• Breaking News

    Sunday, February 2, 2020

    Legal Advice - Ex is currently being investigated by CPS, mutual friend told me she's planning on leaving the country with my daughter. This can't be legal right?

    Legal Advice - Ex is currently being investigated by CPS, mutual friend told me she's planning on leaving the country with my daughter. This can't be legal right?

    Ex is currently being investigated by CPS, mutual friend told me she's planning on leaving the country with my daughter. This can't be legal right?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 09:52 AM PST

    edit: we live in wisconsin

    Me and my ex have split custody of our 12 year old daughter. She's with her mom during the week and I get her most weekends.

    Last weekend when I picked her up she was acting strange, and I noticed a bruise on her arm. I pried, and she admitted her mom had hit her. She also had another nasty bruise on her back. I contacted CPS and they've started an investigation.

    Last night, a mutual friend of me and my Ex texted me saying she ex told her she planned on taking daughter to canada. I'm unsure why, but I'm assuming she's doing it to get away from the investigation or something, I'm not aware that she has anyone up there to stay with and I doubt she could just stay there, so I dont know what her plan really is.

    Anyhow, since she's being investigated, I'm assuming she can't leave the country. Should I tell the police she said she was going to? Or if she tries to will she be stopped anyway? What should I do here?

    submitted by /u/Throwaway793T
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    Long distance relationship. He is in SC. He "accidentally" sent me child porn

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 05:21 PM PST

    Please help. I have been sobbing for the past few hours and need to do something.

    He sent me an image of a 10 to 12 year old on messenger. For everyone's sanity i wont give details.

    Gave many excuses as to where it came from. I dont know how to proceed. He said it was accidental and he deleted it. Sorry my head is spinning witnessing this. I'm not from the US, I googled his local police station. Will they accept my proof of message screenshots to investigate further?

    submitted by /u/veryanonthxu
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    Neighbors above us continuously violate their lease, the landlords know they do it and told us they’d be out by the end of the week, that was 3 weeks ago.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 10:41 AM PST

    We live in an apartment complex in Phoenix, Arizona. Our upstairs neighbors constantly smoke cigarettes and weed in their apartment, and it goes through the vents into our room, and the vents in our 10 month old baby's room. The stomp around and yell through the floor because we've called security on them before, so they purposely make it as loud as they can. They blast music all day and night, and are constantly screaming at each other. I've had to call the police multiple times because I can hear the husband beating his wife and son. The officers have told me he's been arrested for domestic abuse before. He throws glass bottles off the balcony into the parking lot all the time and it shatters everywhere. My wife works mornings, and he stands out there and stares at her and makes comments towards her. He deals drugs in front of our complex, and we have seen him multiple times get into his car while drinking liquor straight out of the bottle and drive away with his 2 year old son on his lap with no seatbelt.

    We've brought it up to the landlords, and they said they gave them a 30 day notice on December 5th, then it changed and they said they would be out by the end of the week (3 weeks ago). Now their telling us we can move apartments but we have to pay the deposit and everything all over again, or we can break our lease and pay over $3,000 for it. Can we legally withhold our rent since the lease agreements are being violated? What can we do in this situation? Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Edit: I forgot to mention, the leasing office has mentioned to us that multiple other occupants have came in and complained about them, yet they're still living here.

    submitted by /u/mfergs
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    My ex wife moved to another state and left my 17 year old high school junior behind, without telling me. I have joint custody.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 11:45 AM PST

    Divorced my wife 2 years ago because she choked my teenager. Immediately following my announcing the divorce to her, she went to my two teens and told them I cheated on her a few years prior. She alienated my two teenage daughters against me and I've been fighting for two years to get them to talk to me. We share joint legal and physical custody but I haven't seen my two oldest in two years. Recently my ex told me she would be moving to Ohio (I stupidly gave her permission last year) and when I filed for reunification counseling with my estranged daughters, she sent me a 45 day notice and decided to finally make that move to Ohio. (We are currently in California). I found out two days ago that she left and moved with my four littlest ones, but my teenager that is still a minor (she's 17) she left here in the care of a former teacher. Never consulted with me, never told me, won't give me any information as to what the address is or her phone number. I tried going to my daughters school to see her at softball practice and she started screaming and acting terrified. Her coach told me she definitely has been brainwashed but that there was nothing he could do and that she was about to bolt. I called law enforcement and asked what help they can be and they said not much since she's 17. I have joint legal and physical custody, my ex wife has officially moved out of the state, and my 17 year old is being kept from me at a lady's house that I don't know. I have a hearing on February 10th (for more time with my smaller kids and reunification counseling with my teen) so I'm wondering what to expect? Will the judge side with me? She has been scolded by the judge already on several occasions for various things.

