• Breaking News

    Wednesday, September 30, 2020

    Legal Advice - Update! My old landlord tried to charge me $2500 for a negative review.....

    Legal Advice - Update! My old landlord tried to charge me $2500 for a negative review.....

    Update! My old landlord tried to charge me $2500 for a negative review.....

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    I legit don't know how to link to my old post.

    My old landlord threatened told me he was charging me $2500 for a negative review. Due to my post here, I told him about the Consumer Review Fairness Act. He hasn't mentioned it again, but now he actually charged me for recarpeting the entire duplex.

    Let me rewind - I moved out and clean the place top to bottom and recorded an hours worth of videos of me running my fingers over every crevice to show there wasn't even dust left behind after my intense cleaning.

    When I moved in, I had a move in documentation that said that the place smells bad, like pets and I wouldn't be held responsible for the odor when I left because I moved in with pets. The landlord acknowledged the carpet smell and said it was from past tenants.

    He emailed me after move out and said "thank you for leaving the place move-in ready" and gave me the carpet cleaning bill (which I anticipated because it was in the lease.)

    Now because I thwarted his attempt at trying to remove the negative review he came back and said the carpet is completely ruined and the house smells like pets and I have to replace the entire houses carpet.

    I'm taking him to court over this because he charged me for the whole process and didn't show a bill either, just said it was going to cost an estimated amount of $$$ and charged that.

    My question: while I'm in court can I mention that I feel like this is because of all this drama (what I wrote about with the review)?

    Or because the lease has the $2500 legal claim clause that is "illegal" can I say the whole lease is invalid?

    Edit: I live in Utah!

    submitted by /u/lebecky11
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    (NC) State Trooper gave me tickets when I was pulled on side of road.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    TL;DR: Phone died so I had to pulled over on an exit to find my charger. After 10 minutes of being stationary and just waiting, a pissed off state trooper pulls up behind me with his lights off and tells me to give him my license and registration or go to jail. Did and he gave me 2 tickets: 1 for doing 71 mph in a 55 and another for expired tags even though my tags have been renewed for over a month now.

    Longer version: My girlfriend and I we're driving down highway 58 going towards the beach; this highway is WELL known for giving speeding tickets but also parts of it has very bad cell reception. It was around 3PM and and my phone died. I wasn't speeding and nobody passed us for about 10 minutes or so. We pulled off of the Highway and get my charger out of the back and sat there for about 5 minutes. We then see a highway patrol go flying by and we didn't think much of it. About 5 minutes later he come by us again and just looks at us for about 30 seconds then does a U-turn behind us with his lights off. We just thought he was checking on us. He wasn't...

    As soon as he got too my window, the conversation went like this:

    T: license and registration.

    Me: For what?

    T: Don't play stupid, you know exactly why I'm here!

    Me: actually I don't.

    T: Alright, this is how this is going to go, either give me you license or you're going to jail!

    (shocked: I handed him license and the registration to my GF's car, still not knowing whats going on)

    He then literally jogged back to the squad car and came back in literally 1 minute.

    T: here is your ticket for doing 71 in a 55 and here is your second ticket for expired registration. Court date is Oct. 11th (The day this took place was Sept. 27)

    Me: What are you talking about, I've been siting her for over 10 minutes AND this car is up to date!

    T: (as he is walking away) Not my problem, take it took court.

    So I am pissed off some kind of bad right now for literally just siting on the side of the road, with my engine off, just waiting to get my phone back on for some power hungry trooper to give me not one but TWO BS tickets. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/tealson
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    Can my school legally do this?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    My school locks all the bathrooms. A couple years ago, there was a few kids who were vaping in the bathrooms, so they decided to keep all but one of them locked. Now, the vice principal sits in front of the bathroom all day, to make sure kids don't vape. A lot of the time, this bathroom is also locked. I remember that it was closed for almost a month last year and there was no bathrooms for kids to use. It's gotten to the point where most kids, including myself, dehydrate themselves because we have to worry if bathrooms are going to be available during the day. I'm in Massachusetts.

    submitted by /u/ta71439082
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    Company purposely bricking electronic device

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    Location: Canada

    My first post here, I was wondering if what's going on is legal and if I can do something. I purchased an electronic robot for 400 dollars. The original company went out of business, and was bought by another. Now, Robot required servers for some features to function, specifically any time he reaches out to the internet. It costs money to run the servers, so it makes sense that once a company goes out of business I lose that functionality.

