• Breaking News

    Monday, January 6, 2020

    Legal Advice - [PA] Police officer is divulging information about the assault I was a victim of to my employees.

    Legal Advice - [PA] Police officer is divulging information about the assault I was a victim of to my employees.

    [PA] Police officer is divulging information about the assault I was a victim of to my employees.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:24 AM PST

    18 months ago I was a victim of a very serious assault. I was ambushed by 4 men who beat me up and left me for dead. The perpetrators were arrested a few days later, they took a plea deal and were sentenced, they will be in prison for a long time. The assault has been very traumatizing for me. I've kept silent about it as much as possible and I've kept most detail private even to those closest to me, because it is all very difficult to deal with. I'm not ready to deal with people talking about it yet. Thankfully the assault wasn't reported in the local media. My employees (I own a business that employs about 30 people) know that I've been attacked because I spent three weeks in the hospital and then had to take a leave from work for my recovery, but they don't know the exact circumstances and I never told anyone. Two of the attackers are ex-employees, the people I work with are aware of that, but until now there had been remarkably little gossip.

    Last week however my assistant told me that rumors are spreading about some things that happened during the assault. I asked her what she had heard precisely and what she told me is very close to what happened in reality. She was also able to tell me which employee she thought had started the rumors. These are things I never talked about, so only the law enforcement people working the case or the people who treated me in the hospital could know that. I wanted to know where it came from so I confronted this employee, who was hired about a month ago, and she admitted to sharing details of the attack with other employees. As much as I dislike what she did, I 'm aware that she didn't mean wrong, so she's not at risk of being fired or anything. But I asked how she could know that, and the problem is she said she learned about it from the guy she's dating, who is an officer in our town's police department. She said he talked about it when she mentioned being hired by my company (my company is kind of well-known in our town so many people know who I am, at least indirectly). He told her a lot of things I never thought anyone would learn about, like things that would belong to a medical examiner's report on my injuries, among others. This is not information that casts a bad light on me, but I still very much wanted to keep it private. I suppose he's one of the officers who answered the 911 call or took care of the investigations and the arrests. I'm livid that a police officer is sharing detail about a case with random people. The attack took place on a parking lot and was entirely caught by the video surveillance system (that's how the perpetrators were easily caught), now I'm terrified that this officer could mention the video or even worse show it to his girlfriend. The thought of my employee or anyone else seeing a video of me being assaulted is a horrifying one.

    Does this officer have a right to do this? Is there anything I can do to stop him from sharing information with his girlfriend or anyone else? This is a very difficult situation, any help will be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Aquietguysthrowaway
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    I got pregnant and work cut my hours to the point I won’t have insurance or paid leave.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:46 AM PST

    I'm a dialysis RN. Once I announced my pregnancy, my manager started cutting my hours. First, it was on Saturdays. She claimed that I had to be able to put 4 people on treatment or I couldn't open the clinic. I have text messages from her from before I was pregnant telling me that 4 patients is too many. Now, on my next schedule, I am working one day a week. Mind you, I have never been informed of any performance issues. I am able to look through the rest of the week and see that the other nurses put three patients on, which is what I was doing before I was told it had to be four. I know that the response will be that the hours are driven by the number of patients, because that's the generic response they use for everything, but no other nurses are getting their hours cut. These rules seem to only apply to me.

    Also, the nurse that is opening on the Saturdays is working for an hour off the clock in the mornings to get everything set up for the day. I'm not sure how my time management skills can be compared to someone working an hour earlier off the clock.

    Anyway, looking for advice. Do I have a leg to stand on here? It seems like pregnancy discrimination to me, considering the other nurses are maintaining full time while I'm cut to one day a week with no performance issues on record.

    ETA: Ohio

    submitted by /u/Slumdunder
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    [MO] I went to pick up my prescription of a controlled substance and was told someone else picked it up earlier that day. Pharmacy (Walgreens) refused to investigate.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:46 PM PST

    I went to pick up an uncontrolled substance (antibiotics) the night before. I also filled a prescription for the aformentioned controlled substance at the same time. I picked up the antibiotics, and the pharmacy tech told me to come pick it up tomorrow because they were busy that night. Ok, no problem.

    The next evening, I go to pick up the prescription and I'm told that it was already picked up earlier that day. The tech that was there (different tech) tells me that his manager remembers the order from earlier day and that an older lady came and picked it up already.

    He asks me if I know anyone who would come and pick it up for me - I don't. He says it must be someone that knew all my information. This is where it gets weird:

    I ask to see the security footage, the tech says "the picture isn't good enough."

    What? What do you have security cameras for?

