• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 8, 2020

    Legal Advice - UPDATE: (California)Can I be forced to pay for damage to other party's vehicle, if they have full collision coverage? I think I may be being strong armed.

    Legal Advice - UPDATE: (California)Can I be forced to pay for damage to other party's vehicle, if they have full collision coverage? I think I may be being strong armed.

    UPDATE: (California)Can I be forced to pay for damage to other party's vehicle, if they have full collision coverage? I think I may be being strong armed.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 11:25 AM PST

    I submitted my original post a year ago. Here's the link

    I realize that this update comes late. I'm afraid that I gave the wrong impression in my last post. I certainly wasn't trying to weasel my way out of responsibility. I was just very confused, having been initially told after the accident that everything was covered, and then receiving a subrogation notice months later. I wanted to let you all know what came of this situation, in case that it may serve as a help and warning to others.

    I consulted with an attorney (she gave me some free advice over the phone), and responded to the other party's subrogation letter with this response, via certified mail:

    Claim Number: ######### Insured: --------------- Date of Loss: 6/4/2018 Amount of Claim: $7,529.81

    Dear Claim Specialist, I received your letter stating that my policy limits were insufficient to cover the stated claim amount, of $7,529.81, with your request of payment from me in the amount of $2,529.81.

    I will require a hard copy of the itemized repair estimate for the insured party's vehicle, as well as a hard copy of proof of payment by [insurance company] of said repair estimate, before being able to proceed further.

    I look forward to resolving this matter. Thank you.

    I never heard anything back. I called my own insurance company a couple months later to check in on things. They informed me that my case was completely resolved, that I owed nothing, and that the other party signed a waiver releasing me of any further responsibility. They waived their right to pursue me independently.

    All of this was finally behind me! I never owed anything, and YES, the other party's insurance company WAS trying to take advantage of me. They were not able to provide me with the proof I required in order to remit payment. I called the attorney back to thank her for her help and tell her what happened. She told me that insurance companies try to do this all of the time, and it's perfectly legal. They will obtain multiple repair quotes, go with the cheaper one, but send you the more expensive quote and claim it's what you owe. It's disgusting.

    So, always consult with an attorney and ask for proof, before remitting payment on a subrogation claim. Don't let insurance companies intimidate you! This was a very happy ending for me, through a very stressful situation. I hope this update helps someone else. Happy New Year!

    TLDR: Insurance company tried to make me pay over $2.5k in subrogation that it turns out I didn't actually owe. I won by asking for documentation that proved I owed that amount.

    EDIT: I did not expect this post to blow up. Thanks for the silver, strangers! I also wanted to add, based on some good points made during the discussion of my post, that I can't know for sure if the insurance company was trying to swindle me. That's just my perception of things, especially based on what my attorney told me. My main point is that it's easy for a lay person to feel intimidated into paying a subrogation claim, without demanding proof. I'm encouraging folks not to let the stress and intimidation push them into remitting payment without demanding proof or consulting an attorney. There may indeed be other reasons why I wasn't required to pay that I don't know about, because the insurance companies didn't reveal them to me, and I don't know the ins and out of the industry. One user, who shall remain anonymous, messaged me with this possible explanation:

    "Hey so, you actually DID owe that amount of money...I'm a licensed insurance adjuster FWIW. What happens is your insurance company says, if you don't accept this 5k and release rights to collect any more money from my insured, I'm not going to pay you anything and you can then sue my insured. The other party's insurance then pays for a background check essentially on you to see if you are likely to be able to pay the 7500. They found you weren't likely to be able to pay and cut their losses by taking the 5k and signing the waiver."

    So yeah! Best of luck to anyone else out there dealing with a subrogation claim...it sucks. Hang in there.

    submitted by /u/leafofgrass
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    My ex is claiming I raped her and is threatening to bring me to court. My town's police asked me to go to the police station to "give a statement" I need advice.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:17 AM PST

    First and foremost, no. I didn't rape her. She's merely using that because our breakup was pretty heated and shes now destined to ruin my life because I said I didnt want to be friends with her after we broke up. She wished to still use my hulu and be friends with me after we broke up and she never said anything to anyone about these "allegations" until I told her that I didn't wish to speak to her anymore. My basic question is. What do I do? How do I get her off my ass? I've been trying to get rid of her harassing me for the past year and a half and she claims that IM the one not leaving her alone, and my police department just believes her word over mine regardless of all the evidence I have showing that her story is blatantly false and manufactured.

