• Breaking News

    Friday, January 31, 2020

    Legal Advice - Upcoming AMA: Kimberly Robinson, Supreme Court reporter for Bloomberg Law.

    Legal Advice - Upcoming AMA: Kimberly Robinson, Supreme Court reporter for Bloomberg Law.

    Upcoming AMA: Kimberly Robinson, Supreme Court reporter for Bloomberg Law.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 03:14 PM PST

    Kimberly's bio:

    I report for Bloomberg Law on cases at the Supreme Court, following the cases through orders and oral arguments, all the way to decision days. I also keep track of the justices and what they're up to around Washington, D.C. I've been a reporter with Bloomberg Law for the past seven years, where I've covered hot-button issues like abortion, affirmative action, and LGBT rights. Before that, I worked as an associate at Morrison & Foerster LLP.

    We did an AMA before First Monday, and we're back to do a mid-term look back and look forward to what's to come in the term.

    This AMA will start tentatively around 1:00 ET, on Tuesday, February 4.

    Note: Any questions from this post will get ported over to the AMA post.

    submitted by /u/bug-hunter
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    Life insurance agent is avoiding my husband so he can't cash his account

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 05:38 AM PST

    Kansas. The title explains most of it. My FiL had a life insurance policy for my husband. When my husband's father passed, my husband got this LI policy transferred to his name. They send letters saying that they're taking payment out of the policy to cover the monthly payment. My husband has tried and given up on contacting them, because the guy avoids and doesn't return calls or emails. My husband even tried a ruse of opening another account for our kids to get him to respond. Nothing. This account is being slowly drained and I don't want that to happen. I'm now a beneficiary of my husband's account, but not on the account, so I can't try to contact them and get anywhere, only my husband can.


    Edit: Clarity.

    Thank you all for the replies. I think we have all of the options we can do. Have a good weekend! :)

    submitted by /u/Mommabearofthree
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    My dad died of alcoholism and now someone is sending me menacing packages containing alcohol.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 12:54 PM PST

    My dad was abused as a child and the trauma caused him to drink himself to death. I am teetotal and live a rather secluded life at the moment.

    Recently, I have been receiving cans of lager with a note attached saying "it is only a matter of time :)". I don't know who is doing it but can I go to the police about it and would I be able to trace the sender?

    submitted by /u/BadTimesAndBadTimes
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    Colorado. Daughter's stalker using police to harass her.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:39 PM PST

    My daughter works seasonally in Colorado. After an ugly break up with her boyfriend last year, she decided to relocate permanently. Apparently, he moved there 2 months after she did. Since we are about 2000 miles away from Colorado, I think it's safe to say it wasn't an accident. She knew he was there, friends told her. He briefly contacted her through a spoofed number. There was no contact after the 1st week when she asked him to leave her alone.

    Last week she took a bus to another ski town to have a boot fixed. She ran into him in a shop. They didn't interact.

    Yesterday she was phoned from the other towns police department and an officer asked her if she had vandalized his car. She is being accused of keying his car the day she had her boot fixed. She explained to the police that she was on the bus, did not know where he lived and had done nothing to his car. She said that they had been separated for a period of time and she did not wish to be contacted by him as he had followed her to Colorado. She told them straight up front that it had been an abusive relationship.

    Today she was a called again and she told the police officer what I told her to say. " You are being used to harass me. Please do not contact me again."

    She said the officer became a little bit aggressive on the phone and said he would put her down as refusing to cooperate. She told him that was fine thanked him and hung up.

    Is there anything else we should be doing? She has not contacted this guy in any way.

    submitted by /u/throwaway303ski
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    What type of lawyer would be used to file suit over Florida's $10K ballot access fee?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:00 PM PST

    It's currently $10,440 (6% of the annual salary of the position) to get listed on a ballot in Florida. If someone wanted to file a suit claiming that this is an unreasonable barrier to entry for people that aren't rich (Alaska's ballot fee is $100 as a counterpoint), what type of attorney should be engaged for this? We have enough problems getting people politically engaged without these kinds of shenanigans.

    submitted by /u/Skjarl
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    Injunction Hearing for a restraining order I placed on my ex’s gf to keep my 4 year old safe.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:26 PM PST

    What should I expect to happen at this hearing? My daughter came home with claw marks down her face and neck, so I filed a police report. The officer told me a restraining order would help and I did that. So now there is an injunction hearing and I'm pretty anxious. Any advice would be great. Located in Wisconsin, USA.

    submitted by /u/jlovexoxo
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    [MN, USA] more than $16,000 charged to my father's Google account from "Google Cloud Platform" we never signed up for

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 03:01 PM PST

    So moving to a new home and all the remodeling and other expenses of the past year led my 69 y/o father not to notice that starting in November of 2018 Google started billing him over $1,200 a month for something called "Google Cloud Platform".