    So he goes to review the transaction. I sit around for about an hour and after several back and forths he comes and tells me I can pick up the prescription and that from now on they put a flag on my account that it requires ID verification.

    I ask if he can give me the name of the person on the card who came to pick up my prescription, he says he can only give me the last four digits of the credit card.

    It just struck me as really, really suspicious. The guy didn't even try to see who apparently came and picked up the prescription for me (allegedly).

    And I hope they didn't charge my insurance again for my correct pickup in addition to the fraudulent one, because that means the next time I go to pick it up, I won't be able to get it.

    I switched all my meds over to another pharmacy as soon as I left.

    Something very fishy is going on - so I figure it's one of two things:

    1. Someone in line behind me when I came to pick up the first uncontrolled substance heard my info and the prescription I was getting, and that it was being filled tomorrow, and decided to pick it up under my name the next day. The pharmacy didn't even ID for a controlled substance - doesn't that violate some kind of regulatory procedure?
    2. One of the techs stole it (it is a controlled substance, and one someone would probably want to steal) and that is why they stonewalled me, and refused to investigate any further.

    Should I file a police report, and if I do, will the police even do anything about it and try to hunt down who walked away with my stuff, whether it was a random person who just "happened to have all my information" or if a tech pocketed it and marked it as picked up? What can I do, legally? What options do I have?

    submitted by /u/gernade_camaro
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    Sperm Bank Identity Exposed

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:09 PM PST

    I was a sperm donor in college several years ago. I signed a contract that stated the sperm bank would give up my contact information when the child turned 18 years old.

    Recently several women have reached out on facebook and showed me pictures of their (and I guess my?) baby. One tried to call me and messages me often (I don't respond). I have a minimal online presence so I am not sure how she found me.

    I am a calm person but very annoyed that this information has leaked out. I know that dozens of my vials were sold to clients, so there could be many more that reach out to me in the future, which I am not ok with. They are not my children, IMO your parents are the people who raise you.

    r/legaladvice, do I have a case to sue the sperm bank for releasing information that has lead to the release of my identity?

    EDIT: I am in the US. There are not many sperm banks in the US so I don't want to disclose which state.

    submitted by /u/spermguy2020
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    [CO] Boss brought me into his office to tell me I shouldn't be discussing compensation with my co-workers.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:38 AM PST

    Hi LA,

    I just walked out of my boss' office a moment ago - I was brought in to discuss two separate occurrences, one from last Friday and one from this morning.

    On Friday, I asked a recently promoted co-worker what his new salary/commission breakdown was (we are in Sales), and my boss overheard. I'm friendly with this co-worker, and the discussion was in no way adversarial - his promoted position is one I may be pursuing, and I was interested in the compensation package.

    Today, another coworker asked me to send her my commission statement, as she was concerned that she had been unfairly compensated versus the rest of our team. In case someone reads this the wrong way, this is not a gender discrimination issue; she started later in the year than the rest of us, so her breakdown was a little different than mine. I sent my full commission statement document over to her, over company email. She absolutely took it to other people in the company to discuss - I never told her not to, and frankly expected her to do so.

    A few hours later, my boss called me into his office. The discussion was friendly - I actually really like my boss, and am not looking to get him in any trouble. The tone was one of him doing me a favor by letting me know that I shouldn't have done either of the above things; his words, slightly paraphrased, "that's the sort of thing that may get you terminated at another company," "I'm expecting to get an angry call from [HR REP] about the commission statement," "I don't know what sort of corporate policy training you've had at other companies, but this is the sort of thing that you would've been expected to know at this point in your career," "that's a big no-no," etc. You get the idea. He told me that I should also maybe expect an email from the HR rep.

    The thing is, this is the sort of thing I know about at this point in my career, at least I think so. I believe I am up-to-date enough on my rights to know that these conversations are protected, and that by even giving me a friendly warning my boss may have violated federal law. Again, I am literally not interested in making a federal case about it - my boss has been phenomenal since I've started, and has been an excellent mentor, I just believe he is misinformed as to the gravity of what he just said. I'm also prepared to hear from LA that I am entirely in the wrong, and to just keep my mouth shut about it in the future. If it matters, I work for a private company, and I have no proof that the conversation with my boss took place.

    My ask for LA is twofold:

    1. How can I best ensure that I am protected moving forwards? Again, I want to cause minimal waves here, as not only am I a fan of my boss, but I see a bright future with my current company.

    2. Assuming that I am correct about my rights - how can I best tactfully let my boss know, without getting him or myself into hot water, that his assertions were not only untrue, but unacceptable?

    Thanks in advance!