    submitted by /u/SnakeBitesApe
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    The person who has my old number is pretending to be me and is acting creepy; I am a little scared.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 11:48 AM PST

    I recently got a new phone number. The person who got my old number is a creepy guy. People have been telling me that when they tried to reach me at that number, he pretended to be me. He tried to have someone meet up with him for lunch (they luckily figured out it wasn't me, but they were about to meet "me") . He says weird sexual things to all the girls who try to talk to him.

    It makes me very uncomfortable and I see a potential risk for the worst (rape or something) if someone were to meet up with him.

    Can I report this? And to who? I no longer live in the area code, I am about 400 miles away. I was thinking I could contact my hometown police and file a report. I know I could probably also contact my carrier and let them know but I am not sure what they can do.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/earthlingchild
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    Old boss saying there is a noncompete in place when there is not? Lost 2 jobs?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 02:06 PM PST

    Hey, hoping someone can possibly help me out in a situation I'm really just not sure how to handle.

    My girlfriend works as a stylist and Back in December, my girlfriend basically "rage quit" her job after her boss had changed some bookings on her without her approving of them, as well as a few other things. It basically was 2 years of bottled frustration coming to a head. She eventually ended up finding new employment at two different places, both in the same field. Back when she was still employed at the original place she had quit in december, her boss had asked her to sign a noncompete agreement, and she had refused to (this was months prior to the quitting and had nothing to do with her leaving.) Over the course of this weekend, both of the places she found employment at fired her out of the blue. The one place had a hard time coming up with a reason as to why they were terminating her, giving excuses from "you're too high energy" to saying it was about her going to her car twice to grab a pad. I didnt think much of it at the time, as I figured maybe her boss just didnt like her, as her performance didnt seem to be the issue. This firing came a day after the boss who fired her had told her she was going to make her a key to the store so she could come in early to handle some paperwork the day prior to the termination. The following day, her second place of employment did the same thing, this time not even being able to give her a reason, telling her shes great at what she does and they are really sorry, but they have to let her go. At some point, she did overhear her boss talking to another employee saying "I dont want to, but my lawyers are directing me to do it."

    To me, this seems that her boss from the job she had left in december is pulling some shady stuff and contacting her employeers telling them that they have a noncompete with her, when in fact they dont. If that is the case, is there anything she can do about this? Currently she doesnt really have the money to afford a lawyer, and both of her old bosses parents are lawyers. I'm just concerned that this is something that if this ends up being the case, is going to follow her job to job.

    This is in Florida.

    I appreciate any advice that can be given.

    submitted by /u/spike73193
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    I'm a nurse who reported workplace bullying to HR, and HR let my bullies read my confidential letter. Now I'm debating whether this is worth suing a major health network over.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 08:59 PM PST

    Walking up to my apartment and my neighbors were inside and wouldn’t exit at my request

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 07:34 PM PST

    Background: These neighbors have been problems since I moved in, have reported me at every opportunity to building management for things like dogs barking (so I purchased a Furbo camera to be able to prove the dogs aren't barking) and a smell by my door (this one was also false and ridiculous but I purchased air purifiers to satisfy the building and not have a permanent note in my record)

    We respectively own units in a complex and they are my directly down the hall neighbors. I went downstairs to pick up a pizza order from the lobby and when I returned I heard them from the hall knocking and saying my name. I also heard them physically open the door. Our doors do not have separate deadbolts and fully unlock and open just by putting weight on the handle from the inside, not sure why, but the whole building has this mechanism) I know I didn't lock the door to run downstairs but they are claiming the reason for entering my home is that my dog pushed the handle and opened the door (this is possible but unlikely, unless the dog did this and the door fully closed fully using its own weight, and my door usually requires some effort to pull fully closed.) Any way I approached my unit and the husband was fully inside and in my kitchen, the wife was right inside the door. She tried to play it off like it was funny and the dog had opened the door from the interior and they grabbed her in the hallway, said it had happened to them with their dog before, but her husband was fairly far into my home with his back turned near drawers with personal documents I obviously couldn't see what he was doing with his hands. I think he may have had a drawer open or was taking photos of the interior of my home, because I said to leave and he did not turn around then his wife tried to sweetly tell him I'm back but it took him probably over a minute to turn around and I was crouched on the floor holding my dog in place so I did not have a good view of him. That was strange in and of itself but when he finally turned around he did not exit my home he walked up to me while standing above me said "you're okay, you're okay just pick your stuff up." The way you might talk to a toddler who just fell, and I said "it's fine just leave" and then he more forcefully said, "pick it up." So I just did and then he exited and pushed my dog inside.

