• Breaking News

    Monday, January 13, 2020

    Legal Advice - Spent the night in a holding cell because having a uniform, keys to the building and the alarm code is not enough proof I work there and not breaking in. Ontario

    Legal Advice - Spent the night in a holding cell because having a uniform, keys to the building and the alarm code is not enough proof I work there and not breaking in. Ontario

    Spent the night in a holding cell because having a uniform, keys to the building and the alarm code is not enough proof I work there and not breaking in. Ontario

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:46 AM PST

    I work at a local computer repair shop. We're closed Sundays but my boss allows me to come in on Sundays because it fits better with my school schedule. As I was leaving yesterday out the back door 2 cops pulled up and arrested me for breaking and entering. I tried to explain to them that I work there, and I would prove it by unlocking the door and turning off the alarm. They said that wasn't proof and arrested me anyways. I didn't put up a fight because I'm not stupid.

    They let me try to call my boss but he was out of town ice fishing for the weekend and didn't have a cell signal so he didn't get my message until this morning. They still didn't let me go until about an hour ago when my boss physically came to the police station and told them that I do work for him. Apparently someone down the street had called in about me because we're not open Sundays so no employees should be there.

    Is there a complaint or something I can file about this? They didn't even check if I was breaking and entering, they just straight up pulled up and arrested me.

    Comments are locked, so anyone late to the party I'm going to talk to the legal center at my school about it.

    submitted by /u/jfchelp
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    The fortune 100 company I work for grossly abuses clients privacy by looking at their nudes

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:47 AM PST

    Hey there. I work as a technician for a fortune 100 company where we deal with clients phones on a daily basis. All of my coworkers use the customers pass codes to browse through their phones galleries, messages, etc. It's disgusting and a huge violation of privacy. I think our franchise owner is aware but is intentionally negligent.

    This has been going on for years I believe, but I first found out when a coworker told me that one of our clients is big into orgies and anal. I asked how they knew and they showed me the gallery on our client's phone.

    I've tried contacting corporate through email 3 times, and 2 different emails. I've also publicly tweeted at them anonymously 3 times just looking for a way to proceed with this. No response at all, not even an acknowledgment.

    My goal here is to anonymously report this and keep it from happening. I really don't want to lose my job or let my coworkers find out it was me who said something... This may sound like an overreaction but they do have my address on file and I don't know what they'd do if they lost their jobs and knew it was because of me.

    Legally, is there a leg for me to stand on here? Is there anything I can do outside of trying to go through my company (they apparently don't care). Is there any sort of reimbursement for putting my job on the line / potentially losing my career here over this?

    I've been struggling with this issue for several months now and not really sure what to do next...

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Feisty-Tradition
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    Can schools legally prevent me from bringing an Epi-Pen?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:11 AM PST

    I'm 14 and have a life-threatening histamine condition, which, with specific triggers (such as cold air/water + sweat) can cause me to swell and get hives, and could cause me to go into anaphylactic shock. Was wondering if the school I go to (in Wisconsin) is allowed to be preventing me from bringing an Epi-pen/antihistamine/inhaler. (I have all the necessary paperwork along with a doctor's approval, and/or am able to get it updated)

    submitted by /u/salt_ie
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    I got a DUI, but I wasn't in the car. Case dismissed???

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:23 AM PST

    State of origin: Arizona

    Ok so one day my wife had gotten a ride to work, because our car wouldn't start. I was at home when I started having a bad anxiety attack. I walked to the store and grabbed a pint of whiskey to sleep through the anxiety. I drank about half the bottle rather quickly and laid down. The next thing I remember was waking up at my sister's house.

    My wife told me that I showed up to her work and that her car was on the curb in the parking lot (as if someone went to park but didn't stop and ended up jumping the curb). The vehicle was in drive with the driver door open. Some customers said I was walking up to every white car (same color as my wife's car) and trying to open the doors.

