• Breaking News

    Saturday, January 30, 2021

    Legal Advice - [VA] Can my employer require me to remove my mask for a company wide meeting?

    Legal Advice - [VA] Can my employer require me to remove my mask for a company wide meeting?

    [VA] Can my employer require me to remove my mask for a company wide meeting?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 05:15 PM PST

    A bit of explanation, I work for a small company here in Northern Virginia. About 10-15 employees total, most are here and work out of the northern Virginia office, some live in Tennessee and others New York/New Jersey.

    My employer sent a mass email out tonight with the statement regarding masks saying this:

    "Wear masks when in common areas and not in the meeting space." ..."seeing faces is the point of the this [meeting]"

    For context this is 3 days of full day meetings so 8 hours each day breaking for lunch.

    The question here is can my employer require me, or other employees, to remove our mask during this time?

    I don't want to lose my job over this, but if it gets too that I want to know what my options might be.

    submitted by /u/WillSullivan608
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    [CA] Canceled family gym membership at start of COVID. Just found out Gym re-actived my membership when Gyms reopened in my area (November) and has been billed my account for over $800 without my permission.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 12:58 AM PST

    As title states, I canceled my family's gym memberships when the COVID outbreak started and it became clear we would not be going. I've since moved away from the area and as such could was not planning on renewing. Was doing EoY finances when I realized that I'd been being billed by the Gym again starting in November. Immediately contacted them to see what was going and they said that they had reactived my membership when the Gym reopened in November. I was never asked for permission to reactive my account, but they did send an email notifying that they were going to do so in Fall which went to my marketing emails filter. The total charges amount to several hundred dollars since it was three months of membership for multiple household members. They are now trying to only offer me membership credits (which is useless to me since we moved). Checked contract I signed when I signed up and it made no mention of re-activating memberships (only that cancellation requests must be written, which mine was). It seems highly unethical and potentially illegal to have resubscribed me without my consent. Am I screwed? Do I have any options?

    submitted by /u/star__lard
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    Can roommate sue me because I won't follow her jobs protocol?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 05:30 PM PST

    My roommate and I signed a lease in July for a 4 bdrm 2 bath home. Lately we've not been getting along mainly because she says I'm obligated by her jobs restrictions. She's a nurse for a Christian science care home and I'm a stay at home mom (my toddler also lives with us). Her job has required that her household, which she thinks I'm a part of, not be around other households, meaning I'm not allowed to visit my one and only friend and neighbor. I wear a mask whenever I leave the home unless I'm visiting the neighbors house as were both homemakers and neither of us goes out often. I'll also add that my roommate visits her son and daughter-in-law often and doesn't always wear a mask. For about the last month shes been staying at the facility she works at because I refuse to be bound by the rules of her job. None of this was discussed prior to us living together. Shes now saying that if we don't move out immediately then I'll be responsible for her part of the rent since she's "been forced to leave". Am I responsible to pay her half of the rent because I won't live by the rules of her job?

    submitted by /u/throwawayanon3479
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    A doctor performed a procedure on me without my consent. I have no idea what he actually did. I don’t know what to do.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 12:04 PM PST

    I posted this in a general advice subreddit. Someone suggested I post this here, so here I am.

    I went to a proctologist to get checked out. My expectations were to just get an evaluation, plus maybe be presented with some treatment options that we could discuss. Instead, what happened was that while I was turned around and couldn't see anything, I felt something odd. I asked abruptly "what are you doing?"

    "I'm injecting you with <insert some jargon here>," said the doctor. Then he said "all done. I'll leave the room so you can get your clothes back on and I'll come back to check up on you."

    He never asked if he could do it. He never explained what it was. I have no idea what kind of benefits and risks there are with this treatment. He never presented what other options I have. He just injected me with who knows what.

    The doctor never came back. I never got to ask questions. I got slapped with a giant amount of money to pay, despite never being presented a bill. I also never consented to whatever procedure he did. They said they'd email me the bill, but I never got it. They did not hesitate to charge my credit card, though.

    This all happened yesterday. I feel pain today.

    I contacted my insurance company and they sent me a form to fill out. The first thing it says is to attach my bill. Well, I never got a bill. The insurance company also said they were never sent a claim, but that they'll follow up on Monday.

