• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 9, 2020

    Legal Advice - Update : Police officer is divulging information about the assault I was a victim of to my employees. [PA]

    Legal Advice - Update : Police officer is divulging information about the assault I was a victim of to my employees. [PA]

    Update : Police officer is divulging information about the assault I was a victim of to my employees. [PA]

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 05:36 AM PST

    Update as a thank you for some useful advice received here.

    So as suggested by some commenters here, I went to the police station and asked to speak with the Chief. He received me in his office and I exposed the situation. He was very professional and respectful and took my concerns seriously. He confirmed that gossipping about cases to a member of the public, outside of official channels, would indeed be a serious breach of the department's policy. He explained that I'd be within my rights to file a complaint and if I did, there would be an investigation into the matter and if found in violation of the rules the officer would be disciplined. He also eased my worries that physical evidence, like the video, could be retrieved from the case file and showed to anyone outside of official channels, as anyone doing trying to do this would be easily identified. He said the video would be something they'd decline disclosing even through officials channels, so he couldn't imagine an officer doing this.

    This was a huge relief and I told him that what I wanted above all was for the rumors to stop as they are causing me a great deal of anguish. I added that I would be willing not to file an official complaint if I could have his word that he would talk to his officer, and, if this guy really did start the gossip, (which, as far as I can tell from the Chief's reaction, doesn't seem too far-fetched), give him a good ass-chewing, make him undersand the consequences of his actions and warn him never to do that again. He promised me he would so we agreed on this. It's easier on me as it puts an immediate resolution to the issue and avoids further confrontation, and it and saves him the hassle of dealing with a complaint.

    So in the end the whole situation is very fucked up and should have never happened, and I still have to deal with the very unpleasant fallout of this officer's carelessness, but at least it was solved "amicably". That's the blessing (and the curse) of small towns, I guess...

    Edit: to those of you that PM me calling me a coward, try to put yourselves in someone else's shoes sometimes. You think I don't want that officer punished? YesI hate what he did and sure I'd like to file a complaint. Does it feel cowardly? Yeah, bitterly so. But when you do business locally in a small town, you handle things smoothly, because when you don't life becomes exceedingly difficult. There are 30 jobs on the line, my livelihood and the company I spent 20 years building and I won't risk that. Sometimes you just choose the "least bad" solution that solves your problem and you live with it. Besides I trust the Chief, and it's not like I can't file a complaint if the issue goes on. And since you ask, I didn't have to fire my employee because she had the decency to quit.

    submitted by /u/Aquietguysthrowaway
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    Neighbor stealing my well water, real estate agent involved

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 11:34 AM PST

    (New Mexico) I bought my house and another plot of land next to it 4 years ago(5 acres total). About a year and a half ago my real estate agent sold another property down the road and came to ask me about letting the guy use my well water. Basically he said, "There's already a line running to this other house from my well but it's capped off. Do you want to make a deal with this guy and let him use your water?"

    I told the real estate guy no, and then the guy called and asked me himself. I also told him no, not interested. It's $20-30k to dig a well in this area. He can dig his own well if he wants water.

    So today, I was having new internet installed, and contractors burying the lines dug through and burst the pipe running to this other house. And yes, there was water running through it. It was never "capped off". So this guy has been stealing my water for a year and a half. And my electric to run the well pump. Not to mention the strain on my pump to run water 500 feet uphill!

    I'm wondering how and why the real estate guy knew about this line running from my well to the other property and just never mentioned it. It's not even the neighboring property, there's another large property between mine and the other one.

    I'm waiting on a sheriff to file a police report, and I plan to contact an attorney, but I'm not even sure what my damages would be in this situation.

    submitted by /u/extra-medium
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    My company sent out a notice saying anyone who is caught participating in protests against war in Iran will be fired.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 01:21 AM PST

    I work in Virginia for a company that is a federal government contractor.

    We received an e-mail saying that anyone who participates in any of the upcoming protests against potential invasion of Iran will be fired without appeal.

