• Breaking News

    Friday, January 10, 2020

    Legal Advice - Pondering divorce. My wife is a Japanese national and I‘m worried I could lose access to my son if she leaves the country. What can I do?

    Legal Advice - Pondering divorce. My wife is a Japanese national and I‘m worried I could lose access to my son if she leaves the country. What can I do?

    Pondering divorce. My wife is a Japanese national and I‘m worried I could lose access to my son if she leaves the country. What can I do?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 06:58 AM PST

    Hello. Married for fifteen years. I'm Australian. She's Japanese. We have a son together and we live in Australia but my wife has become more and more difficult to deal with as time goes on. We have a dead bedroom. She hates Australia and hates me for bringing her to the country. I make a lot of money doing what I love, which is why we're here but that no longer seems to matter for her and she is increasingly turning to crazy behaviors — throwing food at me, insulting me, preventing me from seeing friends, stopping me and my son from doing things together, and a hundreds of other things that really test my patience.

    So. I'm thinking we are probably better off apart. The trouble is, if she takes my son back to Japan, I'll never see him again. Japan has insane custody laws and foreign parents have no rights of any kind. She'll try to make sure I have no chance to see him. What can I do? Can the Australian courts give some protection? How can I begin divorce proceedings without sending her into flight mode? Should I take my son somewhere away from her without her knowledge to keep him safe? Is that even legal?

    Any advice appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Sure-Acanthocephala
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    [Final Update] Stay of Eviction in Virginia

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 11:19 AM PST

    As I posted in my first update, (here), I went to court and was granted a Stay of Execution Order and I was allowed to request a new trial - that trial was today. The landlord showed up with an altered copy of the original "5 Day Pay or Quit" notice that I received when I first fell behind on rent - this copy added a paragraph explaining that any rent received after the date of the notice would be considered as received "with reservation" and that any agreements regarding payment arrangements would also constitute payment with reservation - unfortunately for them, I had the original notice, i.e. the one I actually received in the mail, which did not include any such clause (I also had the original postmarked envelope). The judge gave my landlord's representative a stern "talking to" about trying to pull one over on the court, vacated the original judgement against me, advised my landlord that if they wanted to evict me, they needed to start the entire process over and do it correctly - "no shortcuts" - and advised me that I should simply pay the rest of what I owe in full before they do that (which is exactly what I plan to do when I get paid in a couple of weeks). The "invented" notice that they gave to the court had the same date as the notice I received in the mail, but unlike my copy, they had no evidence showing that this notice was ever sent to me, and the judge was "not happy" to say the least. Thanks LA for all of your help!

    submitted by /u/lathrowaway1928
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    My Dad was a scam artist who ran away in 2011 leaving a debt of £125k that my family are still paying. Today I found out where he is hiding abroad. What should I do?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 08:22 AM PST

    Hey redditors!

    Any help would be amazing!

    A little background:

    I grew up with a father who wasn't like the others, he always had the nicest things and all my friends thought he was the coolest Dad ever. Him and my Mum seemed happy enough and me and my 3 siblings lived with him and all seemed well.

    After a few showings of the Police in the house around the time I was 14, I heard odd stories about how my Dad had got into trouble with some people. He then disappeared one day and I never saw him again, this was March 2011.

    It's a complicated story, but what my family and I have worked out over the, nearly 9 years, is that he was a high functioning sociopath who, as my Mum quickly found at when he left, owed £125,750, mostly brought on through scamming business, families and maxing out credit cards. My Mum was taken to court, the house was seized, I had a mental breakdown and we nearly ended up homeless and we spent the next 5 years on the poverty line.


    Now it is 2020, a lot has changed, my family is back on it's feet having only £12,000 left to pay, and the Government taking pity on us and not chasing us anymore.

    This Christmas my Dad reappeared (who knows why) and he spoke to all of us children individually. We were all very confused and upset and ended up in 5 hour screaming matches on the phones to get some answers.

    What we have worked out is that he now lives in Cyprus with a girlfriend he's had for 8 years, they are both high earners having supposedly 'worked' in investment banking and pensions. I managed to make him gloat about his life in Cyprus, talking about his pool, his big house and his cars. Throughout this I managed to get hold of his current house address (proven) in Cyprus and his partners parents address in the UK.

