• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 5, 2020

    Legal Advice - My boss wants me to pirate windows license keys for 600 computers.

    Legal Advice - My boss wants me to pirate windows license keys for 600 computers.

    My boss wants me to pirate windows license keys for 600 computers.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:35 AM PST

    I work as a computer technician at a midsized company (around 20 employees). We buy computers in bulk at various conditions and refurbish them. Recently my boss acquired 600 windows laptops that were previously activated with KMS. For the non technical that means that the all can be connected to one server that will validate the windows installation on all of them. Obviously when we sell it it won't be activated. My boss would like avoid paying the $100 it cost for a valid windows key and told me to pirate it. I really need this job and he told me that if I want to keep this job I must pirate it. Can I be held responsible for pirating if he is ever caught?

    submitted by /u/PMME_UR_MIDDLEFINGER
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    Indy police put minor on a bus to a random city, alone.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 04:30 PM PST

    A cousin of mine (M, 16) was traveling from Kansas City to Ft. Wayne by bus to visit family. He had valid tickets for all transfers. While waiting for his transfer in Indianapolis, he was picked up by city police under suspicion of being a runaway.

    He explained that he had family in Ft. Wayne and gave the police their contact information. They held him for two hours while they attempted to reach his family there but couldn't. (The officers did eventually reach them but it was too late by then.)

    Instead of holding him until they were able to reach someone or sending him on to Ft. Wayne (or even sending him back to Kansas City) they confiscated his remaining tickets, including those for his return trip next week and put him on a bus to St. Louis.

    He's currently at the bus station, waiting for his dad to pick him up. (A 3-hour drive)

    There is so much wrong with this whole scenario I'm not sure where to start.

    Firstly, they had no reason to detain him. His father had completed the unaccompanied minor form with Greyhound and he was cleared to travel alone. According to him (my cousin) he was sitting alone, listening to music when the police approached him.

    Second, if it's their desire to keep him safe until they could reach a family member, why wouldn't they wait until they actually reached someone before turning him loose?

    Third, why St. Louis? His origin City was Kansas City and he showed the officers his learner's permit, which has his (not St. Louis) home address on it, which is much closer to KC than StL. They didn't arrange for anyone to meet him in StL, and didn't give him any compensation for the tickets they confiscated and he wasn't traveling with much cash. (He has a CC for emergencies, but they didn't know that)

    His family feels the Indianapolis Police put him in danger for no good reason and stole around $300 in bus fare from him (again, for no reason). He wasn't charged with anything and basically they just ruined his trip under the guise of "keeping him safe."

    I guess I'm looking for ideas about where to go from here. Monday his dad is going to call the Indy PD and talk to the officer's supervisor. (My cousin was smart enough to get the officer's badge numbers and names) He and his dad are understandably freaked out about the whole situation and I doubt he'll be able to visit his Indiana family until he turns 18 in order avoid this again.

    [Edited for clarity]

    submitted by /u/TheRiflesSpiral
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    My Work Wrote Up Every Employee in the Store

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:20 PM PST

    So first off, I live in California, which is an at-will state so I don't think there's anything I can do about this but I'm gonna ask Reddit anyway because maybe there's someone I can contact through my work that can help.

    To get to the point, today two department supervisors took it upon themselves to write up every single employee in my store (I work at Home Depot). And apparently they stopped giving physical copies of write ups and it's all going to be through the computer now through an app called "My WorkDay" so we don't even have the option to sign a write up now, they're just left on our personal account for us to review.

    Their reasoning for writing up everyone was that "we have observed everyone having non-work related conversations at work at some point last year" so even if you had this conversation in January 2019, you were still written up. Because of this, many people were fired because this would be their final write up. Others will only have to be late by a minute one more time to get fired because of this write up. Lucky for me, I've never been written up before and I've never been late to work the two years I worked here. Still, this really stressed me out and obviously upset me and many others. The manager of the store is new and is terrible but that's another story. I feel like they only did this so they would have a reason to fire people and hire new people for less since many who lost their jobs are transfers who make up to $4 more than everyone else. I don't know, anyone have any advice at all or are we fucked because this is California?

    submitted by /u/chxrry-blossom
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    Sister was detained for shoplifting when she didn't steal anything.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:13 PM PST

    My sister was checking out at Walmart when two big individuals stepped up behind her cart and stood there quietly. As she paid for everything and grabbed her receipt, a gentleman walks out of some doors and stands there by the exit. The two behind her followed within a few feet, then as she got to the man at the door he stops her and asks for her receipt.

