• Breaking News

    Friday, January 29, 2021

    Legal Advice - Got fired for informing company owner that his son was stealing. What can I do?

    Legal Advice - Got fired for informing company owner that his son was stealing. What can I do?

    Got fired for informing company owner that his son was stealing. What can I do?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 09:10 AM PST

    This happened in Florida. Sorry for the long post. It's both for advice and to vent today's events.

    So I worked at an HVAC warehouse until today. Here's what happened:

    I clock into work at 8:30AM. As I'm taking inventory, at about 9:13AM, I notice on the cameras that a coworker (the owner's son) was lining his pockets with things that we've been told to not count inventory of (nuts, bolts, wires, capacitors, screws, etc). I figured maybe he was taking it to his HVAC vehicle for vehicle inventory (not my area), but instead he put it all in his backpack, and carried it to his personal vehicle. He then drove away.

    Out of curiosity, I checked the schedual. He wasn't scheduled for today.

    I went to my boss, who told me to tell the owner. I went to the owner's office and met with him and his brother (the co-owner). Fearing that they might ignore what I say if I told him his son was responsible, I told the owner "Hey saw someone pocketing inventory on backstorage camera 2 at 9:13." We all checked the camera together, and we see his son stealing. He paused and got quiet for a moment and said "I can't see who that is. Their hat's hiding their face." I said "okay well keep going, more happens." and he reluctantly pressed play again, and we all saw his son look almost directly at the camera, then place the shit in his backpack, and carry it out the door. The owner said "Oh he was just doing vehicle inventory." and I asked him to switch to the back-lot camera. We then watched him toss the backpack into his car and drive off. I then said "He's not even on today's schedual, and Bryan's doing inventory."

    The owner stayed quiet, looked around the room for a minute or two, then told me "Turn in your keys. We no longer need your services." I laughed and asked if he was seriously about to fire me for outing his son on stealing, and he said I had 10 seconds to hand over the keys or he'd call the police for trespassing. I handed my keys over and left.

    I literally lost my job because I reported a theft. Is this legal? What can I do?

    Edit: A lot of people are messaging me saying "he might have had his dad's permission. You snitched on him stealing." Protocol for someone putting items in their pockets is to tell someone that you "caught them pocketing items." I did as I was instructed by the owner himself.

    Either way, when going through the footage, he lied that he couldn't recognize his son. If he had told his son he could take some of those items, he would have been able to tell it was his son based on not just his appearance but him taking those things, then.

    submitted by /u/AbandonThrowaway2021
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    Neighbors building a pool and requested access thru our yard. What has to be done to ensure no issues on our side?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 09:19 AM PST

    Update: thanks for the replies. I will insist on a property acess agreement or indemnity agreement. I know these are all far fetched scenarios but better safe than sorry.

    Update 2: issue resolved! We mentioned that we had concerns and that a written agreement would be needed and now alternative access was found; other side of their property.

    Our neighbors need access thru our yard (no easement) to build a pool. We don't mind them doing so since they will fix the yard, but in thinking about this, the following questions came up:

    1. What if a worker gets injured while going thru our yard? Do we run any risks?

    2. What if the workers damage more than the agreed area? Say with a bobcat they break part of our patio because the guy lost control of the bobcat.

    3. I need internet to work, say the break the line (goes under the sod where they will work), who would be responsible for lost wages?

    I understand this may be far fetched but I am trying to make sure that I don't end up with problems from a project in someone else's home.

