• Breaking News

    Tuesday, September 29, 2020

    Legal Advice - Hi, I’m Madison Alder, and I’m a reporter covering judicial nominations. Right now we’re in the midst of another Supreme Court confirmation battle. AMA!

    Legal Advice - Hi, I’m Madison Alder, and I’m a reporter covering judicial nominations. Right now we’re in the midst of another Supreme Court confirmation battle. AMA!

    Hi, I’m Madison Alder, and I’m a reporter covering judicial nominations. Right now we’re in the midst of another Supreme Court confirmation battle. AMA!

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    At Bloomberg Law my beat is the judiciary. That includes everything from how the courts operate, to judicial trends, to the way judges are appointed and confirmed. I've been a reporter with Bloomberg Law for three years where I've also covered health care and employee benefits.So what are your burning questions, Reddit? How fast can this process happen? What happens to abortion access?Proof of life: https://aboutblaw.com/TnE

    submitted by /u/bloomberglaw
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    The city has sent me a violation stating my house is too close to my neighbor’s house. What are my options?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    At the beginning of the month a city zoning employee inspected my house and told my fiancé that my house is too close to my neighbor's house. He apparently said he'd never dealt with something like this before and that we'd be getting reinspected later.

    Yesterday I received a notice stating the violation needs to be corrected within 10 days (how is that even possible?) and that my neighbors received the same documents and violation. These also included the property plans the surveyors of both houses signed off on.

    My house was built this year and I've only been living in it for one month. My neighbors house was built four years ago. I've contacted my builder who has not yet responded, and my real estate agent who said she would be contacting her legal department as well.

    I'm not even sure how to proceed here. I don't understand how this was allowed to happen in the first place. And I'm not sure who is liable here and which parties need to get lawyers.

    This is in Minnesota

    Update: First, just wanted to thank the people who have taken the time to read and respond to this mess of a situation.

    I've also heard back from the builder and he is saying he was aware of this issue when he built this house. My neighbor's house is, indeed, built too close to the property line (my house was built well within the property lines). The builder pointed this out to the city when getting approvals, and the city let it pass. So he is getting all of the documents and proof ready and sending it to me and the city.

    I'm still not really sure where this new information leaves me, as some people in the comments have said the city giving approval might not get anyone off the hook or stop them from going through with enforcing the violation. I will wait to see what steps the city takes after presenting them with the new documents. I'm reluctant to hire a lawyer myself at the moment since (I think) this needs to be fought by the builder.

    submitted by /u/InTheZone__
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    Our neighbor crossed the line. What legal options do we have?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:08 AM PDT

    SECOND EDIT: thank you to everyone for your advice and compassion. There were some really excellent ideas, and so many good wishes and virtual hugs that that my husband and I are moved by how much kindness you're sending to our little family. I can't respond to comments anymore since the post is locked, but will try to post and update/ask for follow-up advice on my profile when I get a chance. We've been spending the day ordering safety precautions, trying to speak with the right people, and making sure our documentation is all in order...as well as resting and snuggling with our girl, since we got no sleep last night. Fortunately, even though we are pretty stressed, our daughter is blissfully unaware and has been in a great mood all day!

    ORIGINAL POST: Apologies for the length; I am rage crying right now and just the act of typing this up is helping.

    My husband and I live in a small college town where housing is very expensive. As adjunct university professors, we truly lucked out by getting to rent half of a nice duplex for an insanely reasonable rate. This is possible because our half of the duplex is owned by a good family friend, who gives us an affordable rate out of the goodness of her heart. This living situation has allowed us to begin building our careers and stop living paycheck to paycheck so we could start a family. We now have a beautiful five year old, who is autistic and nonverbal, but also happy, healthy, and smart. We love her so much.

    The other home in the duplex is inhabited by "Kara", whose mother owns that half of the building. Kara has always been quiet and pleasant and while we don't know her well, we've always had friendly exchanges with her and she's been a good neighbor.

    Kara has had a hard life (a bad marriage, some legal troubles), and we have always just figured she had some unfortunate obstacles in her life and were glad that she was enjoying a quiet and content life with her pets and garden. For about five years, we've gotten along well and had no issues.

