• Breaking News

    Monday, September 28, 2020

    Legal Advice - Announcement: AMA about the Supreme Court with Madison Alder of Bloomberg Law, Tuesday at 11 Eastern

    Legal Advice - Announcement: AMA about the Supreme Court with Madison Alder of Bloomberg Law, Tuesday at 11 Eastern

    Announcement: AMA about the Supreme Court with Madison Alder of Bloomberg Law, Tuesday at 11 Eastern

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    Hello all!

    We will be hosting an AMA with Madison Alder, a reporter covering judicial nominations for Bloomberg Law, on Tuesday September 29th. The AMA will start at 11:00a Eastern.

    Madison covers the judiciary, including everything from how the courts operate, to judicial trends, to the way judges are appointed and confirmed. During her three years at Bloomberg Law, she has also covered health care and employee benefits.

    Madison will be available to answer all of your burning questions about the Supreme Court.

    We will be posting the AMA tomorrow, so please start thinking of your questions!

    submitted by /u/demyst
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    Been chronically ill for 9 months, doctors at a loss had deemed in a medical mystery. Discovered mold all throughout our walls and HVAC after a water leak and the apartment complex has proceeded to threaten us, lie to us, gaslight us and try to force us into signing a NDA and a release. Texas

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    We have been living in our apartment complex for just over a year. About 9 months ago I began to feel sick everyday. Constant nausea, headaches, lethargy, diarrhea, trouble breathing and random fever spikes. I have in the last few months had 5 covid-19 tests. I have seen multiple specialists that have thought it could be anything from Crohn's disease, MS, or even leukemia. All tests have came back negative and all I have ended up with instead of answers is medical debt. On top of that I have two cats who would get sick on and off throwing up, diarrhea, weezing and lethargy but it didn't even occur to me that it could be related at the time.

    Fast forward to about a week and a half ago we wake up in the middle of the night to a foul smelling water leak coming out of our wall. We call the complex manager and they send a maintenance crew in the next day to open the wall and address the leak. None of these individuals were wearing masks. When they opened up the wall we discovered it was caked with mold with 5' standing sludge water at the base. It appears it has been a gray water leak that has gone on for months. Immediately once we realize the mold was so bad we told them that once they stopped the leak they needed to stop cutting into the wall immediately until we could have a mold specialist address the potential dangers. They ignored us and proceeded to blow an industrial grade fan into the wall in an attempt to dry the water. The whole time we're saying this is dangerous and should not be done this way. We call a mold specialist and he's appalled how they had went about it from a procedural standpoint and said it was reckless and dangerous to all parties involved. The apartment complex then says that we should just continue to stay there for the night or go stay with a friend. I am asthmatic and have it compromised immune system and I can't believe they just told us to go stay with a friend in the middle of a pandemic. They refused to offer to put us in a hotel. My boyfriend who I share the apartment with went to the office to show the complex manager the photos he had taken of the men working and to express his concern and she proceeded to tell him that it was illegal filming them and to delete the photos immediately. We looked it up and because we live in Texas which is a one-party consent state to record so that was just a blatant lie on her part. She later asked that we shared the photos with her. After numerous phone call exchanges where management continued to contradict themselves we have requested from now on that we only communicate via email. We requested that they hire a mold specialist to analyze the potential toxicity of the mold and they refused. So we paid out of our own pocket to have a specialist come in there and he said it was some of the worst he had ever seen. Lo and behold we get the results back and the amount of mold is off the charts. The particular strain that they found can cause edema, bronchial spasms , pulmonary emphysema as well as nausea and diarrhea. It was only after we told the complex that they said that they were having their own mold specialist going later that day. They have refused to let us see their results. At this point we strongly urge that they do not allow any cosmetic repairs to undergo in the apartment until proper mold remediation can happen. They don't respond to that email for 3 days and then on the third day send us an email saying that they are within their rights to terminate our lease since we are blocking them from doing necessary maintenance, and that if we don't come to a decision to either move into another apartment or terminate our lease contingent on us signing an NDA and a full release that they would be terminating our lease by 2:00 p.m. the next day. Effectively giving us less than 24 hours notice. I also want to mention that in Texas the governor has ruled evictions illegal until September 30th. We immediately reply and say we are not hindering them from doing repairs that we were only concerned for the safety of their crew and ourselves. They never responded to that. And every email where they bring up our options they present it as option A or option b and it's always contingent on the NDA and the full release. At this point we get the city code inspection involved and when we go to the apartment to meet the inspector we find a biohazard truck parked in front of our apartment and when my boyfriend goes in there to see what's going on he finds individuals in hazmat suits vacuuming all of our personal belongings. In one email she said the due to their inspection that they saw no reason why the apartment wouldn't be inhabitable, and a phone call shortly after she says due to the water damage the floor is not structurally sound and it's not safe for us to be in there. My next email with her I ask if the apartment structurally sound for us to go in there to grab some personal belongings and she's in lies yet again and says that it was never an issue with its structural integrity even though that's precisely what she had said to a phone call that both my boyfriend and myself were on. She says that we cannot go into the apartment because they've had a cleaning crew in there that have used chemicals that would be unsafe for us to enter until Wednesday which she told us that on the previous Friday. If I had not emailed her we wouldn't have gotten any notification at all that this was happening and could have easily gone into that apartment unaware of the chemicals present. We have many emails of her consistently contradicting herself, and gaslighting us. The lack of professionalism and empathy they have treated us is shocking. We've tried reaching out to the tenant rights councils multiple times but due to covid-19 it's been incredibly difficult to get a hold of anyone. At this point we're ready to hire a lawyer. it's been suggested we find someone who specializes in personal injury as well as a familiarity with tenants rights and real estate. We have already spoken to a few that have said it's a clear-cut case of negligence and they wouldn't be surprised if our story ended up on the local news. It's been difficult for us since we both work full-time 9:00 to 5:00 jobs to get anything done and I'm so close to quitting my job so I can just focus on this.