    Location: TX, US

    submitted by /u/andyx1234
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    Drug Tested without consent in WA State during routine prenatal appointment - Legal?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 04:41 PM PST

    I was drug tested without my consent (told I was getting routine blood panel). The test results were not given to me via MyChart, but I discovered through a bill that my insurance didn't cover. Routine drug testing isn't done during pregnancy with this health care system. I understand situations where it could be a medical necessity (e.g. unconscious) to best serve the patient. But, is this legal? To drug test a patient without their consent? It's been over 90 days and the health care system removed the charges but has declined to answer why consent was not requested or if it's legal. No drug history or use and I don't need to see the results to know it was negative for all substances.

    submitted by /u/LingonberryFairy-3
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    Own 175 acres of land with 4 family members. Want OUT.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 01:46 PM PST

    TLDR: I'm one of four who own $6m worth of land, and I want out. Does Partitioning work? Would another option be for the other co-owners get a loan and buy me out (using their share of the land as collateral)?

    I'm one of four descendants who inherited ~175 acres of land in the southern US worth between $5 and $8m. We've owned it together for a decade. The property has a couple billboards, and a ground lease that generate modest income (the lessee built and operates a hotel on a small corner of the land).

    None of us get along. Two want to sell, two do not (the "nots"). One of the 'nots' lives on the property.

    About six years ago, we had it listed with a commercial realtor for $6m, we didn't have any serious inquiries.

    We've had a couple serious inquires lately though, but the 'nots' shut them down pretty quickly, with "the property is worth $12m, I'm not selling for a penny less" if they respond at all. We have appraisals and comps that put the value closer to $6m.

    I'm very tired of all the fighting, the maintenance, the tax, etc., and I want out. I'm 51 years old, the other three range in age from 58 to 70.

    I've read that partitioning will decrease the potential income, but I'm to the point that I don't care.

    But I'm also wondering if I could notify them that I plan to pursue partitioning, and give them a chance to buy me out first. I'd be willing to sell my portion for (my ownership%) * ($6m), which should seem like a bargain to them since they believe it to be worth $12m. I might even be willing to go less than that.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/KitchenPalentologist
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    Someone is trying to steal my house

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 01:37 PM PST

    I have a question about eviction . This is the essay from my GoFundMe page. It's a long story and I didn't want to retype it . Location Englewood Colorado

    I am a single mother with three children. I work full time and have always lived within my means and help people whenever I can. On January 1st 2020, my father passed. It was the beginning of the worst year for all of us. He left myself and my brother a house with which we were going to fix up so I could live there. My current lease where I am renting ends January 31st. In July, my best friend from 7th grade showed up out of nowhere and looked me up. I was so happy to see her. I told her about my dad and the house, and she offered to help with the project. She was going to drop everything and rescue me! The agreement was that she would pay half of the mortgage each month and help me do the work. That didn't happen. She was supposed to be giving my brother the money, and he never told me she didn't, because he thought she was giving me the money. The work also kept getting delayed, so I hired another friend to help. Although I didn't see it at the time, she was doing all this on purpose. She assured me that my room and my children's rooms would be ready for us at the end of January. I started moving our belongings to the house the second week of the month and instructed my children to pack everything but what is essential for the rest of the month. On January 16th, I asked her if she could move her belonging out of the living room of the house and put her things in the bedroom she was occupying, so that I could move my things in. She didn't seem at the time to be opposed to it, but when I left the house she called me on the phone and started screaming at me about disloyalty and how I was taking advantage of her. I told her I didn't know what to say and apologized for making her feel that way. Next day, my friend that I hired to help with the work needed his tools from the house. She would not let him in and told him that if he contacted her again she would file harassment charges against him. I went to the house to let him in with my key, and she had changed the locks. I called the police. The officer told me that it is a civil matter, and that the only way to get access to our possessions or entrance to the house is to evict her. At this point, I realized that she had been planning this the entire time. Everything we own except our clothing and furniture is being held by this person. I have started the eviction process and extended my lease for 1 month, but it is a cost that I did not anticipate. I have contacted a lawyer to help me with the process, but I do not have the money for a retainer. I have included both of those costs in my request here. Thanks for reading my story.

