• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 30, 2020

    Legal Advice - My (18M) parents (66M, 51F) are in prison and out of the country, not sure what to do

    Legal Advice - My (18M) parents (66M, 51F) are in prison and out of the country, not sure what to do

    My (18M) parents (66M, 51F) are in prison and out of the country, not sure what to do

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 02:29 AM PST

    It started when we were evicted from our old apartment, we couldn't quite pay for rent, so we had to leave and my dad managed to get £400 a month for a couple months for our new place.

    He flew my mum out back to her home country and both of us were in this new studio apartment. While I was out of the house, my dad was arrested for the last apartment's debt and needs £5000 for bail.

    I can't get a job due to a visa situation and I'm worried about losing the apartment and all our things if I'm unable to get £400 together, let alone £5000 for my dad's bail.

    I'm unsure of what my next step should be. I've thought about finding some work but I don't want to get arrested for legality issues that my dad was getting sorted for me.

    I would really appreciate any help. I've written the costs in pounds but I'm in the UAE.

    submitted by /u/NoObEr21212
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    Im being taxed $30,000 as the owner of a company I made $14,000 working for in 2017.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 02:19 PM PST

    I don't know how he did it but the owner of the company put all his taxes on me, a former employee. It has been reported by others that i made about $110,000. He lied to me about how much money was made by a large margin. We were supposed to be splitting profits, but me figuring out that we weren't led to my termination. It looks like multiple sketchy companies have filed the business's taxes in my name. Should i attempt to contact the owner first or is this something that had to be done deliberately.

    submitted by /u/RighteousParanoia
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    Moved out 2 wks early, came back to find landlord threw away my furniture

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 05:38 PM PST

    Please help.

    My lease at my old apartment is up Jan 31st, but I decided to have movers come on the 15th so I would not be rushed to transport leftover items, and ensure it was properly cleaned, etc.

    Today I went back to my apartment to pickup the last of my things, and found that $4k worth of furniture was gone, as well as bucket after bucket of construction supplies, indicating multiple unapproved entries, dating at least to the 22nd, as confirmed by my housekeeper.

    So not only had my landlord organized multiple construction projects in the apartment without any prior notification from her, or explicit approval by me — but ALL of my outdoor furniture has been thrown out. I checked in the alleys and office areas, and it is gone.

    I am thinking of writing an email to her stating these events and stating I trust she will correct the situation by returning prorated rent since the 22nd, as well as returning my furniture in the condition I left it or reimbursement in full, as my lease agreement was seemingly abandoned on her end, and she took it over as her own.

    Or is this a lawsuit?

    Edit: This applies to California law

    submitted by /u/hailsx
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    Medical proof breathalyzer was wrong, can I sue OSCA? OSCA self-incriminates on phone.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 08:14 PM PST

    QUESTION: I can provide OSCA with medical proof that my breathalyzer was wrong, due to gastrointestinal issues I have had for the past two years. Isn't it illegal for OSCA to refuse to let me retest, when it has cost me my job? How can OSCA refuse to accept the results of a doctor? Isn't this a form of discrimination? Can I sue OSCA, and be retested? Has anyone else every been wrongfully terminated because of erroneous results generated by OSCA? I want to sue OSCA for refusing to let me retest. I do not want to sue my employer, whose hand was forced because of OSCA. I just want my job back. Also, got OSCA on the phone admitting they've done this to people with diabetes. See below:

    SHORT CONTEXT: I am on camera at work with coworkers and fully accounted for the whole day before my breathalyzer test. I had not eaten the whole day, and I threw up before my exam because of extenuating gastrointestinal issues I have had for two years, since having parasites. I also drank a health-aid kombucha, before my exam, to settle my stomach. The test was not random. It was scheduled by MY secretary and approved by ME. OSCA gave me a breathalyzer test and I blew a 0.044, only 0.01 over the acceptable testing range. 15 minutes later, they retested me on *the same machine* and the result was 0.040. Even if I had been drinking, what did I drink? A thimble-full? OSCA said I could contest the results, I saw my doctor, got a note, and can provide proof of the issue for two years. Stomach acids and gases can warp the results of a breathalyzer. OSCA, however, refuses to accept these results and has barred me from retesting for six months. OSCA now tells me I can only contest the results of a urine test.... but my urine test came back completely clean. Breathalyzers, however, cannot be contested at OSCA. Furthermore:

    A representative at OSCA said that people with diabetes have been barred from retesting for six months, even when their diabetes could have affected the results of their breathalyzer test. How many people have lost their jobs because of medical conditions OSCA refuses to acknowledge and how is that legal?

