• Breaking News

    Wednesday, June 24, 2020

    Legal Advice - UPDATE Brother's friend wanted a place to store 'a couple of wardrobes and a bed' while he moved back with his parents until the covid crisis is over. My house was packed with stinky furniture and it's all OK now. NSW Australia

    Legal Advice - UPDATE Brother's friend wanted a place to store 'a couple of wardrobes and a bed' while he moved back with his parents until the covid crisis is over. My house was packed with stinky furniture and it's all OK now. NSW Australia

    UPDATE Brother's friend wanted a place to store 'a couple of wardrobes and a bed' while he moved back with his parents until the covid crisis is over. My house was packed with stinky furniture and it's all OK now. NSW Australia

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:12 AM PDT

    It's all solved. On Monday morning I sent photos of everything disgusting I could and of doug's furniture on the lawn to doug and his dad telling them it's beyond foul and I wouldn't be keeping any of it inside my house, and I'll dump it this week if they don't come get it.

    Twenty minutes later I got a call from doug's mother. She asked if it was so bad could I send her some evidence, like photos. I told her I'd already sent them to her son and his dad. She yelled out in the background to one of them "She says she DID send photos" then she got off the phone.

    Half an hour later she called me back and said they'd be down to pick up doug's stuff, and apologised. She asked if his books were OK. Apart from the mouse gnawing and droppings, yes. I'm not a barbarian, they were outside but under the eaves.

    This morning they turned up from 600km away. doug and his dad wanted to begin packing in their pantech but doug's mum wasn't having any of that. They dumped 90% of it at the tip and came back & took just a few things home. Even the food in the freezers was off. His mum apologised and offered to make me good with cash, but she's already solved enough and I declined. She left it open ended and said if I needed anything fixed to call her.

    I know I didn't follow legal advice, but this was the equivalent of someone asking you to hold onto a small keychain sized box for half a year, but instead they sneakily cover you in fifty kilos of feces you're not allowed to wash off until you get a lawyer and fill out all the right paperwork and wait a month. I just couldn't do it. I got lucky.

    I've had words with my brother and changed the locks to my place too. He'd opened up and let doug and doug's mates in, then left the key behind with him. He didn't know how bad it was either.

    My brother is an idiot and doug is a 32 year old baby and hopefully I'm a little wiser.

    submitted by /u/stinkyfurniture
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    Landlord claimed me (adult, have rent receipts) as dependent and received my stimulus

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    Washington State, US. Rent was paid by check, Social Security number for me apparently taken from lease agreement.

    submitted by /u/No_Choice_Is_Choice
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    i (22m)was just fired from my job because my governor said those who travel should quarantine for 2 weeks.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    I live in NJ and the governor, along with two others from NY and CT unveiled a travel advisory where if you were in an area that is considered a hot zone for corona virus you must quarantine for 2 weeks.

    My boss and i had an agreement i was to come back next week due to the fact i was on vacation. i was in North Carolina where there has been an increase in confirmed cases. i was in contact with him when i was in NC, so i texted him that i think it would be responsible to quarantine and not come back to work just yet.

    He then told me that he would have to terminate me because the District Manager said anyone who refuses to work will be terminated on the spot. is this legal? i'm willing to work as we've agreed on previously but a government issued travel advisory wouldn't supersede that?thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/InfiniteChaos6
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    Landlord told me they were doing repair on elevator while I was using it. It malfunctioned and fell 4 floors.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    I am okay. I got on the elevator (floor 7) to go down to the ground floor, and the elevator fell really fast to floor 3 and then stopped at a standstill. It stayed on this floor for about 10 seconds with the doors closed and then went down to floor 2 where the doors opened and I got off. Really scary.

    I emailed my landlord to inform them of this as they should definitely check it out, and I was concerned something worse could happen to the next person who went on. They emailed saying that a technician was fixing the elevator while I was on it and that's why that happened.

    Is fixing an elevator while someone is on it allowed?

