• Breaking News

    Monday, October 26, 2020

    Legal Advice - A friend borrowed my car a few weeks ago and neglected to tell me they bumped someone’s rear end (not enough to do damage to either car) and kept going. I just got a letter in the mail saying my car was identified via camera in a hit and run incident. What can I do?

    Legal Advice - A friend borrowed my car a few weeks ago and neglected to tell me they bumped someone’s rear end (not enough to do damage to either car) and kept going. I just got a letter in the mail saying my car was identified via camera in a hit and run incident. What can I do?

    A friend borrowed my car a few weeks ago and neglected to tell me they bumped someone’s rear end (not enough to do damage to either car) and kept going. I just got a letter in the mail saying my car was identified via camera in a hit and run incident. What can I do?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    Neighbor keeps stealing power for electric car.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    My neighbor and I have a shared driveway. I own my house but the neighboring house is a rental. Last year, I bought an electric car, and paid to have a charger installed on my side of the driveway.

    When I installed it, the previous tenants asked if they could use it on two occasions for guests who had electric cars, and I agreed that they could. Well, the new tenants apparently feel that they're welcome to use it whenever they like to charge their own car. They've actually unplugged my car in order to plug in theirs on a couple of occasions.

    Of course, this uses my power, but also prevents me from charging my own car, which has caused problems. I went over and asked them to stop using my power, and they were extremely rude and said that it was included in their lease, and that their landlord told them it was included in the property.

    Talking to them has been completely useless. In fact, when I unplugged their car and plugged in my own, they came over and banged on the door, threatening to sue me. I haven't been able to get in touch with their landlord. The third or fourth time I found them charging their car on my plug, I called the police, who told me that this was a civil matter, and wouldn't intervene.

    What can I do, at this point, to stop them from using my charger?

    This is in Indiana.

    submitted by /u/indyguy46202
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    [MN] New neighbor is increasingly crossing boundaries and making me uncomfortable. I asked him to stop and he won't. Police say there's nothing they can do. What are my options?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 12:59 AM PDT

    A couple months ago, my neighbor's brother moved in with him across the street. My neighbor and I have always been cool and wave at each and things like that. When his brother did the same, I returned it, and we all chatted for a little bit. Things were fine at first.

    I have a really bad immune system due to a chronic condition, so thanks to COVID, I've pretty much become a hermit and never leave my house since I work from home and can have groceries and anything else delivered. After the first few grocery deliveries, I noticed that my neighbor's brother would always come outside, stand at the edge of his lawn, and stare at me as I brought my groceries in. Initially, I just wrote it off as him waiting for someone or something, but when I noticed the pattern I started getting uncomfortable. Then he started trying to get my attention when I was out there, and I would wave and acknowledge him but said I had to get back to work. One day he ran over and said he'd help me bring my groceries in, and when I told him not to worry about it, he pushed right past me with a couple bags. I told him I appreciated the gesture, then mentioned my condition and asked him not to please not do that again, especially since he wasn't wearing a mask. He apologized but didn't leave and tried to hug me instead. I stepped back and asked him not to do that either and to please leave. He got kind of offended and asked if I was scared of him, then asked where my boyfriend was (I live alone). I asked him to step outside again and he just asked me if I even had a boyfriend. At that point I told him that he needed to get out now and he finally did. I thought that would be the end of it, but nope.

    A couple nights later I woke up at around 3 AM and couldn't sleep, so I went into my living room to read. I noticed a clicking/muffled banging noise at my outside door but figured it was just a cat or something (my neighborhood has an ungodly amount of stray cats around). Then I heard something drop, and then a man said 'oh, shit,' and I realized that the guy was messing with my door. I kind of froze for a moment, but when the noises got louder and more frequent, I called the police and went to stand by my backdoor so I could get the hell out in case he actually got in. A few seconds later, he must have heard a car coming down the street, because he suddenly ran away, probably through my other neighbor's yard, because when the police made it to my door, stated they never saw anyone there. I explained what has been happening and they said they'd see if they could talk to the guy, but that the house didn't look like anyone was up. I was frustrated because they didn't seem to think it was a big deal, but thanked them and they left.