    Is that legal or can we report it to someone?

    submitted by /u/Kindly-Pay
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    Can my husband call the cops on me?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 05:26 PM PST


    So my SO doesn't let me see my parents even though we only live 10 hours away from them. It feels like he is isolating our son (5 months old) and myself. I just separated from AD Air Force last month and we both decided that I should stay at home with our son. He extremely controlling. He can go out and drink after work with his coworkers but if I ask if I can see my parents for a WEEKEND, he gets upset and starts saying I'm codependent of them. Which we are not, I'm just really close to My family. I don't see anything wrong with that. Anyway, sometimes I feel like I should just go see them and take our son. But when I brought it up, he says that if I even think about leaving with him, he will call the cops on me. For kidnapping. Can he do that? I've never been in trouble with law enforcement at all. I'm a genuinely good person. I just need a break from him. I feel suffocated. Thank you In advanced.

    Edit: also the house is under both of our names. I just don't want to get forced out of my house. I have $2,200 saved up only. The bills still come out of my bank account though. This is the first month that he's actually paying for bills and house mortgage (except my car payment, I take out of my savings).

    Okc, Oklahoma.

    submitted by /u/julehleh
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    School employee forbid my daughter to eat her own after school snacks.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 04:50 PM PST

    Louisiana, USA

    The head of my kid's elementary school aftercare program, as a form of group punishment, told all the kids in her care that they couldn't eat their snacks this afternoon. My (step) daughter is in 2nd grade (age 8,) but I expect this affected kids from kindergarten to 4th grade. Because they serve lunch kind of early at this school, and I get off work late, this means my child had nothing to eat from before noon till after 6pm.

    All of the kids in aftercare were punished because the group, as a whole, were talking too much during roll call. I confirmed that this happened with other school employees.

    This isn't the first time. I've had a couple of discussions with the principal about this. I was told by the principal that they had a meeting with the aftercare supervisor, and came to the agreement that a delay in snack time could be enforced until the kids quiet down, but they couldn't be denied their snacks outright. (To be clear, these are snacks brought to school by the kids, not something provided by the school.)

    I'm totally livid. This particular school employee has also denied access to the water fountain and restrooms in the past, though I haven't heard a report about those kind of shenanigans this school year so far. I feel she's unfit to supervise children.

    I've tried to Google some kind of info about this, but I've gotten nowhere. I thought there were laws about denying children access to food. And maybe about group punishment. But maybe that's just wishful thinking.

    Any advice, thoughts, or citations y'all have to offer would be very appreciated. Thank you very much.

    (I'd also like to acknowledge that this is totally a middle-class problem, and millions of families in America wish this was the worst thing that they had to worry about. We are actually quite blessed.)

    submitted by /u/Les-El
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    My landlord stole the apartment washing machine over break, I want to get it back and/or get back at him [PA]

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 04:15 PM PST

    I live in an apartment with one other tenant. We had a third last semester, but he was illegally living here off the lease (with the landlord's knowledge and consent, in exchange for extra rent) because he only had one semester left.

    We pay electric, but our landlord pays water. He clearly regrets this, and has been complaining for some time about his water bills, latching onto the laundry as the culprit. For reference, last semester the off-the-lease tenant did about two loads a week, I did about two loads a month (I know, gross. I was going to try and do better this semester) and our other roommate literally only used it once (he lives close and goes home a lot). We all went home over winter break, and when I came back the washing machine was gone.

    I texted the landlord about it (the dryer broke a little while ago, and I thought the dumbass might have gotten confused and removed the wrong one), and he said he'd removed the washing machine because we used too much water.

    Unfortunately the lease does not specifically say we are allowed a laundry machine and dryer, although the landlord did point them out and verbally say we would have access to them when we moved in. It was a selling point for this apartment, as it is decently more expensive than comparable apartments without laundry facilities in the area.

    The lease DOES specify new rules cannot "modify lessee's rights substantially", must be signed by all of us and attached to the lease, and require two weeks advanced notice before going into effect. It also says that the lease entitles us to all appurtenances within when we moved in (although it seems like it might be a stretch to include the washing machine in that).