    Now another company bought what was left of robot and other assets. They have decided to instead do a subscription model of 4$ a month or 70 a year for new features and updates for robot, as well as that server support for all internet reliant commands.

    Here's the problem, the new company has decided to release an update to all devices that cannot be opted out of. This update bricks Robot, not just his internet reliant functions, but all software on the device, including stuff that runs locally on the machine and has nothing to do with the new company.

    So now I have a choice, join their new subscription model (the features provided are garbage) or throw out robot, because as of 5 pm today he will respond to every command with prompt to purchase the subscription. How is this fair? I paid for robot, I should get to use the software on his device that is not reliant on any other service??? It's like you bought a car and Honda disables your windshield wipers since you didn't pay the Honda subscription, except they only told you about that after you bought and drove it for a year.

    Is this legal? Can I do anything to stop it?

    submitted by /u/ben3140
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    My friend is going through abuse at home and I would appreciate any advice for CPS and other things that is important to know about.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    My friend is going through what me and my other close friend believe is child abuse. We live in Arkansas in the US and I don't know too much about cps laws for here as I just moved a year ago. We're also all 14 and the one I'm talking about is female. She has been going through these sorts of things for most of her life. Onto what my friend has told me. This is a list of events that I screenshot from our conversations.

    -being beaten by her brother and father -being told she should die from her brother -forced to do all chores in the house with no breaks -her brother saying "if she loved him, she would put herself up for adoption" -blame her for things that happened when she wasn't even there -yelling at her when she tries to defend herself -her father dragging her across the living room leaving bruises on her arms -her father threatening to hurt her repeatedly and yells "do you want me to beat you!?" -being forced to cook for her family while then not being allowed to eat -her brother and his friend asking why she never does anything for them when she cooks for them, cleans up after them, plays with them whenever they want her too, let them beat her up, etc. -when they went hiking, her brother and mom gave her no water when she forgot hers -her brother saying "no one wants you" -her brother constantly yelling at her that she's worthless, stupid, shouldn't be alive, to leave him alone

    There is absolutely more that can go here but this is all I can find from a quick look at he the screenshots. If you want to know more about stuff, ask me in the comments. I don't really know what all the ask about but I already plan about calling cps on her parents and family. What all should I tell cps, all of the things I remember? Should I share the screenshots with them from my friend? If I call cps, what would most likely happen to my friend? Would she be sent to live with family or put into foster care? If she was in foster, could my family adopt her? Would CPS go to their house and force their way in or would they talk to the parents? I think my friend has a few photos of bruises so would that be useful? Please answer any of the questions and if you don't, thank you for at least reading my post. I'm sorry if the formatting is bad as I'm on mobile. I appreciate any answers as I'm really worried about my friend and I want her safe and out of her family.

    submitted by /u/moellere
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    Can someone force me into sublease?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    (NC) So I had exchanged texts with a current tenant who put their place up on Marketplace. I told her the price and month is fine looked good and paid a deposit and signed a transfer release form which had at the top that the transfer is not valid until the landlord signs it. I go to the apartment take the keys from the girl and am appalled at the apartment and the fact that they never sent me a lease. I call the leasing office the very next day and told them to not sign the transfer form because I'd like to review the lease. They emailed telling both the tenant and I that they won't sign the release until I've reviewed and decided to proceed. I decided not to proceed and the leasing office emailed saying they effectively revoked the application. The tenant calls me screaming and said she had bought another place and that she was relying on me and that she is now paying two rents. She then said that she is going to sue me. I am not a leaseholder— does she have a claim?

    submitted by /u/monkey_bread9494
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    (California) HOA trying to regulate non-HOA properties

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    I live on a body of water in California that has two shores, one of which has a required HOA and the other side is older and does not have any HOA.

