• Breaking News

    Saturday, January 4, 2020

    Legal Advice - (update) nearly 3 months later about the kid I didn't know existed for ten years

    Legal Advice - (update) nearly 3 months later about the kid I didn't know existed for ten years

    (update) nearly 3 months later about the kid I didn't know existed for ten years

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 10:48 AM PST


    It's been almost 3 months now and I thought I'd come in real quick to give an update.

    Overall, the kid and I are doing great. I really expected the adjustment period to suck but I feel like maybe this poor kid really needed some structure and stability and totally glommed onto that. I try to just give her as much of my love, patience, structure and stability that I have to give. I've been learning a lot about attachment, trauma, and everything. It's been overwhelming but every night, no matter how exhausted I am, I get into bed and I thank God for her. I wouldnt trade her for anything in this world. I tell her every night she's my favorite thing.

    Legally things are kind of boring. I did the DNA test, unsurprisingly got the result that she's mine biologically. The emergency order is still in place. Had mom is still in jail, she was offered the option of going to rehab and refused. She'll be in jail for at least a few more months, and after she's out we will make a parenting plan for visits with help from the social worker. Realistically i think she'll die before she gets clean. That sounds like a horrible thing to say but it is how it is.

    It's been a wild ride. It's not easy. But it's joyful and it's really changed my life & made me want to be better in a lot of ways.

    submitted by /u/apparentthrowaway79
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    (UPDATE) Received a reckless driving ticket on private property.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 11:55 AM PST

    Original LA Post

    Before my court date came up I went around to the different county records offices and found an up to date plat map, confirmed with several people that my driveway is not a road.

    I even had a friend come by who usually does drone photos for farms and had a nice photo of the entire property taken showing the driveway with a GPS marker so that it can be lined up with the plat map so there's no confusion on if my driveway is or is not a road.

    Two days before my court date I received a call asking if I want to take a deal on the reckless driving and avoid the court time etc, I said no and confirmed the date with them.

    Court date rolls around and my "10:30AM" time is just an estimate apparently so I wait around until 2PM, right before I'm finally called up I'm offered the "deal" one last time. Again I decline.

    This is where it gets odd and I'm not 100% sure what happened but the Judge opens a folder and briefly reads it then calls up the county attorney, they talk for about a minute then my case is dismissed.

    So that's it, I asked a sheriff outside the courtroom if it's possible to talk to the Judge about it and I'm told the best way is to write him a letter. Not sure what he read in the folder but I guess it was enough for him to see it was a pointless ticket. I did not see the sheriff who wrote me the ticket anywhere either that day. So I guess we did it reddit! Or something, who knows but now I get the fun of trying to figure out what my insurance wants as proof so my rates don't jump because of the ticket.

    submitted by /u/fastbutsafe333
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    My ex is HIV positive and he did not disclose this before we had unprotected sex. What can I do?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 10:38 PM PST

    I'm sorry if this post is all over the place, but I am so hurt and confused. Also sorry about the formatting. My ex knowingly exposed me to HIV, and is basically saying that his doctor gave him the all clear, so he felt that he didn't have to tell me. The thing is, I have no proof of this, no proof he's taking his meds, and he refuses to cooperate with me when I ask him for information. I found out about this about a week ago, and I have an appointment on Tuesday to get tested. This whole thing has sent me down an emotional spiral, and has caused me to miss work, have panic attacks, and generally just freak out. My ex is taking absolutely NO responsibility for this, and in fact threatened to sue ME if I told anybody he is HIV positive. I am at my wit's end with this, and I want to know if there is anything I can do from a legal stand point. Please help!

    Edit: located in California

    Edit 2: I just wanted to say thanks from the bottom of my heart for all of your help and education, I feel a lot better about my next steps in this process.

    submitted by /u/IWantACleverUsername
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    Request to be excused from jury duty denied, literally cannot go... what now?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 03:31 PM PST

    My hometown is in central IL, USA. My mom lives there. I'm a 26 y/o PhD student in Australia, with my legal residence being in IL still. My mom sent me the jury summons, and I thought no problem, I'll tell them my situation and all will be well (especially because the same situation was true a few years ago, and that's what happened).

    The form was online, I filled out an "excused absence request" for reasons of secondary education. In the box asking for further information, I told them I was a PhD student at [university] in [town] in Australia. Currently residing in [town], Australia. Unable to travel to the USA to attend.

    Today I found out that my request was refused and I am expected to appear. I called the courthouse to which I was summoned to ask for more information, and I was told that this decision is final, and I will need to appear or face legal consequences.

