• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 31, 2021

    Legal Advice - What should I do now because my lawyer is dead.

    Legal Advice - What should I do now because my lawyer is dead.

    What should I do now because my lawyer is dead.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 03:08 PM PST

    Throw Away Account just to be safe!

    Hi All,

    I am located in Columbia, SC.

    A few months ago, I won a big lawsuit against my employer for discrimination and harassment.

    However, my lawyer who was a 1 man firm, (with an assistant) recently died of Covid 19 (RIP).

    My previous employer found out he died, and are now appealing the judgment, because they think they can win, I don't have a lawyer familiar with the case.

    Please help, I am not sure what to do next, who do I reach out to. Can they even appeal, cause my lawyer is dead?

    submitted by /u/Icy-Ground3810
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    Can my landlord force me to be exposed to Covid-19? [Dillon, CO]

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 07:57 PM PST

    Not me, but my sister.

    Landlord informed her today 1/31 that the tennent moving into their shared apartment tomorrow 2/1 has tested positive for Covid-19 and still plans to move in tomorrow. A hotel is way too expensive to go stay at for 2 weeks, plus she is the one who has been living there for 6 months so her leaving the apartment for 2 weeks is not an option. Does she have any rights to stop the girl from moving in?

    submitted by /u/acarden99
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    Can a neighbor prevent me from having electricity at my house?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 05:21 AM PST

    I have a property in the woods that I have spent the last year clearing to build a house on. I am close to starting the build. I have plans finalized with the builder, am close to closing on a home loan, and and working on getting power lines installed down the road to my property. The power company planner was out on Friday and told me which way he wanted the power lines to come in from. As a courtesy I asked the farmer who owns the property next to mine where the poles would be installed if I could trim back some trees on the border between our property. He told me that he would not allow poles to be installed on his land and that he has stopped it from happening before and he will again. If I had to bring the poles in from the other side of the road it would require cutting hundreds of trees and the power company has already stated they want to put poles along the farm land. Can he stop the power company from putting in poles along the road?

    Edit: the property is in Ohio

    submitted by /u/mvolschow
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    My landlord threw stuff away, I salvaged it with his permission. His son stole it back recently. Can I confront him about it?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 09:57 AM PST

    [NY] Last year my landlord threw out a bunch of stuff during quarantine/mid renovation including almost 30+ bags of stuff that belonged to his 40 ish adult son who lived with him.

    Apparently they had an argument about his piles of old comics, videogame cartons, consoles and other nerdy stuff. Which led to him impulsively throwing everything out in a act of rage.

    It was left outside for almost half a month because the company that would have picked it up couldn't due to a statewide quarantine of non essential businesses/ garbage men refused to take every bag because they had no room in their truck for all stuff.

    The stuff was left out in the rain and some bags even had roaches/stray cats claw into them. His wife knew tenants liked to salvage stuff and told me I could help her out by taking stuff I like since she knew I also liked nerdy things. (I also had intentions to maybe sell some stuff for profit and made that clear to the her)

    So I went through every bag one by one. Salvaged some items. Some stuff I actually packed in a truck and donated them to charity. so kids can enjoy nerdy things too.

    Other things I kept for myself and restored them to working/sellable condition. Or other tenants took them.

    Every step of the way I spoke to my landlord and told him that some stuff looks valuable and might be a source of nostalgia for his son and offered to give it back. Each time his son didn't care (mainly because he was mid game online and didn't want to be bothered) and I figured that was the end of it.

    Recently my landlord was doing some renovations and I noticed that some of the items which I moved into the hall temporarily until construction is over went missing.

    Specifically my nerdy stuff I salvaged and some of my personal stuff I bought as well.

    I highly doubt other tenants stole it because they are all 70+ and don't speak English, let alone see the value in comics. And their grandkids did not have access to construction area. And my landlord renovates by himself for small repairs.

    I suspect my landlords son took "his stuff back" and some of mine too. I don't have much in terms of photo proof because I never really thought someone would steal this stuff. But some of the things I had were expensive. How would I go about this?