    My question is am I allowed to go into my house And change the locks ? Also can I remove her things Before the court date for eviction ?

    submitted by /u/Owlthistle
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    My apartment is refusing to allow packages to be delivered to the complex. Instead, they are forcing us to use Fetch with an additional $16/month fee.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:48 PM PST

    Hello everyone,

    Just recently, my apartment complex sent out an email saying that they will begin using Fetch delivery service and that they will no longer be allowing packages to be delivered to the complex.

    Regarding the fee, here is what the email states:

    There will be no charge for this service at this time. However, upon renewal, you will be charged a nominal fee per month of $16.00 for this service.

    Here is the notice regarding not allowing packages to be delivered to the complex:

    After 2/19/2021, we will no longer allow carriers to deliver packages directly to our community and all packages should go through the Fetch service.

    Is this legal? It appears as if they are holding our packages hostage unless we pay a fee. I have been searching my contract for anything regarding package delivery, and there doesn't appear to be anything.

    I will be calling management and complaining, but is this even legal?

    submitted by /u/WhenIntegralsAttack
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    NYC - ConEd Shut Off Gas For A Year

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 10:26 AM PST

    Hi all,

    ConEd has shut gas off to our building for a year. I live in a rent stabilized building I just moved into 3 weeks ago. Apparently there are major issues behind the walls of the building due to years of violation, disrepair, and neglect, and ConEd deemed it too unsafe to keep it on.

    We were given a hot plate (apparently the legal minimum for what's required) but that will drive electricity up and still doesn't solve the issue of being without an oven. Do I have any recourse for requesting a rent reduction?

    Any advice would be welcome.

    submitted by /u/im_not_bovvered
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    (KY) Construction crew put metal signage poles in my front yard without permission. Already caused a minor injury. Liability?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:57 AM PST

    I rent a house owned by my parents on a busy residential street in KY. Across the street is a very wealthy homeowner that also owns an empty lot of land that is directly across the street from us. The owners of the house and the lot across the street from us are having some landscaping? or construction done involving the removal of small trees and other things near the sidewalk. The construction crew at some point laid a large metal traffic sign in my front yard. Like a giant metal easel to hold a big plastic sign, along with said signage and some broken bits of plastic that I think are to hold it closed for transport. It is not set up, in fact it was partially buried by snow and with the snow I didn't notice it until today .... wait for it.... when the Uber Eats driver told me that a protruding piece of metal cut his ankle a bit as he was walking up to my house and he stumbled a bit from it and the slush. It isn't a bad cut and he wasn't angry, or planning to seek medical at this time, but wanted to let me know since it obviously wasn't my property.

    When I took my dog out, I observed it and that there are a lot of sharp edges. Also, where it is laying in the grass it is going to kill the grass. I tried to approach the construction crew but they told me it wasn't their problem, and as none of them were wearing masks and were trying to very much get in my space I am concerned about approaching again. My dad is my landlord and when I expressed concern, he said to move it onto the public sidewalk.

    What is my liability here if it is in my yard? Does the lack of consent to placement keep me from liability if the Uber Eats driver needs medical attention later? My dog stays supervised and on a leash at all times, but I'm concerned about any sharp pieces breaking off in the grass or it's risk to passerby. If I move it to the sidewalk, I don't know if it would make them then feel they had to move it. I'm worried that by moving it to a public space to try and force their hand, I'd be liable then for damage to their property or others.

    TLDR: Private construction hired by across the street neighbors in KY have laid down unused metal and plastic construction signs without permission in my yard, which before I knew of their presence caused a minor injury to Uber Eats driver. Landlord very concerned about damage to grass beneath signs. Construction crew thinks I'm being bitchy. What is my risk of liability for the injury or possible future ones?

    submitted by /u/ghastlybagel
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    (Kansas) While driving through Kansas my vehicle broke down, I moved to the side of the road. Sheriffs department claiming I was blocking the roadway, I was not. They claim I owe money for a tow I did not ask for or need according to the law.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:27 AM PST