    Surely I'm not the only one who thinks this is totally unreasonable... but I'm not sure which steps to take next. Can someone help?

    submitted by /u/kittymcmeowster
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    Was fired from my company less than 24 hours after disclosing my pregnancy to HR.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 03:43 PM PST

    Sorry if this is kind of long! I'm trying to include as much helpful and relevant detail as possible to see where I stand with all of this. Also using a throwaway account just in case. For reference, I am in the US in Oregon.

    I've worked for a small company (less than 20 employees) since fall of 2018. I started in a very minor position and after expressing to my boss (our CEO) that I felt like I was capable of more, I slowly worked my way up and was transitioned to a new position on September 1, 2019. In October 2019 I asked my boss (our CEO/owner) about the possibility of a raise as I had taken on many job responsibilities in my new position with no pay adjustment. It began a very troubling next few months in which he said some incredibly hurtful and inappropriate things to me. I discussed the matter with my direct supervisor and our "HR" person (not legally trained in HR and has no past experience in HR, but she is designated as our HR person). Essentially nothing happened after this, but my supervisor assured me that I am doing a great job and to just keep moving forward and said that the possibility of a raise would be discussed when all employees had our reviews in January. There was never any resolution with the CEO and he refused to apologize to me. Things continued to be very award with us, but he lives out of state and I didn't see him much.

    December came and it was our busiest month of the year. I worked a ton of overtime, in addition to working weekends and times when I'm not normally scheduled (I typically work 30 hour weeks). I worked my ass off and was continually told I was doing a great job given how crazy busy we were.

    The company gives us time off the week between Christmas & New Years, so my first day back at work was January 2nd. I come in that morning to an email from our boss/ceo/owner that he will be flying in for employee reviews on Friday (Jan 3rd) and gives a schedule of who will go at what time.

    Unrelated to anything prior, I decided to disclose my pregnancy (10 weeks) to our HR person before the end of day. My thought was that it would be good for her to be able to talk to our CEO while he was here because he isn't in very often. There is no maternity leave policy in place and so I wanted to let them know early enough for them to decide what the policy would look like. She is happy and excited for me and lets me know that she will start working with our CEO on a policy.

    I have no reason to be scared I will be losing my job. I've had no work related performance issues, I'm on time and I do my work well, and as far as I know things are great. I've loved my job, my coworkers, and I've loved the company that I work for.

    My review was with our CEO/owner and our "HR" yesterday. He essentially leads the entire meeting, telling me that I was a great find for the company, came at just the right time when I did (called me a "miracle"), and then proceeds to say that my role is has not become what he wanted it to be and rather than letting me go back to my old position, they are going to "phase me out". This was a confusing way of putting it because they told me that was my last day, not to come in next week, but they would pay me for two more weeks of work in addition to what I'm owed for hours worked in January. He keeps saying that the main reason is because they think I would be happier somewhere else. Our HR person chimes in to say that if i want to come in for a lunch to "honor me" they can arrange for that. The ceo/owner tells me that I probably have a lot of questions, but he says he doesn't want me to ask any of them now and that I can call/email him later with any questions or concerns that I may have. The whole thing felt very weird to me, but I was also very emotional and visibly upset.

    This whole thing has me shocked and extremely scared. Even if I find another job right away, I will not qualify for FMLA once our baby arrives and it seems most places have a 1 year policy before maternity leave kicks in anyways. At this point I'm trying to figure out what my legal rights are. I'm in Oregon, so I know I'm in an "at will" state or whatever it's called. Does anyone have any advice on whether or not there's enough info here to pursue anything against my previous employer? I've filed for unemployment, and I'm actively searching for jobs but there's not much available in my field in my city at the moment.

    submitted by /u/sparklespork
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    Ex-employer paid my vacation time out at $12/hour instead of $17 because they "didn't feel comfortable"

