• Breaking News

    Friday, June 26, 2020

    Legal Advice - Notified HOA of intent to build fence, president called to inform us of “gentlemen’s agreement”

    Legal Advice - Notified HOA of intent to build fence, president called to inform us of “gentlemen’s agreement”

    Notified HOA of intent to build fence, president called to inform us of “gentlemen’s agreement”

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    Location: Michigan

    We moved into a new house earlier in the year, and noticed homes don't have fences unless there is a pool built. During the home buying process, we requested the bylaws multiple times and never received them, and even had our friends who live in the neighborhood post on the HOA Facebook page asking about fences.

    The answer on the Facebook post was that the city restrictions on fences are more stringent than the HOA's. Once we moved in I got access to the Facebook page and found the bylaws, and the only thing about fences talks about how tall they need to be and how they can only be in the backyard. No requirement to notify the HOA or anything.

    When I mailed in our ballot for new board of directors, I included a note stating our intent to build a fence and that I reviewed the bylaws and city requirements and I would make sure I follow the rules there, signed with my name and number. The president called my husband upon receipt of the letter to tell him about the "gentlemen's agreement" that people won't get fences unless they get a pool. There is nothing about this in the bylaws. (Eye roll over them calling my husband instead of me)

    We do intend to get a pool in the next couple years, but a fence is our first priority to keep our young children and dog in our property line. Both our neighbors do not have a problem with us getting a fence.

    I want to keep an open line of communication with the HOA for sake of keeping a positive relationship, but is there any legal enforcement they have over us building a fence without having a pool first?


    submitted by /u/cafeNOW
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    [Serious] Maggots found in hospital patient's throat. What steps should we take?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    TLDR; Nurse informed my family that they found maggots in my family member's throat (They have been in a coma for a few months). How should we proceed to approach this issue? It seems like some serious neglect went on for this to happen.

    I'll try to make the story short:

    Family member was dropped off unconscious to the hospital (by a stranger) months ago. Said family member was eventually transferred to a transitional care center. Our family was afraid that the quality of care was not sufficient, so we requested they be transferred back to a hospital.

    We just found out that one of the nurses from the most recent hospital found maggots in my family member's throat (again, they are in a coma).

    There's no way in hell that could have happened unless the hospital is completely neglecting patients.

    How do we proceed to approach this issue? What should we do?

    I'm planning to contact some law firms and request documentation from the hospital. I know COVID isn't making things any easier, but I can't imagine a patient getting to this point.

    submitted by /u/mangorind86
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    Parents withholding paycheck money to keep me financially dependent on them

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    I'm a 19 year old retail employee living in rural Pennsylvania and for the past 2-3 years since I began my first real job my parents have been making me transfer a hefty portion of my paycheck to them every payday claiming that it's because I don't know how to manage my money because I'm autistic. Lately, $400.00 of every one of my roughly $500.00 paychecks has gone to them. I have also found out that they also deposited my Stimulus check without my permission. All of the money that they receive supposedly goes into a bank account that is NOT in my name whatsoever, nor can I see it. To make matters worse any time I bring my frustration up to them they say that if I stop giving the money to them they will kick me out of the house, and since I HAVE none of my money I can't move out. It just feels like they're trying to keep me dependent on them. Any help with my situation would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Metagross10048
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    Neighbor is trying to acquire a strip of my property through Adverse Possession, TN

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    I purchased a house in TN last June, 2019. One of the main things I planned on doing was installing a privacy fence since I am next to a busy street and there is a lot of foot traffic on the sidewalk.

    I got a fence contractor out in September to measure the corners of the lot. When I showed them where the plat on the official government records were, my neighbor came out and tried to tell me it was their portion of the lawn. Though I disagreed, I decided to wait for the fence and get a survey done.

    It took a lot longer to get a property surveyor then I originally expected, and finally got it finished in May. The survey showed that I was correct.

    After trying to disprove the survey and failing, my neighbor is suing for a 12'x50' strip of land using adverse possession. Their thought is that since they have been caring for the land for 20 years that it is now their's. They have not paid tax on the strip of land and have no structures on it.

    Do they have a fair claim to the land?

    submitted by /u/xFlinchy
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    Can a parent instantly kick you out after your 18?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    My mom just kicked me (21) out of the house and made me leave on the spot. I am wondering if this is legal. I don't pay rent and am in the state of Maine. I have lived at this address most of my and receive my mail there.