    I was driving through Kansas, my new water pump failed and blew up my engine. I move my vehicle to the side of the road right up against the snow line, turn my flashers on and try to find a tow truck. I had no service and couldn't find a tow but luckily a passerby drove me into town, he said we were about 7 miles from town. I reserve a uhaul so I can go get my vehicle with a dolly the next day. When I get to the uhaul shop my vehicle was already there on a tow truck. They ask if it was my jeep and I said yes. He then demands $195 claiming the sheriff called and said I was blocking the roadway, I made sure I wasn't before I with the passerby the previous night. I argue claiming I didn't block anything and the law states I had 48 hours to get my vehicle. He then claims he knew exactly where my vehicle was, that I blocked the roadway and also that he doesn't know if I was in the roadway in three consecutive sentences while I questioned him about the legality of the tow. I left frustrated feeling taken advantage of. I called the sheriffs office today the deputy explained he was the one that called for the tow stating it was a safety issue. His reason: I was over the line just a bit and there was a bridge 10 yards in front of my vehicle. There was no line to be seen, it would have been under several inches of snow and even if it was visible I know I wasn't over it based on the effort I made to pull off to the side of the road. There was also no bridge, 10 yards ahead, he was making that up because he realized he messed up when I questioned how he saw the line under all of the snow. I now have spent $600 getting back to my home state from renting a uhaul from a competitor an hour away (it was my only option, no rental cars or airports within 3 hours drive in any direction). I now have no vehicle, that would be repairable under warranty and still "owe money" for tow charges for a tow that I did not request or in the end need (because I found a cheaper solution via uhaul). I was not allowed to recover my things from the vehicle (by kansas law I have 48 hours to do so) so I am out an additional $300 in tools, $400 in clothing and $100-200 in misc items including the warranty info that would fix my vehicle and pay for the tow and subsequent charges to get home. All in all this has cost me over a $1200 a vehicle i just spent hundreds to repair and my sanity because a sheriff made a bad call and a tow truck driver refused to follow the law. What are my options/ likelihood of recovering my belongings and costs for their mistakes.

    TL;DR Sheriff deputy lied about vehicle position and circumstances after breaking down and had my vehicle towed. Tow truck driver refused to let me get my belongings which included the warranty info for the part that ruined my vehicle and would have paid for the tow. I am now out a lot of money a vehicle and want someone to answer to it.

    Edit: I have recordings of interactions with the tow company and the deputy.

    submitted by /u/cablequotes
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    (SC) My Job Fired me for leaving the premises during a gas leak without finishing my work, and told unemployment I quit.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:12 PM PST

    The title sums it well, my job had a gas leak, they not only insisted I stay in toxic fumes they later falsified my employment afterwards. I'm certain there was no misunderstanding either, I told my boss I was leaving she threatened to write me up and I said okay. The next day she informed me I was being terminated for unsatisfactory performance effective immediately. I filled for unemployment immediately afterwards and a few days later got a rejection claiming I quit of my own account with no warning or circumstance to justify. I've still been trying to get OSHA to do something about the gas leak they let sit for hours not only effecting my health but customers too and refusal to alert anyone besides a corporate repairman. Can I sue for this, I'm not that kinda person but this is a whole mess of trouble they've pulled up.

    submitted by /u/Deus-system-failed
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    [CO] Apartment building bought, served "Notice to Quit"

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 05:53 PM PST

    At the beginning of the new year, our apartment building was bought by a larger residential firm who own a lot of other properties in Denver. Today we received a "Notice to Quit" stating we need to be out of our apartment by 3/31/21 because they plan to start renovations on the building. I have to imagine this is all legal, especially since it is 60 days ahead of the day we need to vacate, but how does this apply to current housing guidelines given the coronavirus pandemic? Are there protections in place to prevent this kind of action? Does this also serve as an eviction? Is this a common occurrence in the sale of property from one owner to the next? Our lease isn't up until the end of April, but having to find a new place in just two months is much more overwhelming than three...


    submitted by /u/Sir_Joel43
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    I received a strange warning ticket thing this evening and I have no idea what it means

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:31 PM PST

    The warning in question.

