• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 7, 2020

    Legal Advice - [FL] I have had severe asthma since birth, recently my partner sprayed a known-trigger chemical compound on my pillows and bedding to drive me out of the residence and admits to it - Police won't take my statement

    Legal Advice - [FL] I have had severe asthma since birth, recently my partner sprayed a known-trigger chemical compound on my pillows and bedding to drive me out of the residence and admits to it - Police won't take my statement

    [FL] I have had severe asthma since birth, recently my partner sprayed a known-trigger chemical compound on my pillows and bedding to drive me out of the residence and admits to it - Police won't take my statement

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 03:58 AM PST

    The police say the don't know of a relevant statute, I had asked them to think of it as a peanut allergy and someone deliberately putting that on their food/bedding but they will not proceed.

    Edit 2: The mods locked this while I was at work but thank you all for the advice. I will see if any of the suggestions get me any further.

    Edit: I suffered a severe and prolonged asthma attack from this encounter and it did drive me from the residence. I also have evidence of the encounter and the aggressor's intended result of the encounter (to drive me out)

    submitted by /u/asthma_battery
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    [Update] Indy police put minor on a bus to a random city, alone.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 11:24 AM PST

    Original post here.

    Original TL;DR: Basically the title

    Cousin is back home and I've been chatting with him about his ordeal and got a more complete picture of what went down. I don't see any legal issues here, mainly piss poor customer service but I wanted to post an update here so as not to leave anyone hanging.

    It turns out this event occurred on his *return* trip. He was able to visit his family after all. Also, Ft. Wayne wasn't his destination, his trip was to Florida. (He has family both places and got hung up in Indiana so I was confused)

    So to recap: Greyhound sold him round-trip tickets from KC to Florida, knowing he was traveling alone as a minor. Greyhound then allowed him to travel from KC to Florida (5 stops) then Florida to Indianapolis (4 stops) with no problems. It was in Indianapolis that a Greyhound employee called the Police, assuming he was a runaway, even though she saw his itinerary. (Side note: what kind of runaway buys round trip tickets?)

    When the police arrived, they hassled him about traveling alone and accused him of lying about his travels, despite him showing the officers his itinerary. (There were 8(!) officers interviewing him and he was understandably freaked out by this... in his world police=in trouble) The officers couldn't reach his father by phone but were able to reach his family in Florida who verified his travel plans.

    The employees at Greyhound wouldn't allow him to travel unless there was someone at the destination to retrieve him. Of course his father would be in KC to pick him up, as planned, but since the officers couldn't reach him, Greyhound wouldn't let him travel there. So he called the only person he knew in St. Louis, an ex-girlfriend of his father's that he's on good terms with. The officers were able to reach her so that's why they put him on that bus. Never mind that ex-girlfriend had no idea he was even traveling... for all she knew, he WAS running away, but all Greyhound wanted was a warm body to transfer liability to.

    So given the circumstances, I think the PD get a pass here. The preferred course of action would have been to tell Greyhound "he's not a runaway, let him go where he wants." I don't think they should be the executors of Greyhound's policies, but whatever. It wasn't them who put him in danger.

    Cousin's dad has been on the phone with Greyhound customer service today but I don't have any idea what's going to happen there, if anything. I think they have their bases covered in terms of policy and won't be motivated to do much of anything.

    So anyway, thanks to all who replied and a special shout-out to the mods who locked the thread before I could respond to anyone.

    [EDIT] I forgot to mention: the phone number that the lady at Greyhound (apparently not the one that called him in) gave Cousin was just their customer service number and the "ID" was his confirmation number.

    submitted by /u/TheRiflesSpiral
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    I got a ticket for public intoxicating because I’m suffering concussion symptoms

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 08:35 AM PST

    I went to go get food at subway, it's about 1KM away from my house. I can't properly talk all that fast & I can't react that fast as well ever since I hit my head. The police showed up in subway & made a claim that they were called from the restaurant across the street saying someone was drunk & driving. I don't even own a car. I have keys to my house which they claimed were keys to a car that I drove there.

    They asked the subway employees if I drove there, to which they said they don't know. They were making subs. So they couldn't prove I drove there. They then put me in cuffs & take me home. I'm in the back seat cuffed when I asked some questions & was told to "shut up".