    One customer called the police. I'm not sure exactly what they told the police. The police showed up an hour and ½ after I had arrived. My wife came outside to talk to me and that's when she noticed the placement of her car and that the police were there. She asked me what happened and I told her, "I have no idea what's going on." Then the officer came to me and pulled me aside.

    My wife said the officer asked me if the car on the curb was mine and if I had been driving it. She said that I answered no to both questions. I did have the keys, but the car is push button start so I could have been anywhere in the vehicle for it to start and the car was still running when I exited the vehicle. The officer said I was too inebriated to do a field sobriety test so he arrested me and took me to the station and gave me a breathalyzer. I blew over the limit. The officer said I was too drunk to be put in jail so he released me to my wife and mother. I guess the judge decides what I will be charged with. The options are dui, extreme dui, driving on a suspended license, or another option that I'm not sure what it is.

    I've never had anything like this happen to me before. I've blacked out before but never to the extent where I don't remember anything. The only bits and pieces I do remember we're when I was at the jail being questioned. It felt like a dream or almost like I was on a dissociative drug. I would never in my right mind drive a vehicle after consuming that much alcohol. I'm not sure if perhaps I had someone else drive me there and maybe they took off when they jumped the curb? I don't even see how it would be possible for me to make it to my wife's work safely in the condition I was in.

    Do I have a chance of getting the case dismissed? The officer never saw me in the car. We're not sure what the complaint was from the person who called the cops. They may have called, because I was trying to enter other vehicles. As far as I know the witness was not present when the police arrived. The officer didn't request any of the surveillance tapes.

    What would you say my odds are of having the case dismissed based on the above information? Thanks in advance for any responses, information, or opinions.

    submitted by /u/weinerwad3000
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    Can I get Evicted for Coughing at night? (I have Lung Disease)

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:52 AM PST

    Hello. I live in a large apartment complex I have lung disease which entails chronic inflammation of the lungs. This alone gives me a cough, but for the past 2 weeks i've been sick with the most brutal flu I've ever had. I've been having a deep, loud chesty cough as a result of the combination of the two, and I can't not cough, because I can't control it.

    I'm worried because my property manager approached me over it and asked me to see a doctor to "resolve the issue". I very well know that my doctor will happily give me a Doctors note saying that I have my lung disease (Chronic Pneumonitis), and for the flu, stating that I can't help the cough, but I don't know if that will be good enough.

    My worst fear is getting evicted over it. It's an involuntary thing that I cannot help, and it gets worse at night. I usually have a coughing fit that goes on for an hour or two and will result in my coughing up some blood. (I've been checked... it's just part of my lung disease).

    As a Tenant in Canada, where do I stand? I've been living here 10 years, I've always been quiet as a mouse and gone out of my way to be polite and courteous to my neighbours, which my Landlord has always appreciated. Shes also remarked at how quiet I am, but since I've been diagnosed with my lung disease, she seems frustrated with me. Especially the last 2 weeks with the Flu making the cough even worse.

    Any advice would be tremendously helpful.

    submitted by /u/Tom_Bom
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    Is it legal for my landlord to charge me for people whose name was not on my lease nor lived with me ?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:11 AM PST

    I recently moved and was discussing my security deposit return with my previous landlord. My deposit was $1200 and we agreed he would deduct the amount of days I stayed which was 12 totaling to $464 , perfectly fine with me. He then stated he'd be charging me for 4 days in which my boyfriend had stayed over. These days were non consecutive and the lease does not state that I'm not allowed to have stay over guests. I also cleared it with the landlord if my boyfriend was allowed to stay over every once in awhile. Is he allowed to do this ? I'm loosing a lot of money from my deposit now. I live in NY and more specifically Suffolk County.

    submitted by /u/queenofsaygoon
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    Cat-killer in my neighborhood is starting to get dangerous, possibly to people. How do I get proof? How do I stop this?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 12:29 AM PST

    I've never done this before, so if you need more info, let me know. I live in a residential (though pretty rural) area in North Florida, outside of the city limits.