    For context on why this is so bizarre, the warning says that it's for parking near a highway, but the highway is nearly a quarter-mile away from where I'm currently parked. Edit: I've been informed that in this context, "highway" just means "public road." Which just makes things more confusing, because there's no indication of what I did that's a problem beyond it, presumably, having something to do with how I parked. There are also two other cars parked in the same fashion, both of which are less than forty feet away from my car, and neither of them received such a warning. Also, I've parked my car in the spot in question every day for the past two years.

    This was apparently issued by the California Highway Patrol, but I can't call them to ask questions because they closed half an hour before I found the warning (And, apparently, ten minutes after it was put on my car), and don't reopen until Monday. Given that the warning seems to say that if I'm still parked in a way that violates the warning in by then it'll get towed, I'm a bit worried -- especially since I don't know how the way I'm parked violates anything, or if it's even possible for me to park in a way that doesn't violate the warning, given my current parking situation.

    Unfortunately it's dark out, so any photos I take of the spot I parked come out looking like this. I do, however, have a few photos I took a couple days ago after a tree fell -- my car isn't in them, but they're in the daytime. This is where I normally park -- my car would be facing left. This photo, meanwhile, has a car parked in a near-identical position, which received no warnings at all; they were parked in that exact position when I found the warning as well. For reference, the right edge of the driveway from the previous photo is just barely out of view to the left. The car is parked very close to mine. Most houses on this street don't have a driveway, so there are a very large number of cars parked like this; mine was the only one to receive a warning.

    A bit of background of the events leading up to me getting this weird warning, because I suspect they're relevant. Earlier this week, heavy winds caused a tree to fall right next to where my car was parked. Given the heavy winds were still happening, I moved it further down the street, and parked, in retrospect, a bit too close to a stop sign; this was on Monday though, so I'm not sure how relevant it is to a warning I only received today. Then the next day I received concerned calls from a relative about how the forecast was predicting a storm "like we haven't seen in 25 years" and they wanted to make sure my house and car would be fine; I moved my car across the intersection to this spot, since there were no trees or big walls of dirt looming over it. I'll note that despite the perspective, the spot was something like eighty feet from the intersection. After the rain stopped today, I moved it back to the usual spot at around 3:30, about an hour and twenty minutes before the warning was placed. I'll note that the fallen tree mentioned earlier was removed around ten this morning, if that matters.

    So anyway, I think that's the relevant information. So what does this warning mean? Should I be worried? Is there anything I can or should do?

    submitted by /u/Niakshin
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    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:32 PM PST

    My ex broke up with me back in November, and just wanted to be friends. I told him that I couldn't be his friend, and he freaked out and said a bunch of nasty things to me, so I blocked him and told him not to contact me again. Over the past couple months, he has made a total of 10 new accounts (mainly facebook, instagram, and email accounts) to try and contact me on. Every time he does this I tell him to F off and block the account (I also screenshot everything.) Today I received a letter in the mail from him that says "I'm still here if you want to talk"... even though I have told him upwards of 10 times that I do not want him to contact me. He has not threatened me and he has never physically hurt me in any way, he just will not leave me alone. I know I probably can't get a restraining order because he hasn't made any threats, but I am concerned for my safety as he isn't mentally stable and he has my home address. Is there ANY legal action I can take? I live in Florida if that matters.

    Also, sorry if my flair isn't accurate, I wasn't sure which one to put this under.

    submitted by /u/sweatersand
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    Can HOA make me live without internet?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 07:09 PM PST

    I need internet. My outlet is dead and spectrum need attic access as the cables run through the units to the junction box. HOA denied my application to run external cable says I have to use attics. My neighbor will only be available weekends to grant internet company access. Internet contractor that runs new cables are only available Monday through Friday. HOA says it's a homeowner issue and won't help coordinate access to attic, it's only accessible through my neighbors attic.