    I tried Googling to see what he could have injected me with. Nothing rang any bells. I have no idea what has been put into my body, no idea what the common side effects are, no idea what kind of drug interactions it might have, and nobody can tell me. I had a panic attack last night over this.

    This was the one and only proctologist in my network. When I called my insurance company to tell them about this, they magically found an additional doctor that is in-network, but not publicly listed.

    I was never asked for consent. I was never informed. I am not okay with this.

    What am I supposed to do?

    I'm posting this from an alt account because I'm to embarrassed to ask on my main account. But I assure you all, this is serious. I'm literally losing sleep over it.

    Please, help.

    Here's some more info that might help: - I'm 35 years old - Male - Insured - I live in Florida

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/2Embarassed2Axe
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    My house is in foreclosure due to a bank error and the person in charge to fix it hasn’t been to work for over a week. What should I do?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 08:43 PM PST

    Edit: This is in WA

    Back in April I took 3 months of forbearance and then was able to push it back to the end of my mortgage. Now I think at the end of the year there was a glitch in their system when creating tax documents and it made alot of "payment adjustments" to my mortgage and put a -$15000 balance on my account plus increased my principle by $5000 (my monthly payments normally are $2000 a month and I have never missed a payment).

    I have called daily for the past 2 weeks to get this fixed however the representatives who pick up all have different stories. One says system is under maintenance and it will be fixed soon, another says I have to talk to the person in charge of this to fix it. But the issue is this person hasn't been to work presumably for the past 2 weeks. I have left multiple voice mails and they haven't called me back.

    Today I received a notice that I am behind on my payments (the -$15000 balance) and online on my account it says I am in foreclosure. My lender is PNC Bank. I have no idea what I should do. I have no issue paying back the 3 month my loan was in forbearance right now if it will fix this mess but I can't seem to get a hold of the person I need to talk to. I have a few mortagge statements from 2020 as proof that my account has been current, what my principle should be and etc...! I am also unsure if my mortgage tax documents are correct or not for 2020 to file my taxes due to this mess.

    What are my options here? Do I just need to wait and hope for the person in charge of this issue to get back to me? If my house really is in foreclosure based on whats on my online account, how long do I have before someone comes knocking at the door and tell me to leave? Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Throw-DownwardSpiral
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    Parents died in accident, Unanswered questions about real estate

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 07:12 PM PST

    Long story short. Parents were in a horrible accident overseas. They are still paying on a house in the states. In their will, I was to get the house that they were paying on. My credit situation is screwed from my recent divorce and cant get a mortgage currently. I am able to afford their house payment. Do I just continue making the house payment?? Won't the bank see its a check from me or my online account? Does the house go in my name? I am in Ohio and dont know if laws vary by state. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Doder2121
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    The city gave me wrong information about setbacks on my accessory structure and acknowledged it. Now they’re saying I have to move it at my own costs

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 07:03 AM PST

    Hi, new here. I wanted to build an accessory structure in my backyard. Reached out to my city by email (office is close because of covid). A permit technician from the planning department gave me the required information and validated that the placement of my structure was correct based on a plan I provided.

    Turns out she didn't know the code so well. A month later, after I'm done with framing and about to cover the roof, a code compliance officer comes by and says the structure violates the code.

    After an internal meeting, the city is now apologizing that I received wrong information but is still requiring that I comply with the new placement and is not offering to cover any of the extra cost. My options are to remove the structure (and lose $6,000 in material and labor already invested) or move it (if even possible). Both will add extra costs.

    The city is the city of Goleta, CA.

    What can I do? Can and should I sue the city?

    submitted by /u/Severe-Software5258
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    The landlord is not accepting certified mail. Location: Massachusetts, USA

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 02:48 PM PST

    The location: Massachusetts, USA.

    Our landlord (property management) has repeatedly asked for the same documents. We would mail it (1st class mail), drop it off in person (into their mail slot), and e-mail them. But on more than one occasion, we would receive a notice claiming they still have not received anything. As a result, we switched to using certified mail with confirmation delivery (USPS). This means someone has to sign for it, and we get the form they signed, showing proof it was sent and received.

    As you can imagine, this resolved our problems (up until now).