    The "compromise" the landlord has offered is a $20 reduction in rent until he finds a coin operated washing machine. I get that this isn't the end of the world, but we're really disinclined to accept this, especially given the sleazy way he's handled all this. We're meeting with him in a few days to discuss it, and in the meantime I'm trying to figure out what our rights are here. Can we get the washing machine back? And, failing that, is there anything stopping me from using a ton of extra water to fuck over his water bill so he at least doesn't profit off this?

    submitted by /u/UnderwaterTenant
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    My neighbor is threatening to have my dog put down

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 08:19 PM PST

    My gate blew open 5 days ago and my dog got out (not incident occured). Its the first time he has been loose. A neighbor down the street picked him up from my next door neighbors yard and left a phone number with them. I called her an hour later when I realized my dog was missing and she demanded that I send her his vet records or she would have him put down. I went to her house and she wouldn't give him back unless I produced the records. I got him back under threat of calling the police, she said she would give him back but I better send her the records that day or she would have animal control (AC) come and put him down. She has no right to that information so I didnt send it but she has texted me 15 times demanding the records. I found a notice on my door yesterday from AC stating that they have a report of a neglected animal and the have to do a welfare check, I'm fine with that. AC came by today and did a walk through. They said he is in a perfect, loving home, and that it is obvious that he is well taken care of. They also checked his records and everything is current. They'll have to do a mandatory follow up at an unannounced date, which I have no problem with. I caught the neighbor driving by my house and stopping for a minute out front. AC has it documented that he is well taken care of. What legal options do I have to stop her from harassing me and making false reports of animal neglect? - Middle Georgia

    submitted by /u/crol89
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    I am a man, I am going to ask a lawyer but I needed advice now about rape.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 07:46 PM PST

    this is a throwaway account. Had to ask though. Nebraska Resident.

    Could messages hinting at rape/hard sex be used as evidence to convict a woman of rape?

    Her stating that the experience would be nice to try

    Stating she only used me

    Some backstory: I was raped by my ex girlfriend a while back at her lake house. I tried to hide it and forget about it so much, but it never happened. We were both drunk and on like lawn chairs at her parents lake house. I tried to push her off and say no but she pinned me down. When questioned if she remembered the night, she simply stated she hadn't. I never told her about it. Fast forward a few months, I am still struggling and I have hit the brink of boiling. I am on the verge of telling my parents but they are already crushed about my depression, this won't help. I don't have any other evidence other than memory and hints at it. I just want the pain go away but I don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/UnluckyEbb3
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    My fathers ex wife refuses to give me vehicle, tried selling it on secret Facebook group and has it chained down.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 06:14 AM PST

    Some explosion happened with my dad and his soon to be ex wife. I was living there shortly and little did she know that the car she believed was my dads is really mine. I have had the original title for two years and the night that this whole mess happened I tried talking civil to her.

    She refused to give me the vehicle saying she was gonna sell it to hurt my father. She let me take a few things but when I went to get my stuff... She promised that she would let me get stuff out of the room but no mention of the car. So for a few weeks I figured that I would let her cool down.

    Two days ago we discovered from an ex neighbor that a tow truck was trying to haul the car out. My dad and I rushed down there to stop it and we did. My dad was arrested for the charges my stepmother threw at him to stop him from her selling his things. So ive been dealing with that.

    Later that night we discover that she put an ad on facebook saying the car was hers, the guy that came to buy the car called her out on the shadiness of her ads and we have photo proof from this Facebook page that she intended to sell this vehicle.

    Can I press charges? She went to the slammer for car theft already.

    submitted by /u/mrdaruis
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    My Ex Gf picked up my controlled substance prescription at my local pharmacy

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 06:20 AM PST

    Location is Pennsylvania

    Today when I went to pick up my controlled substance prescription at my local pharmacy Walgreens. The lady at the counter told me that someone else already picked up my prescription that it was due on refill today. The only person that know that I have this prescription and able to provide my birthday and phone number is my ex gf. Now what can I do here legally? Should I call the police or held the pharmacy liable? I have had my prescription stolen before and when I asked my doctor to give me a new prescription even with police report and case number and he still refuse to let me get a new refill until 30 days period are up. I need my prescription to function. Need help and advice please.

    submitted by /u/Freakoutnj
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    [California] Doctor shared sensitive information with my parents

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 02:06 PM PST

    TLDR: While I was in the hospital and unconscious, Doctor (who was already a jerk) revealed a sensitive and totally unrelated medical diagnosis to my parents; should she face consequences?

    About 5 years ago I contracted meningitis and ended up unconscious in the hospital for a few days. My parents flew out to see me, and it was dramatic, but I made a quick recovery.

    In the course of trying to figure out what was wrong with me, the doctors did a lot of tests, and they discovered I was HIV+.