    Is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/Uzanto_Retejo
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    Mandatory Mask and the work place

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    I am a resident of North Carolina and our governor signed a executive order making mask mandatory Friday June 26th at 5pm. I am all for it as a dad and husband to a expecting wife protecting my family is my top priority. We are also a single income family so my job is important to our livelihood. So here's the major problem I am faced with, my employer refuses to follow the state mandate to require employees and customers to wear mask I am the only one walking around with a mask on. As we know mask protects others from me but I'm left possibly being exposed. Does my employer assume liability for going against the governor's order?

    submitted by /u/jonjongth
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    (FL)Chain corporate restaurant employee test positive for covid and mgmt lets them work for a week before disclosing.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    My wife works for a big corporate restaurant chain, and on Thursday(25th) management informed the staff that one of the servers tested positive for Covid. The server informed management of a positive test a full week prior on the 18th of June. She then told us management said as long as she feels fine she needs to come into work. I addition they even had a staff meeting over new food rolling out and they all shared food together. What is the protocol during this pandemic in this regard? As soon as there is a known positive aren't they supposed to quarantine?

    submitted by /u/chodog
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    Police officer contacting me on Facebook.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    So, today I was walking my dog and a police officer drove up beside me and asked for my ID and questioned me, because he said "I was walking near the tree line". I was, but it was a public area and I didn't do anything wrong (as far as I know/knew). As I was walking back home I made a Facebook post expressing my irritation. It was pretty mild but rather sarcastic (the sarcastic part read "thank you for your service, heros"). The officer, must have looked me up less then an hour after I posted this, and said it was private property (I don't think that's true but he never mentioned it to me in person). And ended his comment calling himself "your hero". I called him a moron in the comments but I don't know if he read that before I blocked him but he probably did. It was dumb to post this on Facebook but am I going to be in trouble for it? ((Super-sorry about all the spelling and grammatical errors I hope this is legible))

    submitted by /u/TheKYStrangler
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    Landlord (MA) says I have to return apartment to “the way I found it” in order to receive security deposit. I said this ignores the part of the law that says security deposits can’t be used to cover wear and tear.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 05:38 PM PDT

    She says she will take part of the security deposit to pay for a cleaner if she feels I did not do an adequate job cleaning before vacating. I am all for cleaning, sweeping, mopping as a courtesy before leaving, but can the security deposit be used to cover the cost of cleaning the apartment between tenants? It's not a huge amount and I'm not desperate to get it back, but I was wondering if she can actually do this legally..?

    submitted by /u/yamomz
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    My dad was slammed into by a Cop who ran a red light without the sirens on.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    About 4 years ago, a police car ran a red light without any sirens and slammed into my dads truck and totaled it. Mu dads truck flipped over several times. My 2 yr old brother and my aunt and uncle as well as my dad were the passengers. He filed a lawsuit against the LAPD and lost. How is that possible?

    The damage:

    His truck was totaled. It was not new but it was a nice truck that he depended on for his business

    All work materials. He is a re-glazer and all of his spraying machines and materials were destroyed. About 5K in materials.

    Physical Health. My little brother (now 6) has had back issues and has been needing chiropractic visits several times as well as my Uncle.

    The original lawsuit: In the first lawsuit, the original lawyer for some reason never included in the report that there was a child in the accident. At that time the back problems weren't obvious so all medical treatment was not included in the filing either. So basically my dad lost the lawsuit and was not compensated for any damages.

    What about his insurance? Well apparently his insurance company had gone bankrupt months before this incident and he was never notified so there was no one to cover the losses.

    So 4 years later (now the present) he was told to take this suit and file it again as a civil suit.

    Is there a way in hell that the LAPD is liable and will compensate for the damages or does he need to just cut his losses?

    submitted by /u/migworldorder
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    Employer kept salary for mistake I made

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 05:27 AM PDT

    I work for a rep company in MS where we resell Manufacturers products. It's pretty technical equipment. I am salaried. I made a mistake on when ordering a product and had to reorder it correctly but the mistaken product had already delivered and couldn't be returned. This equipment was added to our inventory. This happened in January and we have had a couple leads on the equipment but nothing has went through yet. My salary is structured so that I make a small monthly salary but a big one time payment that puts my at a yearly salary of x (from my offer letter). My boss came to me at the time of my performance review (May) and time for my big paycheck and said because of the mistake he was keeping 10k from my big check. He said he would pay it once the equipment sold.