    However, the latest document claims to be time-sensitive. It claims they must receive it within 14 days of the letter's date, which was dated January 13th, received on January 16, and promptly mailed out, but has not been accepted. USPS's website said an attempt to deliver was made, but no one was available to sign, and a notice was left. They have until near mid-February to pick it up, or it will be mailed back to us.

    The letter is a rent interim agreement (effective February 3, 2021). We have already renewed our lease for the year (also due to take place on February 1, 2021, if that matters). Our rent is going up (as my income will be temporarily going up), which we plan to pay promptly (also will be mailed certified mail with confirmation delivery). We owe no back rent.

    What complications do you think we should be worried about? Are we liable or at fault if they fail to pick up (or otherwise accept) the certified mail?

    submitted by /u/Linux-Is-Best
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    Purchased old police files on accident while thrifting

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 06:19 PM PST

    [CALIFORNIA] Today while thrifting I bought a lock box with a bunch of old files in it. The files are all police cases/files/interoffice memos etc from the Lower West Coast from the mid to late 90's. Is it illegal to own these? I asked a writer friend if they wanted them but thought better of it. Any advice is welcome.

    TL;DR Might have some private files. What do?

    submitted by /u/leg4ladvicethroaway0
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    Mother passed away. I cancelled her Comcast account and provided death certificate. Now Comcast is sending bill addressed to me for $400 early cancellation. What can I do?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 03:40 PM PST

    I've attempted to call and chat with Comcast customer service to no avail. I submitted the death certificate and provided my name and email as contact. Just got bill int he mail for $400 for early termination. The bill is addressed to my mother (now deceased) but also lists my name. Can I ignore? Worried they might try to send this to collections erroneously under my name. Is that possible? (USA)

    submitted by /u/tz100
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    Job Interview Questions such as "Who are your parents?"

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 09:07 AM PST

    I live in a smaller community in the US midwest. I have been working in retail for some time and am trying to change careers. I have had a few interviews and there is one question that keeps coming up. "Who are your parents?"

    I do not want to answer this question for a few reasons.

    • Part of my family emigrated from an Eastern Europe nation and our last name stands out against others in this area.
    • I have three parents who all have criminal records.
    • I do not think my parents history should weigh heavier than the details provided in my resume.

    I want to know if there is any law providing protection if I want to avoid answering this question. I want to be affible and deflect with something like "I would rather talk today about myself and my own qualifcations."

    Any tips or guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Location: USA, Wisconsin

    submitted by /u/CHUD_Warrior
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    Health insurance refused to pay, stuck me with a $5200 bill

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 05:30 PM PST

    I have been trying to understand the situation from both my provider and the insurance company since September and I just received my final notice bill and it's stressing me out.

    I have always had health issues but due to healthcare being so expensive I just ignored my issues. Earlier this year I need medical attention and had to pay $1400 out of pocket for a hospital visit. Since I was closer to my $2800 insurance deductible I decided to go for it and figure out my other health issues. The doctor scheduled 2 procedures, the first procedure I paid another $1400 which would have made me reach my deductible. And the second procedure I didn't have to pay anything upfront.

    A month later I received a hospital bill for $5200 for both procedures, plenty of calls later and failed promises from the hospital the insurance company finally responded. The hospital needed to get a pre-approval from the insurance company before getting the first procedure done which they failed to do so. The second $1400 that I paid did not get applied to my deductible because it was upfront (I don't even understand why an upfront payment does not apply towards the deductible) which then made me not reach my insurance deductible for the year, and made my entire next procedure out of pocket.

    The insurance company wants the hospital to pay for the bill and the hospital wants me to pay for it.

    Where do I go from here ? Do I have a chance at getting away from this ? Should I ignore it and have them send it to collections ?

    submitted by /u/Mothebro1
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    Brother's (soon to be) ex wife is trying to take my Dog that used to be theirs, but my brother gave to me.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 01:32 PM PST

    So this is kind of a complicated situation, and I'm willing to share more info if needed, but I'll try my best to explain.

    My brother and his wife got married about 5 few years ago, and 2 or so years in they got a Dog. They ended up getting separated a few months after that and she moved out. I moved in with my brother just after that, and have been living with him for just over 2 years. When I moved in we had this dog, and were "watching" it for her. A couple months after I moved in she came and took the dog.