    A neighbor is torturing/killing cats. I have evidence that the cats are being shot, but not who is doing it (though I have my suspicions). A few days ago, someone shot a cat right in front of my father and me. The shot came from the back side of our property, across another neighbor's yard. My father thinks the gun was a .22 rifle. He knows much more about guns than I care to. Judging by the cat's wounds and where she was standing, we can trace the shot back to a home with a perfect sight line from the elevated porch.

    The deputy who came out did not take a statement, did not make any notes. He said if it happens again, I should look around and try to see who is shooting. Personally, I think running toward a mystery shooter in order to confront/ID them is a bad idea.

    With little real evidence and a deputy sheriff who is apparently trying to get me killed, what can I do?

    submitted by /u/dulldaughter
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    [PA] My girlfriend is a cashier at a restaurant, she accidentally accepted a $100 bill and now they want to take the money out of her paycheck, is that legal?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 11:55 AM PST

    For context, this is a fast food restaurant (like a McDonalds kind of). She was never told not to take $100 bills but her manager is insisting she was trained on it.

    The $100 bill was fake

    They have a history of taking "missing" money out of her check, stating that any money that is missing comes out of the register workers paycheck.

    Is this legal? this seems like theft?

    Edit: This happened yesterday, I will just kind of put a timeline of exact events

    She was given a $100 bill that passed the fake test (that little marker) and she gave him $90 in change

    Today she got a call from a manager telling her that the money was fake and because she accepted it, now she owes $100.

    She was told that if she does not pay the money it will come out of her next paycheck

    They have a history of taking money when the register comes up short.

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    Medical records were requested by parents to file for medical negligence but they were denied by the doctor

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:41 PM PST

    A friend of mine (M21) was having bad headaches on December 19th so he went to ER. At the hospital, the doctors gave him a CT scanned they found a ventricular dilation in his head. The Neurologist came in and told him it wasn't serious enough for him to stay and that he could get an MRI later and sent him home.

    On December 22, he started to have bad headaches and he started vomiting so they went back to the ER at the same hospital around 1 am. They gave him some painkillers and recommended admitting him but there weren't any beds available so the staff had him waiting in the ER until 5 am. The staff gave his parents some papers to sign and sent them home again. At 7:30 (after he had gotten home), he had a seizure and became unconscious. emergency responders arrived at his house, intubated him, and airlifted to another hospital (different from the one he had visited twice).

    The doctors did an MRI that day and and declared him brain dead. He stayed on a ventilator until the 29th so that his organs could be donated and that's when he was declared dead.

    Today, the parents went to the hospital they visited the first two times and requested his medical records but the people at the medical records section said that only the patient could request medical records. That doesn't make any sense. Is there any way for the parents to get the medical records, or is what they said true.

    submitted by /u/ultiguy
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    University forcing students to quit their jobs.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:14 PM PST

    The undergraduate design program that I am currently enrolled in is requiring students to either not work, or work under 10 hours a week for a design specific job. Students working retail or other places to support themselves are expected to quit. They gave us this paper to sign - do they have leg to stand on? Should I refuse to sign this paper? This is the document. Advice on this subject would be much appreciated, thank you.

    submitted by /u/throwawayunivprop
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    Someone took pictures of my privates while I was sleeping

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:17 AM PST

    I'm a college student [19m] in Utah, and live in dorms atm. Saturday night my roommate had his girlfriend over and so I slept on the couch. Today, one of my friends told me that her roommate, who was in our dorm when I went to sleep, took pictures of me after I was out. Apparently my stuff was sticking out of my pj's. I was wrapped up in a blanket, so I don't know if she took the blanket off or something. My friend sent me some of the pictures she took as proof, and that the person who took the pictures said they touched me too, but there's no pictures of it. Sorry if it's hard to understand, I'm struggling for words right now

    submitted by /u/LAThrowaway192021
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    Roommate moved out of state and now owes me $3.5k in rent + fees - is small claims court the best next step?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 05:02 AM PST

    Location: Atlanta, GA

    Back in Sept./Oct. my roommate lost her job and took a new job out of state. As a result, she told me we would have to break our lease. We submitted our notice to vacate (termination date of 1/3).

