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    Thursday, October 1, 2020

    Legal Advice - Presidential Candidate Contingencies and Related Questions and Discussion

    Legal Advice - Presidential Candidate Contingencies and Related Questions and Discussion

    Presidential Candidate Contingencies and Related Questions and Discussion

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    There have already been some questions about "what happens if..." with respect to the health of presidential candidates and various contingencies, including the death of a candidate both before and after election day. We'll try to get you some answers, but that's not going to be ready to post tonight.

    Questions on this topic will be removed, so for now, please take discussion to /r/legaladviceofftopic.

    submitted by /u/UsuallySunny
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    Can a retail store legally ask you to pay a difference on their mistake after they have sold you a product?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    My fiancé and I were in the market for a new dryer so we went to a nearby scratch and dent out of box appliance store (Arkansas). The sales man yesterday sold us a dryer for $419, we have a receipt with the model number displayed. It seemed reasonable since it had a pretty big dent. He called us this afternoon asking me to send him the model number, because his boss called him and said that the unit should have been sold for $700 and we will have to pay the difference or return the unit (it was new, we registered the product in our name through the manufacturer and have a one year warranty, now it is not new). My fiancé said, what are they going to do, break into our house and take it back? We also paid to have it delivered. Anyways I am waiting for them to call me back and just curious if they have any legal grounds here. Thanks in advance for any advice!

    submitted by /u/csofallon
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    Our town changed our address two weeks ago without notifying us or the owners, and this also affects our ballots as we found out through our county elections office. Is this even legal?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:59 AM PDT

    We live in a small Colorado mountain town that is extremely Republican. My husband and I are registered as Unaffiliated. When I checked our voter status a couple weeks back, I saw I wasn't registered anymore. I submitted a new registration and then the shit hit the fan. I got calls from the county clerk and recorder, and the county elections office, notifying us that the town changed our address street name to something else a couple weeks ago and they had to update our ballots to reflect that. The thing is, this new address they assigned to this property belongs to a completely different house. I contacted my landlords and they are furious because they were never notified. This house is also a historical property. Is it legal for them to do this? Especially in an election year, barely a month before we are supposed to get our absentee ballots. I'm extremely concerned our ballots won't be counted. I'm also concerned this will affect the historical status of the property because we are also planning to purchase it in the near future. My landlords are heading to town hall in the morning to talk to the town manager. I will update as soon as I hear back from them. These people that are on the board are also known to be crooked af. Please, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/JaxDrina
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    New neighbor just moved in and is trying to put a fence in front of a public water access keep neighbors out

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    Hi all, my parents are dealing with this situation now; and its pretty frustrating for them. So this New York lawyer just moved down to a waterfront home in their small town in North Carolina. At first it seemed like things would be fine; but shortly after he moved in he took it upon himself to contract some people to put up a tall privacy fence in front of the public road end that goes to the river. It's been public land for 30+ years and people in that neighborhood have always enjoyed walking down and visiting the water from time to time.

    The guy is painting the situation like he's the victim, stating that he needs the fence to protect himself and his wife from stalkers, perverts, etc. He seems to think that its well within his right to do what he's doing, and we're not sure what we can do to fight it. Like I said he's a lawyer so he's got the power to take it to trial at little cost to himself, and much cost and stress to the the people of the neighborhood.

    Is there anything that should be done to keep this from happening? The neighborhood has already gone to the county council and talked but they weren't trying to get involved (the guy in question may have some major connections to powerful people, which doesn't help)

    Edit: here's a picture to illustrate what happened. The solid fence on the left is already probably about 10-15 feet over his property line, and the temporary fence is going across the main access, eventually to be connected with another neighbors fence

    submitted by /u/OBLIVIATER
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    [San Francisco, CA] Landlord threatening to list 2 beds on AirBNB in housemate and my room if we do not move out.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    Landlord harassed us to move out in December 2019 - March 2020. He then calmed down during covid, but is now threatening to list each my housemate and my own rooms on AirBNB.

    We have been to the tenants union, and they basically said to tell the landlord "no" and document his harassment on a spreadsheet.