    The big questions now is, what do I do? Or, do I even bother doing anything?

    I have a box in my Mum's house with 1000's of pieces of evidence proofing every penny he owes. Do I call up and tell them where he lives? Or is that irrelevant as he owes money in the UK but lives in Cyprus.

    There's so many ways to approach this. Is there a certain type of debt which is more worth going after, such as fees to HMRC, unpaid child maintenance or Solicitor fees as they may have more power to go after him with?

    I'll answer any questions, any help would be incredible.

    Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/Campachoocho0
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    [California] My healthy otherwise 50yo mom can barely walk now after believing in false advertisement of this "miracle shoe" that destroyed her knee instead of helping.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 04:25 PM PST

    So a few years ago, my mother she was approached at a church by this couple trying to sell her a pair of shoes priced at $1,000 USD, yes a thousand freaking dollars. The 'benefit' of the shoes is that the material beneath the sole gives exceptional physical benefits to the wearer, and would make walking very effortless, and as a nurse who walks tremendous amount during the job, clearly was intrigued by their demonstration.

    The reason these shoes makes it feel so much easier to walk, is because they 'manually adjust' these tabs beneath the soles, moving them around, which ultimately shifts the pressure points of the feet. They have a 'worker' come out every 3 month about 2hrs away, to help all the shoe buyers "relocate" the tabs under the sole, hence relocating the pressure points depending on the wearer's signs of discomfort, etc. As the pressure points of one's feet can really affect how someone walks, stands, and even posture and spine/back structure. Which is very true, and turns out it's also exactly what caused the shoes to fuck my mom's knees up.

    A full time nurse's greatest fears is not being able to walk, since no hospital wants a limping nurse around. She used to be employee of the month more than anyone else, and now shes down and fears every day that she's gonna get fired. She hasn't seeked legal advice on whether or not she has a case against the shoe company, since she's so discouraged by the whole happening and she also don't think she has a case cause she doesn't know how she can prove it to be the shoes.

    This is how she realized it was the shoes that fucked her knees up. A few weeks ago, when she was having more difficulties walking than ever, she finally sees her Doctor. Her doctor immediately points out the reason of the pain in her knees, which is caused by the placement of her feet upon each step. As her feet faces super inward when walking, like doing the pizza when you skiie. She was very confused why she was walking like that, because she surely wasn't doing that before. Until the next day she went to work with those damn shoes again, she soon realizes that her shoes, along with the 'pressure points under the sole', literally forcefully positions her feet inwardly like the pizza shape. that's when she first knew it had to be the shoes.

    Of course she stopped wearing immediately. but it's now too late. To anyone who's still reading, BRAVO and thank you for caring enough to read this thru. I just wanted to make this as clear as possible because I really am hoping there is a possible way that she has a case against this damn shoe company! I feel so sorry for everyone of those customers out there. SO sad. SO fucked up. I appreciate any advices, thank youu.

    submitted by /u/Priorityjeremy
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    (WA, UT) my mom and stepdad are threatening me with grandparents rights

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 06:50 PM PST

    I've been without contact with my mom and stepdad for 3 years and am recently pregnant. My parents are kind of grandkid crazy and have told me they'd disown me if I had an abortion for denying them grandkids, and have told me that I'm selfish and should think of someone besides myself every time I miscarried so I kind of expected something to come of this, and it finally has.

    They live in Utah and I live in Washington. They have emailed me and said they will be seeking the following visitation:

    • 3 weeks in the summer and one week over Christmas that I must deliver my child to them for visitation starting this summer

    • since I'm so due in May they say I must not breastfeed so that my child can be without me this coming summer

    This is obviously crazy. I've heard of grandparents rights and know it's crazy but also I know of people who have gotten stuck in the middle of these proceedings, wasting tons of money. My boyfriend and I are not married but live together and are committed.

    Is there any leg for them to stand on? Is there any way to avoid this without going into debt? They have lots of money and I don't.