    And I have now lost my job.

    I can provide the full context if needed.

    submitted by /u/engineerneedsalawyer
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    Employer made me finish a task before I was allowed to leave after having two seizures.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 05:53 AM PST

    I need some advice obviously. I live in New Mexico and have Epilepsy. My employer is well aware of this fact as I have filed medical paperwork with them as well as our corporate HR so there was no guessing about my condition.

    Yesterday, I had two seizures. The first one was minor and happened on lunch outside of the workplace. I didn't have a long recovery time, so I went back to work, no problem. However, on some rare occasions, I will get a second or even third seizure after my first. Yesterday was on of those days.

    So I come back to work, start working but I'm still fatigued from the first seizure so I'm a little more sluggish than usual. I start walking around and helping customers when I realized I needed to run to the bathroom. I throw up, and see blood which is pretty normal when I'm having to fight off seizures for a day. That usually tells me that another one is coming on so I start getting ready for it to hit. I come to the break room and sit for a minute (I hadn't used my second break for the day, so this was not against policy or anything).

    So I have the second seizure and my girlfriend who works with me, comes in to the break room to check up on me. The second seizure is way worse than the first, basically making me useless for the rest of the day. So she reports it to our store manager and asks if she can take me home and come back to finish her shift or just stay home since her shift was over in 15 minutes anyways. He informs her that I'm not to leave until some pictures for our personal board are printed, a job duty that is supposed to be managements, but I took on to help alleviate some of their duties.

    Do I need to just embrace this or do I have any legal recourse?

    submitted by /u/monarch_j
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    Served Grandma with a PPO. What are the next steps?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 08:31 AM PST

    After years of emotional abuse, threats to take our children, boundary stomping, ignoring well drawn out safety rules regarding our kids and a stunt this past week with our kids so beyond rational human thought, my husband and I went to 3rd District court had his mom served with a ex-parte PPO. We're done. Gloves off.

    It's now been a week and were wondering what next. We contacted a family lawyer who told us that she has 21 days to fight the PPO. The lawyer stated that since she's a public school employee that she will FOR SURE fight it as a PPO goes on your perment record and you can get fired for it. He told me for a "small retainer" that he could help us fight this.

    My husband said he doesn't understand what there's to fight. His mom was told to stay away from the children multiple times (via emails, in person, and text) but instead took it upon herself to track down the kids at their new school (she wasn't told about)and gain access to our minor children at their school during dismissal. Police were contacted for an attempted abduction and an investigation is ongoing.

    My husband says he doesn't want to blow our small emergency fund when this case is cut and dry.

    The lawyer says that the court notices have a history of "getting lost" and that it's a good idea to have a lawyer. He said that if we don't get a notice to go to court but Granny shows up, the PPO is dropped.

    This seems like a lot of what ifs but I'm a stay at home mom with no knowledge of the law. All we want is for her to leave us alone. Period. Stop showing up to husbands work asking to see the kids, stop showing up to our home banging on the door "I have rightss" and don't come to our kids school to see them. Our state doesn't recognize Grandparents Rights either so I have no idea what her plans are.

    I don't know if she will fight the PPO but everyone from the lawyers to my husband are convinced she will.