    Edit: I'm in Connecticut

    Update: the cop who originally called me called me back after i no-showed to the "meeting". I told him "I do not wish to answer any questions without an attorney present" no more. He then gave me his number and told me to follow up once I have an attorney.

    Edit 2: you can stop DMing me the "dont talk to cops" video. I've received it at least 6 times at this point.

    submitted by /u/Kapow-bitch
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    My car was broken into and my PS4 stolen. The thief(?) used my Netflix on the PS4 and I have their IP address. Can I get police to use it to recover my property?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 08:46 PM PST

    Hi all,

    Title pretty much says it all. My car was broken into last month and they stole my PS4. I did not file a police report at the time, but I have pictures showing the damage to my car and receipts for the repairs. I also have texts from the day of to multiple people stating that my PS4 was stolen. I started noticing new shows popping up in the "recently watched" on my Netflix tab. Went into my Netflix account and found the IP address of the person accessing my account via PS4. If I turn it over to police, will they recover my property?

    submitted by /u/MiracleShot
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    Judge is trying force going to church as part of probation.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 11:39 AM PST

    So, I did something bad (DUI). Now I'm on probation with 150 hours of community service with the normal fines.

    The thing that is wierd to me is that the judge stated that she gave that high of hours because she credits one church service as 8 hours of community service. Is that normal? Legal? I'm from a very small town in Georgia, USA.

    I dont go to church and I cant bring myself to attend, then get the preacher to sign a paper afterwards saying I'm only here because the judge told me to go.

    Open to suggestions on completing these hours too. I'm a tax accountant with experience in non profits.

    Edit: To clarify alot of questions,

    The issue I'm having is that most people get ~50 hours community service around here for first time offenders, but no option for church counting 8 hours.

    This was my first offense besides a brake light ticket in 2010

    I spent 6 hours in the drunk tank

    It is written in the probation papers I signed that just attending 1 church service per week counts for 8 hours of community service per week

    I'm not going to the Church of Satan

    submitted by /u/Gas_Pumper
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    [MD] Reckless PTA parents have been emotionally and verbally abusing my adopted son in and outside of school. School is doing nothing because they donate large sums of money to the school.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 04:09 PM PST

    My son is adopted from China, he is in the second grade. The schools PTA mothers have been incredibly aggressive and bratty, anything they don't like they start a Facebook page about and such.

    They have heavily vetted teachers lesson plans, have fought redistricting the school aggressively, and are extremely against the LGBTQ community.

    So my son being from China does not look like me or his father, and when the PTA mothers noticed this they started attacking us on Facebook and such on the schools PTA page. In addition they have gone out of the way to tell their children to bully my son and they have even walked into my son's class and insulted him on his family status.

    I was hesitant at first to report it but the final straw was last night the school had a parent student party but the PTA parents that planned the event sent my son and I home because I am not his real parent and "If his parents really cared about him they would come"

    There is evidence, teachers have witnessed this, I have recorded some confrontations. The school administration is refusing to act on it, their reasons being that this is a group of people not a singular person and therefore would take more time to stop, and the big one being that the parents donate large sums of money each month and reprimanding them would cause the parents not to donate.

    What is our coarse of action, and who do we take action against? School? Parents? PTA itself?

    submitted by /u/throwaway83849585572
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    Update: [Missouri] "Mechanic" had my car for 4 months and used it for personal use. Car is now ruined. I accept I'm at a loss on this. In that time he went to jail for a week for unpaid traffic violations, and I just learned he also took MY plates and put them on HIS car.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 01:56 PM PST

    Link to the prior thread.

    My Caprice is no more. It was towed away and I was paid 160$. I was hoping it would have the engine or transmission pulled, but it's going "straight to the shredder". As the "Mechanic" broke the driver's side interior door handle (exterior was already broken), I got to watch the tow truck driver bust out the front window. Also watched it fall off the lift and, probably, ruin the rear suspension - not that it matters anymore.