    Update, likely Final: I largely took u/Tortious_Cake 's advice, and sat down for another discussion with my boss. I explained that it wasn't my intention to be disrespectful, but that I was under the impression that I would be in the clear on account of the law. He was in no way put out, though he didn't back down from his position that I shouldn't do it moving forward - he told me a story of a time when a group of employees at a previous company he'd worked for were told someone else's compensation package, kicked up a stink, and got fired. I'm 99% sure he wasn't their direct superior/the one doing the firing in that instance. I did write out a memo, sent to my work email from my work email (cc'ing my personal) detailing the events that transpired over the last 7 or so hours. I don't think anything will come of this, but it certainly doesn't hurt to be prepared.

    In short - I probably won't be talking about compensation at this company moving forward since, like I said, I like working here, I like my boss, and in general I feel like the company takes pretty good care of its people, both in terms of compensation and certain intangibles, so no need to kick off a revolution to liberate the proletariat. I'm still employed with a bright future here, though I'll be back for another update (and likely more advice) if that changes.

    Thanks LA!

    Edit: Grammar

    submitted by /u/EnterTheBugbear
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    Can my ex force me to do a Dna test for my son. (1000% not his)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:39 PM PST

    I'm a 27 f from the United Kingdom.

    So I dated a guy called "dalston" for a month back in 2008, we didn't work out, honestly he was a bit odd so we parted ways amicably. In 2009 I met my sons father and became pregnant feb 2010. There's no doubt in anyone's mind my sons father is my sons father. Dalston has appeared from nowhere messaging me on Instagram insisting my son is his and wanting a Dna test. I firmly but kindly reassured him he need not worry I know who my sons father is, we planned this pregnancy, I knew I was pregnant at three weeks. He doesn't believe me and is calling me a liar?! and horrible for keeping my son from his father and that he is contacting social services and also legally going to force a Dna test. He said himself he was in the army 2008-2010june but according to his timeline we dated in June and I conceived and gave birth in October. But we had actually dated in 08 before he went into the army. Can he legally force my son to do a dna test? It would be soo unsettling for him. His real father isn't the best so I feel this could confuse him more.

    submitted by /u/untrackablenomad
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    My fiancé is trying to sell land and found out the previous owners disclose important info...

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:18 AM PST

    Almost 4 years ago, my fiancé privately financed a piece of land in Florida through the previous owners. We still currently live in Florida and as far as we know, these people own multiple properties in Florida that they have sold privately.

    When my fiancé bought this land, he was 19 years old and was not really informed enough on buying real estate to do any kind of research on the land before purchasing it. He essentially read the contract and signed the paperwork without making sure everything was all good with the land.

    Before he bought the land, the previous owners allowed someone to put an easement through the property (which he knew about when he bought the land), but now that we are trying to resell the land, we found out that in the process of putting in the easement that they cut down an endangered tree and the property got flagged by the Florida DEP. This is something he was NOT made aware of when purchasing the land 3 years ago.

    There are a couple different people interested in buying the land from him for $60k+ but none will do so with the DEP flag. We are currently looking for ways to get the flag taken off, but we are curious if there is any legal action we can take against the previous owners for not disclosing that the endangered tree was cut down.

    submitted by /u/bealoujay
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    I Signed an NDA for a Youtube channel that sank, but now want to start my own channel with a former colleague.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:05 AM PST

    My former colleague and I are both working in video production. We worked for a youtube channel that was owned by a media company based in California. Amongst other thing things, our NDA includes the following clause that includes reference to personnel:

    1. CONFIDENTIALITY. Contractor may have had access to proprietary, private and/or otherwise confidential information ("Confidential Information") of the Recipient. Confidential Information shall mean all non-public information which constitutes, relates or refers to the operation of the business of the Recipient, including without limitation, all financial, investment, operational, personnel, sales, marketing, managerial and statistical information of the Recipient, and any and all trade secrets, customer lists, or pricing information of the Recipient. The nature of the information and the manner of disclosure are such that a reasonable person would understand it to be confidential. The Contractor will not at any time or in any manner, either directly or indirectly, use for the personal benefit of the Contractor, or divulge, disclose, or communicate in any manner any Confidential Information. The Contractor will protect such information and treat the Confidential Information as strictly confidential. This provision shall continue to be effective after the termination of this Agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Contractor will return to the Recipient all Confidential Information, whether physical or electronic, and other items that were used, created, or controlled by the Contractor during the term of this Agreement.

    However, the NDA also describes confidential information as that "which is not generally known other than by the Owner". We were both of us as Freelancers from Upwork. We already had ease of contact through the Upwork community. My colleague works for channels that are popular in the industry, and so do I. So there's literally a part in the contract that says it does NOT cover info disclosed by a third party, and in this case we have two third parties who are actively, publicly disclosing that info. There are some other details that I think could free us, but as I'm not a lawyer and looking at this thing from my own defensive perspective, I wanted to ask: does my former employer have the prerogative here? Does contact between personnel fall under confidentiality?

