• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 27, 2021

    Legal Advice - [NC] I got diagnosed with cancer in December 2020, today I started receiving cemetery brochures.

    Legal Advice - [NC] I got diagnosed with cancer in December 2020, today I started receiving cemetery brochures.

    [NC] I got diagnosed with cancer in December 2020, today I started receiving cemetery brochures.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:40 PM PST

    As title says, I believe the hospital at the oncology department has been leaking information to the local cemetery and now I'm receiving advertisements for cemetery arrangements.

    I never told anyone that I was diagnosed or entered any of this information online, so I am 100% confident that someone within the oncology or hospital has leaked my information.

    How can I go about resolving this, what legal right do I have?

    submitted by /u/TrumpLove2021
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    Advice on dealing with a Stalker

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:01 AM PST

    So I'm not sure where to take this, but thought this might be a place to start. Two or three years ago, I noticed a message on my then 11 year old stepson's phone stating "You complete me as a man". I took it to my wife, who had him unlock it to find many, many messages to a person in his 40's. To make maters harder, this is split custody, he lives with his dad, then we have him on weekends, then reverses in the summer. His had provides the phone, so we didn't have access.

    When she found the messages, I immediately called our local LEO's, who came out, took pictures of the messages and started a report. A week or so later they came and took his phone. Apparently pictures had been shared which also takes this to another level.

    At the time, the police brought him in with his own attorney, talked to him and seemed to be making an effort. Then nothing.

    Later, we found that he'd been mailing him items (Not to us, we have cameras and see everything delivered), including an IPad, books, letters, and other things, including setting up a private email for him to use.

    Also for the past two to three years, he's sent all of us, dad included, letters, messages, phone calls. and anything he can to get in contact. This ranging from "Send someone to kill me" to "I need to talk to your stepson". This even goes to adding friends on Facebook and talking to them to get them to try to get us to talk to him, My wife had completely removed all of her social media accounts over it, however we still receive letters in the mail from him monthly.

    We've been collecting everything, still have the IPad, books, and letters in our safe, however no one seems interested in the case. The issue I believe is that he lives in a different state. While our state seems to take it seriously, his doesn't. We've worked with the child's attorney, local agencies that help abused kids, as well as a few other avenues that said they'd try to get it moving, however no dice.

    My wife more or less lives in fear that this deranged man will show up at our door one day and I can't say I don't believe her. Yesterday a friend suggested reaching out to the FBI since it's across state lines, however that seems like a reach.

    I'd considered filing for a Protective/Restraining order, however those seem to not carry much weight and I wasn't sure the case would justify it. We've more or less hoped he would just go away, but still today he persists.

    For reference, we live in Oklahoma, he lives in New York.

    submitted by /u/Namlehse
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    House builders threatening to sue

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 04:55 PM PST

    I was in the process of buying a house for about 6 months but it didn't work out. The house was supposed to be finished by October originally. It was disappointing but the builder said they would have it done by Christmas. Well, come Christmas, it wasn't done. We were getting frustrated but we really liked the house so we gave them until this month to finish. They finished it and the home inspector basically said it was one of the most unprofessionally built houses he'd inspected. They laid the concrete too dense so it was cracking. The concrete was also laid an inch and a half too low. Because of that, the garages foundation was literally shims. The basement was sloped downwards and several walls were bowed. Our realtor told us that we didn't have to buy the house and that we could get our earnest money back. Now the builder is threatening to sue even though they are in the wrong. This is all in North Dakota, by the way.

    submitted by /u/kagarite
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    City Sewer Line Collapsed infront of my house flooding a bathroom and revealing asbestos

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 04:30 PM PST

    So.. I never post anything on reddit, but I figured this would be my best go at trying to figure out what lawyer to contact..

    I bought a house in Phoenix, AZ in August, 2020. This last week the sewer line under the street infront of my house collapsed causing sewage to back up and flood my master bathroom. I had a plumber come out who camera'd the line, measured the distance and stated the collapse was under the street. The city came out to fix the line 5 days later, but I was left without water/sewage during that time. They also refused to cover the damage that it had done to my house. Meanwhile, I had a contractor come out to handle the water damage and pulled back the tile and found asbestos which was confirmed via lab testing. The seller of the house was a 'House Flipper' company which had put the tile in over the asbestos.. but the seller signed a disclosure before selling the house that there was no asbestos. I've tried figuring out what course of action I should take or what kind of lawyer I should contact and I'm at a loss. My insurance company won't cover any of the damages because they said it was the fault of the city. I've contacted a real estate lawyer, who told me to contact a litigation lawyer.. and when I contacted a litigation lawyer they told me to contact a real estate lawyer. Anyways, I am completely ill-informed on how to handle this.. and I would greatly appreciate any advice you guys might have on where to go from here.

    submitted by /u/raepop
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    Was taken to a Psych Ward against my will. Couldn't pay the $5000 bill. Now it's $8000. What do I do?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 02:51 PM PST

    Posting for a friend.

