• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 27, 2020

    Legal Advice - Surprise! I rent a first-floor unit but have been paying utilities for first floor and basement this whole time! Richmond, Va.

    Legal Advice - Surprise! I rent a first-floor unit but have been paying utilities for first floor and basement this whole time! Richmond, Va.

    Surprise! I rent a first-floor unit but have been paying utilities for first floor and basement this whole time! Richmond, Va.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    Moved into an apartment (me and gf, if it matters) in Richmond Va. a few months ago. Lease is for the first floor only. Lease says we pay all electric, water, sewer. Fine.

    According to people in the upstairs unit--and seemingly the landlord--turns out the first floor person also pays utilities for the basement. Basement has hot water heater, (gas?) furnace, washer/dryer. All tenants are allowed to use facilities in the basement.

    Additionally, Landlord's lawn mower contractor apparently uses a horrifying toilet in the basement that barely has its own stall. My unit has had water pressure issues/flow issues for weeks. Landlord goes into the basement today and finds that the toilet down there has been running for several weeks since that person was last here and used it. Ostensibly, we are paying for it running constantly over the past few weeks and had no idea.

    We do not have control over the basement, yet apparently pay for the utilities. It is not in the lease that we are responsible for paying the basement utilities. We have been paying utilities for the basement for three months so far.

    Do we report him to someone? Small claims court? Are we able to break the lease over this?

    Thank you so much.

    submitted by /u/Alarming_Maybe
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    Received a notice to cease and desist from a nonexistent attorney

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    I received a notice to cease and desist (via email) from an attorney on a law firm's letterhead. I contacted the law firm and asked if they employed the attorney who sent me the email and PDF C&D notice. They responded that they do not employ that attorney, and asked to see what I received.

    I'm assuming there is no attorney, and that the "client" that the C&D was written for is the creator and sender of the email (she has harassed other people in a similar manner). I'm guessing that the law firm will take some sort of action against the woman who did this, at the least for using their letterhead.

    But personally, I'm curious if she actually broke any laws? She resides in California.

    Edit: I also reside in California.

    Practicing law without a license?

    submitted by /u/SonoranDesserts
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    Uncle died, lawyer and bank think I am the son.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    Got a call from a lawyer like 15 minutes ago. The lawyer and Bank think I am the son of my uncle out of marriage. My uncle had a trust and some other things, as far as I am aware.

    After talking to the lawyer, he wants to me go into court and go over the documents to see if I am the heir or not. My aunt (his sister) would be the heir, (by the way the will was written), I have never met my aunt or uncle, and only met my father once.

    What should I do? If I didn't include enough information I apologize I am at work.

    Edit: location Texas

    submitted by /u/RighteousRits
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    My employer is trying to shake me down for money over their own mistake?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 04:46 PM PDT

    I was laid off at the start of Covid lockdowns way back in March, and was unemployed until mid-July when I was finally hired by a contracting agency to work in a government office. I've never been a contractor before, so I talked at length with my boss on site about what this was and what it entailed. He assured me that the contracting company just did my payroll and if there were any issues, and that he was the one who held decision making powers. Cool. Good stuff. He's a nice guy.

    Well, just a couple weeks into the new job, I caught Covid. I called my boss to tell him I was sick, and he said that I could take leave, no problem. He said it was paid, and that my job was waiting for me when I came back.

    It seemed very generous, but I figured it was maybe something to do with the CARES act or the fact that I definitely caught it at work, and also I freaking had Covid so I had bigger problems and wasn't really thinking about it. I was actually hospitalized for almost five weeks, and at that point was just glad to be able to pay my rent after exhausting my savings with my previous unemployment.

    So my checks keep rolling in direct deposit just like I'm working, I'm not filling out timesheets or anything to purposefully mislead anybody. Four bi-weekly checks total, a little under 8k.

    Apparently my boss didn't realize I would be out so long, I'm still not medically cleared to return to work, and he needs someone to do my job.

    Enter, contracting agency.

    So contracting agency apparently finds out that nobody notified them that I was absent. I thought my butt was covered when I told my boss, and my boss it seems was woefully misinformed and unaware that he was not, in fact, the king of everything.