    What should I be doing? Should we get a lawyer just in case? Wait to see if we get served or something else?

    submitted by /u/AllPinkMama4
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    Kids refusing to visit their dad

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:09 PM PST

    I have been divorced for 5 years because my ex was mentally & emotionally abusive towards me & my kids and he got physically abusive with my kids. CPS got involved and he was finally granted visitation Tuesday & Thursday afternoons and every other weekend. We live in New York. My kids are 14, 13 and 11 year old twins. Today my daughter who is 11 didn't feel good and had a bad headache. She didn't want to go with her dad when he showed up. I got home from work and he was still here. He had been waiting about 15 minutes. He told me to send her out. I went inside and I talked to her and encouraged her to go. She refused. I finally went out and explained this. He got really angry. He told me to bring her out. I explained I was not going to physically remove her from the house. Another time he refused to bring them home a little early for gymnastics practice (violation of custody agreement). I went to pick her up and my son who is 14 jumped in my car. I explained to him he needed to stay. He refused to get out. My question is do I have to physically force them to go with him? Am I in violation of our custody agreement if I don't physically force them to go?

    submitted by /u/reneemul
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    NJ/California Debt collector claims they served me in NJ but I've been a California resident for 5+ years

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:46 PM PST

    Last week I woke up to my bank accounts being emptied. I called the NJ court office and got the number of the lawyers suing me. The lawyers office was actually quit nice and after proving I'm a California resident they said they would fax a letter to the courts office vacating the ruling. The court office faxed my bank and now I'm waiting for Bank of America to "review the letter to determine if we should release the funds". First of all why does Bank of America get to hold my funds even longer when a court is asking them to remove the levy? Secondly is their anything I can do to hold the credit card company that sued me accountable? I highly doubt the debt has any connection to me and I know for a fact no one ever served me or sent any kind of letter informing me of this. I regularly check my credit and have never seen any accounts in collections or signs of an unpaid debt. Why is this allowed, why would a judge approve this even tho its well documented that I live in California?

    submitted by /u/J9122
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    Computer repair shop disassembled and sold parts from my computer!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 09:42 AM PST

    Our computer was not turning on at all. We tried a few things, replaced battery, purchased and installed a new power supply, but nothing. We took it to a repair shop at the end of November to have it diagnosed. About a week later we get a call back with the problem, melted cpu, and were told that the motherboard needs replacing but the can't do it as they cannot get the part. We told them that we would pick ot up as soon as we can but, being the holiday season, we weren't sure when that would be. There was an attempt to pick it up between Christmas and New Years but they were closed even though it was normal business hours. After several weeks, and numerous attempts to call and visit, we finally managed to get to the store while it was open. The employee working told us that our computer, along with the brand new power supply, had been dismantled and sold for parts. We got back an empty case. During the entire time they had our computer, they hadn't made a single attempt to contact us, even though we had attempted to contact them. I was wondering what my options are? Is it worth taking to small claims court? Any advice would be appreciate.

    Location: Troy, NY

    submitted by /u/AConde724
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    Dog Owner's Negligence

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:56 PM PST

    Hello on January 11th my neighbors dog jumped the fence into my backyard and ultimately killed my dog. My father in law had to beat the dog off of him. I took him to the vet and they said it would cost 2k for surgery but had a very slim chance of survival so we had to put him down. I contacted the police got a police report and they said animal control was supposed to come but never did. I have a 18 month old and if he had been back there it would have been a different story. I'm very depressed about this situation and feel like I have no justice for Goku. Can I do something about this? My dog has always been up to date on shots and even survived parvo which costs a lot of money. I live in Texas.

    submitted by /u/ThisHealth1
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    President of Non-for-profit sells himself property for $0. Is this legal?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 08:34 PM PST

    So a non-for-profit was gifted a property roughly 15-20 years ago.

    The president of the non-for-profit decided to sell himself the property for $0, is this legal? And what are my options to pursue, legal or civil?

    I have more information, but Idk what to share. If you need more please ask.

    If there are no options, can I make an anonymous tip to the newspaper? It's a small town, and it'd definitely be big news, but I fear I could end up in trouble.