    I like my living space and have no problems with my landlord for the 5+ years I have lived here.

    submitted by /u/terriderp
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    Predatory Towing

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 01:09 PM PST

    Contracted towing company towed our vehicle for backing into a parking spot, charging $200 to get it back. There are no posted rules stating that we can't back into a parking space, but i get the feeling they can get away with whatever they want. Is there anything we can do? Apartment Complex, North Richland Hills TX Update: apparently it is specified in the leasing agreement, should i pressure the complex to post signs to prevent this in the future?

    submitted by /u/yerawizardgary
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    Washington State: Tulalip Tribal Member slammed into my car on Indian reservations

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 02:07 PM PST

    So a tulalip tribe member (a person in their 40s) slammed into my car. I have an HD dashcam footage to unequivocally prove this person was at fault which shows her causing the accident, her license plate, and her face. However she didn't have insurance, and in fact she didn't even have a valid drivers license. I think the fine for driving without license or insurance according to tulalip tribal bylaw is $100 - $250 fine, that's it. So I wonder why tribe members with a record would even bother getting a valid license or pay for insurance. Especially when they can also claim sovereign immunity to avoid civil suits.

    I'm mostly covered on my end via uninsured motorist insurance. But if I want to go after this person for damages not covered by insurance (e.g. Lost wages, etc). am I out of luck? I imagine I'll need to sue her in tribal court and they'll just invoke soverign immunity?

    Edit: I noticed the lady that crashed into me had atleast 2 DUI convictions in the last year. The last arrest was in December 2020 where she not only got busted for DUI but also for bypassing ignition interlock. Looking at arrest record the tribal police didn't bother booking her in jail for driving last night despite all this. Mind blowing.

    submitted by /u/pfta100
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    I was attacked at the facility I Intern at, and now they want me to sign a liability waiver

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 03:16 PM PST

    I'm a student interning at a special education school. I was attacked by a large kid, I am fine with no injuries, but he did pull my hair hard. Afterwards, they filed an incident report and want me to sign a liability waiver. Is this standard? I am afraid if I don't sign it, they will drop me and I wont graduate on time. I live in Florida.

    submitted by /u/OTmotha
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    My mom made me sign a contract when my grandma died, a week after I turned 18. I signed away my inheritance to her. I didn’t know what I was signing. Was I coerced? Can I get out of it?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 09:56 PM PST

    Okay— this is a long story. But I really don't know what to do so I would really appreciate any advice. Thank you <3

    My grandmother died days after I turned 18. I was left a large amount of money (I'm not being vague on purpose, my mother won't even tell me how much it is) that is kept in a private firm. Days later, while I was still in mourning, my mom handed me a small stack of paper and said "I want you to sign this." I said "what is it?" And she told me "it's makes me a co-owner of the account your grandma left you. So in order to take anything out, we both have to sign on it and agree." I said "Why do I have to sign this?" And she said "Because of your age. You're young." (This turns out to be NOT what I signed at all. Please wait and keep reading!) I didnt ask any more questions because 1: my grandma literally just fucking died and I couldnt really handle the situation that was being thrown at me 2: it was my MOM. I made the mistake of trusting her because she was my MOM. I feel stupid now not having asked more questions, but I signed away. Until yesterday, I was under the presumption that if any money were to be taken out of the account (which mom still won't tell me how much is in there—it's a lot, I'm about to explain how I know— or even where it's held) we would have to have both our signatures on a check. A week ago, she asked to borrow some money so that she could renovate a house. She's a realtor, and wants to get into house flipping. I say sure! She says she's going to pay it back with interest. I say okay. She says to expect a check in the mail to sign So here I am thinking okay, I'm gonna get to see the check and see what she's taking out, and it's gonna need my approval because I'm 19 and the account was left to me, and we are co-owners of this account. But then today I ask "hey when is that check coming so I can sign it for you?" And she goes "oh I already deposited it." And I was like "Huh I thought it needed my signature?" And she goes "I thought so too but it was made out to me so I just deposited it and it went through" Already I'm like okay great. So she has total unmonitored control of the money my grandma left me. I asked her how much she took out, and she tells be SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!! I've never fathomed owning that much money in my life. And she took it from me just like that. I didnt have to see the account or check or anything. I dont know what I signed, but she's got total control of the account now. She could be withdrawing anything now and I wouldn't know, so I'm kind of freaking out It's not even about the money or anything...it's just that she took the account from me enough by making me need her approval (oh by the way, days later she told me that that lasts until I am FIFTY YEARS OLD....) but now it turns out she can just take out whatever she wants, and I dont even know the first thing about the account. I dont know what to do. Can I get her removed as someone who has access to the account? I'm scared she's going to blow all the money and leave me with nothing. My mom isn't the best with her financials. I was trying to be nice to her by saying she could borrow money (again, under the presumption that I would see it first and that we had to agree) but now I'm nervous that she basically has the whole account to herself. I feel so betrayed by her, honestly I dont even know if I signed a "contract" necessarily or if it was just something that gave her control over the account. Am I legally bound? Can I take her off the account? I appreciate any input thank you so much for reading, please please help me