    I have already gone to see my doctor and explain the situation to him and when he listened to my lungs he was concerned and immediately sent me in to get an x-ray. He believes this is why I have been ill.

    Any advice and recommendations on how to move forward would be greatly appreciated and if you have read your way through this post I am so very grateful

    Sincerely, weezy mold grrl

    submitted by /u/WeezyMoldGrl
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    I was scammed $8000 via PayPal. I traced my hacker and found their cell number, home address, Facebook profile, place of employment, Instagram, etc. What should I do?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 12:16 AM PDT

    I was hacked $8000 on PayPal over the past few weeks. The hacker was making direct withdrawals from my bank account and then cashing out the money to their prepaid credit card (not traceable, throwaway number). When I logged in, my account was in French, and the phone numbers and addresses on the account were that of the scammer. Fortunately, through some digging on the internet, I found the hacker. The person was using their maiden name, but after tracing their married name, I was able to confirm and match all of information from my hacked account to various online profiles across the web. I screenshotted and screen recorded everything.

    What do I do? Obviously, I'll file a police report in their jurisdiction, but part of me wonders if I can retrieve this money myself? I feel like I have plenty of leverage and motivation to recover the money. What will the police do? If I file a police report, does that invalidate myself from pursuing contact with this individual?

    I want this person to pay, and I am tempted to do everything in my power to let every single one of their networks know what they've done.

    I am located in IN, US and hacker is in MA, US.

    Let me clarify, I NEVER clicked on a link, gave out my payment details or communicated with a person or entity in exchange for a good or service. My PayPal has only ever been used to pay for Spotify, and somehow this person was able to get my login in details and transfer money from my account to their own. Based on the comments, this sounds like it is fraud/being hacked VS me being scammed. I had no idea there was a distinction (assumed they were the same thing). That's incredibly helpful and good to know when I report to authorities.

