• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 1, 2020

    Legal Advice - [Utah] Employer has told pregnant women that they can park in the handicap spaces in the lot.

    Legal Advice - [Utah] Employer has told pregnant women that they can park in the handicap spaces in the lot.

    [Utah] Employer has told pregnant women that they can park in the handicap spaces in the lot.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:24 PM PST

    I work at a pretty diverse company. Great maternity benefits, which has led to lots of women and especially lots of pregnant women working there. A few months ago it was announced that the executives were going to give up their reserved parking spaces and turn them into maternity parking spaces. Everyone thought it was a really cool selfless thing coming from the executives.

    But then just a few weeks ago they announced that the new parking space plan was starting, only now the executives changed their minds about giving up their spots. But not to worry, because pregnant women can just start taking up all the handicap spots.

    This doesn't sit right with me, my company just leases space in a complex, so we don't have soul ownership of those parking spaces. Handicaps spaces are legally required and any of these companies could have employees or visitors that need those spots but can't use them now that my company has pregnant women parking in them.

    I'm thinking of just calling the non emergency line and having the police come take care of it, but maybe not. Would appreciate any input.

    submitted by /u/maybe_tom_cruise
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    Brothers ex keeps claiming thier kid on taxes despite the judge ruling they have to switch off every year.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 08:00 AM PST

    What can he do to help this?


    submitted by /u/mamalulu434
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    [Pennsylvania] Neighbor refuses to allow Internet/Power lines to be put up alongside the road.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:13 AM PST

    For the entire time I've lived in my lovely rural home, we've had a property behind my house that is owned by someone who lives out of state. Sometimes they come up during the Summer to ride ATVs around in the woods, but that's about it. They refuse to allow any sort of poles to be built, resulting in our power and internet to have to be re-routed around the mountain. Because of this, we are forced to use the one ISP has lines that come out that way, and they gouge us with terrible speeds. Meanwhile, on the other side of they no-poles property, they can receive multiple ISPs and have way faster options.

    If we can get poles put up there, we'd have way more competitive internet options.

    I have heard of a "Road Allowance" rule, where the government/township actually can use the land so many feet from the side of the road, enough room to put up poles and not affect the integrity of the woods. I was hoping I could get some elaboration on that and prepare a case to bring to a governing authority or lawyer so I can get some poles put up and then feel like I'm part of modern society.

    Thank you for any interest, and if you need a drawn (MS Paint) example of how the properties are laid out, I'd be happy to oblige.

    submitted by /u/Jmac5270
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    Mom drained a saving account, I didn't know she had access to.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 11:02 AM PST

    This is an involved story and I actually have 2 related problems.

    When I was around the age of 7 maybe 8 my parents took me to a credit union and created a savings account for me in my name. I for the past 20 years I have been putting money into this account to the tune of about 15 thousand dollars. My mother who is manic at times but refuses to get help or take medication sent me a message the other day saying that "oh by the way I drained the joint savings account to get by for the next few months, will refill when I can, probably at a different bank." I now live 2000 miles away from the closest branch of this bank, I attempted to contact them but I have only been passively using this account for 20 years I haven't touched the money in it in at least 15 years, I have a debit card but couldn't answer the questions necessary to get specific account info without going to the branch in person. I do know that the money is gone and I will travel to the bank in person by the end of the week, but I want to know what my recourse is. I was not aware that my mom had access to this account or I wouldn't have been putting money in there. I know about custodian accounts, but how can she still have access to the money after I turned 18. Is this legal or is it theft?