    Edit: My location is Toronto, Ontario

    submitted by /u/neatbeat
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    Sibling is hospitalized and is non-responsive. Hospital said spouse has the rights to make decisions, even though the spouse is currently in prison, and they have been separated for a year while parents cared for her. Is there a way give parents back the rights to medical decisions? (Florida/USA)

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    As title states, I have a sibling that was found unconscious likely due to trauma caused by seizure. For the past year parents have been taking care of this individual for all medical, financial needs as the spouse was caught for multiple crimes and sentenced to jail for some time. Sibling has been in the hospital for a few days now which the hospital then decided they had to contact the spouse and that they would have to make any decisions that will arise regarding the medical treatment since sibling is unconscious. We are obviously furious over this as the spouse that is in prison is in there for a reason, and are desperate to find a way to prevent his control over the situation. Any advice is much appreciated, even if its a "google this term".

    submitted by /u/ZenVandel
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    Seller "accidentally" signed extra plot of land over to me during house purchase, now wants me to sign an amended deed giving it back.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    EDIT: Location is TN

    TL;DR Purchased my first home, owners didn't disclose major pest problem and I got screwed out of about $16,000 in unexpected expenses. They half assed the whole process of selling their home, and "accidentally" sold me a piece of property they wanted to keep. Now they want me to sign it back over to them so they can sell it to someone else. I'm the legal owner according to my county tax assessor. Can I keep it?

    A couple months ago I purchased my first home. I actually found out about the home being for sale a couple weeks before it was listed, so things were a bit unorthodox from the beginning. The home was sitting on close to 3 acres of property, and the sellers were still living in it. I hired a home inspector and went through what I was told by my agent, friends, and family was all the proper procedures for a first time home buyer. After my inspector gave me the thumbs up, I made an offer and they accepted after some negotiation, so our agents began to make the necessary arrangements. 8 days later, the home was listed on MLS but with only 1~ acre of land. Admittedly, I never looked at the listing because I was given all of the information about the home by their agent when I made my offer, and I didn't think it was necessary since we had a contract pending. Closing day arrives, and we do our final walkthrough to see that they have dragged their feet with moving. This was at the height of the pandemic however, and I worried that I would be stuck without a home during a global catastrophe (yes, I know how stupid that sounds)

     I signed the closing papers and went to work on getting the house painted and slightly renovated. During the renovations, we discovered that we had a BIBLICAL like mouse infestation. The previous owners somehow managed to mask the odor and keep the droppings out of sight during the walkthrough. All appliances had to be replaced because there were so many mice that they had ripped the insulation from the insides of the range, fridge to make nests in the bottom of them and chewed through the outer wall of the dishwasher. 3 weeks laters the escrow company that did my closing paperwork calls me and explains that they made a mistake, and needed me to resign my closing papers because I was actually getting both of the lots. I signed. 

    Now they have called another 6 weeks later wanting me to sign that property back over to the previous owner because they are trying to sell the lot. However, the lot's deed is in my name, the county tax assessor has me as the legal owner.

    I was planning to take the previous owners to court for not disclosing the pest control issues prior to the sale (we are in a disclosure state) do I have any sort of legal ground to stand on for keeping that property considering how hard they screwed me over?

    submitted by /u/throowaway76239
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    NYC - Neighbor built gate to their driveway that crosses into my property.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:26 PM PDT


    The neighbors recently built a gate for their driveway, and put their gate directly against the side of my house. My roof overhangs the space by approximately six inches, and my property line is the same distance.

    I am primarily concerned with adverse possessions and difficulties it may cause. Upon doing some research, it looks like NY RPAPL § 543 seems to indicate that this would not qualify as adverse. I just want to understand if there is any possibility of future adverse possession claims in the future against my property if I allow the gate to remain without contesting it.

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/Hamiathes2
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    My boss said I was paid on salary and could not be paid for overtime. He lied.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:48 PM PDT


    I have been working as a non-exempt lab technician at a medical university since September of last year. Without getting into a ton of detail, my boss is terrible. He's the principle investigator (PI) of the lab and cares about no one and nothing but his research. He often ignores university protocol, including those concerning Covid-19, in order to get as much research done as possible at the expense of all those around him.

    During hiring orientation, I was told by the department faculty that overtime was not available and hours should be limited to 40 hrs/week. I am required to log the hours worked within the month and submit them online. I didn't necessary pay much mind to the logging of the hours, entering 8 hours for each work and submitting it. THIS is because, since I was hired, my boss drove the idea into my brain that "you are paid on salary, so your total hours don't matter" and that what matters is finishing the weekly tasks assigned to me. The problem is that these weekly tasks have required me to work 50-60 hrs/wk. This has been the case since the beginning of me starting the job until now.