    The HOA side recently published dock requirements for the non-HOA side that limit what can be built. The HOA side body of water is owned by the city and HOA, while the non-HOA properties own the area of water where a dock would be constructed. The HOA has some responsibility to maintain the body of water (testing, dredging, etc), but does not maintain the non-HOA side.

    Recently, that HOA unveiled a set of requirements for building docks on the non-HOA side. The city is pretty uninformed and seems to think those requirements should be applied, but they are not actually part of the building code. Not intentional, I just don't think they know the difference between the HOA area and non-HOA area or who owns what.

    Can anyone comment about the ability of a HOA to regulate adjacent properties? Also curious if anyone has suggestions for working with the city regarding the de-facto application of the HOA guidelines outside the HOA area.

    submitted by /u/dmx007
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    [CO] Ex-husband ordered by court to either stop increasing balance of joint card or remove my name, neither has happened in over a year and it's killing my credit score

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 05:02 PM PDT

    r/personalfinance said I should post this here:

    This is a bit of a confusing situation, for me at least, so I'll try my best to be succinct and give as much info as I can. Main question and tl;dr at the end.

    My divorce was financially messy. My ex-husband firmly believed in what he called "leveraging debt," but was really just using obscene amounts of credit to pay for every material whim. When we divorced, we had zero assets to split and a metric f-ton of credit card debt. I ended up with $40k in cc debt and my personal student loan with $3k left on it. He makes over four times as much income as I do, and ended up with $45k in cc debt and his personal student loans of $95k (on top of child support and alimony). The divorce was final in July 2019.

    Part of the settlement was that he must either ensure the balance of a joint card does not increase or remove my name from the card, because the balance was killing my already abysmal credit score. The card is a Business Ink card for a business he may or may not still own - the business was used primarily as a means of tax write offs, I found out during the divorce.

    Where I stand now: I've paid off over half of my credit card debt and remaining student loan balance. I have $18k on cards and $1.5k on my loan (not paying it off early; my interest rate and monthly payments are stupid low). I don't use my credit cards at all for any reason - everything comes out of my checking account; I pinch pennies like mad (which is hard with two teenagers and a soon-to-be-tween).

    I got an alert recently from Credit Karma that one of the credit accounts on my report is overdrawn. It's the Business Ink card. It turns out, my ex has only been paying the minimum payments on the card, which means every time interest charges hit, the balance goes over the limit. I'm not sure if he's still actively spending on the card or not, I don't have access to any account details, including the full account number, though I think I could get that through one of the three bureaus, and the bank that holds the debt won't talk to me without him present (I have a permanent restraining order, so that's not possible). Having this one card with over 100% utilization is killing my credit score and my plans to buy a house in the near future.


    Since the court ordered him to either not increase the balance or remove my name, and he hasn't done either in over a year, can I dispute its presence on my report and have them remove my name from it that way?

    TL;DR: My ex hasn't complete court-ordered removal of my name on a card, the balance of which is destroying my credit; how do I fix it?

    submitted by /u/adolescentchimpanzee
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    CPS QUESTION: Is there a need for calling CPS about my friend’s children’s living arrangements? (AZ)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    My friend and her roommate/baby daddy just got into an argument which spilled onto Facebook, where the roommate/baby daddy just posted a video of their filthy living situation.

    They have one child together, and she has a child from a previous marriage. I recently found that both children are sleeping in the filthy trash filled living room on the floor in a toddler pop up tent together. The older child is maybe 10 and the younger is around 3 or so I think.

    Thanks to the video posted, I can see that it's a very small "schoolbus" pop up tent for small toddlers. It's on the floor surrounded by various trash and laundry. I was told I should call CPS regarding this situation.

    While I believe that it's a disgusting and unfair situation for the children, does it warrant a call to CPS? I don't want to call if they're going to shrug it off.

    submitted by /u/Express_Excitement_8
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    My ex gf refuses to reclaim her items from my home. What are my options? (Alabama, & no she not a relative lol)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 08:53 PM PDT

    About a week ago I ended a moderately long relationship with my (then) gf. She refuses to get her stuff from my house & is holding certain items of mine hostage as well. One of these items being an access key to my property.