    What recourse do I have? I can't live without internet and I just bought the place.

    submitted by /u/mochibathwater
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    Regarding the Mental Health Act of 1983 - when someone is submitted to the hospital without their consent, do they still pay the hospital bill?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:58 PM PST

    Let's say that someone threatens to kill themselves in a moment of hyperbole, and someone nearby takes it seriously. The police come and forcibly take this person to the hospital so that they can receive treatment, despite the fact that they don't want to go. Are they liable for the cost of the treatment? If so, what happens if they can't afford it?

    submitted by /u/TheSmallestSteve
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    Grandma getting kicked out because unit must be only place of residence. Any way out?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:57 PM PST

    It states that paragraph 13 is the rule violated.

    She had surgery and so from mid November 2020 to now, she has resided with us. Before that, from around mid March 2020 to October 2020, she stayed with us too. She went back around October to mid November 2020.

    She's not living with us permanently but only so that she gets better care for the time being and because of the pandemic. Her unit is for the elderly and we don't want her to get transmitted.

    Anyway to appeal?

    submitted by /u/EddiOS42
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    I just got fired from my flight school. I was an independent contractor.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 07:59 AM PST

    Hello! I was terminated this morning from my flight school in Wisconsin. I was an independent contractor.

    The flight school is about 3 years old and I am instructor #5 to be fired. None of us made it over a year.

    This morning the school owner wanted a meeting and wanted to discuss a few things.

    #1. He said he noticed a ding on the door on the airplane and he was confident that this was after my flight. I denied that it was me. And I am sure it wasn't me.

    #2 He said I was cancelling flights. When I defended my answer (due to bad weather) he then agreed that weather cancellation was fine but said that I need to type a detailed paragraph on Flight Schedule Pro explaining the reason for the cancellation. There was a disagreement here because Flight Schedule Pro normally lets me change reservation if it is more than 12 hours in advance - it does not require comments. He said for any and all cancellations, even 12 hrs in advance, I needed to write a detailed report (which I wasn't clear about)

    He then gave me a 'letter of correction' for me to sign. Apparently it was to leave a document trail that we had this discussion and I acknowledge that I was disciplined.

    I refused to sign it.

    He got visibly worked up, raised his voice, and said if I don't sign this he will need my keys.

    I gave him my keys and walked out.


    As an independent contractor we both signed a contract. It says "Either party may terminate the agreement at any time by giving sixty (60) days' written notice to the other."

    Would this be a breach of contract or is this a common drama in flight school (flight school - independent contractor) and I should just move on?

    Any advice from the experienced aviators would be greatly appreciated !

    submitted by /u/LincolnPilot
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    Dad's ex-wife from 8 years ago got herself assigned his life insurance beneficiary. (Pinellas County FL)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 07:14 PM PST

    My father (75) and his ex-wife (61, divorced 2013) have remained friendly. In Nov, he became severely short of breath and spent a week in the hospital for a massive malignant pleural effusion. He was diagnosed with lung cancer and died two weeks ago.

    My brother and I cared for him starting 3 days after his first hospital visit until his death. 2 weeks after his initial episode, he had an emergency requiring hospitalization again. While he was in the hospital the first night, I went through every document I could find, trying to locate all of his assets, health insurance supplements, life insurance, etc. In my search I found 2 IRAs (my brother and I both co-beneficiaries; we knew about this) and 1 life insurance policy we didn't know about that appeared to be a benefit from a settlement he took at retirement long ago. I also found two very recent letters (Oct and Nov) requesting beneficiaries to be assigned for the life insurance policy. I didn't want to be gauche and rush to the hospital to have myself and my brother assigned (besides we were the default beneficiaries, so I didn't see an immediate need).

    The next day, while my dad was in ICU, his ex-wife came into his apartment (had a key) and located those letters, which I had unhelpfully left in plain sight, took both letters, told us she was going to visit him to "help him pay some bills" and it has now come out that that day she somehow obtained his signature on the beneficiary request letter naming her as the beneficiary. Whether he hand wrote her name or not we don't know, but the life insurance company rep said the signature did appear to be his. We were more concerned about him and his condition and didn't figure out the letters were missing until a few days ago.