    My second problem is again with my mom and this is more my fault as I have been actively aware of it, I've just been letting it slide. When I was 16 my mom opened a joint credit card with me, her idea not mine. She claimed that it was to establish my credit. I will admit to wracking up a significant balance on the card to which I have paid my mom off for more than twice over. However she has continued to maintain a maxed out balance on the card only paying a couple hundred every now and then only to max it out again she has been doing this for last 10 years. It has caused my credit score to be low despite excellent credit and payment history with a number of other accounts. I have allowed this to go on because I was worried that card was the only reason she wasn't homeless. Now after the problem above I want to cut her off, maybe then she will be forced to get the help she needs. To that end I spoke with the bank, I was told that to close the account I would have to pay the balance in full another 12k. I'm willing to pay this balance but I cannot do it in full and if I start making payments she will simply max it out again. Is there anything that I can do to get out from under her. I had no idea that I was so financially tied to her until now, and she did it all while I was underage... Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/srob07
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    [Oregon] Landlord saved my bank account information and automatically drafted rent without my permession

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:44 PM PST

    I went to go pay rent on my own As i do every month, and when i go to double check all my information was done correct, since i like to do these big transactions by hand every month, i see that it was already drafted from my bank account on January 30th

    I know I opted to not save payment information, because as i said before, with large transactions like this I prefer to do them manually every month. Which means I know for a fact that I never set up automatic payments, you could imagine my terror when i saw the money already taken out, and that rent was still due.

    I called and they said they don't see the payment, and i am still due for rent, and that it must have been something else.

    I go to to the leasing office and show them my bank statement, the exact amount of my rent pulled, which is unique since i have pet rent. They confirm that it shows i have not paid rent, but when looking at my bank statement it is absolutely them pulling the funds. They also looked online and confirmed i have never set up automatic payments.

    They basically said "idk come in monday when the manager is here"

    Are they screwing me over? i know its the weekend, but rent is due TODAY.

    submitted by /u/Apothnesko
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    Employer just informed me I was never put on payroll and "don't have a w2"

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 01:02 PM PST

    Very unusual situation. My former employer who laid all of us off suddenly in mid November is just today telling me that I was never "entered into payroll" and don't have a w2. He is suggesting that instead he can write me a check for the taxes already withheld from my pay. This immediately rang alarm bells because I'm not an idiot. I said replied neutrally that I needed time to make a decision. Here's the thing, throughout my employment there I was not provided with paystubs with each paycheck. I repeatedly asked for my paystubs and it was always blamed on "the bookkeeper". I looked it up and the state I'm in does not require employers to provide paystubs. Fine. But when I was laid off I wanted to apply for unemployment and needed a final paystub. After almost a month of daily texts I finally got a final paystub from him, reviewing it now I had almost $1500 withheld in taxes from a gross pay of around $2500 over a period of about 3.5 months. This amount of tax now seems excessively high AND if I "have no w2" does that mean my employer withheld taxes from my pay and did not actually pay that money forward as taxes. What do I need to do here to both stay in the clear tax wise AND potentially recover the money withheld perhaps wrongly?

    submitted by /u/d0ntplay26
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    Is it legal for my friend who is in commission-based sales for his work to require him to pay back a "minimum wage allowance" [NJ, USA]

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:49 AM PST

    My friend (posting this on his behalf for reasons he cannot) is paid as a contractor and earns commission-based salary for a widely known car sales company.


    Edit #2 : please read all posts before commenting. His draw is AUTOMATICALLY deducted at the end of the pay period regardless of what he earns. He is not given a draw at the start of the week.

    Edit #3: explained all of this to him, he brought up some questions to the person above him in the company (generally speaking, not imposing they were doing anything illegal) and needless to say the company is aware of issues with the system and basically threatened him. When he moves on to his future job, he will be making a complaint to the NJ department of labor regarding this, him being wrongfully classified as a contractor, and also issues with previous health insurance issues.

    Edit 4 : redacted due to employer. PM if you want the full post

    submitted by /u/whitefox094
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    Former employee is having paranoid delusions and believes my husband is harassing her family and friends

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 11:15 AM PST

    My husband (Male, 35) used to manage an employee (Female, 40's) at his company, located in Delaware USA. He has switched jobs and is no longer her manager (changed jobs in June 2019) but still works at the same company. When he changed jobs, he provided his employees with his cell number in case they wanted to keep in touch (it's a large company) .