    Today when I was consulting HR about my issues with my boss and the hours that he makes me work, I was told that the hours that I worked extra should have been entered as overtime! Apparently, overtime can be entered into the system although overtime hours are not encouraged by the department. HR continued to say that they directly told my boss that he was not to work any lab techs over the limit of 40 hrs/wk as he had issues before with previous lab techs (made the previous one quit within three months). It seems that he lied to HR about his understanding of my working conditions and fooled me into believing all the extra hours I worked that went unpaid were just part of the job. This is my first job out of undergrad and I'm afraid I've been taken advantage of. Is there any legal action I can take to rectify all of my unpaid hours, since I was the one to log them in the first place?

    submitted by /u/WheresMyOvertime
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    I was left a large sum of money from my great-grandma in her will... Ex Stepmom spent nearly 60% of it. Now my father and current stepmom refuse to allow me to access it.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    When I was about 12 or 13 (I'm 19 now) my great-grandma passed away. In her will, she passed a large sum of money to me. Me being younger than 18, I had no right to that money, and it should have just sat in an account until I was of the age to do with it as I will. For whatever reason, my dad allowed my stepmom at the time to put it in an account under her name. Her dad died not too long after and she also received a quite large amount of money. She bought a new house, new car, etc. Being about 14 or 15 at this point, I was able to understand what her money was, why she got it, where it was from. Any time that I would ask for her to buy me something, there was almost no hesitation, and I believed it to be because of her new abundance of money. It wasn't until my dad and her split up when I was 16 that I learned that nearly 60% of the money that I had gotten from my great-grandmother was gone. Basically anything that was bought for me in those few years was bought with my money, unknowingly so. My dad told her to hand over every cent of my money to him within 24 hours of him finding out or he'd sue her. She gave it up and all seemed well. My dad remarried that same year; he and my current stepmother agreed that it should be put in an account in order to accrue interest. Of course, I didn't think much of this, as I was not 18 yet. But now I have been over 18 for over a year, this is my second time moving out of my parents' place, and any time I ask about my money, my dad says he doesn't have the information on his phone and that the only way to access it would be to go to the bank in person. I don't know the validity of that statement, but he doesn't allow me to access my money solely because he believes I'll go blow it on whatever.

    My questions are as followed: 1) Is there anything that can be done to my ex stepmom for spending so much of my money before I was even of the age to acquire it?

    2) Is there anything that can be done against my dad and current stepmom in order to access the money that is rightfully mine?

    submitted by /u/SwagginBear3000
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    A gym charged me my renewal fee on June 24th despite cancelling on May 16th

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    This particular gym has a renewal fee every year. Also a 30 day span of charges after you cancel/hold. We put a hold on our membership before the pandemic in February because my son had surgery. They still charged us for 2 months despite us holding the account.

    We decided to cancel our membership before the renewal period on May 16th, but they still charged us $216 on June 24th despite the charge being outside of the 30 day period. I believe it's theft and I want my money back. Am I expecting too much?

    submitted by /u/jesus_lover7
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    settlement money due at 18 and no way to access it - please help

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    In 2013 I had a case in New York from an injury I sustained, we settled for $380,000. I am now turning 18 this Saturday and am having a hard time retrieving the money without the guardian of the account, two separate CDs at two separate banks.

    My mother wants the money for her personal needs however the judge's order says the entirety of the settlement is for the sole use and benefit of me as she already received her sum. I have reached out to my lawyer from the case and am waiting for a response. I have a copy of the original judge's order (infants compromise order) however the banks are asking for updated documents from the probate court, however, when I speak to the Queen's probate court, they tell me my case is with the supreme court. Both courts say there's no way they can help me besides me going to the clerks to get a certified copy of my judge's order from 2013. The banks find the copy of the order inadequate whether certified or not and are requiring my mother to physically sign the money over to me because she is listed primarily on the account.

    The money is technically mine they say as it is in my name however, they require my mother to come into the bank and give the money to me, something she will not do if i don't hand over the entirety of the account to her. My mother has intentions of putting the money into an account in her name personally I'd rather avoid going to the banks with her altogether.

    The reason my mother is so hellbent on receiving all of the settlement is due to a miscarriage she had during the time of my injury and the case proceedings afterward's to which she blames me for. That is neither here nor there, the point is I have to do this alone and the banks and courts are both not really helping.

    submitted by /u/Photo-6270
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    6 days left on the lease - Landlords went in, threw all our stuff away, stripped apartment bare - Missouri

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    UPDATE: We filed a police report against my landlord, and the cops gave him a call. Surprise, surprise, as soon as the cops were called, he immediately starts calling me. He said the carpets were so fucked up, that they had 'deemed it uninhabitable' and tried to contact us several times via email, and posting stuff on the doors. I drive by the house twice a day, every single day -- there was never anything on the doors. He offered us $400, half of our deposit, to just let everything go. We had a shotgun in the house that he said he didn't know what his contractor did with, and will let us know where that is. Husband is dubious that he'll even send a check. Family is pushing for us to still get a consult and see if we have a case. We're not sure what we're doing because we're just tired. I feel like we might lose 'cause he's right, the carpets were completely trashed, but they were also old when we moved in. Still at a loss.

