• Breaking News

    Saturday, January 11, 2020

    Legal Advice - California. Can my ex force his religion onto our minor child?

    Legal Advice - California. Can my ex force his religion onto our minor child?

    California. Can my ex force his religion onto our minor child?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 07:03 AM PST

    Me and my ex are both Muslim, and neither of us are practicing. We're divorced, mostly because of his strict cultural believes ( I'm American, he isn't). He was forcing me to wear headscarves and not work. When I took it off and got a job, he divorced me.

    My daughter is 3 years old and he's already telling her she can't do this or that "because she's a girl and girls don't do that". I always tell her the opposite because I think gender roles are unhealthy.

    She was in a toddler soccer team and he stopped taking her because he says it's for boys. I also wanted to put her in the toddler dance classes and he said only whores dance and he forbid it.

    He is already forcing her to cover up and I always take it off of her, which starts a huge fight. He says his daughter will wear hijab and not be "a whore" and I tell him she doesn't have to wear anything she doesn't want to.

    She's obviously confused who to listen to.

    My question is if he's legally allowed to force his religious practices on her against my wishes?

    Edit - Please stop spamming my thread with religious advice. I'm seeking secular, California LEGAL ADVICE ONLY. I already know the rulings. You are going to get my topic closed with your off-topic spam. Thank you for understanding.

    submitted by /u/Final-Investment
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    General Manager at the fast food store I work at intentionally gave a disabled person a counterfeit $20 bill for their change. Who would I report this to, and how can I do that anonymously?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 02:33 PM PST

    (CALIFORNIA) Yesterday a man, who has moderate mental disabilities and is also a very regular customer, came in and simply asked to exchange some of his bills for a $20. My GM gave him a fake $20 bill, which she was holding onto because she knew it was fake (someone else working the register took it by mistake). She laughed about it afterwatds. This is obviously unacceptable, so how would I go about reporting this and to who, anonymously if possible? First time poster, sorry if wrong flair.

    submitted by /u/TheShredder950
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    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 05:00 AM PST

    600 0rder in Walmart self check out. One item costed $200, cashier scanned that box. Unknowingly, it never posted to transaction, I proceeded to check out and was stopped by loss prevention. I was detained & questioned. I tried to explain employee scanned that box and the loss prevention manager kept telling me to shut the f up. There was a law enforcement agent their witness the whole time that did not say anything. I show Walmart my receipt and it turned out that the system accidentally charged me twice for a $100 item that I only got once which was then refunded. I offered to pay for the 1 unscanned item and he said no. he said I was banned from that Walmart for 24 hours and the officer escorted me out.the officer said that my situation seemed like it was a mistake. After leaving I called corporate and told them what happened. They said that what happened was not right and go back to the store to get his name and that I could still purchase the item. I found him and asked his name he asked if I wanted to be put in handcuffs and jail. I said yes let's go to jail then. corporate gave me permission to come here. he responded by saying I don't care what corporate said get out of my store. I have the interaction on video. Could I be facing possible later charges? should I take a preemptive move?

    submitted by /u/Chancejeff123
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    Roommate assaulted girl in my room [MS]

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 07:06 AM PST

    Hello guys.

    I'm a firefighter of 2 years and my roommate(landlord) is my Lieutenant at work and he has 12 years.

    We were out at a club and brought 3 girls back to our house. Everyone was a little tipsy except me and Amanda- we were okay to drive. Ashley took Richard back, and I brought Katie and Haley back in my car.

    Once we got back, Haley told us about her ex harassing her over text and was having a small panic attack. We were all in the kitchen and Katie was trying to comfort her, but Haley kept saying she wanted to go home. Richard started getting aggravated and said that she was free to stay or she could leave. He was raising his voice and getting in both of their personal spaces. He bumped into Katie firmly and she pushed back and Ashley told him to quit and that Haley was having a hard time. I told Haley and Katie I would take them back to their car and told Richard we would leave. Richard NEVER told them to leave, he only said they were free to stay or leave but had to choose.