    This employee texted him back in October 2019 asking him if he still lived in the same location (not anywhere near her apartment, but in the same county) because she claimed "I thought I heard and saw you around my apartment." He jokingly said he may have a doppelgänger and they proceeded to talk about whether he was enjoying his new job. The conversation was very short and uneventful.

    Today she texted him asking him if he had been in contact with her family and friends (no specific names provided). He replied that he didn't think he knew any of them.

    Here's what she said:

    "Okay, I don't really believe you because I have heard you talk about them. You were not supposed to contact them.

    I have been suspecting that something has been going on between you and my family. I am not accusing you of anything but if what I suspect is true, I don't appreciate how you are treating me.

    I just moved here to work for your corporation not to be harassed by you.

    You were never trying to get me in a team you just wanted to touch everyone in my community. I don't care if you block me now I just needed to tell you that because you have been continually trying to hurt me when I never tried to hurt you."

    We believe she is delusional and paranoid. He does not know any of her family or friends and no longer speaks to her either (in a professional or personal environment).

    We're worried that she is going to go to HR or the police. Is there anything we can do proactively? Should he try to speak to a lawyer? HR? He doesn't want to open anything up for trouble, but is afraid of some sort of ramification (either legal or work related) if she truly believes he is harassing her or wanting to hurt her, especially because she was a subordinate.

    Appreciate any advice! Strange situation.

    submitted by /u/bobbi_joy
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    16 and my mom keeps kicking me out

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 04:42 PM PST

    I am just about the ideal 16 year old- never drank, no parties, careful ass driver, never done drugs, no fights, 4.7 gpa, life plan all worked out, etc. Any parent would be delighted to have me as their kid. Except for the fact that I was diagnosed with gender dysphoria and live in the south. I always had the "symptoms" as a small child, such as refusing to wear girls underwear and preferring the "boy" things over the girl ones (toy guns and cars, diego>dora, tmnt and transformers junkie, that stuff). When middle school started something was oFf off. Long story short turns out I was a guy the whole time. Scared it was a phase, I waited a year to come out to my mom because she'd lured me in with the whole "i'll love you no matter what!!!" bullshit. worst. mistake. of. my. life. since then my mom has become a trump obsessed, anti women's rights, anti lgbt rights, anti vax, anti doctor, born again christian. she emotionally and verbally abuses me on the regular, claiming that I make her want to die every day and that me being trans is going to kill my grandfather (who's the only one in her family that loves me). she also forgets to feed me and my siblings most days. she claims i'm an absolute problem child and that doctors are puppets for the government so "trans is fake". also that i'm possessed by satan and that's why i'm trans lol.

    because of her stunts over the past 4 years, I have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety, as well as show signs of ptsd, but it hasn't been officially diagnosed yet so I won't call it that. since i began high school, she's kicked things into overdrive. during freshman year she kicked me out twice, once for a month and once for 4 months. during the time, i lived with my dad or the grandparents from his side of the family. she'll kick me out and then use threats or blackmail until i come back, or until i'm turned in by whoever was housing me at the time. living with my dad/grandparents isn't exactly a piece of cake either. none are supportive or accepting, they're just too busy with their lives to constantly put me down about it. i have to pay for my own food and clothes and toothpaste and contacts and whatever else i need while i'm there. cps (at least here) is a terrible and unhelpful thing. i've had to deal with them many times in the past and i refuse to let them """"help"""" again. most youth help organizations turn down youth if they're lgbt. my mom took me out of therapy because she found out the therapist wasn't anti lgbt and is now trying to find one that is or just straight up find a conversion therapist. lately we've been fighting a lot because she wants to support the anti hormone blockers bill and the bill that will make therapists out trans youth to their parents. on the way to school i tried to tell her how immoral those things would be and why. she noticed i'd gotten my hair trimmed while we were bickering about it. she stopped the car, hit me, screamed at me, pushed me out of the car in the pouring 35 degree rain, threw my backpack at me, and drove off. i would've walked to a friends house or something after school but she saw me walking and forced me into the car. i'm at her house for now but tension is so high i know she's about to kick me out again.