    She called to try to collect the same day he died. The company told my brother it seemed suspicious, that she had said she "was family" and "no one would try to contest it." She doesn't have any copies of death certificates, and currently the company is aware of the situation and has a hold on paying out the funds.

    Now with the current covid situation, there was no one else there visiting him at the time he signed the paper. He was allowed one visitor per day for 1 hour. No witnesses as far as we can tell. I don't yet know what drugs he was on that day. I do know that he'd have signed anything she put in front of him.

    This isn't for a huge amount of money ($36,000) but I know this woman and know exactly what she did and am wondering if there is any recourse. I have no doubt whatsoever that he wasn't aware of what he was doing, whether due to being incapacitated by his condition, or simply not paying attention to what she was telling him to sign. I had lots of experience with that while paying his bills and writing checks over the following two months.

    I'd spend every dime of that cash on lawyer fees if it meant she didn't get it after this. It's petty, but she is a bonafide sociopath who truly deserves to rot. She wouldn't even help the poor guy take a shower in his final weeks.

    P.S. Needless to say she did not help with any of his "final expenses"

    submitted by /u/md79
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    Former job Owner withheld over $20,000 from employees in credit card tips over span of 7 months

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 01:04 PM PST

    (Kansas City, Missouri) - Hello all, looking for some advice (clearly). I just left a job where the owner has been withholding credit card tips from their 3 employees during 2020 without consent. Any question to it came with intimidation or threat to cut pay to waiter wages (we are all hourly). Upon my decision to leave due to differences I decided to look up on the terminal that I used daily and was allowed access to, to look up how much in CC tips that were received. The total from June 2020 to Jan 14th 2021 was over $22,000. To cut to the chase, it was extremely frustrating to see such a number. I see reports that this sort of thing is illegal and I'm wondering what sort of actual steps can be taken if any at all. I did take a screenshot of the totals and dates and have paycheck summaries to show I have never received any credit card tips. If you need more info I can provide anything I know. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Throwaway4tipsonly
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    Ex-girlfriend wants the cat back that she gave to me

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 07:53 PM PST

    My girlfriend of the last 2 years broke up with me a couple weeks ago. The breakup wasn't pretty and I was pretty sad about it for a while. Just today she texts me saying she wants her cat back. She gave me the cat back in September of 2019 because she moved out of her house and couldn't take the cat with her. She sent me a text in September 2020 officially saying the cat is mine. We both took the cat to get spayed that month, her name is on the papers but I paid for it. Before she officially told me the cat was mine we had an agreement that she would help out buying litter and food but that's it. Over the past few months I've been buying the food and litter myself. The cat was originally born out of a litter from cats her family already owned, I don't think they have any registration paperwork for her. No microchip.

    When we broke up I offered if she wants the cat back because I couldn't look at her and not be reminded of my ex. There was a strong attachment with us and the cat. However, she didn't say she wanted her back. She didn't say anything at all. I've since gotten over it and I took the offer off the table because I love this cat and she's happier than she's ever been with me. She's deeply attached to me.

    Do I have any legal custody over the cat? I live in AZ, I don't know too much about pet custody laws out here. She threatened to get the cops involved and I really don't wanna take things that far over a cat.

    submitted by /u/7elevenEvan27
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    [LA] The job I recently left is holding an ultimatum to withhold my unemployment if I do not sign a contract that says I will not sue them. Reasons for leaving include: sexual assault to multiple female staff, violent behavior & intimidation, use of very racist language. All from the owner.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 05:30 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    So I'll try & keep this as short as possible, but it's a lot.