    TLDR; I signed away total control of my inheritance from when my grandma died, which happened right after I turned 18. She didn't tell me what I was signing. I trusted her because she was my mom. She told me when I signed that it made us co-owners of the account, and any withdrawal would need both our approvals. But I just found out she took 70k out of the account without having to tell me. Can i remove her from the account? I feel betrayed and robbed Thank you!

    submitted by /u/clownteeths
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    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 07:24 PM PST

    Edit: in the state of Florida

    Roommate broke a lease... Originally stated it was because she could not afford to pay for the rent and her father had cardiac arrest.

    I stated to roommate I believe she needs to pay the full lease break as I signed into a 10 month lease expecting to stay. I asked her to pay for the full lease break fee because I needed to go find a new place to live.

    She changed her story and said she left for fear of her safety. She stated I was doing lots of cocaine and illicit drugs, that many men were coming to the house and that my friend was a criminal and she felt uncomfortable and feared for her life. (Mind you this was friend was only over during the day as we both work together and work from home). All of this is false. I am sober/clean and was never really home due to work travel.

    Fast forward to the end of this month when the lease break is due. We didn't agree on an outcome so I let her know that small claims can help us figure it out.

    Her father sends me a message stating he has pornographic photos, that he was going to tell my parents I was living a double life doing porn, illicit drugs and having criminals over. He said, 'pay what you owe and everything will go away'.

    This afternoon my roommate messages my mom (wtf, we are 25?). She sends a demand for payment written out to me. It again states that I was doing cocaine in the house, having lots of sketchy men over, etc. It says that due to not paying, she will reach out to the owner of the company I work for and tell them about all the things she accused me of. She then sent my mom my personal pornographic photos.

    I called the police and they took a report. They said they might have a case of extortion/blackmail. There isn't much else they can do right now. I asked them to go over to her new place and tell her to refrain from harassing me or further extorting me as files were being charged against her.

    Do you guys also believe this is blackmail/extortion? What do I do next? How do I make sure she is unable to continue blackmailing me and attempting to ruin my reputation and threatening my job.

    submitted by /u/7791997
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    Car Delivered with Unacceptable Cosmetic Damage

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 06:06 AM PST

    Hi everyone!I don't think I have any case here but I wanted to ask anyway. I had a new 2021 Tesla Model 3 that was delivered to me with a handful of issues including:

    - 10+ deep scratches and scuffs (below clear coat and the paint layer) in trunk area, A-pillar, doors, and grill

    - Damage on back of front passenger seat (dent and unrepairable scratches)

    - Millions of micro-scratches (but can likely be buffed out)

    - Headliner Damage (threads coming out)

    - Defects, defects everywhere (Typical of tesla but big panel gaps across the car, misalignment of headliner, door handles, awful screen backlight bleed, loud and weird noises while driving.)

    All of my concerns were reported within 48 hours (and 100 miles) of receiving the car, with most of the cosmetic issues being on-the-spot prior to delivery acceptance.