    EDIT: thanks for the input. I feel pretty reassured. I'm gonna delete this in a sec just in case it gains too much traction

    submitted by /u/Cassie_1991
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    (Illinois) I'm 18, I'm in high school, and my mom's trying to kick me out of the house

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 07:30 AM PST

    Uh, hey, guys. I did very intensive browsing on this subreddit and I combed through pertinent Illinois law to try and find the answer without bothering you guys, since it seems it's a very common question and I don't want to bother you guys with something like that, but I'm in a bit of a pickle with this. I turned 18 a couple months ago, and I'm currently finishing my last semester of high school. I've seen some states say that once I became of the age of majority, I'm on my own; I've seen other posts saying that my mom's obligated to let me stay in the house until I graduate high school, and a common motif I see is that even if I can get kicked out, my mom would have to give me an eviction notice (which she denies). She says she's talked this out with the cops already, but I've got a nagging suspicion it's just a fear tactic (it's something she's been doing throughout most of my life). Are there any laws on the Illinois books that definitively give an answer one way or another?

    UPDATE: Happened sooner than I thought. Just after I posted this I got shoved out the door and had it locked behind me. That's not really within this subreddit's scope (unless there's something legally I can do about it), can anybody point me to another subreddit where I can get some advice moving forward?

    submitted by /u/romankinglp
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    My art keeps getting stolen and sold and I am getting the repercussions.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 11:35 AM PST

    Basically what the title says. I am a newbie artist painting digital art as both a hobby and a future career goal. I've been getting a decent response to my work, on Reddit especially, and have started to see my artwork popping up on websites selling them as prints and on merch etc without permission from both me and the Intellectual Property owner. They go as far as to photoshop or cropping out my signature. I want to still be able to share my work without the fear of it being stolen and brandished across a mug to then get emails from big companies threatening to take further steps, despite me not being the seller.

    It's already been enough to scare me out of painting fanart again. I more just want advice on how to protect my art from future thieves stealing and reposting with a price tag.

    Edit 1 - I'm from the UK

    Edit 2 - Just to clarify and clear confusion for some, the artwork I am talking about is indeed fan art which is why it is illegal to sell. I was not paid to make the art and I am not selling or looking to sell it. Fan art is not illegal to create.

    submitted by /u/bananawoodart
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    My brother (17) and my second cousins wife (30) have been sleeping together for at least 2 years

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 05:30 PM PST

    Hello, I need help as soon as possible. (This is my boyfriend's account.) My brother and my cousins wife have been sleeping together for at least 2 years. However, she has been very smart about it.

    When their relationship started, my brother had just gotten out of the mental hospital. She talks to him about being selfish for trying to leave her.

    In their text messages before he is 17 she never comes right out and talks about them having sex. She always hints that it was fun the night before. Tells him that no one can find out about them. She talks about giving him drugs and etc. Now after he turned 17 their conversations change to them talking about having sex all the time. However, in the state of Illinois 17 is the age of consent.

    My brother tried breaking off the relationship on multiple occasions and she threatened to kill herself multiple times. Now we have screenshots of her slitting her wrists, my brother told me that 1 time she took a bunch of pills and had to take her to the hospital. And the 2nd time she held a knife up to her throat. She is VERY manipulative to not only my brother but her husband as well. My cousin is a paraplegic who has brain problems and she doesn't take him to the hospital, she convinced him that even though she is sleeping with my brother she still loves him.

    Now we just found out about her and my brother. When we found out we got a restraining order out against her, which she broke MULTIPLE times. We have evidence of that and she was arrested for it as well. Her entire family has been in contact with my little brother as well. We have screenshots and phone records of everything. Since then, they have gone through and deleted things off of my brothers Facebook that we already got screenshots for.

    She contacted him (they have been using secret message on Messenger through Facebook) after she got arrested. Once he found out that she got arrested he flipped his lid and the doctors admitted him into a psychiatric unit for his own protection and the protection of others. He keeps going back and fourth on talking to the police and then not cooperating at all. Same as her husband. One day he will be on our side and the next on her side.

    She is even trying to say that my brother raped her and she was scared for her life and kept sleeping with him. However, the day we found out about them sleeping together she texted my mother a long paragraph telling my mother, that she loved my little brother and no one is going to understand how much her and my little brother love each other.

    There is a video of her talking about sleeping with my brother and how she couldn't wait to go to college with him and live their lives together.