    She never received mail here & did not contribute to utility bills, nor did she pay any rent. 1.How long do I have to legally keep her stuff? 2.Do her possessions HAVE to be stored on my property until she claims it or can I place the items in a secure storage unit? 3.What can I legally do to reclaim my possessions?

    Thanks in advance for any credible advice!

    submitted by /u/Gtormund51
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    Tenants ghosted me after signing a lease... Do I have to evict people who never moved in? (NC)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    I own a condo in a vacation destination, and I rent it out on AirBnb. Last winter a very nice couple rented it for about a month. They approached me when they were leaving and asked if I would rent it to them for the entirety of the next winter (October to end of March). They were good tenants and took great care of the place so I agreed. I wrote up a very basic lease and we both signed it and they went on their merry way. This was in February.

    I texted with the lady sporadically until mid-June, when I stopped getting any texts from her. And I have never heard from them since.

    (We signed the lease pre-COVID so my guess is that their plans got changed like everybody else's. And they either lost access to the phone or are worried I might take them to court or something for breaking the lease. Which I wouldn't.)

    Since the beginning of September I've been texting them asking what their plans for moving in are. Never gotten a reply. Obviously they are supposed to move in tomorrow. I got the place all ready just in case they show up but I did change the lock code on the door from what it was last year so they can't get in without contacting me. I don't want to let them in the door without getting paid (first and last month's rent, as laid out in the lease). Am I legally in the right to deny them access until I get paid if they have a signed lease in hand?

    If they don't show up (and I feel this is more likely), when am I legally in the clear to relist the condo for rent? There's nothing in the lease about abandonment. We signed a lease but they have never moved in and I have never received rent -- are they legally "tenants" along with everything that entails? Do I need to go through an eviction process for my ghosts?

    submitted by /u/doctor_trucks
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    Doctor won't provide itemized bill with medical codes because I am a self-paying patient

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 11:40 AM PDT


    I live in Georgia. 19y/o

    I am a self-pay patient but need to send my itemized bill to my "pool" insurance company. I am not sure what the technical term for it, or why my family opted to do it. I have to send the itemized bill with the medical codes in order to be reimbursed (takes a year+)

    This has not been an issue at other offices, they were all able to do it with a push.

    However, this doctor's office says that they cannot provide me the medical codes and my itemized bill because I am a self-paying patient. It says it does not show up in their system. (I recorded this conversation)

    Everything doctors do must have a medical code, from what I understand. I had a biopsy and two consultations with the doctor.

    I would like some advice on how to get my itemized bill.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/crazra
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    State removed a tree from our property with no notice

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    Friday morning we woke up to a crew removing a tree from our property. They told us the work order came from MN Dept of Transportation but that was all they knew. This tree was MASSIVE. Easily 25 feet around and probably 90 feet tall. It was a cottonwood that had some rot, but an arborist said in 2019 that it posed no immediate danger. Part of the trunk was growing on city land but the bulk of the tree was in our yard. Cursory research tells me that at the least, we are co-owners of the tree and any decisions regarding removal should have involved us.

    I've been trying to get some answers but have not had any luck so far. At the very minimum, we want them to grind the stump out, but I would like to know why they took it down, what authority the DoT had to do so, and why we weren't notified or consulted. Any advice would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/mellycro
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    Younger brother stole my identity to joyride in expensive rental cars while picking up some speeding tickets along the way....

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    Location: U.S, NJ - Tickets in NY

    My brother(18) recently moved in with me(26) after being troublesome at home. My parents felt that he would be better off under my tutelage. He has a history of getting into trouble, and doing stupid things many 18-year old's do, but boy has this move come to bite me in the ass....

    It all started 3 weeks ago..... I had a fraudulent charge on my card for $500 for a rental car. I received a text about the charge, and immediately reported it as fraudulent. I called within 5 minutes of the charge. I was told by the agent that the card was physically swiped but it's a card I keep in a spare wallet at home, that I only use for online purchases. They asked if I anyone had access to my apartment, and I said no, considering that I lived alone for the past 5 years, and forgot my brother just moved in a week ago. I was refunded the full amount. Questioned my brother, and of course he said no.