    If I started a youtube channel, find success, and my former employer found out say a year from now, would he be able to sue?

    submitted by /u/T00Human
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    Brother will not share loan information

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:50 PM PST

    My mother passed away a year ago. Prior to her passing, we took out a line of credit on her house to pay for her stay at an assisted living facility. The house is valued at $550K and the line of credit was for $150K. The money should have lasted 6-7 years if only used for my mother's care but it was totally depleted in 18 months. My brother was her POA and handled her finances. He will not give us access to the account so we can see where the money went. He is under court order now, but still refuses to give us access and says that we are not entitled to it. We are all equal owners of the house and all of us signed the loan, so all owners of the debt as well. The banlk will not give us any details unless he gives them the ok.

    submitted by /u/DadandChance
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    I'm in Indiana. I just left a court hearing with a 2-year protective order and an eviction against my brother/roommate. Can we remove his things from the house?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:37 AM PST

    As the title states, I am in Indiana and have received a protective order and my brother has been evicted. My other roommate got our bills for the last month and my brother is refusing to pay his share.

    The order states he has been evicted but does not state if we are required to wait X amount of days before we can remove his things.

    Given he won't cooperate or pay his bills, we feel no need to let him store his stuff here. We have a new roommate ready to move into his room but he doesn't have a new location to live yet so his things are still in his room.

    Do we have to wait before removing his items? Do we have to store his items or can we put them on the street? Nowhere does it say that he has 30 days to move out or whatever. It just says that he is evicted and that he cannot return to the property (unless through civil services).

    submitted by /u/ProfessorOAC
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    Uncle who lives with me opened my package that arrived in the mail addressed to me. It was hentai and now he's claiming it's illegal to own it. (New York State)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:31 AM PST

    I swear to god this actually just happened. Here's some background. I live with my parents and I'm an adult. My uncle also lives with us for some reason I have no idea why.

    A month or so ago I ordered some adult doujin from Japan. All the characters are legal age and it's nothing extreme. I just like collecting them. It turns out it was delivered a few hours ago and I didn't know since I was asleep. When I woke up I went into the kitchen and saw the 5 books on the table along with the torn up package addressed to me. My uncle was the only one home and I asked him if he went in my mail. He didn't answer me he just said "you know that stuff is illegal right?"

    I was baffled and was like. What?? He claimed the hentai I ordered is illegal despite the characters VERY much being adults. We got into an argument and he just stormed out because he knew I was right.

    What should I do about this?

    submitted by /u/thehentaisnatcher
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    (FL) Completely uncomfortable at work; is this sexual harassment? What can be done safely?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:50 AM PST

    Kind of a unique situation because the people that are making me very uncomfortable at work don't work for my company. I'm in a shared office building and another company uses offices next to mine (the two companies jointly own the building). My company's offices and theirs are all mixed in together. The other company also contracts with my company for lobbying work.

    Last year, I was at work late (5:00-5:30, normal for my job) and the other company all gathered in the office next to me and started discussing their sex lives including having anal sex in their office and getting "shit all over their office furniture" as well as wanting to force women that work in the legislative or other nearby office onto sex in their offices with them. They also talked about me (next door in my office) and tried to play music to cover it up. I also heard one of them say I might hear them talk about me and another said "it's after 5 so it's not an office environment anymore" and "who cares."

    I recorded part of this on my phone (not sure if this is legal, would appreciate advice there - I recorded at my desk in my office, both their door and my door was closed but they were yelling). My husband also heard it on the phone when I called him. I was afraid to walk past their office to leave. I had to threaten to quit unless my boss allowed me to have a lock installed on my office because I'm afraid of these people.

    As far as documentation, I reported it to my boss who didn't report it to the legal counsel or board of directors as she didn't feel it was needed. I was okay with that at first because the last time someone reported this group for racism and harassment (my co-worker reported it) she was fired and when I backed her up adding details, I had to take a sexual harassment "education" which was our president telling me to "not harass anyone, mkay?" I was told by legal that I was mistaken and it was just republican discourse, not racism (it was racism). No one from the other company knew it was me who backed her up and blamed another co-worker who they harassed. Screaming at her and making off handed comments when she wasn't around. My company also fired a woman for being pregnant when I started here. Not illegal I guess because there's less than 5 employees. Now I'm not okay with the whole situation because they're back (they only work during session) and I'm having a very difficult time going to work and being around them. I used to have work at home as an option but that was just taken away, I believe in retaliation for complaining (see below).

