• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 14, 2020

    Legal Advice - Friend forced to have sex with boss while she was incapacitated

    Legal Advice - Friend forced to have sex with boss while she was incapacitated

    Friend forced to have sex with boss while she was incapacitated

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 06:47 AM PST

    My friend was interning during her summer while she was studying at university in Pennsylvania. Her boss was always very nice to her, and asked her to get drinks with him on her last day of work. They went to a bar, and got sufficiently drunk - where he admitted he was attracted to her. She brought up the fact that he's married, and he acknowledged it. He wanted her to come to his house to meet his wife. She agreed, and so they went to his place. My friend met the wife, and they all drank some more. At this point, my friend blacked out and can't remember anything that happened after this point. She only remembers her boss saying, "you should take your pants off." She doesn't even remember if she did do that.

    Next morning, the wife was dropping her off, and was extremely hostile with her. Turns out, the boss had sex with my friend, while the wife was watching. The wife also apparently made out with my friend. In the morning, the wife forced my friend to take a Plan B (apparently, the guy didn't use a condom). She somehow got a hold of my friend's phone number, social media handles etc., and harrasses her regularly - calls her names and insults her a lot.

    My friend is afraid to take any kind of action as she does not want her parents to find out (she's an international student). What options does she have? Is it possible for her to proceed legally in the US without her parents ever finding out back home?

    submitted by /u/keerthanaa13
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    Joint custody - mother arrested, I'm freaking out.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 08:08 PM PST

    So, my ex-wife and I have joint custody of our son, who is 12. We were divorced in California, but she now lives in Minnesota. He decided he wanted to go with his mom when they moved, and I didn't push the issue because we mostly let him decide where he wants to be. In hindsight, I probably should have.

    Today, I was notified that she had been arrested and my son, along with his 3 younger brothers (hers) we're with CPS. They let him call me and he was obviously and understandably upset. I talked with the social worker, who told me they'd arranged for a place for him to stay for the night but would be finding him foster care. When I told her I'd be out to get him immediately, she essentially said it wasn't going to be that easy and that it may take up to 30 days to make that happen. They're going to call me tomorrow morning with more info.

    I'm contacting a lawyer that is local to there to see about an emergency custody order, then heading out there with his birth certificate, our divorce decree and custody order to try to bring my son home. My question is why wouldn't they release him to a custodial parent? What kind of roadblocks can I expect to encounter?

    submitted by /u/DontRedFlagMeBro
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    (Update) Dealership asking me to return car that I purchased 6 months ago

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 07:25 PM PST

    I posted here a couple of weeks ago.

    Not too much of an update, but I told the dealership that I would hire a lawyer to sort the situation out if they couldn't offer me a solution.

    I got a call on Monday that they were able to work with the Texas auction house to get the title for the car. I'm supposed to go tomorrow and pick up the tags. The employee I spoke with was polite, but I could tell by the way she talked that it was a major headache for them to fix this issue. Not my problem.

    Thanks all who contributed advice. I had no idea what type of lawyer I would even need for a situation like this. I'm glad it didn't come to that, but at least I felt like I knew which steps to take next if I needed to.

    submitted by /u/Nica-sauce-rex
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    Somebody poisoned the water hole(TX)

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 05:20 PM PST

    Not sure if I flailed this right, and I'll try to keep this short. I live in a trailer park on well water. Our landlord hyperchorinated the water as per texas regulation(or as we are told by maintenance) with out any notification. However, we had already been drinking water, as have our animals. My kids, my girlfriend, my dogs, and myself got extremely sick. We thought it was the flu until we realized our dogs were vomiting and throwing up as well. We only drank the water for a day (we naively thought that it was safe to drink as why wouldn't it be). The next day we got GALLONS of bottled water.... but the damage was already done. We talked to neighbors today to see if they had been affected, and all of them had been, and one was hospitalized. I plan on talking to a lawyer tomorrow morning/afternoon. So my question is.... how serious of a violation (if any) is this? How should I organize myself? And is this worth my time?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/throwaway502847
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    Please help us! My entire college class was told we will not be graduating with 2 days until our planned graduation. [NJ]

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 07:45 AM PST

    My class has been enrolled in a trade school program for the past 9 months and told we would be graduating on January 16th 2020.