    Fast forward to around 8 or 9 months ago, she asked us if we wanted the dog because she couldn't keep him anymore. My brother asked if she meant permanently or temporarily. And she said **"yes, for good"**, and we have text messages proving so. At the time my brother said he didn't really care about getting a dog, but I was currently looking for one and said it would be my dog. The understanding was that it was going to be my dog, and I would take care of him. But me and my brother are roommates, he also lives with the dog, and we had that conversation in person so it's not actually in writing anywhere, and that's where I believe things get complicated.

    This week, she showed up to our house with the police to get the dog, they said it was a civil matter and they couldn't do anything. So it looks like it's going to court.

    And now she's trying to blackmail my brother by saying she's going to post "screenshots" of something on facebook. Neither one of us know what she's talking about, and my brother isn't aware of anything he said or did that's illegal or anything but he's been paranoid that she might take something out of context.

    Question is, is there any way to actually fight this? I know just giving her the dog is an option, but I'm trying to weigh my options first. And to be honest when we got the dog he was literally skin and bones with anxiety problems, so I fear for his safety as well.

    EDIT: Bot told me to mention my location. I live in North Carolina. Me, my brother, and his future ex wife have lived in NC the whole time.

    submitted by /u/Throwaway01302021
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    NJ - Sued for $2 million with no personal guarantee but personally named on lawsuit, can company declare bankruptcy?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 07:26 PM PST

    My company with no assets was sued for a $2MM purchase contract for which the statute of limitations has expired by 5 months and for which no personal guaranty was signed, can the company with $0 assets declare bankruptcy so I can defend pro se? I cannot afford a lawyer but I cannot represent my company without a lawyer so it needs to be dismissed before I can defend the case. I will make the case that I was improperly named on the lawsuit to hte judge and file for a summary judgment.

    submitted by /u/scrnaseq
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    Posthumous Adoption of an Adult

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 08:37 PM PST

    [MN] I know that an adult can adopt another adult, but what if the adoptee is deceased?

    My biological parents divorced when I was 5 yo and my sister was 4 yo. Our biological father didn't pay child support and was not a dependable parent. He remarried and we have a half brother. Our mother remarried - we have a half sister and two step sisters. Both half siblings are 12-14 years younger than me.

    My sister and I were adopted by our stepfather as teenagers without our consent. The court decree was entered the day after my sister turned 14 and I was 15 and a half: there was no guardian ad litem or a home study to evaluate our living situation.

    Prior to our adoption by our stepfather he had had a heart attack and bypass surgery in his 30's; he and our mother were told to get their affairs in order, he wasn't expected to survive long term; our half sister was less than 2 yo.

    The blending of the family did not go smoothly; my sister struggled with the dynamic of having to share her mom with two severely abused, neglected and traumatized stepsisters, their father/our stepfather wasn't a dependable parent to them either and didn't protect them from being sexually abused; and there was new baby sister who displaced her; my sister went to live with our father and stepmother for the school year - they lived in another state and didn't have a child yet. My sister visited for the summer and then returned to live with our father and stepmother. After a couple weeks our father told our mother he was sending her back permanently - with no explanation. My sister was devastated by the rejection.

    Our stepfather was a practicing alcoholic most of their marriage - now he's a dry drunk, my relationship with him has always been difficult, he is still living.

    My sister was murdered at age 30 and left behind a child that our mother raised, who is now an adult. My stepfather didn't want to raise the child and only consented under threat of divorce. He didn't want me and my sister either. Their marriage was rocky and if he adopted us he would have to financially support us if they divorced.

    My mother told us that she was worried about supporting us if our stepfather died and reasoned that if he adopted me and my sister she would get social security benefits, but I was almost 16 and she didn't adopt her stepdaughters - she created a story that seemed plausible.

    Next my mother told my father that she was going to sue him for back child support if he didn't sign the adoption papers. Our father bounced around from job to job and worked sporadically after his son was born, my stepmother was the breadwinner, his back child support was going to come from her wages - he rolled immediately.

    Our mother passed away a year ago and I was given her journal. My mother retaliated against our father for what he did to my sister and got her revenge - what she didn't foresee is that her daughter's are the ones she hurt.