    "Coincidentally" I "misplaced" my license a dew days before.

    Fast forward to a few hours ago, my brother asks me to come pick him up as he's been pulled over by the police, and will go to jail if I don't come. I'm confused because:

    1. He's unlicensed.
    2. He doesn't have a car, or access to one(so I thought).
    3. He told me he was taking the bus home from work.

    He tells me that he was borrowing a friend's rental car. I don't ask too many questions. I just drive to the scene where he's surrounded by about 5 squad cars. The officer's ask me to produce a license, and ask why I didn't come with a second driver to pickup my rental. I told them I know nothing about a rental. My brother said it's his friends rental and they can impound it for all I care...The officer's inform me that not only did my brother say that his name was mine, but that the rental car was in my name, hence the fraudulent charge 3 weeks ago. It all clicked with me, and I told them about the fraudulent charge and confirmed the name of the car rental company. The sergeant was furious and said he was looking at felony charges. They said they would do us a favor, and ask that I take my brother home, and eat the car rental charges, or pass them on to him as punishment because if he were to be charged it would ruin his life. They then proceeded to impound the car.

    I drive him to my parent's house and we start questioning him and searching his belongings. I found two traffic tickets, which were written in my name, one for speeding 3 hours out of town, doing 110 MPH in a 65..... The car was also towed for parking violations, and paid for by him, in my name. This is what I found in his bag, and I'm not sure if there are any more. We also find the rental agreement which was only for one day of use, and it's now been a total of 3 weeks without another payment being made. I'm not sure if the car was reported as stolen, and the original charge was refunded.

    He personally has tickets for "Driving without a license" and "reckless driving" from when he was caught today. All other tickets are in my name.

    Tl;dr: Brother stole my license, and credit card, and rented a car in my name which he drove for 17 days while amassing several tickets using my identity.


    • Can I legally get off from those tickets he received in my name ? How?
      • Can I, without felony charges being pressed against him for fraud/id theft?
    • How do I handle the situation with the car rental company?
      • Do I go get their car from the pound and return it or will they pick it up themselves?
      • Is the car considered stolen? Its been due for 3 weeks.
      • Am I liable for the charges(He will pay.)?
      • Do I need to contact my credit card company?
    • What's my best possible way of handling this without him serving extended or any prison time? I am not against a year or two, but beyond that and my mother would hate me forever....
    • Do I need a lawyer?


    • I have access to his phone, where I found the car rental agreement as well as emails pretending to be me, asking the car rental company to switch cards, due to "my" card being reported for fraud.
    • I have access to messages between his friends about the car rental, videos of them joyriding, and how he needs to return my license, and card before I notice. All backed up.
    • I was nowhere near the locations where he received tickets that I know about, family, and "google tracking are my alibi.
    • Tickets received in my name, show that he showed a photo license, my license was found in his bag. I assume he couldn't find it when pulled over today, and so he got caught.
    • He is cooperative, and offering up information. He would agree to admit to his faults.
    • There is some resemblance, but it's clear that we are totally different people.


    Called the car rental company, and they said they're opening an investigation with their security and fraud department. They said a letter of demand has went out, and they are attempting to go and locate their vehicle.

    Edit 2: All, I have come to my senses and will be defending myself and making sure he faces justice through the legal system. Your comments as well as evidence found in his phone suggesting that he committed fraud against all those that are closest to him(At least 10 people, with 7 relatives), only confirms that I need to let the legal system handle this. I was very emotional when posting this but I now understand that I need to protect myself and the rest of my family before this person I used to call a brother. Thanks again.

    submitted by /u/M0_OM
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    [TN] What is my liability if a kid falls on my steep driveway?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    I have kids who are constantly riding on my steep driveway, I have repeatedly asked them to not ride on it. My driveway is steep, it acts as a nice hill for them to get speed on when playing on their bikes, scooters, or skateboards. If one of these kids falls on my driveway or in my yard, what kind of liability am I looking at?

    Some steps I have taken up to this point: I have told them multiple times to not ride in my driveway

    I have a camera and have told them via camera to not ride on my property/set off the alarm.