    We've gone around and around for three weeks now with Google and the credit card bank, and the latest result is that Google claims "we have been loyal customers for over a year. the charges are valid." And I can't seem to get through to anybody "higher up" in either company to escalate this further.

    The most frustrating part is that it's very hard to even find the invoices from Google. They're completely separate from their ordinary consumer services like renting movies on YouTube, which was the only actual legitimate activity on his account. Cloud Compute Platform stuff is hidden away deep in another part of account settings. This seems RIPE for fraud.

    Is there a time limit for us not noticing fraudulent charges? $16k is a lot of money.

    submitted by /u/pedropants
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    [UK] My mum was just sexually assaulted in our own kitchen by a man claiming to be a tree surgeon

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 05:21 AM PST

    Just an hour ago I was waking up upstairs and heard my mum talking to a man in a situation that seemed uncomfortable. I could hear how nervous she was, and the situation seemed strange. Once he left my mum came upstairs and broke down in tears, explaining that the man just stripped on her in the kitchen and asked her to feel his penis.

    She's now absolutely terrified and I'm worried for her. We live in a house that we can't move out from and we're both disabled. He knows where we live and the security on our house isn't very secure. We're worried that if we report him to the police then he will come back here and do something, as he clearly lacks impulse control.

    He first came to to the house on Wednesday asking if he could go upstairs and he touched my mum's hand and said "what are you prepared to give?" in response to her telling him she couldn't afford the work he was offering. Then he knocked on our door multiple (4) times on Thursday, the last knock I answered and he offered a product which he was giving away, I told him I'd have to ask her and he said "okay, get her to come out and see me down the side" then we stayed in the house and locked the doors. Then finally he came into the house today, asking "it's cold out here, can I just come in to warm up" so she invited him in for a cup of tea whilst she was doing the washing up. He didn't even ask for the tea, and instead pulled down his jogging bottoms and asked her to touch his penis whilst telling her she was "really fit" and asking her to scratch his back.

    My mum didn't really know how to react. She's been raped before, and her experience with men is very rough. She called him a tart, saying he was being very forward and unpleasant. Feeling scared, she tried to ask him out of the house and he eventually agreed saying that he'll come back at 11 on Monday.

    Neither of us are very sure on if any laws were even broken. At best I can think of indecent exposure, so I don't know if we call the police they might just end up warning him and then he'll be back. I don't think it's even possible for us to prove what he did, as it seems like it would be our word against his. Is calling the police a bad idea? Neither of us know what to do.

    [Update] I tried to get my mum to speak to the police and she started screaming at me in absolutely refusal. She was in shock after the incident and finished a bottle of vodka we had left from Christmas.

    Am I able to make a statement? Or does it need to come from her? She's not cooperating with me and refusing to speak to the police if they come. The morals are getting complicated, as she'll never forgive me for phoning the police but I'll never forgive myself if we don't. Do they need to speak to the victim for a statement to be issued? I'm worried because the alcohol she's consumed since might be used against her and I really don't want this guy going unprosecuted.

    submitted by /u/Evanz111
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    [Las Vegas, Nevada] I am a teacher, the public school neglected to submit our work hours, they did it 4 days late, and failed to pay me and several coworkers on payday at least twice now, this time right before the end of the month.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 12:48 AM PST

    The first time they cut me a check the next day. Now they are saying that because their payroll system changed and can't do that, and that I won't get paid until the 5th of February. My bills are due today and I can't pay them.

    I did everything correct on my end, I submitted my timesheet to them. I have proof that I did this. One of the school managers literally spoke to the payroll lady in person to submit and approve my timesheet the day that she was supposed to, and she even said that she did already. She and the assistant principal instead waited 4 days later to submit and approve it, even though they could have done it anytime and and even approve it on their phones. The labor board said they can't get involved with public schools. The school board doesn't care to listen as far as I know.