    I took a good long look inside trying to find anything I might want to keep. Had to sift through trash and leaves, lots of broken pieces of my car that I guess he just didn't care enough to not break taking off. Couldn't find the cragar wheel cap that the "mechanic" said he was going to put on for me, and didn't. Noticed that he never replaced half of the wheel studs he said he replaced. I only took the front bench seats - the mold on the side of the driver's seat wiped off easily and I'm going to treat it quickly and turn it into a couch. Nothing I can do about all the cigarette burns everywhere. He bolted the seats in with just a single bolt, so at least it was easy. Rear back seat rest is unsalvageable, ruined with mold and tears mean it's all in the cushioning. According to the odometer, he drove it over 500 miles despite telling me it couldn't do more than very, very short trips.

    While I was waiting on the tow, I spoke with a neighbor and have his phone number to use as a witness if I sue - which if I do, it will be after I move, as the "mechanic" knows where I live. Not that it will matter much, he doesn't have any money or assets, but it might make me feel better. Learned of a bunch of other things he's done, stealing from neighbors, for example. That he cycled my plates between his two cars and my own - and would use my car cover on whatever car didn't have plates at the time. Learned that the car was up, running and driving within days and he just used it as a personal car from that point onward even though I thought it was still not running and kept paying him more. Learned that he only ever put it on blocks when he knew I was coming to see it such as to pay him. Learned that it's apparently really easy to look up his mugshot and other offenses online, wish I knew that sooner. Human garbage, he is.

    I went to the DMV and successfully filed that I no longer own the car, but too late since it's 2020 so I'm going to have to pay taxes again. Not a big deal. I went to another police department and asked them to run my license and plates. They did, and there are no tickets on my license OR associated with my plates. I tried to file a police report in case this comes back to bite me in the future, but unfortunately as the crime is no longer being committed and I have the plates back - I couldn't. Filing a police report after the crime is no longer being committed and can no longer be committed for documentation purposes is not allowed.

    So that's it, I guess. I'm at least not currently in legal trouble for his actions, and I'm out a bit short of a thousand dollars all things considered, my car is already at the shredder, and I've documented it's no longer my property. I wish this never happened, but it has, and it's now at a close.

    Gallery of my time with it.
    Gallery of how it was in my last days with it.

    Thank you for the advice and kind words everyone.

    submitted by /u/sasasa377
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    My dog bit the person who was trying to steal her, they're pressing charges.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 02:45 PM PST

    EDIT: I'm in Colorado.

    My house is surrounded by fences, which are then surrounded by shrubbery and trees. I also live along a farmers ditch that is in front of the house. There's a cattle gate that is locked and has no trespassing signs which can only be accessed via a driveway that goes over the ditch.

    A woman and a man reversed into the driveway and got out and reached over the gate to pick up my female German Shepherd, she's only about 45-50 lbs - on the smaller side of the spectrum when it comes to the breed. My dog bit the woman as they reached for her. I didn't see this happen, but someone who stays on my property saw it happen. We have clear signs on the gate that say "No Trespassing" and "Beware of Dog". These people reached over anyway, and suffered the consequences.

    They called the cops and they are pressing charged against me.

    What are my options? I feel that is very unjust, my property is clearly marked.

    submitted by /u/spiral_venom
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    My boss keeps our tips and threatens to dock pay

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 12:14 PM PST

    I work at a family owned pizza place in NC and am payed hourly. Customers can tip through the square app and put money directly in a tip jar, but the employees don't get any of it. The boss says that all the tips cover any mistakes made. so if we get tips any mistakes we make come out of our checks. Is it legal for the boss to take all our tips?

    also is it legal for our wages to be docked to cover any mistakes we make?

    submitted by /u/modster101
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    Single dad needing child immunization advice.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:28 AM PST

    the details:

    My daughters' mom and I have been separated since her birth and had to go through the courts to get a child agreement. One of the agreed points the court-mandated was that our daughter is immunized, her mother was and is vehemently against the idea and I am vehemently for immunization. Due to the age of our daughter at the time of the separation, we agreed on a schedule that would see her with more time in early on and it grows to fifty-fifty as our daughter grew into childhood.