    Do I have any recourse here? I'm obviously going to install a deadbolt as soon as possible so this "dog getting out" won't be a viable excuse, but is there any way I can keep them from trying this again? They already do strange things like linger in the halls near my door, but I know that's shared space.

    Update: I live in Colorado, US.

    submitted by /u/ccalps
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    Fedex driver bit by dog loses job.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 03:07 PM PST

    After about a month and half long application process, I finally got a job with a Fedex contractor as a driver. During the week long training period I got bit by two dogs while delivering a package.

    As I was walking to the door with the package, a resident opened the door, 3 dogs ran out, and two of them bit me. I dropped the package and ran back to the truck in pain.

    I immediately reported the incident to my employer. Animal control was contacted, an incident report was filed, they picked up the dogs to keep them in 10 day quarantine, and I was notified that the dogs shots were up to date.

    After finishing the route, I decided it was better not to risk infection, and so I went to the ER to get the bites cleaned since all of the urgent care clinics were closed. They also gave me a tetanus booster shot and antibiotics.

    I told the doctors and nurses I was injured on the job and expected that the company's insurance would pay the medical bill since the incident happened while I was working.

    The next day, my boss called me and asked me to describe in detail what had happened. I explained the whole incident. She asked me what I had said at the ER. I told her I said that I was bit by dog while delivering a package for fedex. She then cussed me out, said I was fired for filing workers comp and hung up on me.

    In an attempt to keep my job, I called the ER billing office to change the payment to my insurance. My employer had me come back to work only to fire me again once I got there.

    When I picked up my last check and returned my uniforms, I asked them for their insurance information and they refused to provide it.

    So now I'm stuck with a medical bill and without a job. I feel screwed over and I know that I did nothing wrong to warrant my termination.

    Also, I had already signed a non-compete agreement which prevents me from getting a job with another contractor.

    It is my understanding that work-related injuries must be reported, and that employers who fail to do so can face fines and possible criminal charges.

    I've reached out to workers compensation law firms and have an appointment this week.

    I am seeking any and all additional advice or opinions here on how to deal with this issue.


    submitted by /u/dogbite4000
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    Post-divorce, ex is claiming I'm in contempt of court. Marriage dissolution is very vague.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 07:43 PM PST

    6 months I finalized my divorce, the dissolution stripulates that I'm to pay 1/2 of his credit card debt. There is no timeline or monthly payment amount laid out. He is trying to have me held in contempt of court because I refused to pay him "x amount per month" because I said we needed to come up with a payment plan that I could actually afford and refused and got an attorney. I already incurred a significant portion of debt myself post divorce (self employed with a pretty bad dry spell this fall plus the cost of the divorce, moving out and losing my ex's income). What happens if I file for bankruptcy to the cards in his name?

    I am based in Illinois.

    submitted by /u/FIST_SILLY
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    USPS keeps returning my mail to sender

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 06:48 AM PST

    This has been going on for over a year now.

    I have contacted the local and regional postmasters and they insist that my address is correct and I should be getting my mail.

    However, it keeps getting returned to sender. I have to drive out to work to pick up my tax-forms and keep confirming that my address is correct with the agencies who mail my bills.

    It is over 150 items that have not been delivered. I've saved the images from my informed delivery.

    What else can I do? Who can I contact next?

    submitted by /u/themage201
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    [Canada] 8 y/o son was scalded by another boy (same age) throwing 140deg water over his head at a hotel.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 01:33 PM PST