    This has happened to a few of us more than once now, and we don't know what to do. We're all living paycheck to paycheck and will be late on many of our bills and suffer consequences because of it.

    I want to take them to court and sue them for badly neglecting to pay our wages on time, punitive damages as well, whatever we can do. Please advise us on what to do.

    submitted by /u/StunningObjective
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    Is my mother entitled to my Dads pension?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 03:52 PM PST

    My Dad served with the Canadian Forces for 32 years and retired about 10 years ago. My mother has been living illegally in the US Virgin Islands for approximately 15 years. She has never tried to make contact with myself, my sister, or my Dad since she left. Her and my Dad were never officially divorced but they separated about 5 years before she left and during that time her and my dad had a notarized document made up in which (this isn't verbatim) says my father is the sole caregiver of my sister and I.

    Dad passed away 6 months ago.

    Is my mother entitled to his pension?

    Edit: We live in Ontario

    Edit 2: Im confused as to how she would be able to deposit/receive Dads pension as our mother is "an illegal alien" and doesn't have a bank account or any form of valid or up to date ID.

    submitted by /u/Miss_MoneyPenny
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    Witnessed a domestic violence and just got a call from an officer to reinterview me.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:03 PM PST


    About a week ago I was visiting a friend. There were 4 adults and 4 sleeping children.

    Everyone had been drinking and a friends wife started a fight that ended with the sheriff coming. The police were there for a couple of hours. I gave my recollection of the events but never signed a written statement nor was I asked to do so.

    Ultimately my friends wife was arrested and charged with criminal mischief/domestic violence.

    I opted not to be put on the protection order.

    I spoke with family services that night and again via phone call.

    I'm now over 100 miles away.

    I just received a call from an officer that was there that night asking (telling) me to come in and be interviewed again.

    He said I was a witness in an open case.

    I'm supposed to meet him at 6:30pm tomorrow.

    This seems very strange to me. Is this standard operating procedure? Im a bit nervous here.

    submitted by /u/xxkinetikxx
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    Coworker pulled a ladder out from under me and is now lying to.my boss about what actually happened

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:41 AM PST

    Today at work I had a coworker pull a ladder out from under me. Was sent home about 30 mins ago. I was installing pipes at the top of a 12 foot ladder. My coworker pulled the ladder out from under my in which I had to grab the beam to keep myself from falling. I dropped the pipe I had in my hand in order to grab the beam. I got down and screamed at the guy and he pushed me. I screamed at him and called him a bitch. My journeyman comes running around the corner and at that point the guy walks away and I head downstairs to call my boss about what just happened. Once my boss comes he gets my side of the story. The other guy said the reason he pulled the ladder out from under me is because I threw my pipe at him. To which my other co workers said they heard a pipe hit the ground and then a whole lot of yelling. I dropped the pipe I didn't throw anything. There were no witnesses to any of this. People were around the corner but no one actually saw anything. Its just my word vs his at this point. Is there anything I can do in this situation or am I just fucked?

    submitted by /u/831-XXX-XXXX
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    If an 18 year old were to run away from home could the police do anything about it?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 12:05 PM PST

    So basically my gfs parents are crazy. They've taken everything away from her. Her phone, her car, they won't let her close her room door, their forcing her to work for them and idek if their paying her, they've taken all of her college money she saved up(atlesst 14k) and Gave it to her brother, they said when she leaves for college she's leaving with nothing. She wants to leave home but like she wants to run away. If her parents got the cops involved could they even do anything about it? She's 18 so technically she's an adult. We're in South Dakota and she wants to come and live with my family

    submitted by /u/Just_another_sk8er
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    Neighbor parking large truck in shared driveway, blocking access to my garage

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:37 PM PST

    I live in a townhome complex in California, and I've been having issues with my neighbor across the driveway from me. He has been parking his large truck in front of his garage in our shared driveway. This makes it pretty much impossible for me to get into my garage, especially when there's already another car in there (2-car garage). I can't even drive past his truck and back up into my spot because we're at end of the driveway, and his other truck is parked there and sticks out, leaving me no room to do so.