    The setup with the courts, therefore, had her listed as the "head of household" as far as our daughter was concerned. I have known for a couple of years now that she has ignored the court's decision and not immunized our daughter but been worried what the legal ramifications would be of just getting her immunized myself. We had to go back again a few years ago because she was refusing to allow the schedule to change to equal time. My daughter's mom has now remarried and asked if id take over ou kids' health insurance. I'm looking into getting her on mine or her own through Obamacare. Every month I don't do something about it I feel more and more like a horrid parent.

    I don't want to give any ground to take her from me but if the courts said she needs to be immunized isn't that now a fact of law between us? please help me.

    submitted by /u/RegdarSon
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    After agreeing against it, roommate brought her cat into our NO PET house

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 10:27 AM PST

    So I moved into a new house (in US) a few months ago, and one of my roommates had a pet cat at the time that she wanted to bring. The lease specified that no pets were allowed whatsoever. We all agreed that she would have to let the cat live with her parents, who live nearby, and were happy to take care of the cat.

    After a few weeks, the roommate sends an email to the landlord with pictures of her cat begging to let her bring the cat into the house. The landlord responded with a harsh no, outlining the relevant clause from the lease.

    About a month later, without telling anyone else in the house. She brings home her cat anyways, after it had already been living at her parents. She was trying to quietly keep it in her room but left the door open and it wandered out.

    I have no problem with pets, but don't want to risk losing our deposit, or nullify the lease. In addition, my girlfriend is severely allergic to cats and can't live in a house with cats.

    I haven't confronted the roommate yet, and unsure if I should contact the landlord.

    submitted by /u/KittyMan
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    My underage cousin was raped by an 18 year old, and her parents don't believe her.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 08:03 PM PST

    This was in Oregon. It happened over winter break, so the school says it's out of their jurisdiction. She's 14, it happened in his car, he's a guy from her sports team. The school reported it to CPS, which wants her to come to a counseling session for the reporting process, but her parents won't take her. How can her adult extended family help her? Her family is psychologically abusive and has been reported to CPS in the past- is their inaction here reportable?

    submitted by /u/WatchOutItsAFeminist
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    I (21F) was refused medication prescribed to me less than 24 hours prior, based off of a pregnancy test I wanted to purchase for later usage, was forced to purchase and take test in order to receive said medication

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 06:40 PM PST

    Is this legal? I'm in Michigan, and this pharmacist denied me medication prescribed and given to me in the ER less than 24 hours based on me placing a pregnancy test on the counter for purchase. She kept me in a calling loop, trying to get ahold of the ER for almost 30 minutes before she offered to call them herself, and then was hung up on, so she said the only way I could get said medication was if I purchased and used a pregnancy test. She then wouldn't even look at the results before giving me my meds.

    submitted by /u/ThirstMachine18
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    Can the school administration or the school cop confiscate religious books/items?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 05:18 PM PST

    I was reading a book by Anton LaVey and the principal decided she didn't want "cult activity" and took it away. It is a religious book and they won't give it back because it supposedly "encourages killing". She refuses to research it and claims she "doesn't want to get into that stuff." Are they allowed to censor certain religions(she obviously has no problem with christians)? (Utah)

    submitted by /u/Edgy4YearOld
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    Parents are cashing out excess money in a gerber child insurance policy even though the account isn’t theirs anymore.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 03:32 PM PST

    I life in the US. my wife's parents set up a gerber life insurance policy for her when she was a child. At age 21 that moved into her name and her control. Her parents never told her and have the log in. We recently found out you can cash out the policy once you are 21. It's only 3k that can be cashed out and it is all money that was payed in excess of the minimum premium. Her parents are refusing to give up the log in info and we worry they are going to try and cash the money out into their account. If they do that what are our options?

    My wife wants to give them a week to give us the log in because her mom said she wants to wait till the last name has changed on the account to my wife's new last name. I think it's just a cover to give her time to withdraw the money.