    Me and the two girls went back to my room to grab their stuff and they started talking again and Haley was crying. We were in there for maybe a minute and Richard comes into my room without knocking and starts instigating again. I told him we were leaving but he said we were taking too long.

    I was comforting Haley when Richard started yelling at Katie and getting in her face. She pushed him back out of her face and he grabs her wrists and slams her against my patio door. At this point I start to walk over to de-escalate and he let's go of one hand and slams her again by her throat. He lets go and I get in between them trying to calm them down and he tells me to "Back the fuck up bro, do you want some of this too?"

    We finally get outside and leave. I wish I would have called the police but we were just worried about our safety at that point. I bring Haley back to her car and Katie back to her house. I end up staying at my dad's for the night.

    The next morning he knocks on my outside door and gets in my face about how I made "a bunch of career and personal mistakes last night" and says how he was just protecting himself and his property. I told him he had no right to go that far and he starts gaslighting me saying "she was scratching him" (she did when he had her by the throat) and he "never grabbed her throat" (she has marks.) He threatens my career saying he has connections and I'll never work at another fire department again because I'm not taking his side on this. I agree, and try to de-escalate again so I could get a shower and go to my second job.

    I gave Katie his ex's info and she will ask her if he ever abused her or got violent with her.

    My question is what are my options?? I don't feel safe at work or at home now and I fear he will retaliate in someway because I won't take his side. He's a violent egomaniac and I don't want to get hurt or have my career destroyed because of his seniority. I am currently searching for a new place to live and will ask my Battalion Chief to switch stations or shifts so I don't have to work around him as frequently.

    Edit: I forgot to mention that Richard messaged Katie on Facebook and apologized, but didn't mention anything he did so he knows what he did was wrong.

    submitted by /u/Advice-for-incident
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    Father threatens to send me to prison over student loans.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 02:43 PM PST

    So this has been happening for over the past year and I'm not sure what to do. I'm currently studying abroad in Canada and while I was living with my father back in the states he gave me permission to apply for a parent plus loan. He agreed to give me the information to apply as long as I gave him my car. After a year of being abroad my father called me to let me know he wanted nothing to do with the loan anymore and to get it off his account. Unfortunately I was unable to because I would need a co-signer in order to get it refinanced and I was denied. My father was upset because it was starting to effect his credit and began the threats. He stated over messages multiple times that he had nothing to do with filing the loan, that I forged his signature, and that he was going to file a forgery / fraud case against me if I didn't return back to the states. He threatens this every other day for months and months. My worry is that while applying for the student loans he had me use my computer, and I have no proof that he gave me the information since I was living with him and it was a verbal agreement. All he has to say is he didn't give me the information and I'm worried the court wont listen to anything I say. He has the rest of my family turned against me and agreeing with him because he's giving them money and my siblings are taking his side despite knowing nothing of the situation. I have all the messages of the threats over the past year saved. I'm unsure of what to do. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/yukuya
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    Someone is making Fraud Craigslist ads saying “free stuff don’t bother tenant” and listing my address. What can I do?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 01:32 PM PST

    Post says it all. I know who the suspect is and have contacted the police and they didn't seem very interested. People have been showing up to our house for hours now trying to take stuff off my lawn. What can I do? I flagged both posts on Craigslist but he puts up more.

    submitted by /u/patrickkelly611
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    Mom and autistic sister rented Motel room blood all over bed, management laughed when asked for refund..pics taken.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 03:55 PM PST

    My 70 year old mother mother rented a hotel room for her and my autistic sister as a bad weather storm hit today in Phenix City AL.

    They went to the hotel room and there blood and black specs that bled through the mattress, microwave had rust all over it, and bathtub had wierd stains all over it.

    Mom went to management to leave and ask for her money back and they told her to " oh just put the sheet back over it and it will be clean, it's just old blood".

    Mom obviously freaked and left.

    Uploading pictures soon. This shit looks crazy dude. Is there anyway for her to get her money back?

    submitted by /u/Hannah_Hellhaw
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    Can I sue my former landlord for my medical bills caused by spider bites and their negligence?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 06:50 AM PST

    Any advice if I can sue my landlord and if it is a reasonably strong case would be greatly appreciated.