    I was taken to a Psych ward after my psychotic house mate called the cops on me and told them I was suicidal. I was taken to a 5150 against my will. They wouldn't let me leave even if I wanted to. When I was released, I was given a $5000 hospital bill I couldn't afford. Now, it's increased to $8000. What should I do?

    Edit: This is California, US. No insurance

    submitted by /u/Bingsu_baddie
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    Company i am a temp for told all incoming employees at orientation that lunches are paid. The temp company deducted the lunches from our payroll which messed with overtime. They undid and gave everyone backpay but i am wondering if this was illegal.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 04:41 PM PST

    This is New York. I am currently working a temp job at a pharmaceutical company in the packaging department. This company used to offer 2 fifteen minute paid breaks and 1 30 minutes unpaid lunch for an 8 and a half hour shift. They recently changed this and took away the two fifteen minute breaks, but the lunch is now paid and the shift is only 8 hours and not 8 and a half.

    Last week a lot of the temps noticed that our paychecks were short 2.5 hours. When one girl called and asked the temp agency they said it was because our lunch was deducted. My payroll was majorly shorted because i worked overtime and i only had the half the OT i was expecting. I asked payroll at the company she said that it was deducted because we were on the clock for 8 and a half hours which made no sense because we are only on the clock for 8. I then talked to the temp agency and they said our company specifically told them that we were to have our lunch breaks deducted.

    Today payroll at the temp agency called me to let me know that the company is paying lunches from now on. I am really pissed because i feel like if they tell us lunches are paid, and then they deduct them behind our backs, that is shady and illegal and kind of grounds for being sued. One guy at work told me i was bitching too much and to just work an extra half hour everyday to make up for it. This company also demanded we come in on Saturday for mandatory overtime, but if they were really taking lunches away from temps then 2.5 of those saturday hours are just making up for hours during the week. Idk, am i talking out of my ass here or is deducting breaks from employees illegal? Also note: SOME temps got the lunches deducted and some didn't. Some didn't notice. One guy was fully in support of us not having paid lunches and told me to get over it because apparently he doesn't like having paid breaks.

    submitted by /u/xHouse_of_Hornetsx
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    Fuel company repeatedly sold me diesel and claimed it was kerosene

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:51 AM PST

    I am currently living in a 25' camp trailer, in N. Idaho, while saving money to buy property. My regular heating system quit working a couple of months ago, and I haven't been able to get it fixed. I had a kerosene heater that I hadn't used before, and decided to try that. My dad went to the local fuel company and asked for kerosene. He noticed it was dyed red and asked about it, because he thought it was diesel. She said they always dye their kerosene red. So, for the past couple of months, I've been running this fuel. It stinks and smokes bad, and ruined the wick on two kerosene heaters. Also, it was making me sick, headaches and nausea, and even breathing issues. Both my dad and I asked her every time we went to buy kerosene, and mentioned it was making me sick, and she kept assuring us it was dyed kerosene. We both explained that I'm using a wick heater and it didn't seem to burn right. The last time my dad went in, he asked for a receipt and it was marked H/O, heating oil. He then went to another town and another company and they said NO. Kerosene is not dyed red, she is selling us diesel, marked up to kerosene prices and knowing that it's causing problems. Ive been doing some research and everything I see says you should not burn diesel in a wicked heater. I've since switched to jet fuel and it's sooooo much better. But my question is, who do I contact about this? I plan to go in and ask for the MSDS but that's the only thing I can think to do. Would I contact OSHA? Or is there another agency? Any advice will be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/isay--
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    [INDIANA] Someone at my job used my debit card to order food through Doordash without my knowledge, Doordash says I need to subpoena for their identity?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:13 AM PST

    Noticed 4 separate charges for fast food which i know i did not place, and quickly contacted doordash who confirmed the food was delivered to my work's address. I have a hunch on who it may be, because i allowed a coworker to pay their phone bill using my debit card but watched them also delete my card right after using it.

    Doordash says to send documentation/information to their company's registered agent? But i have no idea how to go about this, all I have is an address from secretary of state website.