    I'm assuming it's fraud but I'm not sure what my options are from there and how to pursue them.

    submitted by /u/Sillysam77
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    Adjacent Property being developed. Do i have a case for adverse posession.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 04:37 PM PST

    My property is part of a group of 5 houses in a row along the same street. Behind my and my neighbors lots is a large plot that used to be farmland but has been left alone for about 50 years and is now wooded. I had a survey done and found that my property line extends past my garage only about 5 feet or so, but if you didnt know any better you would think it extends another 20 ft or so until hitting the edge of the woods and a thick patch of poison ivy and other stubborn brush. This ~20 foot "road" runs along the whole length of the back end of each property on the street and has been maintained and used by each of the neighbors going back a long time. Some of the occupants have driven vehicles along the strip, occasionally. I had a garden in this area for a few years, as did my neighbor. This strip of land does not get much "use" but it is mowed by each property owner as if it were part of our own property. Historical satellite photos can attest to this fact.

    A few years back I learned of a development plan to build a large warehouse and parking lot on this adjacent plot. Work has yet to begin, but i have a feeling that it will be happening sometime soon. My neighbor recently told me that there will be some trees planted as a buffer up against the property line. I am not sure what that would mean as I am sure there would be somewhat of a set back required, but there is a good chance that we would have our strip infringed on and an obnoxious warehouse in close proximity.

    I live in Pennsylvania where I know that the timeframe for adverse posession is 21 years. My questions are as follows:

    1. Some of my neighbors have been at their property for over 21 years. I have only been here for 6 years, but the previous owner was around for 50 years. When making an adverse posession claim, does the "tresspass" reset each time the property is sold, or would it be maintained (legally) through a change in ownership?

    2. Is this an appropriate situation to make a claim for? There is a chance such a claim could delay the construction process(which i am not opposed to), or the claim could affect the building and setback requirements, making construction design changes necessary. The alternative would be to present this information during a township meeting and see if the developer is willing to make concessions i.e. moving their tree barrier further back.

    3. Is each landowner required to make a separate claim, or will the acceptance/rejection of one claim be unanimous for all adjacent properties?

    4. I have never hired a lawyer. What is the financial impact of going down this road, and is it worth it to maintain an additional 40'X20' of property space?

    Thanks in advance for any advice you might have

    submitted by /u/MrMagooche
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    Father left no will and now the inheritance is on hold because of potential heir issue.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 03:53 AM PST

    My mother's father passed away and left behind a large inheritance with no will. We've gone through the probate process, but now she's received a letter claiming that someone "exposed" her as not being biologically related to him. We know this person is her sister.

    Biologically, she isn't his daughter, but my mom didn't find out about it until this year when we had a ancestry kit done.

    Her father signed her birth certificate, put her as a beneficiary on his tax free saving account and he's the only father my mother has ever known.

    She now needs a lawyer, but we live in Ontario and her fathers estate/trust is in Nova Scotia. How would we go about this?

    submitted by /u/felivanilli
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    My grandfathers blood thinner was stopped without our consent and he suffered a stroke.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:13 AM PST

    Title basically explains it. My grandfather lives in assisted care and his blood thinner was stopped without our consent (my mother is the legal caretaker over him who has power of attorney). He later suffered a stroke this week, causing him to lose his ability to speak, which the doctors said could be a result of his blood thinner be stopped. Do we have any legal grounds here? We are visiting the nursing facility today to find out the exact date his medication was stopped in relation to the stroke.

    submitted by /u/jrmforest
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    I signed a lease transfer but am now being told it is voided with less than a week till move in

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 05:11 PM PST

    My roommates and I have been living in a 3 bedroom apartment (apt 1) in Tampa, Fl. One roommate is graduating so we worked with our apartment to get an addendum on our lease to switch to a 2 bedroom (apt 2), an extension on our lease, and a new price. Over winter break, the roommate leaving called noticed that our resident portal no longer has apt 2 on file but listed a different building, apt 3, without being notified yet. This was after already signing the addendum to remove one roommate and move to apt 2. This addendum is considered a "transfer" but is basically a break of the current lease with the assumption that we move into apt 2.

    He called after seeing that and they said they needed to talk to me or the other roommate not leaving. I was out of country so the remaining roommate called to ask what was happening and they told us that we are being relocated to apt 3 and have to sign a new addendum because apt 2 had an infestation. We were also told that Apt 3 will cost more than the price stated in our addendum. We asked about waiting to still move into apt 2 after the infestation was fixed and was told that it has already been given to a different group.