    Now, this is where things get tricky. I've spoken to him and politely asked him to stop parking his truck in the driveway. He said he'd stop, but this was over half a year ago. We also have signs everywhere that say anyone who parks here will be towed. Recently, I've had several instances where he starts yelling and walking towards my car aggressively while I'm waiting for him to move out of the way. He tries to stare me down in what is obviously supposed to scare and intimidate me (and it's working). Or he'll move right in front of my garage, making it impossible for me to get in. I don't want to get into it with him, as I've heard him yelling and threatening my other neighbor with violence.

    I've sent our HOA the dashcam footage of all of these encounters, and they say they'll give him a fine for blocking the driveway. But it's not working because he keeps doing it. We're also supposed to have security, but they never do anything about it. I'm at my wits end. Every day on my way home from work, I started getting anxious about whether he's blocking the driveway or not, and whether he's going to try to intimidate me again, and I'm just wondering if there's any legal action that I can take? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/_throwaway8383
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    A couple from Romania is suing me for something my deceased grandmother did

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:46 AM PST

    While I was born in Romania, I am a US citizen and have lived here for the past 21 years. My father passed away when I was 1 and my brother and I inherited some land from him. It wasn't until recently that we found out that our now deceased grandmother forged our names and sold it, illegally. My aunt, who still lives in Romania, has recently gone to a couple house that have built a property on "our" land. Yesterday, I got a letter in the mail from this couple's attorney suing my brother, aunt, and I for property right issues. The letter demanded a signature and passport number. I have never heard of a legal document demanding a passport number, and Romania is still rather sketchy bureaucratically speaking, therefore i'm not providing one.

    My question is, can they legally come after me in the States? I literally had nothing to do with the whole situation and am just NOW finding out about all of the drama. Plus, my signature got forged....


    submitted by /u/bladerunner1234
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    My University sold my debt to a debt collecting agency, but before sending to the agency, they charged me with a 200% no payment fee.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:22 PM PST

    I am an international student studying in USA back in 2017. At that time, my family have some financial issues. I studied in Long Island New York. Before returning to my country, I signed up for a repayment plan for 24months for the tuition fees I owed.

    Fast forward to 2019 June everything is going according to plan. But once July 2019 came, I just couldn't come out with the money. I missed the repayment , this was the last repayment 24 out of 24. Things got hectic in my family and forgot to follow up.

    Fast forward to now, I wanted to apply for a job but it requires my academic report card. The report card is on hold because of my outstanding debt. When I tried to repay it through my university website, I didn't allow me. I emailed the financial department and they told me they sold my debt to a debt collecting agent.

    Meanwhile , I checked on my past payment to see my outstanding bill, it went up by a lot! So I check the history and apparently my university just charged me some random "insufficient fund" @200% of my outstanding payment. I sent them an email asking the charge, and they haven't reply me for a week. I am planing to email them asking for a follow up next week.

    For context: my monthly repayment is $564, The insufficient fund charge is $1692. My last repayment was on July 19, and on July 30th they charged me with insufficient fund and sold my debt .

    I really don't know what to do, I don't even know you can do something like this. Even for credit card interest rate per annum is maximum 30%

    This is my account summary https://imgur.com/a/yjvf2qQ

    submitted by /u/CannabisCannibalism
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    Supervisor from different unit falsifying court records and signing as court clerk without being sworn in and management hasn’t done anything after it being reported

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:16 PM PST

    I'm going to try to give as much info as possible without giving away where I work so it doesn't get out before my supervisor (A) and I have all the proof we need.

    I work in a local government collections agency. There are 2 big issues that im dealing with at work. I work for a unit that is responsible with entering judgment lines and part of the process is to verify that the info on the judgment is correct before sending them to be recorded. When they get to me, they have already been filed in the court. And after verifying the info on it is correct it needs to be stamped and signed by a sworn in clerk of the court (me) to certify under penalty of perjury that the document is correct. Last year we started having issues with errors on the judgments and need to be sent back to the originating department for revocation and correction. Here is where the issue starts. Instead of revocating and correcting, they began altering them (e.g. white out to correct dates)and sending them back to us to get recorded. When that would happen we would send them back again saying that we cannot accept them since they were altered. A attempted on several occasions to meet with the supervisor of this department (B) to address this but they refused. It was even reported to the manager (C) at the time (who is now director) who attempted to arrange a meeting between A and B. When B refused, C dropped the issue. When C became director, A reported it the new manager who refused to do anything about it. Roughly September 2019 B stopped sending us the judgments. A and I thought B was just collecting them, but as we found out this past week, instead B was sending them to be recorded herself stamped and signed herself. B is not a sworn in clerk of the court. A and I are refusing to enter these liens into our system. Some restructuring happened and we have a new manager. A has arranged a meeting for next week with the manager to address this whole thing and getting as much proof as she can (email records including one from the new director saying to just go with it, email from recorders office saying that the person certifying the documents must be a sworn in clerk of the court, penal codes on the topic and such). A and I have agreed that if it doesn't get fixed, we will have to report it to the ethics board, union, court, etc. I don't have any hope that it will be fixed and am afraid of retaliation. I want to get out before it all happens.

