• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 28, 2021

    Legal Advice - Robinhood, GME, wallstreetbets, etc., post megathread.

    Legal Advice - Robinhood, GME, wallstreetbets, etc., post megathread.

    Robinhood, GME, wallstreetbets, etc., post megathread.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 06:37 AM PST

    Ask your questions here. All other threads will be deleted.

    submitted by /u/ianp
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    (KY) City council where I live voting to donate public park land to local private high school for a baseball stadium.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 06:42 PM PST

    Several months ago the city where I live in Kentucky posted a proposal from a local Catholic high school where our city park land would be leased to the school for $1 per year for 99 years. In turn, the school would pay to construct a new baseball stadium for their private use.

    Next week is the council meeting where the 6 members vote whether to accept the proposal.

    I, along with a number of other citizens plan on speaking in opposition to taking this public land that is well-used and turning into something that will benefit those outside of our city more than those that live here.

    My specific legal question is can a municipality take this public land and essentially donate it to a Church entity for their private use? Is there precedent that this must be decided via ballot versus a council?

    I just want to understand options should the council decide in favor of the plan.

    submitted by /u/toxictoasty
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    My job is threatening to take away our chairs, and force us to stand on solid concrete for 12 hours a day..

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 06:35 PM PST

    So, I (24M) am inherently not so much effected by this new rule change, that will be taking place starting Monday. BUT I am writing this post on my coworkers behalf. So I work security at a warehouse. I work with mostly old people and women. My bosses have been threatening to do this for a while, but I always considered it to be an empty threat, because what kind of heartless bastards make old people and women just stand on a pure concrete floor for 12 hour shifts? Well, they finally did it, and luckily for me I'm a supervisor so my chair won't be taken. BUT I worry for the health of my coworkers. There's multiple people over the age of 50 and 60 that work here, and even a pregnant lady. I was reading up online that standing on concrete all day leads to back, knee, and foot problems. I don't want to see my fellow coworkers get maimed for a $17/hr entry level job.

    They offer us absolutely nothing. We are not allowed to bring our cell phones into the building, nor are we allowed to socialize with the employees, or even eat or drink while inside the building. We are contracted to work for this company, and technically work for two(the warehouse and the security company) but also technically work for neither. So no one has our back.

    My question is, is this even legal? Surely there's has to be SOME kind of law somewhere that we would be able to use in our favor? The workers of the warehouse get away with this by having super thick padding placed down at their workstations, and they also get to walk around a lot. We get no padding, no protection, and must stand on concrete and stare at a blank wall all day, for 12 hours.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


    This is all happening in Pennsylvania, if that matters.

    I am a supervisor, and get to sit at a desk and do paperwork all day, so I won't be effected by the new rule.

    This advice isn't for me, it's for my fellow coworkers.

    Also, advising them to quit is not preferred. I will not be here for the rest of my life, but sadly they might. So I'm just trying to make their stay as comfy as possible.

    submitted by /u/xSMOKEASAURUSx
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    I am threatened to have the police called on me for taking showers in the middle of the night

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:21 PM PST

    I live in an apartment and the neighbor above me told me that my showers are disrupting the silent hours (between 10 PM and 6 AM) and waking him up. He said next time he will call the police on me.

    I never dealt with the police before so I am kind of scared. I never got complaints before for my late showers and I don't really think it's normal to not be allowed to take a shower whenever I want in my house but if there is nothing I can say against him then I just have to take showers earlier.

    submitted by /u/ionspalatorie
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    (MS) My sibling is renting our condo out to people, but claiming that because 'she' pays the bills, it will belong to her.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:09 PM PST

    My sister and I inherited a condo worth maybe $40k-$50k. It's on the other side of the country so I can't get there without fling and quarantining.

    Initially we were both responsible for the cost, but then she moved into it and took over most of the bills because I couldn't use it while she occupied it full-time. I still paid my half of the property taxes and we had a verbal agreement that she would buy me out when more of our properties sold. (We had a written one but she backed out of it as soon as she moved into the condo)

    She eventually got married and moved into her husband's house. We talked about the condo and she said she let her in-laws live there temporarily, so I couldn't use it, but that they were covering the expenses. She later asked if we could rent it out to someone else her husband knew. I agreed and asked for a rental agreement. She cut contact and wouldn't ever put in writing who was living there and how much they were paying in rent.