    We don't know if we can do anything, or even will, but I'd like to know my options.

    Bought a new house in April, lease on our duplex apartment was till the end of July. Negotiated with my landlord, who was partnered with another person at that time, that we could leave at the end of June as long as we still paid our rent. Two weeks after that, original landlord sold off his half of the business to his partner, who is my current landlord. I still have the texts from the old landlord saying end of June was fine, and they updated the lease on their portal to show the 30th of June.

    He immediately informed everyone of a rent increase to happen at renewal, and that they would be updating all the units as soon as possible. Spoke with the new landlord, and he agreed with the end of June change in the lease. The rental portal used to make payments reflects this change, and I have a screenshot of it.

    The house was mainly empty, but we needed to still grab a few bulky items and deep clean the place. I informed the landlord via email that we would let them know when we were done, and leave the keys on the counter. They said that was fine.

    Jump to yesterday evening - drive by after getting my daughter from daycare and see an industrial sized dumpster behind the house, doors are all wide open, trucks are there, splintered wood is laying everywhere. With my daughter, didn't feel comfortable stopping to ask what was happening. Stopped by this morning, and all our stuff has been tossed, including my piano and a ton of sentimental stuff. The walls are stripped, carpet is gone, everything is bare bones. I took photos of it at least.

    We paid rent through the end of the month, I have the receipt. We still have the utilities on, though I'm wondering if I should cut them off now. I never received a message that A) they were even going to the place, or B) let alone that they were going to do that. Had they emailed us, we would've gone and gotten the rest of our stuff pronto. We were planning on cleaning everything left this weekend.

    Can we even do anything? I know it's their property, but our stuff was in it. I'm 99% sure they're just gonna claim we abandoned the place, even though we still had totes and personal things in certain piles around the house. I feel completely violated and at a total loss. Thanks for any information that could help.

    submitted by /u/TehluvEncanis
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    TL;DR Dealership crashed my car, ghosted me, then had it towed while they promised to be repairing the damage, I paid a massive tow fee to get my car back and it's still crashed

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    I brought my car to the dealership for transmission light, it took over a month to get a response from them but turns out I need a transmission pump (had the same pump replaced a few years and only 12,500 miles ago for $8,600 and there is a 2yr/20,000 mile warranty but I'm just past the 2 years). I decided to take it to another shop for a second opinion and owed the dealership nothing for the diagnosis, I called and called to set up a time to pick up the car but nobody would call me back. Finally I went to the dealership a few times to pick it up and they told me it was at another location, getting detailed, etc.

    After another month of the run around I walked around the dealership and discovered my car parked way back hidden by the rear fence, first I noticed windows were down and as I got closer I realized it had been in a very serious accident, passenger doors smashed in and front bumper hanging off as well as the interior leather was soaked with rain. I went inside and told them I saw the damage and they denied knowledge of it but promised to make it good as new, they instructed not to call my insurance as they would handle everything with their superior "umbrella insurance". They ghosted me once again, could not get a call back, every time I visited the dealer it was parked in the same spot in the same condition and service told me they were getting to it.

    Months reaching out with no answers went by, and I got contacted by a tow lot saying my car was marked abandoned by the dealership and they called a predatory tow company to take it who wanted $2,500 in fees to release my car. In shock, I went to the dealership with my phone bill highlighting 63 unreturned calls during that time period to the service manager, proof of insurance paid every month, registration, excise tax etc. Obviously it was not abandoned, nor was there a bill or a mechanics lien, in fact the dealership owed ME for the repairs. I thought I was being patient. The service manager apologized and promised he would have the $2,500 bill "washed" and car released to me and once again promised to make it right. 10 days went by and the tow company told me the dealership never reached out and the bill was now $3,000. I took another day off work to go and work things out but this time expecting an apology and action, the dealerships GM (owners niece) met me with unwarranted anger blaming the tow on me for not taking the car off of her lot, I asked her how I could bring the car home in undriveable condition and explained that I was instructed by her service team to leave the car until it was fixed. I tried to show her how many unreturned messages I left but she would not let me get a word in between insults, for example I attended a prestigious university and had the documents and timeline inside a notebook from my Alma Mater to which she responded that if I was smart enough to get in there I should be smart enough to move my car off of her lot. I left feeling a bit defeated as I went to the lot to pay my $3,000 plus another $150 to have it towed (still crashed) to a relatives driveway for safe keeping while I figure out what to do next. The tow company would not allow me to use my AAA as they would not allow the truck on their lot, and demanded another $108 "drop fee" for them to tow it 20 feet to the road so I said fine just tow it home for $150.