    Today I got a call from the contracting agency, and the lady is pissed. She was saying that I was not entitled to any leave at all, that I should have been terminated, but since my boss decided it was acceptable, that I would be able to complete my leave and return to my job ASAP. But in order to do this, I would have to agree that the pay checks I had received were "an advance" which to my understanding means that they expect me to work for a reduced wage until I leave my job, and if I quit before it's paid off then I owe them the remaining balance. She said if I didn't agree to do this, that not only would I not be welcome back at my job, but that I would be fired for cause and she would say it was time theft so I wouldn't be able to go on unemployment and probably would have a terrible time finding another job.

    Is this even legal? It doesn't seem right. I feel like I'm in between a rock and a hard place because I already make a low income in a HCOL, my rent alone is half my paycheck. I can't afford to take a pay cut, but I can't afford to be fired and blacklisted either.

    Location is Maryland

    submitted by /u/HolyCompost
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    Deceased mother’s storage units

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:40 PM PDT

    My homeless mother was found dead on Saturday. Today myself and family drove 7 hours and crossed state lines to settle her affairs. We learned she has 8 storage units. I've have been trying since Sunday to get in touch with the manager of the storage units. I was able to speak with her briefly, but she was mostly dismissive and couldn't recall which units were my mother's. She gave me her cell # and told me to call her whenever.

    Well here we are and she's not answering the business line or her cell. I called multiple times and texted, I knocked on the door of her business and home (she lives next to the office). The locals who rent from her say she's a piece of shit and lazy and worthless and never answers the phone or helps customers. I spoke with the sheriff, who is familiar with her and also said she is very difficult to work with and flakey.

    We are only in town for 3 days to handle her affairs. The storage manager finally texted me back, without returning my calls, and rattled off several storage units that she "thinks" were my moms. She has not provided the storage lease/contract, and she confirmed there are at least 3 units not included in the contract.

    How legally obligated are we here? There's no credit card on file, none of us family members here are named on any paperwork, but two of us are "next of kin". We are from CA and this mess is in OR.

    submitted by /u/rizzo1717
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    HOA claims my contractors damaged roof over a month ago and trying to stick me with the bill

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    Location: FL Classification: Condo

    Hi all,

    I own a condo unit in Florida. It's more of a townhome type structure with 8 units, all two story that share walls and roof (flat roof). My AC went out over the summer. The units are on the roof so it required the HVAC company to rent a crane for the addition/removal of the unit. This was around Sept 15 when all was completed. I'm also renting this unit out (tenant just moved out) and live out of state so I was not physically on site for any of this.

    Yesterday (Oct 26) the HOA president was on the roof of the building with our regular roofer. I believe we have a warranty and whenever there is a leak they come out and fix it. While up there, the roofer stated that their were some patches that didn't look like their work and other damage to the roof that wouldn't be covered.

    The HOA president had the roofer fix the damage to the roof and is now coming to me with the bill. He said that my HVAC people were the last people on the roof and the damaged must have come from them. I called my guy and said they didn't cause any damage and they couldn't patch a roof even if they wanted to. They do ACs, not roofs.

    This seems like purse speculation on behalf of the HOA and I'm not sure how much to push back on this. I'm in the middle of fixing this place up for sale so don't want piss off the HOA but also don't want to be stuck with a bill (~1000) just because they assumed it was something I must have caused with no real proof. Thanks all for your input!

    submitted by /u/Gatorious
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    [NYC] Is my professor retaliating against me?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    [NYC, private college]

    Hi everyone. A few weeks ago I was accused by a professor for cheating on an online exam simply because one of my answers to a question looked similar to something online. I denied his claims and tried to explain how I did the question but he still reported me to my college. I told him that I did my work for the question on a separate piece of paper and he never even asked to see the paper, so I didn't know whether I should've sent it to him or not.

    I'm following the process of my college and I appealed his accusation because I did not cheat. I am now waiting to hear back from my deans about their decision.

    A few days ago my professor removed me from the course, deleted all of my submitted work that I did for the class (homework, quizzes, exams), gave me a 0 on the exam. He also explicitly emailed me saying he refuses to grade or look at my work anymore and that I will receive an F for the course. And this is all because I am appealing his accusation. He said I can still join in on lectures and take exams. So I took a quiz for the class yesterday and again, he graded the quiz as an immediate 0.