    As part of our agreement, she said she'd continue to pay for her half of the rent/utilities through the rest of the lease along with half of damages plus the ~$1500 relet fee.

    She moved in early October. At the time, she was already 2 months behind on rent but worked out something with the leasing office to submit the balance at the end of the month, which she did. However, the November rent deadline came and went and we received our dispossessory notice (the third one, since this was her third month being late). 3 days before the final deadline to submit payment she reached out to tell me she had no way of paying and we'd be evicted.

    Keep in mind that during this time her pet and most of her belongings were still in the apartment.

    I told her that as long as she could promise she would pay me back, I could put together the money to cover her half of rent through the end of the lease. She assured me she'd be making monthly payments to me with the full balance due by February. I had her send me her proposed repayment schedule via email.

    She then told me she couldn't pay me anything in December because she had to put deposits down on her new apartment and had no extra money.

    I've since had to take on the burden of cleaning out the apartment + her room, repairing her damages (e.g. nail holes) and getting rid of the belongings she left behind. I also had to facilitate the sale of some of her stuff that she scheduled after she'd already moved (I would get texts that someone from FB marketplace would be over at a certain time and I needed to be home to let them in).

    Our lease termination date came and went and at this point I've only received $100 from her. She refuses to give me a timeline on when she'll pay me back but says it certainly won't be by February. Any questions I've asked about her repayment timeline have been met with hostility and thinly veiled threats that she won't repay me at all.

    Here's where I'm confused: based on my limited understanding of small claims court, you have to file in the state the defendant lives in - which would mean I would have to travel to/file in her new city. But I'm wondering if that's the case if the apartment is in Atlanta and she was an Atlanta resident at the time. That seems like a big financial burden on top of an already expensive situation.

    Is small claims court still the next best step? I'm planning on writing and sending a formal demand letter and making additional attempts to make contact via text/email. Any advice would be helpful.

    I have the following evidence to support the claim: * Texts/emails from her * An email from her outlining her plan to repay the money she owes * Payment records from the office that prove I paid rent * A copy of our lease * Dispossessory notices * Emails from the office outlining correspondence between the office manager and my roommate when she was late on rent * Photos of the apartment in various states of disarray before I cleaned up the mess she left behind [I know it doesn't support the financial claim, but I took them anyway] * The office manager agreed to put together a statement verifying her nonpayment and unresponsiveness

    TLDR: My roommate got fired, moved to a different state, stopped paying rent and almost got us evicted. I paid her half of rent for 3 months + all move out fees. Wondering how to move forward on small claims proceedings.

    submitted by /u/bward902
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    [Kentucky] how do I report educational neglect in Kentucky online and anonymously?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:01 AM PST

    Throwaway for obvious reasons. I live in Kentucky and my parents homeschool me and my siblings. They teach us but don't do a good job. I just learned stuff like prime numbers and ratios and such at 18 behind their back. They won't let me get a job until I graduate. Like if I get a job they will flat out not let me graduate. They let my siblings live in a room where there's dog crap and dog piss stains there for hours on end. The dog piss stains stay there until it dries up eventually. I just now am learning some 5th and 6th grade math on khan academy behind their back. It's not like I don't know multiplication but I struggle with fractions and algebra. I'm just now learning algebra at 18. Am I crazy for thinking this is educational neglect like people online have told me before? Is this a false report? Also how do I report it anonymously? Can I report this online anonymously in Kentucky? If my parents find out I'm screwed so I don't feel comfortable using my phone number or stuff like that. I'm doing this mainly so my siblings can get a proper education. But I can't let anyone know I reported my parents. There's no one I can trust in real life on this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I just really have to report this anonymously and online.

    submitted by /u/thorwaway9934
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    [CT] What are my legal options regarding the man who molested me 15 years ago?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:44 PM PST

    In middle school I was groomed and molested by my best friend's father. It was not his first time. He molested me, both of his daughters, and his niece (and that's just who I know about). My understanding is that the state's attorneys office decided not to pursue charges because I did not want to testify against him in court, a decision I regret to this day but I was only 13 at the time.