    Today we were informed that none of us would be graduating do to an attendance policy that I swear on my life, none of us knew about. We are shocked and are clueless to what our options are.

    With that being said, I would also like to include incidents over the past 9 months that we are also questioning if it was legal for the school to do to us.

    1. Our first teacher for 7 months wouldn't show up on time, and would tell us "I don't need this job, I would just be bored if I retired". This was said to our entire class multiple times.

    2. On our first day we were handed contracts and told to hurry and sign while being pressured to not look at them. They also forced us to sign a contract stating, "We have received all our tools and materials". Even though we did not receive any tools/materials for another month.

    3. Also on our first day in class another TEACHER came into the room, sat down, and said, "I would have been an electrician too, but then I would have to go home and tell my father I'm gay." This really did happen, and it actually did offend some of my classmates who are gay and friends with people who are.

    4. This one is our main concern

    We are currently being forced to work inside a new building the school bought which is filled with Asbestos. We are told this is part of our course. Safety masks weren't supplied to us until we had to ask multiple times on the second day of working. We aren't receiving any pay for this work either.

    If you have read this far, then thank you. My class has been through allot of neglect from this school and we all want to leave. Some of us already have jobs lined up which are expecting us to graduate and have a degree.


    If we want to sue, what type of lawyer do we look for?

    Can we counter the school by saying we will sue for the above situations if we do not graduate or is that blackmail and not allowed?

    FYI: We still don't know the specifics of the attendance policy we violated. We were just told we violated it.

    submitted by /u/Fruitmasterflex
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    Been waiting 2 going on 3 years for our completed wedding video.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 05:53 AM PST

    Had an amazing wedding in May 2017. Had issues with my videographer as soon as my check went through. He shot our wedding & 1 other event. We did an engagement shoot after the wedding in October of 2018. We've been waiting patiently. My last contact with him was October 2019. At which time I asked him for a concrete deadline. Since then it's been radio silent. I've left messages via text, Instagram & email. I even reached out to my wedding planner to see if she had any contact with him. Im not expecting a response because she wasn't the most pleasant to deal with. I have the contract which states what he was to provide. I want to start hounding all his social media posts. But I don't want him turning around and taking legal action on me. What are my legal options? Small claims court?

    Edit: From New York. Our wedding was held in Brooklyn & Long Island. Videographer has offices in NY, DC & MD.

    Edit: to the individual who said I was entitled:

    Not entitled. This was the last time my husbands cousin was at a family event. 6 months later he was brutally killed. He left 3 teenaged kids. It was such a happy occasion. And to be able to see him again would have been a great thing to give his kids. And to not have a video to remember that is heartbreaking for me.

    I spent over 6 months working a second job tutoring kids to pay for the videographer. So no. Not entitled. I'm a hard worker & expected to get what I paid for.

    submitted by /u/miqh82
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    Wife has been served for unpaid tax while visiting her home country. She has not lived there for 9 years.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 04:02 AM PST

    So. My wife of 1 year, partner since 2012 has just been served a tax bill at her father's home address in Poland. It is addressed to her in her Maiden nameand appears to have been due since September 2019. It does not state what the tax is for only an article number but no explanation. There is also a brief threat of further legal action if she does not pay in 7 days. We will be back in the UK by then. While she is still a Polish citizen she has not lived nor worked in Poland since 2010. How seriously do we need to take this? I have no idea how any of this works in Poland and neither does my wife or her father. Its also worth noting that the tax is for 180zl, not a huge amount of money and we could pay it off before we go but it seems unreasonable that she be taxed at all. Sorry that I don't have a lot to go on but if anyone with an understanding of the Polish tax system could give me an idea of what this is all about I'd greatly appreciate it.

    edit It was a case of mistaken identity. Same name different addresses. Clerical error.

    submitted by /u/Immortal-bbq-cunt
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    Mother claims we owe her $49,000?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:33 PM PST

    A bit of background. 8 years ago, my parents mortgaged their house and used the money to buy my husband and I a house. We pay them 'rent' so they can pay the mortgage. Awhile back, my mother said she was doubling, sometimes tripling, the payments with her own money to 'pay it off faster'. All expenditures were logged, by her, in a notebook, so she could keep track of how much we need to pay her to own our own home.