    My memories of these days are impressionistic, but one of the more vivid (yet still impressionistic) ones is being awoken in a haze by "Doctor J" who said, "looks like he's awake" and then started really aggressively barking at me, "did you know that you have HIV? Have you been having sex with many partners? How many partners have you had sex with? Do you know that unprotected sex is dangerous?" Later when I actually regained consciousness, I quickly began to dislike Doctor J because she was extremely brusque and snide.

    So, recently I learned from a close family friend that Doctor J had a conversation with my parents. She revealed my HIV diagnosis to them - effectively, before it was revealed to me - and told them that they "urgently needed" to take me back to my home state, because people do not deal well with this diagnosis and I would "end up a homeless junkie living on the street." (I was 30 at this point, multiple degrees, thriving career, and had never even smoked a cigarette.) According to the friend, who heard this from my mother secondhand, the doctor was adamant and she freaked my parents the fuck out.

    I have always been a private person and don't share a ton of things with my parents, so it was shocking to learn from this friend that my mother was beside herself for weeks, and the friend even colloquially used the phrase "PTSD." My parents and I have not talked much about this, and honestly right after I got out of the hospital I was back in the swing of my life, so I was stunned to find out they had been going through this psychodrama that I didn't know about for years.

    Did Doctor J do anything illegal or censurable by whoever censures doctors? The more I think about it the more it upsets me that this all happened while I was out cold in a hospital bed. I have no damages, I just want to know my options for reporting the doctor's behavior and whether such a report might lead to repercussions for her.

    submitted by /u/Crewell11
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    Do dentists own your dental records? The receptionist at my dentist office told me that I can’t have them.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 05:26 PM PST

    I've had several appointments in the past weeks with my local dentist. I'm in Illinois US. At today's appointment, I requested my X-rays and my office visit notes. The receptionist gave me copies of the xrays and proceeded to tell me that the dentist owns the notes. She said that she would not be able to provide them to me. This doesn't sou nd right

    submitted by /u/steller22
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    Is it legal for my parents to force me to shave my head?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 11:35 AM PST

    For context, my (16M) parents are considering forcing me to shave my hair that I've been lovingly growing out for well over a year, as a punishment for my behaviors. I am adhering to the dress code at my school, job and every where else I go. Is this legal for them to do? Is there anything I can do about it?

    Edit: I live in SC, U.S.

    Edit 2: dang guys this is bad news I'm truly fearing for my luxurious locks

    submitted by /u/JebKushman
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    I was already in debt and I got financially scammed BIGTIME, not sure what to do now. Advice wanted!

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 07:38 PM PST

    This is going to be a long post so sit in for a good read, try not to make fun of me for being this stupid. There will be no personal information in this post but I do have proof and screenshots of EVERYTHING. and i mean literally everything.

    On Dec. 17th I had someone contact me on twitter, let's call him Sam. Sam offered to help me pay off my debt in which I incurred from being in an abusive relationship and moving half way across the country, and then losing my job. But that's for another story. It was a total of around 25k of credit card debt. This account on twitter looked very legitimate, they had retweeted posts from Bill Pulte @ pulte (this is important because this is how he told me he found me as I also post, retweet and follow bill), had over 3000 followers, and there were retweeted posts of people saying that he had helped them in the past. So I was extremely excited that this old gentleman would help me pay off my debt. He gave me his cell phone number and we began texting trying to set up the payments on my accounts with the bank account information he had texted me. I was able to set up all the payments and he told me to contact him when they were processed. A few days later they had processed and he asked me to use the now available credit to send to other people to help them out as well.

    I of course was nervous about this, but the original payments had processed, I had looked him up on peoplefinder to make sure he was legit, as well as asked him to send me a photo of him with my name on a paper and him holding it up. He wasn't able to send me this (redflag1), but he did send me a photo of his ID, his SSN, and a photo of him and his wife. I also talked to him on the phone and this was enough to gain my trust.

    So of course being naive and not knowing that the payments could come back I went ahead and sent payments to the people he told me to. A total of around 8k in all, of which he said we would pay off the same way we paid off my original payments with the bank information he gave me. I sent payments though paypal (friends and family) on my paypal credit, venmo, and cashapp on my other credit cards for him to others.

    A few days before christmas I sent him a card to the address on his ID. It got returned to me a few days after that, and I should have taken that as a sign.