    She shows them the receipt then the man accuses her of being a theif. He starts making a scene calling her white trash among other names and being very loud and rude. He takes her coat and car keys then prevents her from leaving. She requests her belongings back and the man refuses. She goes to call our mother and he tries to stop her, reaching for her cell phone. She pulls away and successfully called our mother.

    At this point after reviewing the receipt and nothing being stolen it has become illegal to detain her any further to my knowledge.

    The Walmart employees made her wait until the police showed up keeping her keys.

    The police cleared her and had very specific words with the Walmart employees. The police officers told my sister that the employee taking her keys is considered kidnapping and that she has legal rights to pursue this further if she would like.

    This is all hear-say of course, I wasn't there.

    Is this worth pursuing for her?

    She had to pay a baby sitter for longer hours, the embarrassment of all the other people now associating her as a theif in a store she frequents, and the man also said she is, "banned from all walmarts in the universe."

    Any advice is better than none.

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/krakkd
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    [Missouri] "Mechanic" had my car for 4 months and used it for personal use. Car is now ruined. I accept I'm at a loss on this. In that time he went to jail for a week for unpaid traffic violations, and I just learned he also took MY plates and put them on HIS car.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:45 PM PST

    Preface: I'm a sentimental idiot. I loved the car enough I made the subreddit for it: r/capriceclassic

    My friend was in town for a week and needed a place to stay and a car to drive, I let him borrow my great grandpa's Chevy. On the last day he had it, he drove it into 6 inches of standing water in a flood plain at 20-30MPH. Ruined the carpet, among other things. Towed it to a guy's house next to a family member that, as it turns out, he didn't really know all too well.

    That guy convinced me that he could fix the car relatively cheap and I wouldn't lose my great grandpa's car. I believed him, and he was cheap, so I gave him the keys and periodically paid him for work. More things kept popping up but it wasn't too expensive so I paid him, the car drowned after all - I wasn't that surprised that it had a lot of issues.

    Last time I physically saw the car was two months ago. The guy really, really struggles to answer my calls and rarely calls me back except to ask for money. I got fed up with it and asked for my car back several times and when he kept not answering and I finally had enough, and had the time, I went to go see it.

    Car's ruined. He was using it for personal use, to run errands and for work - which, as it turns out, he does a lot of yard work. He used my car to haul bags of leaves - poorly - and it is absolutely covered in wet leaves. For comparison, this is how I kept my car and this is how I just found it. On top of that, the windows were down and the battery was dead - he sure never mentioned that to me. For several weeks of snow and rain the windows were down, moisture everywhere, the car is ruined - it's going to mold like crazy. Guy has no money, I have no expectation of getting my money back in any way shape or form - it's going to be a waste of time, I'm sure, and I just have to accept that loss, as well as the loss of a car I really loved.

    Problem is, the reason he never mentioned the battery was because he was in jail for unpaid traffic violations and I guess just never mentioned it to me when he got out (though he sure came asking for money for work "performed"). While I was there I was taking the plates off so I could junk the car, and noticed they weren't my plates. MY plates were on HIS car right next to mine. I took pictures of both cars with both plates, but couldn't get the VIN of his car because as you might expect it's covered by trash. He insists that he never got pulled over in my car, or in his car with my plates on them, but clearly I can't believe a word he says.

    Worth noting, of course, all payment was done in cash and in relatively small increments of up to 100$ each time. No papers ever signed, I'm an idiot.

    I can't seem to get good answers online and calling the DMV didn't help - they wouldn't tell me if there were outstanding tickets for me or my car.
    A. How do I find out if I have any tickets in my name or tied to my car?
    B. What do I do if I DO have tickets in my name or tied to my car?

    Any assistance would be appreciated. I intend to call county courts tomorrow to see if I can find out - but I'm not expecting much from my talk with the DMV.