    Unfortunately, Kara has lately developed an unhealthy fixation with our daughter. People marvel all the time over what a happy girl we have, but she does have the occasional tantrum or crying fit, usually if she's tired or if she doesn't get something that she wants (e.g. like climbing on the dining room table or getting to watch more television). Typical kid stuff. Kara would hear our daughter cry from next door (usually for less than three or four minutes and than she would calm down) and started texting us asking if our daughter was okay, and if she could help. We always told her that we are fine, thanks for thinking of us, and our daughter is over it and currently looking at a book while scarfing down a Pop Tart, etc.

    Lately, Kara's texts have gotten intense. "Why is your daughter crying? Is she okay? Is she crying because of something I did?" (Which baffled us, since we don't know how she thought she could upset our daughter if she was unseen and unheard next door.) Then we started noticing that Kara was writing these sorts of messages on days when our daughter never cried. The messages started changing from "Is everything alright? Can I help?" to "Did you give her enough water today? Are you making sure she has enough exercise? You need to do these special breathing exercises with her." It was very annoying, but we just chalked it up to neighborly, albeit nosy concern.

    Then last week after I told her that our daughter actually hadn't even cried that day, maybe she heard the TV or something, Kara wrote back and said "You need to take your daughter to the hospital right now. I can hear from her crying that that something is clearly wrong with her health". I looked at my daughter right after reading that text and she had fallen asleep on the couch after watching a Raffi video and eating an apple. She was FINE. I wrote back a terse message saying that our daughter was alright, that I was sorry that she seemed to think we were neglecting our parental duties but to please rest assured that we love our daughter and have her best interests at heart. She wrote back later asking if we had taken our daughter to the doctor yet.

    By this point I was over it, and just ignored her texts. She started writing to my husband more, and he was nice but turned down her offers to teach us how to parent autistic kids (she had a job in early education at one point in her life) and also wanted to give us medical advice so we could take care of our daughter better, because she worked as an EMT "fifteen years ago". (Our neighbor is 31.) At one point she texted us and said that she had a relative "die from autism and being nonverbal" and she had to say something to us if it meant saving a life.

    Today she started texting both of us first thing in the morning, and knocked on the door twice. She wanted to give us books on parenting autistic kids and later, asked if she could take our daughter out for a walk. My husband told her no, we are keeping her bubble small because of COVID-19. We hoped that was the end of it for today. No such luck.

    This evening, after our daughter had been asleep for a good half hour or so, Kara texted me and said "You need to calm down! She can't calm down until you calm down!" The room I was in was silent. I wasn't even listening to music, let alone crying or causing my daughter to cry. I told her that no one was upset and her behavior was inappropriate; not only was she reacting to things that aren't happening, she was crossing major boundaries and needed to stop. She asked me to go speak with her in person and I declined, saying I was uncomfortable talking to her, and that I am very concerned that she is hearing things. I told her she had been bothering us all day as we were trying to teach our classes via Zoom, and she was disruptive and should go find out why she's so convinced things are happening when they aren't really happening.

    She stopped writing to me, and then texted my husband, offering unsolicited advice to help with crying children, offering to babysit when we teach, offering to have our daughter over to help calm her down when she gets upset, and then after he started ignoring her too, wrote to him and told him that my crying (I still wasn't fucking crying!) was upsetting our daughter and she'd like to take our daughter for the night "I know this might be hard for your wife and she won't like it, but you can bring your daughter over, which will allow you to take care of your wife while I care for your daughter. Will you help me separate your wife and daughter tonight, as a favor to me?"

    My husband told her that we were FINE, that her request was bizarre and inappropriate, and that she needs to stop texting us because her behavior was over the line. We are so shaken that she won't leave us alone and that she thought any of that was okay.

    We don't know what to do. Is anything she did illegal? We can NOT afford to move, and even if we could, doing it right after our teaching started and with a special needs child, all during a pandemic...it would be hell. But we are legitimately nervous our delusional neighbor will escalate...not to mention that I'm FURIOUS that she asked my husband to conspire against me so she could have a slumber party with my baby, since she's convinced I'm a soggy hysterical mess who's upsetting my baby. Ironically, her words actually ended up being a self-fulfilling prophecy, since now I AM crying, out of frustration and stress. Who knows, if Kara hears me actually crying, maybe she'll try to break into our home to "save" my daughter from me. So now I'm crying as soundlessly as possible and seeking help on Reddit.