    On Dec. 28th All the payments we had tried to make from the account he gave me was returned to my credit on all of the accounts (amazon, paypal, barclaycard) and I freaked out. He quickly assured me that he would call the bank the next day and he would figure it out. This is when I went on a crazy spree of trying to find out who this was that I was talking to. I looked on checkpeople, whitepages, and a ton of other websites to try to find out who Sam was. It all checked out, but I couldn't figure out who his cell phone was registered to. I could never connect the face of Sam to the actual person I was talking to via text and phone. BUT everything seemed legit and I kept on trusting him that he would keep his word like he assured me. I even got an address (supposedly his sons address who he was visiting for the holidays) to re send the christmas card to. It never came back from there so I figured it was legit. He even texted me saying he received it.

    The next day Sam said that he would have to figure out a different way to pay off my debt and the money we spent sending to people. He had wanted to wire transfer funds to me from an international account, which I told him I was not comfortable with. His behavior was very manipulative, but I felt like if he was really scamming me he wouldn't have continued to want to help, so I went along with it. Because I refused to get money transferred to me from an international source he said he had an IRA account he was looking to close or transfer and he could transfer that amount to me ($109,000 - he even sent me a screenshot of his IRA account with that amount) to send to people and to pay off all of my debt.

    The one condition is that I open an IRA (Retirement Account) with my bank so that they could transfer the other amount to my new account. So I followed his advice and opened a variable ira with the minimum balance I could. Sam told me that he needed me to send him my bank account number, routing number and login information. All of which I did (stupid I know). He logged into my account only once then logged out right after and I changed the password right after to be safe. I'm not sure what he did when he was in my account.

    He had said that the transfer would happen in a few days and if I could send some more money to others while we waiting. Stupidly again, I agreed. For reference I'm a freelance graphic designer without work and have no more than a few hundred dollars in my account at any time (not by choice, im just broke and struggling). I was only able to send around $200 which I had just gotten from christmas this time. But that's a lot for me! He said he would pay me back as soon as the transfer went through.

    After a few days he contacted me again saying that he was still waiting on his bank and wanted to send a check to pay part of it and to send to people while I was waiting on the IRA funds to transfer over. I agreed, but told him I would have to wait the full 7 days until the check was fully processed in order to be able to send any money to others from my account. He still agreed and said he would send a check for $9,000.

    Two days ago he sent me tracking information for the check, and today it arrived. HOWEVER it wasn't just one check. It was a stack of checks that he ordered (blank) with my name on them (as if it was from me) only with someone else's bank account routing and account number. He told me to write out a check to myself and go to the ATM to deposit it.

    This is when I started feeling like this was FOR SURE a scam. I spent hours crying, I didn't want to believe it. I haven't contacted him back, but he's sent me loads of messages. There was no way I was going to write out a check to myself and deposit it in my account with someone else's account information on it.

    After picking myself up a bit I decided to see if this was 100% a scam and call the retirement community Sam said he resided at on his profiles online. After getting a hold of the REAL Sam and talking with him, he told me that his accounts had all been hacked and he was for sure not the one talking to me. He didn't have thousands of dollars, and he was living in assisted living. I cried. I feel so stupid.

    I also reached out to one of the girls that he gave me the number for when sending her 3k on paypal and venmo. She had told me he said that I was his niece, and the money I was sending to her, she had been sending part of it to an account he had set up for his supposed "philanthropy cause."

    This has been my worst nightmare. I'm thousands more in debt, have no full time job, and in a month I have to leave my current living situation with nowhere really to go. If anyone here or anywhere else has advice to help me, I would really appreciate it. 2019 was the hardest year of my life. I got laid off from my job, got further in debt, my long term boyfriend left me, and now bringing in the new year with this scam ... I just don't know how much more I can take or deal with.

    I have contacted my bank and closed my account. I've called paypal but they said they can't do anything about the funds because they were transferred through friends and family. (But it was on paypal credit so I might try contacting them the credit branch of paypal tomorrow to see what they say) I'm hesitant to contact the police, because I'm not sure how much they can help if at all. I probably should file a identity theft report for the real Sam though, as I have a photo of his ID and probably his real SSN though I can't verify. If you can, any advice is helpful. I know I'm stupid ok, I learned my $8000+ lesson and I will never trust anyone again.

