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    Friday, October 2, 2020

    Legal Advice - President Trump's COVID Diagnosis (and all Related Questions)

    Legal Advice - President Trump's COVID Diagnosis (and all Related Questions)

    President Trump's COVID Diagnosis (and all Related Questions)

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 11:48 PM PDT

    Family doctor told my family about my medical history

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    I'm in Ontario canada. A couple days ago I (26F) posted about how I hadn't been feeling well on Facebook, with covid and mental health. Today, my parents saw the post and spam called and texted me. I was asleep so I didn't pick up the phone. When I woke up I responded to them and went about my day. Later on, my family doctor's office called asking to book an appointment as they "hadn't heard from me in a while". I'm super busy with school and work so I can't just book an appointment just to chat, so I asked them to talk with my doctor and get more details before we book appointment.

    Later in the day, I got a phone call from my doctor and he explained it was because a family member was "concerned" and had called them. I told them I was ok and that an appointment hasn't necessary. Upset, I called my parents and they told me they were just concerned specially that I haven't been taking my medication. The thing is, no one knows other than my family doctor that I had them prescribed. I ask them what they were talking about, and they said that my family doctor told them I hadn't gotten a renewal on my prescription in about a year...

    WTF. What do I do? I don't live with my parents. I haven't lived with them in almost 10 years.


    Because I keep getting people suggesting that my facebook post was a call for help and that I was "asking for it", this was what I posted. I didn't suggest that I was suicidal, all I said was I was sad.

    "2020 This year has been a total mess. Not only have I been unable to see my friends at school, but my mental health has been taking a huge toll. I need to see people on a daily basis, but being locked in my apartment has been hard. I find myself being down a lot more, but I am trying my best. Thanks to my friends who have been checking up on my me through facebook, I love you all!"


    People still think it's my fault this happened. What the hell. Doctors don't just get to go around sharing private information. Second, my parents aren't lying to cover up finding about this from somewhere else. I don't tell people what goes on with my medial history. I don't live at home so my parents couldn't have stumbled upon my medication. I didn't even tell my roommate I had medication. To all those people who are trying to spin this into a "you deserve this", shame. And to the people private messaging me to "stop being a bitch and just take the damn meds", fuck off

    submitted by /u/AnanaBurger
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    Bought a House With an Illegally Installed Water Heater

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    My husband an I bought a house four weeks ago in Colorado. When the house was advertised and when we had it inspected, we were told that the water heater was new. Two weeks into living here, the water heater stopped working. We relit the pilot and moved on. The pilot keeps going out and we had a plumber come in and take a look. Turns out the water heater was installed completely against state regulations and that the improper installation is the reason the pilot keeps going out. Additionally, the plumber said that the sellers would have known that the water heater was improperly installed when they sold us the house (I know nothing about plumbing, so idk if this is speculation on his behalf.)

    We have already contacted our real estate agent, but I want to see what the legal side of reddit thinks we can do about this.

    Is seeking legal action against them our only option? We now have thousands of dollars worth of repairs and the warranty is no longer valid because of the unprofessional installation.

    submitted by /u/ienjoymushrooms
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    Lawyer quit the firm, we only want him.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    My parents paid a $20,000 retainer for a specific lawyer that works in immigration/deportation. He has great success rate and he is the only one we want. Apparently, our lawyer is no longer with this agency. He started his own firm and we would like to transfer with him. Our court hearings are in Cleveland, OH.

    They have only gone to court twice in the last TWO years as its a deportation case that is supposed to be getting dismissed; which is what our lawyer said after we paid another attorney ($8,000+/she was in the area of the original case in Minnesota) to clear the case that was the reasoning behind getting deported. Each time the court and our lawyer asked for an extension as court cases for deportation are being put out for 3+ years. He did speak with our MN lawyer but stated as it was a criminal case, and out of his jurisdiction he couldn't handle the case himself, he just helped us find a good one and then just checked in to make sure it was figured out and the results after about three months.