    honestly i don't even know what my goal is here. just- what do i do? is she even allowed to kick me out like that? it's torture not having anything be stable. it's torture knowing my mom's love is conditional and that she'd rather use so much energy to deny science and hate people than just care for her child.

    tl;dr: my transphobic mother keeps kicking me out of the house and forcing me to come back so she can mentally/emotionally abuse me and i don't know how to get out of the cycle

    submitted by /u/_burntlime_
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    HOA Technically Approved My Project

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 02:28 PM PST

    Portland, OR

    I recently purchased a townhouse with a tandem garage and an HOA. I only have one car so I wanted to set up a dividing wall and turn the back half of my garage into a workshop to reduce noise etc. I submitted two project applications to my HOA in November, one for the wall and the other for some circuitry. They asked for some follow up information a few days later and then a few weeks after that I received a call informing me that they will be rejecting my project proposals. The wall was rejected on the grounds that the CC&R state that the primary use of the garage is parking and cannot be blocked. The circuitry was rejected simply stating that "HOA has final say".

    However, a written rejection letter was not sent to me until well into January. According to the bylaws, the HOA has to notify me within 30 days or the application is considered approved.

    So my question is this: Does a phone call count as a "notice in writing" and if not, before I start on my project, is there anything I should do to protect myself legally?

    For what it's worth, I modified my plans to the wall so that the door is large enough to drive through and so technically you can still park in the space.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/QuixotesHorse
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    My tenant barricaded himself into my rental when police tried to serve a search warrant and swat was called. They tear gassed the place and found him hiding in the floor boards. Do I still need to give 24 hour notice to tenant before entering the property.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:21 PM PST

    Title kind of says it all. Just wondering if the rules change since now there is substantial damage to property, police broke out all windows and kicked down door.

    submitted by /u/Drfilthymcnasty
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    Mother not being able to name her child

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:47 PM PST

    Hi, my mother just had a baby two days ago, and they are saying she can't name her baby her maiden last name because she did not change her last name following the marriage. They say if the babies father comes then she can change the name. Is this fair is this a rule. It says the law is only in Tennessee.

    submitted by /u/fleshy999
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    I think what I'm doing at my job is illegal. I don't know if it is illegal or I'm just overreacting. Help?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 05:34 PM PST


    This was originally posted on r/advice and everyone told me to come here. So I work as a marketing assistant for an insurance company in the US. I make mail campaigns for what we do and send them to all the clients on Mailchimp. But I'm starting to question with what I do is okay.

    To find these contacts to send them all these campaigns, I go on google and search up insurance companies that my boss wants in the US, then I copy and paste their information(I take their first and last name, email, the name of their insurance company, and where they're located)on an spreadsheet, and then copy and paste that spreadsheet and put that on mailchimp.

    Mailchimp always ask if these people have asked to subscribed to these campaigns and they haven't. They have no idea that we're adding them to these mail lists and sending them this stuff. I did some research and apparently this might be breaking the SPAM law that's in the US because these people had no consent of have these campaigns sent to them.

    I don't know how to tell my boss this because this is one way we gain clients but I feel terrible for adding these people on our mail list. I've got no idea what I should do or if I'm just over worrying about this. Any advice?

    Country: USA State: FL

    submitted by /u/WLW_Lover56
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    Being sued by passenger of the at-fault vehicle. What can I expect to happen?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 04:53 PM PST

    This scenario involves 3 vehicles: A,B, and C. I was driving vehicle A. State of CA.

    Vehicles A and B are driving southbound on a highway. Vehicle B (containing the driver and 1 passenger) rear ends vehicle A, before vehicle B swerves into oncoming traffic, hitting Vehicle C head on (traveling northbound).