    I don't have a relationship with my father because of what he did, as a parent I cannot fathom walking away from my children. I reached out to him about 2 and a half years ago when I learned I have a fatal neurodegenerative disorder. He thought we would pick up where we left off - I wanted an apology. Of course he was hurt and played the victim.

    My stepfather is in poor health and my contact with him is becoming less frequent - he is protecting my mother and himself, it's evident he participated and helped my mother manipulate my father.

    They all acted shamefully and neither man is deserving of my love. I don't want to be my father's daughter, but I definitely don't want to be my stepfather's daughter nor do I want his name to remain on my birth certificate.

    I'm considering contacting my father and asking him to adopt me and my sister - no strings attached and put us back in our rightful place.

    If my father won't agree to the adult adoption do I have legal standing to get the stepfather adoption reversed? Is there a legal precedent to include my sister posthumously?

    My father lives in Arizona. Running out of time, TIA.

    submitted by /u/ItsaPillowThing
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    Just found out that a major hardware manufacturer is using my artwork to sell their product on online merchant sites.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 03:36 PM PST

    Hello everyone, New to the subreddit. I am a digital artist who occasionally designs wallpapers and backgrounds, some of my wallpapers are published online with a standard CC:Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License. Recently while browsing the internet for laptops I found that a certain device manufacturer had used my wallpapers as the device wallpaper in their listings on online merchant stores. This is in all major stores (amazon, bestbuy, newegg etc). I have never given them any permission to use said image nor have they ever approached me.

    I am yet to take any action as I figure out the correct course of action, I do not live in the US nor do I have a lawyer. I would ideally like to resolve this out of court (but I am willing to hire a lawyer if it comes to that). My questions to you good folk are:

    1. What is the right course of action? Should I reach out to them and try to negotiate a settlement first? Or would that hurt any future legal action? If so, what is the best way to approach them? As mentioned, the ideal scenario would be to settle out of court with reasonable compensation for the work I have done.

    2. If I eventually do end up needing to take legal action, how do I hire a US attorney from outside the country? What is the basic process.

    Thanks in advance.

    Edit : Manufacturer in question is based in Taiwan but like other device manufacturers has headquarters in USA (and the US Based Stores are the ones using the artwork as far as i can tell)

    submitted by /u/Life_Rest
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    Indie movie theater showing mp4s

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 07:13 PM PST

    I work at an indie movie theater in Texas, and we have been showing movies off of iPods and iPads with licenses to show the movies. As far as I know everything is legal up to this point, but our system has a lot of issues. I am trying to switch over to playing dvds as backups, and use laptops with usb sticks that have mp4s of our movies. I want to know how legal this process is and if not, if there's a different legal process that doesn't require buying a DCP for every screen because we have several.

    submitted by /u/lsonesc
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    Sales Job Has Defined Bonus Structure In Offer Letter, Now I'm Getting 1/4 Of The Original Bonus

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 07:58 PM PST

    About 16 months ago I took on a new sales job in a field I've been working for a few years. I got through the interview process of the company that I went with, as well as a few other companies. At the end of my interview processes I had two written offers on the table and one more verbal that was later in the process. After researching the companies and territories from both written offers, I decided to take the offer with significantly less salary but a much better bonus structure. Both companies were in the same industry- an industry that ended up being very lucrative during COVID.

    I started the job with a full head of steam and through COVID made some very significant sales that result in long term recurring revenue much higher than my sales goals required. My end growth for a large territory grew over 300% YOY. On paper as I finished the year, my sales bonus based on my bonus structure totaled well over $190k USD (3+ yrs salary).

    With the exception of a single 3 minute phone call in April explaining how the company was temporarily reducing the bonus structure until all accounts receivable were paid, I got no notification of a bonus change. I didn't agree to this new structure, I simply said "I didn't think I had the ability to challenge the decision."

    Fast forward to now, the year has been balanced out and the territory ended over 280+% growth or about $180k bonus on paper. Where I thought there was an opportunity for my bonus to be full to the terms of my offer letter, my final bonus check came in totaling 29% (52k) of that total. I've voiced my concerns over this briefly but I didn't want to say anything firm until any checks came in. I've been burned last minute on commission and bonus checks in the past. My final bonus check just came as a regular salary type check with no specification of what the amount was for.