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 06:52 AM PST

    I'm going to try and make this as simple as possible. I live in Louisiana, and I was a retail department manager for the same company for 2 years. In the second year, I never used my vacation time and had accrued almost 30 hours. In June of 2019 I announced that I was going to drop down in my position to pursue my own personal business, but wasn't sure if I was going to drop down to a part time sales associate or a full time team lead. I would lose my health insurance if I dropped down to the SA, so that was the major issue I was struggling with. I was approved by the district manager to take all of July off to deal with things with my business and then make my decision on staying. Unbeknownst to me, my boss, the store manager, changed my pay rate the day I left to the Team Lead position of $12/hour even though it wasn't decided what position I would be returning at. July 28th, I told them that I would be returning as a part time sales associate ($9/hour), and need to get the proof of my insurance ending so I can get new coverage outside of open enrollment. My boss said he couldn't provide the proof of loss of coverage and couldn't get the benefits department to give it to me either. Just said I would get something in the mail when it ended. Well, a couple of months go by and I keep following up with my physical therapist (who I see 2x a week), and they say my policy is still active. So I keep going. I realize I wasn't paid out my vacation time, so I get back in touch with the district manager who starts looking into the issue. Turns out, I was paying for my insurance out of my vacation time for a few months, so it was never paid out in cash. She talks to the benefits department and determines they will pay me out that week. Here's the kicker, the REGIONAL manager says he doesn't feel comfortable paying me out at my $17/hour rate that I worked for 2 years because it was apparently changed in the system by my boss to $12/hour, even though I have never worked at the company for $12/hour. I have a full email conversation of the benefits department saying I needed to be paid out at my old rate, and them saying they "aren't comfortable". I said screw it, I don't think thats legal and theres no HR department for the company, but I didn't want to add fuel to the fire. Fast forward to now, I got a call from my psychologist saying the insurance was terminated July 28th, and I owe them $400. I also get a call from my physical therapist for the same reason, saying I owe them $1800. I have proof from my ADP (payroll company) log in, that I had paid for the insurance out of my vacation time through November. But it doesn't matter since it was reported as cancelled in July.

    The major question is, what can I do? Do I just say screw it and pay it or fight my previous employer?

    submitted by /u/lswartz
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    Project Done at my house WITHOUT my agreement or authorization.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 02:22 PM PST

    I'm in Florida.

    I contacted a company to provide an updated quote to rescreen my porch. They sent the new quote.

    I did not sign anything or agree to them doing the job. They did not call me to schedule a time to come.

    I received an invoice yesterday for the work and upon checking my cameras, I found they came to do the work even though I did not authorize it.

    I was only in the process of getting quotes/requotes. I spoke to no one to schedule this work. I am also now liable to penalty fees from my HOA since I hadn't received approval for this project yet from them.

    When I looked back to the quote that I asked for, it says "Here is the estimate for your screen enclosure. We kept the price the same for you. As soon as we get a date on the calendar we will contact you back to schedule the work to be done. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us."

    Again, No one spoke to me about scheduling this work and on the actual quote I did not sign to approve this.

    I was not planning on using this company, based on other quotes I received and I was planning on having other things done with this project. What, if any, am I subject to pay for this? What are the implications if I don't pay?

    submitted by /u/Sunshineandhoodies
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    Received a summons as a victim...I don’t want to testify (PA)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 06:32 PM PST

    On Christmas, I was brutally battered by my ex boyfriend. Police were involved. He was charged for only simple assault.

    We aren't together and I'm now in intensive therapy. I received a summons as a "crime victim". We've not had contact since that night. I am terrified to see him in person. Simply put, I don't want to go. I already have a pfa. He hasn't sought me out and I haven't sought him out.

    Will I be arrested if I don't go as a witness/victim? This is happening in magistrate court. Any advice is welcome

    submitted by /u/victimsummonshelp
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    Getting divorced, found hidden account with moneys?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 06:37 PM PST

    Hello. As the title says somewhat, I'm getting divorced and found that my husband has an account I dont have access to. It hasn't been disclosed and we're about to sign the papers for a mutual divorce. I have a lawyer and am waiting to hear back on what to do. I'm assuming this will cost more money and would have to go to court, right? I'm hoping there is an alternative to that in figuring out how much is in it and simply asking for half as part of the agreement (I know the funds in that account is a combination of both of our money that was supposed to be going towards something else but he was keeping it instead).

    EDIT: We're in Virginia.

    submitted by /u/briefquestione
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    A man brandished his gun on my dog and I. (Virginia)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 06:23 PM PST

    Location: Arlington, Virginia

    Yesterday evening I was walking my dog (1 1/2 year old golden retriever) on leash in the road leading from the loading area to the parking lot of my apartment complex. My dog is in the grass on the right side of the road and I start to lead her to the other side and cross the road. As I go to cross, a man was directly behind me and we nearly run into each other. I was startled because I did not see the man approach behind me, and because there was no reason for him to be that close considering we were in an open, empty road that doesnt get used. My dog was also startled and barked at the man, but she immediately backed up. She showed no aggression other than that one bark (if that's even considered aggression). At this point the man lifted his shirt to reveal a pistol and places his hand on it and started yelling that he'll blow my dog's head off. I apologize for nearly bumping into him; however, he continues to yell and won't de-escalate. At this point I threaten to call the cops and he starts to physically back off, but becomes verbally defensive. He says he has a right to carry a gun and defend himself and that I'd only call the cops because he's black. He walked to his car and drove away. I got his license plate and went to the front desk to file a report with the apartment complex. They confirmed he is a resident and told me that I should file a police report. I have no proof or evidence that this took place because the security cameras do not cover this part of the parking lot. My question is: what should I do next and is what he did illegal? I fear that by filing a police report it will be my word against his, and could potentially put my safety in jeopardy since he is a resident as well.