    Thank you in advance. Like I said, I'm a sentimental idiot that just wanted to keep my family Chevy going. Now I'm out all the money and still lose the car. Just hoping I don't have a record I don't know about now.

    submitted by /u/sasasa377
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    Adopted a dog from the humane society, now a person claiming to be a past owner wants him so they are canceling my adoption. Who is in the right?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:17 PM PST

    Hi r/legaladvise I could really use your help.

    Yesterday, Saturday January 4th, I went to the humane society (Kitsap County, Washington State) and adopted a 4 year old Rottweiler male. He was a stray that had no name tag, no microchip, and had no prior registration with the city or county. He was placed in stray hold but nobody came for him. The day he became available for adoption was also the day I adopted him. I payed his adoption fee, signed the adoption contract (I can post a pic if it helps), payed to have him registered in my name with the city that I live in, and was given a care packet and some probiotics for him to take home with me. Since he came in to the shelter un-neutered, I would have to wait until his surgery day, Monday the 6th of January, to take him home.

    Today, Sunday the 5th, I got a call from a woman working at the shelter that someone has come forward to claim the dog. She said that since the dog is not currently in my home and is still at the shelter (mind you he is only at the shelter because he needs to be neutered, which is part of the adoption fee and agreement), that for that reason she decieded to cancel the adoption and is going to release him to the other party instead (this decision is being made over 24 hours after I signed the adoption contract, mind you). The parties only proof of ownership was a "lost dog" flyer from a year ago and some photographs.

    I feel like it was wrong for the woman working there to cancel my adoption. She made a decision in favor of the other party who, as far as I understand, lost their legal ownership of the dog. All of the other staff I talked to agreed that legally the dog is mine and that she cannot cancel an adoption like that. (sidenote, the other party claimed that they lost the dog over a year ago. I also found out that the area where the person lives is also the same area that the dog was picked up as a stray... Did they not try to look for him during that year???)

    I just drove down to the shelter to speak with the woman in person. It was very frustrating as she tried to make it seem like it was somehow my idea to turn the dog over to the other party, when in reality she just called me on the phone to tell me the decision was made and that was that.

    Ultimately she said she is not sure what to do since this situation hasn't happened before. It needs to be addressed by the shelter director and the legal team but they won't be in the office until tomorrow. My worry is that the dog might be neutered and released tomorrow before this issue gets addressed.

    If anyone is familiar with pet ownership/adoption rights or anything that could help I would really appreciate it ... I'm an emotional wreck right now and could really use some advice :(

    submitted by /u/inebriatedexistence
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    Landlord's daughter is in charge now and refuses to fix the place.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:41 PM PST

    I'll keep the Lifetime story outta this (unless it's needed), right now my family and I are in a jam with our landlord and more importantly his daughter.

    LL had a stroke, so his daughter took charge of everything - all the way from New York. She's been harassing and rude, and when we mention things need to be fixed she gets snooty. Finally one day she told us to take it up with her father, so we did. He reduced our rent, and now she's furious.

    The three major problems we're having are

    - all the water pipes are actually rotting rubber water hoses

    - the gas has no central shut off valve (and we actually had to beg the gas company to not shut it off)

    - we have no reliable heating, just two 1970s or 60s wall units that are unreliable and always go out.

    I'm sure there is more information I should supply, I am just so exhausted from crying. I have all my emails from her, and we live in West Virginia. We want to sue, so we can be free of this place, but we don't even know if we actually have a case and we have zero money to hire an attorney.

    submitted by /u/Punchology
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    Evicting fired nanny.....

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:22 PM PST

    I'm curious before I speak with my lawyer tomorrow if anyone knows the eviction laws for my situation. I gave a nanny a live in position with room and board in the home that I own in Rhode Island. I recently let her know that she is no longer needed. She wasn't very good and it didn't work out. She slept so much and I believe is likely Ill.. I told her she needs to leave two weeks ago and she actually was only employed by me for less than a month before that time and I'm no longer paying her. She said she's looking for a place and I've told her at least 4x's that she has to leave. I'm concerned that she hasn't been looking for a place and she basically locked herself in her room. Does anyone know the rules about getting her to leave in the state of Rhode Island.? Honesty, the timing was bad before the holidays and I'm a peaceful person, but I need her to leave so I can get someone new.

    submitted by /u/m1ars00
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    Landlord gives 28 day notice to evict pilots and flight attendants out of Crash pad in Detroit. Cleans my room out before eviction date.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 01:14 PM PST

    • Crash pads were pioneered by commercial airline pilots and flight attendants looking for places to sleep when they were in-between flights. It's extremely common for flight attendants and pilots to seek out crash pads when traveling due to the low price and convenience. There was no legal contract signed for this available location.*

    On Dec 3rd our Landlord announced he would be selling his property in Detroit, MI. The crash-pad services were to end Dec 15th, but informed us that we would have until Jan 1st to pick up our belongings. As pilots and flight attendants it's extremely complicated for us to move our set schedule last minute, especially during the holidays.

