• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 12, 2020

    Legal Advice - I got bit by a customer’s pit bull while doing a pizza delivery, what are my options?

    Legal Advice - I got bit by a customer’s pit bull while doing a pizza delivery, what are my options?

    I got bit by a customer’s pit bull while doing a pizza delivery, what are my options?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 10:02 AM PST

    Walk up to a customer's gate, pitbull runs up to me and bites me in the leg for a solid 3 seconds. There was no order note about a pitbull. My company said not to talk to the cops and the company will handle it. This has to be bullshit right?

    It happened in Tampa, FL

    Edit: I called animal services, the dog will be quarantined for 10 days, but I'm not sure after that. They also told me to get a Tetanus shot immediately, which would be covered by my employer. Thank you so much everybody

    Edit: holy moly my inbox has blown up and so has my post, thank you everyone, really.

    submitted by /u/drmcmahon
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    Denied boarding to my flight

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 12:16 AM PST

    I bought a round ticket from Ukraine International Airlines on December 23rd 2019. I was supposed to travel from Stockholm to Kyiv connected to Kyiv Izmir flight. I arrived my hometown and spent my holiday with my family. When I was trying to go back following the same route, I was told at the airport that my ticket is not valid anymore because I was not on the Kyiv Izmir flight. They claimed that since I miss the connected flight, my whole ticket was canceled. The thing is, I was on the flight. I was seated in seat 9A on flight PS699. However, according to their system I was not there. I have a stamp on my passport from Izmir Airport right after the mentioned flight was landed. There were no other airlines flying to my city which makes it impossible to arrive my city in such a short time. They are not compensating me for the mistake nor issuing another ticket. This delay affects my job and also I have pets at home that requires my presence. I am just going to buy another ticket but I was wondering if I can get a compensation from the airline. It is not just about missing my flight. Their system error shows that I was not insured for that flight and if a crash happened, I wouldn't even be on the passenger list.

    submitted by /u/smyrnistica
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    Drug tested without knowledge or consent

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 08:57 PM PST

    After receiving lab tests back My mother informed me that she had gotten strands of my hair and had it sent to be drug tested. She showed me the paperwork with all of my information on it and the results. I had no idea that this was going on, nor did I give any sort written or verbal consent to being drug tested. She then sent this to my landlord, place of implement, and then attempted to gain custody of my son she called CPS and gave them this paperwork all in an attempt to get me and my son to have no choice but to leave my husband and move in with her. This isn't the first time she has tried to get me evicted, has told many people lies about me to isolate me from people, or has tried/ gotten me let go of a position. I don't know where else to turn or really what to do, because whenever I seek advice or protection I'm never taken seriously because A) she's my mother or B )they believed her story and not mine. C) I've attempted no contact with her but her behavior gets worse. Is there anything I can do? FYI: I'm in Indiana if that is useful

    submitted by /u/longliveBinks13
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    Guy gave me money to replace damaged mailbox, now demands old one

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 07:25 AM PST

    Hey everyone, I need some advice.

    I live in Georgia. A guys hit my expensive mailbox with his truck and damaged it beyond repair. He gave me money to get a new one. Now he is demanding I give him my old one when I replace it. I told him he is not entitled to the old one just because he gave me money for a new one. Who is right here?

    Thanks for any help

    Edit: for those asking why I don't just give it to him...a friend wants it for scraps

    submitted by /u/TheAbsoluteWeapon
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    My neighbor threw out my package

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 01:50 PM PST

    So I ordered a package worth $65 dollars on Amazon. I told my sister to order it for me.

    Apparently, she mistakenly put the number one off, so it went to the unit next door. I knocked on their door and asked for my package. They didn't see it and I gave them my number.

    The next day, they texted me saying that the roommate threw the package away and to ask amazon to send another. I said they can't do that as they have a photo proof of delivery. I asked them if they could just buy me another textbook and gave them an amazon link. They said they won't buy it. I said that I will then have to get the police involved.

    I really really can't afford another textbook. And it is mandatory to get. I don't actually know if the police can do anything. I know it was my sisters fault to put in the wrong number, but isn't it illegal to throw away other people's mail?