    Please note: there is no paperwork involved in this agreement, only verbal agreements. I'm not sure if that matters.

    Things have spiraled out of control, with the house we live in being used as leverage against us in disagreements with my mother. Basically blackmailing us with possible homelessness.

    I want to move and start fresh, into a house that is owned by ME, not someone who is going to use it against me. My mother is currently on a 'fixing bender', hiring worker after worker with my dad's life insurance money (he passed last year) to fix up our current house. We've told her not to, but she just says "It's my house, I'll do what I want when I want! I'm protecting my investment!" But she also adds everything she spends into the total of what we owe her for the house.

    Which gets us to this crazy number of $49k. She claims that's what we owe her. After paying for 8 years on a mortgage of $55k....

    I know if we move out, she probably will try to sue us for this money. My husband says "Well, she owns both houses, she could just sell one." But my mother isn't the most logical of people and she'll want her pound of flesh.

    What do we do?

    submitted by /u/Aziara86
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    CPA Employer Pocketed My IRA contributions

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 03:32 PM PST

    After review of my 2019 SIMPLE IRA statement, I realized there were no additions the entire year. To my horror, I found out my employer had been pocketing my payroll deduction for YEARS. Yes, I was stupid not to pay closer attention to my statements every year. I know this. I never intended to do anything with this particular IRA than get the 3% match from the employer so it's never had a huge balance.

    I called the investment company and got statements going back to 2012. That is as far back as I can go. I am requesting wage & income transcripts for the years that I no longer have a copy of my W-2 so I can see the amount deducted for the SIMPLE and add that information to a worksheet I'm preparing so I know how much this fucker owes me.

    My boss admitted to me that they did it and that they intend to pay me back soon through a loan they have been approved for. In addition to getting my original contributions back and factoring in the change in value for the year(s) to get the total amount they owe me, am I crazy to want interest on a loan that I never agreed to? If so, what is a good percentage rate?

    Also, how far over a barrel do I have this person (CPA)...what do they stand to lose should I choose to go through legal channels to resolve this rather than work it out between the two of us? I thought about telling them they (as soon as I can figure out the damages) could make payments to me, but I'll tell them I want a lump sum. I don't want to wait for my money any longer than I have to. Thanks so much for any helpful answers and comments! In TX if that helps.

    submitted by /u/NotaCPAthrowaway
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    Waste removal company caused ~$10k worth of damage to my business’ property. Will probably get shut down by the Fire Marshall tomorrow 1/15. (NJ)

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 08:11 PM PST

    I own a food service business and the waste removal company that I use to take away my trash hit the building and caused the ventilation system to be inoperable.

    I had a guy come out to get an estimate for repairs and he quoted me at $8.5k. The guy who did the estimate also told me he has to report it to the Fire Marshall in my city because it's a code violation and he's obligated to report as it's part of his job. I expect the fire Marshall to come to my store tomorrow to shut me down.

    I do about 20-23k per month in revenue which is all backed up with bank statements. I spoke with my insurance agent and he said best case scenario I'm looking at 2 week turnaround time, but realistically 3-4 weeks.

    Questions are as follows: [1] do I get a police report? Trash company asked if I can say the driver of the truck was in park, but the arms of the dump truck were extended out. In reality the arms of the truck were extended out, buy driver had the car in reverse, NOT park. [2] do I need an attorney for this? If so, what type of attorney would this incident be categorized (i.e. criminal law, business law, etc. [3] if I have to shut down for 5 consecutive business days, I will want to be compensated for not only the lost income due to repairs, but also for future income because I'm expecting to lose some customers over this. The longer I'm shut down, the more customers I expect to lose because their daily routine will have changed by then. [4] my father thinks I should pay for the repairs out of pocket and recoup the money later because he does not want me to shut down for more than a few days. I'm worried if I do this trash company's insurance will try to pull some shady shit and say they would not have went with the contractor I decide to use. [5] is there anything else I should consider that I haven't mentioned in this post?