    At the lot was a man with his lawyer who also had his car at the same dealership and could not pick it up due to the covid crisis being very serious here. The dealerships were mandated by the the state to close from mid-March through May. They towed both of our cars and a few more on April 8th while the state was closed down and the tow company did not notify us until now to max out our storage fees. The man said the dealership also did not return his calls or send hm any notification the car would be towed so we bonded over that.

    The tow lot worker and lawyer pointed out some actionable offenses, beyond not notifying and outright lying to a customer about crashing my car (compounded by neglecting the promised responsibility of repairing the damage). Notably, if a customer signs their car over to a dealer for repair the dealer is required to send them a certified letter with return receipt before marking it abandoned, they did not, nor did they even call me once since they crashed it, in fact I have ample proof they avoided my calls. If an automobile is illegally towed, as our were, the automobile owner is entitled to triple damages. Moreover, the dealership provided the tow company a detailed vehicle history of my car (what work was done on the car, transcripts of past conversations with employees, what I paid for repairs etc) printed out on dealership internal memo letterhead dated 4/7/20, the day before my car was towed, showing they in fact planned it out and purposefully avoided calling me as my name and contact information is printed at the very top of every page of the document. I sent all of this to the owner of the dealership and he did not respond either. The corporate brand told me the dealerships are owned independently and they would do an internal review and I would not be notified of a decision regarding penalties. Seems wrong because the same dealership blew my engine a few years back and tried to return the car to me unrepaired so I reached out to corporate and they helped me replace the engine at a drastically reduced cost (in retrospect it should have been $0 but I was young and anxious to get my car back).

    I should add that I have friends who work at the dealership, unbeknownst to management, who have advised me that the tow owner and service manager have a friendship and there are cars actually abandoned on the (huge) lot since 2017 that have not been towed. The tow owner suggests roadside requests to this dealership. They also let me in on a landslide of illicit activity at the location, fixing cars at night for cash off the books, charging everyone who uses a loaner for a tank of gas even if they return the loaner with a full tank, doing unnecessary work on cars that the corporations warranty covers, firing most of their long tenured master technicians in favor of technicians who learned auto repair in prison that they could pay less, racism such as firing a popular salesman who could not work on Saturdays due to his religious beliefs, amongst other things.

    If you've stuck with me this long, thank you! If you have any thoughts or advice or want to clear up anything I may misunderstand please let me know. I have not hired an attorney or consulted one, don't really know the ins and outs of finding one yet. I reached out to the Attorney General but haven't heard back, really starting to feel unheard. Should I continue to try to work it out on my own? How do I find the best lawyer who is well versed in this area? Should I hire the same lawyer the other guy who is suing the dealership is using? How much would I have to pay them? Anything is helpful, Thanks!

    Details: Boston, Massachusetts, the car is worth somewhere in the $30's k range (blue book varies) and the dealership caused over $10k in body damage (my insurance is tallying it up now) in addition to the $3,000 in tow fees, $2,000 in lost insurance as the car hasn't moved and won't be going anywhere anytime soon, and I'd estimate over $2,000 in Uber receipts, additionally the car was running when I brought it in and now its totally dead even with a jump start, might need more mechanical work. Very high profile luxury brand and its by far the biggest dealership in a multi-state region.


    submitted by /u/pbdm
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    Hospital was negligent and exposed four people to a fatal disease.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    I've talked to a few attorneys and they all seem to be at a loss and all over the place so maybe someone here can point me in the right direction.

    We are all mortuary workers. We removed a deceased person from a hospital. A bit of background on how this happens, the hospital emails us a barcode with the deceased persons name, date of birth, date of death, and any communicable diseases. Coworker A picked this person up, showed security the barcode and brought them back to the funeral home. Everything was as it should be, the deceased had no communicable diseases. Coworker A opened the body bag and took inventory of the deceased personal belongings and body condition. This particular individual had a cranial autopsy. This is not that uncommon and usually doesn't raise suspicions.

    The next morning myself, and Coworker B removed this person from refrigeration, brought them to the embalming room and removed them from the body bag. We were both wearing gloves but no other PPE. Coworker B (now in full PPE) proceeded to embalm this person while myself and Coworker C prepared an unembalmed body on the table next to him.

