• Breaking News

    Thursday, June 25, 2020

    Legal Advice - Mother keeps sending police to my apartment for welfare checks

    Legal Advice - Mother keeps sending police to my apartment for welfare checks

    Mother keeps sending police to my apartment for welfare checks

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    I'm 23 and have been living away from my mother since I was 18. She has sent police to my house / school / work multiple times over the past 5 years. The only reason she does this is because I don't reply to text messages quickly enough (I'm talking 30 minutes and she's panicking and sending police to find me). I have been very explicit in telling her to not do this. I have set up a rule where she must give me 48 hours to reply. I recently increased this to a week. She has ignored all of this and instead threatened to file a missing person report if I didn't reply. Literally 2 days ago she moved within 8 minutes of me when I said I didn't want her living that close.

    I feel harassed and frightened in my own home. I am done trying to work this out with her. Is there any legal recourse I can take?

    Edit: Forgot to say I'm in TX

    submitted by /u/Jack-Nicholback
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    Friend found a diary from a house fire.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    A friend of mine works in the fire/water repair industry. While cleaning belongings that were from a house fire he stumbled upon a boys diary. The diary read stories of abuse. Apparently the parents forced him to use enemas and put suppositories in his butt when he didn't want to. His dad yells at him and hits him for not pooping. Sounds like child abuse to me but the date reads 2011. I would assume the victim is no longer a child at this point. Has too much time passed to report this abuse?

    submitted by /u/potatosaladpalooza
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    [NY] Neighbour has put up a gate denying us access to our cottage. Then completely fenced the communal dock into their property. We have no idea who they are and the police tell us they cannot cut the locks, making access to our cottage extremely difficult.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 06:40 PM PDT

    Here is a really shitty diagram: https://i.imgur.com/D6q2NZl.png (The scale is horribly messed up, but to give some explanation to go from the road to our cottage is around a 45 minute walk. )

    The cottage on the left is owned by my step fathers family, and the one on the right is owned by my side of the family. We have been using them since i was a kid. About 3 years ago a developer tried to buy out all the cottages, but we refused. They managed to buy out the other 3 cottages, and broke them down a built a fairly high end i chalet (idk what the term is, basically super cottage)?

    We don't know who lives there, however last summer when i came down in august they put up a ton of no trespassing signs and started to build a big fence. They left us a bunch of threatening letters threatening us for trespassing etc, and how our ATV's are damaging their property (we don't own ATV's). In september i came down and found a notice taped to my door complaining again about trespassing, ATV's. I noticed two cars there so i tried to talk to them, only to have someone start screaming at us to get off their property or they will call the police.

    This person told me if needed to contact them i could "contact them through their lawyer's office". I basically said fuck it and stopped caring or trying to be nice.

    Today we headed up with the intentions of spending a couple of weeks at the cottage, well we found a heavy metal gate starting right at the start of the access road, with some lovely massive metal poles on ether side basically making it more or less impassible.

    Local sheriffs office refused to cut the gate locks and told us to contact state police. After waiting for hours for state police they showed up and basically told us unless we had actual paperwork for our cottages they wouldn't do anything.

    I took a walk all the way up there and also discovered that they basically built a fence that cuts off our access to the docks/boat launch as well. The people who i am sure did this are not there currently but my brother is spending the night there to see if they come back.

    Can anyone tell me what i am supposed to do, i am trying to dig out the paperwork. But like they built a fence cutting off access to our docks. Which i don't think the police will knock that down. Am i going to need lawyers?

    submitted by /u/CottagehelpPlease
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    California landlord says 30 day notice "doesn't count" because I said "End of June" instead of "June 30th"

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 11:28 AM PDT


    THANK YOU to everyone who gave me advice. I was able to call the bluff and they are accepting our 30 day notice. I will edit again if some other strange issue crops up.