    I tried reading stuff on whistleblower protections in CA, but it's all confusing and seems contradictory. I don't know what to do. Any advice is appreciated. Sorry for the rambly nature of the post and any grammar errors (especially all the run ons).

    I love my job except for all this going on.

    submitted by /u/legaladvice_please
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    Apartment getting rid of Laundry Room Cards, all the amount in it will be voided, got 2 days notice.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 04:28 PM PST


    My apartment is getting rid of the laundry room cards. Until now, we had a little box in the apartment where we would go to load money into our laundry room card, we would then be able to put that cards into laundry machines to do our laundry. I just got notified (Friday at 6:00PM) that starting Monday (in 2 days but 0 business days) that those cards will no longer be valid. I have over $30 in there that will just disappear.

    Can the apartment do this? Is there anything I can ask they do? I couldn't find much information on the lease. Can I ask for the money to be refunded in other ways? We were given basically no notice about this. In MN.


    submitted by /u/idontwantomakeauser
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    I've accidentally purchased a person's mail account, how do I give it back/warn them without getting sued myself?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 02:33 PM PST

    Hello everyone, a couple of hours ago I made a purchase and it freaked me out a bit so I came here for help. I really wanna help this family but I also don't want to get sued by them thinking I stole it or something. I'm 19 and I don't have much clue on what's the best solution to this.

    This all happened because of a Minecraft account (yes, I know how stupid this sounds), I was planning on buying it but the pricing seemed a bit too much so I searched for a second-hand account and thought I should just buy from someone who wasn't playing the game anymore. I found a website and they were selling an account for two dollars, the website seemed legit, so i made my purchase.

    I got an email and a password, I tried to login to the game but it didn't work so I wrote back to the seller, asking what was wrong. And he gave me this reply;

    We use a secure system; we provide our customers with native mail so that you can restore all the data and for this you can use thunderbird

    At that point, I figured I purchased a stolen account. I checked what thunderbird was, it's a mail application that Mozilla made, I downloaded it and logged in to the account, and there it was, somebody's STILL active mail account.

    I was literally out of words, with no idea what to do. I had access to all the sent and received emails for this person. I asked the seller on what this was, and they didn't return to me.

    This person is from Australia, I'm in Turkey. I dug through some of the mails to see if I can find any way to contact this person, I found her son, who was born in 2003, her son's school, and his USI number that was connected to that email. Seeing how important details were here, I started panicking. If I was able to gain access to this mail, then who knows who also can. I was video-chatting my friend and talking to her and trying to come up with what to do because this issue clearly needed to be fixed.

    I found their son, messaged him on Instagram but he hasn't returned to me yet. I also have their address, phone numbers, last digits of their card numbers, hell, even their doctor's name. I was just about to message the woman from her phone, but my friend said if I did, she could think that I was the one behind this and that I could get in trouble because of this. So I didn't message her back.

    Is there any way this could be traced back to me? What do you think I should do now? I don't want to leave the account because like I said, probably other people have access to this mail. I want to help but I'd rather not get sued while doing that lol. Any help would be amazing, thanks a lot!

    Also, seeing how easy and cheap this was, it made me a bit sad. This person could've been my mom. I never thought about how someone's entire information could be so cheap and easy to obtain. I really wanna help these people out.