    About an hour and a half later after everything is complete the deceased persons family comes in to make funeral arrangements. They disclose to the funeral director that this person died from Cruetzfeld-Jakob's Disease (CJD). Here's more info on the disease. This disease is 100% fatal if contracted. It has a 10+ year incubation period. Most patients die within months of showing symptoms. There is no cure, and no way to confirm diagnosis until after death. Methods of contracting it seems to be disputed or assumed. But it IS possible that we were exposed and at risk of contracting it.

    Upper management of the funeral home contacted the hospital and they did confirm that this person had CJD.

    Could the hospital be held liable for not disclosing this information and putting us at risk? I now have to wonder if I'm going to live to be 50. From my understanding it's unlikely that we contracted it but it's entirely possible. What are my legal options here?

    Edit: Missouri, USA

    submitted by /u/Sega32X
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    [MI] My wife's employer is doing mandatory employee testing (senior facility) and is requiring all employees to bring in their h/c insurance cards so they can bill that way.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    My wife's employer is doing mandatory employee testing for COVID-19. She works at a senior care facility as medical staff.

    The company is requiring all employees to bring in their health insurance cards because they are going to bill their employees' individual healthcare coverage. They also claim that employees will be reimbursed for any amount not covered by their personal insurance out of some specific fund.

    Also, if it matters, the company doing the test is partly owned by one of the part-owners of the senior care facility.

    Lastly, we have our insurance through the Marketplace because the insurance they offer isn't really insurance - it's some kind of thing that negotiates bills based on Medicare and would have required us to get (literally) all of our healthcare providers to enroll. ... But that's off topic.

    Can her facility file a claim with our personal healthcare insurance for mandatory testing arranged by themselves?

    submitted by /u/Weekend833
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    [TX] Management wants to internally use a tool I developed well before I was employed with them and develop modifications / tools for it (IP clause in contract)

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Ten-ish years ago, I built a WinPE environment similar to Hiren's and released it for general use.

    Over the years, it's become fairly widely used, and I've used it on flash drives at a lot of places that I've worked / been to (and I've even seen it in use competing MSPs and internal use at other companies). I encourage that, and that's cool - it does the job, it does it well, and it keeps things working for those who use it.

    My current management wants to use that WinPE build as an internal tool to automate workstation backups and streamline / standardize internal hardware processes. They've been using it informally for onsite technicians and for internal stuff daily since I've been here (7 years now), but this is a formal request to make it an internal tool and develop for it. Mind you, I've had that functionality in there since the first alpha build, so it's not like I'd have to do any work, just explain how to use it.

    The problem I'm seeing is that there is an IP clause in my contract, and management could use it in order to gain control over the original product (even though I never once built it on their resources, time, or at any of their locations - it's always been at home, off the clock, and on my own boxes. My end goal is to ensure that this tool (and the subsequent versions) remains publicly available with zero encumbrances on use, and if they have me do this, I'm fairly sure they'll try to gank it should I leave, and I'm more than a bit wary.

    Realistically, what are my options? Lawyer up and negotiate a formal support contract for a custom build (as opposed to the mainline publicly released build) or what?

    submitted by /u/tuxedo_jack
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    Closed on a home, paid for every inspection possible. 12 hours after it was recorded I found extensive termite damage. Was quoted 100k+ by 3 separate companies for repair. what to do?!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    It was blatantly missed, not covered damage in crawl space. Home inspector and termite inspector completely missed. Can I get money from either?! [NC]

    To give more background I have contacted the pest people who did the inspection and they acknowledged they missed a couple tunnels but did not say anything about the damage. One branch manager told me they only responsible for finding termites and I got what I paid for since there were none found. Later another manager came out and asked what they could do for me to make me a happy customer since that's their only goal. Not that they were liable, just that they want a good experience for everyone. I feel like they wouldn't offer me a "deal" if they weren't liable.

    My lender would have never given me the money had the termite inspection come back negative

    EDIT: we have contacted an attorney and he is recommending sending a demand letter to the pest people since they were the specialist we called out there to inspect and they did not do their job. Where as the home inspector did miss it as well, he is a bit more insulated from fault that a "specialist" in this situation.

    I will also be going after the seller if possible since I have a lot of "evidence" against them. HOW COULD THEY NOT HAVE KNOWN HOLOY COW! You can feel the slope in the kitchen floor. We questioned them early on about termites and they said they know nothing and did no work on this house the entire time they lived there(which is not true at all) new roof, front and back porches and some interior upgrades. My wife is beyond heart broken thinking people completely willingly screwed someone else. It's sickening.