    I got driven home & ticket $65 for public intoxication. What should I do now?

    I'd also like to add, I go to physiotherapy to help with my concussion symptoms, I was just at an EEG appointment earlier that day & I'm on workers compensation (WSIB) for hitting my head at work.

    I live in Canada, Ontario.

    submitted by /u/FortySevenLifestyle
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    My idiot brother shipped illegal substances to me at my address in college. It's in route, what should I do?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 01:29 PM PST

    I just started a grad program at my brother's alma mater. He is flying in this weekend to see friends and was planning to stay with me, so he shipped his entertainment package to MY NAME at MY PO BOX on campus through USPS. He will not be staying now.

    The university requires a signature to pick up a package. Is it enough to refuse to sign?

    Possession and intent to possess are violations for the University Code of Conduct.

    I don't want to get him in trouble. He's never put me in a position like this before. but he's the jackass that mailed it to me. He is not on the return address, so nothing connects him to the package.

    He told me that if I'm freaking out, I just refuse to sign for it. Is refusing to sign enough?

    Advice would be greatly appreciated.

    State: GA

    submitted by /u/BombAssDay
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    ID, loaned a girl money. Refuses to pay unless I meet her in park at 11pm tonight.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 05:07 PM PST

    Location Idaho. oaned the girl $300 for rent. She was let go after she was caught using meth on the job, so she lost her source of income. I got a message saying to meet her in a park in a not great part of town at 11pm for me to get my money back, and if I did not get it tonight I would not be receiving it at all. It's a 4 mile walk each way, I do not have a car and it's the middle of winter. If I say no would I have any right to try to reclaim the money in small claims court? Could I ask for a police presence at the park for me to be safe? Walking around with that much money at night is scary, and I don't have a car. and asides from a taxi service or ride share I don't know what options I have. But I really do need the money.

    Update: Got a text from the girl a few minutes ago saying goodbye. I doubt she ever intended to give me the money back., especially tonight. Thanks for the advice everyone. Need to really take this as a lesson and never do anything like this again.

    submitted by /u/tr3pidation
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    [Update] Can a surgeon change the surgery being performed without notifying anyone until afterwards?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 11:01 AM PST

    Link to Original

    [US, Texas] The general consensus, and the advice I took, was that yes, this is legal, nothing to be done here. I let it go, accepting our fate, until now.

    Today, my partner went in for a steroid shot, and to review the results of his MRI. As it turns out, the MRI shows that the surgeon did not disclose everything he did in surgery. To keep it vague, the MRI shows that a larger area was worked on, and what is documented does not match the results of the surgery. His doctor advised him to "have someone go to the surgeon to figure out what he actually did", I guess subtly instructing to hire an attorney? This doctor has performed the surgery listed in the notes, so he is sure that what was written and what was done are two different things.

    I'm not sure if this is a "trust your gut when you think something is wrong" moment or pure coincidence, but I am fairly certain the next steps are to seek a free consultation with an attorney through his work, and figure out what this means for his treatment.

    Thanks for everyone who commented; y'all helped keep me grounded until we knew for sure something was wrong. If anyone has any advice on how to proceed, I sure would appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/amaezingjew
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    Will I incur husbands debt?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 05:43 PM PST

    I am 20. My husband is approaching 30. We have been married for almost a year. However, we have recently separated a month ago. Not legally, but we are apart because I am currently wanting divorce. Before we were married, he was about 20k in debt. Once we got married, we obtained an LLC and he went further into debt, about 30k.

    We have a joint checking account as of a few months ago, but his credit card is not in my name and I am not a co-signer. We have no mortgage, loans, etc. In terms of assets, when I went to my parents home to take a break away from the relationship he took about 98% of our assets from the LLC (basically just furniture) and moved out of state without consulting with me. He also sold his car.

    The only money I have taken out of our joint account was about $350. He has kicked me off of our healthcare and took the rest of our money into his private account and left the joint account at about $0.

    He has threatened to make me pay for half his debt, yet doesn't give an option to split the money we had in our joint account that he took. It's a win lose situation.