    Edit: Like I said here, I'm from Turkey so my main language isn't English. I think I'm doing alright in everyday sentences but since this was related to something legal, my English might be a bit glitchy from time to time. I hope it doesn't make anything not understandable.

    submitted by /u/cbriely
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    Company informed me on my first day that the job I was hired for was no longer available

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 02:13 PM PST

    Texas. I have been actively searching for R&D focused jobs near me for the past year and a half. About 6 months ago, I was introduced to the principal investigator on a very interesting research project for an employee near me. He informed me that his group was interested in hiring a new member soon and said I would be a great fit. I was thrilled about the opportunity and to my satisfaction, i was offered the job in 12/2019. I accepted the offer and resigned from my previous job. It is useful to note here that I accepted this new, very specific job offer solely because it satisfied my desire to do research and because I wanted to work with the people in the group, who are also passionate about science and research. I was not interested in any other openings with the new company because they do similar engineering work to the company I resigned from; I would not have resigned from my previous job for any other position with the new company. On my first day of the new job, my employer informed me that, because of budget cuts imposed by the government entity funding the project, the job I was hired for was no longer available and I would have to accept another role in the company. This happened even though the manager of the research team I was initially hired onto included salary for one additional person (me) in the fiscal year 2020 budget, which was approved in october by the government funding entity. I have been with the new company two weeks and it does not seem like my new employer has fought the budget cut on my behalf to try to keep me on the team. Two questions: 1. Is it legal for the government entity to cut budget for the project even though they approved the FY2020 budget, which included my salary, and also approved the hiring of a new member into the group? 2. Is it legal for the position to be made unavailable if I signed a contract stating I was being hired to be a specific kind of engineer unique to the group I was to be hired into?

    submitted by /u/CertainlyUncertain_
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    [GA] Father threatened to murder me and my mother over wanting divorce.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 11:58 AM PST

    My mom and dad got in an argument, she threatened divorce, and he screamed he'd murder me and her for plotting against him with divorce. I came and saw him cornering her and with his fist in the air wanting to punch her before I screamed wtf are you doing. He stormed out of the house threatening you'll regret this and i'm scared.

    He's on probation for felony theft(not sure, he never told us when he got caught) and he's beaten her up before, idk what to do, do I call the police and tell them this?? This just happened 5minutes ago and i'm in panic. He is not a U.S citizen he's a european(dont want to say which country) man and he believes in his right to do as he pleases with his wife. I'm scared he's gonna kill us or do something drastic, can I do anything??

    submitted by /u/2x2iz5
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    Ghosted from Work

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:13 PM PST

    So I work at a restaurant and this morning I woke up and could not access my schedule (it's on an app, and it just logged me out and when I try to log back in, it won't let me back in and says I'm "not apart of a team".) I have messaged my manager, and the owner of the store explaining the app is not working and just my time to come in for work tomorrow. They both have not responded in twelve hours.

    I think I have been fired, but no one has told me anything at all.

    Update: Turns out I was deleted from the schedule and can not see it anymore, was told by my manager that I had no shifts and to just pick up my check on Monday. Still have not been told I have been fired.

    Is there anything legally I can do about not being told I'm being fired?

    submitted by /u/babys8ten
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    Babysitter is asking for social security number to file taxes. Is this typical?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 03:19 PM PST

    This is for the state of Texas. This is an in-home daycare. The form their CPA is trying to file is the 1099. I know it is typical for the party that is paying for daycare to use the babysitter social to claim a tax credit. I don't know if it is the other way around.

    submitted by /u/Buttershine_Beta
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    Question: Got rear ended at red light. My issuance Geico gave me 2 options. Need help.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:12 PM PST

    Background: I use geico and car is registered in NY. The accident happened in MA.

    I was stopped at a red light when all of a sudden another sedan slammed into the back of my car. My passenger and I felt ok so we got out of car. I took a pic of his license and registration while he called 911. Police officer came and took down our info. Later on I called my insurance Geico to report it, and the rep said I have 2 options to pursue this.

    1) Pay $1000 deductible under my collision plan. Then Geico will pursue the other party/insurance for repayment and possibly give me back my $1000 deductible plan. However this does not have a recovery guarantee timeframe and might be lengthy.

    2) Pursue the other insurance on my own and work directly with the other company. I don't have to pay any deductible.

    First of all, I feel that this is BS because this was 100% not my fault. And also I pay insurance and I thought it was their job to do this for me. Why do I have to deal with this on my own? I'm a graduate student and don't have time to keep bugging the other company to pay me back.