    So far, my bank has been incredibly helpful and considerate whereas PayPal has been silent. It won't even let me open a case, phone number says open a file online, etc.

    submitted by /u/Pantherfeet2020
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    Update: My daughter cut her hand and an ambulance was needlessly called.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    Update to this post.


    I called the university and spoke to administrators in their student life department. I was basically told that in this situation the RA's are trained to call EMS but in this situation they were probably not warranted.

    I called and spoke with the ambulance service and of course they would not talk with me initially because I was speaking for my daughter who is 18. After I had her call them and give them permission to discuss the details with me they waived the fee that they had billed.

    In the end my daughter did not request any service for a minor injury and when the ambulance got there she refused service and signed documentation to that. My belief is that they did not feel it would be worth risking any type of legal action if I wanted to contest the bill in that fashion. Their best option was to waive it after I called clearly in disagreement over it. Thanks for those that responded especially u/exlawabidingcitizen

    submitted by /u/Cuthand2020
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    Drug Tested at work one month ago under arguable "reasonable suspicion." Crickets ever since.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    Hello. I am in Minnesota.

    I was given a reasonable suspicion drug test at work five weeks ago. The reasonable suspicion amounted to a supervisor claiming it smelled like weed. No additional observations, even after conducting a behavioral assessment. I stayed past the end of my shift to take the drug test, after being marched to the bathroom in front of my coworkers.

    They told me I would be contacted when the results were in.

    It has now been five weeks. The company hasn't contacted me. Even the drug testing place hasn't contacted me to confirm my prescriptions. HR has claimed to a coworker that they are having trouble getting the results back from the lab.

    Here's where some backstory will help. The drug test was spur of the moment - far after hours for normal businesses. The lab tech came on site to do the test. She stated that the chain of custody form she had with her wasn't in the proper format, but her supervisor could probably fix it. I have reason to believe this error is why this has taken so long. Yet I'm the one not getting paid.

    Is this legal? I still haven't been contacted. The company has no results, but hasn't contacted me. It's been an excessive amount of time to go without pay (non-exempt), especially considering I haven't failed any test or violated policy.

    submitted by /u/legaladvicesock
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    (Missouri, Kansas City) My neighbor says he filmed me naked in my apartment and will report me for indecent exposure if I do not pay him 500 dollars.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    Hi, My name is V, and I live in KCMO.

    I don't know if background is required but I would like to give complete information. I am a new resident in a rent-controlled apartment complex. I moved in two months ago. I am a freelance artist, and when COVID-19 started I lost most of my work. This cost me my old apartment which was a studio layout. I am autistic, and I will admit that I have problems handling change. When I moved from my studio to this one bedroom, I set it up the same way as my old studio. So my living room has my bed in it. There is a balcony with blinds. The blinds are not the strongest material, and I own a very energetic cat who is also stressed about the move. He broke a good number of the blinds when we first moved in because he was nervous. There is now a sizable gap in the blinds.

    I understand this is a problem so I called management. They told me the issue wasn't urgent, and if I was comfortable they would like to wait until COVID-19 calms down. This is fine, I don't like people in my apartment. I asked for permission to hang a sheet. It hangs over the railing, so there is about a four foot gap from the floor to where the sheet starts. They granted it, and I moved on with my life.

    A neighbor I have not met before came to my apartment yesterday and said that he had noticed me changing naked in my living room. I am unsure how, because the gap in the sheet, plus me being on the second floor would make it difficult to notice casually. However, he is correct, I do change in my living room. He then stated he had video of me, which would be his proof if he went to the police. He has not shown me the video. He is saying that I can go to jail for indecent exposure if he turns the video into the police.

    I am very nervous. I have never done anything wrong, and I try very hard to be a good neighbor. I offered to start changing in my bathroom, but he says he wants "damages" because he "had to see me while he was walking his dog." He wants 500 dollars, which I am very lucky to have in my savings. I almost paid him, but a friend told me to post here. My friend also said I should call the police, but that makes me very nervous too.