    TLDR; I was scammed out of thousands of dollars by someone who contacted me on twitter wanting to pay my debts for me. He had me send money to other who in turn sent part of that money to his fake "philanthropy cause". All the payments bounced back and multiple of my accounts were closed. I was talking to someone other than the real person I was talking to and I have an address and phone number given to me from the scammer that I can't find connected to the real Sam. I need advice on what to do. TY

    Location: Seattle, WA

    submitted by /u/Willawonka
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    Possible ADA Violation During Traffic Stop

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 07:59 AM PST

    Location is in Georgia.

    I was pulled over by a cop. I am hard of hearing. I have a HoH sticker on the back of my car that is about 3x3". I wear hearing aids.

    He approached the passenger's side. With the outside traffic driving past made it was difficult to hear. I tried to touch my mounted phone to open my CC app (Ava) but he was yelling and to me it sounded like he was yelling at me about touching my phone.

    Every time I opened my mouth, he would cut me off. I tried to sign "I'm deaf" but he yelled again because I took my hands off the steering wheel. Since I was being yelled at so much, and wasn't understanding everything he was saying, and because it looked like he was about to grab something off his belt I fearfully told him what I thought was my new address and started shaking (I also have PTSD).

    My questions are:

    Do I have any legal recourse for how the traffic stop was handled?

    How would I go about handling this if I were to hire an attorney? What type of attorney would I need to look for?

    submitted by /u/deafgirlthrowaway
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    Just Found Out: My Whole Life is a Lie

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 12:20 PM PST

    State: North Carolina County: Mecklenburg I am 20 years old and no longer have a relationship with my mother or her husband. For the past 20 years my mother has told me that the man she is married to is my father, however everyone in the family told me that just was not true. They got married when I was 10 and my mother had his name added to my birth certificate and had my last name changed to his. Recently, in an effort to find out the truth, I had the man the rest of my family suspected to be my father DNA tested, he was a match. I would like to remove my mom's husband from my birth certificate so that I can add my actual father. And then proceed to change my last name to my biological fathers. Am I able to remove my moms husband from my birth certificate and add my biological fathers without having to reach out to my mother or her husband?

    submitted by /u/bap6996
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    (WA) came home from vacation to find a raw sewage backup in our apartment bathroom. landlord doesn't want to pay the quotes to have it handled professionally and is having our building's maintenance person clean it himself tomorrow morning.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 05:19 PM PST

    my partner and i returned from a three-week trip home for the holidays to find 3-4 inches of raw sewage backed up in our shower and onto our bathroom floor. we are renters and do not know at what point in the last few weeks this happened, but the thinner parts on the floor are dried on. we texted our landlord as soon as we discovered it (9:30pm last night after nine hours of travel) and he sent our building's maintenance person out this morning to take a look.

    since essentially 10am this morning we have been dealing with our maintenance person, servpro, and rotorooter trying to figure out the issue, however our landlord has effectively blocked everyone from dealing with it after receiving the quotes. he's now having our maintenance person come back tomorrow morning, after renting equipment from home depot, to clean it and figure out the issue himself. apparently he was given cleaning advice by the servpro crew and the rotorooter person thinks it's a backup from the entire building and, since we're the ground unit, it's showing up here first.

    additional information: this is in our "master" bathroom. as soon as we discovered it we sealed off the door by taping trash bags around the perimeter, opened all the windows in our bedroom (none in the bathroom), and slept in the living room in order to avoid getting sick. we also have a 7 month old puppy. we have another bathroom that was seemingly unaffected other than the overall unpleasant odor.

    my questions are:

    1. can he force this maintenance person to deal with this level of hazardous waste? it's literally standing "black water" and i feel like it's a gross (pun not intended) violation of his rights to make him deal with that.
    2. we have renters insurance, can i call a professional cleaning service (like i tried with servpro, but was blocked because they needed his permission to work) and tell them to come back and handle it via my insurance? i understand it costs a lot of money, but i am not willing to risk contamination like that just to be cheap.
    3. i have a large collection of makeup, which believe it or not is worth at least $500 easily. luckily the sewage isn't directly touching anything, but is basically everything in that bathroom a loss? even if it's in drawers/under the sink?
    4. we're afraid to sour our relationship with our landlord since the absolute earliest we could move out would be may. my partner's parents want us to get the city involved, but i don't know if they're overreacting or if we're being doormats.

    happy to provide whatever information needed (within reason) to get to the bottom of this, but it's already long enough as it is. thanks in advance. it's been a day...

    submitted by /u/ThermonuclearTaco
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    [NC] Bought a house a few months ago, and we're doing construction. Found a shotgun and some cash. Can I keep it?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 09:28 AM PST

    Apparently, the mantle above the fireplace was hollow and had a shotgun, some ammo, and about $200 cash inside.