    I had my lawyer write a letter to her lawyer asking about this, but it was ignored.

    She's been bragging about how she's going to take it from me to other relatives because she paid the bills. But I haven;t been able to use the property, and the renter was covering both of our expenses. She tried to tell me that all the checks for the bills have her name on them, and how she got the money wasn't relevant.

    Although he doesn't work in MS, I asked my attorney if she could do something like adversely posses the property if she was paying all the bills, he said no, because she had sole use of it and it couldn't be shared with my family while she lived there.

    Are there any laws someone can point me to in Mississippi that indicate this?

    Also: We both have lawyers, neither lawyer is in the state where she currently lives. My lawyer wrote her lawyer a number of times asking about this but they have never answered in writing.

    submitted by /u/Sea_Tracker
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    Check was short 10 hours of OT, company told me to "kick rocks"

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 06:38 AM PST

    I worked for a construction company as a contract worker, working 7 days a week, 12 hours a day, overtime after 40 hours. The job ended, and on my last paystub it showed it being 10 hours shorter than it should be. I reached out to the person in payroll, and they said they needed to get in touch with my foreman to confirm the hours... I tried getting in touch with him, she says she can't, and they told me that they can't pay me the missing hours until I get in touch with him, so he can call her to confirm them. He said he would call, but it's been a week and he's ghosting all my texts and phone calls. Do I have any legal actions here? It's not just $50 bucks or so, it's short nearly $500

    Company is based out of Ohio, we were working in Indiana

    Edit: By contract I mean I get a w2 from the company and I'm hired by the company, but it is just a temporary job where I with until that job site is completed

    submitted by /u/bassmasterhooker
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    Parents getting separated/divorced, want to give me their house

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 05:38 PM PST

    Hi Reddit. My (40F) parents (65F and 75M) are getting divorced, we are in Ontario, Canada.

    It has been a long, long time coming. I don't remember a time when they were ever happy together. He was an absent-but-present father. I never got so much as a 'happy birthday' or 'merry Christmas' from him. At best he was a messy/non-contributing roommate, at worst he was emotionally and and physically abusive toward my mom. Honestly, he's one of the worst people I've ever known.

    Now that they're getting divorced, my mom wants to gift me their house, mostly so it doesn't get split with their other assets. He never contributed a dime toward it, never helped maintain it, didn't lift so much as a moving box, take out the garbage, or mow the lawn. He doesn't really care about anything, just wants to live in a place by himself where he can drink, smoke, and gamble.

    I'm just wondering if this is legal to do? Yes, they both agree for now, but can he change his mind later ? Or, as my mom fears - have his family change his mind? Are you even allowed to 'gift' something as big as a house and if so, what would the tax implications be?

    Thanks, Reddit, I plan on researching and doing my due diligence, but any advice or help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/legaladvicethrway333
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    (GA) Trying to pay past due rent. Landlord says I dont even have a lease

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:15 PM PST

    So, I live in an apartment complex and due to COVID and my GF losing her job I am behind on rent by 4 months. Recently it was taken over by I different management company and its been impossible to contact them. (No working phone, office only by appt but no way to contact them, etc. )

    Today I finally got in contact with them and the property manager said that I dont even have a lease with them and I am behind 5 months rent.

    I signed a lease back in October for 6 months, that apparently just doesn't exist now.

    I'm not sure what to do here? Should I just contact a tenant lawyer or just show her proof of the lease I signed?

    Do I even have a legal obligation to pay the back rent if they don't even have a lease for me?

    submitted by /u/madmelonxtra
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    Can I file a civil suit against someone who crashed their vehicle into mine, if insurance found them 50% liable? [CO]

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 11:32 AM PST

    In December a man texting while driving rammed his truck into my car. He admitted texting at scene to police, but wouldn't admit it to the insurance company. As it was on private property the police refused to file a report. Because the only evidence we have are photos of my car at the scene afterwards (not his), and the word of my driver and passenger, insurance deemed it 50/50 in liability. My car is totaled. It is over 2x the worth of the car to begin fixing it, while his only has scratches on the bumper.