    Unfortunately, I bought into Tesla lies that promised me that would fix these issues so it looked new and I accepted the car delivery. (Which I'm hating myself over...) They "rectified" all the issues poorly with poor color matching on the scratches, damaged the headliner more by replacing it, and fixed only a fraction of the defects. Tesla is dragging their feet on doing any proper paint repair on the scratches other than cheap-looking touchup. My question here is - is there any legal argument I have with Tesla regarding this? I've only had the car for a little over a month and 300 miles and I'm sitting here with poorly matched touchup paint across the car (they even missed several scratches...), poorly installed replacement parts, and continued defects. This car undoubtedly was delivered in "used" quality despite being purchased as a new car. Just looking for some advice here, thank you! Ideally, I'd love them to match me with a NEW car that looks NEW but I don't think I have a legal argument for that.

    Edit - I'm in new Jersey if it matters.

    submitted by /u/cmb93x
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    Father just passed from covid and we know nothing. His roommate/girlfriend wont talk to us about anything.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 07:44 PM PST

    My boyfriend's dad just passed from covid. He passed today and we don't know what to do we were told that he was sick about a week ago but by that point he had been in the hospital for 3 weeks she has contacted us 0 times. He was a vet so we know there's something there. He died in a hospital about an hour away from us. Were looking to see what we do from here. we want we don't want all of his stuff we just want some stuff to remember by and were looking to see where we stand legally as far as his finances. We don't even know how to see if he had a will are basically starting from nothing. We live in California I don't know if that helps but I'm trying to put together I game plan for what I should do tomorrow my boyfriend understandably is not in the right state of mind to handle this but I am afraid that if we wait she can take advantage of him more. We live in California. Ask me anything for more info. Any advice helps.

    submitted by /u/nisschan
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    Kansas dog and livestock laws

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 05:59 AM PST

    In Kansas it's legal to shoot a dog that is harassing livestock. After the last time at large dogs killed several of my goats I got two livestock guard dogs. Last night another at large dog came onto my property, it was intercepted by my guard dogs. But wouldn't back down or leave.

    Since my dogs aren't livestock am I still legally allowed to shoot the at large dog? I live outside of town, calling any law enforcement is typically an hour wait, so not really practical...

    Last night i fired two rounds into the ground to scare it off, but I'm not really a fan of this as a solution.

    Thank you in advance for your advice.

    submitted by /u/Dubbs314
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    Boss installed cameras

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 08:37 PM PST

    I should start off saying that I work at a sushi restaurant as a sushi chef. It's annoying, but my boss got a new girlfriend and upped our security, not towards the restaurant seating areas, but to the kitchen, bar, and even the sushi bar. I mention the woman because she has been the onset of all our problems. Anyway, we are in California which I know you are not allowed to record audio, but I know that my boss does record audio with these cameras. They are literally posted in our faces looking directly at us, when asked why we have them in our faces, he says it's to make sure we are wearing the correct footwear to work. The cameras have no way of seeing the floor or even the counter that we work on. My question is, is he breaking the law by eaves dropping on our conversations? It is very uncomfortable. He told me by clocking in we are giving him legal right to listen to our conversations and even record our audio. That can't be right, can it?

    submitted by /u/MajorDavid2020
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    Parents had a business partnership. Mom died.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 05:26 PM PST

    My parents own a small but successful business (mini golf course). They signed the paperwork as a partnership in 1993. Mom passed away on 12/9/20. Our accountant hasn't much experience dealing with situations where a partner has died. Annual taxes are all but completed but our accountant is concerned about making errors in the transition and filing of 2020 taxes. Any advice? Many thanks.

    submitted by /u/GrimwoodCT
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    I just got scammed over $6,000 by a prostitute

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 10:19 PM PST

    On January 16 I met an escort online. (I live in Oregon, USA btw). She gave me her number and we texted for a while (I was 99% sure based on our text conversations that she was in fact a real escort and true to her photos). She referred me to her manager so I could arrange an evening together with her. I ended up paying $400 for her services $300 for the hotel cost, and over $5000 in security deposit which I was told I would receive back as long as I didn't cause her any harm. I sent the money to her manager (who lives in the Philippines) via Western Union and World Remit (Western Union wouldn't accept the money after a certain point because they suspected it was a fraudulent transaction – shame I didn't listen to them). We were scheduled to rent a hotel the following night. I waited the entire next day for confirmation, but did not hear anything from either her nor her manager. It wasn't until the day after we were supposed to meet that the manager emailed me and said my escort had been terminated due to violating contract obligations, and I would receive a full refund.