    Here is the info:

    - I rented a spare room in my landlord's home in SLC, UT from August - December 2019.

    - I paid a $400 deposit and $420 a month in rent, everything included. I always paid my rent in full and early.

    - In September several people started getting mysterious bites, my landlord (who has a fear of bedbugs) panicked, decided it was bed bugs and proceeded to wash everything in the house over and over and do nothing else.

    - I asked my landlord to get professional exterminators to diagnose the problem, but my landlord insisted that they just KNEW based on their instincts what it was and also said they couldn't afford a professional exterminator.

    - I soon started getting bit, mostly on my legs. Burning, blistering painful bites keeping me up at night.

    - Since my landlord was just panicking and DIYing it, I brought in 4 different exterminators who gave free inspections. 4 out 4 said they saw zero evidence of bed bugs. 3 out of 4 said there is a nasty spider infestation that needs to be addressed. The other one was a bedbug specialist and couldn't speculate.

    - Exterminators also noticed holes in my floor where the spiders were likely coming in from and a problem tree that needed to be trimmed.

    -We found many spiders in the house, including black widows. The outside of the house was covered in spiders too.

    - The landlord never hired any professionals to exterminate, trim the trees, or fix my floor.

    - After more than a week, the landlord finally did a DIY spider extermination, I fixed my floor myself. After several rounds of spraying, the bites finally stopped.

    - Ultimately, I was bitten more than 15 times and developed an aggressive skin infection that required several visits to urgent care and several rounds of antibiotics. I also developed a thrush infection as a side effect of the antibiotics.

    - My total medical bills were around $600

    Can I sue them for the cost of my medical bills? Does this sound like a strong case?

    The landlord is very irrational so I don't want to waste time and cause drama unless I think I have a strong case. (She once casually mentioned that she hadn't paid her own employees for weeks and was just ignoring their calls in the meantime.)

    If it is not a strong case, than I am just going to cut my losses and move on.


    Edit 1: I still have scars all over my legs from the spider bites.

    Edit 2: There was lots of other awful things about living in that house, (constant mess, other infestations, deposit dispute, etc.) but none of them are directly relevant to this question. But it was AWFUL!

    Edit 3: Aside from being completely negligent, irrational, and irresponsible, they were very nice to me otherwise. Friendly, laid back, people just no sense of stewardship or responsibility and completely unreliable.

    submitted by /u/CypressBreeze
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    My 12 year old daughter wants to be adopted ( Maine )

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 04:23 PM PST

    We live in Maine. My daughter is 12. My husband and I have been married 9 years together 11. Lately my daughter has started asking if my husband could adopt her, she apparently read a book where the main character was raised by a step dad and yadda yadda. Then she opened up about how she would love to have the same last name as the rest of us and it makes her feel like not a whole part of the family. She has my maiden name and her father's last name both. So, any way, my husband is the only dad she's really ever known. Her Biological father lives in another state and hasn't seen her in 8 years . He hasn't spoken to her in 7.5 years minus a random Merry Christmas text last Christmas but nothing else. How does a step parent adoption work? Does she even get a say in this? How do I find her father ? After so long not being in her life can be stop it? Any help would be great, or pointers where to start researching. TIA!

    submitted by /u/Material-Anxiety
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    [MI] Walked through casino to pick up car, got stopped and potentially charged?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 08:39 PM PST

    So I had a meeting at the MGM Grand Detroit at one of the restaurants. I parked my car in valet in the casino side and got out and walked in through the casino and found the restaurant.

    After everything is done, I try to walk back and they ask for ID and I give it to them and they tell me I'm underage (20). And I said I know but I need to get to valet to pick up my car because I had somewhere else to be. They said I had to walk around the building in the freezing rain. I said can't someone escort me to pick up my car and then the lady says she's getting someone to escort me.

    About 3 minutes later 5 people start interrogating me. Asking if I drank or gambled about 10-15 times and pointing to the sign "Must be 21 to enter" and I said the sign says "Must be 21 to enter and consume alcohol" it's an and not and or. I said I just want to get to my car and leave but they said the Michigan State Police were on their way to question me.