    In that amount of time, I was able to store all my important property but planned on coming back for one final pick up for the bigger items. A futon, mini fridge, a shelf floor lamp and a tv-stand. I rented a truck on Dec 30th only to find that the landlord removed ALL of my leftover property.

    I called the landlord and asked him several questions regarding my property and he gave me short answers basically saying "I don't know/they're gone" in a very condescending attitude. I text him the same questions and now have proof of the conversation with time stamps.

    Are my only solutions filing a police report and taking him to small claims court?

    submitted by /u/skypiratescabbies
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    [SC] My mom keeps threatening to call "Mental Health Crisis" to "come take you away". Please help, what are my options??

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:18 AM PST

    Hi guys.

    19M here, for reference.

    I live with my mom at her house in South Carolina. Given the circumstances, I'm saving up to move out as quickly as possible. I think I have to be here for the next week's, though, because leases generally start at the beginning of each month?

    For the past couple months, whenever my mom and I get into an argument or disagreement about something she threatens to call "mental health crisis". She threatens definitely over 5 times a day. Sometimes it happens when I'm just sitting down watching TV or playing video games.

    It seems to be threatened when I'm not paying attention to her (i.e. I've been in my room for a few hrs) or when I question her about anything (i.e. why am I buying all the groceries for the household at 19 years old).

    She says they're going to come and lock me away, and that she's going to put ask I be "held for 90 days"? For reference, I have no background of any issues and feel very healthy, aware of my surroundings, etc.

    What really scares me, also, is that my mom keeps threatening to blame injuries on me. She has scratch's/bites up one arm from our new dog, and she said shell tell them I did that. She says I'm a "threat" whenever we argue (nonviolent) and she's calling them.

    Please help me in any way you can. I'm more than happy to provide extra info as needed. Really, I'm asking - how can I protect myself?

    submitted by /u/Thrwy213help
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    Wisconsin: A police officer showed up at my house and ticketed me for a hit and run that didn't occur. What can I expect at court?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:21 PM PST

    I was eating dinner one night when a police officer showed up in my driveway with a flashlight and was examining the front of my SUV. I went outside and asked what he was doing and he proceeded to tell me I was involved in a hit and run. He claims I rear-ended someone on a highway exit ramp at a stoplight and left the scene.

    I had no idea what he was talking about and explained that I was at the bank during the time of the alleged accident and produced a time-stamped deposit receipt. He told me the deposit receipt proved I was in the area at the time of the accident. I asked if the stoplight or one of the many businesses around the area where the accident supposedly occurred had a camera, which would prove I wasn't involved, and he said they did not.

    I asked if the car I supposedly rear-ended had any damage and he said, "No. Maybe a scratch. It's not a reportable accident and she doesn't have any damage for an insurance claim." I explained that my car also had no new damage and my license plate wasn't even bent in, which I would assume would occur if I had rear-ended someone. I have insurance and would have certainly stopped if an accident had occurred but it simply didn't happen. He said the passengers in the car verified the accident occurred and another vehicle also witnessed the accident and gave the officer my license plate number.

    I will also point out that I was involved in an accident (not at fault) two years ago in which I T-boned a driver who ran a stop-sign so my car does have significant front-end damage. The bumper is screwed on in multiple places and held together by some sort of putty that my mechanic brother used. The officer seemed to think that in the hour or so since this accident occurred I had screwed my bumper back on and puttied the cracks. There are accident and insurance reports available regarding that damage. So somehow he believes I rear-ended someone, demolished the front of my vehicle without damaging the other vehicle, repaired my vehicle, and still made it to the bank and cooked dinner all within a one-hour period of time.