    I am wondering if it's likely that I will have to incur his debt. I can't even make credit card payments if I do have to because I'm only in entry level job positions and I have to support myself and I have my own student loans that are piling. Would there also be an option if we got an uncontested divorce to just let him have the rest of our money and he keep his debt and I just walk away? I would be filing for NY divorce. I'm just very lost and overwhelmed and really can't afford a lawyer.

    submitted by /u/watersignana
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    Rear ended and she blames ME?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:39 AM PST

    I pulled up to the stop sign to leave the grocery store parking lot (Texas) and was rear ended by a woman who did not stop. I pulled over and she pulled straight forward, seeming intent to enter the interstate highway access road. (Took my first picture. My car is convertible w top down, so you can see our cars relative to pavement, curbs, stripes, etc.) I got out to talk to her, but she would not roll down her window, and was on the phone. (Later it was evident she was talking to husband.) By that time I was on phone to insurance. I did get her to pull over so we could exchange info. Her first excuse was "why did you stop? You started to go then you stopped!" I said I came to a stop and had not moved, but even if her assertion was true, she was still at fault! She did concede she was at fault, but I did not think to record it. She said she was in a hurry to get to the hospital, and insurance said exchange info and roll on. My bumper and lights were just over $1,000 to fix. Her car did show any damage.

    She lied to her insurance and said I backed into her. Insurance said since our statements conflicted, they could not determine fault, and we each were responsible for our own cars. (Hers had no visible damage, being 20 years newer and much heavier than my little Miata.) I provided a picture with other car license plates, but no one was contacted.

    We filed in small claims court for the $ 1000 we paid to repair/replace bumper & lights. Her insurance has provided her a lawyer and they responded to demand jury trial.

    Any advice, besides lawyering up? I'm bringing a copy of my pristine driving record. (I'm 60, and have a spotless record.) Also pictures of damage, map for explanation, picture that shows after I pulled over she pulled forward, cell phone record showing that I called insurance immediately.

    Advice? Thank you so much!

    (BTW, this is more about right and wrong, than it is about money. We are moth women about 60. My car is a 20 year old Miata, hers a new Lexus. From info on her DL, I know her house is 2 to 3 times the value of my house. I'm tired of people thinking they can lie their way out of consequences, especially when doing the right thing really wouldn't even be painful.)

    submitted by /u/WacoNanna
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    I currently have partially (soon to be fully) denied access to my apartment complex because of a computer system flaw. What are my options? (Atlanta, GA)

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 02:44 PM PST

    There are several entrances to my apartment complex. The apartment buildings form a square with a parking lot in the middle. There is a gate to get in to the parking lot, as well as an entrance to the mail room, and at the stairwells of each building. Each place needs a fob to scan in. The gate to the parking lot has been down since I moved in 1 month ago so it has been left open so that cars can get in/out. This gate is right next to my building so it's been where I've entered since I moved in and I didn't need my fob. Recently I tested my fob at the other entrances and found it did not work.

    I went to the office to deal with this and an employee took my fob so he could activate it. He also mentioned that the gate would be fixed by the end of the week. I tested my fob again after meeting with him and found it still did not work. I went to the office again today and another employee took a deeper look at it.

    Apparently, my fob was not activated when I moved in. The employee who handled my move in also left the company two days later. The way their computer system works, they can only have a fixed amount of fobs active. Usually this correlates to the number of residents. For some reason yet to be discovered, they are already at their maximum capacity. Presumably a resident who left wasn't deleted, but the woman I was working with couldn't find anybody. The option to add any new active fobs is greyed out. They are also at their max capacity for fobs that they give to vendors, so they have no way to add my fob.

    When the gate is fixed at the end of the week, they only way I will have to enter my apartment will be to have an employee or other resident let me in. I don't really know my neighbors and the office is only open until 7 at the latest. I feel like there must be some legal recourse I can take for paying full rent for an apartment that I am completely unable to access. Does anybody know anything about property or rental laws that would be applicable?