    Once back in the country, I went to talk with the manager to clarify on what was happening as most of this has been communicated through other staff. I asked about the infestation and was told that there was no infestation and an employee said the wrong thing. The reason that we are being moved is because the apartment had already been either signed/promised to another group (we don't know which one) and that group does not want to move into the more expensive apartment (ironic). So our current lease is practically in limbo and the manager said that we would have to sign to this new one or terminate the lease (which involvs paying them out). She said she would try to get the rent back to the original price.

    We also noticed in our lease, there is a relocation clause that states they can do this upon a 10 day advance, we were planning to move in this upcoming weekend (1/10) and was not told within 10 days about this.

    This has been very confusing situation as we are hearing one thing from an employee and another from the manager who basically said everything that employee said has been wrong. We are all non law students trying to figure out if there are any rights we have and if the apartment is playing fowl and has violated any of those rights/rules. Our only end goal is to just remain in apt 2 as everything was planned or get out of the lease and move.

    submitted by /u/toYesterday
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    A/C above my apartment vibrates SO LOUD you can feel it! It's literally is over 72+ DB in my appt! Does this break a law?!

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 06:31 PM PST

    For context dB = decibles = how sound is measured.

    Most houses are around 40db. The average sound of my apartment is around 50db.

    Mean while an A/C unit... literally above my apartment... vibrates SO LOUD you can actually feel it.

    It's now over 72+ DB through out the house. It's low frequeny so it's like a rumble.

    That's over 20 dB from the average of my apartment...

    Can I enforce this noise ordinance law. This is by my town:

    (c) Maximum sound level limits. The maximum sound level from any applicable sound sources shall not exceed the L10 sound level limits by more than the values listed below:
    10 (dB) A from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
    5 (dB) A from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.
    (d) Pure tone and impulse noise. For any source of sound which emits a pure tone or an impulse noise, as defined herein, the sound level limits for L10 and maximum sound levels shall be reduced by five (5) (dB) A.

    The problem: I've already contacted the HOA and they aren't doing shit about it.

    They just said, "well we replaced the bumpers underneath... and well this is on everyone's roof, and no one else is complaining".

    BUT THATS THE THING... there are 4-5 above my apartment and only 1 or 2 of them is super loud.

    Does this break any laws? And if so/ what do you think the next step should be?

    Thanks- Pauly

    submitted by /u/Paulyboii
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    Is a cease and desist order legitimate when served by a lawyer over Instagram Direct Messages?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 05:36 PM PST

    EDIT: Let it be known that I do not know very much about this topic at all, so if anything is phrased incorrectly, please excuse that!

    Hi All,

    I have an account on Instagram that I made to anonymously talk about a situation involving a public figure. It is for public discussion; I monitor for any hate comments and delete them immediately. If I felt like I was doing something wrong, I wouldn't have this account.

    Over the past few months, it has gained nearly 20,000 followers. Someone whose content is discussed on the page has reached out to me a few times telling me to take my page down or they will have the law involved. I have told them before that because I am not doing anything illegal, I will keep my page up.

    Today I received an Instagram Direct Message from a man identifying himself as associate counsel with a law office. They say that they were retained by the public figure who is discussed on this account (who has contacted me previously), and that if I do not immediately cease and desist from posting on this account, legal action will be taken. I also want to note that I have never published any personal information about myself- no name, phone number, email, location, photos, etc. The email that is linked to this account is a throwaway one that also has no personal identifying information.

    Here are some direct quotes from the message I received:

    "We are aware of several disturbing actions of harassment and defamation which may the basis of a successful civil suit in addition to criminal liability stemming from messages that have been publicly disseminated from this account. We vehemently demand that you immediately cease and desist as your extreme and outrageous conduct can only be interpreted as efforts to intentionally inflict severe emotional distress in light of the fact that this misconduct has been continued over an extensive period of time."