    A bit of background, we had our kids hockey team staying all at the same hotel for a tournament. My son joined them in the pool, he hung out in the shallow end as he's not a strong swimmer and I sat in the hot tub, checking on him now and again. The kids were grabbing cups of water from the pool and hot tub and throwing it on each other, no big deal, until I heard a bloodcurdling scream and crying from my son, not knowing what happened I ran over to console him thinking someone tried to dunk him or maybe the hot tub water startled him as he wasn't playing the cup splashing game with the other kids. While consoling him we moved him to a quiet area near the pool and noticed a water cooler, with a instant hot water tap on it - this is what he was splashed with a cup full of this water. It appears to be 1st to 2nd degree burns. The hotel was accommodating in getting us ice to treat and the front desk clerk was at the pharmacy before i got there to get some treatment gel. We filled out an incident report and had our stay comp'd and they advised us that the manager will be calling me tomorrow. I have two areas of concern, the first of which is why is there boiling water on tap in a pool area? Makes no sense to me, so I want to make sure that I don't mess anything up in my conversation with the manager in the case that we choose to pursue legal recourse... My second area of concern is obviously around the kid that threw the water, we've had several people tell us the police should have been called because this was assault, but I think this is a bit extreme for an 8 year old kid that generally is not a bad kid but made a really stupid decision. His parents were not there and he was under the supervision of a teammates parents. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/tharizzla
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    Sears offer with sign on bonus - Sears went bankrupt - New company offer - Terminated due to work force reduction - sign on bonus repayment notice - Is it legal?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 06:11 PM PST

    I am located in Georgia state. Sears offered me job on March 2018 with Sign on bonus of $5K with 24 months repayment terms as below.

    In the event you voluntarily terminate your employment with Sears or are terminated by Sears for misconduct or integrity issues within 24 months of your start date, you will be required to repay the full amount of the payment paid to you, including any taxes withheld, unless prohibited by law, to Sears within 30 days of your.

    Sears went bankrupt in Oct 2018. New Company Transformco bought part of the Sears asset and offered me to continue in the same position in Apr 2019 with new standard offer letter for every one to accept electronically. On the new offer letter, nothing states about binding of previous contract. In October 2019 - TransformCo - terminated my employment as part of workforce reduction and realignment. Now I received notice from TransformCo to repay the sign on bonus - else they will send it to collection. Is Transformco allowed to ask the bonus I signed with Sears? Is it legal?. Below link has the new company details how they formed with part of Sears asset.


    submitted by /u/rkgrp
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    Renting a house that has a swing set that the neighborhood kids use. I do not have children. I am afraid of one of the kids getting hurt (caught one of them trying to walk on the top of the swing set like a balance beam). If I put up a "play at your own risk" sign, does that protect me? Pennsylvania

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 01:54 PM PST

    My Roommate (Who is a New Attorney And is Using Scare Tactics) Wants to Break the Lease Early

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 01:24 PM PST

    My roommate is an attorney so I want to make sure I'm as educated as possible with how to handle this situation. She puts everything in writing and has sent it by text or email. She's been spending the last few weeks somewhere else and coming home sporadically. When she is home, she makes sure someone is always with her (I'm assuming for the purposes of a witness). I came home from a weekend trip today to find everything in the common area gone. Her bedroom furniture is still in place and she hasn't touched my stuff, but I'm trying to figure out her legal angle. I know there is one because she's been quoting directly from the lease and threatening to reach out to my father who is a guarantor, I presume mostly as a scare tactic.

    As the title states, my roommate has asked me to sign roommate release forms so she can move elsewhere. We haven't been getting along, but with five months left on the lease it's more trouble than it's worth to find people for a lease takeover. I'd rather just do my own thing and let her do her own thing and then we can both just GTFO at the beginning of July. I am also not interested in staying in this city once the lease ends and signing a new lease would likely lock me into spending more time here than I would like.

    That being said, for two weeks I was accommodating and went on an intensive search trying to find someone to take over her portion of the lease. This was extremely time consuming. After two weeks I called off the search and told her that if she wanted to move out she'd have to find someone herself. She did not want to do this and said she was staying here.

    Four days ago a woman came to our door and hand delivered a notice that our electricity would be shut off within 24 hours if our bill wasn't paid. I was shocked. To my knowledge we had been paying all of our utilities through the apartment's online portal each month. Since I am not the main lessee all it shows on my account is "utilities xx-dollars with the date." I called the number on the notice and was told I could not access the information since my name was not attached to the account. I alerted my roommate to the matter and she sent me an email saying she handled the matter. She then sent me an email with what I owe her along with a venmo request for the money, but only provided 2/8 invoices. 8 invoices for eight months of unpaid bills! She told me she called Pepco, the electricity company, and had them temporarily allow me access to the account to verify information in her email.