    TL;DR - The fob I need to get into my building does not work, and I can only enter through the one broken entrance which is set to be fixed at the end of the week. What are my legal options?

    submitted by /u/MemeFarmer314
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    Interviewer not reimbursing me for interview travel expenses

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 04:32 PM PST

    Last September I (Austin) flew out to interview with a company (Seattle). I submitted my expenses the following week, about $250, well within the allowances. And I was never reimbursed. I've spoken to the HR rep who handled my interview several times via email, and they keep saying accounting has told them it will be taken care of immediately, and that's it. Nothing has happened. What's the appropriate way to pursue this? Should I call their legal department? Should I ask the HR person to do something specific?

    submitted by /u/00000000000000O0
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    [MI] 4 year old Medical bill sent to collections that I was covered for.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 05:56 PM PST

    In October of 2016 i needed to go to the emergency room for a stomach injury and at the time did not have any insurance, but my spouse urged me to go for my safety. While I did not have insurance at the time, I looked into something called retro-pay under medicaid for this bill and filed all the correct papers and forms needed. Eventually, I did get accepted to medicaid and I was told that I would be fully covered from that point out and was informed that the date of service would be covered as well (A total slightly over 1k).

    Fast forward to May of 2019. I received a letter from a law office telling me that I have 30 days to respond or legal action would be pursued. I called Medicaid Enrolls, they sent me a beneficiary complaint form with prepaid postage addressed envelope to send to them, I never heard back from them or the attorney, and thought everything was straightened out. Now, November of 2019, I received another letter from the same law office with the same issue as May. I contacted this law office and argued that I was already fully covered under medicaid and did not owe anything and the insurance company would cover the full payment of $1,031 for that October date of service. Obviously the law office assured me that I needed to pay the amount, so I asked them for an extension so I could reach out to Medicaid to get this figured out. So again, I called medicaid enrolls, and they explained they never received the first complaint form and had medicaid enrolls mail me the prepaid addressed envelope with the beneficiary complain form yet again. This time I got it certified, of which was received dec 13, 2019. Now this time following up, medicaid enrolls is telling me they never received this complaint form either, and encouraged me to file a complaint with the post office responsible for mailing the form. I immediately went to this same post office, and they gave me the proof of the signature of who received the mail at medicaid. The State of Michigan is to me, negligent causing injustice, allowing me to be sued on their error.

    With time closing in on the extension I fear that i may be out of luck. However, I did contact a supervisor from Michigan Enrolls which is a contracted call center of Medicaid which did find that I have a VOE (legal document proving my full coverage) for the month of October, which he will be sending in the mail within a few days. The supervisor I spoke with told me that the VOE is the best legal document I can have to prove my coverage in court as I told him I had a 1095-B tax form already in my possession stating my coverage for Oct-Dec 2016..he said that usually doesn't bind anything as those forms can be incorrect.

    What do I do? I am a college student who can't afford a lawyer nor do I even want to take it to court as my spouse works at this court, too. I just want to be left alone for a medical visit I know i should be covered for. My spouse suggested telling the law office that I have the VOE and will be sending them a copy in effort that the form would be enough for them to stop pursuing collection. Do you think by notifying the law office of my VOE/sending it to them that they will drop the case? Who has authority to prevent/ prove this case is irrelevant? Medicaid?

    submitted by /u/Frownsyndrum
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    Furnace has been broken for a week. No heat.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:31 PM PST

    My furnace broke on NYE. Landlord had people come out on the 2nd and they said it going to take 1-2 weeks to repair. PA law says it should be repaired in 24 hours. Landlord call and says he's going to have someone come out by Monday (yesterday) in the meantime take $50 from the rent and buy a space heater. I found one for $60 and bought it. My house is still freezing.

    Monday evening comes. I sent him a message. He responds that he called and got voicemail so he'll let me know. I haven't heard back yet.

    I have a 4 old. I can't fall asleep because it takes 3 hours for the space heater to warm up my bedroom. My kid can't take a bath because it's freezing.

    What do I do?

    submitted by /u/ummizazi
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    [CA] Fined by HOA. Landlord never gave CC&Rs. Anything I can do?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:08 PM PST

    Posting for a friend.

    Friend is currently renting a condo in an HOA. She was given a warning by the HOA to remove some boxes from her balcony. She removed the boxes and returned the HOA form stating she did so. The HOA has turned around and decided to fine her $100 anyways.