    EDIT: this is going to sound fake as hell, but all I can report is what really happened. Right after I posted this, the doorbell rang, followed by knocking, and then another doorbell push. I can't even begin to describe how much dread and panic we felt, since it was around 2 AM. (Not to mention new levels of "Are you fucking kidding me?")It didn't stop, so my husband went downstairs to tell Kara through the door that he was going to call the police...only to find that it WAS the police. Kara AND HER MOM, who is visiting, called for a child welfare check. They said that we had been letting our daughter cry for days and they were very worried. They also said that they couldn't always hear our daughter cry, because we had put up soundproofing to hide her crying from them.

    It may sound like maybe we must have something to hide if Kara's mom is involved. BUT we realized that Kara texted my husband right as he was texting me after I said I wanted to call the police, and somehow he responded to her instead of me, and referenced talking to the police. Kara's response was "Oh, I would never call the police on you!" And we thought maybe she didn't realized what had happened...but now I wonder if her mom figured out one of us wanted to call the cops and then tried to protect her daughter by calling them on us first? That's the only explanation I can think of, because...our daughter HAS NOT BEEN CRYING FOR DAYS. The police officer even told us that it was an anonymous call, but when she pulled up, there was an older woman waiting in Kara's driveway checking to make sure the police sent someone.

    We have had Kara muted on our phones but not blocked, since we wanted to be able to collect any insane texts she might send. The police officer was very kind and hopefully understood the situation. She was really professional and I 100% understand that she was just doing her job. We sent screenshots of EVERYTHING to her.

    We have nothing to hide (except for some not so stellar housework, as we've been busy trying to prepare for the start of school). Our fridge is stocked, our child is fed and smiley, and unlike Kara, we have no jail record. But just the feeling of being investigated is so horrible and stressful (although we understand why it might need to be done), and now we know this crazy bitch and her mom are absolutely willing to try to get our kid taken from us based on...delusions? Kara's mom trying to protect Kara from going to jail again?

    Now that this has happened, what can we do? We do NOT want to see these awful women who are turning our lives upside down, but can't afford to move. We are afraid to bring garbage bags or recycling out to the cans in case we see them. If our daughter starts yelling or making some of her non-verbal sounds, I'm so worried that Kara and her mom are adding it to their list of "evidence" against us. We canceled all our teaching today even though it probably looks terrible to all of our new students because our nerves are torn to ribbons, and we also want to sweep/vacuum/mop etc. in case CPS comes to make sure our daughter is okay.

    We can't move right now because of money/ work. Can we do anything to:

    a) protect ourselves (more than we are already doing: avoidance, ignoring her texts, documenting everything)

    b) get them to leave us the fuck alone? We are so tired and heartsick over the fact that someone is accusing us of not caring for our baby. Kara's previous arrests are for stalking. Is there any chance that even though she hasn't broken any laws with us that because of her legal history her current behavior could help us get a restraining order?

    submitted by /u/MlleReginaPhalange
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    Can my college force me to keep my balcony door closed?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:29 AM PDT

    My school leases an apartment complex from someone. They then rent the complex to the students. I live alone in a 1 bedroom complex. Yesterday it was really nice out so I had my balcony door open to let in fresh air and the RA told me to close my door because they get annoyed when people leave their doors open as it drives up the A/C and heat cost. (Bare in mind these apartments are not cheap and everyones thermostat is locked so I am unable to adjust my heat as I would like). It was 75 degrees out.. I literally was just trying to get some fresh air.

    submitted by /u/beckyassbitch
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    My psychiatrist told my parents in detail how I use marijuana(I am 17). My therapist told me how much he disagrees with the fact she did this, and how it 100% breaks confidentiality laws. Should I hire a lawyer and sue?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    LOCATION: Michigan

    I'm not saying I would, but this could be something I could sue for, right? Even my parents said they were shocked she just straight up told them (but to be fair were even more shocked that I used marijuana).