    Update: I made an online complaint for vandalism to the US Postal Inspection Service. Can I expect them to do anything?

    submitted by /u/otherposter125
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    My former employer refuses to pay me and says he’ll “see me in court”.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 07:46 AM PST

    TLDR: Employer hasn't paid me in almost two months and says he wont because he doesn't have to and can afford a better lawyer. Wants to counter sue me if we go to court. What are my options?

    Location is Illinois

    I worked for this guy as a parking garage attendant at a hospital for two weeks and this guy only paid me $193 of $847 he owes me total.

    Its been two months since then because he dodges my calls and sends text here and there claiming he has some person named "the girl at the office" working on it. Ive never met this guy or been to the office also, all our communication has been over the phone cause he found my resume on indeed.

    I filed a wage claim with the department of labor in late December but still waiting to hear back. Two days ago I get a text from him asking if I got my check that was mailed out weeks ago supposedly, it never came, and apparently he's now going to send my money through PayPal. Cool, until he starts trying to nickel and dime me and says he's paying me $145 less because I was late twice and left early one day. (I was late twice because of him because he was paying to uber me from home and work and I asked if I could leave early one day but he refused so I never did).

    He also claims that because I was a contractor technically hes not obligated to pay me what we agreed on. I never signed a contract or filled out a W-2 or anything, just sent a picture of my license my first day.

    Hes mad now because I demanded he pay me everything Im owed so he says we can go to court and hell win and also he wants to counter sue me now and take all my assets.

    Trying to be brief and leaving out some details but as you can see Im not dealing with a sane person here and have never had this issue before because so Im not clear on what to do. Im looking into labor lawyers but its not fair that its going to cost me more money than Im trying to get and id have to grind Lyft non stop just to be able to afford it.

    So my question is, what options are all available to me to handle this situation? Sorry the post is so long. I appreciate any and all feedback, thanks.

    submitted by /u/blue_eulogy
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    [UT] FFL made a mistake with my online order and transferred me a different color firearm. FFL is now demanding I pay the difference in price between the colors, or he will call the cops and tell them I have a stolen firearm.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 02:30 AM PST


    Thank you all for your advice. I reached out to local LE as well as ATF. I was told that if I have the documentation of purchase, especially with matching serial numbers (which I do), I am fine. They also said it was a good idea to call so they have the details on record since the issue revolves around a firearm.

    I also emailed the FFL back and told him if he wants to pursue this further that all communication from me will be done by an attorney on my behalf. Haven't heard anything back. I'll update again if there's anything else. Thanks again.

    More context:

    Ordered it on Monday, swung by the FFL on Thursday once it was shipped in. I hadn't even thought twice about the colour, I just picked the least expensive option for that model. Went through the ATF Form 4473 song and dance, and I had already paid online. I didn't even look at the firearm; kept it in the box.

    Today the FFL called, said he messed up and transferred me the firearm with the wrong colour stock instead of what I had originally ordered. I told FFL that I'd be happy to bring it back, but that I had put a few rounds through it. He said he can't take it back because of this, and that I am going to have to pay him for the difference of $80.

    The invoice he gave me lists the firearm I actually did receive and not the original I had ordered, along with the matching serial number, and has "paid" written in his handwriting.

    I was about to tell him I'd be willing to work something out, but then he emailed me accusing me of theft and laying the blame on me for not making sure the colours matched. Then he said "I'd very much like to work this out without more trouble. But just so you know, the next step here is to report this gun as stolen. This is theft. Pay the difference and neither of us has to go through what's coming next. A stolen firearm is a big deal. If you don't do the right thing here, I will be reporting this as stolen."

    So yeah, wow, any advice would be appreciated. I was close to just saying "whatever" and paying the difference, but not after he tried to lay the blame on me and label me a thief.

    So, some questions, if anyone cares to help out!

    1) Could I legally owe FFL the difference when the mistake and monetary loss all on him? 2) Is an FFL threatening to call the cops about a "stolen firearm" to get the payment he thinks he deserves a crime? 3) If I tell him to pound sand, could I actually be arrested if he does call in a stolen firearm, even though I have an invoice that says paid for the very firearm and matching serial numbers?

    So mostly I just want to make sure I'm not in the wrong legally. He gave me the wrong item, won't accept an exchange because I've shot it, and now wants me to pay for the item that he accidentally gave me and invoiced me for.