    Please advice

    submitted by /u/Throwaway4trsh
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    My trust fund money was possibly stolen from the trust fund administrator who recently died. What should I do?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 06:19 PM PST

    When I was a teenager, I was informed that my great grandmother left a trust fund for my sister and I, along with three other cousins. She left each of us the same lump sum of money with the following requirements:

    1. The money is handled by a trustee until we graduate from college, or turn 25 years old.
    2. The money must be used for school, or living expenses and the cost of attendance while in school.

    The administrator that has been in charge of handling this money was my great grandmother's nephew. He recently passed away unexpectedly of cancer about two months ago. He didn't tell anyone that he was sick. It's stated by my great grandmother that the new administrator will be her nephew's cousin. He's been trying to be in touch with the attorney to be the new administrator while getting up to speed on everything, as he was not aware of any of this until the nephew's passing.

    I just received an email from the cousin today. He stated that the bank that the trust was located at is requesting a copy of the original trust from the attorney's office. The attorney's office stated that they destroyed the original copy years ago after it was 7 years old and that the bank doesn't have any records from this trust either. I do have a copy of the original, which I plan on scanning and sending to the cousin.

    I have been trusting the nephew over the years to update me on the balance of my trust account through email. I should have been doing this on my own, I know that was my mistake. I just went through all of my tuition bills over the years, and living expenses I've used the trust fund for and found there to be a discrepancy of about $17,000 from what I totaled vs what the nephew told me was left. I know my total is accurate because I have emails with the exact amount I needed over the years for tuition and living expenses.

    I'm worried that the original administrator has been stealing money from my trust account. I'm also worried that he could have stolen what was leftover before he passed since the bank doesn't have any records from the trust. However, I don't know how I would go about taking any legal action because he is dead. I'm also wondering how much I should talk to the cousin about it.

    UPDATE: Location: I live in Colorado, USA. The trust was created in Florida, USA.

    submitted by /u/holllyh
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    [Ohio] We finally heard back about money that has been tied up in federal receivership for 15 years

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 06:41 PM PST

    About 20 years ago, my grandparents loaned $20k to a friend. The story is complicated for me since I don't know much about finance and I was 10 when shit hit the fan, but the friend ended up getting charged with securities fraud amongst other things. The friend's assets were put into federal receivership about 15 years ago and it came out that they'd defrauded hundreds of people.

    Today, we got a letter about the unsecured loan. Apparently the federal receiver is still working his way through the long list of people they owed money to, and my grandparents have been sent a form to fill out. The only problem is, they've been dead quite a while at this point.

    My dad is their only child/heir, and I'm curious if he'd be eligible to receive anything since my grandparents aren't alive to follow up on this themselves. It looks like they're only reimbursing a very small amount based on the letter we were sent, but if he qualifies it would at least be worth the time it took to fill out the form. Does anyone have any knowledge of this?

    Thanks so much!

    submitted by /u/AluminiumAlmaMater
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    If I live in a state where parental consent is needed for an abortion, is there anything legally prohibiting me from going to a different state to have it done? (AZ/NV or CA)

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:35 PM PST

    I just found out I'm pregnant and I need an abortion. In my state (AZ) parental notification and consent is needed. I know that my parents wouldn't sign off on it. I have money to pay for it and a car and I live super close to the NV border and somewhat close to the CA border. Is there anything that would stand in the way of me going to a different state for an abortion? (16 turning 17 in the summer if that matters)

    submitted by /u/birdslathrowaway
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    [CO] Employer wants to implement a policy that only applies to five employees.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 06:38 PM PST

    My mother works at a major hotel corporation. A new operations manager (started 2 weeks ago) has handed out an attendance policy to five employees and no one else. These five employees are not consecutively late or absent any more than other hourly employees.

    The employees that received this new policy hold different positions but are all hourly employees. There are about 20-30 hourly employees at the hotel.