    I was cited for

    346.89 Inattentive driving

    (1) No person while driving a motor vehicle may be engaged or occupied with an activity, other than driving the vehicle, that interferes or reasonably appears to interfere with the person's ability to drive the vehicle safely.

    The fine is almost $200 and 4 points off my license and would negatively effect my employment and insurance. I'm upset that I'm being charged with no evidence for an accident that never happened. I wasn't being inattentive; I went through the bank drive-thru on my ride home from college, got home and made dinner. My cell-phone was in my backpack in the back seat.

    My first hearing is on the 14th and I am going to plead not guilty but what happens after that? I can't afford a lawyer and I would really like some advice on how to proceed. Are their any documents I should be getting together? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/notcontenttocrawl
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    (Southern California) Water utility can not be put in our name until owner gives city a written notice. Property management company hasn’t gotten ahold of owner and we have been without water for over two weeks.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:03 PM PST

    I'll try to be detailed as possible while looking for advice on this matter.

    On Dec. 14th my family signed a year lease for a house managed through a property management company. The lease states all utilities must be in our name. We made requests for all utilities to be switched over but we've had a problem with water.

    Our water district requires that the owner of a property renting to a tenant must turn in a form called an Owner/Tenant agreement form which certifies that the owner of the property is allowing the tenants to put the water utility in our name. We made our request on the 14th (we didn't start actually living in the house until a week later, all other utilities were fine so we were surprised the water was shut off). When I inquired about it with the water district, they informed me about the form the owner would need to sign with ID and give to the water department. The district office was closed from the 23-25 and the weekend before it so I couldn't reach them earlier.

    On Dec. 26th I took the form to the property management company and explained the situation and they were very understanding and would get the form to the owner right away. As of today the owner still has not turned in the form and I haven't received confirmation that she has even received it. I call our property management company every day and get the same response, that they are "trying" to get ahold of the owner but haven't heard back from her yet. They have also called the water district on her behalf but the water district won't accept anything short of the actual owners signature and ID. I also call the water district office to check if they've received it and they still haven't. It's nearing two weeks of my family not having any running water (we've been showering at a nearby family member's house and drinking non-tap water for the time being). First thing Monday morning I'm once again going to the office to see if this process can be completed, but is there any legal recourse I can/should take. We already paid for this months rent as well.

    I appreciate any advice or direction on this matter. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Serranthropology
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    (FL)Landlord possibly turned down water pressure

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:42 AM PST

    I've been at my apartment for 5 years. The old leasing company didn't have water included in the rent. They took the bill, added it to the itemized list of charges and sent you a copy.

    During our last lease the complex was bought out by a new company. The new company charges you a fixed rate that was pretty much what we were already being charged. They touted it as easier than manually adding it to every lease in the complex. They only bill you extra if you went over double the usage.

    Here's where I have an issue, about a month after the lease was signed they came in and put flow limiters on the kitchen sink and the showerhead. The washing machine is also having issues getting rid of the detergent on our clothes. I had to buy a new showerhead just so my wife can wash her hair properly. The bathroom sink is still the same so I checked to see it's flow and I'm only getting 0.2 GPM. I also know other tenants in the complex and they're having similar issues. I put in a maintenance request and they said everything is fine. The city reports no water main issues to the complex either. I'm guessing they turned down the water from outside the apartment. I'm also suspecting they did this to pocket the difference because now I'm paying more than I'm using.

    Is there any legal remedy to this or are we just stuck paying for it?

    Update-The day the flow dropped they shut off the water to the building for 2 hours to do some kind of maintenance. A few of the replies suggested I check the filters. I pulled the one in the bathroom sink and it had debris and a pretty good buildup of minerals. The debris might be from whatever maintenance they did for the 2 hours the water was shut off. I dropped the filter into CLR, cleaned out the debris and the flow is actually back to what it was prior to that day. I'm going to have maintenance come in to check all of the other filters to see if the issue resolves. Hopefully this is actually the issue. Thank you all for the advice.

    submitted by /u/Jayphil24
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    Required to keep a stillborn for 24 hours? [Texas]

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:46 AM PST

    My friend said she gave birth to a stillborn in Texas a couple of years ago. She wanted to spend a short time with it, but they told her the law required her to either give it up right away or keep it for 24 hours. Was this actually the law, and now that she's pregnant again is it still the law?

    submitted by /u/pinky117
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    Person that works for a loan company I have business with PUBLICLY tagged my profile on Facebook and told me to pay my loan, the amount that was behind, the late fees and the location of the loan place. Are there any privacy laws on this??