    Now, we go to court on the 14th. The attorney we hired said she won't represent us because we don't have enough evidence. Or as she said, we have all the evidence but she can't use it since she (the attorney) doesn't know where it came from. (Aka the screenshots) but my brother has since then deleted all of the evidence. We have his Facebook passwords, and his old phone with text messages.

    At the court hearing we need to make sure we can prove she was sleeping with him as a minor. So out of these 3 I need to know which we can use. This is for us extending the order of protection we have on her to a permanent, 2 years. She has 2 attorneys and now we have to represent ourselves and I need all the help we can get.

    Now, according to Illinois Criminal Sexual Assault Act of Illinois Criminal Code, 720 ILCS 5/12-12, et seq. In section 12-13 of Criminal Sexual Assault, Sexual Penetration plus number 4 Victim at least 13 years but under 18 years and accused was 17 years or over and held position of trust, authority, or supervision in relation to the victim. if that is the case then yes she was suppose to be in supervision of him when she lived with my cousin. But I need help knowing if we can use this in our court case.

    Or if In Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse section 12-16. Criminal sexual abuse (type A) plus 1 * if victim is 17 or under and the accused is a family member* however, what constitutes as a family member gets tricky unless in special cases. According to the document a family member is (a parent, grandparent, step-parent, step-grandparent, child, step-child, aunt, uncle, great-aunt, great-uncle, or live-in of 6 months with the child being under 18)

    Or if In Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse section 12-16. Criminal sexual abuse (type A) plus 8 or with sexual penetration, victim is 13-17 and the accused is at least 5 years older.

    If anyone can help me, I would severely appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/howardthealiensbro
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    My mom found my name change paper work- she works as a clerk in the court house I had to submit it in

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 01:47 PM PST

    I don't get along with my mom. or family in general. recently submitted name change paperwork with a sealed record request. but because she works in the court house as a clerk she isn't considered a member of the public and was able to read the whole thing. Including the bit about being my safety being at risk due to being trans. She's already forcefully deadnaming me. saying stuff like "that's the name god gave you" ect blah blah. do I have any recourse here? Particularly with her having looked at what should be sealed record. Likely not I'd assume...... I do still live with her and it wouldn't be great for me either if she got fired or something. I just don't think this should really be permissible. this just sucks - Montana

    submitted by /u/StepOnMyCubes
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    My neighbor is vandalizing "their side" of my fence because it's facing them and therefore it's "theirs"

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 06:42 AM PST

    This is really stupid, I swear, but I'm not sure what to do or if they're correct or what. I live in Minnesota. I own our house. In March I had a fence put in - a 6 foot cedar privacy fence, it encloses my backyard and runs up my side yard as well. We had our property professionally assessed and marked where the property line is, and we put the fence on the property line.

    My neighbor has just recently moved in. Their backyard is fenced on 3 sides because all of his surrounding neighbors have fences. So, the side we share is fenced y my fence, the neighbor behind him has a chain link fence, and the neighbor on the opposite side has a slightly taller chainlink fence. The side of the yard facing the road is open.

    Driving home from work the other day, I noticed they had painted all over the side of my fence that faces their yard. Not like all one color, but just.. Painting random crap. The kids (two younger kids and one poss 13ish) were let loose and it's a mishmash of colors and pictures and whatever. I'm pretty upset by this as this fence was NOT cheap. I got home and asked the SO what we should do, and then I went over to talk to the neighbor.

    The neighbors, as it turns out, are entirely psychotic. The husband answered the door in his boxers, and right off the bat was defensive. He stood there, chest puffed out like he was going to fight me over it. I explained that I didn't appreciate him painting on my fence. I didn't actually get much farther than that because he blew up at me, ranting about how since it's on the property line, the "half" of the fence that's facing them is their fence and they can do what they want with it. The wife showed up at some point absolutely hammered and added to the chaos.

    I eventually bowed out and went home, and told SO that we should just let it go. It's just paint, and I know that if we have any extended negative interaction with the neighbors it's probably going to be a neverending headache.

    But, now they're vandalizing it. It's being used as a backstop for what I think is a set of throwing knives? by the younger teenage boy, as well as airsoft target practice. They're hanging screws and nails into it to hang targets and stuff. Paint is one thing, but the physical damage will shorten the life of the fence.