    There doesn't seem to be any kind of discrimination against a protected class involved but I can't find any law which states that a policy must apply to all hourly employees, not just these five. Is it legal for this manager to apply an attendance policy to just these employees?

    submitted by /u/Cmn1723
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    Miranda rights were not read during an arrest and given misdemeanor (possession) charge

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 07:40 AM PST

    I got my answer. He's gotta deal with what happened and that's that.

    Pennsylvania, USA. My buddy was ran into a curb by a car that nearly hit him. The car ran off, his wheel was bent in and not able to be driven. Tow company was contacted and they contacted the police. The police came and smelled marijuana in the vehicle. The officer proceeded to cuff him and put him in the back of the car. After searching for about 45 minutes, the officer only found an orange pill bottle with no label filled with weed stems. He was released for about 2 minutes, not even, then pulled back out of my car and was told he is technically being arrested but only to go back to the station and file some paperwork.

    Not once during this encounter were his rights read to him. Is he able to fight this charge and get out of it based on that?

    If it makes any difference, the cop was very clearly new based on him calling his supervisor 7 times during the paperwork, once to see if he was allowed to let my buddy go take a piss.

    Edit: got my answer. Because he wasn't interrogated like he murdered somebody then his rights don't need to be read. Got it.

    Edit 2: this thread literally turned into a karma farm for anybody who replied besides me, that's hilarious as hell. Hive minds

    submitted by /u/SmitefulAres
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    [florida] Filing a case of racism while being white...

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 03:15 PM PST

    Question: Is this enough to file a workplace harassment/discrimination suit, if so what should I do?

    I have a bullet points because my workplace has become unbearable, I will start you out with a basic overview of the situation and then cliff notes of what happened thereafter:

    • Just started my job, a coworker was loudly asking where to get her car repaired and I offered a place when I was getting up from my desk to go to break. I'm new, in a new city, so I figured I would be nice and let her know a good place to maybe make a work friend. On the extreme contrary.... I started speaking and she turns around and screams "I don't know you, I'm talking to my friends, shut up."

    I walk off not before telling her " I won't be talking to you again unless it's work related." That's that. Maybe she's had a bad day, I figured bring disrespected and tone to that level has to have something personal going on.

    Fast forward to the end of the day. My supervisor (who was not present) pulled me and started off by saying "I need to tell you watch what you say here." I was flabbergasted as I didn't know offering someone help would do this. Then I got a follow up statement of "I was told you were saying racist remarks." Excuse me? Excuse me.... I don't talk to anyone during work nevertheless being racial anything. I go downstairs and see the same girls laughing and says "I hate these white girls here, they got to go." She never noted the girl screaming at me. And she told me "to go ahead and call HR it's four against one."

    Let me give you a taste of what this supervisor has done to me since then: - Moved me sear multiple times so I'm completely isolated from any members of my team (a whole row empty except me) - Took away my bonuses and incentives by using the excuse I was too new when a girl who started 2 weeks prior is struggling extremely bad and has overtime and the same incentive - Cut my hours - Takes me off the phones to go to "meetings" where other supervisors are present so she can do "follow ups to the incident" reminding me "to watch what I say" - still don't know what I even said and I'm not being told or when I ever said anything still. - I requested to go to another team and she denied my request - I told her she made me uncomfortable to work around and she won't help me with issues, obviously made it worse - I sat with ripped pants all day because she said I couldn't leave my desk then wrote me up for dress code adherence issues - She puts down my work constantly - She walks by me in the morning to stop and say "GOOD MORNING -insert my name-" in a demeaning tone, doesn't speak to other workers. - The girl who yelled at me and apologized for "making up what she did" a few days ago

    I'm sitting in my car crying right now because I'm so frustrated as I really love what I do and I'm good at it but I'm being attacked and pulled from my desk in front of everyone almost daily.

    I was crying one day shortly after the first altercation and a coworker asked what was wrong. We had a private convo, no one on the floor within earshot, and I didn't know my supervisor was in her office - I get a follow up email the next morning "reminding me to watch what I say that she overheard me." I am one of four white people among 500-600 melting pot situational workplace employees. Hearing things about my name then my race without even knowing or talking to people.... I am afraid one day this super won't help me if I'm in real trouble or I'm going to get fired for reason that isn't real or just.