    The lease says friend is subject to the rules of the HOA, "...of which will be provided to her on [date]..." Note, the "date" was left blank on the lease.

    She never received the HOA rules from her landlord until yesterday.

    The lease also has 2 sections where she is supposed to check off that she received the HOA rules from the landlord. Those boxes are NOT checked.

    I don't think she should have to pay the fine bc 1: she didn't know about the rules, and 2) landlord never provided them. Therefore the landlord should have to cover it, right?

    Are there any laws or landlord duties she can cite? She doesn't want to go back to the landlord without backup.

    submitted by /u/xliezelz
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    Staying at a house that’s supposed to be mine and my girlfriends but landlord wants to kick us out after we renovated it all.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 04:42 PM PST

    So my girlfriends great grandma passed away a while ago. And we moved into her old home shortly after. The home is in her grandfathers name.

    It was agreed on that we can live here and the house would be put in her name. They didn't want us changing are address for some reason but finally agreed to let her do it but not me.

    So we've lived here for about 6 months. And have done a ton of renovations, re did the bathroom, kitchen, flooring, washroom, living room, dining room, spare room, fixed up the porches too.

    Probably 13,000 in discounted materials. And I've probably put in a rough guess of 500 hours of labour. But we did all this under the impression we were going to live her and it was going to be ours.

    The internet at the home is in my name, I've been paying rent via e transfers so there is proof I live here. Besides all my stuff and family members who came and helped and could vouch for me.

    But now her grandfather wants us out. Hasn't said when but he wants to live here now. So do I have any case against him since he's screwing us out of all our money and time?

    I know I should of had something in writing, there are posts on Facebook about it saying we live here and we're the new home owners and probably some texts too.

    But if he kicks us out I want some compensation for all the money and time we put into this place. Should I call a lawyer or is it pointless?

    EDIT: I dont know if it matters but we live in Ontario Canada

    submitted by /u/Maadill
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    Scary unauthorized occupant not on student-housing joint lease: how do I enforce them leaving? Landlord said we have every right to request her to vacate ASAP, but how can we enforce this?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:23 PM PST

    Hi everyone,

    I live in off-campus student housing, owned by a company not affiliated with my university. In order to be a legal tenant or for the landlord to give consent to be a subletter, you must be a student. 3-bedroom apartment, 3 names on the lease. Located in Ontario, Canada.

    One housemate (Housemate1) moved out in the summer (her parents bought a house nearby so she'll live there for free), and so she won't be returning. She decided to sublet her room for the remainder of the lease. She had someone for the first school term who left by December 30th. I told Housemate1 that she should do a lease reassignment for the next one, and get her name off the lease for good (no more stress trying to get rent!). She agreed. We agreed that we'd be signing a new lease with whoever moved in here on January 1st.

    Turns out that Housemate1 gave her keys to some random girl that is 1) NOT a student, and 2) did NOT sign any form of sublet or lease agreement. The Landlord did not provide permission for Housemate1 to have a subletter or reassign the lease to begin with.

    I returned from holiday break to find our place TRASHED. Lots of our items broken or missing, garbage is everywhere, and the bathtub and sink are her personal ashtray - clogged and backed up with ashes and god knows what. Tobacco and pot smoke were overpowering and I couldn't breathe without feeling sick (think ashtray, vomit, and roach smell that festered in a clogged sink for a week). IDK how someone clogs a bathtub drain and causes an insane mess within one week of living here, but she succeeded. Hoarding situation happening.

    She was up well past 4am slamming doors, yelling on the phone or at her electronics, pacing and stomping her feet, laughing maniacally. I couldn't sleep, and I couldn't breathe in the one washroom we all share. I brushed my teeth in the (overflowing) kitchen sink. I was scared for my safety; she was either unstable or high as a kite on something stronger than marijuana. Unpredictable.

    I tried to talk to her, but every time I went upstairs to her bedroom, she could hear me coming and would shut herself in her bedroom and blast music. Nobody has her full name or even her cell number. I was given her email by Housemate1, and contacted her that way, requesting her number... she's yet to respond.