    My next steps are to talk to the parents and put up a no trespassing sign.

    A fence/gate isn't feesible in my case unfortunately, I have an extremely wide entrance to my property.


    submitted by /u/PowerSRE
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    I got a Tribal 184 loan for my house, new escrow company is charging me PMI as if I have a FHA loan which is a lot more than 184 MI. How should I correct issue?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    The house is in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

    Ok, so I am Cherokee and my house was built in 2017 within Tribal territory, therefore I qualified for a 184 Tribal Loan opposed to a FHA loan.

    One of the benefits with the 184 Tribal loan vs the FHA is I don't have to pay traditional PMI, but I have 184 MI and those payment amounts were specified every month in my amortization schedule and are supposed to be paid by the escrow company.

    For some reason my escrow company changes, this is the third time my loan has been moved and I don't request these changes, just get a letter in the mail and I have to create an account with the new company to autopay my payments. We have never been late on a payment or underpaid, I'm not sure why it keeps changing.

    So now we have a new company and they sent us the annual escrow review showing we have a shortage to our escrow account and will either need to make a lump sum payment to make up for it or have the shortage broken up over the next 12 payments.

    They have two tables, an account projection and the actual activity.

    In the account projection it has it set up all for 184 loan and 184 MI and it matches out amortization schedule, in the actual activity it only shows FHA and regular PMI, and the shortage is the difference between PMI and 184 MI.

    I have called the company several times pointing out this mistake, and they keep telling me it is correct and that I should have paid PMI per an FHA loan. I have my original documents from my loan, and in the corner it has "loan type" and FHA is NOT CHECKED and 184 is checked.

    They won't correct my account and say I am responsible for the shortage.

    Who should I contact at this point? A lawyer? Or some sort of government branch that oversees housing loans?

    I'm really at a loss and am so frustrated with this company insisting I have an FHA loan.

    submitted by /u/Juvenile_Bigfoot
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    My brother got a $500 amazon gift card, put it on his account, and his account got closed for "suspicious activity."

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    As it says in the title, my brother's account got closed for suspicious activity after he put $500 into the account. He gave the receipt to our mom because it had a $5 off coupon for a large pizza before the account got closed, she threw it away and now he is out $500 and his amazon account is closed. He contacted support, and their manager and they said "they would get back to him within 48 hours." They did not get back to him. We live in AK

    submitted by /u/No_Ingenuity4879
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    Can a landlord keep my security deposit if I never signed a lease?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    Background: This last week I've been talking to somebody about leasing a place. I sent my application, everything went through, got approved. I told my boss and he pulled me aside and told me that there's a possibility my job is closing down to covid again. I wouldn't be able to pay the rent just on unemployment so I profusely apologized to the property company and told them the truth. They said they appreciated me letting them know but the security deposit is nonrefundable.

    I had already paid the security deposit which was originally 600 but was raised to 900 for unknown reasons through a website called paylease.com. I signed no lease, they emailed it to me to sign, but again never signed anything. I live in Tennessee. Please help, I can't afford to just give away 900 dollars, thank you.

    submitted by /u/throwaway-legal3892
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    New owner wants to raise rent

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 10:33 PM PDT

    I live in California. I rent a mobile home in a park owned by the park. I have lived there six years. Last week the landlord sold the park. The new owners gave us a bill for rent today. The rent I have been paying is 795.00. The new owners wants 975.00 tomorrow. Can they increase the rent with no notice? We do rent month to month.

    submitted by /u/sfl-corgi
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    Can a dealership get away with this?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 10:23 PM PDT

    Location: United States, Arlington, Texas

    I went to a used car dealership on 8/22/20 and purchased a 2007 Honda Pilot. The A/C unit sounded like it was dying and the check engine light was on. The dealership had me sign a "service due bill" that states, "Client must present this due bill to obtain service or parts ordered". The dealership informed me that I must tell a sales-representative the mechanical issues I noticed before the date of purchase so that they can fix them. Before and after the time of purchase my sales representative mentioned that I have a 14-day warranty with them and any mechanical issues that I noticed within the 14-day period they would fix.