    Please help, I don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/holykhrist
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    (I presume) I am being targeted by a neighbor who is using code enforcement as a weapon. Currently not able to easily come into compliance on the latest issue.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 07:53 PM PST

    We moved into this house almost exactly a year ago. In the past six months we have had code enforcement/police come to the door four times. List of violations below:

    1. Grass hight over 12". We mowed. Only several fast growing weeds extended above 12", but as soon as they did, someone called code enforcement.

    2: Illegally parked vehicle. During two recent moves, I lost the title to my wife's old car I have not had a chance to sell. As a result, I have not been able to retitle or register the car in this state. Currently waiting for a replacement title that seems to have been lost in the mail, triggering another 15 day waiting period for lost title applications (NC, we now live in GA). We parked this vehicle on the street for a few days at one point and it was immediately reported. An officer came to the door, spoke to my wife, and moved it for her onto the driveway. No mention of any other issues.

    1. Illegally parked vehicle. I parked my vehicle facing the wrong direction on the street one day. Promptly reported. An officer came to the door, spoke to my wife, and told her not to worry about.

    2. Illegally stored vehicle. The aforementioned title-less car was reported. The county code states that all vehicles must have current tags or be stored in an enclosed building. I am currently unable to register the car while I wait for the lost title application to process and be mailed back. We have been given 10 days to come to compliance, but are not able to do anything except rent storage space off our property to store the vehicle. As this is pretty expensive, I'd rather find an easier alternative, if possible.

    It's worth mentioning that roughly 90% of the properties in the neighborhood have one blatant violation or another at any given time. We have seen code enforcement visit one other house in the area one time.

    I have 3 vehicles, my car, my wife's car, and my wife's old car that we are waiting to get a new title for. We are not operating a junk yard on our lawn. I am worried that even if I come to compliance (again) I will be reported for something else, like leaving the garbage can out overnight or something.

    I currently have one issue I cannot easily resolve and an unknown amount of potential issues. Do I have any recourse? Or try to play wack-a-mole with code enforcement?

    submitted by /u/mineuserbane
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    Employer hasn't changed my wage to my states minimum wage

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 06:17 PM PST

    So I'm currently still making 12.60 an hour and our states minimum wage scale was raised to 13.50 on January first and I'm still making my 12.60. I've contacted my union rep and haven't heard back yet. Should I go to my HR? She has been known to not take action on situations like this. Is there anyone else I should go to that's higher than her?

    submitted by /u/goblueaca
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    A grown man I know very little about has what amounts to child pornography of me from years ago. What are my options?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 06:42 PM PST

    I am now in my 20s, but when I was under 18 I hooked up with someone who was in their early 20's...while I was blackout drunk. This person took compromising video and pictures of me, which I know because they emailed some to me after the fact. They have continued to creepily email me for the ~8 year period since with their own naked pictures saying that they "miss me". I have ignored almost all of his messages, but I have never outright asked him to stop or been aggressive towards him because I was afraid that antagonizing him would cause him to post the picture somewhere. I have not seen him in person since I was a minor. I have evidence that he sent me an illegal picture of myself,but the major problems are

    1. All I still have of him contact-wise is his email
    2. I'm not positive I know his real last name, but even if I do it is very generic
    3. I am not even sure where he lives now, though I think I know the state he is in
    4. He was a friend of a friend of a friend that I met a long time ago under the influence, so I don't even know who I would ask to track him down

    I asked him to delete the pictures a few years ago and he said he did, but he must have forgotten that because I recently asked him whether he still has any and he admitted he does.

    I'd like to file a child pornography report with police that would lead him to at least try to delete what he has for good, and maybe admit if it's been leaked anywhere else, but I'm also worried that I could somehow be charged for retaining one of the emails he sent me as evidence (it has a very compromising picture of me underage), and don't know that it could go anywhere with how little info I have on this guy, and how my intoxication + time might have messed with my memory of specifics.

    Do I have any legal courses of action I can take? Would I be putting myself at risk in doing so?