    NOT a contractor repaired a floor joist under house and propped it up with a brick so the kitchen floor wouldn't fall through.

    SOMEONE(home owner) put up sticker white vinyl on backs up cabinets to conceal termite damage in cabinets.

    submitted by /u/golden_slumlord
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    Reporting my employer for SBA fraud

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    So recently I found out that my employer has been paying his wife, as an employee, $20,000 a paycheck and saying she is an hourly employee at the coffee shop and wine house he owns . They claim that she is working full time at both places, but that is far from the truth. They are using the PPP loan to funnel money back to themselves. The wife is not on the owners LLC but they file taxes together and clearly co-owns the businesses. Their bank accounts are also conjoined so all that money just goes back to them. The wife even signs our paychecks. After finding this out and a multitude of other questionable issues, my three other co-workers and I all quit, but feel like we were used and that we should take action. What do we do? How can we make sure this gets reported?

    submitted by /u/terrycrewz101
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    (Georgia) My dog bit a lady at the dog park

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    Location: Georgia

    Backstory: My parents and I took our two dogs to the dog park about 10 days ago. One of my dogs, we'll call him Max (70lb Lab mix) bit someone else (we'll call her Penny) who was at the dog park, though we did not see exactly what happened. My dad was in the big dog section with Max, who according to my dad, was just getting water, peeing on trees...normal dog activities. I guess my dad looked away for a moment and Penny was approaching the bench that my dad and Max were at (i believe she had the water bowl for her dog on the other side of the bench and was coming to retrieve it). Next thing we know, Penny was screaming and holding her arm, my dad grabbed Max to pull him away. I was in the small dog section with my other dog and did not see what happened.

    The signs on the fence of the dog park do state that it is "enter at your own risk" but also that "dog owners are responsible for damage and injury caused by their dog". Max is 12 years old and has never bit anyone or any other dogs. I will say it was our first time at this dog park, and we did keep him on a leash for our first 20-30 minutes of being there to see how he would react. All other dogs were off their leash and Max was playing nicely once we let him run around free.

    We gave Penny and her husband our contact info, though we did not get theirs (assuming they would contact us). They told us they would go to the hospital, and began rounding up their dogs and belongings. We did not get the chance to offer to pay medical bills or anything, and left the park. We later received a call from animal control that we need to quarantine our dog at the vet, which is taken care of and cost us over $500. The officer told me Penny had injuries to her arm, stomach, and thigh, but that "she will be fine".

    Today we received a letter from their lawyer asking for our insurance policy info and that "Lack of notification to our insurance company may result in prejudice", not sure what that means. We do not have pet liability insurance, and I don't think Max is under our homeowners insurance, and this didn't happen on our property...

    I'm not sure what evidence or witnesses they have secured, but I will be calling to get the indecent report from animal control in the morning.


    Next steps? My mom is hesitant about sending any information out.

    Should we definitely get a lawyer for this?

    If Penny's health insurance covered most/all of the hospital bills, should we be expecting to pay just pain and suffering or would we still have to pay for hospital bills as well?

    Though we don't have Penny's personal contact info, I was able to find her work phone number and email. I'm assuming it's not a good idea to contact her this way, but I would like to show some remorse and also still offer to help with bills, since we haven't had the chance to do that . Probably too late since they already have a lawyer though? :(

    submitted by /u/soulow77
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    The creepy Maintenance guy for my apartment threatened me, turns out he is actually the owner of the building and has been pretending to be three different people (NM)

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    I realize now how insane it is for my apartment to have a monthly "pest control" day where the maintenance man sprays the outside of the doorway, comes in to test the smoke alarm and write down the reading on the electrical meter.

    Last Friday was "pest control" and the day before I reported the flapper in my toilet was broken. The apartment manager asked for response before 9:00 AM on Friday. The maintenance guy gets there, accuses me of breaking it and not sending an email.

    I have previously complained to the apartment about him accusing me, sending an email asking that any concerns be submitted in writing and asking that he spends less time in my apartment because I'm teleworking and he's weird.

    Eventually pushing back at him escalates things to the point where he is standing in the apartment, threatening to fight me, insulting me, talking about "lease violations" I haven't heard before. I recorded him during this, and when I asked him if his boss is going to be okay with him asking me if my girlfriend is a hooker he laughed and said "see who is going to listen".