    **So, we've got an unauthorized, unregistered, unwelcome person living in our apartment who is violating terms of the original tenant's lease agreement. When I contacted my landlord, he said as such, and told me to tell this girl she has to leave.**

    **My questions:**

    1. I cannot find much online about what I can/can't do here. If the landlord wants to terminate the lease with the tenant and evict the unauthorized occupant, they've got to file something within 60 days of discovering the unauthorized occupant. But in this case, the landlord doesn't want to end the tenancy - he wants this random girl to LEAVE. He told me I'm allowed to tell her so. Does this mean he still has to file this paper and it could take a few months to get through the system before she's forced to leave?(http://www.ontariotenants.ca/law/act06.phtml#RTA100 )
    2. Housemate #2 and I are scared for our safety if we were to finally succeed at confronting this girl and then telling her she needs to leave. She is unpredictable and we don't know how she'll react, especially if she's broken a bunch of our stuff already. We've had people suggest calling the police (NON-emergency line) for assistance... this feels like I'd be wasting their time?
    3. AM I allowed to tell this girl she has to leave, and is there a timeframe I can enforce ("you must have your items moved out within a week"? a month?)
    4. Is she living here *illegally*? Does this mean I can enforce her leaving within a very short timeframe or else I can threaten getting the police involved?

    Housemate1 thinks she shouldn't have to tell this girl to move out "because she's never met her and I'd know her better". Landlord said we have every right to ask this girl to leave, and said to "let him know if she's uncooperative"

    I don't feel like it should be my responsibility to kick this girl out, but I will if I must. I just want to ensure I'm doing it properly and we can get her out as quickly and smoothly as possible.

    Thank you for any help and guidance you may have,

    Sincerely, a stressed medical student who has no energy left to handle this.

    submitted by /u/Majestic-Barnacle
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    Parental Rights - Giving up

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:43 AM PST

    This is the most shitty question I've ever asked, thus the burner account for my anonymous miserable investigations. I know there will be a lot of judgement, but please know there's nothing you can say that I haven't already beaten myself down with. I'm at the end of my ability to cope... I've tried to get help and there is none.

    There are MANY details in this, and just like most situations, there's SO much to the story. But since this is a legal thread, I will post the details elsewhere.

    I have 3 "sets" of kids (yeah, sounds awful, I know. Twice I was abused, now I have a wonderful husband and father to my kids but HE is having to deal with too much and it's not fair to him)

    The first "set" is one son who is 14 yrs old. He has continually chosen to do what he wants, refuses discipline, refuses to keep himself out of trouble. Over a year ago he exposed himself in school and was sent to jail and sexual behavior therapy program. He came back no different. He still breaks rules, has defiant attitude, does what he wants. My biggest fear is I have 2 girls in the second "set" (a different dad), and then 2 babies from my current husband. This is all highly complicated with abuse and even molestation from the second father, so please don't be too harsh...

    This son is driving my family apart. He is completely reckless and it's only a matter of time before he does something horrible again.

    Legal Question 1: in the state of Texas, can a parent voluntarily give up their parental rights? His dad refuses to take him but doesn't want to give up his rights... I'm facing the excruciating issue of considering this as my only option... my current husband cannot cope with it anymore and is going to leave me if I don't find a solution. This son is a danger to my girls and must be monitored 24/7. I'm exhausted from all of it and we have ZERO support system. No family, no friends willing or able to help. I don't know what else to do.

    Legal Question 2: someone said if I give up one child, then the authorities will take away ALL my children because I'm saying I am an unfit parent. Is this true? What about in this situation? Are there any other alternatives I can possibly consider?

    I'm hating myself for this train wreck I've made of my life... I don't know how I'll keep going much longer anyway. But I am desperate to try to save at least PART of my life before I end it all.

    submitted by /u/endofropeiscruel
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    [CT] can my high school punish me for going to the press?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 01:01 PM PST

    i'm in connecticut. basically, the title. someone has stolen over 400 dollars worth of electronics from our student run "business" (a class where we repair electronics for people and charge them), and our school has done nothing. they have the person on camera, but every time we've gone to the office and tried to talk to the APs we've been told that they're in meetings, even though we saw the secretary ask an AP if he wanted to talk to us and we heard him say no. i am pretty certain about who did it, but my biggest grudge is with the school for having done nothing after 7 weeks.

    we want to bring this to the attention of the local paper anonymously. if the school finds out it was us, can we get into trouble? i'm graduating this year and don't really have much to lose, but it's got to be illegal for them to punish us, right?

    submitted by /u/a2c_alt2
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    [WA] My mom may have been injured by a caregiver at her assisted living facility

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:35 PM PST

    This event took place in the state of Washington (not Washington DC), in the US.