    Edit: Location Missouri

    submitted by /u/Wigiman9702
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    New job wants me to do injections on people while providing less than 5 minutes of training on it

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:03 PM PST

    I just started a new job at a clinic and I am already seeing red flags pop up. They are pretty new but I felt excited to use my education for my career and gave it a shot. I have no healthcare background. My degree is in nutrition. I understood from the job description and interviews, that they needed the employee to be comfortable giving injections. I said I was fine with that, assuming there would be heavy training involved as I'd never given injections before. Well, on one of the first few days they sat me in with the nurse and he showed me how to do it in about 2 minutes. I did one injection on him and that was that, I was ready. This didn't really register as shady to me but looking back, there is a lot of shadiness and just tackiness on their part. The other training videos they had me watch were literally a dude in his basement, wearing no shoes, surrounded by kid's toys, reading off a powerpoint on the flat screen TV that you couldn't even see. On top of all this there is no handbook or guide to any company policies, the employment contract they had me sign said if I don't give my 2 weeks notice they will pay me minimum wage for my time worked, and I only get 3 PTO days per year (LOL). I don't plan on sticking at this job for long because I plan on going back to school this fall. I digress.

    So the other day, I ended up accidentally poking myself with a needle I had just used on a patient, due to putting the cap back on and the needle piercing the cap. I know this is a big mistake and I definitely won't do it again, but one of my other coworkers said they did the same thing when they started. Clearly the company has not learned. I am worried now that I am going to get reprimanded. The man whose needle I poked myself with has been asked to get blood drawn, as have I, to ensure safety. The man is extremely mad and has been giving my managers a hard time.

    How legal is what they're doing? Should I quit? What are my options if I get reprimanded or worst case- fired?

    submitted by /u/HotBee2
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    My bf's mother spent all of the money he was supposed to get(Plz help)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 09:47 AM PST

    So a year ago today, my boyfriend lost his father from brain cancer. (RIP he was a great man)

    Well my boyfriend was supposed to get money due to his father passing away. It was supposed to be over $9k, almost $10K, and he was supposed to get it in 2019 and never received it.

    At some point, his mother received (what she told us anyways), over $4k, but she couldn't keep it all or the government would revoke her government paid stuff (Food stamps for example). She had said something about it being the father's social security, and when I asked my bf about this, he said it wasn't the money he was waiting for since it wasn't the right amount. Well, the other day, he received a paper that pretty much said "You received a check for $9K and change, and you need to file it in your taxes." Well, as I said, my boyfriend never got it.

    I told my mom and stepdad, and we all had a talk. My bf decided to message his mom about it, and she started off with dodging the question. She eventually admitted that yes, she did get ALL of it, not just the 4k she told us about.

    -My bf was 17 when he was supposed to receive the money, and his parents were never married.

    -If we do not file this on his taxes this year, the government will most likely pull his tax returns for next several years.

    -There was no will

    -What can we do? (She has since spent most, if not all the money.)

    -We live in the US in New Hampshire.

    We need help, and my bf is stressing over this, because he is trying to get into [school], that has an age limit. Please, please, if you need any other details please ask. We really need help.

    submitted by /u/Punk_Rin19260
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    My Landlord drove into my room.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:54 AM PST

    Hi all, My Landlord drove into my room and I came back from work to find all the windows and wall smashed in. A lot of my stuff has been sent flying across the other side some scratched up other items completely dismantled. I don't have contents insurance as a renter but I would assume as it was done by the landlord as well as with her car it might be covered by two insurance policies.

    I would assume that I need to be specific on items that are damaged to get them replaced like for like but where do I stand on custom equipment? I have a custom watercooled PC which I built myself, however the components aren't available as new. Would they be replaced for a similar price that I bought them for or would they retrieve second hand parts and just give me them to build? Additionally if that is the case would they pay me for my time or get a custom build company to do it?

    submitted by /u/sendirous
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    Roommate who I co-lease an apartment brought home a dog without consulting me or our other 2 roommates. Now claiming it’s an emotional support animal

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 05:37 AM PST

    As the title reads. We share an apartment lease split 4 ways. All of our names on the lease. One day our roommate just came home with a dog. Didn't consult any of us. Building policy is that all pets must be registered and signed off on by all lease members. She didn't do this. We reported her for having an unauthorized dog to the building after 3 months, and she claimed it was an emotional support animal after the fact. The clinical note she got for the dog was attained after it was already living with us.

    Is there anything we can do? All lease members other than her do not want the dog living there. The building is a large apartment complex so FHA does apply.

    submitted by /u/Ashamed_Plankton
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    Payroll check bounced and now I have no Job?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 07:46 AM PST

    Prefacing this that I live in Montana and I apologize if I format this wrong, this is my first post here.