    Original post:

    My roommate and I sent an email to our property manager on May 25th stating that we wanted to end our lease at the end of June. They replied saying we may need to pay Early Lease Termination but gave us a form to try to get it waived. We filled out the forms they sent us - a month later, I'm already moved out, my roommate is leaving by June 30th, we try to schedule a walk through, and they basically said our ETO waiver request was denied and we never filled out an "official" 30 day notice form so we have to keep paying rent. They never sent us this form, we had no way of knowing it existed. I tell them that a written email should count as notice. They say since we didn't put "June 30th" as an exact date, it also doesn't count.

    Basically I have already moved out, and they are demanding that we keep paying rent because we wrote "End of June" instead of "June 30th". I'm okay with paying ETO as that is what I expected, but to say we can't even move out... What should I say to them? I do not want to give another 30 day notice and pay an extra month of rent when I no longer live there. My roommate may have also started another lease upon our supposed termination date at the current property. She could end up paying triple month's lease in July if we can't sort this out.

    UPDATE:The only thing our lease agreement says other than ETO money and rent is "written notice of intent to exercise the option on a specific Early Termination Date." Nothing about any forms. I'm guessing they're hanging on the "end of june" not being "specific". This IS just the property manager though, and I've left voice mail at their regional manager. I'm not sure who actually came up with the "it's not specific" argument though.

    If I were to threaten legal action, does anyone know what grounds this would be on? I know we can just refuse to pay, but they haven't returned our safety deposit, and I don't want my credit score to be affected. I have never been late on a single payment of anything in my life.

    submitted by /u/kono_sekai
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    Quarry down the road has failed to survey my land prior to expanding, and now I have damage to home and property

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 04:12 AM PDT

    So a quarry down the road expanded roughly 1.5 years ago, and sent out a surveyor to everyone's house in the area to look at, mainly the wells, and to also inspect the home and property for damages, as we're on a big lime stone slab, and when they blast, its like an earth quake is happening. Everyone else around, approximately 7-10 homes, got their surveys done last year. I still haven't gotten mine, but they called me multiple times saying, "hey sorry we forgot about you, can we come out soon?" But never do. Now my well casing is cracked, or appears to be, and my ceiling has developed a crack, the day after a big blast. Some co-workers suggested I go after the mining/surveying company for neglect, and sue for damages, other say re-re-re-re call the survey company and tell them what happened. Located in Illinois

    submitted by /u/Jficek34
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    Adopted cat from rescue one month ago, rescue wants cat back, claims I was just fostering, no contract (NYC)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    posting for a friend. preamble: she signed a foster-to-adopt contract for cat A and then the rescue decided that cat A needed to be in a home with other cats so they gave cat A to somebody else. a few days later they reached out to her to tell her about cat B, who was available and per the text message "ready to be adopted." on may 20th she adopted a cat B. no contract was signed for cat B. today the rescue reached out to say they've found a permanent home for cat B and that she needed to return cat B to the rescue. she is obviously heartbroken. do they have any rights to this cat? in all written correspondence she states that she's only interested in adopting or fostering to adopt. but with no contract for this specific cat, who owns the cat?

    submitted by /u/GoryAmos
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    My brother passed away. What do I do know?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    My older brother passed away just yesterday. I am completely lost and overwhelmed with everything right now. I'm younger than him but I guess I'm in charge of all of this. I have to pay around five thousand for the funeral and cremation we will have. I don't have the money but will just put it on a card. I'll pay it off eventually. He lives alone. No kids. Just had me and my mother. Where I'm even more lost is with his belongings. He owned a house which I think he owed around 90000 on it. And he also owned two cars and owes around 30000 I think. These are just rough numbers. What happens to his stuff. I know I can go to his house and get his belongings but what about things like home and cars. What about his bank accounts. Could my mother or me somehow acccess it even they were not joint accounts or we are not beneficiaries. He was pretty well off and this would help with the funeral Costs. Or is it just lost money. What about all his accounts like light, water, phones? Going back to the house. His best friend was his roommate. Nothing official like with a lease but he lives there. What now?

    submitted by /u/FirstSundae
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    Neighbor across the street has a homeless camp in the backyard and is drug dealing all day and night