    My 89 year old mom lives in Assisted living. She has lymphedema in her right arm. Recently her arm had become very swollen and we had worked with a Physical Therapist to bring the swelling down so that she could wear a compression sleeve. (This isn't the one, but it's sort of like this).

    She could not get it on by herself, so we contracted with her AL facility to get some additional care - to have help putting the sleeve on every morning. They had only been doing this about 2 weeks. This past Saturday afternoon mom called with severe shoulder pain, which started after she was helped with her sleeve in the morning. I took her to Urgent care where she was x-rayed and diagnosed with a partially dislocated shoulder, and we are now going back to see the doctor again to figure out if there is anything they should to do relocate it and address the pain.

    I have so many questions about this, but to be honest I'm mostly pissed and feel like someone hurt my mom. I can 100% see mom telling these people to pull harder, or pull it there, and trying to ram her arm down in the sleeve - but she really suffers from dementia and doesn't always make wise decisions, or even remember what decisions she made (for example, she doesn't remember the name of the person who "helped" her that morning).

    I have not yet mentioned this to the administrator there. They know what's going on, but I haven't approached them yet and said anything about their employees causing or assisting my mom in getting injured.

    • Could this facility be liable for injury to my mom?
    • Would the answer to the question above still be 'yes' even if she was urging them to do the thing that hurt her?
    • If they're liable - is this a criminal thing? or a civil thing? or both.

    I know people probably say this all the time, but I'm not looking for a big payout here or anything. Her money does run out at the end of the year, leaving me on the hook for what her Social Security and pensions cover, so I wouldn't say 'no' to something. But I'm also concerned that they could be hurting people unintentionally or intentionally and it needs to be addressed - and if it's intentionally, or negligently, I want the person held accountable.

    I'm sure I'm not saying all this right, so please let me know what I need correction on. I'm actually going over to see her right now so I might not be able to respond for a couple of hours if you respond, but thanks for reading this far.

    submitted by /u/FourOneNiner
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    Not allowed to know how much I earn?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 04:48 AM PST

    So a little backstory. I work for a dealership in Texas. I work solely off of commission and have a pay plan that shows how my pay is calculated. After a couple of really short months I had a really good December. I knew how much I made because our pay plan is laid out simply. The owner of the company is known for cussing out his employees and calling them names (fucking idiot etc) and several employees have quit due to these conditions. When I received my pay voucher to sign off on before I got my check it was over a 1000 dollar short. My manager and I worked to fix it, however the owners did not see it as a priority and I'm now supposed to get my check today when it was supposed to be the 5th but that was a Sunday so originally we thought we would get it on Saturday (I'm paid once a month). Me and the other sales person went to get our check as we were the only two between the two dealerships not paid and sat down with the owner responsible. When he made a call regarding our paychecks after hours he made mention of the pay vouchers having been sent over to which I interrupted and said they were but they were wrong. By the end he told me I'm not allowed to "fucking calculate my pay" and then the man made me tell him I understand. I'm supposed to just accept my pay of whatever they feel like giving me? And to cuss me like I'm a child because I found a gross error in my paycheck? Did some research but just wondering what you all thought! Thanks so much for reading!