    At this point, I don't know what to do. This whole situation is seriously dampening my confidence and I can't focus on anything. I worked so hard in this class and the professor is just giving me an automatic 0, and he doesn't even care about what I had to say. The deans still haven't gotten back to me about my case. I feel like the only option I have left is to involve a lawyer in this because I feel like I'm being retaliated against by the professor just for appealing his decision. I was wondering if I should get a lawyer now.

    I'd really appreciate all of your responses. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

    submitted by /u/SuitableCarrot
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    (OHIO) Is it illegal for my employer to not pay me overtime while on salary making less than $680 a week?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    I recently started a new position with the glamorous title of 'Network Engineer' or 'Field Service Technician' (title varies by employees). It's requires a lot of traveling between states and excessive hours. With driving included (company vehicle) my hours last week we're just below 80 for the entire week.

    I have since put in a two weeks notice to leave the company due to the lack of compensation for the job at hand. We receive per diem (20 per travel day, 40 per work day) which typically ends on $160 additional per week. Not including perdiem, my salary is at a solid $525 each week.

    Before I announced my leave my boss informed me I would be compensated for my extra time as a 'generous bonus' to hard working employees. After speaking with other coworkers I find it hard to believe I will see this compensation.

    [First time posting; will supply more information as requested]

    Additional information: My boss discussed giving me a 'bonus' for the extra hours. After talking with him again today he has confirmed that while he does plan to compensate me (amount undetermined), it will not be as much since I have confirmed I am departing from the company.

    Update: I have found several resources during my discussion on this thread that support my case that myself and my coworkers should be compensated for overtime.

    The following links explains that as of January 1st, 2020. If an employee is on salary making less than $684.00 per week then they are considered non-exempt from overtime benefits.


    submitted by /u/VividDreamerzzzz
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    I paid in full for a surgery that didn't happen the way it was agreed

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    I'm in the US, and while I don't have any interest in suing, I'd like to know my rights in proceeding.


    Paid up front for oral surgery (wisdom teeth, 1 molar) under IV sedation. It was charted as wisdom teeth + molar removed. Molar was not removed.

    Full story:

    Due to not having dental insurance, I almost 4 thousand dollars up front for wisdom tooth extraction, plus the 2nd molar. This part is important: the second molar was what initially took me into the dentist, as it had been causing CONSIDERABLE pain and discomfort (and there was a smell of decay whenever I flossed) due to the pressure from the impacted wisdom tooth pushing into it so hard. I explained how I could not eat hot or cold things on that side of my mouth. That is when I was told it was caused by my impacted wisdom tooth pushing into it and warping it. I was told it was "beyond saving" and that all my wisdom teeth should come out during that extraction, and that it should be done under IV sedation.

    After listening to the surgeon's suggestion to remove the 2nd molar, and all the wisdom teeth, I agreed, paid up front, and scheduled the appointment.

    I'm told not to brush or floss for the first 48 hours, to use warm salt water rinses and stick to broths. I swear I can still feel pain on the right side of my mouth, the same pain I had before, when I put something cold in my mouth. I'm told I'm crazy, that it's just pain from the surgery so I brush it off. After a couple of days, even though all the swelling and pain from the surgery, I feel the molar still there (causing more PAIN!). I'm not able to open my jaws (which are now SUPER tight) enough to see, but I can feel it. I tell my boyfriend and he again, tells me I'm crazy, it must be gone. Another day passes and I'm ready to FLOSS. I get to the back of my teeth and it's STILL there. The same feeling of decay, the same smell on the floss. I open my mouth and look and I can see it. I call the dentist and I'm told that "I'm looking in your chart, I assure you the molar has been removed." I insist on an appointment and they make me wait ELEVEN DAYS for an appointment despite me complaining that I am in pain, and that I know the decayed molar is still there.

    I go into the office today and tell the dental assistant my story, she turns around and looks at the computer screen and says "I'm looking at the charting sweetie, they charted the 2nd molar was removed during the surgery." I'm like "But it's not???? It's why I came in for the surgery, and I paid for it, but it's still here." She gives me a look, as if, "okay, sure" and says "Well, the dentist will be in here to take a look in just a bit."