    If the landlord goes through with this absurd threat, is it worth it to move out, and then file a civil lawsuit? I guess I am wondering my options.

    submitted by /u/Elegance200
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    Found an illegal drainage pipe for the neighbors rain water on my property in GA. I capped it off and now my the house next to my neighbors house has a lot of standing water in their yard. Am I liable?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    Found an illegal drainage pipe for the neighbors rain water entirely on my property. There are no easements or access agreements for it. It was severely washing away my land, so when I cleared my lot I capped the pipe off and covered it with dirt as part of grading/leveling the land to fix the washed out areas. Capping off my pipe has caused my neighbors neighbors yard to flood because there is another illegal pipe diverting rainwater into that neighbors yard. Am I at all liable for the flooded yards?

    To be clear because I know this is a weird situation,

    1) It is illegal where I live for a neighbor to divert their rain water onto another neighbors land

    2) My neighbor diverted all of their water through two pipes, one that went into my yard that I capped off, and one that goes into their neighbor on the other side.

    3) There is a huge drainage ditch that runs across my rain and behind the neighbors house that they should have diverted their pipes to. I have no idea why they didn't.

    4) There are no easements or access agreements for this pipe. I checked the deed and the plat map. The end of the pipe is very much on my property. I had a survey done.

    5) The pipe was hidden and not at all visible until I started clearing the lot. It was heavily wooded. Once I cleared the lot and saw how bad the wash out was, I did some investigating and found the pipe hidden with rocks and bushes. The rocks and bushes were on my land so I removed them before capping off the pipe.

    6) I bought this property less than a year ago. The pipe was probably there for several years before I bought the land. I spoke to the previous owners, the only other owners besides me, and they never gave permission for the pipe or even knew it was there.

    submitted by /u/_recentlyghosted
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    Delusional family member donating thousands of dollars. How the hell do I stop this?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    This is happening in Maryland, although I am located in another state.

    A family member is suffering from a delusional disorder. She refuses help/treatment and insists nothing is wrong. All I've been able to do is get an exam at her GP and an MRI to rule out any physical issues. There is apparently no physical cause for her delusions.

    The delusions are limited to one specific area of her life - she believes that she is in a relationship with a particular gentleman (the relationship is entirely imagined; he is happily married) and she believes that he communicates with her via secret messages on a local radio station.

    I've just discovered that over the past year, my family member has sent over $3k in donations to this radio station and plans on sending more. This is not the first time she has spent a rather large sum on something related to her delusions, but after the first time she had promised me that she would tell me if she wanted to spend any more money on this. Apparently that didn't work.

    She refuses to see a psychiatrist or even a therapist - how the hell do I get some control over this situation? This person is in complete control of the finances of another elderly family member, and I'm terrified she's going to begin siphoning off some of that money for "donations" or God knows what else.

    I'm aware of the possibility of conservatorship - the issue is that in all other aspects of her life, she is completely normal and functional. Anyone speaking to her would have no idea she was mentally ill unless the topic of this man or the radio station came up, and she is careful not to talk about it because she realizes other people think it's crazy.

    Is there anything I can realistically do? Should I call the trustee at the bank who handles my elderly family member's finances and express my concerns that some of that money may be mishandled? Should I apply for a conservatorship? Are there other options I'm not aware of? Thanks so much for any help.

    submitted by /u/erotomaniahelp
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    Inherited parents house while going through a divorce. (Texas)

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    So I've been going through a divorce for almost 3 years it feels like forever but what's taking so long is fighting for custody of the my 2 girls. Anyways a couple of months ago my mother passed away and I inherited the house. My wife doesn't know about this nor her attorneys or even mine. It's payed off and I've just been having to pay simple things like property taxes and stuff like that.

    My question is, can my wife that I'm divorcing if she finds out (or do I have to disclose it at all) can she have any say about the property? Wether I have to sell it and or split the difference? Even though I did a acquire it after I filed for divorce?

    submitted by /u/michaelg391
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    Seoul, Korea | Husband had papers on me and son. How do I leave?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    I am sorry for bad English. I can answer questions.

    Husband yoo and I fight and we separate on September and he leave to Busan. He give me home to live in with son of ours yoongi which is 17 year old. I got job as secret to get diapers and clothing and food for our son because he do not have enough. Now son need glasses. Husband will be mad if he learns. I do not want to disobay. I want to leave to own home with son and I do not like treatment of husband and conduct.