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:55 PM PST


    This person is still harassing and cyber bullying me now. People I don't even know have commented on the facebook post defending me and telling him to delete my information but he says "I'll delete it once she pays" also he is stating that since he is working out of state in North Carolina FDCPA laws don't apply to him. Please help, its getting really out of hand he is threatening to humiliate me in person as well next. Reason I haven't paid the bill in the first place is because my identity was recently stolen in a breach and I have been trying to clear up other debts that has caused.

    Original: This is incredibly embarrassing but this guy that works at a loan company I've been to before found me on Facebook, tagged my name for everyone to see and told me to pay my bill. He also stated the amount due, the fact that it was late, the late fees incrued and where I got the loan from. I feel incredibly violated. Can this person be fired?

    location: Los Angeles, CA

    submitted by /u/Newb234
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    Medical Negligence at Phoenix Children Hospital

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:23 PM PST

    I need advice on steps to complete to report medical malpractice at A Children's hospital. My 4 year old niece was taken to the ER from bad tummy aches, fever and vomiting. After hours of waiting with no attention, my nieve started hallucinating. Nurses ignored my nieces needs saying she was just a brat causing a scene. We had to call 911 from the emergency room in order to receive assistance. They ran test and could not find anything and that her appendix was fine. Her condition worsen they gave her morphine for pain which lead to seizures. At the second round of test almost 24 hours later she was rushed for emergency surgery because her appendix had burst. After surgery her legs and one arm were stuck and we were told she would need therapy to help her walk agin after the seizures she had. My niece did not fully wake up after surgery. She would cry and would not open her eyes or mouth. About 8 hours later they rushed her back for surgery on her brain because of an infection her appendix caused. She just came out and they are telling us we have a long road ahead of us. She will need therapy to move and speak again. One of the surgeons came out after the first surgery and suggested we summit a complain. But this has gotten way more serious. And we don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/NRikki
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    Someone is posting fake craigslist ads as my business. I need them to stop.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:30 PM PST

    Location: Syracuse NY

    Someone is posting fake craigslist ads as my business, offering "free estimates", which I do not do.

    This is damaging my business because when I refuse to do the free in home estimates, the customers think I'm doing a bait-and-switch.

    I keep reporting the posts, but have never gotten a response from Craigslist and am not sure that reporting actually accomplishes anything.

    I've used the CL contact form many times however I never hear back from them and nothing happens.

    Is there any way to make craigslist refuse to accept ads for my business that are not submitted by an email address @my businesses domain?

    Any other suggestions?

    So far they seem impenetrable. Are there any magic words that would get their attention or the attention of their legal department? I'm a very small business and can't afford to actually sue them, but I also can't let this continue because it's creating pissed off customers even though I've done nothing wrong.

    submitted by /u/TerrysApplianceSvc
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    I left a negative review, now the business is threatening me with a lawsuit.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:45 PM PST

    I hired a company to do some design work for me. They did not follow through on their timeline and missed 2 separate meeting with no notice. I fired them and demanded a refund. After 2 months I still haven't recieved the refund at which point I call them and demanded that they give me my money back. I was I was told that they completed my work and I wouldn't be getting a refund. At that point I told them I was going to contact the BBB and leave a negative review online. I went on Yelp and wrote out exactly what happened, and filed with the BBB..Now they are threating a lawsuit saying I extorted them, cyber-bullied them, and blackmailed them. At no point did I threaten anything. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/Crack3r_Shak
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    (OH) My mom needs to compel her daughter to give up legal/medical authority or be deemed incompetent and gain guardianship

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 02:04 PM PST

    Ohio here. W, my sister (26F), is to my knowledge diagnosed as schizophreniform or schizoeffective disorder and probably some other stuff. She is seasonally or intermittently manic, bipolar, occasionally psychotic; not functional and not really stable long term. W has been both voluntarily and involuntarily "committed" to local/regional psych wards at times, the longest time being 3 weeks to my knowledge. She cannot hold jobs for long periods of time so for the past 6-8 years, W has been rotating/cycling out of my mom's house and various acquaintances places via couch surfing or renting, always burning those acquaintance bridges and ending up back under my mother's financial and emotional care. This is not healthy in any way for either of them as my mother enables/concedes to my sister by humoring her, allowing her back into her house again and again, and giving "loans" that will never be repaid.