    Later that day the prostitute emailed me and said her management took away her phone and she had to pay back her contract due to her termination. She sounded pretty heartbroken over the fact she lost her job and couldn't meet me, so I agreed to help her pay back her contract I sent some money to her treasurer in the Philippines through World Remit and MoneyGram (I see this money as purely as a donation and don't expect to receive it back).

    The manager eventually said that I will receive the full $6750 refund via Western Union direct deposit in 3-5 business days. This was on the 20th and as of writing this it is the 30th and I have yet to receive any money. I have email both the prostitute and the manager several times over the past few days and both of them have ghosted me. I'm starting to question whether I ever will get any of my money back, and I don't know if there's anything I can do at this point. As convincing as both of them were, part of me is speculating whether or not it was a trick all along.

    Here is the full conversation I had with the manager via email. (I've omitted some of the images and screenshots I sent). I'll let you decide whether or not it was legit. I have no idea what steps forward to take to get my money back ($6000 is a lot of money for poor guy like me). What is the best approach to getting my refund?

    TL;DR: I gave $6,750 to a pimp in the Philippines who took the money and disappeared. Am still a virgin.

    submitted by /u/Kraken_terrorsquid
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    My boss started massaging my shoulders, neck and head. I hated it. But I don't think I can do anything about it.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 02:56 PM PST

    I live in Texas. My boss is an civil attorney (who was previously sanctioned for professional misconduct and fraud in New Mexico but that is another story.) Anyways, I just started working at the firm and one day I was trying to ask him questions about a task he gave me.

    He told me to follow him into his office and had me sit down in his chair. He started massaging my shoulder's neck and head. I hated it. But it felt super awkward and I just tried to keep asking questions about the case until he stopped. He finally did. I was mad at myself the rest of the week for letting that happen.

    On another occasion at the office Christmas lunch we had a gift exchange. His gift contribution was a card game called "Never Have I Ever" that he wanted to play after the gift exchange. All of the cards had super inappropriate descriptions that we had to admit to doing or not. My co-worker got a card that said "Never have I ever shaved off all of my pubic hair" She was so embarrassed to answer the question in front of a room full of ppl and grown men that she turned beat red and couldn't stop blushing (not in a good way)

    I talked to my therapist who told me I should look into sexual harassments charges. BUT in Texas I read the rules really only help if there are 15 employees or more. The firm has less than 15 so I feel like there isn't really anything I can do. Plus he is an attorney so he's got that advantage. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Citrus_Art
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    Former roommate refusing to let go of my stuff

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 08:29 PM PST

    Hello, I recently moved out of an apartment which I used to share with 2 other people. Before moving out I found some buyers for the items in my room. Some of these items were supposed to be picked up on the day I left (total value around $350). I kept these items in the care of one of my roommates (call him J). Right after I left, he stopped responding to any of my messages and is basically refusing to let go of my items due to this silence. Now I've shared his contact with the buyers who were supposed to pick up these items. But they are getting the same silent treatment and they basically chose not to go forward with the purchase. Does this count as stealing by J? Can I take any legal action to mitigate my losses? I would really love someone's advice who would have an idea

    PS:- This incident has happened in the United States

    submitted by /u/Glaedr2697
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    Have a ticket, getting a new car

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 04:41 PM PST

    I got cited for being out of registration in North Carolina. I know as long as I get it registered I can have the fee waived in court. However, I just purchased a new car and am picking it up in a few days, will get rid of the out of registration one soon, but it'll be completely off the streets as soon as I get the new car. Does anyone know how I could go about getting the fee waived? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/DrBophadese
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    California (Neighbor recording my private conversations with security camera)