    I don't know, I just feel so fucking violated. I went in there, was TOLD that what I said would stay in there (specifically with the marijuana) , and ultimately this was not true. Like, I'm not a "snowflake" or anything close, but what the fuck??? I don't know, her doing that really just fucked up my life big time and if I can even trust my therapist anymore.

    submitted by /u/Jbot_James
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    My clients guardian/father is forcing his disabled son to vote for trump.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    I work as a DSP in the state of Minnesota my clients father and guardian told my client that if he did not vote for trump that he would not be welcome at his home. I want to talk to his father about this. Could somebody please tell me what laws he is violating?

    submitted by /u/Seamusiteverwas
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    A corgi puppy scam website is using photos of my fiancé and I with our corgis in their testimonial section. What can I do to get the photos removed? [California]

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    Like the title says, there is a corgi puppy scam website that is using photos of my fiancé and I with our corgis. Under each of our photos, there is a fake positive testimonial saying that we got our corgis from them.

    To add to this a little more, I run an Instagram account for my corgis and they have a large enough following (200k+) where if we take them for walks, they sometimes get recognized. There have even been a few times when my fiancé and I get recognized as the parents of our corgis. I have already had three of our followers reach out to me to ask about my experience with using this scam site. One follower even put down a deposit after seeing our photos on the testimonial page and is now trying to get their money back. I feel horrible to have played a small indirect part in this.

    I already tried emailing the scam site and asked them to take down the photos. I only received a one-worded response that said, "Hello." They have a phone number as well but I don't want to risk giving them my personal number. Is there anything I can do from a legal standpoint to get our photos removed from this website?

    submitted by /u/eternalsunshines
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    Do I still have a college degree?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    Background: About 14 year ago I was hit by a drunk driver. I suffered a pretty bad brain injury. I have quite a bit of memory loss, Episodic Memory or personal memory, but I also have an extremely hard time spelling and sounding out words. I can read and write but I sometimes have to use dictation or spell correct. I'm told this wasn't the case before the accident.

    It's been years and for the most part I know things about my childhood, family and past but I don't actually remember them. I don't feel any type of familiar ties with family because I don't remember them at all. But I do remember mathematics, history, books I read and even film/tv/songs from the 80s.

    Edit: Bot says I need a Location. I live in the US. Specifically Kentucky. The Degree was in the education field.

    Question: I earned my degree before the brain injury. I'm wondering if I can legally claim or put my degree down on an Application if I have memory issues. I've been avoiding looking into this for years because I'm scared if the issue. It's important to note that a few years, 2-4 I think, after the accident my wife and I declared bankruptcy and my student loans were discharged based on the injury. So do I still have a college degree? Is this something that can even be answered outside a courtroom? If I list a degree am I committing some type of fraud?

    Would like just some informed opinions or theories...

    submitted by /u/Tharendril
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    Can I choose to pay an ER bill out of pocket even if I have insurance?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    I'm terrified right now. Today I woke up with a horrible pain in my lower abdomen, burning when I pee, etc. I knew it was a UTI. I went to the ER and let them run blood and urine tests. They gave me meds for the infection, but the doctor came to my room and told me that I tested positive for heroin. I HAVE NEVER DONE DRUGS IN MY LIFE.

    Pertinent-I am divorcing my husband. When I was away for a few months for work, he essentially used our apartment as a drug den, inviting druggies over and he sold drugs out of the apartment. I had to get the police involved. I already started filing for divorce. He has not been in the apartment since July. I have cleaned the apartment. I didn't think it was possible to touch drugs and then pop hot for that. I have never felt "high" and I'm wondering how an amount enough to show up on a drug test would get in my system.

    My husband has been a nightmare the last few months. Said he would get revenge on me one way or another. Threatened to send out my nudes, though I don't have any. He said, "it doesn't matter if they aren't you. I just have to tell people they are." He admitted recently that he either drugged an ex-girlfriend or tried to. No idea if this happened. But I have this in text form. But he hasn't been around in months!

    The thing is, I work for the government!!! I'm going to lose my job. I've never even had a cigarette. When I went to the ER, I gave them my insurance card and everything! I asked them to do blood and urine tests!!!

    I asked if I could just pay out of pocket. I couldn't get a straight answer. One person said that they have to bill insurance if I have it. I'm willing to pay the full cost. When I went to the ER, I signed the insurance release forms. Can I take this back?? They already have my insurance on file and won't take it off.