    15 years later I googled him. He is now operating a wedding venue, and my former best friend lives there with her newborn daughter.

    My questions:

    1) My understanding is that the statute of limitations has passed and I am unable to pursue charges against him. Is this correct?

    2) What are the potential legal ramifications if I were to expose his criminal behavior on his business's google/yelp/facebook pages? I understand that he could sue me for defamation, but my understanding is he'd have to prove I'm lying (which I'm not). Is that correct?

    3) What are the potential legal ramifications of contacting the baby's father, who I assume isn't aware of his FIL's history of molesting children, about his daughter being exposed to a pedophile? (To be clear: I know for a fact that this man molested his daughter, my former best friend, but she always defended him/refused to admit to the abuse)

    TL;DR Guy molested me 15 years ago, I still feel guilty about not testifying against him, is there anything I can legally do now to prevent future harm?

    submitted by /u/throwmeaway889
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    I (25F) believe my mother (55F) is still claiming me on her taxes. Is it possible for me to get in trouble? How can I make her stop? (FL/NY)

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:43 AM PST

    I'm in a weird situation. I was talking to my mother and taxes got brought up. She made a statement that she has been claiming me still. The thing is when I left for college at 21 I started claiming my self as independent. I did this because I moved away in my own place, payed my rent, had a full time job and a full time student. My parents, especially my mother, didn't pay for my school or give me any extra cash except around Christmas and that was in clothing gift cards. I payed my way thru college with The student loans florida offered so I didn't need any co-signer either.

    I asked her why she is still doing this and she said because I'm enrolled as a full time student and that I'm technically still supported by her? I read that parents can do this when students are enrolled full-time? I asked how she thinks she still supports me and she looked at me and says it's back pay for when I was growing up. She also stated she pays for my car insurance but I told her why? I don't drive anymore and I gave my car to my sister.

    I am horrified that I'm going to get a notice to pay back the taxes I received in the past years. I believe she's going to do it again this year because she said she was. I am currently residing in New York for the next year, and out of school for the past two years. I still have my license as my moms address but Everything else is my New York address. Could that be a problem?

    Tl;dr will I owe extra money?

    submitted by /u/i-am-waking-you-up
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    Would my mom be able to remove me from my friend's house in California or disrupt me from going to school?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:14 PM PST

    Im almost 17 years old and my mother pulled me out of school during finals week and sent me to Louisiana to live with my grandmother on her side . I didn't feel safe living with her and decided to go live with my father's side of the family in Alabama. My parents are divorcing and my mother had a restraining order against my father but she violated the restraining order by leaving me in another state under some else's care. I want to go back to California to stay with my friend so that I can attend my school, however my dad is planning on going to California as well so that I can live with him on a later date and wants me to go to another school. I was wondering if I would be able to live with my friend in California and go to school there and if my mother would legally be able to cause trouble for either my friend's family or me. My Dad says he has consulted a lawyer but isn't telling me everything on the matter but he said that if I go there he would lose an advantage in his case.

    submitted by /u/ObsidionWolf90
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    Help, I've rented from a shady person, and now there's an eviction notice on our door.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:43 PM PST

    Hello, as the title says, I have a small handwritten contract with a guy I met for a room to rent. Long story short I thought it was fishy we weren't putting me on the lease, but he showed me mail, and assured me this was his home. After a few weeks of him staying here, he's since disappeared, and a notice was placed on the door stating we must vacate the property within 4 days.

    What do I do, I'm supposed to be paid until the 31st, and this is the first real notice I've had. I don't want to get any evictions or anything on my record, but I really hate to lose out on half a months worth of rent I paid for....

    Sorry, in a bit of a panic to get things moved out fast.