    I'm not sure where to go from here besides cancelling the card and contacting police, but I'd like to know this was a coworker before I go forward. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/wellllllllcrap
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    OSHA law

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:00 PM PST

    My employer has turned off all water fountain in the facility and the only way we can get access to water is by paying for it. They will not allow us to fill up our personal cups for free. I feel like this is in violation of some aspect of the law. It wouldn't be a big deal but I work in an event arena where they charge $4.00 for a 16oz bottle of water which adds up in a hurry. I know OSHA isn't very specific in this aspect except an employer must provide sanitary water. I work in Missouri if that makes a difference.

    submitted by /u/Mouthybard25364
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    [Kentucky] Hiring Processes Stopped Because of Gender

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:03 AM PST

    I applied for this job a few weeks ago and this morning I got a call from their hiring manager. I have a gender-neutral name and she wanted to ascertain my gender before moving forward in the hiring process.

    When she found out I was a man she told me I wouldn't be considered for the job anymore as they had other employees who would be uncomfortable working alongside a man. She told me that my resume shows the kind of candidate they would like to hire but only if it were a woman.

    I was pretty shocked by this whole conversation and got off the phone pretty quickly. I don't really want to work for a company that would do something like this so I guess my main question is there anyone I can report this company to?

    submitted by /u/toolateforme19
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    Who will do last wishes?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:34 PM PST

    I did not have children. If I put it in a will, can I trust that an attorney will take care of my last wishes? Specifically, I want to be cremated then have my ashes mixed with my beloved pets and scattered together. Do you all think this would happen?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/CurlyGirl20
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    I was told to come here with my story to ask for legal advice

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:23 PM PST

    I (21F) work at Starbucks, and a man (40M) has been stalking me for almost the entirety of my starbucks career.

    So, pre covid when the lobby was open, this man named Jake would order his venti iced green tea with no LCS and he'd watch me for my whole shift and take pictures of me while still getting his free iced tea refills. I'd make it known that i knew he was watching me by looking up and meeting eye contact, but he literally would keep the eye contact with me and not look away. Back then i had no confidence to confront him, so i told my manager in hopes she'd say something to him after he gave me a note with his number that i stupidly threw away exactly after he gave me it bc i was so uncomfortable with it even being in my presence. She did nothing but say "oh Jake?? Oh he's just lonely he's not going to do anything he just needs someone to talk to." And when i told her about the note she legit snapped at me to get back to work, which is when i decided to transfer because i no longer felt safe. Until my transfer of course my other baristas helped me make minimal contact with him and would even send me in the back to make backups whenever he was there, and they'd even walk me to my car.

    Well, after my transfer i missed my crew and i would even ask through the drive thru if they'd seen him and they told me THEY HAVEN'T SEEN HIM SINCE I LEFT. Which i took it as a "hm coincidence" moment.

    I decided it's been a whole year and they haven't heard from him, so I transferred back to my original store. I loved everyone there, and starbucks wasn't the same since i left my favorite location.

    Well, here comes the scary part. He apparently came in a couple weeks ago asking about me, and i guess one of the new workers told him that i was coming back to the store. He hasn't shown up in a whole year until i transferred back, and now he's asking about me again. I'm terrified, very livid, and now i don't know what to do. This is where i need your feedback:

    I decided i will be talking to my manager about the situation (because it's a new manager that's running my location), but is there anything else i can do about him? Could a restraining order even go through since i don't know him personally? Is there any way i can keep him away from me? Also, is there any way i can get my old manager in trouble for doing nothing since i know she's still in the starbucks corporation? I love starbucks, i love my job and i would die for my crew, and i can't quit because it's a pandemic and i'm sure i won't find anything else in the city i live in. I don't want him to run me away from my store again. I just have no idea what to do.

    submitted by /u/Tinytabascobottle
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    Buying a car from a reputable dealership, purchasing the vehicle wthl awd paperwork and all saying so. But end up the vehicle isn't awd. Where do I start with legal help?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:03 PM PST

    I want to divorce a completely uncooperative husband in NC.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 05:22 PM PST

    I (36f) want to divorce my husband (44m). I want sole custody of our children (ages 4 and 6). He can have as much visitation as he wants. My husband has gradually become more and more mentally unstable. He has a history of mental illness, is on disability for depression, but does not go to counseling or take any medication for his condition.

    We own a home together where I am solely responsible for the mortgage. I have offered to pay his rent for a year at an apartment if he will move out, but he has refused this offer and will not leave the home. Fine. I will move out of the home and pay for it. My mother has offered to let me and my children live with her in Florida for free, but he will not consent to me leaving the state with the children.