    Is this the standard practice of auto insurance? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/gentle_madness
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    Cell carrier allowed authorized user to remove primary without consent..

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 02:22 AM PST

    Edit: The title literally is the issue. Primary account holder changed without consent. I am in WA, USA.

    Edit 2: For those wondering. My ex is a fascinating person. He half successfully laundered millions of dollars from the government for a large portion of his life. I say half successfully due to the length of time he got away with it, but he eventually did a life sentence in prison for it. He is the epitome of a smooth talking scam artist. I am not this way. He has done stupid things under my name. Many. I am still sorting out his messes that hes caused, but I got wise and left him a year ago.

    Okay. This is actually a really long story and I'm so tired I am seeing double. If this doesn't make sense please allow me to retry in the morning. I need advice though.

    To loosely and briefly sum it all up

    I am the primary account holder and my social security number is tied to the account. I am responsible for charges made. My ex was an authorized user. He was allowed by my cell carrier to move my lines and devices off of my own account and onto one he had just opened. I had no consent in any of this, nor did I have knowledge of it happening, and had less power than the authorized user in every scenario of the events.

    I was told by an agent, "Getting my account back required his permission, yet moving me off of it didn't require mine." Eventually I was able to move him off of my original account and take control of mine again only they didn't take into consideration that he opened up a few new lines and bought brand new phones and that the charges would stay on my account.

    I was hit with a $362 phone bill and still stuck with one of his lines on the account still. I have not been able to get it removed still. I had to split my payments because I cant' afford the lump sum and they kept deactivating my phone. At the beginning of the month I paid them 132. For the second payment I had to tell a representative that I was working and would pay soon even though this really wasn't something I should be held responsible for.

    The rep had the nerve to say, "Sorry you feel that way but unfortunately a bad breakup won't get you out of this bill." I thoroughly took offense to that. I said that I don't appreciate that sort of judgement and that it was the carriers fault for allowing it to happen." He stated something about how we all regret things sometimes and that's life. Shortly after I responded my case was moved up to the next level and he was coached.

    This is where I am now. I spoke with a representative who seemed ready to help. After explaining my story a little bit again (this would be the 4th or 5th time) my case was escalated again. The new agent basically said I could have whatever I wanted from them. The agent understood the severity of the claim I was making and said they would reverse all the charges brought up. My account was credited $200 and my service was reinstated. I was told my remaining balance was $70. I paid my balance and then started doing mental calculations... I paid $200 and they credited $200... How do I still owe $70 after it being $362? By this time we had already switched agents and this one was about to switch out too. I was tired of explaining my story and said I would wait for the original agent to get back on and try my claim again.

    This is where I am now.

    I have paid my bill $200. The lines on my account are my cell phone, my second device, and a brand new Note 10+ that I'm assuming was my ex's. My last conversation was with a rep who specifically told me, "I will need your ex's permission before I can move his line off the account and onto his."

    It's funny that I was told that. Really funny. Because 3 agents have said this, yet they had no problem not asking me if I could be removed off my account. They had no quarrel taking me off, opening up my ex's new lines and phones, and charging me for it. But as soon as I, the primary account holder, have a suggestion it's got to be given the okay first by my ex lover.

    The amount of stress this whole situation has put me under is crippling. I had to take out a loan from borrow's subreddit. I have spent countless hours on the phone or on chat with agents being harrassed or judged or lied to. I am literally at the point where I think I want to press charges against this company for allowing this to happen and then belittling me for their mistake. Their policy specifically states that only a primary user can make these changes.

    My goal here is that I want my cell phone bill credited for the past two months charges. All of them. I would also like the phone that their employee sold to me and dropped before I had ever touched it paid off and warranty exchanged because it has had issues since I got it. I want my second device to be free again, like it was originally supposed to be. Lastly I want monetary compensation for the time spent dealing with agents. If they continue to berate me or give me a hard time, I want to completely press charges against them. I believe my identity was allowed to be stolen due to poor training of their employees and instead of admitting to their mistake they attempted to convince me it was mine.

    One specialist has reached out and offered anything I wanted, as I mentioned before, but I haven't heard from them since. What advice does anyone have for me in this situation?

    • Before anyone asks.. The ex is being handled in a separate situation in which I do not need advice. Thank you.
    submitted by /u/notobviouslynamed
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