    Edit: To elaborate, the contract written says we are good until the 31st, I had already given notice to vacate with that agreement on the end of it, this is all through text. Since then the last communication I heard from the roommate (Person on the lease) was that he had got into a car accident with his girlfriend, it was pretty bad for her, but he sounded OK. All in all, I really just don't have anywhere to go in the interim, and really don't want to be stuck in my car with my money stolen from me again.

    Portland OR.

    submitted by /u/Sickologyy
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    Someone claims I hit their parked car

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 04:50 PM PST

    I recieved a call from a police officer that a tenant in my apartment building claims I hit their parked car. My car has existing damage from scraping a basketball hoop in my parents driveway from a couple years ago, but it is a superficial surface scratch that I haven't bothered to fix due to it being cosmetic.

    The problem is my car was unluckily parked next to the damaged car and that the damage on the other tenants car coincidentally happens to be in an area that prompted he or she to assume that I had hit her car.

    I have car insurance, but I also live in a state where car insurance is not required. I find it alarming that this call came from a police officer and not through insurance. What should I expect to happen in this situation?

    submitted by /u/pavarti_0
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    Land survey error

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 03:59 PM PST

    Hi all, I am in a minor dilemma and I am seeking your expert legal counsel on the matter.

    I own a small house on a triangle shaped lot. The backyard of the property abuts with 3 properties. The 1st property was a vacant lot overgrown with trees. The other 2 properties have privacy fences on the property line. Recently, a company bought the vacant lot, cleared it, and began construction of a house.

    My wife (8 months pregnant at the time) wanted me to have a privacy fence installed along that portion of the property line to block any view of our porch and house (we have sliding-glass doors on the back of the house. Anyone could see into our house at night from the now cleared lot. So i pulled out my survey from 2017 (in my municipality, a fence permit requires a survey no older than 6 years) and got a permit to have the fence installed there. Shortly thereafter, the fence was constructed.

    Within a week, the manager of the construction firm stopped by my house to inform me that I had built the fence 3 feet onto their property and that I needed to tear it down ASAP. I was very confused because I had received the permit with no issues. We compared our surveys, and they were very different. The property line on my survey was abutting with the fences that were constructed by my neighbors. The construction firm's survey had the property line roughly 3 feet off of that line.

    I reached out to the company that performed my permit when I bought the house and they came out to perform a survey at no cost. Of course, they now have the property line in accordance with the construction firm's survey. Meaning that my fence is on someone else's property.

    My question: is the survey company liable for the cost of the fencing that I will have to demo?

    submitted by /u/Jive_Turkey4life
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    Wasn’t paid right for a month and a half because fixing it “would be a black mark on the Assistant Deputy Minister’s record”

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 12:55 PM PST

    I work for the Government of Canada and am missing acting pay for a month and a half because management didn't submit the paperwork on time. I called the Phoenix pay centre this morning and they told me that HR would simply need to resubmit paperwork. When I told HR that, they said they wouldn't do it because it would be a black mark on the ADM's record. Do I have any recourse? Also, fuck the Government it's a trap, avoid it at all costs.

    submitted by /u/ClownsMeJokers
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    Friend scammed by buying nude photos from underage girls.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 05:13 PM PST

    A little less than a week ago, my friend (I'll call him Tom) bought nudes on Snapchat from an underage girl (who we'll call Sarah) and he did not know she was underage at the time. After buying them, Sarah's friend texts Tom saying something along the lines of "Sarahs dad knows about it and is gonna press charges but if you give us money we can forget about it."

    Yes I know that sounds like a total scam, Tom is not very bright...

    Anyways, Tom gets in a panic b/c he believes the girls so then he gives them $300. The next day, they ask for more money so Tom gives them $400. Tom keeps quiet about it and doesn't go out all weekend bc he's in fear that the police will come for him.(This whole time Tom never told me about it he just kept it to himself...)

    So today the girls called Tom asking for more money. He doesn't have any more so he decides to finally tell me. I came here b/c I know there's a way we can settle this in our favor given the circumstance of the situation, I just don't know where to start, if I'm missing lots of needed info pls ask.