    I get him to leave after about an hour, and call to file a police report. I emailed the manager three times as this is the only way she is available (again I realize now how much of a red flag this is now), and receive no communications until Sunday, saying the maintenance guy will be returning to fix the toilet.

    I respond to this saying he is not permitted in the apartment, attach audio of him threatening me, and again ask for this to be addressed. Radio silence.

    The email set a time frame from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM for his arrival, the first and only time the apartment has given me a time since I asked in May.

    He shows up half an hour early and I call the cops. I repeatedly tell him he cannot enter. He eventually forces the door open and shoves his foot in. Officers arrive and remove him. I play the audio for the officer, the officer starts screaming at the maintenance guy "You're a dick, and you're rude". The police make him leave.

    Immediately after this I realize I don't have the maintenance guy's name, so I call the cops back. Turns out he gave them a fake name. I look up the tax records for the building, and find the owners name. The cop searches that, and pulls up the maintenance guys mugshot. Turns out he gave them a false identity because he has two warrants for his arrest.

    I start putting two and two together and realize he must be the woman who "manages" the office too. My neighbor reaches out to me and lets me know he has been scared since he heard him yelling on Friday. I talk with more residents, and it turns out everyone has horror stories about the guy.

    This is hearsay, but for texture: all the residents mentioned him trying to buy/sell pot in their apartment, he's an admitted schizophrenic, He's openly racist against the one black guy in the building, he has concerns that "Mexican gangsters are summoning demons to poison his food."

    I have started getting emails from the "office manager" including a 7 day eviction notice, accusations that I edited the audio to trick the police, that I am in collusion with the previous resident of my unit, that I have not communicated with "her" since January when I "aggressively" requested a copy of my lease, and other insanity.

    So I know the obvious. I'm looking for a new apartment and getting the hell out of here. I doubt he'd take me to court, but if he does I know I've got him dead to rights with all of the evidence I've collected.

    My question is, is there absolutely anything I can do to have this guy held accountable or to prevent him from doing this to anyone else? How can I stop him from having any more victims?

    submitted by /u/Snoo_10910
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    Grandma got laid off “temporarily” and was told not to file unemployment or else she wouldn’t be allowed to come back.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    My friends grandma was working at a dairy plant as a janitor part time in Yuma, Arizona. She is also the oldest employee they have. Due to the pandemic, she was previously "laid off temporarily" because they were afraid for her health. They let her go without pay and told her they would be using her vacation and sick time to pay her. She then came back after a few weeks and has now been "laid off temporarily" again. Her supervisor told her that if she files for unemployment during this time, they will deny her and she will not be allowed back. He has actually told her this when she was previously let go as well. She filed for unemployment anyway and hasn't received anything yet, but I noticed that it says "voluntary quit" under her claim status. Not sure if this is why she hasn't received any benefits yet, but it's impossible to reach someone when we call DES. She did not voluntarily quit. What are our options? Can he threaten her like that?

    submitted by /u/Wandern2229
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    The company I work for scams kids.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    I live and Florida and work for a small time amusement Park. I have worked here for 6 years and have been management for a while. The owner is not a good man and I'm starting to realize how bad they company is. The main problem is that they change the hours of minors so they do not get in trouble. In Florida minors can work 4 hours then have to take a break. A lot of them go over 4 hours because management does not schedule them properly or let them go on breaks on time. Management goes back into time clock and changes their hours so it looks like they got a break every four hours even though that was not the case. They also have it set up where time clock automatically takes out 30 minutes even if the person did not go on break that day. Who do I report this to?

    submitted by /u/Idntnowhatoput
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    Can Landlord Prohibit Renter the Right of ‘Quiet Enjoyment?’

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    [Colorado] Is it legal for the rental lease to state, "Landlord specifically disclaims any warranty or covenant of quiet enjoyment."

    submitted by /u/rachelk234
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    Neighbors tree fell on my house

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:02 PM PDT

    About a month and a half ago I notified my neighbor that a large limb, maybe thirty foot, had split from his tree and was laying on another branch. I offered to gon50/50 to get it removed although it was completely his tree to which he declined. We reported to our town that the limb was cracked and bound to fall but he had denied to remove it. Today it fell on our property and damaged our fence, shed, and other lawn items. There is now large piles of lumber and brush in my backyard. The electric has been out all day any the electric company has informed me that usually the fault is given to whomever property the tree lands on. We never got an arborist to verify the tree was split because it was clearly cracked and split not sick. The town has on record that we reported it. Am I going to have to pay for all the repairs, is my homeowners going to go up? Am I at fault?

    Rochester NY, USA

    submitted by /u/drpoptato
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