    My friend at work said she thinks I'm going to be okay. Someone in hospital records said that the insurance company only gets to see the tests done, not the actual results. But what about diagnosis?? My patient care report literally says "UTI and heroin intoxication" as primary diagnosis.

    I'm losing my mind!!!

    submitted by /u/worriedsick7235
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    Ex wants 13 years of child support for a child I didn’t know.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:29 AM PDT

    When I was in my 20s, I dated a girl for a few years. Things ended amicably when she moved to another town for a job opportunity. We had different goals, so it didn't make sense to pursue the relationship further.

    That was about 14 years ago. A couple of months ago, I got a letter from someone saying she thought she was my daughter, and that her mother is the ex girlfriend.

    Turns out, this girl had been going through some old letters and notebooks and other sentimental things her mother had saved, came across my name and put 2 and 2 together. I own a business in my small town, and since my name is on all my property and business records, I was not difficult to find.

    I called my ex and asked what was going on. She told me that she discovered she was pregnant shortly after moving away, but since we had both talked about not wanting children for a long time, she decided not to tell me, and to raise the child by herself. She had financial help from her parents.

    Anyway, I've seen Summer several times now, and she's great. I want to be a part of her life, but her mom now says that if I want to pursue any legal right to see her, she will take me to court for 13 years of child support. I want to support my child, now that I know she exists, but don't have the means to pay what should have been paid over 13 years.

    Her mom isn't struggling for money. She has a good job and a house in a nice suburb, I think this is just a push for control over me getting to know my daughter.

    Is there any way for me to have a legal claim to my child without paying support for the 13 years I didn't know about her?

    submitted by /u/Anonymouscarrotstick
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    Footwear problem at work, IL

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    Obligatory this is a throwaway and I'm on mobile so forgive any errors, I already typed all this once and lost it so this is the quick version.

    My employer supplies our uniforms down to the shoes, a half inch heeled wedge for women, (which I am one). One of my feet is much wider than the other and about three number sizes bigger. My "Bigfoot" is at least an 8.5 and the other one is a 6. My employer refuses to give me shoes in the sizes I needed. They made me choose the larger size and told me to stuff the other one with tissue. The bigger shoe is constantly falling off and I get blisters from my foot sliding around inside. Even when they hired me and I explained the issue they suggested that I cut the difference, meaning I get 7s and squeeze Bigfoot into one shoe and deal with the other being slightly less too big. At the time of my hiring, they also told me that in 3 years when they do another uniform issue I can get the other size then, then I'd be squared away. I've been here for 14 months and, unsurprisingly, the current shoes will be junk by then. I know how to internet enough that I tried asking HR for a reasonable accommodation, but they said they couldn't support because different sized feet aren't a disability. I tried offering to buy a second pair on my own dime. At one point they actually told me that they couldn't legally let me purchase a uniform item if they are giving that item to the other employees for free. They came off that but for about a year now they keep saying "we'll get to it," then finding reasons not to. I don't want to annoy my employer enough to fire me, so I've been patient but persistent. We don't have a union. There are more than 80 employees at this branch. Do I have any other legal angle here? Ty for reading

    submitted by /u/Sad_Eggplant6879
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    [California/Los Angeles] Girlfriend sold her car 2 years ago. Sent release of liability to the DMV. New owner never registered it, never got new tags, and after she did a written contest of the tickets they denied her in administrative review. Help?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    For the past 2 years, the San Jacinto Citation Processing Center has sent probably a dozen tickets to my girlfriend for all sorts of things: illegal parking, running a red light cam, expired tags, and so on. The problem is my girlfriend doesn't own that car anymore, and hasn't for years.

    When she sold it, she went through all the proper steps. She sent the DMV a release of liability form, which she still has a copy of. She's been sending a written contest for every single ticket she's been getting for the past 2 years (single-handedly supporting the postal service with the number of stamps she's had to buy). She's never heard back about any of them after until now.

    About a month ago, she got a citation for expired tags from the San Jacinto Processing Center. She did the usual thing -- photocopied the release of liability, wrote a note explaining the situation, and mailed it all back.