    Does anyone think I have a legal ability to go after the money that I believe I earned (128k)? If so, where do I even start? I have all total sales information and the original offer letter stating close to 4x bonus due. The entire year I have clearly overperformed individually and never had even the slightest disciplinary or performance criticism. Thanks

    EDIT: Company HQ in MO and I work as a territory rep in PA

    submitted by /u/s13totsi
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    I am pretty sure a famous composer stole my music

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 10:29 AM PST

    I used to live and work in LA and at one of those jobs I worked for a company that represented film composers and music supervisors. My job was to contact the composers and put together demos for them based on what they and I thought were the best of their cues suited for upcoming projects.

    The composer in question is someone I spoke with in person and on the phone about these things, as well as small talk about my own musical career and aspirations.

    Flash forward to now. My sister emails me and says, "in case you missed [this show], they stole your [former band of which I was the songwriter] melody.

    I figured it was a 'million monkeys on a million typewriters' type thing until I saw the composer's name. It was this guy. It's the same melody. Same key as the most prominent example, even. Not only that, but this melody is in a LOT of the songs from this band, because I was really into leit motif back then. If this composer heard one song from that band, he heard this melody. If he knew my name, he would see that my name has a .com that has had this music freely available since 2006, a year before we worked together and 12 years before he used it.

    I have my own lawyer but he doesn't work on weekends and I am shaking right now and would like some form of reassurance that I'm not going crazy. This melody was my favorite thing from this band and this dude seemingly stole it.

    I will provide links for anyone interested, but I do not want to get specific on a public forum for fear it will negatively impact my case.

    In a case like this, what must be proven in order to find if one composer has plagiarized another?

    submitted by /u/gandalf_thefool
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    Can employers prevent employees from discussing about their wages?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 01:23 PM PST

    Can an employer write you up or even fire you for talking to your co-workers about your wage? I'm not sure if this is a thing that is allowed by labor laws on a federal level. I am currently in the state of Florida.

    submitted by /u/DestTheDestroyr
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    New here, and need help!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 08:12 PM PST

    Hi everyone! I have been dealing with my mom stealing from me all of my life. I am 18 so I am trying to find the best way to get her to stop. I pay all bills at home, am in college, and working part time. I had to put a lock on my door to keep her from stealing from me. Today, I came home from work to realize (for the second time) that she had broken into my room. She lied to my face multiple times before I showed her the screwdriver and card that she used to break into my room (she left them on my dresser). I am thinking of installing a security camera as well, if i catch her breaking in/ stealing can I send the evidence to cops or would it be worthless? She has stolen so much from me I cannot take it anymore.

    She also has physically abused me on 2 occasions. Once when I was a minor, and the second as an adult. I called cops the second time, but they said they couldn't do anything.

    I know people are going to say "just move out". Please realize I am paying all bills here, by working a part time job. I have no car (she stole that too & ruined it). I have applied to higher paying jobs and have not heard back from ANY. Help!

    (main questions= can she be charged with anything if I catch her on video stealing/breaking into my room?

    Can she legally ever kick me out if I pay bills? (light, and water. She pays wifi. And I also buy groceries that she eats before I even get the chance to.)

    Does she even have the right to stay here? (This was my father's home, and I know for a fact he did jot give it to her in his will.) Location: North Carolina

    submitted by /u/ambaqua
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    What is time limit on coming after a mandated reporter who allegedly didn't report something?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 05:10 PM PST

    Under Florida law, is there a time limit on coming after a mandated reporter who allegedly didn't report something? My mom is a retired teacher and my question concerns a student she had who was pregnant at 11. A cop (I don't know if he's retired or still working) has already been arrested for lack of action in the case and the student's stepdad is also in prison. My question concerns what the statute of limitations is for them to come after my mom if any.

    submitted by /u/throwaway_104022
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    Is it legal for my apartment complex to fine people for rolling through a stop sign that is half the size of a regular street sign?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 07:27 PM PST

    (Florida) My apartment complex added a stop sign that is half the size of a regular street sign and sent an email out about it. Earlier today I rolled through it and the school resource officer who lives in the complex was sitting and watching people at the intersection saw. He flipped his lights on and pulled me over, and told me the apartment complex will be fining me. Is this legal? He wasn't in uniform and didn't show any identification...

    submitted by /u/future_surgeon_
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