    Thanks for your input.

    submitted by /u/throwaway7392110
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    I own a residential property in New Jersey (My parents house through whom I inherited) which had not had a tenant in over 2 years. It was pretty run-down but still I had it boarded up and locked down to keep out squatters.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 10:16 PM PST

    Then a week ago I got a call from a lawyer asking for the Homeowner. I said I was and he starts going on about reaching a settlement for an incident. Apparently his client had 'been' in the residence and made it halfway up the stairs for who knows what and tripped and fell. He had a neck injury and fractured arm and wants to reach a financial settlement from me to cover medical expenses. The lawyer said the stairway was in an unsafe condition for a rental property (which it was still logged as with the state) so I now have to pay up for something that seems to be not at all my fault. I went to investigate the property and found the back door's lock forced open. (Door opens inward, two planks nailed to the outside the trespasser would of had to duck through) And one of the lower steps of the stairs had been split down the middle. Definitely a natural split, not a clean cut with tools so as to make it look like the stair had given out. Additionally, the previous tenants as well as myself knew about this particular step as a squeaky one but never thought it might actually just break someday. What can I do in this situation? I know that if someone slips and falls on your section of the sidewalk they can sue you for not keeping the sidewalk clear but since this guy literally had to break into the house to get injured do I have a case to make?

    Edit 1: The trespasser has agreed to meet with me in his hospital room today with his lawyer present on the possibility of dropping the charges so wish me luck!

    Edit 2: Just got back from the hospital; things went really great. I finally met the guy (let's call him Tom) and we talked for a few minutes before his lawyer got there and once he did we made sure, as per our agreement, there were no recording devices. Then the lawyer brought out a list of questions and one of the first questions he asked was how long Tom had been a resident. I thought for a second and replied that the house was not currently occupied and in fact locked down. At this he stopped and looked at Tom (he was laying down in his hospital bed) and said "Can you excuse us for one second?" I went out in the hallway and immediately started cracking up. The lawyer had assumed this whole time that Tom was my tenant. I came back in. No more script. Now the lawyer said that we could reach an agreement to drop all charges (the original purpose of this meeting). I explained that the house was not insured and I was not terribly wealthy so there wasn't much to gain and Tom's lawyer said Tom didn't need another charge on his record. We reached this agreement- I go to the police and drop the breaking and entering charges and Tom's lawyer will no longer file the suit for the safety violation. Now at this point I knew from their behavior that I likely could win the case and keep the criminal charges but honestly for as bad as Tom was, I wanted to show some humanity. He was 18-19 and most likely had gone into my house to do drugs with his buddies or something to that effect and now he has mounding medical bills and no ability to work. All I had to lose was some money to fix the stairs and back door. I agreed to the terms and that was that.

    So problem solved! I don't think this happens so often on this sub so quickly but thank you for all you guys who showed your support and gave honest advice. Granted this is my first time using r/legaladvice so I'm sorry if I left some gaps in my narrative about everything leading up to today. Many of you were (rightfully) saying bring a lawyer to the meeting. I had intentionally left out bits of information gleaned from my conversion with the lawyer and conversations with Tom that I now see made the whole idea of a meeting unwise. I'm sorry. Even still a lawyer might have been useful to represent myself but as you know lawyers are not free and as we've seen here it is sometimes easier to solve a legal problem by not making it a legal problem. (Please take that with a heavy grain of salt, I would hate it if someone didn't use an attorney because of this post and ended up worse off) In any case I am headed back down New Jersey next weekend to install a new lock and fix the stair. I will also be getting insurance for the house as soon as I can, many of you pointed out problems like this and many others can be easily handled by handing it over to the insurance company. Thank you again for the advice!

    submitted by /u/Obese_Tostitos527
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    My Company Doesn't Pay Overtime

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 08:05 PM PST

    I work in Indiana at a chain business. The owner doesn't believe in paying overtime, and simply doesn't allow anyone to be paid more than their hourly rate (holiday pay doesn't exist either).