    Dentist comes in, looks in my mouth, and says to the assistant, "The molar is still there". She asks him if he's sure, and he repeats, "I'm looking at it. You're going to need to get images of it." I say to them how upset I am, and I ask the dentist why the surgeon (who is not there) did not remove the PROBLEM tooth, why I've had to have this extra pain, and I'm almost in tears about the fact that healing from that surgery was BRUTAL and now I have to have another surgery unnecessarily? The dentist puts his hands up and says "hey, I have nothing to do with this, I don't know what happened, maybe he decided he wanted to try to save the tooth? I don't know." I said, "I discussed it with him and he told me a root canal wasn't my best option, and he told me directly it was beyond saving, and he set up the entire surgery around that decayed tooth saying it was best to remove the wisdom teeth at the same time so I don't have to go through the process of multiple surgeries. And I PAID FOR IT! And it's charted as having been removed!

    The dental assistant walked me to the front and whispered what happened (presumably so all the ppl in the waiting room didn't hear about their screw up) to the office secretary who documented it. The office manager was not in but is supposed to call me tomorrow. I want to know what my rights are before this call.

    The secretary had the audacity to act as if this wasn't a big deal and say "ok well did you still want it out".... Hello? WHAT? I cannot eat or drink on that side of my mouth, it's decayed, I am in constant pain over it... it's the whole reason I came here!!!!!!! I PAID FOR IT AND YOU CHARTED THAT YOU DID IT YET YOU DID NOT!

    What are my rights? What should I say to the office manager when she or he calls?

    submitted by /u/Infinite_Pea_8502
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    non-biological grandparent rights?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    Hi! I'm not usually one to take to reddit for this kind of thing, but I can't seem to find any other info online while waiting to hear back from a lawyer, and I'm also being told 100 different things by 100 different people.

    My daughter just turned 7. Her bio father lost all rights not long after she turned 4, so his mother and step-mother filed for grandparents rights and were granted every wednesday night and every other weekend (which is already ridiculous imo). At the time it was granted I wasn't in the best place ( I was in an abusive relationship with an addict).

    But now, 3 years later, this woman isn't with her grandfather anymore. I kept letting my daughter go because it helped with my work schedule. Now I'm just a student, my daughter FIGHTS tooth and nail to go there knowing I'm home most of the time now, she's threated to call cfs on me for absolutely nothing, and TODAY I found out that she's been getting messages from the school and I'm not.

    HOW is it possible for someone who's not even a biological grandparent to have so many rights? It's upsetting to everyone around us, I've asked the bio grandfather to talk twice in the last couple weeks and haven't heard back from him, either.

    Is there anything I can do in the meantime that won't backfire on me later? Or help my case later on?

    Edit: we're in Manitoba, Canada

    submitted by /u/nataliemarieee
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    Ownership of a family cemetery - rural Kentucky

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    Hello! I have skimmed some search results and wikis and do not see my exact scenario.

    Several of my family members (one set of grandparents, a set of great grandparents and a few great aunts/uncles, and my sibling that died at birth) are buried in a family cemetery in Kentucky. I was always under the impression that a second cousin owned the land as he maintains the family farm he inherited several miles away. My grandfather always maintained the cemetery until his death in 2008 (mowing, weed-eating, clearing sticks etc.). It wasn't until my grandmother's death in 2013 did I realize that no one was maintaining the property. Since I am not close to the cousin, I just took it upon myself to maintain the property through lawn companies and folks I found on Craigslist. Then I moved pretty far out of state. It turns out that portion of the land was sold, probably a long time ago.

    So I have been maintaining the property for roughly 7 years, with a few periods of it getting overgrown because of difficulty finding someone to do it. I did some research several years ago and found the property owner's name, but I hesitate to approach them for fear that they might take some kind of action with the land.

    So my question is about approaches to actual ownership as I would prefer more control over the land. It is about a quarter acre in the middle of nowhere, but it is on a state highway with pretty easy access. There is a fence, gate, and about 10 graves. Based on their address, I believe the property owners live directly across the street. My preference would be to set up a tiny organization as the entity to own it to get family members to donate for it's care in perpetuity. I am wondering about potential strategies as I have reasonable but not unlimited means and don't know if I have any right to the land by virtue of maintaining it or family history (looking through transfer of deed over time maybe there was some easement on it a while back that would still be in effect).