    Edit: I forgot to include what I think is important info, the girls know Toms name and everything and they live in the nearest city which is 15min away.

    Edit #2: I put in that it all occurred on Snapchat, not some random site.

    Update: Tom just showed me a photo and name of this "Sarah". It's actually an African American Male who lives in the nearest city and has been involved in multiple occurrences with the law.

    Update #2: Tom told me the first payment was through cash app, the 2nd payment was in person. I don't know where or when.

    submitted by /u/Thatdude_Carl
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    Typical "extra" roommate problem - boyfriend/girlfriend of a roommate stays 50% of the time

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:53 PM PST

    So the girlfriend of one of my roommates and I do not get along in any sense of the word. Straight up we hate each other. Unfortunately, the guy I'm rooming with hooked up with her some time after we had already signed a joint contract with the landlord. I've already tried talking to them but nothing gets through either of them, and it's already been to the point where I had a panic attack because of this girl.

    The relevant part of the lease states: The premises shall be used by the tenant for residential purposes only and shall be occupied for such use by no more than the 3 adults that are on the written lease. Anyone that is residing in the home that is not on the written lease will subject tenant to immediate termination of lease. Landlord also had the right to ban or bar anyone from the premises by use of a No Trespassing Order that will be enforced by the appropriate law enforcement agency. Tenant' lease applies to improvements only except that Tenant shall have reasonable access across the real property.

    The 3 refers to the three of us roommates that have actually signed and the girl is not part of the lease. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks in advance

    Edit: This is in Champaign, IL if that helps

    submitted by /u/highheat4
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    Someone is anonymously harassing/threatening my SO and I.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:01 AM PST

    State: TX

    Someone is sending my girlfriend texts that have been escalating in nature for the past couple months.

    Initially they sent a text accusing me of being unfaithful to her. They claimed that I was maintaining a relationship with someone else behind her back. And they also accused me of being overly promiscuous with women at my workplace. All of these things are categorically false. I love my girlfriend and plan on marrying her. I have never been and would never be unfaithful to her. I have never been promiscuous with anyone at my workplace. Infact, I make it a point to keep my professional and personal lives quite separate.

    This happened about ~2 months ago. I have a friend who is a lawyer who drafted a cease and desist letter for us that we sent via text from my girlfriend's phone to the unknown number. My girlfriend then blocked the number and we hadn't heard anything since. We thought it was behind us and we moved on with our lives.

    Fast forward to today. My girlfriend receives another text from a different number this time. The author is claiming to be the person that I am supposedly in a relationship with behind my girlfriend's back. This text is conspicuously written in the same (obviously uneducated) style/tone as the original text. Clearly whoever wrote this text had done some serious Googling and Facebooking to look up background info on my girlfriend as it listed names of several of her friends/family/coworkers in addition to her workplace and prior education. This new text threatens to tell her friends/family and workplace all about how she is supposedly knowingly dating a guy who is in a relationship with someone else. Its written in an obviously threatening tone to both my girlfriend and myself.

    I've tried reverse white-paging both numbers. The names that come up mean nothing to me - I've never met either person and don't see how they could be connected to either myself or my girlfriend. My lawyer friend even hired a PI to lookup the owner of the first number, but couldn't really turn up any useful information.

    What can I even do about this? Do I need to go to the police? Do I need to officially hire a lawyer? What kind of lawyer would I even hire? I'd like to file a restraining order - but I don't even know who to file it against?!? I'm kind of at a loss as to what to do... And my girlfriend is understandably distraught. She doesn't believe any of it, but now her career is being threatened in addition to our relationship (and also my career). Any advice from anyone is appreciated.

    Edit: I had an afterthought - My workplace is a University Hospital and in the first text they sent the person claims to work at the same institution. At the very least this constitutes an egregious Title IX violation (which I know the institution takes very seriously). Is there any utility in reporting this to the Title IX office so they can do their own investigation?

    submitted by /u/SpawnofATStill
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