    Is he right? Can I go to jail for this? I was so nervous when he told me I didn't really respond and he said he would visit me on Wednesday. I really just want to be left alone.

    Thank you for any help.

    submitted by /u/throwaway92121212129
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    (New York) a coworker purposely blocked my car in so I am unable to leave work. He has his keys with him and will not return for about 3 hours. What’s the legality behind attaching a rope or chain to his tow hitch and dragging his truck out of the way with a pay loader?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    Title pretty much covers it all, I'm sure I can do it without causing damage. He did it purposely, there's plenty of other places he can park. He is parked on private property. Can I hook his truck up to a chain or rope and drag that sum'uva bitch out of the way if no damage is caused?

    submitted by /u/i_fix_trucks
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    Strangers came into my porch during a storm and were injured. They want me to include their claims with my homeowner's insurance.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    I own a home jointly with my mother, I am 35 and she is 65. We live in Iowa where a derecho (major wind storm) came through in early August.

    Our insurance claim settled 3 weeks ago for damage to our home. That included a tree that fell on the front of the house, collapsing part of our small porch roof.

    Two weeks ago my neighbor came to me with two other women, who are friends of hers. The story is that as the derecho started (it was very unexpected and we had no real warning) her friends were arriving at her house to say hello. When she didn't answer and the storm was bad, they needed shelter. They thought it was a tornado and didn't think they were supposed to be in their car during one, so they came across the street to my house where I have a front porch. The exterior of my house is stone and the porch is almost completely enclosed, so they believed it would be safer than their car.

    A tree landed on this part of my house and partially collapsed the roof. One of the women says she has only minor cuts and bruises, but the other says she has had major injury to her shoulder and back and is expecting to have surgery in the next couple weeks. She had no health insurance.

    When they first showed up I didn't believe them and thought this was some type of scam, but they have now brought out video of the storm that was indeed taken from my porch. I was also able to find a glimpse of them on my ring doorbell footage.

    I'm leery of this situation. I understand that if I have a party and someone gets hurt, my insurance may cover it - but I'm more leery of this because these are total strangers who entered my porch during a natural disaster for safety. Obviously they knew there was a weather event happening and that there was risk.

    What now? Report this to my insurance and let them hash it out? Is there any reason I should not do so? Am I likely to face insurance penalties?

    submitted by /u/sellhellswellhell
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    I've generated $60210.08 in sales as an affiliate marketer, and the company is now ignoring all emails about paying my commission.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 03:25 AM PDT

    I'm a UK based citizen, and the company I've been promoting is a US-based electric scooter manufacturer. In their terms, they state that they pay affiliates on the 15th of every month, but for some reason or other, a new excuse would arise every month and payment would be promised for the following month.

    Over the past 6 months, I've generated $60k in sales, which represents $2.5k in commissions. I've been very careful to stick to their terms of service, so I'm sure that there is no reason I shouldn't be paid. In fact, they've promised payment several times.

    If they were a UK based company, I would attempt to take them to a small claims court, but I don't know if that's possible... I'm wondering whether:

    1. It's even possible to take a company to court over their affiliate program? If the company decides not to pay, can they be held to pay under their own affiliate terms of service?
    2. Whether it's possible for a UK citizen to take a US company to a small claims court.
    submitted by /u/drifting_dungarees
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    Why can my boss fire me for counting my tips?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    I work in a cash only business in Washington state. We're a relatively small staff of less than a dozen employees. Periodically my boss sends out threatening emails claiming that any employee who counts their till or their tips at the end of their shift will be fired. On the IRS website, it says that it's my responsibility to report my tips to my employer, not the other way around.