    From my understanding, Indiana law states that all employees must be paid overtime if the employer employs over 40 people. We have 70 at our one location alone.

    I want to make sure I'm right in the above paragraph, as well as ask for the best plan of action. The owner has plenty of other corrupt behavior I've found, and I'm looking to oust him from the business, NOT destroy the company.

    submitted by /u/CommunismPrism
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    My brother, 19, has been in a relationship with a girl, 16, who originally told him she was 18.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 09:54 AM PST

    Hi there,

    My brother has been dating a girl with whom he met at the restaurant where they both work (Los Angeles, CA). He is a server while he attends college and the girl is a hostess who told him she attends another nearby college in the area. His school is about 30 miles away so he only works weekend shifts. The girl worked weeknights and the occasional weekend day so they were not together at the restaurant too often - I'm guessing the staff didn't know.

    They have been dating about 6 months and from what he said, are sexually active. Last night at around 9 PM, the girl and her parents came over and let's just say shit hit the fan -- the girl was bawling her eyes out, her parents were extremely loud and threatening .. it was pure chaos.

    We found out the girl is only 16 years old and attends the local high school - she even had a fake ID that looked perfect to the naked eye. They threatened to press charges for Statutory Rape and we are terrified.

    I don't know what to do. Do we go to the police first? Or contact an attorney? If it helps, my brother has texts from her stating her age, and her facebook says her fake birthday.

    We are in a very bad situation and if anyone has any advice, I would be grateful. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/I_really_love_dogs_
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    Neighbor blocks shared road, claims other neighbors land, and generally creating a nuisance - [SC]

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 06:48 PM PST

    Writing on behalf of a relative in South Carolina and will try to keep this short.

    3 Neighbors live off of a main county road with relatively large properties. To get to all parts of their property, the original developer created a shared road between two of the neighbors that goes all the way back to the third neighbors land.

    This original developer did not do this via an easement but, rather, created a separate parcel of land that is "the access road" and deeded it to the 3 original owners of the land as co-owners. So, these 3 co-own a road.

    The far-back neighbor is now claiming that since he owns this shared road (1/3 ownership), he can stop the other two from using it. He is also claiming that "he owns 25 feet on either side of this shared property that they are using as a road."

    He began to enforce this by stating he is going to put a fence up 25 feet onto both neighbors land (from the middle of the land they are using as a road). He also took a trencher and trenched on the neighbors property to his "to help with water drainage from his property". He also cut down no trees but blackberry bushes on the property "so he could put up the fence".


    1 - In SC, adverse possession requires exclusive use of a land and since this is a shared road that all neighbors are using, theres no chance he now 'owns' this right?

    2 - I thought the '25 feet from center of a road' referred to public roads and it wasnt "so you could do whatever you wanted to someone elses land" but as a right-of-way for walking. Is that right? And does that even apply since this is a parceled thin property that they are just using as a private access road?

    3 - In my state, we could get a criminal trespass warning against a person to just call the police on them if they show back up. Is something similar possible in SC?

    4 - Is this a case where an action of quiet title from a lawyer would be needed?

    submitted by /u/Magamerican2020
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    Business Next Door Installed High Powered Lights That Shine and Blink into my Home

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 01:42 AM PST

    The day I went on a trip for the holidays a dog training center that moved in next door this past year, installed new super bright LED lights that shine into my house. We had emailed them immediately that we need to come to an arrangement where the lights are angled differently - they appear on a hinge.

    Then we were gone for the holidays. As soon as we walk in the house upon our return, we realize that they have another light installed and this one blinks.

    http://imgur.com/a/BXI6RmE (gif of the lights)

    I walked over to the business and asked if they could turn off the lights, as we just got home from a trip. The worker said that we must be tired, but she would call and see if she was allowed. We left. Lights remained on - as they are set to a timer.

    I have emailed the business asking for them to call me in the morning.

    My best case scenario is that they angle the lights differently so they don't shine in my house anymore. This is my optimistic, best case plan.

    What other options could I have, if polite discourse doesn't work?

    Edit: I'm in Texas

    Update 1: I sent three emails to the owner, one including the video shown above. They have a maintenance man who adjusting one of the three lights at 8am this morning. He angled the one blinking light downward slightly. I am curious how it will appear tonight.