    When I called, they told me her payment was still processing and that they could not verify individual months bills through their online system--they can only send out monthly invoices via USPS post with the complete information. I told her that I would pay her once I could look over all eight invoices myself. I gave her two options: 1) she could email me electronic invoices or show me the physical invoices she had received each month and I could pay her the same day, or 2) she could wait until the secondary copies of the invoices were sent by Pepco via USPS and I had received them. Pepco told me they could not see individual months, only a total amount owed, which is why the invoices had to come by post.

    In the past I have sent her good faith payments when she's charged me, only to find out that I was mischarged (I moved into the apartment months after she did). She has always reimbursed me when I've caught her "mistakes" but this time I'm having a hard time believing her since she told me she didn't know about the electricity bills. She also claimed that Pepco never sent her bills in the mail. I know for a fact this is a lie since I've seen bills with "FINAL NOTICE" stamped on them from Pepco in our mailbox. At the time I didn't realize that Pepco was a utility company and since the mail was not addressed to me I left her to her privacy.

    The next morning I woke up to a text telling me she's withdrawing the venmo request since I had refused to add my name to the electricity bill. In actuality, I did not refuse to add my name to the electricity bill, I just told her that I wouldn't add my name until my questions were answered and that I was busy the next two days with a work deadline so this matter was relativity low on my to-do list. I also had to consider whether I wanted to be legally locked into something additional knowing that she accumulated $600 in bills over the course of eight months and with her also threatening to break the lease. She told me I was responsible for the remaining 5 months of electricity for the lease. She told me that she cancelled her account and that I better sign up for an account by the end of the day. I understand that it's her account and she has the right to open and close it to her heart's content, but this is where I'd like r/legaladvice to chime in:

    Am I able to take her to small courts claim since she has breached our lease and thereby made my father and me liable? Our contract states: "You must not allow utilities to be disconnected during your tenancy for any reason" and "If you breach the Lease, you will be responsible for utility charges for the time period you were obliged to pay the charges under the lease, subject to our mitigation of damages. In the event you fail to timely establish utility services which are your responsibility, we may charge you for any utility service billed to us for your dwelling and may charge a reasonable administration fee for billing for the utility service in the amount of $50."

    Since she disconnected the electricity bill, wouldn't she have been the one to put us in breach of our contract? She's using these words exactly against me, but if she made the executive decision to cancel a utility bill which I legally had no say in, I believe I'm in the clear. Please let me know if this line of thinking is correct. I'd also like to point out that as soon as I receive the invoices, I will be sending my portion of the electricity bills directly to her bank account so she can't countersue with "she failed to pay her portion of the electric bills which is why I cancelled the account."

    EDIT: We're in Washington DC.

    submitted by /u/floral_undertones
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    I found out my landlord classified my side of the duplex as the master meter, do I have any legal recourse?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 06:14 PM PST

    Location is Louisiana. I live in a duplex. With my utility company (a municipality), and these type of properties, landlords are supposed to leave the master meter In their name and pay all consumption at the residence. In addition, the individual unit is supposed to pay base charges each month for utility usage. I found out Friday that my landlord has the meters connected to my house classified as master meters. Due to this, I have paid all consumption at both residences for the last 2 1/2 years, and my neighbor has paid nothing but base charges. This has resulted in me paying nearly $3,000 more than my neighbor for utility usage since moving in. My typical bill is $150-230 and hers is only $30-40. The city has already let me know that this comes back on the landlord, but do I have any legal recourse? There is nothing in my lease that states that my side of the duplex is the master meter. If I do have any legal standing, what should I do? I need all the help I can get. I'm speaking to my landlord tomorrow, and he is historically very difficult to deal with. He works for RE/MAX, a major rental and house sales chain in the country.

    submitted by /u/Brundonius
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    How to know if you’re divorced when you haven’t heard from your spouse in 5 years?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 06:12 AM PST

    I left a bad relationship in 2015. I got married at 19, bad idea to begin with but I moved from South Carolina to Kansas basically overnight. No one ever knew about the marriage. I graduated college and almost forgot about marriage myself. Problem is I am engaged to be married in the next few months and I have no idea if I am legally divorced or not. Can anyone help? And yes my fiancé is aware of the situation and he is one of the few people who knows.

    submitted by /u/Suspicious_Emu_
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    My landlord texted me that i am required to keep my heat at 68 degrees

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 01:23 PM PST

    Today my landlord texted me telling me that I am required to keep my heat at 68 degrees at all times during the winter months in my apartment in Medford MA. My apartment is normally kept around 62 degrees in the winter and the gas bill has been roughly 150 dollars. When I explained this to my landlord he stated that keeping the apartment below 68 degrees can damage the entire apartment (walls, ceiling, pipes, and wires) and that if i'm worried about my bills then I should buy thermal insulated curtains. I live in a first story apartment and this landlord lives in the apartment above us. There is no language in my lease about a minimum temperature and I've read that 55 degrees is a standard minimum temperature to prevent pipes from freezing. Can my landlord force me to do this?