    I feel like I need to add some context and be as detailed as possible to hopefully get the best advice that I can. I thought I had a pretty good job; decent wages and a relatively laid back boss (also the owner of the store I worked at). There were some things that I had concerns about (working alone on my shift in a busy mall, law required breaks, and a few other (not as big) concerns).

    I bring it up last Saturday, the busiest day of the week by far, basically saying "Hey, I've been on my feet for five and a half hours without so much as a moment to catch my breath from walking in the door, can I have a few minutes?" and I thought I could openly talk to my boss' wife (basically the manager of his business) about these issues I've been having. She says "No problem, we'll make sure you can get a break," and heads over to their second store literally right next door, figuring that someone might come relieve me for a few minutes.

    The owner then comes over about ten minutes later or so, being really aggressive and hostile towards me, saying that I'm ungrateful for the job and almost feeling like he was trying to pick a fight with me, because I was certainly getting heated myself. I tell him I'm uncomfortable and that I need to step out for a moment so that things don't escalate.

    I call his wife after I cooled off some so I could try and figure out what the heck happened. I talk to her for a bit and long story short, she says that we'll get things figured out, not to worry, we can all talk it out tomorrow (last Sunday), and that I can just stay home for the rest of the day and can start my weekend a little early.

    I go in on Sunday, the owner basically avoids me, but I talk to his wife, expressing my concerns and offering feedback and asking for feedback myself. All in all I thought things went well talking to her, and was told that we'd get it figured out and that I had nothing to worry about.

    Monday rolls around and my wife is out and tries to get some fast food for her and our kiddo but her card declines. She calls me, I check our account, and I see that the amount my paycheck was from on Friday was pulled out of the account. She goes down and our bank tells us that my paycheck bounced. So I call my boss to figure out what's going on, and he is being very evasive towards my questions, but says that he'll make sure it's taken care of and I have nothing to worry about. I leave it at that because I figure there's nothing I can do about it.

    Tuesday comes and I come into work, and the owner and his wife act like they are confused why I am there. I tell them that I am showing for work (figured that was obvious), but they said they thought I quit. Now it's my turn to be confused, they said that I walked out of work on Saturday and they figured that I didn't want the job anymore. I tell them that that doesn't make any sense, for why would I come in to talk about things on Sunday to iron things out, to which the owner just tells me that, in his words, that he's "just moved on" and doesn't want me there. No write-ups, no warnings, no protocol, nothing. I didn't express, at any time, that I wanted to quit.

    So now here I am with a bounced paycheck four days later and a negative bank account from it, no job, and no answers from my boss or his wife. What should I do? What could I do?

    submitted by /u/Stoic-Reaper
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    Had a Detective at my Door aaking about my IP address

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:17 PM PST

    Hey legal advice. This morning a detective came by my apartment. I had already left for work when he came but he asked my GF if she would have me call his number. Fast forward to noon.

    She sent the number to me and I call him during a break. He says that a person in a nearby town had recently had 7k stolen online and the IP Address behind it matched mine. I will preface this by saying I obviously didn't do it.

    He went on to ask me if I had any possible explanations or if I knew anything. I told him I didn't. He asked if I may have signed up to any websites or filled out any online job apps. I haven't. Asked for my email and I gave it to him. He said that it matched my name. He asked me if my router was password locked or if anyone else may have been using my internet. I said yes, no. He told me that if I thought of anything to return his call.

    I did some digging and, using haveibeenpwned.com found out there was a breach where my email, name, gender, and IP Address were all leaked on google a year ago. But IP Addresses are dynamic and change daily, I thought.

    Anyway, I guess what I am asking is, am I likely to get roped into anything? Am I a likely suspect? Or was he trying to figure out if I had possibly been spoofed? Any advice on what I could do is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/CommunismCake
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    Someone hit me as they changed lanes, attempted to get away, and now their mom is threatening me. [ON, CAN]

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:46 PM PST

    They came from behind me, passing in the right lane of a two-lane road. The right lane ends by turning into a parking lot (there are a lot of arrows and signs), so they attempted to change into my lane on the left after the lane markers became solid. There were cars ahead and behind me in the same lane and I had no space to move to avoid the collision.