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    My grandma's neighbor is a drug user and usually out of his mind. He is now running a homeless camp in his backyard and sharing needles/doing drugs. All day and night more and more people show up and walk in between the house to the backyard. They always have black baggies and needles in their hand and when they walk out they can barely keep their balance. My grandma lives alone and is getting nervous about the people coming around because they are starting to take interest in her home. We've called the police, they said they can't do anything, we called the city and they've come out twice but didn't do anything. It's to a point where homeless people are showing up and walking in between the wrong house looking for the right backyard. I'm in California for reference. Is there anything we can do? I'm concerned for my grandmas safety, she can't go out to water anymore because she's afraid.

    submitted by /u/embearsthebear
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    [UT] Son was injured in unmarked construction on public street

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    [Utah] At the beginning of this month, my son (18) was riding his manual scooter to meet his mother for lunch when he hit a patch of wet concrete. He was thrown over the handlebars injuring his head, arm and knee. The head and arm injuries are luckily superficial, but his knee is in a lot of pain. The doctor has diagnosed a bone contusion in his knee and recommended him to take it easy for 4-6 months while it heals. We are also getting him an MRI for a closer look. My son is on his feet all day for work - he is currently off and we are unsure when he heal up enough to go back.

    The city cited the contractor who did the work for having no signage AND for no traffic control. The contractor has sent me their insurance details and their policy limit is $1000. I feel my son should be able to claim back medical expenses so far, and for loss of income. This will exceed the $1000 policy limit, so my only option is to sue?

    submitted by /u/AdoIsOnReddit
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    Should I give my DNA to the police to prove my innocence for a crime I didn’t commit?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    Should I give the police my DNA to prove my innocence for a crime I didn't commit?

    Cross post from /r/advice

    Around 2 years ago my girlfriend through a birthday party for one of her friends. Probably 30-40 people were there and throughout the night everyone was having a good time and there were no issues. At around 2 a.m, my girlfriend and I finished up cleaning up with the few people that were still there and headed up to bed. The only people still their/awake at this point was my girlfriends roommate and two of "my" friends which were guys ("my" because I had invited them and been closer to them but we all were mutual friends). At around 6am the next morning, my gf and I were awakened by my girlfriends roommate crying, she had woken up and seen that her pants and panties were cut with scissors. We immediate got out of bed went down to investigate and saw the fabric cut and obviously started to feel very unsafe about the situation. We called the police and took her to a hospital to get a rape kit done. She has no recollection of the events and says the last two people she was with was "my" two friends. Now it's been a couple years and I have talked to the police on multiple occasions but today I got a call asking if I'd be willing to give my DNA. I immediately answered yes as I know I didn't do anything and I thought it could help progress the case/provide some healing to the victim but the more I think about it the more uneasy the thought of giving my DNA to the police is. The two other people who were there live out of state now and have not given their DNA. I guess I want to know the negative impacts of giving my DNA and just some insight on how you'd handle this situation.

    submitted by /u/thelastthrowaway2016
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    Have to notify I’m moving out of apartment 60 days in advance. Can I move out immediately if I caught a worker breaching my apartment on camera?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    A while back, a maintenance worker entered my apartment to perform some requested maintenance. Instead, I caught him going through my laundry in which he picked a panty and took it with him to the bathroom. He came out 5 minutes later and put the panty back. I have felt unsafe living there since then but it was the only place I could afford. I now finally have the opportunity to move out but I have to notify the complex 60 days in advance in which I would have to pay another 2-3 months rent but I don't want to give them any more of my money. Is there a way to be able to move out immediately with this footage? This happened in the state of Virginia, in the DMV area.

    submitted by /u/agentcherry909
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    Iowa Someone planted trees on my property and I don't know who. I need to remove them for building - is there any liability to doing so?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 05:31 PM PDT

    Hi all, will try to simplify this as much as possible:

    I own an acreage which I received from my father but I do not live there yet so I am not out there every day. I am trying to get moved out there at the start of August but before I can do so I need to get a pole building constructed.

    On 6/19/20 I arrived out there after not having been out for two weeks, and found that there are trees planted in a long line behind the house, 16 in a row, between the house and field. To date I have no idea who planted them.