    I know he has taken our tips to cover discrepancies in our tills in the past, and I think that's why he doesn't want us to count them. Does anyone know if he can legally fire us for counting our tips and trying to hold him accountable for us receiving our complete wages?

    submitted by /u/lauraloko
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    [WI] Just bought a condo, association rules say cats must be declawed?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    I just purchased a condominium in Dane County, WI, and in the association documents it is said that cats must be declawed. this was not mentioned in the original documentation i received before putting an offer on the condo. does the condo association have any authority to force me to declaw my cats?

    submitted by /u/MindlessSpark
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    My fiance's job makes him go to 32 hours of unpaid meetings a month. He's classified as an independent contractor, but I think he should be an employee.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    My fiance is a ballroom dance instructor who works for a studio in Florida. We have two main issues with the studio:

    Number one, they have him classified as an independent contractor, but they require 8 hours of weekly meetings and trainings, require a specific teaching and sales procedure, do not allow him to teach or advertise outside of the studio, the studio sets his rates, and the studio tells him specific events that he MUST be present for. These are all qualities of an employer/employee relationship (Not to mention the fact that he is a dance instructor at a dance studio... So The work he does is the main function of the company). From what I read on the IRS website, I think he should be classified as an employee. The biggest issue here is the impact it has on taxes. An employer has an obligation to pay a certain percentage of the income taxes for employees, but a company has no such obligation to contractors.

    Number two, they require an absurd amount of unpaid work. He has 8 hours of weekly *unpaid* mandatory meetings and trainings. In addition, the studio gives each new student one free lesson and a 3-lesson package at an introductory rate. If the student does not buy any more lessons beyond the first 4, my fiance gets paid nothing for teaching the 4 lessons. Plus, the studio offers students free lessons as incentives for buying bigger packages, referring new students, etc. My fiance has no say in how many free lessons they offer, and he does not get paid for the free lessons the studio gives the student- but he is obligated to teach the free lessons. His newest student was given 5 free lessons. He is also required to be present for parties and performances, which he also does not get paid for.

    Yesterday we calculated that in the last 3 months, he has done over 160 hours of unpaid work (including meetings and trainings). There have been some months, since he started working there, where he averaged less than minimum wage for the total hours he worked.

    Is it legal to require this much free labor, even from a contractor?
    Is there any legal action we can take to get him retroactively paid for the hours he has worked or at LEAST require that the studio pay him for all worked hours going forward?
    Can we get him reclassified as an employee so that the studio is responsible for their part of the taxes?

    submitted by /u/Dolsey3
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    Neighbor is using land for hosting campers (upwards of 200+)

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    We live in a suburban area where all homeowners have a minimum of 1 acre. The neighbors who live next to us have decided to start posting their ~10 acre land on a website (omitted the website name) to attract campers who pay to stay the night on the property. Since starting the land rental, there have been feces, urine and weed stenches coming from the area. The website lists that the only on-site bathroom is $50 per night, which is much higher than the rent to stay on the property. Additionally, there are multiple 15 foot fires that take place at all hours of the night and then left to simmer until the early morning hours, unmonitored. It has become a huge concern for the other neighbors' health and safety and multiple individuals have contacted the zoning office to file a complaint. Is this legal? What is the best course of action if the zoning office does not see sufficient evidence of the chaos that typically occurs on weeknights and weekend (when zoning officials are not on the clock)

    Edit to add** Location: Virginia, United States

    submitted by /u/givemetlc
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    Blatant Fraud at a Brick and Mortar location in my neighborhood

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    TL;DR: a check cashing place destroyed my check when I decided to take it elsewhere, and effectively forced me to do business (get gouged) with them

    I just got totally ripped off by a check cashing place (that partners with a major money-transfer provider) in the city of Houston. I'm not even sure what to call it. Destruction of property, among other things...

    I brought my $1,200 stimulus check to a check cashing place. They do business behind bullet-proof glass. I walked up, slid the check in, and asked them how much it would cost to cash. The clerk wouldn't give me a figure. She told me I would have to set up a profile, and sign the check (!) to find out the cost. I asked ballpark, what it usually costs. She quoted $100. I asked for my check back.

    She refuses to return it. Says they "can work with me", keeps upselling me. I start demanding my check back. I'm yelling, my hand is in the slot, repeating "give me my check back" while she calls her boss, and keeps telling me "in a minute".