    They came a couple minutes later and did the same routine asking if I drank or gambled. They took all my information (except SSN because I said I wasn't comfortable with them writing it on paper) and they said it's going to be a case that the DA is going to review.

    So I guess my question is: is it really illegal to walk across the casino floor instead of outside because I'm 20? I had no intentions to gamble or drink (gambling is a waste of money IMO and I've never drank and don't plan to). And if I'm going to have any charges.

    I'm just shocked by all the people who had to get involved and tbh I'm irritated I was put in that situation.

    Any advice is appreciated

    Also I'm on mobile so sorry for any typos.

    submitted by /u/lifewcody
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    My parents are being forced to pay for a security system they don't have

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 07:14 PM PST

    (Ohio) My parents are amazing and I need help, bare with me this is a saga, first time writing on here. My parents had a security system we will call them Brilliant Security or BS for short. BS signed my parents up for coverage and got them set up with a system and things were fine. Until my mom was diagnosed with cancer. It hit the family hard and my Mom spiraled as a result. My parents decided it was best for my mother's health that they sell my childhood home and move. They moved to a senior living facility to be able to have more access to care for my mom. The issue arose when BS took the system out of the old house and into the new place, which is a small apartment type set up with a small kitchen and two bedrooms. Their tech comes out with the system to install and ends up stating they don't need to and takes the system gives my dad an undated cancellation slip for BS and leaves with said system. My dad attempts to reach out to BS to cancel but they refuse. He even escalated to a manager and they stated they would not cancel unless my parents died.....yes died, or here is the kicker, my mom's cancer was stage 4! He tried multiple times with no progress. Meanwhile my mom had surgery to remove a portion of her lung. My dad was swamped dealing with her and keeping life afloat. I even tried reaching out and they still denied us. Mom is now home and doing good, they got most of the cancer, and what little is left is being kept an eye on, but she is great. My dad and I drafted and sent in a Bbb complaint and are planning on attempting in writing this time to request they cancel his account and refund for time not used. We are at our wits and dealing with BS and all the rest. We need advice and help. With all the love this OP can muster, Op

    submitted by /u/CrazyLegsSally
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    Supposedly received a speeding ticket in DC on 6/30/19 but it was sent to an address I have never been associated with. The ticket (now $720 due to being late) has now been sent to collections. How do I deal with this?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 06:40 AM PST

    I recently had a family friend notify me that they received mail at their address that was addressed to me. Please note that neither I nor my car have ever been associated with this address. I also live in Virginia and have lived at the same address for the last 5 years. I am registered to vote at this address and the Virginia DMV knows that I live at this address as well.

    The mail this friend gave to me this week turned out to be a collection notice regarding an unpaid DC speeding ticket that was issued on 6/30/19.

    From my research online, a speeding ticket in DC should only be a maximum of $300, but it can double if it isn't paid in 30 days, which I imagine is what happened in this case. I did verify that the ticket is legitimate on the DC DMV website, but can only find a way to pay the $720. I have checked the DC DMV website and cannot seem to contest the ticket since it's over 6 months late at this point.

    I don't believe I was speeding in the location they say, but I'm certainly willing to pay the ticket if I was. I just don't have the original ticket, or any way to dispute the $720 charge (since it was sent to a completely incorrect address). Again, I'm willing to pay the original cost of the ticket but I don't think that I should be responsible for $720 if it was sent to an address completely unassociated with me.

    Any suggestions? Will I just need to schedule a hearing at the DC DMV to get this cleared up, or is there no point to that since it's been 6 months and has already been sent to collections?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/neverchangingwhoiam
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    Ex’s parents say I have to let them adopt our daughter [ Massachusetts]

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 08:51 AM PST

    I am 20 and I have a two year old daughter with my ex, 19. My ex's parents sort of took over after our baby after she was born. My ex was in school and I had just graduated so it made sense. I still saw her all the time and paid support.

    Once when my ex and daughter were at my house, she threatened to kill us with a knife. I held her down and wrestled the knife away, but didn't call the cops. The next day I was charged with assault because her mom called the cops who documented the bruises.