    The accident was handled by insurance following the incident and I (vehicle A) was found not at fault. However, today I was just served papers saying that I'm being sued for damages and medical bills by the passenger in vehicle B—the vehicle that was actually found at-fault. Driver of vehicle B is also named as a defendant.

    I realize that I will have to go through the legal motions and respond accordingly, but since I was found to be not at fault, is this lawsuit against me baseless? I'm really stressing out! Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/everyonewont
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    Someone stole and totalled my car. Can I sue them for lost Uber wages?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:18 PM PST

    A "friend" decided to steal my car and totalled it. He claims he doesn't have to pay for the lost wages for uber nor does he have to pay for the taxes I paid on the car, because "I'm not a government entity", this made no sense because when I buy a new car I'll have to pay taxes again out of my pocket.

    He has also caused havoc on my families emotional and mental health. We have lost a source of income (my Uber job) and we have no car now.

    We are having trouble doing basic everyday things such as grocery shopping, taking our daughter to her doctor appointment and not to mention the time I lose everyday taking the bus to and from my day job, that I could spending with my family.

    Will I be able to actually get money for Uber wages, taxes paid on car and Emotional Distress through small claims?

    • located in illinois
    submitted by /u/Vintagentrepreneur
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    [Chicago] I've had issues with the building engineer in a new condo I bought. I was going to complain to the HOA, until I found out that he is the president of the HOA.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 02:44 PM PST

    I recently bought and moved into a condo in a midrise. Before I moved in, I was prepping my condo for painting and the building engineer burst in without permission and started telling at me because, unknown to me, some dust was getting in the hallway (which promptly cleaned up and sealed the place dust was getting out). Since then, every interaction I've had with the guy has been hostile...and it feels like I'm walking on eggshells here, trying not to do something that he could write me up for.

    Well I was going to complain but found out that he is the HOA president. Then on top of it, I talked to other residents and found out that he makes 6 figures, only has janitorial qualifications and has to hire out for any maintenance (which costs another 6 figures). And also hires his sons to do work.

    This is very unethical to say the least, but is it illegal? I couldn't find anything in the HOA bylaws that would prevent what he's doing...but they're dense and it's hard to wade through them.

    submitted by /u/strykerx
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    Can I sue the hospital for my bills if I was admitted against my will?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 02:01 PM PST

    Hello legal advice geniuses,

    2 years ago my wife was admitted against her will to the hospital. She got involved in a hit and run while walking back from the bars. She had been drinking a little bit but was not drunk by any means. When she got hit the people who witnessed it called 911 and an ambulance for UC-Health showed up. At this point I got a call as well and showed up on the scene, she did seem hurt but not badly and she was not interested in going into the ambulance with the EMT's because she didnt want to pay for a ride that was less than 2 minutes away from the hospital.

    However, they looked at her and said since shes been drinking that she must be admitted against her will. She agreed since she didnt want to argue with them and they took her to the hospital at which time she was charged over $15k.

    After she got out she called her car insurance company and they agreed to help pay for the bill a l little, and than her insurance company at the time said they will pay the bulk of it.

    Fast forward almost 2.5 years later and we get a call from UC-Health, the hospital that took her in, and they said that there was some kind of billing mistake? And that she owes them $2000+ which was her out of pocket maximum at the time.

    Now this is getting ridiculous, they have had every chance to figure out billing to begin with, they cant come back almost 3 years later and ask for more money.

    Do you know if we can sue them for billing errors? I told me wife to talk to the hospital and explain our situation and when she called they said that "she signed a document agreeing to care from the hospital."

    Well we just received a copy of this supposed document and it shows that it was signed by someone else that was not her at the hospital that authorized her treatment without her permission.