    I have talked to the neighbors, talked to my dad's cousin who farms the land surrounding the house, talked to area nurseries in case someone paid a nursery to plant. Not a single one said they carry that particular type of tree in that particular brand in stock and would have had to order it, a couple checked for me no orders they were able to find. One nursery suggested I try the call before you dig folks, they had no record of anything. I put signs on several of the trees with my phone number in case someone came out to check on them, no bites. I also posted on Facebook, many shares but no one knows jack. 3 days ago I bought a camera thinking someone might come to water them or something, but no one has.

    One of the nurseries did tell me that the trees were definitely planted by an amateur and said whoever planted them clearly didn't even bother to watch a YouTube video first. He said that was nuts because this particular tree is actually very expensive, when he special orders them they are $150 a pop, so this is $2400 of trees we're talking about. He seemed flabbergasted that someone paid that much to get specialty trees that probably had to be special ordered, and then as he put it "had an idiot plant them."

    I am ready to get the pole building up ASAP and have an installer ready to do it, but am waiting on these stupid trees because the building is supposed to go where half the trees are. Originally I figured someone paid a company to plant trees, some confusion happened with the address, and whoever paid for them would figure it out and come dig their trees back up to put them where they belong. But it's been 6 days and no luck yet. At this point I don't know what to do.

    They've more or less been abandoned on my property but I am stuck on the fact that they are $150/each. Can I just dig them up, or what? I'm concerned about whether there is any liability for me to potentially damage someone's trees, but I'm also out of ideas to find out who they belong to.

    submitted by /u/notreezpleez
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    Fiance passed away in a car accident yesterday. He is still legally married to another woman.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    Location: Indiana, USA

    Forgive me if I'm all over the place. I am still in shock over the loss of my fiance. This is also my first ever Reddit post.

    As I stated in the title, my fiance passed away in a car accident early yesterday morning. He was the passenger in vehicle and the driver also died. I am heartbroken over this news, however I do have several concerns and feel maybe I should seek the advice of an attorney.

    My fiance is legally married to another woman. While they have been separated for nearly 7 years and living separately during that time, she finally contacted him in February of this year to get his info and she filed for divorce (Indiana, no attorneys involved). I'm assuming due to COVID-19, she hasn't filed any additional paperwork and the divorce has not been finalized. I have no contact with her. I'm not even sure if she knows he's passed, unless she has seen it publicized in the news.

    He and I began our relationship shortly after they separated. We have been living together during that time, minus a few months we split up a few years ago. We were obviously planning to marry at some point. We have no children together, although I have 3 of my own from my previous marriage. We rent our home. He had no bank account. He has no assets in his name, aside from a vehicle with a loan out in both of our names. There are some household bills in his name, such as utilities, TV and internet. The only other debts he had were some medical bills. I was listed as his emergency contact on everything. Most importantly of note, I was the named sole beneficiary of both his life insurance and his 401-K.

    Also complicating this situation, he has 3 teen-aged children as a result relationships with 2 other women, all loving in another state. He is mostly estranged from his children - their choice, not his. He was paying his court ordered child support, although he was owed a few thousand in back support due to some poor decisions he made early in their lives. I have been in contact with one child and her mother as of late last night. The other two children are aware of his passing and have given their sister the impression they don't care.

    His mother and and brother are his only other immediate relatives. I had to speak to his mother over the phone to break the news, as I was the one notified by the police. While this situation is difficult they are taking my wants into consideration with the arrangements. I greatly appreciate everything they are doing.

    My mind has been in a cycle of constant worry because of the fact that he is legally married to someone else.

    Am I jumping the gun in thinking I need to speak to an attorney about this situation? Is it in my best interest to protect what he intended for me to have? Any advice as to how to proceed is much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/PrittieKittie
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    Abusive family found out where I work and are stalking me

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:45 AM PDT

    I live in Alberta, Canada! I left my very abusive/controlling family last summer. I moved across the country to live with a friend. Since then I have received over 200 phone calls and text messages begging me back and emotionally manipulating me. Even though I told the police to tell them to leave me alone. My dad somehow found out where I worked and called the store to see if I was working. This freaked everyone out because I told them that I'm estranged from my irrational/violent family. I ended up leaving my job and the city because I didn't feel safe. I mustered up the courage to text my dad and ask him how he found out and he said "someone he knew recognized me".