    Is this legal?

    Edit: thanks for all the comments. I will have to check my offer letter but I didn't think it was performance based. It's not a huge deal because it's going to sell. It's just aggravating. Thanks again for the comments.

    submitted by /u/Celox88
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    Frat boys break down my apartment door, assault me, and break my phone (Arizona)

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    So about a month ago I was on my college apartment balcony with a friend and we saw a group of 7 guys walking a few floors down below us. We had been drinking and started chirping at them (yes this was stupid obviously in hindsight ). About an hour later we hear a bang on our door and I look through the peep hole to see all of them waiting outside. They were all really drunk and starting ramming the door trying to break it down. After about 10 minutes of this they bust down the lock and entire door, my roommate runs to his room, and they grab me and all start punching and kicking me in the face and head for about a minute They then smash my new iPhone 11 against the wall destroying the back completely and mostly destroying the screen, and spit in my face then leave.

    We call the police and they take statements, my face has a little blood on it but mostly my head is bruised (but not visibly because my hair is in the way) and hurt pretty bad for about a week. A day later the building says that the group went back to one of the guys rooms a few floors down and they will be billing him for the door but refuse to give me the name of the guy until the cops do. Later that week a detective calls me and says he wants to meet to review the case, but I'm at work so he says he will call later in the day once he confirms the identity of the guy - something the building already has... Weeks go by and no call from the detective. I finally get him to answer 2 weeks later and he says he's busy but my case is on the top of the pile. This was 2 weeks ago and still no reply. I leave AZ to start a new job in a about a month and would like my phone paid for but don't know what to do. I believe I will go with a civil or misdemeanor compromise (honestly not much maybe like $5000 total for the phone and damages) but don't really know how it works and can't do anything until I get the guys identity. Any help would be great, I feel like i'm stuck and don't have the money to buy a new phone. The detective originally said I could press charges in court, but given my situation of leaving the state very soon I'd like to just have an option that resolves the whole thing fast and I been told a civil compromise is this. Thoughts? Any info would be very helpful.

    submitted by /u/maccyd
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    Squatters in a property I own

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    I recently bought a house in Wisconsin. I arrived to the house after closing to move in, only to find that there was already a family living there, and they claimed that they found the house for rent online and applied. The house was never for rent as it was a bank-owned foreclosure and had been vacant for months. This means that someone, possibly them, broke into the house and changed the locks while nobody was there. The lease is fraudulent.

    The police came and found that they could do nothing because the family had already "established residency" before I closed on the home, regardless of the fact that it's my property and they are trespassing. I was told the best course of action would be to file a 5 day eviction notice. However, they have caused thousands of dollars worth of damage to the home. I want to get them out as soon as possible before more damage is caused.

    I need advice on how to approach this situation and make sure I receive compensation for all the damages these people have caused. I don't know whether eviction notices will work for this situation because I have never been a landlord and they are not my tenants nor have they ever paid rent.

    submitted by /u/tabletoproger
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    Sheriff has stated that he will no longer be granting any permits for protest now or in the foreseeable future.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    With all the blm protest and counter protest happening our sheriff said that he will no longer be granting permits for protest. The protest have been peaceful from both sides and have not caused any harm or property damage. Can he just take away our rights to peacefully assemble like that? This is in North Carolina, USA

    submitted by /u/tomperfect12
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    An anonymous call sent CPS to my home. Clermont County, Ohio.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 03:57 AM PDT

    We got a visit from CPS yesterday, who said an anonymous call claimed that my three youngest are always outside unattended and that there is never an adult around.

    When the worker came, she did a very quick walkthrough of the house and asked my wife some questions. My two youngest were napping and I was at work. The on site worker told my wife that we need to call the actual case worker and set up an in home visit with all of us in attendance.

    I do not expect anything to come of this.

    I do have a few questions for anyone kind enough to answer.

    I can not help but feel that I should talk to a lawyer before I let this person into my home. Is this a neccessary or good/bad idea?

    I have a very good idea who made the call, and I can not be certain that this will be the last time that they call. At what point would it be considered harrasment and false accusations, and what would my rights be as far as defending myself against an unknown accuser?