    My parents have only had the original one hour meeting to hire the lawyer, hour before each of the hearings and maybe 6 phone calls with him explaining what was going on with the case in MN and Cleveland. This is a 5 hour drive each way and my parents normally spend the night up there as they are older.

    The agency is stating that they put the request for our retainer in but not to expect much if anything back. They have not offered us a new lawyer to represent us and no we wouldn't keep them at this point anyway. They are dodging our calls right and left and being horrible when they do answer. We just called they they stated they put the request on the desk and we will have to wait to hear from them. We asked how long and if we were to call again, what is the appropriate time to call back? She rudely stated at least a week after huffing and puffing.

    Is this legal for them to do? We have our lawyer that we want to keep and he's stated there is no way we've used the whole amount of our retainer or even a big percentage of it. What is the best way to make them get moving with the process of returning the remaining retainer?

    We are located in Cincinnati, OH.

    submitted by /u/Halenae
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    (USA, MA) Can someone start a church in their home and host outdoor religious services?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    This is more to satiate my curiosity.

    A couple years ago a couple moved into my neighborhood and started a religious group. I won't mention the religion because I don't think that's relevant. But its not your run of the mill church or temple or mosque.

    They built a large addition to the house to serve as a worship hall. A couple times a week the street would fill up with cars and they would have (what I assume to be) worship. On their holidays they would often be outside with large decorations and chanting.

    I'm kind of ambivalent to the whole idea, but the guy living right next to the religious group is PISSED. With covid, they've moved to outdoor services in a large tent with a loudspeaker system. They had a big service the other day and the neighbor brings out his big speakers and starts playing rock music to drown them out. And then the police were called.

    Also, when there are cars parked up and down the entire street it is somewhat problematic because it makes backing out driveways challenging and having guests over impossible.

    Things are getting a little testy on the street and I'm curious as to what the legal boundaries are. Can anyone just move into a residential neighborhood and start a religion and hold services? Seems like they should be zoned for this.

    submitted by /u/bondsman333
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    Telecom company got their equipment stuck and had it towed out, going through my yard (where there is no easement) and ripping it up along the way. Can I compel them to pay for repairs, IA

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    A telecom company has an easement alongside my property. Until now it has not been an issue; it is along the side of the property by the road which I don't particularly care about. However, it is worth noting that this area is effectively a ditch, and there is a steep grade up to the road. So far that has also never been a problem and they have always driven equipment down into the ditch to do their work - as far as I know they have never come through the rest of my yard to access the easement.

    Recently after a lot of rain the telecom company worked on a major project in the ditch and apparently got a piece of equipment stuck. They were not able to remove it. They tried to pull it out using a pickup truck from the road side, and then eventually gave up on that and went around to the front of the property (where they do not have an easement) where they went through my driveway and across my front yard and then tried to pull the machine out from there. They were unsuccessful and called a tow truck company.

    The tow company did not attempt to tow from the road side of the easement, and instead went straight around to the front of my property and went through my driveway/front yard/etc. as they tried to do with the pickup. They eventually got it pulled out.

    After they got the equipment out, the telecom company continued to do their work using my yard, going through my driveway and yard repeatedly for two days. Due to the amount of rain the yard was muddy and they destroyed a stretch of grass about 15 feet wide and about 100 feet long. there are deep ruts (as deep as 14") that will need to be filled. Off to the side of this strip there is also an area where it looks like the tow truck used something to try to get leverage for winching that basically dug into the ground, and repositioned several times, so there are big ruts from that as well.

    I have been going back and forth with the telecom company but they will not commit to making any repairs. They told me if I believe the tow company caused damage then I can reach out to the tow company. Other than that they have continued to maintain that they are not legally required to repair damage from easement work - but my problem is that they damaged work OUTSIDE the easement.

    What now? Can I compel them to fix this? Is there some authority that would preside over this or would I need to take them to small claims?

    submitted by /u/debitorheadache
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    Can I legally record myself being abused?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    I'm currently in Illinois during quarantine with my parents, but go to school out of state. My dad is verbally and emotionally abusive and uses guns to intimidate me despite never threatening actual violence. I'm not eligible for financial aid due to their income and can't afford school on my own without their help (can't take loans out in the amount needed as an individual). They hold this over my head.