    What should I do? I'm so stressed out. Can I get a restraining order?

    submitted by /u/Bubbleszecat
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    Wage Garnishment for my ex-husbands HOA

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    [Virginia] I have been summoned to court later July because my ex-husband has not payed the HOA fees.

    My ex-husband and I are separated I no longer live or have contact with my husband in over a year. I have my own apartment and do not depend on his money. I do not receive any money from him at all.

    The HOA community has issued a wage garnishment. I don't understand why I should be responsible for him not making payments to the HOA. In addition, in December I notified the HOA that I was no longer living with my husband in over of year because we are separated. I asked the company in charge that if possible to remove me from the HOA account which they responded that they did.

    My ex-husband makes more than enough money to be able to make payments to the HOA because he has his own business that is successful.

    I plan on attending the court. I don't know what exactly to do from there.

    submitted by /u/Tasty_Win
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    Client wrote me a check, the check cleared and then they somehow took the money back?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:16 AM PDT

    I built a giant pergola for someone and they wrote me a check for 2,000 dollars, they were very happy with the pergola and were asking me if they could recommend me etc. A few days after depositing the check I get a text from them saying they want 4000 dollars(labor and materials) and for me to come take the pergola down "or else" in essence they were blackmailing me. I had deposited the check immediately after receiving it and it had cleared and the 2000 was in my account a day later. After they demanded there money back, I checked my account and the money just was gone, so now they have a 30 foot pergola in their backyard that was built for free. Any idea how I can get my money back? I am also wondering how they did this because even my bank was confused as this is rarely done. This happened in New York State

    submitted by /u/podracerhere
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    Our ex partner in BDSM lifestyle is threatening me and my wife with revealing our secret and sharing our photos.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    Hello everyone. We are a happily married couple from Belgium who have been in BDSM/hotwifing lifestyles secretly for many years. I am 45 and my wife is 44 years old. We have two kids. We run our own architecture company which is one of the biggest where we live so we live wealthily. I am telling you all the truth so you can evaluate our situation better.

    8 months ago we met a 26 years old guy from Greece online and started chatting with him,everyday. Soon after,he arranged a travel to Belgium and we met face to face for the first time. He was very hot,experienced and intriguing and we were interested in each other. As we agreed on starting our relationship seriously,he visited us every two weeks. About a month later,we were having so much fun and there was a real connection between us. He was our master and we were his subs. In March,he got a job by my help in a company near our house,in our town. So he moved to Belgium. Our relationship got more intense and close. About three weeks ago,me and my wife wanted to end our (sexual) relationship with him due to some reasons,and told him also we can still see each other as normal friends but don't want to do go on like this. He got angry,started cursing us and said that he won't let us end this. We explained everything nicely to him but his attitude did not change. We didn't talk to him for a few days and he sent us the private,nude photos from our sessions,saying he is going to post them online and show everyone the videos and photos we took. We are worried and dont know what we can do legally.

    Thank you so much for your time and help already.

    submitted by /u/Neither_Ad_4973
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    My brother is becoming horrifically obese while living in a group home, is there anything I can do about this? (Louisiana, USA)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    My brother has been in and out of group homes and facilities his whole life due to Schizophrenia, bipolar, depression, autism, and anxiety.

    When he was younger he wasn't overweight, just 'average' for his height I guess, but so was I. And he started living elsewhere before I can really remember. But pictures will show he was a normal sized kid up until a point.

    He is now 370 lbs and has trouble walking up the 3 stairs into my front door when he visits. He can't run at all and gets winded walking down the driveway. He has broken furniture before and they had to order him a special bed, which seemed excessive at first but then he broke our parents couch because he "plopped" down instead of sitting slowly.