    I guess I'm just wondering if what they said is true? I'm finding minimal info about it. It IS on the property line but the idea of the side facing them being "their" side seems really ludicrous, but I can also see that being a thing, since it borders their yard. Can I file a police report for damage to property?

    Also what legality do I have for cameras? A friend suggested putting up cameras but since it's in their yard and they have a reasonable expectation of privacy, I don't think I would be allowed to do that

    submitted by /u/StupidFenceThrowaway
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    Driveway constantly being blocked.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 07:05 AM PST

    We live on the main street of our town. We have a driveway that constantly gets blocked. The curb is painted clearly, so it isn't a problem of it not being clearly indicated. When we call the police, they usually issue a ticket (not always) and try to find the owner at the local business or by calling the phone number on record. The problem: They are never towed, blocking us in sometimes for hours, or even an entire day. The police refuse to tow because, "There's plenty of parking on the street and they are not impeding traffic". Meanwhile, we're either stuck at home unable to leave or I'm coming home and can't access my own driveway and have to park further away, often several blocks. We also share this driveway with out neighboring house and they have an older lady who is wheelchair bound, and is on an oxygen tank. When blocked, they often have to park much further away as well.

    Is there any recourse we have? Can we have the area marked more clearly? Can I post a sign on my own property to make it clearer?

    Edit: sorry. This is New Jersey, Warren county

    Edit 2: Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I feel I have a bit more to go on now and not so hopeless.

    submitted by /u/Thatwolfguy
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    Winter storm coming in WI this weekend. My landlord emailed everyone saying nobody can park in the apartment parking lot because they need to plow. But the city declared a snow emergency so we legally can't park on the streets. The landlord threatened to tow anyone parked in the lot.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 02:20 PM PST

    Can my landlord legally tow people for parking in the parking lot this weekend if we legally cannot park on city streets (because of the snow emergency)? My unit has a one car garage but I have two vehicles registered with my lease.

    Emailing my landlord got me nowhere. She just said "IDK, I can't control the snow fall".

    submitted by /u/randyscheeseburgers
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    My employer didn’t pay state taxes after withholding money

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 02:53 PM PST

    I live and work in Georgia, USA. My employer uses Paychex for payroll but failed to set up a withholding account for my state. Taxes were withheld from my paychecks but the state was never paid.

    The current issue is that the state now is trying to collect unpaid tax for 2017 plus penalties and interest. I assume this will be an issue for the 2018 and 2019 tax years as well.

    I've made my employer aware which prompted them to get the withholding account set up.

    Why I'm posting here is because they have asked me to pay the state for the amount that they are trying to collect and that they will reimburse me on my next paycheck. My employer never responds to my emails on this matter but calls me directly, which I think is odd. Like they don't want a paper trail.

    I'm worried that paying the state myself may be some kind of admission of wrongdoing on my part and if I do get reimbursed it will be taxed as income.

    I'm just not sure what to do or how big a deal this is. Should I trust my employer to make it right(I laughed as I typed that) or do I need to talk to a tax attorney? I'm also worried that if I do use an attorney to deal with this that I'll lose my job(I like my job) and that attorney fees will be more than what I'd be out for making the tax situation right.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/is-this-necessary
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    Neighbor's chickens coming into my yard and my dog loves them for food not friends (WI)

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 03:37 PM PST

    We moved into our one acre lot home last year and almost immediately we noticed that our neighbor haschickens. They could be seen lounging in their front yard. They have about five or six of them - very beautiful ones including an all black and an all white one. We informed my neighbor that our dog is a bird hunting dog and that she has killed a chicken in the past (another story but it was my in-laws neighbors and they immediately put up a fence and were good sports about it). Within the next week she began building an enclosed heated chicken coop. That was last summer but periodically the chickens would get out or something (?) and wander into my yard. I would try shooing them away with a stick or rocks but they are so dumb! They would chase the rocks... so anyway I was really diligent last year making sure my dog stayed in until I had the all clear that there were no chickens in our yard. They were maybe in my yard once or twice more last year. Also want to add that she has never tried to enter her yard to get them.