    My school has told me I may be eligible to become independent and receive financial aid if I can prove I am abused. I would like to do this as soon as possible because living with them has made me fear for my life and taken a signicant toll on my well being and ability to suceed in school. Because of Covid, they will not let me leave the home or get a job and don't allow anyone in the home. Is there a way for me to legally record the abuse and provide proof to the school?

    While I would like to leave I have no savings and can't get a job, nor do I have a place to go. I also am worried that if I leave and fail to prove my abuse I will have to drop out.

    submitted by /u/throwawaylegal2728
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    Apartment complex moved someone into my unit, still trying to get me to pay the accelerated rate for the rest of the year-long lease

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    Earlier this year I signed a renewal lease at my apartment on campus. After COVID came around, I didn't know whether or not I was going to use it, so I decided to move all my stuff out. I got a call from the complex a few days later saying they walked into my unit and noticed it was empty and asked me permission to move someone in. I explicitly said no, that I was not okay with that and might still use my place. A few days later, I went in to check the place for damages, because I intended to ask if I could break my lease and found someone living in my specific room in my unit. The two of us exchanged numbers, and she said she had been living there for a while, maybe from before they even called me.

    I proceeded to do the normal terminating lease checklist items. I emailed them with a 30 day notice, I sent a physical letter outlining my desire to terminate, and I turned in my keys. At every point of the way, they said they moved this girl into my room "by mistake", but showed no signs of wanting to move her out.

    When I started getting late rent notices, I emailed the complex a million times to no avail and with no response. Just now I got a bill for my rent for the rest of the year, late rent fees, the yearly utility fees etcetera. They said in 30 days, they will be sending collection with a 40% upcharge of what's on the bill. I know they are double-dipping rent, as I texted the girl in my unit and she is still living there. They were smart and didn't specify any unit on her lease and didn't change her rent, but she said they were well aware that she switched from another room in that unit and unlocked my room so that she could move in there. AND even after telling me it was a mistake, she is still living there.

    This complex has been double-dipping rent from when COVID started. I don't want them to take any more of my money.

    Edit: This is in Texas!

    submitted by /u/oreomoon
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    [USA, CA] Ex-Employer paid via check to settle wage claim, states he will void my check if I attempt to cash it.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 04:29 AM PDT

    Related to this post.


    Question: Is this considered check fraud?

    Question 2: If DLSE gets payment from my employer, can I still check the check I have in hand?

    I have a on-going wage claim with an ex-employer. We communicated via text to settle the debt. I come in and get my check. We agree I will withdraw the claim only after the check clears. After handing me the check. He wants me to withdraw the wage claim on the spot instead. Possible attempt to fraud? I refuse. I state I will withdraw the wage claim after the check clears.

    As I am leaving, he request that I sign a "General Release and employment termination" form acknowledging my end of employment date + waiving any liability to the employer. I refuse. He states if I do not sign it, "Then you must be planning on suing me". I waive him goodbye and walk out the door and drive home.

    EDIT: For clarification, there was no consideration of any forms to sign. Only to meet and agree on a amount to settle, and withdraw my claim after it clears. The check is handed to me afterwards. It was last minute on his part to modify and add a "general release" form. He stated the form was just to sign stating I am being terminated on good terms.

    Ex-employer texted me several minutes later as I'm driving "I will void your check I just gave you" until I agree to sign the general release form. I acknowledged his text and go to work.

    I filed a incident report. The attending officer was unsure if it is considered fraud since I did not attempt to cash out the check yet. Therefore no check has been voided yet, only him stating he will.

    Credits to ohio_redditor for bringing this up. I was unaware what he did may be considered illegal.

    submitted by /u/BlackPenis
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    [USA - CO] I feel my son isn't safe with his mother. I've already initiated custody proceedings. I need to get him away from her sooner, what can I do?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    As the title says, I've filed a petition for allocation of parental responsibilities. My one-year-old child's mother has already been served notice (which antagonized her and made the situation worse). She has since told me that she won't allow me to pick him up as scheduled or at all until the court proceedings (despite the fact that there is currently no court order giving her physical custody; we've never been to court regarding our son).