    I am also taking more harmless steps such as adding the cemetery added to Google maps and having the cemetery recognized by Kentucky's historical society and things like that, but my research so far doesn't suggest that means much other than me making sure it is recognized.

    Thank you for any ideas! Even what works in your state might give me ideas.

    submitted by /u/ZPTs
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    My ex is trying to back out of the money he owes me

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    So my ex has owed me money and been avoiding paying me back for over a year now. We agreed upon a certain amount, over $1500, originally. He really owes me more, but I was willing to concede to this amount. So far he has paid me $270, and the last payment was a year ago. Now that I have brought it back up, he is saying he only ever borrowed like $750. He is saying that he never agreed to the higher amount we agreed to a year ago, that he was being sarcastic and was just trying to get me off his back. But I have 2 separate texts where he agrees to the total amount, including one where he explicitly states the total and that he will pay it. Exact words are "I"ll pay back the agreed upon 1650 n get this over with." Again, now he wants to say he never agreed and was being sarcastic, but I have the texts where he agreed to prove it. What should I do?

    Edit: I'm in Texas

    submitted by /u/MermaidGirlForever
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    Employer cancelled my health benefits while on maternity leave

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    United States: CA. I had a baby in March. In August, I received notice that I was no longer insured, effective April 1. I contacted my HR department and they admitted it was done in error, and had fixed it.

    I received a reinstatement notice from the insurance in the mail, but it was effective July 1 (when I returned to work). I figured there was a lag in communications and the benefits would still be applied retroactively.

    A couple weeks ago I got a bill for the services April-June. I have contacted HR, CalPERS (I work for the state) and my insurance carrier and no one is responding. Too many cooks in the kitchen most likely.

    I am wondering if this is worth taking legal action. The bill was for about $3,000, plus they have have been deducting the employee portion from my paycheck since returning, so another $750 or so for those months. I imagine I may pay more in legal fees.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/throwaway15120
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    Doctor asking me to work without pay. Is this legal?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I hope this is the right place to be asking questions like this. If not, please let me know where I should post it instead.

    I'm a family nurse practitioner working for a doctor at his office. Before COVID-19, I was a salaried employee. But due to the reduced number of patients, the doctor reduced my number of hours, and asked me to sign a new contract to become a hourly paid employee. I didn't really have anywhere else to go so I signed the new contract. This was in April 2020. I was regularly working about 20-30 hours on average during this time.

    Now the number of patients have increased, and the amount of hours I work is 40 hours or more. But I was told that I cannot "bill" hours in which I am not seeing patients. We have biweekly meetings that I am asked to attend, but I am being told that I will not be paid for my time there. I've also been told I will not be getting paid for hours I spend filling out patient paperwork. Due to the sizable number of patients these days, I am having to spend extra time after patient hours to finish the paperwork.

    I've had conversations about this with him already, but he is adamant that this is how it will be right now, no matter where I go.

    Could someone who is more familiar with the legal aspect of this tell me if this is legal? Some times these meeting run over 3 hours long. I am told that my attendance is required, but I am also not being paid.

    submitted by /u/throwawaynurseprac
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    Live in mental health clinic for minors forcing patients to become Christian?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    Location: Missouri

    I recently started working with a live in mental health clinic for minors. It's run by a hospital which is nondenominational and not-for-profit. The mental health center is basically for really troubled youths between like 7-18. They can be checked in by their parents, or forced to go by the state.

    Anyway, right away I noticed that the staff essentially makes the kids follow religious practices. The staff leads prayer, they allow only Christian music to be played, the kids are made to watch faith-based movies, and they make the kids watch streamed church services on Sundays. I am not a Christian and found this to be extremely off-putting considering a lot of the kids are not there voluntarily. The hospital that owns it also claims to be nondenominational, but then this is happening in their facility.

    I'm not really sure if there's an agency to report this to other than the board of trustees for the hospital? Are there any legal avenues for bringing attention to this?

    submitted by /u/Throwaway987472
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    Time-sensitive - Today I found out my absentee ballot was not counted in Michigan

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Im not sure what to do.

    I submitted my absentee ballot to my local county Clerk (r) on Sept 18, 2020. She instructed me to send it electronically.