    Later that day, I bought one of those Ring cameras, and my brother picked it up and set it up that afternoon. From then on, I was able to see that this guy was coming over most nights. Sometimes he would just stand there and leave after about ten or fifteen minutes, sometimes he'd poke around at the door or window. I called the non-emergency police a few days later when I had more proof, but they said that you couldn't even see who it was (which is not true at all, it's plain as day), and that whoever it was technically wasn't breaking any laws.

    Nothing happened and he is still doing this crap. Do I have any legal options? He may not be making threats or anything but continues to come at all hours of the night and keeps trying to run over to me whenever I have anything delivered. And the fact that he just barged into my house and wouldn't leave until I'd asked him about three times just makes it worse. I get he's likely not breaking laws, but I'm scared. Is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/LegitimateBlueberry6
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    Is it illegal for Dominos to not allow me to wear a jacket unless I purchase one from them?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    I recently bought a Jacket because it's freezing outside only to be told by my manager that Dominos will not allow any jacket that isn't a Dominos brand jacket. Problem is, they charge for it and it wouldn't get here immediately. So what am I supposed to do? Be cold? I looked it up and apparently it's an OSHA violation for an employer not to pay for protective material required for the employee to wear. Is this a violation for is this scummy Buisness move perfectly legal?

    Texas is my location. Didn't know that was a thing lol.

    submitted by /u/RedHeadMedia07
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    Service Department drove our car 380 miles while they had it.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    My boyfriend and I took his car into our local dealership for some repairs. We brought it in to them October 8th, in which it had 52,262 miles on it and half a tank of gas. He paid $100 (we have a warranty) and got it back October 23rd with 52,650 miles on it (after driving to a gas station and driving home the car had 52,687 miles, we took a photo of the odometer.) and the tank had 13 miles until empty. The paperwork we were given also showed that the mileage in was 52,262 and mileage out was 52,262. I called multiple times throughout this past weekend asking to speak with the service advisor we dealt with, in which we constantly were sent to voicemail so I started asking for a manager. Every day for 4 days we were told "He's off today but he will be here tomorrow." Finally I went up to the dealership in person because we are really mad about 400 miles being put on the car during the 2 weeks the dealership had it. I was given an an apology and an offer to fill the car up "for free." In my opinion, the car should've been filled up in the first place. I was given attitude and condescending tones when I asked what they did with the car while it was in their possession and why 400 miles were put on it. Instead of answers, I got "The cars aren't allowed to leave the property without customers permission." (Obviously it did because the dealership is small. Theres no way they racked up 400 miles driving it around the parking lot in 2 weeks unless they drove it 24/7.) "I really think that was a typo." "Ive already apologized I don't know what else you want from me."

    Mind you, we bought this car almost a year and a half ago with 47k miles on it. We do not drive this car often, and have put less than 5k miles on it the entire time we've had it. We JUST hit 52k a few weeks before we took it to the dealership. What legal option, if any, do we have? Im getting the runaround, which doesn't surprise me but is making me livid.

    Also note there is a pending lawsuit against this company for transmission issues in the same car we have currently and they have continuously ignored us when we've told them the issue is happening in our car.

    We are in Texas.

    submitted by /u/NefariousnessVivid56
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    [HI] Dog Trainer bred my friends purebred German Sheppard without telling them and gave the puppies away

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    This post is for a friend. And on mobile so sorry for formatting.

    My friend has been with their dog trainer for a year and a half. The trainer has a doggy daycare and also does home visits. When he does home visits he also brings his personal dogs along.

    When she went to pick up her dog today from the daycare there was a woman holding a puppy. The receptionist then told my friend that the puppy was from her dog's litter. She then asked if there were any other puppies from the litter left, and she said "no they went fast."

    At no point was my friend informed that the trainers dog was pregnant, that her dog was the dad, or that she had given birth.

    She also has a contract written from the person she bought her dog from stating that she will not breed her dog.

    She thinks that the trainer purposely bred both her purebred German Sheppard and the trainers purebred Border Collie without telling her. She also thinks that the trainer sold the puppies.