    Fast forward to this morning. I am getting my baby and dog ready to go for a walk. She is 10 years old and has some hip issues so I wanted to just take a stroll around the yard. Long story short; there was a chicken in my yard about 10 feet from my unleashed dog in MY YARD. I was about 10 feet away from my dog. She pointed and I calmly walked toward her but she lunged at the chicken. The chicken ran and so did my dog, eventually grabbing the chicken in her mouth. She maybe had the chicken for less than five seconds. I gave her the command to drop the chicken and she did. It flailed its wings around a bit and then strutted back into neighbor's yard. It looked okay? I didn't examine the bird but it was able to walk. I immediately locked up my dog and continued my walk contemplating what I should do. My neighbor was at work so I didn't knock on her door. I wanted to get advice before I make my next move.

    My question is do I have to keep a dog on a leash in my own yard? I am held liable if my dog damages or kills her chickens when they come into my yard. What can I do to ensure that neighbors chickens stay in her yard? Should I contact my neighbor and check on the chicken?

    submitted by /u/LigandHotel
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    Someone entered my rented apartment

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 10:24 AM PST

    Today i got home from work and on a chair i found a note in a girly handwriting asking me if i'm not ashamed of the mess i live in. The door was closed but this is a bit shady appartement complex, but it was cheaper. First shady thing is that they keep key copies in a box in the hallway(anybody can come and take/use them). Other thing is there are workers that enter "free" apartemnts from time to time to go to the bathroom(free as in unoccupied, but that's not so sure...). I assumed they were the workers, which is just as bad as anybody else, as there are some footprints in the bathroom but it may be the ladies from the agency. What can i do? I don't want complicated legal stuff cause i just got a new job and i'm quite tired/occupied. Btw. I'm in Romania.

    submitted by /u/InternationalBug2143
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    Mentally challenged Mother died, unofficial caregiver friend trying to file a will that gives her everything.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 05:01 PM PST

    Mother lived in Texas.

    The mother to me and my sister passed away, she was diagnosed with a lot of severe mental disabilities and was on the record of being on a dozen medications and many sedatives.

    My sister was the closer of the family, being in driving distance. They talked occasionally but didn't really meet much because of the mental issues.

    My mother had somehow found a friend that was caring for her occasionally, there is no record of care and i don't think the person is licensed in any way.

    My mother did not contact us or answer for Christmas. This happens some years because she is sometimes in a bad phase. My sister did a wellness check and it was discovered my mother had been dead in her home alone for many days.

    After handling all of that terrible business about a week later we find that this lady friend is trying to submit a will to the court that has her claiming 100% of everything go to her and not her next of kin.

    I've got no idea if the will was done properly and have little control over what's happening over there as im half a country away.

    Im having my sister get in touch with a lawyer, but I'm curious of what the process is.

    submitted by /u/robolink
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    My landlord is threatening legal action

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 01:57 PM PST

    It is nearing the end of the college semester here in Ontario, Canada. My landlord has been bringing prospective tenants to the house for showings. Unfortunately one of the visitors was injured walking up some stairs inside the house, and my landlord is claiming that the tenant is liable for the injury because the injury resulted from stairs that were not kept clean. My question is if the landlord can hold tenants to a standard of cleanliness for open houses and if tenants can be held liable for injuries on the property at all.

    The house is kept relatively clean, the injury occurred on stairs leading from the entryway to the living space, so there may have been rocks or glass tracked in from outside on them. Being a broke college student I cannot afford to hire a lawyer or take the time to fight this in court if the visitor or landlord decides to sue, so any insight would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Emotional-Mechanic
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    [IN] My boss had me sign a non-complete agreement years ago, and I am wondering about how enforceable it is.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 08:13 PM PST

    I work in a privately owned school that offers private music lessons. I'd been working there as an employee for three years, but at the beginning of 2019 she changed us to be private contractors instead, which has made finances a bit tricky for me.

    This contract states that I am not allowed to teach students affiliated with the school up to six months after they quit lessons, lest I face a $500 fine. How enforceable is this contract? If a student of their own volition quits lessons, no longer associates with the company, and seeks me out for lessons, does my boss have the legal right to deny this per the agreement?

    Also, if I had initially signed this contract as an employee, but my position has now changed to private contractor, does the nature of the contract change, or is it nullified? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/RadTraditionalist
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    In Texas, can I be charged 1,500 to re-key the entire school if I lose my classroom key? Should I sign an agreement to do so?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 09:17 AM PST

    Hey everyone! Here is my problem: I am a teacher, and my school is asking all teachers to sign an agreement in order to receive new classroom keys.