    Recently I started complaining again about this and despite getting a massive raise, a performance bonus, and a stellar review, after I made another complaint I believe I was retaliated against. My boss took away my work from home option, tried to change my hours to unworkable ones (I have a contract for specific hours), took away my overtime options and my work hour flexibility, and made me sign a document saying any leave is not only unpaid but now I have to pay the insurance premium if I need leave, and I also had to sign a document saying I would answer my personal phone and work when told to by trustees (weekends and any time, they often call at 4am or on Saturdays when I'm at another job). I called this out as retaliation and was told it wasn't. I believe the leave/insurance change was due to me too because I take longer "lunches" to go to therapy appointments for PTSD (due to sexual abuse so this hits hard for me).

    I'm actively looking for a new job but hiring timelines are really slow in my position/industry and I'm out of sick/vacation days. This has caused depression for me for the first time in my life. It sucks because I love my job.

    I'm afraid they're going to fire me like they did the other girl and I won't be able to get unemployment because I have a history of working hours outside of my scheduled hours. This was fully ok up until recently when they changed my flexibility. I don't put it past them to say "look at those times she was late" when in reality I had had to work late the night before my request and was allowed to shift my hours to keep out of overtime.

    So my question is multiple parts:

    1. If they fire me am I totally screwed for unemployment?
    2. If I quit is there any way I can still get unemployment?
    3. Should I take this opportunity to make the complaints more formal, copying our president and attorney and demand it's addressed even though it might get me fired/make the other people in our office treat me badly? Do I need to do this to protect myself in the future if unemployment becomes a need?
    4. Is there any chance I can get an ADA accommodation in the meantime to go back to working from home? No reason was given to me for the change except the trustees changed their mind about WFH.
    5. Should I just keep my head down, do nothing, and try to stick it out until they fire me or I give up? I'm on antidepressants and anti-panic attack medication now that I wasn't before this. I have a documented history or PTSD and panic disorder that got markedly worse after this. If I had the savings, I'd gladly quit now for my mental health. I'm an expert in my field so I should have another job in 1-3 months.

    Note: We don't have HR (it's just my boss) and the company is less than 5 employees.

    TL;DR Another company's employees are sharing an office space with my company and making it hard to come to work. I know my time is limited here, what can I do to make sure I set myself up for unemployment while I continue to look for a new job.

    submitted by /u/heyhaylzzz
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    [NY] How can I protect my child from my abusive mother who has a visitation order?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 03:04 PM PST

    It's difficult to know where to begin. I'll try to summarise without omitting vital information. (Please bear with the use of plural pronouns in place of singular—I'm trying to maintain as much anonymity as possible.)

    Background: My mother abused me physically and psychologically throughout my childhood and into adulthood. She still tries, but I have limited contact as much as I can. The trouble is that she obtained a visitation order to see my child (to control us both), and she is now abusing my child. Last year she physically assaulted my child, dragged them by the wrist, then locked them out of her vehicle in the middle of winter without a coat. I took the matter to court to terminate the visitation because my child asked me to. My child met with their law guardian and the judge to tell them that they didn't want to be forced to see their grandmother. It was the opinion of the court and the lawyers involved that the assault could not have been that bad because my child was not sufficiently traumatised. I was forced to drop the case because the judge was getting annoyed I was making 'such a big issue' out of it and my kid was 'too young' to have a say—even though in NY there is no minimum age for this.

    Current: My mother called me at 9:30pm, the night before I was scheduled to pick up my child during the last visit. She told me to come and get them now because '[They] clearly don't want to be here, and if [they] don't want to be here, then there's no reason for [them] to be here.' We live 3.5 hours apart, so I left immediately and arrived at her house around 1am. She shoved my kid's stuff at me through the window of my car, went to wake up my kid, then threw and locked them out of the house when they still had belongings inside (phone, charger, glasses). My kid had been berated, insulted, screamed at, had their clothes and backpack taken away, until eventually being thrown and locked out upon my arrival.