    We want to know what she can do so the trainer doesn't do this to any other family's dog.


    The puppy was 3 months old.

    She called him up and we recorded the conversation (since in Hawaii it is legal to record a conversation without consent from the other party).

    He admitted to knowing her dog was the dad a month before the birth. He also admitted to giving away one of the puppies, but selling the other 5. We did not know for how much. He has offered to refund her the cost of "doggy bootcamp" or free day care.

    When she mentioned the puppies to the trainer he was audibly uncomfortable and frustrated.

    submitted by /u/Reaver343
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    Getting sued for 100k because my boss was deported

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    So I used to work as a day laborer for a guy that has since been deported. While working for him I was involved in an accident, I was driving his work van (under his name and insurance) I didn't know he didn't have proper insurance to have employees drive it, that's on me I just assumed he did and didn't have an issue when he asked me to go pick up things. It's been about a year since the accident and I just got served paper saying I'm being sued for 100k I tried finding a lawyer but none want to take my case. I'm kinda freaking out since I can barely afford my rent much less a 100k lawsuit Any advice would be appreciated. Florida

    submitted by /u/semog788
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    Amazon won’t give my money back. Help?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    Basically the title. Amazon closed my account claiming I had a previously had an account closed for violating the terms and conditions, and was banned from Amazon. This NEVER happened. I had a balance of $250 on the account they are refusing to refund, saying the balance is now, "unavailable" because they deleted my account. I asked them what account they were referring to and they refused to elaborate or provide any more detail. Is there anything I can do?

    I don't think it matters but I'm in Texas

    submitted by /u/ListenToTheAncestors
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    My vehicle was towed from my own parking spot!!!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    Good morning everyone! I hope your day is going better than mine.
    So straight to the point, I live in a mobile park home and I pay for 2 parking spots. One spot is marked with a square and the second spot ( directly in front of my home) is unmarked. I have had problems in the past of other vehicles parking in my second spot and thus I directed my complaints to the mobile park management.
    They said they would square off the parking spot ( never did) and they instructed me to place a no parking sign by that second spot ( My home is right next to the wall of the mobile home park, I placed it on a tree )
    Well lo and behold, I get towed.... Of course I can get the misunderstanding and I explain it to the towing company, who were nothing more than the most unprofessional bastards I've ever dealt with.

    I had to pay $400 to get my vehicle back from my own spot... they claimed it was "In a fire lane"...when it was directly in front of my house ( No Red Curb Anywhere)

    Furthermore when I examined my vehicle, the bottom front rubber is clearly scratched and scuffed -- of course the response I get from the towing people is " well well we don't know what it looked like before sooo who knows when or how that happened " Whatever-- what's more important is being robbed of $400. Scummy people all around. I have contacted management who have yet to back to me....

    Sorry to vomit my drama onto you, but I could really use some advice-- -I am in southern California if that makes any difference.

    submitted by /u/External-Touch
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    Considering firing my defense lawyer after receiving questionable texts. Need advice, please.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    Before I start, I know exactly how crazy I sound here. Please don't tell me I'm delusional or need to seek (non-legal) help. Between my situation and everything else going on this year, I've found I no longer trust my instincts.

    Throwaway for obvious reasons.

    Last year, my (former) coworker the victim of an office prank gone horribly wrong. Though he thankfully survived he suffered serious injuries and will never be the same again.

    I don't know anything about the prank or who was involved (I had nothing to do with it), but my name was mentioned multiple times during the investigation and charges were eventually brought against me.

    My lawyer has been the single bright spot in what has been an extremely long - made even longer by Covid - and sometimes unbearably draining process. She's diligent, talented, supportive, passionate, and seems to actually care about what happens to me. I'd considered myself lucky to have found her and trusted her implicitly.

    On Friday evening, I received a text from an unknown number saying (paraphrased):

    you are such a fucking dumbass if you actually think [lawyer's name] is on your side

    I immediately wrote back "what?", but got no response until the next day when a different number (though I strongly suspect they're the same person) sent me a picture of my lawyer dining with a group that included two of my former colleagues.