    My vehicle was struck on the passenger side fender, theirs was struck on the driver side of the bumper next to the wheel (not anywhere on the rear of the vehicle).

    I went through the Fault Determination Rules, and the scenario that fits best is R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 668, s. 10 (4). There were no other scenarios that applied.

    On top of the collision, the driver didn't immediately pull over and I had to follow them for a few blocks until they finally stopped.

    We exchanged information, but I didn't get their driver's license. It wasn't their car, it belonged to and was insured by their parents. The driver also requested that I get a quote before informing my insurance.

    The driver's mother called me and told me that I was responsible because I failed to yield to him changing lanes. They said they were willing to be reasonable and allow me to keep this between both parties without going through insurance. They made comments about me being an asshole, said that they could charge me for failing to yield, and made some vague threatening remarks, like, "I can show you anger", after I said there was no reason for them to be agitated.

    I reported the collision to my insurance and feel pretty comfortable that I won't be at-fault. I also tried to report this at the police station, but they said the damage appeared to be less than $2,000 in parts. They did not let me file a report.

    Immediately after the accident I sent myself an email documenting the collision and made a few diagrams to illustrate the sequence of events. I also sent myself emails with any updates so that everything is time-stamped.

    I'm aware that they could lie in their statement to insurance and that it may cause me to share liability. Is there anything else I should to to protect myself?

    submitted by /u/thxthxthxthx
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    Fiance's (26 F) old boss has contacted her new place of employment, trying to interfere with her employment there. Need some advice

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:41 PM PST

    Hey everyone! We are located in Nebraska, since that may be important.

    So, my fiance worked at a childcare facility, and severely disliked it there due to poor working conditions and crazy gossip. She was the only one there with a degree, and the other employees made her feel unwanted, as did her boss.

    When she put in her 2 weeks notice, the boss told my fiance the new location she was going to sucked, and then told the other employees that she was going to punish my fiance for it, which she did by forcing my fiance into areas solo, talking behind her back, allowing coworkers to treat her poorly and as lazy, etc.

    The day before starting, he old boss and other higher ups, contacted the new daycare multiple times about her, though what was said in those initial calls we are unaware.

    The day she started, the old boss called her new boss and began telling her that my fiance was only testing the waters with this new place and that she was still employed at the old facility. This was completely false, she no longer worked there and never planned to go back. It seems like it may happen again, as we have heard word this is not the first time the old boss has acted like this.

    My question is, is there any legal path we could potentially threaten to pursue if the old boss does not back off and quit trying to interfere with her nee job? And if so, is this a scenario we should contact them and threaten to pursue it, or should we actually just pursue it all together?

    Apologies for any typos, I am at work, but an assistance would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Duck-Duck-Dev
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    My landlord took my toilet.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:11 PM PST

    The house I live in is essentially this guys weekend house. I have two rooms and a bathroom in what used to be a private hallway until he took out the door to the hallway. His explanation was that it was stuck. It wasn't stuck.

    He's a passive agressive.nutjob that loves to create drama where there is none. Recently I called him out o some.of his bullshit in front of his girlfriend which set him.off. next thing.i know, I come home to find my toilet is gone from my bathroom. There is a note on the door saying there was a leak, use the downstairs bathroom, sorry for the inconvenience. There was no leak. He's done nothing to remedy any leak. He claims he's getting bids but.no one has been.by to look at anything.

    This is just the latest in his methods of harassment. And it's a big list, pretty much the textbook list of "don't do this as a landlord" stuff. He refuses to believe I have rights or that he has limitations. I know I could move but at this point, I'm not going anywhere just because he's being so blatant about trying to harass me into leaving.

    He's never given me any legal notice of anything. He refuses to believe that he has to follow any rules. I'm actually in awe. Who does that? Who retaliated from being butthurt by taking someone's toilet?