    As I have said, this is the first time, and I do not expect anything to come of this visit, but the mere thought of the slightest possibility that my kids can be separated from me makes me stressed and depressed to the point of physical illness. I want to be sure that I cover something if I need to. I have 5 kids and my wife is a stay at home mom. I will absolutely get a lawyer if I need to, but it will be a painful expense and this post is my way of trying to get some direction without having to retain one. And to try to relieve some stress and anxiety.

    Thanks in andvance to anyone who answers. I will not be able to reply to everyone, but will do my best to answer any questions.

    Update: Thank you everyone. We have decided to have a phone consultation with an attorney ($50 and totally worth it, for its purpose), to ask more specific questions. We have an appointment to do so on Monday.

    We have also, tenative to the discussion with the attorney, decided to allow CPS their meeting. I understand their job, and that by just letting them do it, it would likely facilitate bringing this thing to a quick conclusion. I have nothing to hide, and I doubt they will find much beyond the commonly found issues in homes (electrical outlets, yard hazzards, etc). If they expect me to address a "list," I may do so, pending the advice of the attorney.

    As far as the anonymous call that got us here, if it gets out of hamd, we will deal with it as it comes, based on advice we have received.

    Thanks again, and I will update after the talk with the lawyer and after the visit/conclusion. Mostly as info for anyone else seeking some guidance for similar issues.

    submitted by /u/Gregtronic
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    I’m doing all of the work for my lawyer

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I was in a pretty bad car accident in November that left me with only a concussion but my car totaled. I decided to work with a lawyer through the process, as several people I know had better outcomes that way. However, I find myself continually doing the work my lawyer should be doing. I'm the one sitting on the phone with doctors and billing departments to resolve issues. Whenever I call my lawyer to follow up on things they said would be done by a set date they seem dumbfounded. The other day I called the paralegal as one of my medical records was missing (on the hospitals end). She said to call her back in two days to give the hospital enough time. I called back 5 or 6 days later and she hadn't even asked the hospital about it and I ended up resolving the issue myself. I'm getting really frustrated. He also told me if they decide my ER visit wasn't related to the auto accident (insurance is trying to not cover it) I will have to pay it ($11,000) Isn't that what a lawyer is for??? I need advice please.

    submitted by /u/artemis_09
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    Uninsured, unlicensed 17 year old girl totaled two cars and damaged ours.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Hey all, I'm on mobile, so I apologize for the formatting and any grammatical errors.

    Last month my husband and I bought our very first brand new vehicle. We purchased a 2020 Jeep Renegade and I had it updated on our Liberty Mutual insurance policy before we left the car lot.

    About 3 weeks after our purchase we were stopped in the middle of the road waiting for traffic to pass so we could pull into our apartment complex. The speed limit on the road that we live on is 35 miles per hour but most people do upwards of 45-50 mph.

    There was a 2015 Subaru Legacy behind us and she was almost to a complete stop. Then suddenly she's hit by a 2005 Toyota Highlander. The Toyota hit with such force all the engine fluids pissed out of the front end and set off the passenger airbag. Due to the impact, the Subaru was then pushed into our Jeep causing major backend damage to our vehicle. The Subaru had to be pushed off the road because the engine wouldn't start and she lost steering mobility.

    So, this teenager gets out of the Toyota, looks at everyone and says, "Oh sorry about that". Police come and they do their thing, yada yada yada. The mother of the teenager was in the passenger seat and allowed her unlicensed child to drive her vehicle in a dangerous manner that caused her to lose her vehicle and the Subaru to be totaled out. The mother also didn't speak any English (native Spanish speaker) and she gave the officer some insurance paperwork for a company called Key Insurance.

    Key Insurance as a "F" rating from the BBB for poor business practices and a long history of not paying out claims. So Limu (our insurance) has been in contact with Key Insurance and Farmers (Subaru's insurance). During the past few weeks we have found out that not only is the 17 year old driver not licensed, she's not insured and the Toyota is NOT ON THE INSURANCE POLICY! So now Limu is attempting to reach out to the last known insurance company. I'm not sure how they would be liable for any damages.

    So now we're stuck in limbo with the outcome looking most like we're going to have to pay our deductible in order to get our Jeep repaired. So we need a new lift gate, a new bumber, new taillight, and new back quarter panel.