    The whole story goes as followed:

    This shit storm started about two weeks ago when the owner requested I meet him one evening at an offsite location to discuss things with the business. I worked at a bar/event venue so I was having a drink after my shift, but agreed to meet. This was at around 9pm. I had my dog with me (she often came to work with me) so I left her with my coworkers for what I thought was going to be a quick meet up. He was mad at my boss and other employees for some dumb reason that happened earlier that day. I thought I could be that middle person to simmer down the situation since I've never given any reason to be a bad employee.

    I met him at a local bar to discuss the situation, & for almost 2 hours he just bashed my boss and the bar manager that also worked closely with me. It was not a productive meeting at all & I was very uncomfortable the whole time. He kept trying to get me to drink more (I refused every time) while he downed drink after drink. Somewhere in that meeting he called my boss a N-word lover (yes he said it proud & confident, with the hard R) & that she only brings black people into the business. He also said that the bar manager is a whore & sleeps with anything that walks into the door (which is not true at all). That's the whole conversation in a nut shell. I'll spare the details. We walked outside to smoke a cigarette towards the end & he proceeded to slap my ass three times back to back. I stopped him addressed that I didn't want him to do that. He laughed it off, held me in close for a hug and joked it off saying that it was like "football 'good game' pats." I left after that.

    After the meeting I had to go back to my job to pick up my dog & a few of my coworkers were hanging out in one of the venues drinking and whatever. I joined them trying to have a good time & not think about the past 2 hours. The owner then showed up at the job with a friend and went straight to the bar to continue drinking. (Bars close at 11pm here now due to covid so it was just them in there drinking.) They hung out for a few hours.

    He spent about an hour specifically talking about how he is justified to say the N-word & he can call anyone he wanted that name as he see fit. He later on smacked the bar managers ass 3 separate times. His friend & him cornered her in the bar alone. While cornered his friend said to her, "you let him touch it so why I can't I?" That part is all on camera & you see her pull away from them & get cornered. She then had a mental breakdown & I consulted her for almost an hour after it happened.

    The following day I told them everything he said in our private meeting & we decided enough was enough. We planned a strike & informed other employees of what happened. We created a strike letter with all staff who were behind us with all of our names signed at the bottom & sent it in our company group chat. We requested that he recuse himself from all operations & we no longer wished to serve him at the business. We stated that we wanted the other owner (his wife) to take over all operations solely.

    From there it got so much worse. The wife called an emergency meeting that night, yelled, charged us with her finger in our faces, victim blamed us, told us we asked for it, etc. We explained to her that it wasn't an attack on her, but things like this keep happening with him & it's not getting any better. For example: throwing chairs/items when angry, constantly using racist language around staff/guests, being an extreme alcoholic, & this isn't the first time he touched a woman's ass. It was clear no sympathy or understanding was going to be given so we resigned that following Monday with the agreement that they would not contest our unemployment.

    Now two weeks after it all went down they are stating that we have to sign a document (that they will not show us to review in advance) before they review & approve our unemployment. I'm almost 100% sure this document is going to state that they will withhold our unemployment if we do not sign saying that we will not sue, blast the business, or whatever. I'm not signing anything, but now I'm considering getting an attorney since they've already brought one into the situation. All we wanted was an amicable separation and for them to not contest our unemployment. Can they do this? Should I take this further & speak with an attorney? I've spoken to multiple people & they say we have a case if we want it.

    Any advice is helpful. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/simplyshaana
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    How do you get started on child support?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:41 PM PST

    My friend [17 F] is a teenage mother and she had a baby at 16. The father is 20 and ditched her 2 weeks after she gave birth because it was "too much responsibility". The baby is now 6 months old. Now she dropped out of school because she barely has any money to get by, and she has to watch her baby. So she is working while the father is living his life and doing whatever he wants. He hasn't contributed to their baby at all. She doesn't know how to put him on child support, and she is also scared of what his family will do to her if she puts him on child support, because they have threatened her in the past. How can she get started on the process? We are in south west Florida.

    submitted by /u/SpaceCatsAreCool
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