    A few points:

    • This picture is definitely recent, as it features the outdoor seating area built specifically due to the pandemic

    • The women she was with were in my department and are both still employed with my former company. I don't know if they named me or are currently involved in my case

    • She is connected to one of them on LinkedIn

    • I got no hits when I tried Googling either of the numbers that texted me. Best guess is that they're either spoofed or coming from a text app

    As legal professionals, is this picture as big a deal as I think it is? And should I bring it up to her?

    I'm afraid that if I do, and she isn't doing anything nefarious, that it will sour our relationship and she'll no longer be motivated to fight for me. But if I don't say anything, the knowledge will eat away at me and I'll become suspicious of everything she does. (lose/lose)

    And, if I ask about it and she is working against me, I expect she'd just lie about it anyway, so what would be the point? (another lose)

    I'm honestly not sure if I can even get a new lawyer at this stage (and am hesitant to ask anyone about it), but if it is an option, based on what I've shared should I consider changing my legal representation?

    Like I said, I know I sound paranoid, and believe me, I feel paranoid. I just don't know what to do now, where to go next, or who I can trust anymore to actually have my best interests at heart.

    Thank you.

    Edit: I don't understand why my comments are being downvoted? Am I doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/suslawyer
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    Being evicted on 5 days notice with no lease

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:18 PM PDT

    I rent a room in a former friend's house who today has decided to tell me I have to be out by the 1st. There is no lease. Is this legal, and if it's not, what resources do I have to stop her from trying to enforce this?

    Edit: I'm in Alabama.

    submitted by /u/Oakheart1984
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    Was it legal for my psychiatrist to disclose private information to my parents when I was 19?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    Texas, am now 21f

    It still bothers me a lot to this day, but I had even signed a paper before my psych evaluation that "I don't wish to have this information given access to anyone else". I told my psych towards the end of my evaluation that in the past I had suicidal thoughts and had self-harmed but I was not currently doing either. Right after I told her that she said she had to disclose the info to my parents (who were in the waiting room) and I begged her to not tell them and she still went and got them and repeated to them every private thing I said related to that. At the time I was not really thinking straight and it sent me into a worse spiral and didn't wonder if what she did was legal or not. This whole event ended up further distancing me from my parents aboutmy medical health and I got much worse before I started to improve again.

    I was at that point legally an adult and the psych knew my age, and I thought they were not supposed to disclose medical health to others when you are an adult and especially not your parents? I could be wrong but I'm not sure

    submitted by /u/ripeaches
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    [VA] Leaving my company, they want me to sign something on the way out

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    Hey, so this is in Virginia.

    Not a ton to this, I'm quitting my job tomorrow (last day of my 2 weeks notice), and my company wants me to sign a "certificate" for termination, and I'm not really seeing a reason to do so. The only item that gives me pause specifically is the 12 month "no poaching" clause. Not that I have a plan to poach (or do anything that would violate the certificate), but it feels like there's only downside to agree to this.

    I wouldn't mind chatting with a VA employment lawyer if that's what I'll need to do, but generally speaking how can companies "encourage" people like me to sign documents like this? Am I setting myself up for a world of hurt, reputationally, if I decline? It's a publicly traded tech company.

    There's a significant chance that if I just ignore this, it'll get lost in the shuffle, but I'm curious what the "downsides" are here for me for letting that happen.

    Edit: Boring resolution, I did sign an employment contract, and it does already have everything in the "certificate" in there as well, the certificate is just to remind me I agreed to those items already. My employer would not need the certificate, it's just something to keep me compliant. Thanks for the advice everyone!

    submitted by /u/Emergency_Airline_44
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    My jailed, drug addict half sister is pregnant. My husband & I would like to figure out our options as far as adoption.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    My half sister E, is currently in jail for the second time this year (1. -1/10/20) forging checks ~$899 (2.- 9/19/20) multiple warrants including kidnapping, failure to appear and drug possession or paraphernalia (not sure which) was picked up driving a car with no plates. She's shooting up meth daily among whatever else she can get, has given up custody of her other three kids, lies, steals and manipulates anyone for whatever she can presently with no inclination whatsoever of the future consequences. I have no idea who this person is anymore... it's not my sister, and I have learned the hard way, There's nothing within my means to help her... which makes everything so much more painful. Shes claiming that she's pregnant, but doesn't know the father. She's in a Mississippi county jail at the moment but there's an order for her to be taken back to Missouri for breaking out of a rehab, then breaking into a nearby home, stealing their baby and their car.... I have no idea what specific charges are other than kidnapping (which the people were going to drop on the condition she went back to rehab; which she didn't) Is there a way I can arrange a pregnancy test for her through the jail to verify she is pregnant? And if she is, what information/people do I need to start a petition for custody or adoption of the baby?