    Now, to make a long story short, his mother is abusive toward him and others, and I feel he is in danger living with her. There has been a CPS report against her by some third party that I don't know, alleging she is doing meth and not changing his diapers. I don't know the veracity of those allegations, but I do know that a social worker visited her and said he has no concerns.

    I have quite a bit of photographic evidence, recordings, text messages, and testimony which all confirm her abusive behavior toward my son. Our initial status conference is set for two weeks from now. I don't want to wait that long to get this evidence to somebody, but I don't know who to go to.

    I'm not sure that CPS would take another report seriously if I were to make it, and I don't know if a police report is the way to go. I really need a little guidance as all this is new to me. I need to know what I can do to keep my son safe until the court makes a custody decision.

    submitted by /u/throwduskiohio
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    I found myself waking up to a automobile nightmare and I'm unsure what to do.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    I found it odd my roommate slept for over 24hrs. I'd often check to make sure he was breathing and try to wake him up to no response. He was urinating himself when I finally picked em' up. Helped him get changed and got him a soda and lunch kit. He seemed to become lucid after this so I fell asleep at ease.

    In a peaceful sleep I wake up to a *BOOM!* my roommate who doesn't have a DL backed into (something that made a loud noise). I ran like hell as fast I could to see my roommate attempting to drive to work on his day off. IN MY CAR WITH MY KEYS! At this point I'm just lost. I get my neighbor to take me to his work where he made it. But when I seen my car, I almost cried. Right side front end smashed. Dented to hell. Back bumper all smashed up from hitting the wall. I'm so thankful he didn't hurt anyone or damage another car.

    But how in the world do I made this right? He refuses to go to the hospital despite many people witnessing his blood sugar being way off. Am I'm stuck paying for out of pocket? He's like a brother to me and this situation feels life destroying. He obviously has no insurance and normally walks or bike on days I'm not home.

    Any advice barring "Hide your keys from now on." would be greatly appreciated.

    Edit: I'm gonna get off here and try to figure some things out. Maybe looks at junk yards and possibilities of making him fix it. I promise I'll read through there when I get back and carefully consider all of them. Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/4Kali
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    Tree law. (Calm down, it's not that exciting but I still need advice because, tree law.)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    My neighbors and I are on good terms and they want to take down am old pine in the middle of the fence between our yards.

    We don't actually mind if the tree goes, and they have agreed to pay for the tree removal and fence replacement after.

    The question is, can we write a contract between the two of us saying they can take the tree down as long as they agree to incur the expenses and damages (if there are any?) or do we need a full attorney thing?

    We would rather not go the second route because they are great people and again we don't mind if the tree goes if they're doing it on their dime, (They have agreed to this and are professionals) but we cannot afford to go halfsies at the moment to remove something we don't actually mind. We don't care if the tree stays or goes, but we do actually like our neighbors and they don't like the tree. Can something like

    "We x and x of 221 agree that and give permission that the tree between our properties can be removed. X and x of 223 has agreed that any damages that may be incurred during the process is their responsibility and will replace the area of fencing at their own cost after said removal. "

    Would that hold up, if worse came to worse?

    submitted by /u/nephiroth
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    Can you be punished for breaking an NDA before you signed it?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    I am trying to break my lease. When they sent over a lease document, it includes the terms:

    "Resident acknowledges that the terms of this agreement and information pertaining to the resident's claims are to be kept confidential. Resident shall not disclose such information or terms to any other persons other than the parties to this agreement. Resident shall not publicize any fact or statement regarding this agreement or the underlying cause in a public forum, including the internet or social media."

    I have already made social media postings on multiple forums about the issue that's lead to this. Would I need to remove them to be in compliance, or do they exist outside this scope because they were made before the agreement? I haven't signed yet.

    Edit: Denver, Colorado

    submitted by /u/buttersquash23
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    Can I evict someone who isn’t on the lease?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    Long story short- I rent a townhouse (North Carolina) from my landlord, rent paid if full by me on time monthly.