    I would love any and all thoughts! Thanks!!

    submitted by /u/belialsmane
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    A matter of family oil.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 10:26 AM PST


    I'm not sure if there's anything I can do, but I thought I would try asking here to see if there's any path I can start on.

    Back in 2008 my grandmother, whom I'll call Bevy, was contacted by an oil company and offered a deal to run a pipeline across some land that she was a joint owner of in another state (Louisiana). At the time she resided in Arizona, and I was stationed in Korea. Normally my grandmother would contact me on such matters as I'm her only close relative, but she didn't want to bother me with this (because of the distance), and contacted a distant cousin whom I'll call Angela in California who worked for a Lawyer.

    To make this a short as possible, I'll paraphrase from here on. An agreement was made between the oil company and the land owners, and my cousin Angela facilitated most of it and didn't provide any copies of anything in regards to her side of the legal matter.

    My grandmother died this past year, and I have been combing through paperwork in order to locate assets etc… I am now under the belief that my grandmother was tricked into signing away her rights to the land without realizing it. I have checked the local records for that area and they are all registered to Angela now. And since Angela worked for a legal firm, I believe she would have the ability to avoid providing copies of any such documents to my grandmother, for me to have been able to follow up on. The only documents I have in regards to anything were sent directly from the oil company's legal team, and list Angela as Bevy's representative.

    At the time my grandmother was so elated to receive the money she got that she didn't think twice about anything, she also really despised reading, so I wouldn't be surprised if she had been tricked.

    Anyhow, is there any way for me as the legal representative of her estate to request records from the attorney's that handled the matters between Bevy and Angela? Or is that something that can never be accessed again because so much time has passed, or is barred from estate representatives?

    submitted by /u/OmegaRainicorn
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    Husband finds hidden camera in bathroom at party

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 03:57 PM PST

    My husband and a group of his friends got invited back to some guys house after a dinner, friend of a friend kinda deal,

    He was taking a crap and found a hidden go pro, on and recording in the bathroom looking right at him,

    He told his friends and they got the camera and threw it in a cupboard,

    They went to the confront the owner of the house who at this point was in his room and found him passed out from being so drunk with his dick out and his laptop open to some streaming app

    Is there any recourse to this and how can we protect ourselves from this dude?

    Florida, Broward county

    submitted by /u/antpalarch
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    Doctor told my parents marijuana was in my system even though they said they would not tell my parents and they claimed they would not drug test me

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 05:21 PM PST

    In March of 2019 I (16F) went to the ER because I had a nervous breakdown. I went to the ER with my family and told the doctors confidentially that I smoked weed earlier in the day. The doctor said they were not going to drug test me and they weren't going to tell my parents. Today, my mom told me she knew I was high that day and says it's the reason I went to the ER. She said she called the doctors because she wanted to know why I was in the emergency room and they said I had marijuana in my system. I am very upset because they told me it was confidential and they never said they were gonna drug test me. I did give them my urine but they said it was vitals. Is there something in the fine print I missed? I am in California.

    submitted by /u/butterflyrose123
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    My girlfriend had an Uber driver stop on the highway and essentially extort cash.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 08:53 PM PST

    I'm looking for advice on what steps to take for reporting this. I'm considering making a police report in the morning when we have all the driver information. (Ontario) So the story goes: My girlfriend was taking an Uber home by herself, but her friend had ordered the ride on her behalf. During the trip, the driver suddenly slowed to a stop on a busy highway half in the fast lane/half on the shoulder. He stated that the ride had been cancelled and that he would not move until he is getting paid. She called her friend asking if the ride had been cancelled which she states it had not, but on the tracker is showing the final destination now in the middle of the highway. She tells him to resume the drive as it had not been cancelled and is extremely unsafe where they are positioned. He asks her if she has any cash and then continues on when she says she does. Upon arriving at the destination, he locks the doors and will not let her leave the car until she gives him 25$ cash. The money of course is not the issue. It is the unsafe driving practice and extortion that has my blood boiling. We have to wait until the morning to get the driver information from the friends trip summary, but I would like to know what steps would be appropriate in this situation. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/bbnation17
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    Charged With DUI As Passenger