    But husband own me and son.i try to leave on September and he say to me he have papers I have to stay. He take papers with when he leave and I do not know what he has of us. He give 2 meal every day but we still hungry we need more but I can get nothing without him.He hit son of ours and call him stupid.. No more conduct.

    Tldr: Husband own me and son. I do not have the papers because he leave. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/throwaway1q2w0p9o
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    Ultrasonic animal deterrent installed facing sidewalk.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    So on the route I usually use to walk my dog some people installed this device in their lawn that forces me to go on the opposite side of the road and even duck behind trees for cover. It's pointed directly at public property and is incredibly loud and high pitched. Is there any way I can get it removed by filing a noise compliant or something like that? I'm a teenager so no time consuming/expensive options please. Thanks.

    Edit: I live in Maryland around Rocksville/Potomac

    submitted by /u/azqwa
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    Realtor allowed potential tenant in house without landlord consent or permission.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    I gave permission to a realtor to show the house to potential tenants and she collected deposit from a tenant and let him move into the house without any lease and or first months rent.And without my permission Appartment is still not complete and is not ready to move in . No utilities or appliances in the appartment. Can a realtor do this , in NY suffolk county?

    submitted by /u/Loop_di_loop
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    My neighbors sent a “cease and desist” via text

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Location: California

    My roommate (F24) and I (F22) just moved in to an apartment with noisy upstairs neighbors. My roommate left them a note on their door a couple weeks ago asking them to have some consideration for the noise level (mostly loud banging and crashing, we can clearly hear their kids running and jumping). The neighbors were passive aggressive, said they would speak to their kids, but the noise has continued. We haven't said anything since the initial conversation.

    Today, moments ago, my roommate and I heard splashing hitting our balcony. Our neighbors were cleaning their balcony and while draining the cleaning liquid, it splashed all over our balcony and furniture. We verbally asked them to stop, and sent a follow up text asking that it doesn't happen again for the safety of our cats who like to lounge outside.

    The neighbors did not take this well, and are now threatening LEGAL RECOURSE for harassment, and texted us this:

    "Per advice from my attorney, please view this message as a legal cease and desist. Any breach thereof, including, without limitation, unwanted solicitation and/or visitation of our property, would subject you to restraining order and a potential civil complaint for harassment."

    There's no way they have any legal standing, but what do we do? We emailed our landlord to let them know what's going on.

    If I can figure out how to link photos I'll attach the screenshots of the conversations to give more context

    submitted by /u/Lavenderlovely98
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    Cousin’s Abuser is being set free

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    Hello everyone. I'm asking for some advice with this situation. My cousin (16) and her ex boyfriend (16) attacked her on June 15th in Minneapolis, MN. Before they broke up he cut his wrist and his family told us they would get him therapy (they didn't). She met up with him one last time on June 15th to get some things back. When she turned around to walk back home, he stabbed her. She was stabbed a total of 10 times and one punctured her lung. She also had her head bashed into the concrete by him. Neighbors saw what was happening and ran to help. He started running away but thankfully was caught by the neighbors.

    After the incident he was taken to jail to await trail and has been in jail since. Today we were told he will get no more jail time and will he on probation. Will only have 2 month of house arrest.

    We have a restraining order and the attorney told us the boy is very upset about the restraining order and that he hopes to get back together with her. This is insane and scary for my family. We want to feel safe and especially my cousin to feel safe. This boy is definitely not ok especially because of the way he thinks. His parents are actively ignored him and the terrible abusive things he did in the past as well. We were told it would be "hard" to convince a jury that he hurt my cousin and tried to kill her. When we have multiple witnesses, my cousin was in the hospital for over a week, he has her blood on his clothes, he ran away when neighbors saw. We also have messages where HE messaged my cousin first to meet up.

    Can we dispute this news? Do we actually have enough evidence to convince a jury of what he did? Should we get a personal lawyer now that the state attorney did nothing?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/mushyjpg
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    California: Storage yard owner is threatening to retaliate for his removal of my stuff

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    I have rented a storage space for a cargo trailer for 10 years. My trailer has stayed in exactly that spot since I got to this state. I had a couple of belongings tucked away behind the trailer where no one could see them. They've been there all this time. The value of the goods was between $400 and $500.