    I started renting out my spare room last year to have some leeway with finances. I charge her a flat $600 monthly. She pays me via cash or cash app.

    For the first year she was on a separate lease I created off some legal internet page. She has been generally bad about paying rent on time but I usually end up getting it by the end of the month. Her lease ended in March and she originally told me she was moving back in with her parents so I didn't draft up a new one.

    She then decided she wasn't moving back in with her family and promised rent would be on time for now on.

    Of course that ended up being a lack of lies. She kept telling me all September oh I have it, it's coming but now we are two days into October and no money for either month.

    What are my legal obligations here considering she's not on the lease? I'm fine with my landlord. The rent has been paid in full by me. I'm just tired of subsidizing a grown working adult when I can have my spare room back.

    I want her out as soon as possible.

    submitted by /u/daisies4dayz
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    (Ontario, Canada) Landlords lied about needing house for family when refusing to renew lease, now staging walkthroughs, and dramatically raised rent

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:43 AM PDT


    My sisters are living in a townhouse, and their lease is up. They told the landlord they want to stay, but the landlord said they have family here who can't travel back to their home country, and they need the space to house this family.

    Earlier this week the landlords contacted my sisters letting them know they were having a couple of walkthroughs, so clearly their family aren't moving in.

    Also they've raised the rent dramatically (not clear yet how my sisters learned this).

    It sounds to me that they want to kick out my sisters so they can raise the rent with new tenants.

    This is illegal, right? What can they do?

    submitted by /u/SlaterHauge
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    I was diagnosed Bipolar 1 on my first day of my spring semester in college. My mental capacity was never in question, I had hives covering my body. My school told me I could not participate in my semester unless I did an inpatient stay.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    I was diagnosed Bipolar 1 on my first day of my spring semester in college. My mental capacity was never in question, I had hives covering my body before an audition. My doctor deduced I was in a manic episode and had been since the hives started. My school told me I could not participate in my semester unless I did an inpatient stay. They attempted to involuntarily commit me with police force three times and each time the officers refused because I was coherent but rightfully upset. I asked for help with a diagnosis and received none from my school, only obstacles. They deny I had no choice. I did not know my right to refuse, and did not get to finish the semester. My accommodations could not help at TCU. My Title IX decision for Disability Discrimination has not been finalized but it is not enough. The investigation has already been lazy and I have done much of the reporting and questioning myself. I am struggling to find legal counsel but have gathered all my files from the school and on one page the story ends mid sentence. The woman responsible for the decision forgot to finish my file. At one point I was shut in a conference room for four hours and when she is making note of this it cuts of mid sentence. She did not have to finish her reasoning for taking my education away to have the power to do so. The school has received federal funding and is subject to all ADA protections. There are so many glaring reporting errors as well as manipulation of my trust documented on paper and I don't know who to share this with. My demands are simply tuition reimbursement, payment of medical fees, and personal damages. There is a pattern of practice of Ivy League schools doing this. Currently three other women are suuing Texas Christian University for racial and disability discrimination. My case does not have much to do with theirs, but the Title IX coordinator whom I had an issue with and they did as well has been quietly replaced. I have to push this case now while they are already under pressure to hope for settlement. The social worker in my case called me a liar (stating I knew I would be taken from school if I were honest about wanting to kill myself which I never intended) and violated her code of ethics. The day I came back the faculty and administration began pressuring me into medical leave and that I would not be successful. It is well documented. I just cannot find someone to care and need advice. I was a student employee as well which aids in arguing everything I lost. The school denied me on campus care after I returned and the Vice Chancellor told me that was not supposed to happen to any student. The school went back on denying me access to those resources. I fought hard for myself and left a paper trail. Please help me figure out how to support this suit and folks who may be able to help me.


    submitted by /u/legalfrog11
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    Credit card got stolen twice, and I have some evidence to suggest it happened at the same place of business.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    A few months ago, I called into a pharmacy and gave them my credit card over the phone. The card was stolen and the person bought Dominoes. I had to get a new card number and go through all that fun stuff.