    Update 2: http://imgur.com/a/KbSrd00 They installed hoods on 2 of the 3 lights. And adjusted the angle on the 1 blinking light. They are attempting quick progress. On the hooded/non-angeled light, I can still see the bulbs directly - so I am worried that isn't fixed. The third light, probably directly impacts me much less than my two other neighbors.

    submitted by /u/SilverWingsofMorning
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    Ex Boyfriend Continues to Haunt Me

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 05:19 PM PST

    I'm not 100% sure if here is the best place to post, but it's the best of what I could find.

    I (19,F) had been dating my ex boyfriend (24/25 M) for 2 years, while I lived in Florida. Things were going great until around April of 2019, where I decided to end things with him. He wasn't happy, but it was understandable.

    Fast forward about 3 or so months, after I moved to Minnesota and I get a message from him on Discord. When I ask to be left alone, he then proceeds to fly off the handle, dishing threats left and right. Most of them were to me, but some extended my former coworkers, my former room mate and my current boyfriend and room mate. I told him to stop messaging me, blocked him and told my boyfriend to do the same, as the messages extended to him as well. I then contact my ex boyfriend's mother to inform her of the situation.

    Radio silence happened after that until about September of 2019. My ex then proceeded to make another Discord account and message me and my boyfriend. More threats occur, adding more detail to them and now including threats to himself. I once again block him and move on.

    About 4 days ago, I received messages from several people, stating that someone here on Reddit had posted threats, and had a link to a twitter account. My twitter account. Those threats included finding my address and killing me. I'm not 100% what to do, not what exactly to say to police when my current boyfriend and I head to the station on Monday.

    What can I do, especially since he's not in the USA? He, as far as I'm aware, still lives in the Netherlands.

    EDIT 1: I found out about 30 minutes after I made the original post that my ex boyfriend does in fact, know my new address.

    submitted by /u/ster_shine
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    Got the charges for "friends" marijuana

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 01:30 PM PST

    Long story short, only medical marijuana is legal where I live. I made a poor decision and let friends smoke in my house. When we went out to get food, to my ill luck, the cops showed up while my brother was there. I was informed to go back home, my "friends" dropped me off on another street and drove off even though they left marijuana and bongs that all belonged to them in my living room. Because it was my house, I got three charges 1.) possession of schedule l, prohibited acts, and improper supervision because my brother was home. I have some social media posts that back up my claim that it was all theirs and the cops knew someone dropped me off and ran. I'm a good person, never gotten so much as a speeding ticket, not off into drugs, high gpa in college, work in a good field, involved in many on-campus leadership roles and clubs, I just made poor decisions and hung with the wrong crowd. By the grace of God I was not arrested and they are misdemeanors. My court date is in over a month, I know I plead no contest but should I get an attorney? and does anyone have a similar experience? I really don't need this on my record I have a lot planned for my future and I need to go to grad school, I just made bad choices.

    submitted by /u/GgabsG
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    My boyfriend has gone from a volunteer to an employee at an animal shelter, but...

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 12:37 PM PST

    I apologize for the awkward title, I wasn't sure how to begin this whole thing. This is my first post here, so please bear with me.

    We live in Michigan. My boyfriend has been volunteering at an animal shelter every Friday and Saturday morning for the past year or so. Recently, the owner offered him a position as an employee.

    She texted him his first schedule today, and told him she is only going to pay him for specific days, and expects him to keep volunteering on Fridays and Saturdays. I'm just wondering if this is legal.

    It seems to me that if he has been made an employee, that he should be paid for every hour he works there.

    Any advice or insight into how labor laws would apply to this situation would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ArinPoe
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    Legal entrapment: can’t get out of the lease

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 07:16 PM PST

    I am currently stuck in the strangest situation I have ever encountered. I have a one year lease with a colleague that is ending in February.

    The leasing office requires a 2 month notice. When I asked my roommate about renewing, she said no and that we should put in our notices. So I gave the office my notice and then later to my surprise the called me and said my roommate did not turn in her notice to vacate.

    So long story short the lease ends on the end of February anyways, and neither of us have asked to renew. She did give the office a verbal notice that she is moving out, but then chose to go MIA and not respond to emails/calls, letters.

    The office informs me that now the apt will go into month to month automatically and my notice to vacate has become invalid. I then spoke to my roommate and she said she doesn't mind going month to month and told me to vacate t the nd if the lease and she will take care of the lease on its own.

    But she will not talk to the leasing office and they need her to sign documents, and to financially qualify for the apt. So I honestly don't trust her.

    The office said that I will continue to be responsible financially for the rent until we both sign a vacate form.

    Now my question is, if my lease is already over is it possible that I would still be liable for the apartment?