    Fast forward to a week ago, and my belongings are gone. I had a different storage space in the same lot, with some really garbage looking stuff under it, and that stuff was untouched.

    I talked to the person at the front desk, and they said they had had someone come through and remove anything from the yard that wasn't a vehicle or trailer. I asked for my stuff back, they said it had been disposed of. I said "I need my stuff back or I need compensation." That was three or four days ago. Today I got a call from the owner, and he came out swinging. I had to ask him twice to be less combative. I said if he couldn't compensate me I'd have to file a claim in small claims court. He immediately threatened to charge me for 10 years of storage of belongings, and for the disposal of my property. He said he's going to send me an invoice.

    I remained calm and cool the entire conversation, and didn't accuse him of theft because he was being so aggressive. I indicated he was trying to intimidate me, and he said he was simply saying that if I could file a suit in small claims, he could bill me. He finally offered me a month's rent as compensation. I said "That would go a long way towards compensating me." He immediately reversed and said he was going to bill me for storage for 10 years, and for the removal of my property.

    My question is: Can he bill me for 10 years of storage? I never signed a contract for that, but I think it's probably something he could do and then send to collections when I don't pay it. Is that possible? I have outstanding credit, could he ruin it with this?

    Honestly the intimidation worked. Two hours later I had my trailer out of his yard, and had called their front office to cancel my spot. They said I was all done, and that I wouldn't be billed next month.

    In the end I guess my question is: How bad could he mess up my life?

    edit: To be clear- At the end of the conversation he said he was going to send me an invoice for ten years of storage, and disposal of my property. As a point of clarification, I have always paid my bill on time.

    Please don't judge me for my username. I try my best to be very polite and nice. I'm clean shaven, too.

    submitted by /u/BelligerentNeckbeard
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    Tenant w Mold

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    [Iowa, US] Hi All, I moved into an apt on Aug 2 and since then there has been mold in my apt. Maintenance has "fixed" the problem 2x but on 10/2 I found a suitcase under my bed covered in mold entirely. So far the landlord has declined my request to break the lease, what can I do?

    Thank you!!

    submitted by /u/Notcre8vEnuf
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    Random criminal thinks I’m having an affair with her husband whom I’ve never met? What can/should I do?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    I can hardly believe this situation is real myself but it's really happening and I'm a bit freaked out. I got a strange text a couple weeks ago from a number I didn't have in my phone. After a series of more strange texts from them, that I assumed were some kind of a prank, I got a call from them and answered. It was an older woman's voice (I'm 22) and she was claiming she had hired a private investigator to look into her husband for adultery and that my info was the only thing they gave her. She knew my full name, my father's name (my father has NO social media presence so I don't feel this is super easily accessible info), as well as my age. She kept asking me where I live. When I told her I'd never met or spoken to her husband in my life she didn't believe me. She gave me her full name and I looked her up, turns out she has a criminal record including holding her mother-in-law at gunpoint and domestic violence. I am still getting weird texts from this lady weeks later even though I haven't responded to any of them. I am honestly afraid that this lady has my info, my family's info, and is clearly unreasonable as she won't believe I have nothing to do with her husband. How could this have happened?? Im a college student and don't hang around older people so there is no way I could be involved with this situation. This lady hasn't necessarily threatened me but could I possibly file a restraining order or a police report of some kind? Can I pursue legal action against this PI who has given my personal info to a violent criminal despite me having zero possible involvement with this individual?

    Im a Florida resident.

    submitted by /u/speechysparx
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    My yard floods since new community was built (florida)

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:53 AM PDT

    First time posting. Please excuse any mistakes.

    My parents have lived in their house for the over 20 years and never had any problems. About a year ago the county (miami dade) approved plans for a developer to build a new community (7 houses) on the land behind my parents house. That land has always been lower than the land my parents house sits on. Apparently as part of the land development, the ground was raised about 2 to 3 feet. We thought this would be a problem so my dad went to see a lawyer. Said lawyer told my dad that If the county approved the construction theres nothing he could do. Ever since the construction, their yard floods and they cant enjoy it. They also got to rush and move their animals when the flooding starts. I very much appreciate any advice. The situation has reached a critical level since the ground is already saturated and we are expecting about 7 inches of rain this weekend.

    submitted by /u/ymrtn7
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    Reporting my mom for educational neglect?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    Reporting my mom?