    My child was repeatedly told that they would not be welcome back. I took this to mean that my mother had terminated her visitation. But the following month, she emailed me about her plans for her next visit like nothing had happened. Since I am attending university full time and was in the middle of a 20-credit semester, I replied saying that it was my understanding that she had terminated the visitation and that my child doesn't want to go back yet, and that I would get in touch with her after the semester ended—which I did, but my child is still not ready, still not feeling safe to go back. I've also told her multiple times now that her abuse must stop. She has ignored me utterly. My former court-appointed attorney told me that it's really difficult to terminate a visitation order and really difficult to prove psychological abuse. I don't understand how the court can deem further visitation in my child's best interest because the abuse hasn't damaged them irreparably yet. How can I protect my child from this woman's continuing and escalating abuse before it's too late? What do I need to do to terminate this order? And how can I replace my child's appointed law guardian with one who will actually listen to what their client wants and actually work towards my child's best interests?

    submitted by /u/karatecanthelpmehere
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    My deceased Dad's parents want his guns and are now threatening legal action

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:41 PM PST

    I am a 20F in Wisconsin and my brother turns 17 in a couple days. When my Dad passed away, my brother and mother helped me clean out his apartment, so we have all of his stuff, including the guns (Only hunting guns and one handgun). My parents divorced years ago, so my brother and I inherited everything. We decided that the big/expensive items, like the guns, would be kept safe until my brother was old enough to help me decide what to do with them.

    Already the day before my Dad's funeral, my Dad's parents were claiming that they lent my Dad the hunting guns and texted my mother saying they wanted them NOW. The only thing is, they don't actually know what guns my Dad had as they gave my mother incorrect information (# of guns, types). Also, my Dad used to live with my grandparents, but he took the guns with him when he moved out and made upgrades to them. When I asked them why they wanted the guns so badly, they said that they wanted to register the guns under my brother. When asked for proof of registration, my grandparents then claimed that the only way to get that was through a lawyer, which would then cost us money. Both my mother and step-father (who was once an officer) told me that they think it is best that I don't give my grandparents the guns. I don't want to hand the guns over because, according to my research on Wisconsin Law, my grandparents lied about gun registration. To my understanding, their proof of registration doesn't exist because you don't register guns in Wisconsin. My grandparents now keep on sending my mom texts and voicemails asking for the guns and threatening legal action. Every time my brother and I visit them, they pester us about it. My grandparents even called the cops at one point. The officer left a message with my mom to call him back, but she has tried several times and has left numerous voicemails. It's been weeks now and the officer still hasn't gotten back to us.

    So, here are my questions:

    1. Should we stick to our original decision of waiting until my brother turns 18 or should I give my grandparents the guns?
    2. Are my grandparents able to take legal action against my family?
    submitted by /u/Creak17
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    Divorce case over house that isn’t ours

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 02:23 PM PST

    In Arizona.

    My parents own the house we lived in for the past 10 years and my spouse is asking for half the house in the divorce case. How do I navigate the legalities of that, given that the house shouldn't be involved in the case at all??

    submitted by /u/throwawayquestions_-
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    A Friend Plagiarized a Paragraph from my Novel Manuscript.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:47 AM PST

    (USA, Pennsylvania) I am in the process of having my first novel published. It's due out this fall. I just found out one of my beta readers (first set of readers after the book is written, they let you know if there are character issues and plot holes) used my exact words to create a poem that he planned on publishing. It is... word for word... a paragraph from my book. A paragraph from my book that I spent a month trying to get right, pulling my hair out, and workshopping to death. This is also a part of my MFA Thesis novel that qualified me to graduate this past fall. I spent years working on this from within my MFA program. What should I do? I'm going to pay the money to have it copyrighted. I have timestamps and my school would be able to back me up on when I wrote what parts of the book, it's at the beginning of the book, so it was written three years ago. I think I scared him when I yelled at him about it, so I don't think he's planning on publishing it anymore, but honestly, I'm scared now. He is not trustworthy, and he has my novel in his hands.

    submitted by /u/awild1-author
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    [CA] My sister is involved with a woman who is scamming her. This woman has now also threaten the lives of my family and I with all the information is has on us. What legal actions can I take?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:28 PM PST

    My sister recently met a woman online that claims to be a U.S. marine in training to become a cop, ex bounty hunter, AND ALSO a psychic and also a priest in training with ties to a powerful priest who practice voodoo in another country. My sister (let's call her J) met this woman, who we will call A, two weeks ago. They have not met in person yet since apparently A is out of state at the moment taking care of other matters, but they have had talks of meeting when A comes back in a month or two.

    Ever since then, A has claimed to see and know things about J. One of those things include seeing spirits that were put on J by her exes. A encouraged J that the only way to protect herself from said spirits is to purchase a protection spell that A's powerful priest from another country can do. A also managed to get J to quit her current job because apparently one of J's coworkers practice spells too, and did a dark spell on J. A prevented J to take a job at one of the places my family members recommended because A "saw" that if J takes the job there, she will meet a guy who will like her and eventually stalk her. These are just some examples of what A has been telling J.