    My roommate is a miserable person who got fired from her job. And is still able to make rent but I double she could afford the whole apartment on her own. Also I have a feeling in my guts that she is up to something sketchy.

    I read the lease (30+ pages long) and it is confusing. But it seems like we both need to give a written notice together and also vacate the apartment on time.

    How am I responsible for another adult? And o feel like she is livid on this power as she is losing every where else. I try to communicate and brought in all the forms required, and she would tell me I am confused and I should just leave at the end of the lease. I thought about calling her parents , but not sure what they would say.

    Could this be legal? Can I be stuck in a lease forever with this person as long as she never leaves?

    Also there are issues where it says we are not supposed to smoke in the apartment , while she does, can that be a valid reason? Or should I just move out at the end of the lease and let everything burn?

    Sorry for the long rant, but this seems like a very weird situation and I feel like the office is not being honest.

    Appreciate any advice you guys can give me.

    submitted by /u/chronicnerd
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    Was pulled over for speeding but the police vehicle was not properly marked (CA)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 10:36 PM PST

    I was pulled over for speeding but I noticed that the vehicle stopping me did not have properly marked tags nor did it have anything else that would let me know that it was a police authority besides blue and red police lights. Do I have some, if any; defense against this speeding ticket?

    submitted by /u/buweedo
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    My company was hacked

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 07:40 PM PST

    I marked Employment even though it may not be fitting.

    I run my company IT Department and the company servers and backups where hacked. We caught it with in hours and found out exactly what was targeted.

    I had to give a interview and statement with the C level and a company lawyer. I did not think much of it as though this was the first time this has happened while I worked there.

    After the meeting I was called into HR a few days later and told to hand in my ID badge and company property.

    The HR person caught me at the gas station about 10 minutes after I left. They told me that I should look into getting a lawyer. My question is should I really get a lawyer and if so what kind of lawyer ? Or is the HR person just thinking this is more serious than it is?

    Unfortunately I can't give a lot of information due to the nature of the post but the state is Kansas.

    submitted by /u/dkskshdismsb
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    If you purchase a cemetery plot for you and your two children, how is it possible for one sibling to end up having control of what happens to the other childs grave if you died and left no will?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 03:54 PM PST

    I'm sorry if this sounds confusing, I'll explain to you the best I can the reason why I ask. My mother in law suddenly died of a heart attack 4 years ago. She was survived by 2 children and her grandchildren. She had already put her home and land (that we have a home on also next door to hers) in my husbands name years ago because the other sibling told her if she left any of it to him he'd just bulldoze her home and build something there worth having. We searched, to no avail through all the documents in her home for a will when she passed. We never found any evidence to suggest she had a will. We found a key to a safe deposit box and both children had agreed to go together to see it's contents. But when something came up suddenly and my husband needed to reschedule the agreed time they'd go, the sibling went without him. Sibling claims there was nothing worth mentioning in the box, definitely no will. Siblings daughter is appointed administrator to settle her estate. All matters were agreed upon then settled and that was that we thought. MIL had purchased a cemetery plot for herself, her late husband, and both children over the years and the only thing about that whole situation is my husband wants to be cremated. Since he doesn't intend to use the plot he contacted the people with the cemetery to sell the plot back to them. It was bought for him, left in his name, but they proceeded to tell him the other sibling has to sign to allow him to sell it, citing that it was MIL last wishes that my husband be buried there. How would the sibling have control over what husband does with the plot if it belongs to my husband? And how could anyone be following her last wishes if there was no will to specify what those wishes were? Is it possible that we were lied to about the existence of the will and how do we go about finding out since it was another family member instead of an attorney that settled her estate? And if they lied about it/ hid it from us, Is it illegal for them to have done so? Thank you so much for your time everyone. I apologize, I originally forgot to mention that we live in Alabama.

    submitted by /u/MartinsAngelBabe
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    My children (5.5 and 2) are being molested by their father and my efforts to get legal help with this issue are failing. Please help. (Maine)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 05:33 PM PST

    Going to try to keep this short.

    As I said in the title, my children are being molested by their father. He has only 4 hours a week of unsupervised visitation time, as per our divorce agreement, with the reason being moderate autism and substance abuse disorder, and domestic violence assault against me. We broke up when the younger child was 8 months old because of him abusing our older daughter. She did clearly verbalize and describe the abuse in a forensic interview, but he taught her to call it "wiping", so her description was not able to be used to charge and arrest him. If this sounds familiar, it's because I have reached out for support on Reddit before, you can check my comment history on this account.