    This time, however, she did hear back. She got a new citation in the mail -- an "Administrative Review," where they told her that they think she's lying and that she needs to pay $160. There's a way to ask for a hearing on the back that I asked her to fill out; she's doing it as I type this up but I don't know what the process is. From the way the letter sounds, she has to pay $160 in any situation, which is frankly ridiculous to me.

    What do we need to do? What is a hearing like? Neither one of us have ever been in a hearing before, and honestly I'm at a loss at this point. I told her to write up a request for a hearing explaining she hasn't owned the car for years, photocopy the release of liability, and send it in... but I don't know if that's going to be enough. I mean, that's the same exact thing she did to contest it, and they've already rejected it once. Plus, I don't know if she has to pay that money for them to even hear her out. How do we fix this and make it stop?

    submitted by /u/EnglishMobster
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    Can someone force me to be their dependent on their taxes?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    I do not speak to my father anymore, but I have a feeling that he has been claiming me as a dependent on his tax returns, even though I have been filing myself as an independent. I wanted to know if he is allowed to do this, and more importantly, if the IRS will check whether he can claim me as a dependent. Thank you!

    Edit: The bot asked me to include my location. I am living in New York State in the US.

    submitted by /u/MomoHossain
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    Landlord’s contractors broke into my place

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    So i live on a ground floor apartment with roomates and we all happened to be out except for one but she was on her way out. Shes pretty strange and likes to sit in her car for like 30 mins to an hour before actually leaving so while she sitting outside of her window in her car she sees a man cut our window screen and open the window, head inside the apartment while 2 others go through the door and she freaks out and calls me and my SO and the police right after. So while the police were on their way shes scared for her life so freezes up and is hiding in her car and she sees one guy jump through the window and run off. After the police come and everything settles.. nothing is missing, window was left wide open and then they find the truck that my roomate was describing that she thinks she saw them leave out of, down the street. They find contractors at a similar address and same tactic.. ripped the window screen open to get inside. Police calls the landlord and so do we and he offers a settlement of 1000.

    I dont feel like 1000 is right but I'd really like to know my options. I havent signed anything, SO said she counter offered 1500 just to see what they say and they agreed pretty quick but nothing signed.

    Edit: I live in silver spring MD

    submitted by /u/DuckSauce0
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    New landlord is raising the rent

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    I somewhat recently moved into an apartment where I signed a year-long lease. I still have about 8 months to go, but the property was bought by a new landlord. They are raising the rent by $100 a month which puts a lot of strain on my financial situation. They have given a month's notice, but I have to sign a new lease to stay at the apartment. Does this violate any laws? Wouldn't this be considered the old landlord breaking the original lease? I am in Michigan.

    submitted by /u/Devlybon
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    Mother in law restraint order.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    I currently have a restraining order against my mother in law. Long story short, my step daughter has chosen on her own to stop talking to her grandmother (my mil) because every time they were alone, she would say nasty thing about my husband and I. I get a text from my husbands ex wife (step daughters mom) It was this word for word: (shyla is my SD, I am Sabrina in this convo)

    Mil- hey can I call n talk to shyla. I heard something involving her and Sabrina and it's not sitting right

    SD mom- what did you hear?

    Mil- that Sabrina was the one saying that I was talking shit on her dad. So shyla believes her and had me blocked. I'd like to know what I supposedly said to be treated like shit. You can ask her id just like to know.

    SD mom- listen I'm not going to drag shyla into anymore of this bullshit! Shyla said she didn't want to talk to you. Respect that. Enough said!

    Mil- 👍🏻

    Can anything be done about this? Could this be a violation? I'm tired of this woman attacking me. She's been nothing but hell for the past 9 years. We have been no contact for the last 4. This is my second restraint order on her. The first was because she tried to kill my unborn child. This second one was because she showed up to my home twice, unwanted, and scared my oldest son, whom she had abused. I'm hoping her saying this bull crap can get her in trouble with my current restraining order. It only has me on it tho. None of my children. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Sabcarty
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    3D printing sales

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    Hi so I downloaded a 3D file that was listed as Creative common attribution then started to sell 3D prints of the files with credit to the creator of the file. Then the creator changed the license type to noncommercial after I downloaded it and started selling. what should I do?

    submitted by /u/Reasonable_Gap_2464
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    Is it legal to take an animal before animal control can???