    Now, my ex's parents are saying I have to let them adopt my daughter legally. I don't think that's true. I'm not sure though. They won't let me see her. I even have a video of me being on my knees in front of her mom begging to see my girl.

    I don't think I have done anything that is so terrible I can't see my baby.

    So, can they take her from me like they say they can? Do I just need to let her go? Or can I fight?

    submitted by /u/Crispcrist
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    SD exposed to mom's boyfriend's naked body

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 08:53 PM PST

    Wisconsin. Just learned my 9yo stepdaughter has seen her biomom's boyfriend sleeping naked twice because they all (biomom, biomom's bf, SD, and SD's sister) share a room in biomom's parents' basement. Husband and I would like to file a police report but SD says she would be shy talking to the police. How should we handle this?

    submitted by /u/Economy-Cantaloupe
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    [Georgia] Working alone in a chemistry lab

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 05:40 AM PST

    I'm on mobile so sorry for the formatting in advance.

    I [26M] work as a QC Lab Chemist for a medical device company. Back in late 2018 my boss told me I was shift to a Tuesday through Saturday shift due to my "expertise on all of the tests". While it is true I am one of only a small amount of techs who is qualified to do every test, the issue comes with the detail he left out. I work completely alone in the building on Saturdays. Back in May 2019 I compiled a list of safety concerns revolving around my typical tests (flame AA, GC and titrations). Most of the hazards revolved around my concern that if I were to have a medical emergency that resulted in me being incapacitated no one would find me till Monday. Other concerns include explosions of hydrogen gas (very low but possible on GC), fire (the AA is basically a scientific flamethrower), and chemical toxicity (we work with ethylene oxide). My boss when presented this basically said I didn't have the experience to know what I am talking about and should just avoid accidents. To this, I submitted the same concerns to HR who as of today, 8 months later has yet to respond. To make things even worse I joined the safety committee to try and fix it myself and the response from our regional safety coordinator was to put it on the back burner and focus on a rap about ppe instead. I am not in a financial situation where I can quit, but I have been spending my free time applying to other labs.
    With the background out of the way, are there any worker rights / OSHA rules that protect people in my situation? I know once I leave they are going to either screw someone else over with the solo shift or change the rules to cover their own butts.

    TLDR: I work alone in a chem lab. Bosses where noticed 8 months ago about concerns and have done nothing. What can I do to get safe?

    Edit 1: I realised I forgot to mention a couple of things. The biggest being that per our company's safety manual working alone is prohibited. This was edited when the issue came up to no working alone when in the prescense of hazards. A hazard of course isn't defined in any of our documents but I take that as if it has any of the GHS placards I should evaluate the safety and proceed with caution or just flat out avoid the test. This has led my bosses being angry about lack of income producing work on the weekend as I typically clean the lab and prep all the paperwork and glassware if I am not testing.

    submitted by /u/HotandJuicy93
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    I accepted 200$ in counterfeit money and it’s coming out of my paycheck.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 09:56 AM PST

    Today at my minimum wage job a lady came in trying to buy fries, we were out of fries, so she left. She came back later and asked for a sandwich, that was 10 dollars, and payed with a 100, and asked for change in 20s. I thought she was going to pull a math trick on me then went viral on social media in which they use math to trick the cashier. I made sure her change was exact. Then she pulls another 100 and ask change for it too. I'm so caught up thinking about my math that I don't think the bills could be fake. I reported it to my manager 5 minutes after the interaction. Later during closing we found out the bills were fake and I would either get charged 200 ( and not have the GM get involved) or have the GM involved and I get fired for mishandling money. This is my first ever job and to be clear, I was NEVER trained on how to use the bill marker (which I didn't even know we had) or to not exchange big bills. What do I do?

    PS: The fake bills passed the marker test

    TL;DR : I accepted 2 fake hundreds and gave change in real bills. Manager found out bills were fake. Given the choice of being charged 200 or involving GM and being possibly fired. Key Note: was never trained on handling money or to use the fake bill marker. (Didn't know it existed)

    submitted by /u/TheThotTrain
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    Sprint Added a Phone line to my account without my approval or concent and wants me to pay for it

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 07:01 AM PST

    I signed up for a 18 month flex lease promotion that covered the monthly phone lease installment as a credit installment essentially making the phone free 18 monthes. To use with my existing phone line and plan ( my existing phone number and plan)

    When I logged in to my account I noticed a new phone number being added to my account.