    His visitation started in May 2019 and all was fine for the summer. I talk with my daughter about safety and boundaries and this past few weeks I have also shown her "body safety" videos aimed towards kindergarteners, which she watched attentively and has talked about multiple times since.

    In November the nonverbal 2 year old came home from a visit with his foreskin visibly damaged. It was red and gaping open as if it had been retracted. He kept grabbing at himself and whining, clearly in pain. I discovered this moments before leaving for a family function and my father talked me out of taking him to the ER, which I now regret very much. The damage healed by morning — it was not severe, no blood or anything. That night my daughter woke up screaming incoherently and when I finally calmed her down she told me she had a dream about running away from a game she didn't want to play, but adamantly refused to describe the dream.

    I called the child abuse hotline and reported this event. They took down the report, but called back to say it wasn't enough to do anything about, which I already knew was going to happen.

    Last month, December, I told my daughter I was going to tuck her shirt in and she replied "okay, but don't touch me down there". Finding this highly suspicious, I asked her "has anyone been touching you down there?" and she responded "Yes, but the person said they didn't do it, so I don't remember who it was."

    They're both severely regressing on potty training. My daughter has started coming home from school in changed clothes 2-4 times a week due to urine accidents, and twice now has also had poop accidents. My son peed himself four times today, twice while out with his father and twice since coming home, and also pooped on the bathroom floor, which is just completely unlike him — he potty trained himself way back in April and almost never has any accidents. He's also become completely terrified of having his butt wiped after pooping, screaming, trying to run away, and hitting me.

    A quick google search tells me such accidents are linked to pelvic floor dysfunction from sexual abuse. The study also indicated that visible trauma to the child's genitals is rare, "an exception not the rule". This is very disappointing to me because back in 2018 when I was working with child sexual assault professionals they tried to convince me it was very unlikely anything is happening because my daughter did not have significant trauma to her genitals. Because of things she has said and done, I'm confident she was abused, and now my son is being abused too, and despite my best efforts the verbal child won't talk about what's happening.

    I have been repeatedly advised by legal professionals that the absolute only way to move forward with charging him is for my daughter to speak clearly and "with explicit language" about what is happening. I've also been advised that I cannot teach her that language or coach her on what to say (and I have strictly followed that rule all along). The detective that handled the case in 2018 told me to wait until she is in sex ed in school and she will probably provide useable information then. This is completely unacceptable to me. I cannot keep living knowing I am delivering my children to be molested by a monster.

    As far as I can tell from googling laws my state (Maine) does not allow me to send them bugged with a camera or mic and have the footage be usable in any way. I have also been unable to find any sort of camera/mic that would be useful in our situation — it needs to be able to be inconspicuously worn on the 5.5 year old.

    submitted by /u/jstcsysthrowaway
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    Employment Status in question

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 08:20 PM PST

    I work in a retail store that is part of a large (failing) company. I called off once to go to the doctors due to a severe infection that was affecting my ability to carry out daily activities and I needed antibiotics for it immediately. When I called off, it was 6+ hours before my shift. The store manager told me any doctors note had no relevance and that I needed to take a few days and consider my options because I was no longer a good fit for the company. I immediately called corporate HR, who directed me to "field HR" who told me my job was safe, I would not be fired or retaliated against & that I just need my doctor to fax a note that they saw me to them for the call off. Okay great! (This is December 17th), I go back to work, then I have a few days off (I'm a part time manager). I was about to leave my house for my next shift the Thursday before Christmas and my district manager told me not to go to work because I was put on a medical suspension and leave of absence December 17th and never notified. He also said that I was sent paperwork to give to the doctor to fill out on the 17th. This is inaccurate. I received that paperwork in an email on the 24th. I immediately went and got my "back to work" physical after Christmas and that paperwork was sent to HR giving me a doctor's release to go back to work. It is now January. No one is telling me if they got the paperwork, no one is responding to my calls or emails, and store level leadership is "unsure" if I am still employed.

    Now when I got hired I disclosed my mental health disability to them but once again the store leadership refused to take documentation, he just punched it into the computer.

    This situation has esclated the negative effects of my anxiety disorder and bipolar disorder due to the enormous amount of stress I am under.

    I have lost wages for what they are calling a leave of absence that I never needed or requested.

    I am at my wit's end. I do not know what to do. I know PA is a "right to work" state but this whole thing doesn't sit right with me. Maybe it's just unethical but I'm curious if I can take legal action.

    submitted by /u/jazzshabamm
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