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    I live in Louisiana

    So, I found a cat and kittens starving near my job. I thought it was feral but mom had a collar.When I interacted with them the mother was kind and purring and rubbing up against me. I grabbed one of her kittens and it began screaming bloody murder. Mama cat freaked out and attacked me. She did some pretty good damage.

    I went to a doc to get a tetanus shot. They started asking me about rabies and stuff. The cat definitely didn't have rabies. Also he starts asking info like where it happened ect. I made it clear that it was my fault. Mom was calm as fuck, I grabbed her kitten, it screamed, mom attacked/chased me out, mom became calm again.

    Next thing I know, a cop shows up. Asks me similar questions. Purposely deceived me, then tells me the cat will probably be put down and leaves. I told him to tell animal control that the cat is not aggressive and was acting in self defense, he said no.

    Would it be legal to capture the cat before they do and get it checked out and stuff? Is there anything I can legally do to help it?

    submitted by /u/half_empty_optimist
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    I'm an international student in CA. Roommate is threatening to hit me and girlfriend over minor household issues. Need to get out of this stressful environment. What are my options?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    Hi All. I'm leasing a townhouse apartment with my girlfriend, one more hetero couple and a single male (lets call him Mike) . We are all international students on the F-1 visa and enrolled at a university here.

    As we had to live in a really expensive downtown area we decided to look for roommates online to lower costs. We found Mike on the university facebook group and have signed a one year lease on the apartment. As the days have gone by since we moved into this new apartment, Mike has become more and more aggressive and hostile towards all the residents of the apartment over minor issues such as turning on/off the air conditioner, sharing the kitchen space, etc. He especially tends to get into very loud arguments with the females in the apartment and tries to threaten them by charging towards them in an aggressive manner.

    Mike also has given me and the other male in the house, several threats to hit us physically and has asked us to meet us outside the house to fight it out. Last weekend I got into a scuffle with him as he was aggressively talking to my girlfriend in a threatening manner. During the scuffle he also threatened to stab me with a knife (there was no knife in his hands when he said that). We had called the leasing office to complain about this as we want to throw this uncivilized asshole out of the house. The community manager told us that they cannot help us in any way as this is a domestic issue and that we need to call the police.

    We have refrained from calling the police as we are totally unaware of the consequences and as international students we feel that our hands are tied. We are not sure how much time and resources we would have to spend, if we call the police on Mike for domestic violence. If anyone could explain the legal process that takes place after filing a formal complaint that would be really helpful. We would also like to avoid going through this path if possible

    Living in this apartment under the constant threat of physical violence has been really stressful and is a total distraction from graduate studies. Apart from going down the legal route, I have evaluated 3 options we have to get out of this situation -

    1. Terminate the lease - This option will end up being really expensive as we would have to pay the termination fee which would cost upwards of $1000 per person and would also require the consent of all the residents (which I'm highly doubtful of)
    2. Find someone to replace us on the lease - This would require the consent of all residents and there is also the moral issue of getting somebody else into this violent environment.
    3. Release Mike from the release - This would require the signatures of all the residents including Mike and the possibility of getting into a peaceful agreement with Mike seems highly unlikely.

    I would be really grateful to any advice considering our backgrounds and the options we have. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/throwaway_ca_student
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    Flooding problem. Cost to fix is several hundred thousand dollars. Being told I can't go after sellers, and it's not the City's responsibility. Do I have ANY options? (North Carolina, USA)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:54 AM PDT

    My husband and I just bought our home and soon after, during a rainstorm, our entire backyard flooded. Rushing water, up to 20" high, enough force to pick up our shed and move it.

    It's happend two more times since June of this year and neighbors say it's been a thing for the last ~10 years. We investigate and it turns out there is a 48" stormwater drainage pipe in our back yard, behind our fence and layers of trees. We immediately think it's City property and ask them to inspect it for blockage. They say it's our property, installed by the builder, on our lot & our lot only. We have no HOA. It's personal property.

    We call the real estate attorney who handled our closing and he says we don't have a chance at winning any sort of case against the sellers for withholding this (we have proof the seller knew as he made a claim with the city 6 years ago and it's public record).