    Is it possible to sue him in civil court for the cost of the car when insurance has deemed him 50% liable, or am I stuck with insurance's payment of 1/2 the worth of my car that they've deemed 'irreparable' and totaled out?

    submitted by /u/task_scheme_not
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    [SC] A pest control company came and sprayed my house while I wasn’t home, left a $400 invoice on my front door.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:59 PM PST

    Hey everyone. As the title says, a pest control company came to my house today and sprayed/inspected for termite damage on my house. I come home to a $400 invoice on my door. My fiance and I were both at work so we had no way of telling them we didn't request the service.

    We had just bought the house about two months ago. The company had left a note on the invoice saying to call their number so they could transfer me to the contract that the previous owners had. There was nothing in our closing agreements saying that we had to transfer this service over to my name. I also know it's not in the HoA because we pay an extra amount every year for a different pest control company to do inspections.

    Would I get in trouble if I just didn't pay the bill? It's not that I can't afford it, I just don't want to pay for something I didn't request in the first place.

    submitted by /u/cooltoast
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    Can I legally block in someone's car if they are parked in my spot until a tow truck arrives?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 08:16 PM PST

    Washington State

    This evening I came home to the following note taped to my door

    Dear tenants and all occupants at [my address],

    The parking situation has gotten out of control as we have received egregious number of complains about other tenants and guests of other tenants parking in the spaces designated and assigned per your lease. With consideration for our valued tenants, I am now notifying and authorizing ALL tenants who experience anyone in their parking spot to go ahead and block the offending vehicle in and to reach out to [property manager] and [they] will order a tow truck to remove the vehicle at the offending owners expense. Be sure to take a clear photo of the license plate and if possible, a photo on the VIN located on the drivers side front window and send to [property manager] at [phone number]. if any damage is accrued or inflicted to the tenant's vehicle that blocks in the vehicle that is in the spot of the tenant who the parking space is assigned to, while its parked behind the offending vehicle the offending vehicles owner will be billed for the damage inflicted on the tenant's personal property. People work too hard and are far to busy to deal with others carelessly parking in their assigned parking spot. Please respect all your neighbors and their space they pay for... if you notice a tenant allowing others to park in the assigned spots of the other tenants please let management know immediately what unit or who is responsible for the parking violation and management will pursue further action. If there is not adequate parking for your guests they will need to park on the street or down the road.

    Kind regards,

    [Property manager] cell:[phone number]

    Property manager

    [Property management company]

    Is this a legal course of action? I intend to reach out to the property manager for clarification first thing tomorrow morning. Also how can I ask for clarification without causing a stink?

    edit: bolded part the parts I am concerned about

    edit 2: cleaned up spelling because I suck at typing this late

    submitted by /u/supernoobthefirst1
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    Teacher wont count me present when I am and wont let me in zooms.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 08:40 AM PST

    I am in online school. Tuesday and Wednesday I was in class but the teacher counted me absent. I sent him a message. No reply. Now he just keeps me in the waiting room and wont let me in. I sent him another message. Still no reply. Is this illegal, and what can I do?

    submitted by /u/Response-Proof
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    CO, USA - Non-Exempt Salary Threshold now $40,500 as of Jan. Are we due overtime for hours worked before being informed in Feb we are moving to hourly?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 02:59 PM PST

    I work for a tech support company in Colorado, USA with several hundred employees and more internationally. I have worked for this company for several years, a portion of this as salaried-exempt. On January 1st, the State of Colorado once again changed the threshold for an employee to be classified as salary exempt to $40,500. Page 8 Colorado Dept. of Labor: https://cdle.colorado.gov/sites/cdle/files/7%20CCR%201103-1%20COMPS%20Order%20%2337.pdf

    This last week the company contacted a number of us (somewhere between 50-100 if I remember the HR person's comments) to let us know that we would be reclassified to hourly as our salaries were not high enough and as a function of this, we would now be expected to clock in and out and not exceed 40 hours unless authorized.

    The problem is, it is already February! My colleagues and I almost always put in overtime and had already done so by the time the company informed us that we would be hourly going forward. By my understanding, according to the law, we should have been on hourly as of January 1st and should have either been paid to work that overtime, or informed that we were hourly-non-exempt and not allowed to work that overtime.