    I would like to say thank you in advance to all that just take the time for me, your help is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/BexyBunny
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    [Landlord - USA] How recent does a tenant's service animal recommendation need to be?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:30 PM PDT

    I have a tenant with a service animal recommendation letter from a local clinician (not a physician) written 6 years ago; after speaking with the clinician to verify the authenticity of the letter, the tenant has not been to see the clinician in the past 6 years. Is there any time frame after which a service animal recommendation letter needs to be renewed, or must a landlord accept such a letter indefinitely? (Please note, I am all for making accommodations if actually needed, but it is clear this dog is just a pet - it has no training whatsoever).

    Edit: This question is specifically in regards to service animals, not emotional support animals.

    submitted by /u/jborj99
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    I live in NYC. My neighbor from 2 floors above keeps calling management (Equity Residential) because I have my floor lamp next to my desk on at night and it “bothers him”. We got an email today saying that if we don’t move lamp it is a lease violation. What should I do?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    For context, this is a normal floor lamp. I work late at night and have long hours.

    I've gotten multiple calls from building maintenance and the manager, they even inspected our place twice.

    This is also the only corner where a floor lamp makes sense (given that it is next to my desk, it's a small room, and I don't really have many options)

    Edit: Adding diagram: https://imgur.com/a/gR0LJyE

    Also here's the part of the lease they're saying we're violating:

    "You, your occupants and all guests will: show due consideration for neighbors and not interfere with, disturb or threaten the rights, comfort, health, safety, convenience, quiet enjoyment and use of the building by us, other residents and occupants and any of their guests, agents or invitees"

    submitted by /u/jberr27
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    I am the cosigned and on the title of my exes car. She has been missing payments that I have paid to keep my credit up. She recently had a bender and was found unconscious in the car (no keys, so thankfully no DUI). I want to get the car out of her hands. What are my options?!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    Long title sorry for that. The above is a pretty accurate TLDR but I am (unfortunately and idiotically) on my exes car as a co-signer and I am on the title. It was only purchased 3 months ago. My name is also with hers on the insurance. She has been in a terrible state and was about to miss the last 2 payments, which I paid to make sure my credit would be OK. I also made the down payment.

    Last night she was on a bender and she almost drove the car in a very drugged up state. Authorities found her in the car trying to drive it but couldn't find her keys. The police office gave me his personal cell and said he would do whatever he could legally (as far as giving statement of her condition that night) to help me out.

    I know I have every legal right to go take the car since it is mine too, but I want to get out of this completely. What are my options as far as taking this car, and either getting her name off of it, getting my name off of it or just selling it to pay off as much of the loan as possible.

    submitted by /u/AdakiSamurai
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    I have been charged with communicating threats by a possibly mentally ill person and now cannot get a job or apply to graduate school.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    This is in North Carolina.

    I have lived next to the same guy for around 5 years and recently he accused me and my 'gang of thugs' for threatening his life and yelling racial and homophobic slurs all night. I obviously did not do any of this stuff and do not have a gang of thug friends, but apparently the police came to my house when I was asleep. I moved away and my brother moved in, and he continued to accuse my brother of the same stuff.

    Eventually he moved out and is now accusing me of tracking him down at his new apartment and yelling outside his apartment for hours threatening his life. However, instead of calling the police he went to the magistrate and had them charge me with a crime. I received a letter in the mail saying there is a warrant for my arrest, and had to go to the police station to get arrested. They cuffed me, booked me, and set a court date. I have hired a criminal attorney and we are working to get the charges dismissed, but there is no guarantee I can have this taken care of by the time I have to apply for graduate school.