    TLDR: Owner cusses at me for finding over a 1000 dollar mistake in my paycheck, and forces me to tell him I understand that I won't calculate my own pay anymore.

    submitted by /u/DadLife_86
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    Former employer demanding access to my Google Account since it was logged into their phone

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:36 AM PST

    (NH, US)

    I recently quit my job I have had for about a year and a half for a better job at a rival company. I did everything by the book. I gave them my two weeks and even said I would stay for a third if necessary, but they said two was fine. Everything seemed alright but then somehow they found out I was going to a rival company and they flipped their top. Anyways they told me half way through my two weeks to pack up my stuff and leave. Which, fine. While I was packing my stuff my boss came in and asked me to turn in my company phone. So before I left I factory reset the phone and gave it to IT as I was told to. My boss then caught me at the door and told me he needed my Google Account and password because the phone was backed up to that account and it might have "company assets" such as contacts, sales leads, etc. I explained that it was my personal Google Account with my personal information, financial accounts and photos attached to it so I wasn't going to give them my account info. He then said that because it was signed into their phone, I legally have to give them the password. I told him that he could shove it because there was no guidance when I got the phone to use a company Google account or anything like that and that I'm not giving him my personal account info. He then tried telling me that I could keep the account, but I have to give the account info to IT so that they could "scan it" for any contacts, messages, emails and photos that could have company info (I used my company email to talk to clients so any emails on that account are my personal emails). I told him that I wasn't letting them do that either because again it's my personal account with my with my personal contacts, my personal private messages and my personal photos of my girlfriend and family, so I don't want any IT guy going through them. Then later after I left I got an email from my old job telling me to "turn over" the login to that Google Account or I would face "serious legal consequences".

    My question is do I have any legal obligation to give them my personal Google Account information just because it was logged into their phone? In hindsight I wish I used a separate personal phone, but I just had the one, and most other people I worked with just used their company phone as a personal phone so I didn't think it would be a problem.

    Also, I should note that I don't have any particularly valuable information from that company beyond contacts and messages to my clients. (I've since deleted them), I already messaged all my clients that I no longer work for that company, I have no intention of using my contacts from my previous job as it would violate my new companies ethics policy, and my new position is not a sales position anyway so any information I could have would be entirely useless.

    submitted by /u/RichHomieJake
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    Girlfriend promised 10 weeks paid maternity leave when hired during pregnancy. Only to have same employer human resources agent tell her in recent meeting the most she can receive is 5 days. 2 months from giving birth. Located in Utah, not sure if theres any laws in our favor.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 05:38 PM PST

    Any advice or ways around keeping the company to follow through with a management's promise to provide 10 week paid leave without proof of said statement?

    submitted by /u/New_town_burnout
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    (MA) Construction contractor masturbated all around my house…

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 02:53 PM PST

    Happened today

    I recently hired a contractor to fix up my house and the guy pulled out his bits and started going at it…

    My father was home but he was on the second floor so he didn't know what happened. Fortunately the first floor security camera caught all of the footage.

    Just wanted to ask here what course of action should I take. I'm mostly fearing revenge of some sort since he knows where we live and how all the doors and windows work…

    submitted by /u/NotVeryGeneric2
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    Can I legally refuse service to someone because of their tattoo?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 08:43 PM PST

    There's a man who often comes in to my work place with a swastika tattoo on his cheek and I don't feel comfortable serving him. When I tell my managers this they tell me I can't refuse service based on looks. I'm a religious and ethnic Jew and will never feel right serving a nazi. Is it illegal to refuse service based on this? It's at a fast food establishment btw

    submitted by /u/ohnospaghetti-o
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    My mother was over dosed by care facility

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:47 PM PST

    My mom checked into a care facility to help her rehabilitation from knee replacement surgery. While she was there the facility overdosed her on her lithium which led to "Lithium toxicity". She had to be rushed to the ER from the facility because her kidneys were failing. Since that she has been suffering from severe mental issues. She can barely talk, she is severely confused about where she is, has forgotten who I am, and lost a good bit of motor functioning. We are having to wait to see if she will come out of this if she does at all. From my research people that survive this are at great risk of further complications down the road because of this. That and the possibility she will now need full time care if this does not clear up makes me feel like I need to look into action to insure I can meet her needs. My mom is bi polar which is why she was prescribed lithium. She was very normal and was able to handle her own care before this. She is a shell of herself right now. The hospital was the one that informed me of the overdose and I got my hands on the care centers medication list that shows they were giving her over 100 mg over her prescribed 300 mg. Every time she was dosed. What are my options for moving forward. I just want to make sure my mom is taken care of.

    submitted by /u/JayCam87
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