of the food she was given and because of the all the meds she was on, was unable to react to choking which caused the issues as detailed above.

    I guess I'm just not sure where to start, or if this is even worth pursuing. On paper this sounds like a situation that could have been avoided, but I understand I have a bias to the situation so I would appreciate a neutral party here. Appreciate anyone who took the time to read this.

    submitted by /u/roxy_f
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    (OH) Getting a check from a class action lawsuit. Told Ex about it. Offered to send the net amount. I will but kinda want to know if I have too?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    Okay. Throwaway because I wanted too.

    A few months ago I was sent a notice about a class action lawsuit with a large business. It said I was eligible to receive money. I said sure, why not. A few days ago I got an email saying I'm going to receive an amount three times as much as they originally estimated. I thought AWESOME. Except for one thing that didn't sit well with me. Even though the account was in my name, it was my address, etc. I did not pay for said membership. My ex did while we were together. The lawsuit was about the business not cancelling memberships and refunding payments. He cancelled the membership shortly after the breakup.

    Since the amount was so much bigger than I had anticipated, I felt obligated to inform him. We're on "eh" terms, aka follow each other on social media, begrudgingly talk in a blue moon, etc. I reached out to him. Explained that 'hey, I'm expected to receive this amount (I gave an estimate, not exact) I feel obligated to let you know since you paid for it and see if you want the net amount.' I said net because I knew I'd have to pay taxes on it.

    I reached out to him for two reasons. One because I genuinely felt icky knowing I was getting this larger amount of money (>$1,000). And two, I wasn't sure if he could like go after me legally if he found out about it. Not sure how he'd find out but my mind runs..

    He was being kind of a pain in the ass about it and now I want to know my options. Listen, my game plan is to still send him the net amount. But he was being a douche and now I want to play devils advocate essentially. And since I am not a lawyer, I come to you to play out any and all scenarios.

    What am I now, at minimum, legally obligated to do? I reached out to him because I was afraid of doing anything illegal like being accused of fraud even though the account was in my name. So I'm not looking to break laws. Is this considered a contract? I'm assuming it is. Do I have to give him that full net amount? We never agreed to an exact amount; he just sent an address and I said "will do".

    It's like I'm trying to do the right thing, but the person is an ass, and now (to be completely honest) I feel like why should I be doing the right thing? He's an Ex for a reason. Anyway, thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Throwthisawaynow222
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