    Part of the agreement states "If I lose this key, I will notify the campus administration immediately so that the key can be replaced. I will pay 1500$ for key replacement and for the facility to be re-keyed."

    The next part states "Failure to comply with this agreement may result in disciplinary action."

    The agreement requires a signature and date.
    Is this legal, should I sign it, and what are my options here?

    Thanks for any help you can give.

    submitted by /u/UncertainEducator
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    Employer assaulted me then changed my date of hire with health insurance company, leaving previous medical treatment uninsured.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 02:01 PM PST

    Location: Connecticut, USA

    I just received a bill 6 months after treatment for a doctor visit that my insurance had already paid for. When I called the insurance company to find out why they had to retracted their payment for this service, they said that my former employer called and changed my date of hire to well after that doctor appointment. I was hired in April and started receiving health insurance in June. I was still employed when I went to this doctor visit. In October, my employer called the insurance company after I quit when one of the bosses physically assaulted me and changed my date of hire to August 1st. This leaves me without health insurance coverage for that doctor visit and I am just now receiving the bill. What can I do? The insurance company insists that my employer has to authorize any change. Obviously they are not going to help me. I did not press charges after the assault although I would have been well within my rights to do so. This just adds insult to injury.

    submitted by /u/papergirl222
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    Mom won't get perscribed medications for me and my brother. Can I legally get them?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 08:49 PM PST

    Hey! Recently, my mom took my brother, (19M) to the doctor. He was prescribed pills for insomnia.

    He's had these issues for years. My Mom is convinced her herbal remedies will work, she just "hasn't found the right combination yet." Yes. She said that. At this point, it Definatley won't.

    I, 16F, was perscribed anxiety meds. Mom doesn't want me "drugged" either.

    Neither of us have drivers licences to show someone at the pharmacy. Although my brother is of age, he also has other issues I wont get into for privacy reasons, and can't really speak to people.

    Legally, how could I get our meds? Am I allowed to at 16?

    Edit: I'm in the US, WV

    submitted by /u/hmm_yes_
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    [California] Neighbor won't stop leafblowing onto our driveway

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 01:56 PM PST

    State: California

    My neighbor keeps leafblowing all the leaves on his front yard onto our driveway, collecting it all there, then leafblowing it down the street. He claims he is doing us a "favor" because he'll pick up stuff from our driveway too and push them down the street.

    However, if he doesn't do a thorough job leafblowing everything down (he doesn't do a thorough job ever), pieces of debris and garbage get strewn onto our driveway, which our cars/shoes/wind, etc. pick up, and drag it further inside and into our home.

    We've repeatably told him to stop and use his driveway to collect the leaves instead and leave ours alone. He continually says he's doing us a favor and won't stop. We bring it up to him: If it's really a favor, and we don't want it, then why would you keep doing it? He says even then, the driveway and sidewalk it intersects is city property so he can do whatever he wants. Is this really true? I mean at some point, all the debris and gunk may collect onto the "city property" but it affects us because our cars and shoes will start dragging it into our property.

    We've had a shaky relationship, and the fact that he refuses to use his driveway to collect the leaves (there's literally no difference between using ours or his driveway) feels like he's just trying to provoke us. This issue is a bit minor, but bending over and letting him do whatever he wants to provoke us without any repercussions is ridiculous.

    This issue has escalated to cops coming over TWICE, and both times, they also agree the issue is dumb: it literally makes no difference for my neighbor to use his driveway to collect the leaves, but makes a world of difference for us - just use your own driveway! The police say to never call them again over this issue and for us to just talk it out. Knowing my neighbor though, he'll keep doing this and eventually force me to have to call the police again who will be upset with me for still being upset with this.

    Do I have any recourse here, or am I just going to be stuck dragging dirt and leaves and other gunk all over my shoes and car tires?