    Can I keep it? And what do I need to do with the gun (specifically, paperwork/paper trail)?

    Edit: House was built in 1975.

    submitted by /u/GroundsKeeper2
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    My father, who committed suicide, deposited every cent into my bank account before he died. What are my next steps?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 06:40 PM PST

    edit: *every cent he had left. I'm sorry, I'm having a bit of trouble.

    edit #2: bot reminded me to add my location. I live in a semi-truck, so I'm literally everywhere-- but my home base is California, my dad died in Washington where he lived, and his ashes are being sent to California.

    I (27 M) checked my bank account recently after avoiding it due to severe depression. My father committed suicide on January 2nd of this year, and was found the following day in the morning. From what we knew, he did nothing before committing suicide; no will, no note, nothing at all. My father was a diabetic who lost his job and health care and could no longer afford his medication; he was also mentally ill and suffered from deep depression. Out of all of his family and my brother and I, I was the only one who spoke to him, which I'm guessing is the reason he trusted me with what he had left. He deposited a sum of money into my account the day of his death.

    What are my next legal steps? I had no idea until today, as I mentioned, I have yet to hire a lawyer and my mom (legally separated spouse of my dad), has expressed wanting to be the executor. I have yet to tell anyone the amount of money in the account and it remains untouched; my mother has horrible tendencies with money and unfortunately suffers from alcoholism. I do not trust her with maintaining these funds.

    Please, any advice would be helpful. I'm unsure if I'm giving enough info or if this is coherent, I'm in a lot of shock and have been for many days.

    submitted by /u/RADIOstations
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    Would it be possible to sue my GF's mother for false accusations of DV?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 06:36 PM PST

    My gf is originally from FL and has an emotionally and physically abusive mother. My gf has a PTSD diagnosis stemming from her childhood. Her mom has falsely accused my gf's father of DV in the past, and he sent many emails to my gf detailing how she did so before he passed away.

    My gf cut off all ties with her mother in July of 2019 after finding evidence that her mother cheated and robbed her dad before he passed away. His sister (her aunt) says he was hiding from the mother in jail, and he passed away from heart complications.

    My gf is a high school teacher at the old high school I went to in NM. On Monday, my gf's mom called the school principal, and accused me of DV. She tried to use it as an excuse to, "...keep eyes on her daughter," and she flew in from FL with her brother to try and meet with her daughter. My gf was chased by her mother in a car, and my gf got a temporary restraining order for stalking and harrassment. The mother told the principal she flew back to FL, and denied the car chase.

    My gf and I are in a very healthy and happy relationship, but her mom continues to falsely accuse me of DV, as a means to try and reconnect with her daughter. We live in NM and she lives in FL, but she calls my gf's old college friends and my gf's employer in the town I grew up in and accuses me of DV. We are also in a town full of Native Americans and I am Native American, and my gf is caucasion. I am also an aspiring professional fighter, and this is well-known. My gf's mom tends to only communicate with caucasian individuals in my area, and acts like a victim until she is attacking. Can I sue her for libel and defamation of character, or would the lawsuit be too costly across statelines to pursue? I really feel like my hands are tied behind my back right now. I do not care whether or not my gf communicates with her mother, but if she does not wish to, I will support her decision. My gf described her mother as the woman in Mommy Dearest; she cried when she first saw the film.

    submitted by /u/mmafan070707
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    Landlord added his family member to our lease without our permission, said person is a huge drug addict and is causing huge problems for us, and i don't know what to do.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 08:03 PM PST

    In September me and two friends ended up signing a lease together renting a 3 bedroom apartment. In December one of our roommates asked to be removed from the lease as he was planning on changing universities in January. We had a friend who verbally agreed to replace him at the end of January and even gave his first months rent in advance to us.

    We were all fine with this, when i got back at the start of January i found a complete and utter stranger in our apartment who i will call K. K said she signed a lease with our landlord and moved in at the end of December. Neither of my roommates knew anything about this.