    With the Toyota not being insured, and the driver being unlicensed, do we have any legal recourse? We live in Reno, Nevada and I know we have to have insurance or we have to pay a fine through the DMV. So I'm confused on how they had a registered vehicle without insurance. I've never been in this situation, I just pay my insurance every month and they've been incredibly unhelpful on guiding this situation.

    submitted by /u/dessi_skyee
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    Sallie Mae sent me to collections 7 months after paying off loan

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    So basically Sallie Mae gave me a settlement from my original loan of 7000 they settled for 3 payments of 1100 I made those three payments October November and December. In Feb I received a call from them telling me I still owed money and when I asked the lady what she was talking about she apologized saying it's her fault for not looking over my file and everything was fine. Last Friday my husband received a call from a collection agency saying I was in debt with Sallie mae. Are they even allowed to tell him that? I've called Sallie Mae numerous times and everyone has a different answer or someone else to blame. They sold my account to collections in April but any agent I speak with say that they see in the account that it's paid off. One agent said it's b cause I never agreed to the terms of the settlement? But they accepted the money and considered it paid off so Idk. This is now on my credit report and they literally just keep giving me the go around. And btw the collection company says I owe 2900. Is there anything I can do about this? I'm located in new jersey

    submitted by /u/boncbonc95
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    Neighbor keeps parking cars and blocking me in, what can I do?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    Upstate New York- I live in a duplex and the neighbor always has friends over. They often stay the night and when I get up there's always cars blocking me from getting out of the driveway. I've tried knocking on the door to have people move and it worked a few times, now they've just stopped answering my knocks. I've tried calling a tow company but they say they won't tow a car if I'm not the property owner. I've contacted the property manager but they say they can't do anything because nothing in the lease specifically says there's a limit to how many cars a tenant can have.

    What are my options? I feel like this is something the property management company should be responsible for solving, but I want to provide them with an actual course of action rather than just complaining since that doesn't seem to be working.

    submitted by /u/newlandlord12345
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    My mom is taking away food as a punishment what counts as evidence

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    I've been getting very skinny because I can't bring myself to eat because of my mom taking away food for a dispensary measure. Would that count as physical evidence?

    I have written in my journal about one incident where my mom locked me and my brother in the basement for 6 hours to clean it and we could not eat until it was done. ( I wrote about it the day it happened)

    I also wrote about the grocery store incident(basically my mom emotionally abused me after I told her about a problem in my life and made me cry in the produce section of my local stop and shop)

    Ive made lots of other posts describing the horrors my mom has put me through. Would this be sufficient evidence?

    Could I use my Journal my posts about my mom. Or the stop and shop cameras to prove my mom is a unfit parent and that I should be adopted by a more kind and capable mother then my own

    New england USA

    submitted by /u/uwu_seeds
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    I was charged $1800 for a down payment for an apartment in Colorado, and the transaction was canceled but I haven't gotten my money back yet. It's been over a week.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:29 PM PDT

    So when I had to make the payment, I accidently chose the wrong debt card that didn't have any money on it. After a week of seeing the money wasn't taken from my account I checked my old account and sure enough I was -$1,800 in the bank. I quickly deposited the funds, but the same day I got an email saying the transaction was canceled due to insufficient funds. I explained the situation to both my bank and the apartments, and neither can give me a definitive answer. Is my bank just slow and I'm worrying too much? Or is there something I need to do?

    submitted by /u/GerpySlurpy
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    The house next door is being rented

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 05:34 PM PDT

    The house next door to me is being rented out by an old lady but recently the landlord has put somebody in the basement (the old lady was not happy, understandably) which you have to go around the back side of the house to enter. I don't know if they're connected and the two families are both paying separately. I assume this is illegal because the house is obviously only zoned for one family.

    My problem is the neighbor downstairs is a drunk old pos, just the other day I saw him get into his van drunk and then do a burnout in our shared u shaped driveway spraying my car with gravel which was kind of the last straw for me

    Is there anything I can do or anyone I can contact that would make him leave because the living situation is obviously not legal?

    Edit: I live in Illinois

    submitted by /u/Supahot707
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    Mother wants to leave father of children but is afraid of losing children (TN)

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    A friend has children by a man who is just not a good guy and is currently using meth. She is afraid to leave him because she doesn't want to loose custody or even have joint custody with him. She is afraid of the system and apparently the man's father has all kinds of money and connections where she feels he can influence the decisions of courts and what not.

    Can anyone offer resources or advice for her?

    submitted by /u/CatManDontDo
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