    Even if I do record him leafblowing onto the driveway: it does look like from afar that he is collecting it on our driveway, then leafblowing it all down onto the street, leaving my driveway clean. It's only when you actually observe the driveway closely that you start noticing all the gunk still everywhere, especially after a few days (he does this daily). For this reason, I'm not sure if recording him will even help?

    submitted by /u/adumbquestion123
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    (VA)(NC) Life Coach told me I owe her additional $50K for services 2013-2019. What should I do to protect myself?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 10:04 PM PST

    Thank you for all your kindness and informative remarks- I know this is a mess, but I didn't know. I'm off to the free legal clinic on Saturday, armed with your questions/comments, and will look for the information you asked me to bring in. Thank you.

    Personal Finance told me to post here instead.

    tl;dr: My Life Coach just told me I owe her an additional $50K for past 6 years of services. I'm shocked and stunned. I don't have a way to verify it, and I don't have this money. I'm going to my city's free legal clinic on Saturday. What should I do to protect myself? I don't want to get sued or go into debt.

    Admin: I live in Virginia (VA), and the coach lives in North Carolina (NC). From 2013-2018, I lived overseas and in other states. I started seeing her when I was 35 yrs old and now am 41, if that matters.

    NOTE: I know many people distrust coaches. I'm not going to go into my life story here, but she helped me more than my Therapists. Please don't insult me for working with a Coach.

    Background: Since 2013, I've worked closely with a Life Coach, Emily, via phone. I met her through the organization that certified her. She had a set fee for 3 appointments/month (and then sometimes adjusted for fee increases). I auto-paid the monthly fee through my bank account. But I always set up more appointments than the set amount per month, but she never mentioned that I owed her extra money. I naively presumed she was being generous as I had told her I didn't have extra funds orally.

    The Bill This week, she mailed me a copy of an Excel Document listing all my appointments vs my payments since 2013. And there's $50K difference. I don't have phone records going back to 2013. When I spoke to her this week, she told me that she didn't tell me about the 'missing payments' at the time because I was going through some crises, but now she feels that I'm strong enough. (Yes, I was mentally in a bad spot...and now I'm better.)

    Do I pay her this amount and if so, how? I don't own property. I have only $5K in savings (no emergency savings). The Coach suggested I request a Personal Loan from the bank. My family doesn't have this kind of money.

    Next Steps I've cancelled all future appointments and auto-payments. I've emailed the organization that certified her for guidance. I'm also going to bring her bill to Saturday's free legal clinic. What else should I do? Can she sue me?

    EDIT 1 - Contract: a few people have asked about a contract. I will look but if I signed something it was back in 2013. Would it look something like a rental contract? Or could an email be considered a contract?

    EDIT 2 - Extra Payments at Year-End: Commenters asked me to add this comment: At the end of some years, the Coach would send me an email and say, hey we had a few extra appointments this past year and you owe me for 1-5 extra appointments. She would include the dates. Then I would pay that amount.

    EDIT 3 - The address on the bill: I looked at my auto-pay, and it's actually being sent to a Company, not Coach Emily. When I googled the COMPANY NAME in NC, I got the same city, but different street address and different owner. It looks to be an artsy store or an artist studio. Does this make a difference?

    EDIT 4 - Her certifications: I took photos of her website, linkedIn and the U.S. organization noting her certification status. I also noted that she has been certified by an Australian organization (for a specific specialty that I do not believe I worked with her) but I'll reach out to them as well just in case they may be able to assist. I emailed the US organization on Wed and they have yet to reply.

    Last one I really liked working with her. And she wants to keep working with me. Is there any way to salvage this relationship? Yes, it's a non-legal question.

    submitted by /u/throwaway_PF99
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    Kid "doesn't want to spend time" with me

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 08:40 AM PST

    My ex constantly cancels plans and visitation for me with my child on the basis that they "don't want to spend time" with me. Most recently she's telling me that the child's guardian ad litem says that the child can make this decision since they're 15. She offered me the number for this person, but I'm suspicious of who would be answering the phone, so I said I'd get it from the court, and she angrily told me she'd see me in court then.

    For context, divorced and child custody filed in VA. All parties now living in NC for over six months. Child support still payed through VA, and she's planning a move to FL next year.

    A lawyer is not an option for me for a month or so. What steps can I take to see my kid in the meantime? I've avoided being pretty and reporting disability violations and other stuff, but I'm getting tired of this.

    submitted by /u/imho99
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