    In the two weeks that they've known each other, A has gotten J to completely isolate herself from her coworkers, her family members, and her friends. A also told J that I, her older sister, am so jealous of their relationship that I myself went to find someone who can do a spell to break them apart. When I found out that A told J this, this is when I really know this woman is scamming my sister because I did not do what she claimed I did. She defamed my character, and my sister who has known me all her life, takes her word for it which baffles me. My brother and I got extremely concerned for J, so we both confronted A, and questioned her credibility. If A was truly who she claimed to be - a psychic who has a lot of clients who pay her to help them, I would expect her to behave professionally and address our concerns since we can not be the first people to ever question her psychic powers. But no, A's first reaction to us questioning her why things she said don't add up was to threaten me, saying she will "destroy" me. She also threatened my brother, saying that she can "see" he has many spirits that were put on him by his "enemies", and that she will make his life so miserable with the help of her powerful priest relative, that my brother will have no choice but to crawl back to A and beg A to lift his curse.

    So my question is, what can I do to protect my family when this stranger knows our address and everything about us (birthdates, pictures, etc) thanks to J telling her everything? She threatens to destroy and ruin our lives to a point where we will beg for her forgiveness. If we go to the police with this, what are the chances that they will take this seriously since it involves stuff such as voodoo, spells, psychic powers? Even while typing this out I can't help but to feel like it's some crazy story that can only happen in movies.

    TL;DR My sister met a woman online who claims she is able to see the past, future, and also can do voodoo spells to either help or destroy people's lives, and has been controlling her life decisions and also getting her to send her money for "protection". This woman now has threaten the lives of my family and I. What actions can we take to get this woman to leave us alone?

    There are a lot more to this which I didn't include but if any part is vague or needs clarification, just let me know.

    submitted by /u/RedditThrow745
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    Ex has belongings at my house. Have I acted legally in trying to get him to come get his things?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:26 PM PST


    Location: MD

    Ex and I broke up in mid August. He never lived with me, but stored stuff at my house, including a couple of expensive items.

    At the end of November, after no move on his part to pick things up or communicate regarding his belongings, I emailed him that I would give him until mid January to pick up everything.

    I've sent several follow up emails and we have communicated some. The current plan is that a friend of his will pick up most of his belongings this week. She will hold them for him and they'll be out of my house.

    Problem? She can't take everything. One of the expensive (up to $1000) items will not fit in her vehicle. If no one picks up the item, is it basically forfeit by him?

    What am I legally allow to do with this high ticket item?

    Also, if additional information is needed, I can provide more details if necessary.

    submitted by /u/usernames_r_us
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    Ex-employer accessed my personal email to look for breaches of contract.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 01:31 PM PST

    As the title says my previous employer accessed and modified my personal email while they were investigating me for breach of contract (I took a job with a competitor and had a non-compete).

    The contract dispute has been settled but I have evidence that they used my chrome saved passwords to access two personal emails during their investigation. I have times, dates, locations, computer names, and IP addresses for the person who accessed my accounts (thanks Gmail) and they align perfectly with the information I have about my previous employers systems as well as the timing information they provided in their affidavit.

    The three crimes they committed are:

    1) accessing the personal email,

    2) deleting the 'new login' notification from the inbox, and

    3) making false claims in a legal document (affadvit submitted to the court) about how access was obtained (they advised that they accessed one of these email addresses using 'reopen closed tabs' as this means their is no intent for unauthorised access)

    I am not certain who to report this to, or if I am opening myself up to more legal trouble by perusing this through a criminal process.

    Nothing they found was damaging to my legal position but I have been financially damaged by this as it increased the complexity and cost involved in negotiating the settlement which was no doubt their intent. But I do not want to persue any money I just want to make sure that they are held responsible and that they don't do the same thing to another employee as I know that I am not the first they have persued in this manner but I do not know if these tactics are their standard practice.

    submitted by /u/What_Keeps
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    [Raleigh, NC] Question About Pad-Mounted Transformer Placement

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 02:38 PM PST

    So, I had a padmounted transformer in the wooded part of my yard off to the side of a dirt driveway (so not technically an official road) leading to my house. I don't have a big lot, but it was hidden behind some trees. A neighbor 3 doors down decided to call and complain about god knows what. They won't specify why they contacted Duke Energy, but the long short of it is that Duke Energy wants to swap the whole transformer out. I'm fine with this. What I'm not fine with is the location that they chose. Instead of placing it in the same location, they wanted to leave the first transformer where it is while they install the new one in a separate location. This way power will be down for as little time as possible. All good with me so far. The location that they chose for the new transformer, is not. It will be litterally IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DIRT ROAD TO MY HOUSE. I will literally be unable to drive out of my house with this thing in the way. I own this property if that is relevant, but apparently that does not matter. I have called up Duke Energy to complain when I found out about this (I only found out when I saw the spray painted white lines, I was never notified before that) and was told that I basically have no say in the issue. The workers had already left by the point that I got home from work, so I couldn't ask them to change the location... Is there anything I can do to stop this box from being installed, in that location, or do I literally have to cut down trees (and probably remove the stumps) before construction begins because of this? I live outside of city limits btw, but my address is in Raleigh.