    A few minutes of this pass. She then WRITES VOID ON MY CHECK, and slides is back under the window. Says it's just "policy", and I can cash it anywhere else. They point to the place next door. Of course this isn't true, but I even go check.

    I can't bring my check anywhere else now, and I needed the money today. I had to give these scammers my social security number, a fingerprint, a photo of my ID, and two of my face (I'm flicking them off in one, look furious in the other). They charged me $100 for their "services".

    They covered the word "void" with stick paper for the photograph; it seems like this is something they do a lot.

    This is a brick and mortar location in my neighborhood, committing this kind of coercive fraud. I'm outraged.

    Is there any authority that might care about this? This business is a cancer in our community.

    submitted by /u/SuspiciousFee7
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    Bank closed my account (no warning or explanation), how can I get my money ASAP?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Surprise surprise! Citibank decided to close my account after years of banking with them, they didn't give me a reason but someone slipped up and mentioned the SBA loan my husband received in July. My husband is an independent contractor (no EIN), submitted a truthful application, no fraudulent claims or wrongful info, was approved and money was deposited in our account. Citibank is holding our money hostage now, not just the amount of the SBA loan but ALL of our money. They informed us that they will proceed to close the account and send us a check with our money in 60 days, I've asked, cried and begged to get at least the money that we had aside from the SBA and nothing. I have children, it's the end of the month and we are in the middle of a pandemic... Is this even possible? Has anyone gone through this and how long did you have to wait to get your money back? NJ Client here

    submitted by /u/Sgrimau1
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    [Update] AirBnb is requesting $600 for damages I didn’t do.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    Previous post: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/illyiy/airbnb_host_is_requesting_600_for_damages_we/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

    Well after I refused to pay and they reviewed the evidence, AirBnb decided not to pursue me financially. They told me there was not sufficient evidence that I did the damages. So instead they banned me from the platform for life for doing the damages. It is incredibly annoying but frankly I don't care that much, my husband can create an account if we ever need one again. If we ever decide to give them money again.

    Moral of the story: Take pictures and videos when you leave your Airbnb or Vrbo rentals. Also fk AirBnb.

    submitted by /u/dogsbeforedishonor
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    Grandfather died with no will now uncle is trying to auction everything off however house and land has been in my mother’s name for about 4 years.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    Grandpas house and land was put in my and my moms name about 4 years ago at his request and we pay taxes on it. After he passed a month ago now my uncle wants to the house or to auction everything off. I'm wondering what he is entitled to since there was no will and he doesn't seem interested in anything in particular. Located in Arkansas.

    submitted by /u/stinkkitty
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    I'm a college student in Norman, OK and my roommate is being evicted because only 3 unrelated people can live in a rented house. Can I marry my homie to save him?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    I'm a student at the University of Oklahoma living with 3 roommates at a house rented from a property management service. We are living in violation of zoning ordinance Chapter 22-450 (38) and were notified today that we have 30 days to fix it. I will marry my homie if that's what Norman makes me do but before I do, I need to know if it's feasible. I need to know:

    1. Will this actually solve our problem?
    2. Will this impact my insurance? (dependant on fathers company insurance)
    3. Will annulment be an option?
    4. Do I have to tell my parents?
    5. Will this impact my potential for employment or scholarships in any way?

    Thank you guys and if all goes well I'll be married within the month 🍾 🥳

    submitted by /u/Luetenant_Obvious
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    Tenant’s bankruptcy affecting my mortgage and credit

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    My mortgage is on autopay. Three months ago when reconciling my bills account I noticed my mortgage payment hadn't been auto drafted. I immediately called the mortgage company and was connected to their bankruptcy protection department. After some questioning I was told since the tenant of the property filed for bankruptcy that they couldn't take auto payments from me and were legally not allowed to contact me to tell me that. I immediately made my account current and was assured I would not be reported to the credit reporting agencies due to being 32 days late. I didn't even need to pay a late fee. At this time they told me that I would need to call to make my monthly payments until my tenant's bankruptcy was discharged.