    I've been in contact with the facility lately and I keep getting different information, and I cannot seem to get in contact with the CEO (it's a smaller company, he's only like 4 people up the hierarchy) and my brother is not trustworthy so I cannot go through him. Not as a dig on my brother, I don't blame him or anything, but he will tell two contradicting lies in one sentence so it's not realistic to go with what he says.

    He's also really sneaky and tends to sneak snacks into the facility somehow. He doesn't get to go places unsupervised so I don't really know how this is happening.

    I asked why they couldn't take care of this and they said "there's this thing called human rights" - this is a direct quote. They would/have stopped the people living in the homes from harming themselves and others, like once my brother got into a fight with another occupant and one got a black eye the other got a busted lip, but it was broken up as soon as possible and they went to resolution counseling or something and now they're friends. And they've blocked internet access in the building due to a pornography problem with one occupant.

    If they can turn off the wifi, lock up the meds, and keep all sharp objects hidden....why can't they just give him normal food portions? I've seen how much they feed him, a bit more than usual and infinite "second serving"s until he gets too hungry. Why can they not just STOP feeding him after a healthy amount? And I'm not saying starve him, but he has had 6 'heaping' servings for dinner before while I was present.

    We do virtual exercises together where we FaceTime and go on runs or do home exercises, but he doesn't put much effort in and gives up quickly.

    I feel they would care more if he was sneaking in cocaine, but because it's food it's not a problem? He's been told his heart is at risk and he's regularly screened for diabetes. But...nothing preventative happens!! They keep feeding him too much, not regulating snacking, looking the other way when he's sedentary nearly every moment of the day.

    He has two part time jobs and they keep saying things to him and our parents that he needs to "slow down on the video games" and they want him to get a third job. They want to regulate his gaming but won't do anything about his weight? I feel at a loss.

    My mom is his legal representative so every call has to be planned so both of us can be present. She's on my side with this and just wants brother to live past 40. He lives. 4 hours one-way away, so going up there is unreasonable.

    I don't know louisiana law enough to know if there's something I can do.

    submitted by /u/gettinPissedNow
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    Neighbor's Ex-Husband Lurking Outside My House

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    Update! I just spoke to police. They refused to send an officer out to take a statement from me. The cop said it sounded like the man was just there over a custody issue and that I should stay out of it. Thank you for your advice to call the police, it was also my instinct to do so, but the interaction was very disappointing and it looks as though it failed to help my neighbor in any way.

    A man who I believe to be my neighbor's ex-husband has been lurking around outside our house lately. He sits in his car all day. I can't tell if it's idling because it's a hybrid, but I know it's not legal to idle in a car for hours on end in our state.

    When he sees my or my husband outside, he'll get out of his car and ask us (from the sidewalk) about our neighbor's comings and goings. I've personally never met the woman, and we aren't privy to her personal life. Then he'll start asking about the kids. They have 2 middle school age daughters who hang out in the backyard a lot (at least since coronavirus came along). I'm also in my yard a lot. Although we don't speak, they appear to be perfectly fine.

    Our response to the man's questions is "I don't know." Because we don't know and even if we did it's nobody's business. I'm not going to help him spy on his ex-wife. Then he'll get back into his car and just sit there, which comes off as menacing, it's as if to say 'if you don't tell me what i want to know, i'm going to sit in front of your house all night.'

    Since the pandemic began the ex-husband has called police to do a wellness check on his ex-wife house three times. Only once did my neighbor answer the door. Cops have never broken down the door, and I presume that's because they don't believe they have a good enough reason to do so.

    This happened again last night. Should I contact the police and tell them what I know? I just really don't want this guy sitting on my street all day, bothering every person who goes in or out of my house.

    submitted by /u/Diddynpeadi
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    Company sent employee my complaint email about him, he messaged me with threats of violence (IN)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    There's a local company in my hometown (Indiana) that's owned by a well off family. The company is owned by the dad, and his son works there. The son is blatantly racist online and is just a massive asshole to everyone in town. He's been arrested for a ton of violent charges but always gets off with little to no punishment because his family is rich. With the current political climate, he's been posting some disgusting things online about George Floyd and people of color in general. Mostly as a joke, my friends and I emailed the company his dad owns with our complaints about his online behavior. We didn't expect anything to happen considering his dad owns the company, but whatever. The next day I received violent threats in a Facebook message from him, along with a picture of my email to the company, which contained my full name and email address. He sent similar messages to multiple other people who sent in complaint emails. He also posted online (I have screenshots) that he was looking for my address.