    Mom has come to the conclusion that drugs are not the affector of my sister's behaviors and it genuinely is a mix of her and her conditions. So, now, she is trying to draw the line and I am helping her find a long term solution for this situation. W is not compliant and will not be compliant, believing that she is healthy and refusing to stay on her medication for more than a week; even if she did stay on her medication, we have no idea if it'd work for her situation. We either need to force her to relinquish records, which will not happen, or we need to figure out a way legally.

    Our end goal is to have her, of her own volition or not, produce the needed medical records and attempt to gain eligibility for social security/adult disability benefits so that she can have a guaranteed disability stipend/income and have stable housing not under my mother's roof. W will most likely fight and contest any action we take for or against her.

    How do we begin those steps in gaining that legal authority of my sister? What sort of lawyer should my mother consult? My sister is currently staying with my mother again (she's been at home for 3 weeks this time I believe) - if my mother decides to take action legally or officially, should she begin evicting her since them living together is a conflict of interest and could result in police being called to the home? In general, what is our best course of action/are we missing anything?


    submitted by /u/Voyager1082
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    Stuck in Central America; Passport expires in <6months

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 02:32 PM PST

    Asking for a friend who is currently stuck (in a panic) in Nicaragua.

    She planned a trip over the holidays to Nicaragua. She is a Canadian Permanent Resident & Chinese citizen. Her passport expires June 24, 2020. Her departure flight was Dec. 23rd. & flew Montreal>Houston>Managua and she arrived in Managua Dec. 24 with no issue.

    On her return flight, leaving Dec. 31st & following the same route (Managua >Houston>Montreal) she was denied boarding in Managua because her passport expires in <6 months. The person at the gate (I'm not sure if it was an employee with the airline or Custom Officer) - said she would be denied entry into the U.S. because her passport expires in <6 months, and therefore she could not board the plane.

    She came up with a plan to buy a plane ticket that left from Costa Rica & flew non-stop to Montreal. She bought a bus ticket to take her to San Jose, CR, where her flight was to leave tomorrow. She was just denied entry into Costa Rica for (I think) the same reason - her passport expires in <6 months.

    How can she get out of this mess?

    Any help is much appreciated. If you'd like any elaboration - just ask.

    submitted by /u/Geo85
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    I was sexually abused by my cousin

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:33 PM PST

    During the time of abuse (which went on for about a year), I was 9 years old and the perpetrator (my cousin, female) was 14-15. We were both living outside of the US. I now live in the US, and my cousin has also immigrated here and is in the process of becoming a certified physician here (she is studying for the USMLE steps right now). She and I are now 27 and 32 years old, respectively. I go to school in Maryland, and she is in Ohio.

    The abuse went on for about a year, and when found out (by my parents), nothing was really done - I was told to just forgive her, for the sake of our close extended family. I know she was aware of what she was doing, because she kept making sure I told no one and that it was done in absolute secrecy.

    The only reason I am writing this is, as a medical student myself, I was having a conversation with a mentor of mine when the topic of mandatory reporting came up. As my cousin is now on the way to becoming a health care practitioner who will be working with children (specifically, she wants to be a GP) , I have started to worry whether me not reporting was the right thing to do. In my personal opinion, I do not think she would re-offend. However, the chance that it MAY happen again, and the pure fact that this issue is taken so seriously in the US gives pause to my previous rationalizations.

    TLDR: It's been 18 years, and the abuse was conducted in a different country (which does not have strict laws about this stuff), and she was a minor when it happened - what would be the best course of action now? Is there a statue of limitations for this when the crime was committed outside the US? Is it different because of the field she is in (i.e. do I have more of a responsibility to report this)?

    Disclaimer: I do not want to report simply to "ruin her life". Although I do not forgive her, and have almost zero-contact with her now, I have done my best to build up my own life and move on, and my objective now isn't to get some "revenge". I simply want to do what is "right" by the law and my own conscience (especially given her very near future of working with children).