    "You should also be apprised of the fact that we have hired a private investigator who is likely to contact you in the near future regarding the nature of the lawsuit that we are strongly considering bringing against you and the other accomplices participating in the public harassing & degrading humiliation and thus, responsible for such defamatory comments that were made from this account and others from the same electronic device(s) or nearby IP addresses."

    I know to some people having an Instagram account discussing a public figure seems stupid, but I'm hoping that you're able to put personal opinions to the side and answer the main question:

    TLDR: Is a cease and desist order legitimate when served by a lawyer over Instagram DMs?

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and respond- I really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/SecretViolinist
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    Landlord Deceiving Us, We are paying another tenants gas and electricity

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 10:49 AM PST

    I live in San Francisco with 2 roommates. Small apartment, just 3 rooms, one bath, living room and kitchen. The building has units above and below us. We signed our lease on December 1 and have lived here for a month now and we pay rent to our landlord, and that includes water. Our lease says we are responsible for utilities such as electricity and gas, so we set up our account with PG&E. I work full time and commute, I am gone a minimum (usually more) 12 hours a day. My other roommate works full time as well, and the 3rd works part time. Regardless, we are out and about on weekends, only use electricity mainly in the evening when home then we shut heat and lights off for sleeping. Our stove and stuff is gas. We also were all gone for a week during the holidays, so really only at our apartment 3 weeks in December... and our utilities bill was $700.

    Obviously we freaked out since me and another roommate have both lived in houses of 6 people and in cold states ( lots of heat use ) and our bill never exceeded $300 total.

    Our bill showed about $50 of gas usage which makes sense, and the rest was electrical. After some digging and phone calls to PG&E, we realized we must be paying for the basements unit electricity as there's only two meters in the basement (one for ours and for the top unit, we think, and are testing them tomorrow with our landlord present.) I went and talked to the basement tenant and asked if he pays PG&E an absurd amount, and he is foreign and basically said he pays our landlord one bill which includes all his utilities and he does NOT have heat so uses a space heater. (Illegal and against renters rights to not have heat) and PG&E told us on the phone it must be someone using a space heater Bc those rack up hundreds in bills. So essentially we found out we pay his electricity. We are worried our landlord is trying to scam us and we want to know how to handle it and what we can approach her with in terms of legal confrontation and verbiage. In our emails to her asking if the unit below us has PG&E set up she basically acted dumb saying she doesn't know and PG&E told us she should know as a landlord how the building works for utilities. She said she didn't know if there was a meter for the basement unit, like yeah right.

    How should we handle it?? She's coming over tomorrow because we told her we wouldn't shut up the electricity without her present since it will affect other tenants, but we want to make sure she knows that we aren't dumb and she's trying to scam us into pay his electricity. Sorry for the novel. Any help is appreciated

    submitted by /u/emmawisch
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    Work asking me to do something illegal, or just unethical?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 05:47 AM PST

    EDIT: Thank you everyone for the replies! Takes a lot of weight off my shoulders thinking I was doing something potentially illegal.

    I do want to clarify to a few posters below: my billable hours are not total hours worked. Things like research and monitoring logs/events that is roughly 80% of my work is not considered billable hours. While I argue this all the time, according to management the clients pay a flat rate for monitoring, so therefore it's not billable hours by me. Only time it's billable is when an incident occurs. It baffles me the company is setup like this and expects 80-100% of my time to be solving incidents, but that's more just a dumb company policy thing. The higher ups don't seem to understand security and look at it like an engineer who sets up and installs things for a client. Oh well. Regardless I appreciate all the comments!!

    Location: Pennsylvania

    Client locations: 70+ clients all over the U.S.

    My work measures its success by billable time. We are an IT firm that works as a MSP (Managed Service Provider) and do everything IT related for other businesses.

    This billable time thing is company wide for all IT employees. If your billable hours to clients is too low, it's terms for firing, discipline, etc.

    The issue is that my position is a security analyst/incident responder. I respond to potential hacks, phishing emails, that sort of thing. We're basically the fire department of IT. When a fire comes up, we put it out as quick as possible and set measures in place to prevent it again. My role is all about creating as little billable time as possible. If there were fires every day, I wouldn't be doing my job right.