    Our city actually has a program for this where they cover 100% of the cost! But our project is too expensive for their residential program, so it would have to be a capital program. But it can't be a capital program because it doesn't affect any public property. (Although there's a $3M project happening in a very affluent neighborhood that doesn't appear to affect public property either. Which irks me).

    Even if I did have $600k-$1M lying around, I'd need a permit from the City to replace the drain pipe or dig a ditch or tear my house down and make it a retention pond. This pipe was only ever supposed to be for our neighborhood and worked just fine for 40 years until our area developed and now this little residential, private property drainage pipe takes in 200 acres of water from apartment complexes and restaurants and office buildings and it's not anyone's fault and entirely our responsibility to fix it.

    There has to be something. Some angle. Something that someone has missed.

    submitted by /u/sweethoneyobx
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    Property manager is raising our security deposit mid-lease Virginia

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    My roommates and I just received a notice in the mail today from our property manager that our security deposit has been raised from $1560 (the amount we paid when we originally signed our lease) to $1750 because our "lease agreement requires that [our] deposit be equal to [our] current monthly rent." When we signed our lease extension, there was no mention of any additional security deposit payment and there is nothing in our lease stating that they can do this. Our lease explicitly states a $1560 deposit. Is our property manager trying to pull a fast one on us?

    The notice from our property manager also states that any disputes of this must be done in writing within 10 days (no phone calls). The notice is dated 9/21/20 and we received it today (9/29/20). Is this normal?

    submitted by /u/sk8rn00b
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    Fraud Charge by account “hacking”

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:53 PM PDT


    I'm not really sure what to do. I had my Walmart account "hacked", and they made a decent sized pick up order through my account on the opposite side of the country from me. I'm located in Missouri, and the event occurred in Nevada.

    They added their name and phone number to the account. I've contacted my bank and Walmart already. Is there anything else I can do so they aren't able to continue to do this to people?

    submitted by /u/Lanibaby
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    Employee Furloughed in April, Resigned this week and wants commission from timeframe he was on unemployment (California)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    Hello, I've read the EDD site about commissions and it looks as though payment of commission is determined by how it was earned and paid out.

    Employee of 8 years is furloughed in April due to covid, sales haven't bounced back since and can't afford any employees now with current cashflow so it's just been me and one other employee from a different dept trying to keep things afloat.

    There is nothing in writing but employee made $26/hour plus commission of 1% of invoices they managed and processed. This was always paid out the last date of every month for payments received that previous month.

    Some orders are paid for by clients right away, but on some we would get a 25% deposit and the balance was paid when the order was completed. Sometimes a few weeks, sometimes a few months. Some customers were net 30 as well. (more like net 120 these days)

    When he was furloughed, I became the only sales rep and took over all jobs. And this request to be paid for commissions May-Sept is a shot in the dark not even having access to files.

    But my main question is, if I pay out commission to him even though I oversaw the orders, doesn't that get reported to the EDD as income during those periods? It feels like double dipping to me and my gut says it's not right. I want this to be a smooth farewell, but I need to know the proper thing to do that's right that doesn't open a can of worms.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/sideways_tampon
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    Underage child does and sells drugs, can we call the cops without us getting in legal trouble

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    My child, 14, has admitted to selling drugs and taking drugs (various kinds, some harder than others). This is very worrying to us and we've attempted to talk to him many times, impose punishments, therapy, etc.... He was also sent into rehab due to possession in school...if anything though, he came out worse than he went in unfortunately.

    Lately, cars have been pulling up to our house and he would leave for a few minutes and be right back... we're pretty sure that this is one way he's selling drugs and he's all but admitted it.

    Question is: How can we get the authorities involved? Since it's getting done at our house, we have worries that we'll get in trouble because we are the parents. We see things happening, catch him outside smoking drugs, etc... How can we safely navigate this legally?

    Edit: we live in the USA, KY

    Note: looking for legal advice, not parenting advice if possible please.

    Note 2: things attempted and still being attempted: IOP (school forced), Therapy (2 years...but for more than just drug abuse), rehab (judge forced), punishments (groundings, taking away electronics, instilling curfews, etc...), communications with him (letting him know it's not ok, attempting to get him help, attempting to get him into other activities, letting him know we love him, stop giving him "money" (buy things he needs etc., but not money itself).

    submitted by /u/Losthopewhattodo
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