    A little bit of background. My mom has been told by professionals that she has the mental capacity of about a 13 or 14 year old. I moved out when I was 13 because I was failing all of my classes, depressed, and was basically not going to school at all. Recently, she took my brother from his dad and is keeping him at her house. His dad has his own set of problems, he can be mentally abusive, but I think my brother is exaggerating because he knows if he comes to my moms house, he can do whatever he wants. His dad also lives with his mom, and she keeps him in check with school. He is in his senior year of high school, but when he moved here, I had to enroll him in online school because my mom didn't know how. He is now spending all of his time doing everything but school. He has hundreds of assignments, but hasn't done one. My mom isn't mentally capable of helping him and she's so concerned about being his friend that she won't discipline him. He needs literally 5 courses to graduate, but at this rate, he definitely isn't going to. I am considering reporting for educational neglect, but I don't know if this qualifies or what it entails. I don't want my mom to get in any legal trouble, but I'm really worried and I want to see him graduate. He is 17. I tried to help and set boundaries, and he got belligerent and physical and my mom just allowed it. Is there anything I can do? I feel powerless. We're in Utah btw.

    Edited to add that she has some form of maunchausen and is in the hospital at least once a week. When I talk to her about what she needs to do, she says she has too much to worry about.

    submitted by /u/PanicMundane
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    Three years ago my step brother was caught taking videos of me in the shower and my parents did nothing about it.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 10:51 PM PDT

    Hi this is really strange for me to do and ask for advice on reddit but I'm not sure what to do and I heard that reddit does give pretty good advice so here I go.

    Three years ago when I was 17 and he was 18, his girlfriend found a video on his phone of me in the bathroom getting ready to take a shower and eventually getting in the shower of course in my birthday suit. I believe he called our mom and told her what happened and said she'd figure it out. Little background is that I'm adopted, was in the foster care system and they adopted me and one of my other sister.

    That day he called our mom I also found out but not because our mom told me it's because a friend told me. And I ended up staying with that friend for a few days until my dad got back from camping. (my mother stayed an extra week) when she came back she still didn't say a word to me about what her son had done and probably has done multiple times. I wanted to wait to see if she'd tell me so I kept my mouth shut (she really isn't the greatest person or mother but I thought since she saved us from a situation kind of like this that she would do something about it) she did not. It was almost 2 weeks later when I finally said something to her out of anger. He was kicked out of the house but was back within a week or two. They said they were going to put things in place so I'd feel comfortable. That lasted one day. My mom is also a mandatory reporter.
    I wanted to do something before but I was too scared going to court against my family knowing that they wouldn't side with me. But I'm sick of being scared and for him to continue his life like he did nothing wrong. I'm also scared that he'll do this the other women. Is there anything I can do since it was so long ago? If so what?

    Sorry again this is long and kinda explicit, I'm really desperate at this point.

    Thank you for taking time out of your day to even read this.

    submitted by /u/Historical_Potato562
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    [CA] Accidentally formed a Corporation instead of an LLC somehow? Is there any way for me to convert to an LLC?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    I don't even know what stupid box I checked but I've just realized that I formed a corporation instead of a one person LLC. How in God's name do I turn it into an LLC and is it possible to avoid the wrath of the Tax Gods?

    submitted by /u/mr_chub
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    I am being harassed by my neighbor

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    (Detroit, Michigan) I've been living in my home with my family for 19 years. A new family moved in next door about 6 months ago and have proceeded to make my life miserable and it's gotten to the point where I'm considering my legal options. To make a long story short, he has his windows open at all times. Any time he here's a noise he shouts to shut the fuck up. Including if we are in our yard at 2pm on a Sat. Every time I go in the yard, he puts on children's music and turns it to the max and puts the radio in the window. Every time! I have multiple videos of him doing this. He threatened to kill me and stood at his window out of sight racking a shotgun. He sends his kid outside when I'm in the front yard to call me a "snitch bitch" because I called the cops on him for the shotgun and threat. When I park my car and walk to my house he shouts names at me and if my kids are with me, he shouts the worst ones like pussy, faggot, etc. I've taken the high road in all but one case when I told him to fuck off for playing the music when I had friends over to bring us lunch (my wife has cancer and friends bringing us meals) midday on a Sunday. He seems to want to keep escalating and I'm not sure what to do. I was hoping we could just ignore each other but I can't even go outside when he's home without dealing with this nonsense. I spoke with the police about the threats and gun and they said he has to threaten me with a visible firearm for it to be illegal. What are my options?