    In North Carolina you can basically walk up to the magistrate and charge someone with a crime with absolutely no evidence. This process has been incredibly demeaning, my father saw me being cuffed by the police and I was cuffed to a bench for hours and treated like a criminal even though I did not do anything. It is also causing major financial and life issues because I cannot apply for jobs(I lost my job during covid) or apply to graduate school.

    My question is can I sue this guy and possibly the state of North Carolina? I think its absurd that this crazy guy can charge me with a crime when I didn't do anything, and then I have to pay for an attorney and lose out on very important opportunities in life. I'm not sure what else I could do but any other advice would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ThirdEyee
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    I was served with an ex parte application on Saturday regarding a car crash that happened 3 1/2 years ago. The insurance plans to assign a lawyer but the hearing is tomorrow. Should I show up to court? (CA)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:29 PM PDT

    Can I get out of my lease because of potential mold and water damage?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    I currently rent in the state of Florida in the United States. Yesterday, my upstairs neighbor flooded his apartment. I was the unlucky tenant living under him and that water came right to me. I walked into my apartment with water coming out of my vents, light fixtures, and fire sprinkler. Also, throughout my ceiling and down my walls, there are huge water spots everywhere. I called maintenance and they responded pretty quickly. The employee brought two blowers to dry the ceiling. He assesed the situation and told me that he was coming today to cut holes into my ceiling to air out the inside of my ceiling before mold grows. However, he never showed up. I read online that mold grows within 24-48 hours. Tomorrow will make 48 hours since this happened. Should I be worried? Does this constitute unlivable conditions? Can I get out of my lease without paying a penalty?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/fuzzywuzzybuzzycuzzy
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    [WI] Roommates moved another person into my bed without my permission.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    A couple months ago, one of my friends was tested positive for covid. I notified my roommates immediately and told them I'd quarantine with my boyfriend to keep them all safe since I had spent the last couple nights at my boyfriend's place anyway. During my two week quarantine, my roommates allowed another girl to use my bed.

    Originally, I didn't have much of an issue with this arrangement and just slept at my boyfriend's place. This changed once I realized they stole cash from me and were using my belongings without my permission. I notified the landlord about this illegal guest, so they moved the other girl out for the landlord's visit. However, she promptly continued to live in my space after the landlord left.

    Afterwards, I decided to sublet to the illegal resident. I submitted the forms and got the signatures of my roommates, and I was told that the illegal resident turned in her forms as well. I then completely moved myself out of my original apartment. A couple days ago, my old roommates told me that the subletter papers the illegal resident's own subletter fell through, so she can't sublet off of me until January. As a result, they still expect me to pay rent for at least the next two months even though the illegal resident moved back into my room and has been using the space since for free.

    Is there anything else I can do here? Should I notify the landlord that the illegal resident is still there? Should I just refuse to pay my rent and present my case to small claims if necessary?

    submitted by /u/MegaSerperior12
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    Ex husband gets paid in cash and hides money- claiming he is broke to avoid child support. What steps can I take?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    Edit : NYC

    submitted by /u/HMFlyerNY
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    Am I in the US illegally?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    So, I came to the US on an F-1 visa a few years ago. Once it expired (December 2019), me and my boyfriend of two years decided to get married during the "grace period" after the visa's expiration, which was in January 2020. After that we researched trying to find a good and affordable lawyer to help us with the paperwork. We met someone in March and had one meeting. Then Covid hit.

    Nothing has happened since then. The lawyer closed their office for sometime and my husband has been in brief and irregular contact with the lawyer, but he's not helping us move forward. We haven't filled out any documents regarding adjusting my status. All we have is our marriage certificate.

    We've been married for 9 months and I'm getting worried about my status since nothing is moving forward. I don't even know how to classify my current status, as I'm not on a visa anymore, but I am married to a US Citizen.

    My overall question is--is my current situation illegal in anyway? Once we can move forward with the process, will this long time of being in this sort of limbo be used against me? Can I be deported or in legal trouble?

    Location: Chicago, IL.

    submitted by /u/milkshakeshoes
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