    EDIT: I live in Maryland, he lived in the same state when this happened but last I heard was living in a different state.

    submitted by /u/formerminorthrowaway
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    Flashing a gun at a driver who just cut you off is illegal, right?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 01:50 PM PST

    Location: Colorado

    I was having an argument with my 35 year old cousin who recently just had a kid, that flashing a gun at someone while driving is against the law. He was telling me how someone cut him off and he sped up to them and flashed his handgun at them, he was trying to tell me that it's not illegal because he has a valid CCW. I was telling him that part doesn't matter because it still can be deemed a threat which he could get arrested for and at worst someone could shoot him which would be bad as he is a new father. His reasoning is that since he has a CCW he's allowed to flash it if he wants, this sounds incredibly stupid and I know it can't be correct, IANAL but I'd like some insight

    submitted by /u/gamerdudeNYC
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    3yo daughter's father(27m) is moving across the country and I(28f) need full custody - Colorado

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 04:27 PM PST

    He is leaving in a few days, this was all sprung onto me out of nowhere with no warning. Apparently he just got married to a 22yo aspiring porn star that he's known for six months (no, I'm not kidding) and, obviously, I want full custody.

    I know he won't be able to be found to serve papers to once he's gone. I know he won't give me his address for a subpoena. How can I gain full custody and protect my daughter?

    submitted by /u/mtrlkr
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    Middle School teacher has unemancipated 15 year old living in her home, sleeping in her bed, and does not attend school

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 09:52 AM PST

    A friend of mine is a 20 year old female living at her mom's house. She brought this to my attention because she does not feel safe with her current living situation. Here is why. Her mom is a middle school teacher. She took this kid under her wing about 3 years ago who was being neglected at home. His parents wouldn't pay much attention to him. Didn't properly take care of him. So my friends mom, let's call her Janice, decides to start taking care of the kid, lets call him Mike, in the capacity that she buys him presents and gives him rides to school. Makes sure Mike's education is a priority. This continues for about a year and a half. Mike ends up getting suspended several times. Things get worse at his house. So Janice begins taking him on trips out of state to see other family members and even on vacations with just Janice and Mike. Mike's home situation continues to deteriorate. He finishes middle school, starts his freshman year at high school. He refuses to go to high school and now he lives at Janice's house. His grandpa died and for a while had his grandpa's old handgun and Janice justified this by saying he could use it to protect my friend from her boyfriend at the time should he "try anything". My friend told Janice she felt uncomfortable and Janice had the handgun removed, the next day Mike has a shotgun in the living room and is cleaning it. Mike now sleeps in Janice's bed, Janice buys tobacco products for him, all day he stays at the house doing nothing and sometimes even his brother stays over. Mike's parents dont care to take care of him or pay for his food or anything. My friend is very uncomfortable in her own home, has tried talking with her mom about this, her mom has basically said she chooses Mike over her. Mike has serious anger issues. He verbally abused both Janice and my friend. Janice refuses to do anything about this situation other than let Mike do what he wants. She enables him. My friend wants to know what kind of legal action, if any, can be taken. I'll answer any further questions but here is the gist. Obviously lines are being crossed and things look fishy from the outside in. My friend is afraid for her life because an unstable 15 year old is living in her home, owns a gun, sits around the house all day, sleeps in her mom's bed, and verbally abused her with no repercussions. What can be done?

    Edit: Location is in Texas, Dallas/Fort Worth area

    submitted by /u/calmgod13
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    Fired on day of jury duty

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 11:33 AM PST

    Everyone I talk to says I have a case but I'm not sure how it works in texas. So I was summoned for jury duty,went and listen to the rules and was place in group D.was told to come back on Tuesday for another. Same day I get a call from my job telling me I was fired.Reason for firing me was I was late a few times,wasn't understanding the computer system and that the company was slow,also I never got any warnings or write ups for being late.

    submitted by /u/donnie676
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    Received a check with "paid in full" memo for half the amount owed.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:41 PM PST

    As the title says I received a check from a customer that said "paid in full" in the memo line and on the back it said "agreement of full payment if endorsed or otherwise executed" is this legal and or binding? Can I deposit the check but continue to seek full payment? It seems like a bunch of crap to me but I don't want to get screwed. I'm in Utah.

    submitted by /u/joeshmo_the_fake
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