    submitted by /u/Thegrizzlybearzombie
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    My mom's a foster mom and was about to start the adoption process for the baby but the baby's mom's uncle suddenly wants to take him. How do we stop this?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 10:28 PM PDT

    So my mom took in the baby on the second week he was born because she was told she was the grandmother of the child. The baby's mother and my brother both had a history of drugs and domestic violence so my mom was the one the mother trusted to take care of the baby. We've taken care of the baby all this time, my mom took leave from work for three months to care for him and on his sixth month, the state decided to have a paternity which didn't make sense to have it so late but it happened anyways. We found out that my brother wasn't actually the father but it didn't matter to us because we built this bond with the baby and our family loves him like he's our own yet none of his mom's side of the family ever came or checked up to see him, aside from his other grandma but she only visited twice and never really contacted us even when my mom tried reaching out to them. We were already trying to get started with the adoption process in the beginning of September but by mid-september, the social worker had informed us that the baby's mom's uncle from her dad side wants to take him because him and his wife want a baby. It was really upsetting for us because we're the ones that's been taking care of this baby, he's attached to us and loves us very much and he's clearly happy here. Yet someone that the baby has never met wants to take him from us. Is there a way of fighting this?

    submitted by /u/sugarollz
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    i think my company is ripping all of us off by labeling us as contractors. also, they prohibit us from taking breaks.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    Do you think I am misclassified as an independent contractor? My team is fully remote and we communicate on a messaging service. We are all 1099 but my employer: - Sets our schedules and makes everyone provide their availability - Releases schedules every two weeks - Requires that we work those specific scheduled hours - Requires that we clock in and out - timesheets are not enough - made us all sign non-compete clauses - provided us with laptops and forbade us from using our own devices - Big one: during those hours, we must be "responsive." I.e. they released a statement this week stating that we are not allowed to go away from the computer during our shift, unless it's an emergency, and that we should aim to be back within 5 minutes. Otherwise we will be penalized. That means that I can't go eat lunch, even on one of their 6.5 hour shifts. When I previously tried carving out customized shift times for myself (i.e. set availability to 9:45 am instead of 8:00 am, they simply started me on the next shift block (11:00 am). So that leads me to believe that if I carve out a 30 minute meal break for myself, they will simply not schedule me for the whole afternoon (and I'll barely work any hours at all).

    Also, this contradicts their general break policy (I suspect may be out of date, or directed at a different team)- "if you take a 10 minute break, don't worry about adding that to your time sheet. otherwise, please do." That's literally it. I'm so confused. I'm in California, company is incorporated in Delaware, HQ is in California, team is nationwide. Thanks

    edit: oh yeah one more thing. They insist that we break up our day into mini shifts. so for example if I work 8-5, I MUST log it as 8-10:30, then 10:30-2:30, and then 2:30-5:00. I got in trouble for not doing this once already. Sketchy, no? is that to avoid a lawsuit later?

    submitted by /u/ooooooooowwwwow8000
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    No evictions in New York? My tenant is troll refusing to pay.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    My tenant lives in my house. He refuses to pay yet he has enough money. This all started when he missed a payment and told me he'll pay it later. I told him that's fine but now it's month three with no payments, I tell him everyday. I told him straight up he needs to pay or I'm cutting his wifi. He literally told me "go fuck yourself." I cut his wifi. He told me he promises he will get the money in a week, but he needs wifi. Fine. Gave him wifi. Guess what? He lied. Gov. Cuomo says there are no evictions until "he says so" due to Covid-19. What are my options? He is now being a jerk. Playing loud music at 3am, stealing mail, I'm going crazy.

    submitted by /u/ThrowAway3WE
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