    When I called ask spoke to sprint about it I was told yes I was sold a phone with no service but somehow someone on there end made a mistake and now had a phone number attached it to.

    The lease papers I have doesn't mention a new phone line or a number added to the account and I haven't signed any paperwork that mentions a new phone line.

    Please help me so far sprint has basically said yes we messed up but sorry we cannot do anything as you are past the 30 day period.

    My question would the contract not be voided as I didn't agree or signed up for a new phone service that they are trying to shoving in my mouth. I'm at a loss I don't even know how to approach or this If someone could please help me I would be grateful

    Background info; CITY Dallas, Texas. I did read terms and conditions of the contract It talked about the lease and the term and the payment options and return policy and cancellations <if I were to end the contract by no completing the 18 mo period> issue is I didn't agree to a new phone line. And no where in the contract does it declare (a new phone line)

    Also if you guys can suggest legal and civil recourse I have.

    Thank you soo much everyone who contributed to this post May you have a wonderful 2020.

    submitted by /u/Twisted9Demented
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    Might be fired this week, need advice on how to go into meeting

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 03:48 PM PST

    7 years with this financial firm in NYC. I'm so frustrated I don't know where to begin.

    I'll start with why I think i'm getting fired- I believed my boss was stealing from the company. Not small things either. I followed company protocol to report it. As you can imagine, things between me and my boss have been tense since this news broke to her. Obviously, I was either wrong about her stealing or didn't build my case effectively.

    My question- how do I go into this meeting? Never been fired before, and I don't deserve this one (I don't think). My company has a non-retaliation policy for these types of reporting, but I would have to get fired to invoke it. Do I resign so I can keep COBRA coverage? Do I fight it? How hard do I fight to stay in a place where I will surely be ostracized?

    I'm mostly mad at myself- I should have just kept my mouth shut like everyone else. I don't want this to get messy. If I'm asked to go I will, I can get another job.

    I don't know where to even begin. Help!

    submitted by /u/firedanon2
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    NYC - We need to break the lease due to uninhabitable conditions

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 08:26 PM PST

    My husband and I have signed a lease on 04/01/19 for 12 months.

    On December 4th we contacted our building superintendent Mr. Nelson due to water leak in the bedroom. We left a key available him, secured our pets and were told by him that he will come in that morning to fix the issue. Later that day we attempted to contact again to check on the status of our complaint to which he didn't reply. It was evident that he never came in to resolve the issue.

    On December 27th situation with the water leak in the bedroom worsen to the point where heavy water flow created a hole in the ceiling that made us relocate to the living room and sleep on the couch. That night we called the superintendent again and asked him to come or call the emergency maintenance services to fix the issue. Mr. Nelson refused to come in and promised to come back next morning, but never showed up again.

    On December 28th we contacted Mr. Nelson and requested Building management contact information, but he didn't reply.

    On December 29th heavy water flow occurred in the kitchen area above the cooking stove. Water was coming through the ceiling light creating fire hazard. We contacted Mr. Nelson immediately, to our request he promised to come back following day, but never showed up.

    On January 7th the water started pouring through the ceiling light in the kitchen again and caused water damage not only to our apartment, but to our neighbors from the first floor as well. We called 311 and they contacted Fire department on our behalf. Fire brigade arrived immediately and turned off electrical supply in our apartment to eliminate fire hazard.

    We didn't have heat, hot water, and electricity in our apartment until next day (01/08/20).

    On January 8th Building Department inspector came in in response to our 311 complaint and indicated "No heat, no hot water and cascading water leaks" in our apartment. Later that day water leak in the kitchen was eliminated. However, damage done by water by heavy water flow remained. Peeling paint is located directly above our kitchen stove and makes it impossible for us to cook a hot meal.