    Do you think we have a case here?

    submitted by /u/shawnbliman
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    Incompetent HR department (NJ)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 08:50 AM PST

    So, I was hired as a nurse to a state hospital in NJ in June. I informed my bosses that I was pregnant a week after being hired. They took it great, and I got a jump on filing all of the necessary medical leave if absence paperwork since I am not eligible for FMLA since I have not been employed with then for a year yet. I filed all of this paperwork with HR in June and was told that they would submit the medical leave of absence form to my department head for approval in the next few months. I was due in November so I kept following up only to have my calls not answered by the woman in charge of FMLA in HR. I eventually got my boss involved, and we discovered that she lost ALL of my paperwork. When we found this out it was only about a week before the 30 days notice that you have to give for medical leave paperwork. Luckily I had copies and resubmitted. I had my baby a week early, went out on leave (8 weeks due to c section) and submitted ny disability forms to payroll and HR within the first 2 weeks after having the baby. Then I continually followed up only to have payroll blame HR for missing documents and HR blame payroll back and forth for 2 months now. I sent them both all of my paperwork again and yet it still has not been filed. Do I have any kind of legal recourse here? It has been 2 and a half months and my disability paperwork has not been submitted, and frankly I need the income. In addition, I was wondering if anyone knows the legality of taking my FMLA once I have been at the company for a year? Even though my baby will be 6 months old, could I take my baby bonding time then? Thank you in advance everyone!

    submitted by /u/sidewalkshadows
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    Please help with a very unusual medical situation

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 11:13 AM PST

    I share 50/50 custody of a 14 yo boy, and the mother and I were never married. We alternate week on, week off.

    Two weeks ago, my son took the bus home to his mother's apartment after school and found her on the floor in a very confused and in a partially responsive state. He immediate contacted me, and I went there. I believed that she may have had a stroke from initial appearances and called 911.

    She was taken to the emergency room and ran through a series of tests, then transferred to a different hospital that specializes in neurological conditions in the very early hours of the next morning.

    My son and I headed up to see her the next day after school, and were immediately greeted by the neurologist who informed us that an MRI showed she had a large (6cm) glioblastoma.

    Here is where the legal question comes into play. Her and I did not communicate much, so I didn't know what was going on with her, but apparently she was experiencing some very odd symptoms for a month or so before this incident. She was getting extremely tired, having issues with her bladder, and some other things that were making going to work very difficult. She applied for medical leave, but due to the growing tumor never returned the paperwork. (she has a lot of memory lapses during these weeks). I learned that on December 30th, she sent in an email resigning. She has no idea why she did this. Again, the tumor was affecting here mentally in several ways.

    Her company is not reinstating her insurance, and now she is faced with being left to die because the hospital will only provide superficial treatment without insurance.

    Because of her mental state, does she have any legal recourse to force her company to reinstate her or her benefits? Is there anything that can be done?

    Thank you for reading this, and any information or advice is greatly appreciated. God Bless.

    PS - This is in Arizona.

    - Throwaway used for privacy issues.

    *Edited for grammar and clarity.

    submitted by /u/JoeThrow2020
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    Forced to Clean with Bleach and Ammonia

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:05 AM PST

    Hey guys! I posted a few days ago about something related to my job and I have another question for ya'll. I'm in New Jersey, my coworker and I were discussing our closing procedures for work today and we realized that while mopping our boss makes us mix together two chemicals, household bleach and a floor cleaner that contains a decent amount of ammonia.

    Neither of us had ever realized before but it is dangerous to mix bleach and ammonia, I only came to realization that thats what was happening because my mom and I had a conversation about what to clean or not clean with last weekend. My coworkers and I were never told this by our boss. We were actually reprimanded if we didn't use both products and I personally have had to re-mop areas that I didn't use the mixed products in.

    We've both been using this mixture for 3-4 days a week each since October. I've had 2 upper respiratory infections since November (I don't usually get them so this was odd to me, not sure if directly related to the job) and I just want to know what we should do about this?