    I freaked out called the police, who told us to take it up with our landlord as K argued that she had signed paperwork indicating she was renting a room. Ignoring the fact there is a complete fucking stranger living in our apartment.

    I finally managed to get in touch with our landlord on Monday who told us that "he is renting the room out now to a family member and has amended our lease" because one person moved out (ignoring the fact that he has no right to do that), i explained we already had a replacement roommate, and that he cannot just modify our lease like that, he told us that it didn't matter anymore.

    K smokes in our apartment constantly, she smokes a ton of weed and it makes both me and my roommate nauseaus. She has had people random people over constantly, who are extremely loud and hostile to us. Today i found two used syringes just left in our living room.

    We contacted the landlord tenant board, who explained our landlord cannot do that, and recommended we contact the police, we call the police again who basically explain it is out of their hands. Our landlord has refused to talk to us, and K flips out at us when ever she sees us.

    What am i supposed to be doing here? Our lease is not a room rental lease, the paperwork we signed says we are renting the entire apartment until next September. Can someone please help me here.

    Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    submitted by /u/LaThrow18291
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    I left a company and now they wont let me into my office to get my personal items. (AL, US)

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 02:47 PM PST

    I left a company that I was in and now they wont let me into my office to get my personal items. I have receipts for everything I purchased. And was just wondering what my options were or what i should be doing to get my items back which I need to continue to work.

    submitted by /u/kaderichey
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    I begged my landlord to change the locks because my ex boyfriend was dangerous/unstable: she refused, and then my ex broke into my apt while I was out of town

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 09:44 PM PST

    So long story short, my ex boyfriend moved out abruptly after I realized he was a complete sociopath. I gave him money for rent and utilities after he moved in, and he pocketed it without paying. He lied, manipulated, and stole from me until I confronted him. I tried to tell him he needed help, and attempted to convince him not to drive off on his drunken state.... and then he violently threw me into a kitchen cabinet. I didn't go to the police for this because his best friend is a mental health counselor who convinced me that he was not in control of his emotions. Disclaimer: Please believe me when I say I'm not a gullible person. I wanted to go to the police. A professional who is trained in the psychology of vulnerable women /children convinced me that it was not my ex's fault. I'm angry that I believed him, but I thought that maybe the situation was beyond my understanding, and I was reacting inappropriately. I wish I had done things differently. I regret that more than anything now. I was not thinking clearly I was psychologically dependent on him. He groomed me to rely on him. I know how this sounds, but please try to understand that I thought I was helping someone who was mentally ill.

    After my ex moved out, I asked my landlord to change the locks and she refused, insisting that the "building is safe".

    6 months later, my ex boyfriend breaks in while I was out of town. multiple other tenants identified him; I showed them pictures. (He was wearing the same shirt when he broke in that he was wearing in the photo that I showed them!) he doesn't take anything from the apartment, other than cigarettes. He entered the bathroom window after attempting to rig the lock to my front door. Luckily my neighbor called the cops (but it took them 45 minutes to show up in the city, and by then he had gone). He showed up a week later and called me. I told him to get out of my life, and called the cops. They dismissed it, saying that he probably just wanted to talk to me/ catch up. I called the detective assigned to my case, and was told "I don't have high hopes; I'm a little busy right now with a pedophile case and I'm pretty swamped" (I'm not exaggerating). Nothing happened. My ex was never charged with B&E because nobody formally saw him INSIDE of my apartment/ taking things. Oh... And my locks are still broken.

    My current boyfriend and I keep baseball bats by the door. We don't feel safe. I've lost nights of sleep. Our packages keep being stolen and my landlord told me to just have mail delivered elsewhere.

    Surely there is something I can do? I've contacted a couple of lawyers who never contacted me back. I have emails, pictures, screenshots and messages leading up to this. I feel like this is a valid negligence suit...

    submitted by /u/wollypogs
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    How long can a school keep your phone?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 04:25 PM PST

    I got my phone taken away by a teacher, (who by school rules gives it to the front office), and the only way I know to get it back is for a parent to come pick it up. My parents are kinda 'boomers', and are quite happy I don't have it, so they refuse to go pick it up. My phone was taken 2 weeks before winter break, and spent the whole break there as well. Is it legal to keep a phone for that long? Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/galaxyboi10
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