    submitted by /u/Booksaboutstuff
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    I resigned from my job last night, employer is asking for stuff (MD)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:26 AM PST

    If you care to look at my post history for back story, feel free. It's been a shit show. TLDR for backstory: It's a struggling small business. I haven't been paid for 2 pay periods, about to be 3 on Friday. Owner has also been withholding taxes from our paychecks and has been using them for his personal use and for the business, not to pay taxes. I don't want to get into all that on this post, as I have all my options already planned out. Just wanted to give some back story.

    I sent in my resignation last night. He has asked for some documents related to projects I was working on as well as access to the email address I created for myself at work. The documents I created were using my personal computer and are stored on my personal computer, as the owner asked me to use my computer because he didn't have one for me to use at the time. The email address was also created by me, and it is a standard gmail account. He does not have access to it, nor did he ever have access to it. The initials of the company are in the name, but I created it so I could email customers and suppliers without using my personal email. My personal email is the backup to the email I created for the job. He does not have a domain name for company emails.

    I did not sign a non-compete or a non-disclosure form.

    I don't mind sending him this info, but I don't want to until I get my money, as I was working on some big projects that we actually had a good chance of getting which means a big commission for me.

    Does he have any claim to those documents or my email?


    submitted by /u/IDidntGetPaid69
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    Landlord refuses to pay for ANYTHING that goes wrong in the house

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:02 PM PST

    Hello, for context, this is in Orange County, CA.

    We moved into a townhouse recently and we have known from the start that our landlord sucks. He has stated that he will never ever pay for absolutely anything that might happen in the house. The lease itself says "Whatever damage is caused by accident, carelessness, misuse or neglect on the part of the resident, his/her family, guests, or visitors, the resident agrees to pay" a) the cost of all repairs and b) rent for any period of time even if the home is inhabitable. Yes, this is a lease we signed and we now know we shouldn't have but we were desperate for a home and were getting no where with other places.

    The issue is now, the bathroom in the upstairs bathroom wouldn't stop flowing after it was flushed. The water overflowed from the bathroom (on the second floor) through another room, and dropped through holes in the ceiling and into the kitchen and downstairs bathroom which are located under the bathroom with the issue toilet. We're not sure if this was plumbing and we have a plumber coming to check it out, but we asked for advice and were told that it's a toilet handle issue, not the plumbing. This is important because the landlord had specifically stated that he will not pay for plumbing or plumbing issues, ever. In addition, he went through a checklist of the appliances and walls and doors and everything you can imagine in the house and marked it all as working (except whatever we pointed out), and so he says he will not pay for anything that was marked as working on the checklist when we moved in.

    He had the same issue happen with his last tenants (bathroom flooded, and dishwasher flooded because he refused to fix it when he was notified), so he charged the last tenants over $1,000 to get new flooring on the first floor bathroom and kitchen. We asked them what happened in that case with the toilet (plumbing issue or toilet) and they said that they didn't agree to the landlord repairing the areas that weren't affected, but he did anyway and charged them for it. Their kitchen was uninhabitable for months and he charged them full rent, which got pricey especially with eating takeout everyday for a month. They also said that the toilets are old and he was asked to replace one of the 3 by one of the tenants father until he listened and changed it. However, the remaining toilet that is now flooded remains old and unchanged. It has had flowing issues in the past.

    Is there any resident/tenant rights that would make the landlord have to pay for this himself, since it was not the fault of anyone and is just a bad toilet? For further info, this landlord also refused to exterminate the house or get extermination services for us when the house was flooded with termites. (He sent a friend of a friend who is a part time exterminator to tell us that we are stupid and that houses in Southern California all have bugs, termites, etc. and that he lives with them happily in his own home so we should too! :) )

    Any advice and help would be helpful. I would also be happy to answer any further questions as I am sure this is about small details and I must be leaving things out because my mind is everywhere. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/mylandlordsuckhuts
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    [AZ] Friend is employed to do HVAC with a company and he fell through the ceiling. Is he responsible for paying to fix it?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:07 AM PST

    My friend slipped off a beam and fell through the ceiling of the place he was working in. He believes he's supposed to cover it because it was his accident. Is that something he can be responsible for? I'm sorry I don't have much information I'm not sure what you guys would need to know. Ill try my best to answer any questions asking for details. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/dantunez1213
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