    This amounted to a $400 down payment, $225 every two weeks, and $11,000 owed. That same day I took the car to a parts retailer to get the check engine light diagnosed. It was diagnosed as a misfire in all 6 cylinders. On 8/24 I called and dropped off my car at the dealership where they took it to the mechanic they are contracted with. It took 2 days to receive my car. The sparks plugs and the A/C unit was replaced.

    On 8/28 I took the car to get checked by a mechanic and his diagnosis provided the following:

    1. Rear shock absorbers needed to be replaced.
    2. New brakes pads were put on at some point, but it was not beveled or lubed as needed.
    3. There was a minor leak in the Oil pan gasket.
    4. The door lock actuator was inoperable.

    On 8/30 the car's check engine light turned on again and it was diagnosed with the same issue again; misfire in all 6 cylinders. On 8/31 I call the sales representative about the check engine light and the previously mentioned issues. He tells me that he can only fix the oil pan gasket leak. When I inquired why only the gasket leak, he tells me everything else was not on the "service due bill". When I mentioned neither was the gasket and that refusing to fix it violates the spoken agreement at the point of the sale he became rude. When I inquired where in my documentation it listed the 14-day warranty, he told me it was on a paper that he had on his end, but I found that I didn't have on mine. When I asked if he could give me a copy he said he could not and I would have to call corporate.

    I called corporate and filed a complaint while telling them of the problems I've been still having with the dealership and the car, and that I don't trust the mechanic that it was taken to before. I was reassured that the car would be taken to a different one. I get a call from the dealership to drop off the car. I drop my car off on 8/31 at the dealership. My car was not ready until 9/7. They took it to a different mechanic that fixed the problems listed above. The previous mechanic replaced the coil, crank seal, and the oil pan gasket. I get my car back and all is well until it's not.

    On 9/13 the check engine light comes back on. I go back to the parts retailer and it's for the same issue; misfire in all 6 cylinders! I contacted corporate and the dealership. I dropped off my car on 9/19. My car was not ready until 9/25. They replaced the timing belt, valve XL, serpentine belt, and the variable timing oil control.

    On 9/30, on my way home from work I notice that the wheel gets tight and no longer wants to turn. I look at my dash and notice that the battery light is on. I make my way to the parts retailer to get the battery checked and almost got into 3 accidents along the way. The worker there notices that there is no bolt in the tensioner or the idler pulley and the belt is completely gone! He mentioned that the car was dangerous to drive in this condition. I turned off the car, and afterward, it no longer starts. I called the dealership and spoke to the supervisor before they closed to let him know of the situation. They had me call the tow services that they are contracted with. They offered to give me a loaner car like they did the previous two times, but when I informed him that I have no way to get to the dealership to pick up the car he offered no solution.

    I asked if I can hitch a ride with the tow truck to the dealership and if someone can wait for me to give me the loaner, he refuses. When I asked them to pay me for an uber home and to the dealership in the morning, he refuses. He says I will need to get a ride myself. I informed the supervisor that I did not feel comfortable with the car going to the same mechanic due to their obvious negligence and that I fear for my safety, but he refuses to take it elsewhere because he already "paid" this mechanic to fix the issue before so they have to honor it.

    As it stands I don't know when I will get my car back or if I can even trust driving this car anymore because of the mechanic that has failed to fix it 4 times. I want to seek legal action for negligence and endangerment against the dealership and mechanic shop, but I am not sure if I have a case or what else I could pursue them for.

    submitted by /u/No_glove_no_love_
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    [CA] REAL ESTATE: Buying House but issue with title. Should I walk away?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    My wife and i are purchasing our first home in the Los Angeles area and were told when our offer was accepted that there was an issue with the legal description on the title that they were clearing up and it could delay closing, but they would be clearing the title. We were told the issue was handled, but a few days from closing we got notice that the issue was still there and the LA Tax assessor would not accept a new deed until the old deed was fixed. Here is what we know:

    • The lot has a 25' section at the back that is excluded from the property on deeds up to 2007. It is listed as a separate plot on the Assessor proper portal
    • When he current owner family bought the property in 2007, somehow this exclusion was left off the title.
    • The home has changed hands within the family 4 times since the original purchase (Original owner, trust, children, etc)
    • The sellers have not been able to track down the original 2007 sellers
    • The sellers title insuror has denied their claim to have this fixed.
    • Our title agent won't insure the title until the title is cleared or the sellers sign an indemnity and we close on a house without a clear title.