    So the question....landlord harassment is expressly stated as being unlawful in Washington. What do I do about it? Where do I file a complaint? Do I have any options aside from moving?

    submitted by /u/WyngNuttier
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    My (18F) mom inactivated my anti-depressant prescription behind my back

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:42 PM PST

    Hi everyone. I am in college at a school in Ohio and live in North Carolina otherwise. I was prescribed an anti depressant as I've been struggling with diagnosed depression and anxiety for four years and my mom refused to allow me medication. She knew I started seeing a school therapist here and was prescribed this as well as anti-anxiety medications.

    The problem is she took the same depression medications I am taking to quit smoking. She said she hated them and they made her feel crazy. She told me to get off of mine (because she is illogical and crazy when it comes to medication and doctors) and I said I would eventually.

    I went to my pharmacy to today at school and they were unable to transfer the anti depressant back here as my mom had inactivated it. I had one refill left and now have no medication until I can see my doctor here in a week. I am under her health insurance. Is this legal? Is there any action I can take? I am going through a particularly hard time and this is making it a lot more difficult.

    EDIT: I talked to my pharmacy back home and they basically said sorry we can't do anything. I talked to my doctor here and she said it was basically barred from being filled under my insurance. I had it in Ohio, transferred to North Carolina, and now cannot get it back to Ohio. I am paying out of pocket now and getting it tomorrow morning.

    submitted by /u/hellaharper
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    My company is enforcing a 6 month non compete agreement but only pay me 50% of my salary

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 08:30 PM PST

    Hi guys, so I work in Chicago in a very specialized industry. Basically my skills are only transferable to other firms in this industry (trading). With that being said, I have recently accepted a job offer at another firm (sort of indirect competitors). My company has decided to enforce the full 6 month non compete - which is fine and totally understandable. The problem is.. they are only paying half of my salary. I can't afford to live for more than 3 months on half of a salary

    submitted by /u/the_friendly_skeptic
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    Frustrated with child support court. How can I get them to raise payments and actually get my ex to pay child support? He started a business and then moved out of country.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:23 PM PST

    When I first filed for child support, my sons father didn't work and was just starting college so they put him on $135 a month. I let it go on until he graduated, I didn't want to make it harder on him while in college. I let him get away with that and he let me claim our son as a dependent every year(It was supposed to be swapped every other year). I thought that was a fair trade off.

    Well, 3 years ago he graduated college and started a business. It became quite successful so I decided I would try to go after more support to help us out but that turned out to be a lot harder than it seemed.

    First issue: He did actually show up on the first court date and showed his income BUT he was only reporting minimum wage? How was he paying himself minimum wage but driving a brand new car? It made no sense but they bought it and only raised it to $250 a month. I didn't have a lawyer though and know nothing about finances or business ownership.

    Second issue: I got a lawyer the second time(last year) and he scurried away to another country. I'm 99.9% sure he moved to India. He deleted all social media and changed his number. I cant find him personally but rumors lead me to come to this conclusion. He's been skipping court dates and all they do is re-schedule and issue a warrant for his arrest BUT only in our county. If he's even in a different state, he won't get arrested.

    What is going on and why is this so hard? Any advice?

    The court date re-schedules are effecting my work-life. It's at 8AM and I sit around for 4~ hours to wait for them to call us, just to re-schedule. If neither party shows up, they dismiss the filing and I have to wait another 365 days. The re-schedules are every 3~ months.

    My lawyer is costing me, the court is costing me in missed work days but they can't do anything without his income.

    submitted by /u/Embarrassed-Quarter
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    My roommate is trying to sublet to a guy

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 10:35 PM PST

    I'm in student housing and each room of our apartment has its own individual lease. If you want to sublease you do it through the management and transfer the lease to the new person.

    My roommate will be gone next summer for an internship and I will still be here, and she is potentially looking at letting a guy that neither of us knows live here (we're both girls, she found him on a Facebook ad). I am EXTREMELY uncomfortable with this. My only request when she looked for a sublease is that it be a girl or that it be a guy that I know (this still makes me uncomfortable but I could deal with it). She refuses to agree to only look for a girl.

    Is she allowed to do this/would I be able to override the sublease somehow or go to management to stop this from happening??? Please help me I'm extremely anxious and panicky about this as I have past trauma with guys (which she knows).

    submitted by /u/Chosen_loved
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