    Fast forward two months and they reported that late payment and refuse to remove the mark.

    I also tracked down the tenant's bankruptcy lawyer and they are mailing my monthly statements to him instead of me.

    None of this seems right. What are my legal options here? Can I go after the mortgage company for their errors? Can I go after the tenant's lawyer for his failure to contact the mortgage company or myself?

    submitted by /u/TheBraindeadOne
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    My company recently went after a former employee who left for a competitor, per a non-compete clause. I can't remember if I signed one and they won't give me an answer on whether I did. Are they required to tell me this?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    My company is struggling to keep employees - competitors are paying much more. Many employees with tenure are leaving to a new state to make double their salaries, as our non-compete clauses have aged out. We THOUGHT we all signed the same non-compete clauses, but apparently some had different expirations, as one employee LONGER tenured got hit with a lawsuit recently after he had already moved to to work for a competitor (pretty sure he is moving back now).

    I have no idea of what my clause was, and honestly I don't even remember signing one upon hire - though it was over a decade ago, and I'm sure I did. I've asked my company to produce my agreement so I can look at the details, but they have dragged their tails and and it's been weeks now. Other employees are having similar luck. Are they required to tell us what our contract says? Location is in Texas!

    submitted by /u/aftermaz
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    Neighbor ruined my hedges.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    I live in British Columbia, Canada. Unsure if this is the place to ask this. My neighbor decided to take it upon herself to cut my hedges we've been growing for 20+ years. I would have no issue with her trimming back to the property line. But as you can see in the photos she trimmed around most of the stump and left very minimal branches for my side... It looks awful. Is there anything I can do about this? Or is it just too bad? I would have been more than happy to hire a professional had she mentioned it to me - I do hire someone every now and then to keep it tidy for both hers and my side.


    submitted by /u/throwawaycanopener
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    Fence and Dog issues with neighbor

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    We live in Indianapolis and my neighbor built a 6ft fence that we share. When I looked into a privacy fence the HOA said it can't exceed 5ft because it will block the view of the water features. The neighbor built this against the HOA but they supposedly approved it.

    The other day the neighbor was reaching over the fence trying to smack my dog. When I asked what he was doing he yelled "Your dog needs to stay off my fence" I was under the assumption that boundary fences are dual ownership and have spent the better part of an hour searching through municipal codes to try to better understand the laws. Is it his fence or do we both have dual ownership?

    Also, I feel as though he was trying to antagonize my dog into biting him... The dog is a 11 month old Great Dane and is protective of our property. If the neighbor is reaching over the fence onto our property is that trespassing and would we be liable if our dog bit him?

    submitted by /u/ryandub86
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    My boyfriend was struck and killed by a drunk driver one year ago as we were on our way to work. What do I need to know before testifying/giving a statement?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    A year ago my partner's car broke down on the highway on our way to work. We were pulled over and on the shoulder of the highway when he was tending to his vehicle and a drunk driver sideswiped and killed him. I was in the passenger seat and witnessed his death and was present when police and emergency personnel arrived.

    The driver stopped down the road and was given a field sobriety test and was taken into custody. Due to covid the actual trial date has moved around and has finally been scheduled to take place next month.

    The state attorney's office called me this morning and said that the driver has not yet pleaded guilty but that he was hoping to leverage dropping some additional charges (that have accrued as a result of his getting into prison brawls) as incentive to plead guilty so that it wouldn't be a jury trial.

    I'm a little confused because today I was told I would receive a summons but that if he does plead guilty I do not need to appear in person although I can regardless submit a victim impact statement.

    Can anyone help me know what to expect in the next month? I was under the impression until this morning that this would be a pretty open and shut case and that I didn't need to actually testify in court. I have never had to do anything like this before. I definitely want to do whatever I can to bring this person to justice, of course. Thank you in advance.