    Edit: to clarify, we pay for the heat for our unit. landlords unit and ours is metered separately. also, the house is 100 years old and probably doesn't retain heat that well. we're mainly concerned about getting blamed for any potential damage caused by "inadequate" temps or not.

    submitted by /u/crassscoot
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    Stalking, going on for about a year now

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 04:52 PM PST

    I have made a police report when it all started happening about a year ago. The police say nothing can be done because they are creating fake Facebook accounts and fake txt numbers. Plus they are not "threatening my life"

    It started with my sister. She was getting weird Facebook requests and messages. She was replying and denying it was her, said person was looking for. Then they moved on to me and many more... Sending me pictures of my family from my Facebook or my Instagram account. I have since deleted all forms of social media, so has my mom and sister; this is all I have left. The text messages have started from then on. None have been life threatening, but more trying to get me and my fiancé to break up or trying to pull information about me out. They are doing the same thing with my sister and her boyfriend. They have pretended to be and Uber driver saying I left my credit card in the car, from a dating web site and reaching out because I gave them my number.... but some are a little scary. They have sent pictures of outside our homes and our cars at work locations. There have not been words with these txt, just pictures when sending these messages.

    This stalker has also txted and called family members asking about family members, my sister, my mom and me by name. They are txting friends of friends also. We have probably had around 20 people reached out to us and asked about the situation.

    I know you can find all the information you want about mostly anybody online if you have the time money and knowledge.

    Can I take and legal action?? What can I do? Private investors?

    submitted by /u/x842x
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    Husband married me for a green card.. what can I do?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 08:23 AM PST

    I found out my husband was cheating on me 1 month before our 2 year anniversary. The 2 year mark is important because if we divorce after the 2 year mark - the marriage is considered more "legitimate" in Immigration's eyes.

    He got caught and apologized and and then essentially started blaming me, accusing me of not being affectionate enough and that he made these mistakes in frustration. He said he need time apart to get himself together. He also revealed he was $30K in debt (which I had no idea about). Everyone ate this up and I was basically put at fault in front of the families. There were multiple girls he was trying to talk to but there was one in particular that basically was his girlfriend. He told everyone he stopped talking to her and it was a mistake. In digging for more information - I found out that he started stepping out of the marriage right after we had our Green Card interview.

    We spent 3-4 months apart. We'd still talk here and there. He said he needed time to get himself together. In hindsight he was just prolonging the time we were married to pass the 2 year mark and stretch it out as long as possible. He even took a trip oversees to his country and I told everyone he must be trying to see that girl but his family convinced me otherwise. During this time he also signed up for the Army Reserves. His whole plan was to strengthen his case for a 10-year green card. He figured even if I left him, he'd be able to continue through the Army.

    After he took his "time" the families got back together and we decided to continue on in the marriage and start living together again. At this point he claimed he wasn't talking to anyone and wanted to be with me. Well lo and behold once a cheater, always a cheater.

    I found enough proof to suggest that he DID meet this girl oversees and is most likely engaged to her WHILE still married to me. He lied to prolong the marriage and secure his green card. And in hindsight, there were so many red flags but he kept making excuses.

    He proposed to me with a fake diamond ring, he never bought any property with me (looking back it's because he knew from the start he wasn't going to stay with me and wouldn't have to split it), his salary is $85K and has a second job where he makes mostly cash and somehow he's in so much debt, he ran away and I have debt collectors coming to MY parent's house bc that's where we stayed for most of the marriage. He invested $0.00 into the marriage, wedding and 2+ years later he's coming out with a green card and is most likely trying to throw his debt on me, even though I had no knowledge of it. And he's been sending money to his friends and parents so it makes me suspect he is hiding his money.