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 09:06 PM PST

    I was a passenger in a vehicular accident in which the driver of the vehicle had been drinking and fled the scene. I sustained a head injury and was pulled from the car by my cousin, who was also a passenger, and laid on the grass away from the car which was pretty mangled. I was unconscious. When the police arrived I was already being strapped to a gurney and lifted into the back of an ambulance. The officer talked to my cousin who was very drunk, but explained to her what had happened and that I was in the back seat not wearing a seatbelt, and that the driver had taken off on foot. My cousin was picked up by his mother and taken home and I was taken to the hospital. I remember waking up with blood all over my face and shirt. I was handcuffed to the bed and there was a police officer in the room. She told me that I was in a car accident and that I was under arrest for driving under the influence. I told her that I was the passenger and that the car wasn't even mine. She said my cousin said the same thing but for some reason she still charged me with DUI. When the hospital released me I was taken to the police station and breathalyzed. I blew over the limit because I had been drinking. We had just left a bar. I figured it wouldn't matter because I wasn't driving. She took me to the county jail and I had to wait until bond court to get a PR bond. I requested a bench trial, represented myself, and was found not guilty. I have very limited knowledge of the law. In South Carolina the court automatically files for expungment when a not guilty verdict is reached. About two weeks after the trial, I went to the DMV to get my license back because it had been seized after the accident by the officer. They told me they would need proof of expungment and a not guilty verdict. I went to the courthouse where the trial took place and the order hadn't been approved but they printed a paper showing disposition and where expungment was pending. I took this to the DMV and they said it wasn't enough that they would need the order. Fine. In about two more weeks the order came in the mail. I took it to the DMV and they said this wasn't enough. They now said that my drivers license is "Administratively Suspended" because I blew .15 on the breathalyzer. They don't care that I was found not guilty in a court of law. They said that there was an administrative hearing 15 days after I was charged with DUI that I was never notified about. I told them I was never notified; didn't care. They want me to take drunk driving classes and pay a reinstatement fee. The classes are $2500 and 8 weeks long. I have called them and the waiting list to even get in is 4-6 weeks. I am a heavy equipment operator and have been out of work since June 2019 because I was wrongfully charged with DUI and have been trying to talk sense to these people since but am now out of options and savings. I have spoken to an attorney about suing the police department for bad arrest and he has filed FOIA requests on their body and dash cams but he said its likely all been destroyed due to expungement. I don't know what to do. How can they get away with this? What legal recourse do I have? The expungment order orders all state, county, and municipal agencies to destroy any evidence relating to the DUI charge. When backed into a corner, they do admit that the DMV is a state agency but say that the expungement is only pertaining to the criminal aspect not the administrative part. They are a state agency and what they want me to do and the suspension in their system and on my MVR is evidence. The fact that they have another "trial" for the same crime is double jeopardy. How do they get away with this? How do I sue the SCDMV?

    submitted by /u/Jonshneebley
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    Landlord wants to increase rent in the middle of 1 year lease.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 08:36 AM PST

    Me and my gf live in a flat in Europe, Slovenia and are in the middle of a 1 year lease contract.

    Our landlord messaged me today, that he will be increasing the price of rent for all his apartments (he has more in different flats) and that we should let him know if we want to stay in the apartment despite the rent increase.

    As far as I can tell our lease agreement is preety straightforward, there is no mention of the option to change the rent (the amount of rent is specified in the lease). Also there is no mention of the possibility to be "thrown out" of the apartment unlese you are damaging it, are late with rent (we never were) or some other violations of which we did none.

    So my question is, does out landlord have any grounds on which he can enforce the rent increase/have us thrown out of the apartment. We also have a security deposit which we hope to get back, as nothing is damaged in the apartment.

    The increase is not much, but we feel like it is unjustified and not legal.

    I understand that real estate law in Slovenia is probably different, but any advice you can give with the information provided (please ask if I forgot to mention something) is very welcome.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/timosenko1
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    Fiance sexually assaulted NSFW