    The legal question is that my bosses are getting pissed that 15% of my work is currently billable. They want me to "work slower" and "do extra scans, add more hours" when solving an incident, not because I miss something or mess something up, but because of low hours billed. None of this is in writing to prove they said this.

    Obviously this is unethical, but is this illegal? I feel like this is almost fraud. I currently have ignored them and I am looking for a new job but until then I'm stuck here unless I get fired so I can get unemployment.

    If I don't get any bonus from the billable time (my boss, and the VP's/directors of the company get bonuses from billable time), do I still face potential legal problems if I get no benefit out of it? I'll stick to my guns and not lie and scam our clients, but I want to make sure I'm covering my ass.

    Also, is there an agency that I can report this to? Or should I not report it once I eventually leave this company as it might come back to me regardless if I comply with my bosses demands or not?

    submitted by /u/Toast3179
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    Do I have to pay impound fees for my stolen car that can't be driven?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:56 PM PST

    So I am in Utah. My car was stolen in October 2019, just recovered in December. The cops called me to see if I can pick it up even though it wasn't drivable, but I couldn't because I was in the ER. I hadn't been able to go see if I could recover it at all until today. The dmv site says i'm not responsible for the impound fees, but their letter of release advised I had to pay. I did file a police report the day it was stolen, and explained that to the DMV and tow company. I went to see my car, was told it won't run, and I owe them $950 by the end of the week or it will go to collections. They really pressured me to sign the title over to them, so I did, but I still owe the fees. Is there any way I can get them waived legally?

    submitted by /u/BeejQueenBurdine
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    Neighbors Noisy Dog (Orlando, FL)

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 12:39 PM PST

    Using an Alt account.

    I live just outside Orlando FL, in Sanford FL. My neighbor has two German Shepard's he keeps in a 5x5 pen in his fenced in back yard. They bark non stop, and I do mean non stop most the day and almost all night. He does feed them and clean the pen but that's it as far as his interaction with the dogs. This is FL suburbs so houses are close but we all have fenced in back yards. When those dogs are barking it reverbs off all our houses and right into my master bedroom and my kids rooms down the side of the house. The neighbor to the right of him has complained several times as well as us. No HOA.

    What we have tried/done:

    1. We have politely talked to the neighbors on 4 separate occasions. They say they will take care of it, bring the dogs inside for a day or 2 then put them right back in the pen. We have documented the dates and times and description of these conversations.
    2. We have bought a white noise machine and tried ear plugs. These did not shut out the barking.
    3. We bought an anti barking device and installed in our backyard. This emits an unpleasant but not harmful sound that only dogs can hear when they bark. It worked for a few days but then the dogs decided the discomfort was worth barking for.
    4. I have been documenting when the barking starts/stops by dates and times. I have been making various recordings both video and audio. Last week we installed cameras around the outside of the house to capture it on a regular basis.
    5. I called animal control. They took a sound reading from inside my FRONT living room it was 78 decibels. Outside in the front yard they were picking up 84. The way the houses are funnels the sound all around like a concert hall. They talked to the neighbor, he put the dogs up for a few days then they went right back outside. I called them again and they brought out affidavits to be filled out. The thing is, they want 3 of us neighbors to sign off and have it notarized (to stop sensitive people from complaining non stop). The neighbor on the right side of the dog ( I am on the left) is at wits end and will sign off but others don't want to take it that far "in fear of retaliation". The form does make it very clear that this will be public record and they could have to go to court. Once they read that they back out. Second to this, they will only take the complaint for ONE incident on ONE day, not the entire record we have been keeping.
    6. Last night after 2 hrs of barking starting around 240am I called the police non emergency line. They said dog barking was low priority. After waiting around I went back to bed because I have to work early in the mornings. No officer came by after checking my cameras.

    What is the next step here? Do I hire a lawyer for a cease and desist? Do I continue to try the police? Court somehow? These neighbors don't seem to care about the dog bothering everyone. When neighbors and I complain they act like its serious and put the dogs away but only for a day or two.

    TL:DR Neighbor has two German shepherds that bark non stop at night and we cant sleep. Have tried talking to them, deterrents, and animal control but it has done nothing. Have documented over a month of it going on.

    submitted by /u/MinimumCook1
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