    This week, I called into the pharmacy to renew a prescription, gave them the updated card number, and lo and behold, my card is stolen again. They bought Dominoes pizza AGAIN.

    How do I go about filing a police report to get the staff at this pharmacy investigated? It's an out of town pharmacy, but still in state. Do I call the manager of the pharmacy and inform them someone's skimming credit card numbers?

    Edit: This is in Utah.

    submitted by /u/krinkly
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    Boyfriend got placed with a company truck recently and an accident happened while on the job and now boss wants him to pay for it

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    Putting under employment law since I'm 0% sure on how any of this works. Hoping to get some help, thank you in advance to anyone who replies.

    So to summarize my boyfriend has worked for a concrete company for the past year and few months. His coworker recently up and quit all the sudden, so the boss gave my boyfriend the keys to the company truck and had him take over the responsibility of taking trips to the dump.

    So today I guess an issue happened with the dump trailer, while onsite at the job, where the trailer raised and put a dent and couple scratches on the tailgate.

    My boyfriend is now super upset because he was told it's his responsibility. But it doesn't seem fair that he would have to pay for it when he didn't ask for the responsibility of the truck, no paperwork was involved in the truck handover, just the keys. Also the fact it happened on a job site while on the clock with all the coworkers watching but it falls on his shoulders??

    Anyways, advice is much much appreciated. Much love

    submitted by /u/hunbabubba2134
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    People parking in private lot

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:40 PM PDT

    Hey all, so myself and a bunch of my friends are college students in Ohio who live off campus at a building that used to be commercial, but is now residential. We have a parking lot which is really nice for having friends over, the issue is that often on weekends we come home from going out to a parking lot that we own yet cannot park in because other people have parked there to go to parties. We've made homemade signs asking people not to park there, but they haven't been super effective. We've also tried calling the local police (non-emergency) but they haven't been able to help. Any advice here would be great.

    submitted by /u/B1ue_zangoose
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    Somebody stole my voting ballot out of my mail box. What can I do as a California voter?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    My ballot was supposed to arrive today. Every two hours, we went outside to check for its arrival. Not only did the ballot not arrive, but there was no mail in our mailbox. Then we noticed our yard sign was missing, confirming that someone had entered our property to remove our mail. Can we still receive our ballots?

    submitted by /u/broha89
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    Advice regarding off leash dog that was injured by my leashed dog? (Alabama)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Hi, just seeking a little advice because I'm not sure what exactly I need to do moving forward in this situation. I'll try to keep the account short, but it does require some detail.

    When I was walking my dog a couple of days ago (leash and sturdy harness), a neighbor's dog came running up to us growling and barking with a leash trailing behind it. With the short warning I had, I pulled my dog in as close as possible to try to stop the situation but the other dog was too close. It grabbed my dog's neck, which resulting in a small tussle that ended with the other dog slightly injured and but mine unharmed. The other dog was a smaller breed, maybe 10-20 pounds, while mine is a medium ish breed right at 60 pounds, hence the disparity of the injuries.

    The person walking the other dog was a younger boy, maybe 10-12 years old and had seemingly dropped the leash, but just stood there and watched the entire thing happen until I was finally able to separate them myself. I asked him if his dog was okay, and he didn't say anything and walked off while I removed my dog from the situation.

    Where the problem comes in is that he apparently told his mother a wildly inaccurate version of events in which my massive, vicious, great dane sized dog ran over and attacked his while I stood idly by, and he was knocked over in the process. We were able to get into contact through our condo's HOA, and she refused to believe anything other than what she was told by her son. There are no cameras there either to show her footage from. She expects us to pay the vet bill for this dog that isn't hers, she was only dog sitting it for a friend.

    I know Alabama has a specific leash law that to my interpretation says all liability falls to the owner of the off leash dog, but she's so far threatened to file a police report and file a claim to our homeowner's insurance through the HOA. I feel reasonably confident that if it is the word of her young son versus mine then it will go our way, but I'm wondering what I need to do to prepare for dealing with this woman? She's definitely shown to be a "Karen type" person, so I don't expect her to drop this. Also in case it helps, the head of maintenance for the complex met with us and met our dog, and he repeatedly commented on how well behaved and sweet she is, while also stating she is very much smaller than he expected based on the story. We've also spoken with the HOA and they believe us as well, for whatever that is worth.