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 02:12 PM PST

    So my fiance came to me a couple days ago to inform me that he had been sexually assaulted by my best friends boyfriend a little over a week ago. He completely broke down and I know hes telling me the truth. He went from a happy goofy person to a very depressed person that has panic attacks. He didnt want to go to police so I told him we need to at least tell my best friend about what her boyfriend did. We took a couple days to come up with the best way to tell her and I was the one to tell her. She completely denied it and will not believe me. Her boyfriend is denying it obviously because he doesnt want to be seen as gay and who would admit to sexually assaulting someone? I lost my best friend because she believed the guy who abuses her. Her boyfriend called me threatening to come and beat up my fiance and they sent some messages that seemed kinda threatening so I called the police. They showed up and my fiance told them everything so now theres an open investigation but now they are threatening to sue us for slander and emotional distress.. can they really do this? We also have no proof of the sexual assault other than my ex best friends brother being awake when the assault took place but I can almost guarantee the brother is going to lie for my ex friend. I'm currently saving every text and any calls. Any advice is much appreciated located in usa pa

    submitted by /u/esps331
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    Being stalked, never happened before

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 03:45 PM PST

    I've recently been noticing that I have been followed by this man I recently met in the hospital when I went due to a seizure despite never having one in my life.

    He follows me in a blue Ford Fusion on my way to work until I get to the security gate and then drives on past me and occasionally I've seen him follow me to my apartment complex, and have been taking the back door inside my complex (thankfully the back door I have a key for cause my Land Lord is helping me)

    I'm wondering what I can do. The one time I went up to confront him and told him off, he did leave me alone for a few days before coming back.

    I'm not really the type to get scared, my doctors have labeled me as a minor sociopath due to the lack of ability to feel fear, worry, or empathy. The police I have talked to say that at the moment they can't do anything since he has not done anything to me or my possessions but I should not confront any one like that again in fear they are dangerously armed.

    I'm in Chicago. Any help?

    submitted by /u/throwaway2219578
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    Neighbor's yard smells unbearably of dog feces. Need options.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 06:17 PM PST

    My neighbor breeds and sells Rottweilers. That's fine. However, the female lives indoors while the 4-5 males live outdoors in a fence barely big enough for one small pup. This is in the Atlanta area, so all seasons, these poor Rottweilers are outdoors with no cover. That's the thing I'm most upset about.

    However, I can't enjoy my patio or yard because every time the wind blows toward me, my nostrils are burned with weeks worth of poo smell. And, when it rains, the runoff from their yard pools in my backyard, washing the waste and making it my problem.

    The one time that animal control actually came, they just mentioned to the humans of the house that I complained. The neighbor confronted me when he saw me outside one day. What are my options to have this handled without having an angry neighbor until I move (I own the house and don't want to move)

    submitted by /u/donarduous
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    Manager told her she could take two weeks off, she got a "you're fired" email on day 10 of our vacation

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 11:03 AM PST

    My fiancee came to visit me for two weeks. She works at Amazon in Pennsylvania.

    She told her manager about the trip, he agreed, everyone she works with knew about the trip and how long it would last so she has them as witnesses. By around day 10 or 11 she got an email saying "you've missed 3 days without letting us know why, you've been let go. If you think this decision is wrong then contact us."

    She emailed them letting them know the details - the manager's name and that he gave her permission. She got back an automatic email and has heard nothing else.

    I don't understand why she got this email close to the end of her trip, there were no emails asking her why she wasn't in for those three days, no warnings, just a "you're fired" email on day 10 or 11. Why would he say yes to 14 days for a vacation and then fire her after a week and 3 days of absence? What this looks like to me is her manager put her down for a week's absence and then day 3 she got the email. But this is his mistake, not hers and I think she needs some way to make this right.

    Is there anything she can do to either get back her job or get this manager removed? Everyone she worked with knew where she was going and for how long yet the manager (who she felt like didn't really like her, or is just an ass in general to everyone) put her down for a week off it looks like.

    Any advice I can give her? I can't stand situations like this where someone else does something wrong and someone else ends up paying. This time with their job when she's in a difficult situation. She wouldn't have left without the go ahead from her manager. I wouldn't have let her visit either. Any help or advice would be appreciated.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/TheFilthyPixels
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    [TX] Mother-in-law wants give Wife land in order for her to lien it out as a federal bail bond.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 06:54 AM PST

    A few weeks ago my wife's uncle was arrested and will be charged soon with 4 different federal charges. I do not know the extent of the bail but according to my wife, it is large enough that the only way to release him is by my mother-in-law liening out a few acres of land that she owns outright. The problem is that (according to her) the court won't accept the lien due to the fact that she herself has a criminal record. The only person in the immediate family without a record is my wife and so there in lies the question. My wife now has been asked to take the land as a gift and then have it liened out in order to bail out her uncle.