    We are trying to figure out how big of a headache we are looking at. We could get a significant price reduction on the house if we close, but I want to know how much pain i am buying. Is this something I can expect to be fixed with a few legal billing hours? Or is this the kind of thing that could still make it difficult to sell the home 10 years from now?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/DangerInTheMiddle
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    Dad is wanting all “his property” back, received letter from a lawyer(AR)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    The whole story is in my post history, but TLDR Dad wanted to evict me, he can't, now he wants all "his property" back, now I have received a letter from a lawyer. I received this letter from a lawyer, it was through certified mail:

    "Dear OP,

    I represent your dad. He has asked me to write you regarding his personal property he left at the residence.

    He indicated that while you said that you would let him get his items from the residence, you indicated you would 'throw them out in the drive'. Obviously he does not want his property damaged or destroyed, and he would prefer to avoid any fighting or hostility.

    I have enclosed a two page list of pieces of furniture, appliances, and other items he will retrieve from the residence on October 14 at 10 am. He will arrange for a 'civil standby' by the local Police Department. He has already spoken with them.

    It is not necessary that you be in attendance. He would prefer that you not be there to avoid hostilities. He will not remove anything from the residence that is not on the list, and he will ask the police officer to verify such.

    Please be advised that damage to or destruction of another's property is a criminal offense, and if such occurs, he will take appropriate action.

    If there is a dispute over ownership of any item on the list, please immediately respond in writing. Sincerely, Some Lawyer."

    Now first off, I never said I would throw his stuff out in the drive. My exact words via text were: "Just let me know when is good for you and I can have it all waiting in the drive way for you." I never acted like I was going to damage anything.

    Second, I have been under the honest impression these things were my property. I have even said to my dad "are you sure you want me to take this? What if the cat messes it up?" (Like scratches a piece of furniture) He repeatedly said he was giving me these things and that if I didn't take them he would have to throw them out or give them away because he didn't have the space to store all of the furniture he ended up with.

    There's damage to the door over the ice maker in the freezer, one of the prongs in the bottom rack of the dishwasher broke, one dresser has cat scratches on the back of it, and I gave away a twin bed and frame to a friend. He also listed a hedge trimmer that we don't have (we bought one ourselves and I have proof of purchase).

    Also, my dad has already threatened my SO via text: "The nerve of that little bastard saying (personal thing that happened to me). If I were there there would not be anything left of them."

    So with all that out of the way, what should I do? Do I need to hire a lawyer since some of the things are damaged or gone? Can he sue me? Do I have to let my dad in the house when he's threatened my SO? Do I have to let people in my house at all since there's a pandemic going on and who knows how many people he'll bring to help him move?

    Nothing in the letter shows any proofs of purchase or anything like that, it's just the text I posted and then a two page list of the stuff my dad wants back. It is from a real law firm and has their info in the header.

    Thanks, sorry if this is long and hopefully it'll be the last time I post about this.

    submitted by /u/56_throwaway
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    15 year old daughter wants to live with me

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    Long story short, her mom berates her constantly and is mentally abusive, not physically. Been going in for a little while. She wants to live with me (dad). Now my kid is no angel, but she's hardly bad. Doesn't deserve the abuse. We were never married, and I've paid child support since day 1. Me and her mom have always had a decent relationship, but I'm afraid it's about to get ugly. My daughter is currently staying with me, but not really with the blessing of her mom. More like...'you want her, take her! But Im still in control!' What rights do I have? Im in Ohio btw. What channels do I need to go through? I don't have a lot of money. I do have a good home, wife, full time job. I'm so lost and confused about what to do next...I just want what's best for my daughter. Thank you very much.

    submitted by /u/Mearl267
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