    On January 9th contractor came back and fixed water leak in the bedroom but left gaping hole in the ceiling with debris and piping exposed directly above our bed.

    As of today, 01/12/20 we are still unable to use kitchen stove or sleep in our bedroom because of uninhabitable conditions. There is no heat in th \e bedroom as a result of water damage as well as exposed pipes in the ceiling.

    Since Mr. Nelson never provided us with Building management contact information (this property was apparently purchased by different company than the original we signed the lease with several months ago and we were unaware of it), we rely on him to notify the management.

    As of today, neither Building management or Mr. Nelson have contacted us in response to the situation in our apartment. Due to outrageous mismanagement and uninhabitable conditions that have not been resolved in reasonable time, we want to terminate our lease effective February 1st 2020.

    We have many questions, but here are few that matter most:

    1. In the case of the legal action will we be able to represent ourselves or we need to have an attorney? Which court should we go to and where can we learn of the process?
    2. Do we still need to search for management company and notify them somehow of conditions mentioned above or rely solely on superintendent?
    3. Due to events descried we didn't pay the rent for the month of January. Can we recover our security deposit?
    4. Is it possible to request a legal consultation somewhere in NYC?
    submitted by /u/Alingizer
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    Township easement disput

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 05:52 PM PST

    First off I live in a township inside portage county Ohio. I have multiple easements running across my property, 2 sewer and 1 storm drain. The storm drain easement is what is causing me trouble. Basically the storm drain has been abandoned and has collapsed flooding the back half acre of my lot. I can post pictures if need be but basically I have a swamp now.

    I have contacted the township who signed off on the easement but they refuse to do any repair or maintenance because the easement does not explicitly say who is responsible for repairs. I don't know what to do.

    It is causing 2 specific problems to my neighborhood. First it is causing damage to a few sheds in surrounding properties. Secondly it is changing the ecology of the land tuning it into a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

    I don't know what to do to resolve this. Please help!

    submitted by /u/tsmith39
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    [Massachusetts] Is my LLC partnership without an operating agreement forced to dissolve when an equal member voluntarily relinquishes their ownership and rights to the business' assets?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 07:49 PM PST

    My business is a 50/50 partnership and filed with the state as such operating as an LLC. My partner has decided they want to relinquish all rights to the business and transfer their half of ownership to me, with nothing in return. Just completely sever ties with me and the business (it is still small and in the startup phase). I am going to continue operating the company as the sole owner moving forward. Our partnership was informal and we never set up an operating agreement, which I believe means state statute would be the default governance of how we proceed.

    However, according to what I have read, Massachusetts will follow the rules set out by UPA and without an operating agreement, the only way to legally accomplish this is to dissolve the partnership, which would force the business to wind down, sell its assets, and pay out the members. But is there any alternative to this when one member voluntarily gives up their share of the business and the other owner wants to continue operations? We have no debt and minimal though not insignificant assets. I want to continue running the business as a sole proprietor LLC. Can I?

    submitted by /u/dont_dissolve_me
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    Sexual harassment, Doctor and Nurse

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 09:47 AM PST

    My wife has worked at a hospital for 7 years. There is a doctor that is known to be sexually explicit and hook up with nurses. He has said sexually explicit things such as I would love to see you come, and comments on her tits etc. Well recently it has gotten worse with him grabbing her ass today and another nurse saw it. She reported it to her director and nothing happened as it it well known what he does. She is thinking about filing an incident report, but what else should we do? Thanks

    West Virginia is the location

    submitted by /u/Corse899
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    At work we were just told that if we clock out after our scheduled time, that time will be docked. Despite this our store manager wants us to stay past our scheduled time to ensure the store is clean. What can I do about this? I dont need to sue or anything, but I cant let it continue.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 08:24 PM PST

    Also, as a manager I'm constantly scheduled till 9:00pm for closing, but it takes at least 15 minutes for the closing procedure, so I'm guaranteed to work unpaid for 15 minutes every single night.

    What organization can I contact about this?

    Edit: sorry, should have read the rules, I am located in the United States.

    Thanks everyone.

    submitted by /u/turdmogrol
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