    I personally have no desire to go through with this due to, what I assume are, potentially really bad consequences, but I'm pretty uninformed on what they could be. All I can think of is

    • Potentially affecting our first home status as we are looking to buy our first home soon
    • Being on the hook for different property taxes in the event that her mother stops paying
    • Liening out the land affecting our credit
    • Even as a gift, this affecting our taxes/income in some way

    Any sort of help is appreciated. When/if we decline the "offer", it would be helpful to have counterpoints as why this could negatively affect us. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Thrwway-123
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    My employer posts schedules 12 hours in advance. (Indiana)

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 06:19 PM PST


    I'm not sure if this is a problem but it's really annoying at least. My employer (Indianapolis,Indiana) posts my work schedule at the most random times. For example... my schedule for the next two weeks was posted just now (9:10pm) on Sunday, even though the first day on the schedule is tomorrow. It makes it almost impossible to schedule things as I don't know if I'm working Saturday or late, etc.

    I feel like this is wrong, but i can't find anything (googling) that says it's wrong.

    submitted by /u/TheMetsDepressMe
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    My parents having been working for their boss for more than 20 years, she is now firing both of them because my mom got sick

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 04:31 PM PST

    Pretty much said it all above, my mom got sick and had surgery so her boss has now decided she doesn't want to keep my mom or dad and she is firing both of them. I'm pretty sure that this isn't legal at all, any advice is welcome, thank you. Edit: This is in California, Los Angeles area

    submitted by /u/Letsgofg
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    Roommates are stealing my food and beverages, allowing people to stay in my room, and invading my privacy. What can I do since I am in a lease?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 06:21 PM PST

    Also, when I call the leasing agency tomorrow is there any verbiage I should use that I didn't use in my description? I signed a 12-month lease and this is in Austin Texas United States.

    submitted by /u/gxn126
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    I work at a DV shelter in deplorable conditions and mice in the food, will there be legal repercussions if I expose pictures

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 06:33 PM PST

    I work at a DV/SA emergency shelter in Missouri run under the national coalition for domestic violence victims. I have worked here for two years and have watched the shelter fall apart in the past year. The ceiling is falling from water damage, the electricity is shotty, the floor boards are rotting, there is black mold in the bathroom. Our most recent issue is a mouse infestation. It has gotten so bad there is poop and mice everywhere. We keep all our food in the basement and the mice have gotten into most everything. They are everywhere on the main floor and just the other day one crawled up an advocate leg while at the desk. The directors 'fix it' was to lay poison traps which just resulted in them dying everywhere in the house and horrible death smell everywhere. No staff will pick up the dead rodents as it's disgusting and we are fed up with the conditions we work in here. Our director and board won't do anything about the issue. My question is will there be legal repercussions if I anonymously send the pictures of the dead mice/mice in food to the local news station or make a ghost account on Twitter with pictures of the infestation? I made sure not to have any clients, staff or identifying information of the shelter location of any sorts.

    submitted by /u/KittyOliver1998
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    Custody battle, not married

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 06:39 PM PST

    Neeeeed advice. My partner kicked me out after 5 years when he found out I had an abortion. We were living with his mom and I'm in my senior year of nursing school so I did what I thought was best for my family. Anyways, he's trying to get custody and I'm not sure what his intentions are bc he's ghosted me after gaslighting me. Worst case, he gets full and I pay child support which is going to be really hard for me. We weren't married and I was 100% dependent at the time so I'm starting from rock bottom. How can I win this in my favor? I would never keep him from them. He's a great father. I just don't want to lose either. I'm homeless, but got a serving job starting tomorrow. Full time student. He is a federal employee and lives with his mom. He has the kids at the moment for obvious reasons. idk if he has an attorney. Neither of us were on the lease and as I was not working, I was not contributing to the bills. I just need to know what I need to do to look the best. I want 50/50, that's it. I don't want to pay child support and I wouldn't ask that of him. He's very angry and spiteful, so I feel like he will. He won't let me see the kids if I ask. I've had to borderline kidnap them from daycare to see them and then I bring them back to him at night but the issue with that situation is that once I start working, I won't be able to see them unless I go through him which again, he is not compliant with at the moment.

    submitted by /u/soosheemi
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