    I know I've been made a fool of. I thought the marriage was real. Looking back from day 1 all the little things he did and said are starting to become clear. The first day we met he said that he doesn't want me to think he's interested because he'll get a greencard. He was already here on an H1B (originally on a student visa) and said he worked this hard himself to get here and doesn't ever want anyone to think he's with me for a greencard. I am so stupid, all the red flags were there, he was feeding me this narrative from the start and I didn't realize I was being played.

    I've spoken to lawyers and I see there's not much I can do. He screwed me over. But still decided to come on here if anyone has any advice on legal action I can take against him.

    submitted by /u/tajr2020
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    [WA] lease ends on 2/28, moving out tomorrow. Already paid all of february rent. Landlord leased it to new tenant for 2/10 start

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 09:45 PM PST

    So we currently have a lease that ends on 2/28. We notified landlord we would not be renewing when they asked. No issues there. We informed the landlord our move out date would be 2/3 and they can show anytime after that with no issues. Landlord showed it the other day and told us they signed someone to start on 2/10 and wanted to confirm we would be gone. I said yes and would he be reimbursing us for the part of february we already paid and he released to someone else. He said no. Is he allowed to do this? It would seem like he is double dipping. I still have the keys and there is nothing in my lease that says I have to leave early or that the landlord can do this. Is this legal? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/phishyrf
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    The Bee-Murdering Landlord of Mold House -- Am I Doing This Right?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 11:15 AM PST

    A highly abridged version of what happened (Just fyi I live in Seattle) :

    1. We tell our landlord that his new dishwasher is dripping and has created mold in the cabinets. We tell him this in September, in writing. He ignores this for three months, during which we all have nasty hacking coughs.
    2. On 12/14, contractors reveal that behind the walls a massive 8 x 6 feet wall of mold has flourished. They also have removed the sink. We immediately move into an Airbnb for obvious reasons. Most of the food in the kitchen is destroyed by rot/mold dust/smell. We buy replacement food. My roommate has a documented, massive asthma attack after being in mold house overnight.
    3. We, with permission of the housing department, break our lease and move immediately and at great personal expense to a new place. We hire a professional move out cleaner. We tell him we will move my bee hive and chicken coop within the week.
    4. *Someone* takes a sledgehammer to my chicken coop (thank God I'd evacuated my girls earlier) and thriving bee hive. All of my bees freeze to death.

    The sudden move and airbnb etc. has been devastating to my emergency funds. Also there is literally no lawyer in Seattle that will work a mold exposure case. So what I am doing is:

    1. Getting a sample of the mold tested to find out what the hell I've been breathing.
    2. Small claims case # 1: Airbnb, replacement food and moving expenses against landlord.
    3. Small claims case # 2: Back rent for September through December when we all breathed mold and got sick
    4. Small Claims case # 3: Security and pet deposits return to us, replacing me chicken coop, bee hive and bees.

    Does this sound basically right? Is there any massive mistake I'm making or other thing that I should be doing?

    submitted by /u/otempora1
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    My business was stolen from me and when I reached out to resolve the issue I was told it was extortion and I could go to prison. USA

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 09:06 PM PST

    My brother recently re-incorporated my business without me, taking all the intellectual property with him to the new company. When I emailed one of the other board members asking if we could resolve the dispute, I was told its a threat and that I am now in trouble for extortion.

    Is threatening legal action and going public with my story the same as extortion?

    the exact message i sent was this, aside from the redacted names.

    "Hey REDACTED, hope everything is good with you. I've been trying to deal with REDACTED about the REDACTED incorporation, without me and my equity included. He refuses to discuss anything so I'm reaching out to you as an officer of REDACTED Inc to reach a solution prior to taking any action.


    I understand extortion is when someone threatens someone for monetary gain, but arent I well within my rights to threaten legal action unless I get my equity back?

    Is it a crime to tell the public my story?

    Im now being told that the feds are going to kick down my door and seize my computers.

    submitted by /u/Unusualupdate
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    Next step in bond dispute

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 09:04 PM PST

    Former renters at an address for four years. Owner trying to claim entire bond and refusing to negotiate. We feel we have a right to dispute the bond claims. We have agreed with the owners rental agency to sent bond dispute forms to have the dispute decided by a magistrate.

    Any info on what happens from here? it's hard to get a gauge on exactly what to do next. Will the magistrate/tribunal just request before/after photos or will they also look at the email correspondence between myself and the rental agency? Will I actually have to go to a local court or do we just send our information and wait to hear back?

    Any info from law professionals/ people who have been through this would be much appreciated.

    I live in Perth, Western Australia. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/tizza23
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