    My questions are as follows:

    1. Are me and my colleagues entitled back-overtime for extra hours worked in January? If yes, how do we go about requesting this and what sort of proof would we be expected to show? As exempt employees, we never punched a timecard and we have been working from home throughout the corona virus. Even before the virus, some of my colleagues with laptops would check their email from home. I can pretty much just say that I work through my lunch most days and usually leave work between 15-45 mins. late on an average day. If I can find some emails and IMs I sent outside of my normal hours is this sufficient? I also tend to leave work running on my second screen to monitor my email and answer occasional questions from colleagues, even long after work is over if I'm still sitting at my desk working on other non-work things.
    2. Instead of paying out overtime worked in January, could the company "fix" this by amending our salaries from January to be exactly $40,500 then drop us down to our old salary, but an an hourly-non-exempt rate.
    3. Can the company face any other penalties for this sort of thing, or are they likely to wiggle their way out by just backdating the changes and saying we didn't log the hours? They tend to operate just within the letter of the law and when they (presumably) do illegal things, they cover their tracks well enough that no one can easily prove anything.
    4. Is there anything my colleagues and I need to look out for in this situation? Is it okay to sign something from HR? Will it cause an issue if someone has approved their time card, even though they always hound us to do this before the month even wraps up (sometimes even on the first day of the month).

    Thank you for any help and insight you can provide. I look forward to continuing to enjoy this sub on my main account. :-) Thank you for doing what you do.

    submitted by /u/UnpaidOvertime420
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    [Michigan] Seller Wishes to Remain Tenant in Home

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:14 AM PST

    Hello all,

    I am under contract to purchase a home in Michigan. The process is nearly complete and I am expecting to close next week. Yesterday I was notified of the Seller's desire to remain a tenant in the home until February 19th due to a family emergency. I am very concerned about accommodating this request for several reasons:

    1. Due to COVID, evictions are not currently possible in the state of Michigan. My opinion is that this makes the request to become a tenant unreasonable. A few weeks can easily become more and I have no desire to become a landlord regardless of the current pandemic situation, let alone over the house I intend to live in. If I go this route, I am not sure what I need to do to ensure they are out of the home by the agreed upon date.
    2. I have previously been willing to accommodate seller requests such as moving the closing date forward by 1 week (after an initial request to move it ahead by 2 weeks) and removing contingency from my offer. Obviously I understand that things happen, but based upon the seller's previous request to pull closing forward, I am less interested in agreeing to this.
    3. IF this issue causes the deal to fall through, any potential financial damages the seller has done to me due to multiple hard credit checks during mortgage rate shopping. In today's market I do not expect to find another desirable home quickly. This is the only home I have even looked at.

    I have reached out to my lender about extending the closing date (because I do have a desire to accommodate a family emergency), however I am not sure what options are available here since it has already been through underwriting.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/BPLover
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    Am I crazy to ask a rent reduction?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:03 PM PST

    Okay, I'm renting out a room in Westchester, New York right now on a month-month basis and have been since September. There is no lease but we do have all communications and agreements written through email.

    On November 9th of 2020 we got an email that they were going to do kitchen renovations, and we would not have a kitchen for two weeks (I have that in writing). There was about a four day notice at this point. Fast forward to now, we still do not have access to a kitchen (just a microwave we bought on our own), most of the living room and there is construction about every other day including weekends. It's been about 12 weeks at this point.

    Included in that construction they started installing AC openings in each room, but they did it with two hours notice exclusively on the weekend. I work in social media so I tend to work a lot of weekends and twice now I have received a knock on my bedroom door while I was working that I had to vacate for a few hours. The first time this happened I came home to a thick layer of dust and bits on my bed and desk and spent an hour cleaning it all up.

    Fast forward to now, I just got slapped with a $600 utilities bill for three months, two days before rent was due, when our utilities on average were $115/month before.