    After I sent it she replied "got it, Thanks". I requested a receipt twice but never heard back.

    Today (1.5 months later) I checked the website https://mvic.sos.state.mi.us/Voter/Index and found out that my ballot was never received. I have reached out to the county clerk but have not heard back.

    What can I do? I emailed my state rep and reported it to the voter fraud tipline.

    How can I make sure that my vote gets counted? How can I force the country clerk to count my vote?

    Thank you for your help!

    Edit: i submitted my vote on 18 Sept.

    submitted by /u/mangobanananuts
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    Is this fraud, or just fancy accounting?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    At the advice of their accountant, my parents have begun to occasionally deposit checks into one of my checking accounts, which they have authorized access to, and then soon afterwards transfer the money to one of their accounts.

    The checks are in my name, for work that I've done to help them. I am getting money from them for my work, just not the money being deposited into my account. I don't think they would ever knowingly commit tax fraud or something, but this whole thing seems a bit fishy and my career is very dependant on me not doing illegal things so I'd like to make sure.

    Location is in northern Florida, if that matters

    submitted by /u/fuckitbucket99
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    Father who gets supervised visitation only with 6 year daughter tried to make contact through Fortnite.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    Calgary, Canada

    My daughter's dad has been getting supervised visitation pending an investigation for sexual assault (4 charges).

    Part of the agreement is that he can only see our daughter if his parents are around. There is to be 0 unsupervised contact, this includes phone calls.

    My daughter told me today that one of the last things her dad told her was to accept his friend request in Fortnite. I had a peek at her friend request list and her dad's account is there asking to be friends.

    The account is 'DAUGHTERSNAMEtheknight'.

    He has already breached making contact once before by trying to call before the visitation guidelines were put in place. He was apparently giving a warning and told if it happened again he would be sent to prison.

    The problem is I don't know if I can prove it is him. The account is my daughter's name and I feel like he could argue shes just trying to add herself or he wasn't going to talk to her. Any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Accountforlegalhelp
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    Collin County Texas, US. Friend completed driver improvement, turned in, traffic infraction was posted instead of dismissed. What can he do?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    Texas Collin county As post says, guy that works for me got a moving violatio, not involved in an accident. Went to court, judge says he can take driver improvement course, he does over next few days, long before deadline, turns it in, pays the court costs, gets a receipt for turning in everything. The company performs annual driver records pull for all employees and this citation from March is there. He goes to the clerk today, with a reprint of the drivers class, the receipts and the clerk says, sorry not our fault, it's posted and there's nothing we can do. What can he do? Thanks for any recommendations!

    submitted by /u/mannypraz
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    PhD advisor published my work without acknowledging me, is it legal?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    Pretty much the title. My former PhD advisor published work I developed in grad school on a high-impact journal without adding me as an author or even acknowledging me. I went through the usual routes: the journal editor, the head of department, and the Research Integrity office. The journal said that it's not their problem, the head of department sent me to the RI office, and the RI office told me that, after talking to their lawyers, it is an issue about authorship and not a plagiarism issue. They told me essentially that "it is legal, but unethical".

    Since it's likely that the university is more willing to protect their own faculty rather than a lowly alumni, I'd like to know if I have any legal recourse here that I'm not aware of. I have proof of my work (2 GBs worth of proof actually, including emails, files, images, etc), and it was not published anywhere else prior to finding it out pre-printed on a journal.

    Thanks in advance

    PS. this work has multiple authors, and about 50% of the published work is my work. The RI office said that it's not a copyright issue since the work generated under the PIs lab is his property.

    PS2. state is IN.

    submitted by /u/YourMomSmellsNice
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    Being refused a refund for a concert that was supposed to happen in June.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    (Edit : Maryland) Not sure if this belongs here but basically the title. I bought tickets from AXS last January for a show in June. Obviously with COVID the show was postponed and rescheduled for July 21 2021. They are refusing to refund my $200 that I spent on 2 tickets. According to AXS the "event promoter" hasn't decided wether or not to refund.

    I'm moving across the country in May so the chances of me attending the rescheduled event are 0. I understand there are contracts and a lot of jargon that comes along with buying tickets (most people don't read, along with myself mistakingly). I'm wondering if there is anything I can say or do that can put me in the position to get my money refunded. Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/BWinter1985
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