    Not one to take that sitting down, I posted the screenshots of his messages to my Facebook page. It got some traction, and people started leaving bad reviews for his dads company online on Facebook and google. Now there's a petition floating around with ~200 signatures asking for him to be fired.

    My friends and I did submit complaints to the BBB about this behavior but they basically said they can't help us, even though the company released our names and email addresses to him and he used them to look us up and threaten us.

    Now he is threatening to sue us all for defamation. Is this something he could do? Nothing we posted online about him or the company was false. Obviously his family is loaded and could sue us if they wanted and we'd all be screwed.

    submitted by /u/poutybaby_
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    (Ex)Husband is trying to force me out of our house.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    This post comes from Idaho.

    My soon to be ex-husband moved out of our house about 10 months ago, and is now telling me to vacate by the end of July. He moved out willingly after we had a falling out. I paid for marriage counseling for about eight months but he has decided to proceed with a divorce.

    We do not have any children, and he will not qualify to refinance the home on his own at this time. His 'offer' to me was that we will write up a contract that states I am no longer responsible for any financial or civil liabilities regarding the home. However, he expects me to stay on the mortgage for 12-18 months, then he "will refinance and buy [me] out." I know that such a contract won't hold up against the bank if he fails to pay, so I'm not really comfortable with that. He hasn't contributed anything to the home while he's been gone. He even charged his share of the mortgage to our HELOC, that only I make payments on. He has done no maintenance nor paid for any items needed for the home.

    I don't believe I am required to submit to this proposition, but I'm not sure what to do. I want to keep things civil, but he has no intention on letting me keep the house. I am 'first' on the mortgage and my income is what qualified us for the VA Home Loan.

    Is this something I should seek a local attorney for? Can I stay in the house as long as I don't refuse him access? Should I demand to be bought out immediately if he wants me to move out? Or is it a wise idea to take this to court, as I have much more invested in the home?

    Thank you, I've never had to take on a private party legally and I don't want to rake him over the coals - but I need to be smart about this and stand up for myself.

    submitted by /u/elistare
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    Family member surrendered her vehicle and the bank hasn’t came and got it in almost three years. Now what?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    Ok so I had a family member who went through bankruptcy. As part of the bankruptcy deal they surrendered this vehicle back to the bank. They tried to drop the vehicle off and they wouldn't accept it and they won't come and get it. It's been almost three years. What are her options? Does she just keep it? (GA)

    submitted by /u/Dogmom9517
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    I have a protective order against my mom and she is trying to access my personal accounts

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    Hello, I am 17, almost 18. For some background information, I reported my mom for abuse two months ago and she was arrested and charged with aggravated assault and child endangerment. The police basically had a protective order placed for me- she is not allowed near me or contact me. She is still in contact with my dad however, who I live with.

    The problem is that my mom is trying to fight the charges against her and she is using my dad to get whatever information she can on me. She orders my dad to take me and my brother's phones and give them to her so she can go through them and make sure we are not contacting anyone about the abuse we faced from her or talking to anyone who works for the prosecutor works for the case. She also tracks the messages that the social worker assigned to our case sent me. She obviously can't go near me or my brother, so she gets my dad to give her our devices. In addition, she is making my dad ask me my email accounts and passwords so she can track my emails. She is trying to see if we are trying to tell anyone details that could hurt her case.

    My question is, since our mom isn't allowed near me and my brother and isn't allowed to contact us, doesn't that mean she is also not allowed to be attempting to access our personal accounts and phones? She is essentially stalking us, even if she isn't physically near us. What action can I take? I live in New Jersey.

    submitted by /u/Swishleafy
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