    So am I crazy to ask for a rent reduction or for utilities to be deducted for having to deal with 12+ weeks of construction, no kitchen and having no notice that they are sending contractors into private rooms? I've never really rented out of a room in this situation before so I'm not sure if I'm just being dramatic about the situation or not.

    thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/jjshad
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    Neighbor poisoning pets

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 10:00 PM PST

    (This takes place in California)

    I think my cousin's neighbor poisoned her cat and I am worried she may poison her other cats/dog. My cousin and her family keep finding food thrown in their yard. The problem is my cousin's family and the neighbors are always fighting over a parking spot and they have always thought that it was just them being petty by littering in their yard. But just recently one of her cats have died. He was one of the most energetic and strongest of all her cats and it was just so sudden. It just clicked in my mind that the food being thrown in her yard must have been poisoned and I fear her other cats and dog may be poisoned as well. The other problem is my cousin's parents want to keep their cats indoors and outdoors, they also put the dog out once in awhile too.

    My question is, is there a way to collect the food and have it tested for poison somewhere? And can we prosecute the neighbors for animal cruelty this way? How can we get them prosecuted so it doesn't happen again? The cat has already passed and I believe they have already buried their beloved pet so I'm not sure they could actually use that as evidence. My main concern is keeping her other pets safe from her neighbors.

    They also have cameras installed and I can try to ask them to move one to the backyard to actually catch them in the act as well. I just want to know if we can have someone test the food for poison to further prove they are indeed poisoning her pets.

    Thanks for any help, I appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/purpose90
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    Needed advice on a child abuse incident (Florida)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 07:04 PM PST

    I know that i'm not quite fit to be trying to work and help with something like this and i don't even know if this is the right sub reddit but it's the only thing that i could think of. So I have a friend who is a 17 year old male who has been putting up with child abuse from his father (black eyes, punching in gut for not marks to the point of coughing up blood, threatening murder and isolation of everything he enjoys doing, and mental abuse) and has just now started to reach out more to friends about it hence not taking sooner action. Most recently (approximately 2 days ago) he came telling us about how his dad told him to have the house completely and constantly cleaned before he got home (this Sunday) or else he would "punch a hole through your chest and take away everything you own" and threatened kicking out his sister if she couldn't do it as well but she is unfortunately 18 so he could technically do it. Like i mentioned earlier the father has also physically abused him multiple times to extreme amounts. His father and mother are constantly arguing and on the verge of divorce but they never go through with it but his father blames him for the separation of the couple and their arguments. We are now trying to get help for him because he is in an extremely bad state at his house and it is only going to get worse but as we are all high schoolers and don't really have any legal experience and don't want to rush into telling our parents in fear that they would confront his parents himself or do something rash that would just make it worse i come here for some legal advice as to what we may be able to do. Thank you to anyone who helps or who even just reads we are desperate for any form of help to get him out.

    submitted by /u/st4ryboi
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    My ex ran off with all of our house money - legally how do I get it back?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 07:05 AM PST

    UK - this post is on behalf of my step dad :

    I (50M) my ex (50F) had a long term relationship and broke up a few years ago. I worked full time as oil and gas manager and made 16k a month. My ex did not work and she was in charge of paying bills etc for our house.

    I transferred my wages into her account each month and she dealt with the mortgage/bills for us and saved the rest. When we split up, the house was sold for 350k (with 150k paid off). I moved out whilst the house was selling and then when it sold, she disappeared without a trace.

    I have had no contact with her since and gave up looking. We have found her on the electoral roll and my fiancée and I want to be able start our life together. Is there any point in perusing this legally as I have walked away with no money after working for years and having nothing to show for it.

    Any advise is greatly appreciated! :)

    submitted by /u/smf101
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    Just got caught having sex in a dark lake parking lot...

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 05:40 PM PST

    My boyfriend (23) and I (21) just got caught by a cop having sex in my boyfriend's car in a dark lake parking lot. We live in Pennsylvania and neither of us have a criminal history. The cop told us we had two options. Either he was gonna charge us with disorderly conduct or loitering and he chose loitering. We did not get arrested but we did get cited. So what happens next? Is there anything I can do to get rid of it or is it not a big deal? I've never been in legal trouble before...

    submitted by /u/dark_zoroark
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    I done goofed. Lost SSN and Photo ID at the same time...