    EDIT; I don't have ANY proof of this. I tried looking at our papers we give new hires with our closing instructions on them but they just say use bleach. I don't know how I would be able to get proof without outwardly asking them which products we use and secretly recording it. Will that hinder the chances of someone taking it seriously and checking it out?

    submitted by /u/issathrowawayofc
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    Can a policeman give you a disorderly conduct ticket for espousing profanity at them?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:46 PM PST

    I was recently watching live PD where a policeman was pulled over on the highway with his lights on, and a man driving by yelled out "Those lights are f***ing blinding". The officer responded by getting in his car and pulling the man over, and gave him a ticket for disorderly conduct. Is this a legitimate violation or a matter of ego? (Montana USA)

    submitted by /u/Comrade_Dyatlov_
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    Quitclaim Deed Help!

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:39 PM PST

    16 years ago I fell in love with a guy; and because I was very young and very stupid I put his name on a house I purchased (he was still in college and rarely worked). Within the first year he began being incredibly abusive, and we broke up. The relationship was so traumatizing that I did everything I could to avoid all contact with him, including removing his name from the home (I know, still stupid)! Now fast forward 15 years. I need to move out of state for my job (very soon), and I even have a buyer for my home. I've located my ex in another state (via his parents), and I've tried to contact him every way I know how for 2 months, email, text, FB messenger, IG, etc., but I can't reach him. I've contacted his mother, and she is willing to help, but she is also afraid of him. She has, however, given him my contact info and told him what I need. I've had the quitclaim documents over-nighted to her and she has given them to him. He just tells her he will take care of it and then never does anything. I've even offered to pay for a notary to come to their house, if he will just let me know where/when. Still no communication. I honestly don't think he is holding out for money. I just think he thinks it's funny that I can't move forward without his signature. The offer on my house is going to expire Monday, and I am scheduled to move the following week. Any suggestions/advice would be very much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/warnher
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    I got ran off the road, hit a garbage can, and the police won't do anything??

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:20 PM PST

    Hi, new-ish user on mobile here so please excuse any improper format.

    I'm not sure if this is even the proper subreddit, but I'm hoping someone here can help?

    I live in south Florida and for some clarity, it was my parents who were run off the road- not me. Anyways. Some guy was driving recklessly and bullying them on the road, and eventually veered towards them, running them off the road and causing them to hit a garbage can and break their left side mirror.

    My parents got his license plate number and even trailed him to his home and got his address, but after calling the police, they (the police) said they couldn't do anything because they didn't witness it.

    A year or so ago, my mother and I were reversed into at a stoplight, which caused her whole fender to come detached, and we couldn't do anything because we didn't get a license plate number.

    How, on one instance, can police not do anything when we didn't have the license plate number but in another, they can't do anything despite having it because they didn't see it happening?

    Things aren't adding up and they've surrendered to nobody doing anything, but I personally feel helpless and confused!!

    Someone, please help :(

    submitted by /u/not-thecoolest
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    Officer issued me a ticket for my stock muffler

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 01:58 PM PST

    SF Bay area, CA

    I was pulled over last night and the reason was for my muffler according to the officer. I explained politely to the officer that my car was indeed bone stock. He then proceeded to tell me that based on his experience with my kind of cars (2005 Subaru STI) that my car, in particular, was too loud and based on the size of my muffler that it was in fact aftermarket. That's it... that was his justification... no measuring device or anything. Basically, the officer just refused to believe that my stock muffler was stock.

    The ticket reads: "Correctable - 27150(a)CVC - Excessively Loud Muffler"

    1. I want to fight this because the officer is wrong, but is it worth it?
    2. If I just pay the "bail amount" will this appear on my record and increase my insurance rates
    3. How would I go about fighting this?
      1. I've heard of people saying I can get my muffler verified through a dealership but I've also heard that it must be through a state referee ONLY.

    TLDR: Issued a ticket for my stock muffler being too loud because the officer believes that it is aftermarket.

    submitted by /u/wtfeezey
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