    Edit: Location is state of Maryland

    submitted by /u/witchkitsch
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    Condo HOA wants me to replace hardwood floor that I did not install in my unit (a previous owner installed floor)

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    A New Jersey condo residence - My disgruntled neighbor, who partially lives beneath my unit, has been complaining about "noise" I make as I go about my daily life above her, and she states that the reason for the noise is due to the hardwood floors I have and that the wood floors do not have the proper "sound-buffering underlay". I never installed these floors myself. These floors came with the condo when I bought it 11 years ago; hence a previous owner installed them.

    Seven years ago my neighbor hired a lawyer who stated in a letter addressed to me that I could not sell my condo because the existing flooring was not installed properly with this "sound buffering underlay". My lawyer, at the time, responded back and disagreed with her lawyer and stated that I did not install the floors originally and that older HOA bylaws permitted the installation of hardwood flooring without the necessity of this underlay material. The HOA board sent me back a final letter stating that they are aware that I did not install the floors and that they also agreed that I did not have to make any modifications to the existing floor and nothing would have to be done for my sale. Essentially the HOA board at the time agreed with my defense and temporarily stifled my disgruntled neighbor's harassment and interference with my existing hardwood floors. I ended up not selling my place at the time for personal reasons.

    Fast forward to today, my neighbor has manipulated her way up to becoming President of the board and now she is using her power to sway the board to use their lawyer to state that this same flooring I have had for the past 11 years that I did not install myself, is under "maintenance violation" with their new amended bylaws and I now must ensure this existing floor needs to now have the proper "sound buffering underlay"; which really means I would have to rip the real wood floor up and basically pay out of pocket for new wood flooring with the proper floor underlay that satisfies their new rules and regulations.

    Please also be aware that my condo is NOT in a building constructed of metal, concrete, and/or brick.

    This is a three story condo constructed of all wood; like a regular house would be constructed but the entire structure has 6 living units; the end units (which is where I reside) have one unit on the ground floor (my neighbor) and the second and third floor is the other section of the end unit (which is where I live).

    I also would like to add that there is dead space between all floors of this entire wood-built structure; like any regular house would have.

    Does the board have in their rights the ability to force me to replace these floors? They recently have sent me a letter threatening to fine me monetarily if I do not get this done.

    Is this legal?

    I thought I was "grandfathered in" with older HOA rules since these floors were installed way before I ever lived here.....

    What are my rights as a New Jersey condo owner?....

    I feel cheated and lied to....When I bought this condo, no one at that time made any claim that these floors were not installed properly. The previous owner, the neighbor beneath, the realtor selling the unit, nor the HOA board; never disclosed to me any issues with this flooring........and now I am the sucker that is supposed to pay a huge cost to replace this flooring because this horrible neighbor states I "make too much noise".

    Any supportive words of encouragement or advice here; would be greatly appreciated. I live alone and I feel like this neighbor has turned the entire board and surrounding neighbors against me and I just keep to myself and have always been on-time paying my dues and minding my own business....

    submitted by /u/gh0stv0rtex
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    [Pennsylvania] My dad pointed a gun at my mom during an argument. Did he commit any crimes?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    As title says. Just got off a phone call and learned that last week my mom and dad were in an argument, and at one point my dad went to the bedroom to get a gun, and came back and pointed it at her. The gun was not loaded; the magazine (or whatever it's called) was still packaged.

    My mom says she was scared, and shocked, as my dad had been hiding the gun and ammo, and no one else knew it was in the house. My dad has said multiple things, including that he was just trying to scare her, and also that he was joking. Assuming my dad has a gun permit, is he guilty of any other crimes?

    My mom called the police and my dad's going through the system currently, but as my parents are immigrants, there's a little bit of a language barrier when it comes to understanding the law. I'm not sure what's going on with him right now.

    Edit: Thanks for the responses, I'm going through them one at a time and I'll try to address everyone. I may have some more questions down there.

    submitted by /u/throwaway_21561942
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