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 08:08 PM PST

    Hello, this is so dumb. I'm from Phoenix, Az. I have lost my SSN and Photo ID at the very same time after setting up a bank account, in my house, months ago. I've never been able to find it, I suspect it got mixed in some mail that someone threw away because I don't know what the fuck happened. I'm sooooo annoyed I'm trying to figure out what to do first. So I've been trying to keep things online because of covid, I cannot get a new ID because no SSN and no ID because no SSN. This is beyond frustrating lol!! I went on the SSN website and got locked out because they wouldn't take my CC number. I can't get a replacement for my ID because apparently my DMV didn't keep it on file. I'm just trying to figure out what to do first and what I need. I have my birth certificate and proof of address and all that good stuff but what do I try to get first SSN or ID? I'm trying to limit going out during covid so I wanna make sure I do the right things and not waste too much time. Any help is very very welcome. Thank you.

    (Edit: I plan on calling around tomorrow but as I can't do anything tonight I thought I'd ask reddit.) :)

    submitted by /u/AllOfThisIsFleeting
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    What is reserved on divorce decree.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 06:26 PM PST

    Had a divorce a few years ago. Went to court, presented my case for the plaintiffs GI bill to be saved for our daughter if he doesn't use, and judge made a final decision, he verbally approved it in court. In the divorce decree, it states: If Plaintiff does not use GI Bill, he will take all steps to transfer his interest to child for her to use for her college expenses. I received the divorce decree and signed it. When I received the final divorce decree back, the judge crossed all of that off and put "reserved". What does reserved mean? Will I need to go back to court to revisit it? Does it mean that he made a decision to not allow that anymore? My lawyer is in a different state and this was about 10 years ago, so I won't be calling her about it.

    submitted by /u/ckhk3
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    Divorce and fundraisers

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:19 PM PST

    (I think I may have posted this twice, I'm not good at Reddit) My wife and I filed for divorce a month ago. I moved out but we are both still on the lease. We have only filed for divorce, we have not gone through the assets division yet. She just burned the house down with a careless cigarette. She started a fundraiser and has raised 7K. It won't take her more than 3k to move into a new place. Since we had not divided our assets (furniture mostly) and then she burned them all up, what do I do and am I entitled to any of the fundraiser money? I'm in Colorado.

    submitted by /u/projektman
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    Is it a crime to for someone to falsely report you to the police for things you didn’t do?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:47 PM PST

    I'm going through some shit with my old tenant and she has called the police and filed a bunch of false claims against me. I don't have any proof of these claims being false, and she doesn't any proof that they're true. What can I do here

    submitted by /u/leakyfaucet42020
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    (MN) My wife has unknowingly been exposed to radiation over the past 2 years

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:44 PM PST

    My wife is a veterinarian who works for a small family owned clinic. She and the owners were recently having a conversation and the owners came to the realization that they never leader the walls between the radiograph room. They don't believe it is much of a concern and have advised/ will advise my wife not to be in the room while imaging is being done. They seem to have no intention of correcting the issue.

    My wife is concerned about the exposure she may have had over the past 2 years as the distance from the imaging machine to her desk is less than 6 feet separated by drywall.

    We are concerned about the lack of interest in fixing the problem, but more so of the possible long term effects of what she has potentially been exposed to. We have a good relationship with them, but we also don't want to be taken advantage of if there are serious health repercussions from this.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/SteppedInCatDooDoo
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    [North Dakota, USA] My child's father wants to change the parenting plan to move 250 miles away, might the court grant his request to meet halfway?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 02:50 PM PST

    My child's father has lived in the same town as me for child's whole life (4 y/o). We were never married, and I have full custody (dad has visitations). Now he wants to move to another city 250 miles away and wants me to drive halfway for pickup and dropoff. The current parenting plan states pickup and dropoff are at my house, so he's threatening legal action. He isn't getting transferred for work and nothing is forcing him to move, except that he is engaged to a girl in that city. I am engaged too, and have no plans to relocate.

    Driving 2 hours would put significant strain on me (my work schedule prohibits it), and the parenting plan puts the burden of pickup/dropoff on him. We currently live about 1.5 miles apart, and I feel as though I've done everything I can with regards to being flexible with the current parenting plan.

    I'm wondering, if he takes me to court, how likely is a judge to grant this? I know there's lots that go into it, but under the assumption that I have demonstrated willingness to work with him and be flexible in the past, is a judge likely to make me drive 2 hours each way to drop off and pick up our child?

    submitted by /u/cockemrockemrobots
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