    Thank you very much for reading, and for all your advice.

    submitted by /u/TAmandatory
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    How to get a Social Security Card and Birth Certificate for adult born in US at home?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:05 AM PST

    An adult individual was born in the US at home. Parents never applied for social security number or birth certificate. Adult never attended school—was home schooled. Adult cannot get a job or bank account without ID and SSN. How does one go about getting a SSN and birth certificate if they do not have any of the documents to apply for a birth certificate and social security number.

    Location: Massachusetts

    submitted by /u/PoleDanceJustice
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    Trying to evict a long-term guest, now they're claiming squatters rights

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:14 PM PST

    So I'm going to college in Washington, and am living off-campus. This all began back in July, when I met someone on tinder (first mistake) who had just gotten thrown out of their housing situation (second mistake). I had failed to find a 4th roommate for the coming school year and needed the rent money, so I said they could come stay at my place for a bit and maybe even longer if they applied for rent and got a job. I asked my landlord about it, and he said no, but I continued to let them live there because they got a job as a food worker and were making rent.

    Two months later, their job required them to get a food workers license, which they failed to do and as an extension lost their job. They started missing payments and racking up more and more debt to me, because I was the one who wrote the check to the landlord (who lives in Hawaii). The other two roommates who are on the lease have left (but are continuing to pay rent), so it's just me and the squatter now.

    I just came back from the holidays and told them that they have to pack up their things and leave, upon which they told me they wouldn't, and would "invoke squatters rights". I've done some research, and squatting seem to only apply to "abandoned, foreclosed, or unoccupied residential buildings or area of land". Since my roommates and I have been here, it's not unoccupied, therefore they wouldn't be a squatter? But I did take rent from them for awhile, which is where things get hairy. The landlord knows nothing about this and I plan on telling him tomorrow, but I was wondering if there was a quicker way to deal with this rather than forcing him to take the squatter to court. Any and all advice would be helpful

    submitted by /u/monkeyboy38
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    Hired an independent videography company to film a music video for my band. We have tried contacting them to pay them for their services, but they will not reach us back.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:25 PM PST

    Location: Florida

    Please let me start this off by saying we are not trying to dodge paying these people for their work. In fact it's the opposite. A few months back we hired an independent videography company to film and edit a music video for my band. We had a few red flags at the beginning of hiring them (i.e. not getting back to us in a timely manner), but we loved their price and abilities so we went with them. Honestly, we loved everything about working with them. They hired actors, made props, the whole nine. The experience was incredible and they were great people. Once we finished filming we tried to stay in communication with the main person who we've been talking to throughout this whole process. He didn't fully dissapear, but there were weeks at a time where we didn't hear anything. We were promised updates, teasers of the video to promote and post, and the BTS (behind the scenes) footage that we paid for. We didn't get much back at all. At first we understood, but then it was getting frustrating. We stayed civil and positive, not trying to upset them if their multiple excuses are indeed true. At this point we just wanted the video. Long story short, we got the video back and loved it! We put it up online and the release went well. The problem now: We want to pay them but they won't send over the invoice. We signed a contract with them and it's been a little over a month now that we've recieved the video. We are worried they're trying to pull something. On top of this, we spent roughly $200 on a BTS person. The person did come and he took pictures/videos but we have not recieved them yet. We just want to be done with this mess and pay them. We have proof of contact. We have asked to pay on multiple occasions and through multiple platforms (text, chats, calls, etc.) The last time we were in communication they messaged us first. This was the only time we expressed how frustrating this was. They actually responded again and apologized. They said they would get us the footage and send the payment information, but of course we got nothing. We don't think they'll get a lawyer, but if they do, could they do anything to us even though we ARE trying to pay them and they didn't hold up their complete part of the contract? As time passes, I'm thinking "well if they want their money, they'll come and contact us!" But there's a little demon in the back of my mind saying "if I stop messaging them periodically, they'll try to get us for failing to pay them." We just want to pay them what we owe. Do they have a case? Should we continue to just message them for the invoice? At this point I don't even care about not getting the BTS footage, I just want to be done. Any advice is helpful. Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/ForTheLoveOfPizza
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