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 05:30 PM PST

    We have been living next to a crazy neighbor for the last 8 years and recently she installed security cameras in her front yard, back yard, and side yards. During the last year this crazy neighbor has called code enforcement on me for a multitude of issues like lawn grass too high or blight outside the house. During the last week crazy neighbor called the cops on us as we installed our own cameras out of fear. The cops came over and said our cameras were okay, but told us that the crazy neighbor's video cameras are also recording audio. It was under my impression that in California, nobody can record audio without your verbal consent or without acknowledging that audio recording is taking place. We spend quite a number of hours in our side yard and back yard and we don't want her camera's picking up our audio and recording it. What are our legal options here in California?

    submitted by /u/dadryp
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    I Found an irregularity in our company's finances while going over the books, and found out an employee was being paid under the table with checks still, while collecting unemployment. Should I bring in a Tax Lawyer to see what potential issues are going to be created if this is found?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 10:28 PM PST

    [WA] This week, while going over our books, before our company has a shift in ownership, I found out that one of our employees, was being paid the same amount every week for two months for "reimbursement". It just so happens that said employee is also collecting unemployment this entire time. While it is almost certainly tax fraud and potentially embezzlement on his side, what repercussions fall to the company due to this issue? Should I bring in a tax lawyer to go over everything? According to the books, we paid taxes on his checks, so I am confused as to how this has not been found or checked on by someone in the ESD or at the IRS. As a relatively young company, we can afford to pay any fines levied against us thankfully, but I am still worried about legal implications for all of those involved, which as of right now, seem to be someone in payroll, and the employee collecting unemployment and a payday. Is this grounds for immediate termination of the employee? Washington State being an "at-will state", is it smarter to just terminate them without context?

    *Edit) Employee was working 30-40 hours per week. Making 450-650 dollars per week in pay from the company.

    submitted by /u/MercenarioPato
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    Is It Illegal for a US Citizen & Resident to Trade Crypto on a Foreign Exchange Using a VPN?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 08:13 PM PST

    I know it might be risky they lock up your funds.

    But if I could create an account on a foreign crypto exchange using a foreign address and fake name that isn't mine...is it illegal?

    I plan to pay taxes (as I always have) and do FBAR and/or FATCA as necessary.

    My concern is that when doing FBAR and FATCA I'd have to write down the names of exchanges whose policy it is not accept US customers.

    Could that info the FBAR or FATCA get me in trouble somehow?

    submitted by /u/Ornery_Complaint_125
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    How can I get ex-GF out of the house?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 10:21 PM PST

    A friend of mine and his now ex are going through a rough break up. They live in Missouri. She's been living there for over 30 days. She is supposed to be moving on Friday/Saturday, but is threatening to not leave. When he tried to talk to her about this she got physical and that's when she threatened to not leave. He called the police and is trying to get a restraining order. I need to know the fastest way to get her out for good.

    submitted by /u/huskyninja72
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    Renters Insurance

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 10:20 PM PST

    I bought renters insurance as it was required for the apartment I moved into 6 months.

    I didn't like living there, so I got another apartment. They never asked for renters insurance info and I'm still paying monthly.

    This may sound like a stupid question, but is it even necessary if they don't ask for such insurance? Its like $15 a month, I'm not even sure what that covers.

    Thanks for any replies.

    submitted by /u/SeahawksFootball
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    [KS] My retired parents suspect someone may be collecting unemployment in my mom's name. What steps can we take to figure it out, protect ourselves, and resolve?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 06:31 PM PST

    Kansas unemployment/labor office is fucked. The governor even had to shut it down cause of all the fraud and shit. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/kansas-shut-unemployment-system-deal-fraud-75527013

    My parents got a piece of mail about unemployment when they did not file for it. They have tried to contact the labor office but like everyone else they can't get in contact with them especially now.

    Are there any steps we can take to make sure they are protected, especially since tax season is here?

    submitted by /u/fakedummy1212
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