    I know this ran long, but I've been incredibly stressed all day and just need a little help here. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/throwitoutifdone
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    Landlord sold off part of rental property (Illinois USA)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    The house I have been renting for ~2 years sat on a double lot, with the house itself on one lot and the majority of back yard being on another. Around the time I moved in the landlord spun the 2nd lot off in order to sell it and I was told that "this lot has nothing to do with your rental" and they took care of the yard work and everything, starting at the edge of my back patio. However, this fall they finally sold it and construction on a new house has begun today and it turns out that the property line that they told me was inaccurate and the new construction is now tearing up 1/3rd of my back patio. I am sadly out of town at the moment and just informed this morning VIA a phone call from my landlord that this is happening today. Obviously I cannot stop this from happening today as I am currently out of town but I was wondering what my options are because this directly hampers my ability to enjoy the property I am renting and goes against what my landlord has informed me of with respect to the edges of my property. Is there anything I can do about this, even if it is just to force my landlord to make the patio reasonable again?

    submitted by /u/elvanarcy
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    I am a retail worker that was assaulted by a homeless man while on the job.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    A homeless man, that I have kicked out of my store many times, returned and ignored me telling him to leave. He opened a redbull cooler, and stared throwing them on the ground. I approached him when he had a redbull in each hand, I took one, and he struck me in the face with the other. When he wounmd up to hit me again i jumped on him. We struggled on the ground for a minute, with him trying to bite me, he was also had feces on his hands while he tried to scratch and claw at me. I dragged him out of the store, he walked away, and cops arrested him at a nearby park.(I have the footage of this available). I understand that I should of just let him be, however, I have been encouraged more and more by my bosses to stop shoplifting. It has been getting worse due to the pandemic, and they refuse to hire security.

    I have no idea what steps to take, When the cops arrived I gave my account of the incident, they took my information and I will be pressing charges. I went to the er the morning after, the doctor said that I have a pretty bad concussion as my ears are still ringing, and I am still dizzy.

    I am in California, do i need to get a lawyer? I really don't want to work there anymore, its unsafe now, and it was before.

    submitted by /u/tendercat
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    I just found out that UPS is no longer offering refunds for shipments that are late. Is this legal? How can they charge so much for overnight air/ 2 day air and if they miss the date by a lot. Do they just get to keep that money as if it was delivered in the time that we agreed?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    I'm sorry if this is a dumb question but I've never had a company tell me that they are completely canceling refunds due to COVID. Even if I just got charged for normal mail it wouldn't sting as much (Still stings my grade. I need that book to do my school assignments.) How can they keep the money for overnight express but not fulfill even close to the agreed-upon date? How can they not even do partial refunds? They said that refunds are suspended and I asked when they are unsuspended will I be able to get my refund and he told me no.

    I feel like if I ordered a car with all the bells and whistles and the base model arrived at my doorstep I would either be able to get a full refund or at least get my money back for the bells and whistles since that part of the agreement wasn't upheld.

    I tried calling and it was the biggest pain to get to a human. When I talked to the customer service agent I was told nothing, that there was no explanation, that UPS no longer does refunds and to pretty much kick rocks. I was then hung up on when they were transferring me.

    submitted by /u/bzsteele
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    Former employer threatening to sue for Glassdoor Review

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    Hello, my former employer is threatening to sue me for a Glassdoor review. They sent me a letter saying they suspected it was me. I wrote back saying it wasn't me. Then they sent another letter saying that after they sent the letter to me, one of the reviews was taken down from Glassdoor so it must have been me. This review stated it was made by a former employee and dated when I was still an employee. The other review they accuse me of states that it was made by a current employee after I was not an employee anymore. They do not have a legal right to accuse me of these reviews right since they don't align with when I was an employee and not an employee, right?

    submitted by /u/FunHoneydew835
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