    I will not leave my home without my children and he will not move out. We need to live apart for a year in order to divorce in NC. What can I do? He won't leave our home or consent to me leaving with the children. I feel 100% trapped.

    submitted by /u/Throwawaymylife2513
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    First Apartment, Maintenance put a cup under the leak and said "Have a good day". What do I do?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:25 PM PST

    So, water has been coming out from underneath my floor for the past week. I put in a maintenance request and it said I would get a call 24 hours before to set an exact time between the several time frames I chose.

    I never got a call and maintenance just showed up.

    Guy comes in and looks around and sees the water, thinks its coming from my toilet pipe so he puts a cup underneath it and tells me to have a good day and left.

    Now I'm kind of taken back just because that can't really be it. I call the leasing office and they finally answer, first time i've gotten ahold of them in the past two weeks. I work during their office hours most days.

    Maintenance guy started talking about my more expensive tech in my apartment. Which made me feel uncomfortable there.

    So property manager comes out and is looking at it, laughs at the cup and says that's just our back up maintenance guy. Says he will get the main one to come check it out later today. But he said due to the rain it's probably just rain water built up and several apartments have had this problem. (Think he was trying to down play it)

    They come back like 15 minutes later because main guy came in and said they think it's ground water going through a crack in the slab. And told me they'll be back before 5 PM but didn't give me an exact time.

    So I WAITED. Heard nothing from them, they didn't even come back and knock. What I witnessed blew my mind. I haven't leased my own apartment before, just sublet so I never had to deal with this kind of stuff.

    My concerns is that this water is going to build up around the tile and the vanity/wall to cause mold. It's been there for over a week now. I put in my maintenance request.

    So it's been a couple days since Maintenance came out. No contact since then. The Cup under the toilet pipe is filling with water so it looks to be a plumbing issue. Still have yet to receive a call to them. Worried that the water is going to cause mold. They're being extremely unprofessional and I would think they would be more on top of things so this place doesn't get water damage. I'm not around all the time to constantly re-empty the cup either.

    What would be my options be to get them to fix it? To ask for a new apartment without issues?

    submitted by /u/throawa114
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    [NYC] A pharmacist publicly made a comment about the personal and medical information of me and another guest.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 04:06 PM PST

    I picked up a prescription earlier this week, and had to wait a few minutes for it to be filled. The next guest in line, a total stranger to me, also had to wait for her prescription. We were sitting in chairs when the pharmacist came out to the waiting area and handed me my prescription, commenting out loud that me and the other guest had "the same birthday, month-day-year" (she actually said the date) and were picking up "the same medicine, pill name" (she actually said the pill's name). "Isn't that a crazy coincidence?"

    There were others in the waiting area besides this other guest that had to have heard. I was mortified that she would not only reveal my birthday, which is bad enough, to a group of people, but also reveal my prescription, which is a recognizable name and easily identifies what I need it for. And of course I was mortified for the other young woman as well.

    Should I report this? Is this HIPAA related? Am I overreacting?

    submitted by /u/ingrid0513
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    Rejected condo application & security deposit

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:01 AM PST

    I have a situation regarding security deposits and rental agreements.

    A few days ago, I signed a lease agreement to rent out a room in a condo unit with the unit owner beginning February 1. Since the unit is in a condo building I also had to be approved by the property managers of the condo. However, my HOA application was denied and now the unit owner is not willing to return my security deposit. Given that I have not moved in, received keys to the apartment, and my application was denied by the HOA, do I still have a claim to my security deposit?

    Additionally, this is located in the Chicago area if anyone happens to have any knowledge of the local laws. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/tsktskfeels
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    My employer is "holding back" my pay

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 04:41 PM PST

    I just started a new job about 2 weeks ago. I live in Virginia. My employer mentioned sort of offhand how the first 40 hours would be "held back" (her words not mine) and I know how payroll works so I thought she was just referring to me not getting my check for a couple of weeks which is fine by me. But I just got my check and looked at my pay stub and it said I worked 11 hours for the week of 1/18-1/24 even though I was working full time for that week.

    So now I'm worried she actually is trying to not pay me for the first 40 hours I worked for her, because if I'm doing my math right I've worked a little over 50 hours so far, so she has only counted /after/ those first 40.

    My question is if I should approach her about it now or if there could be a reasonable explanation like she has just shifted the dates because she didn't have my direct deposit information yet so maybe she put hours worked from two weeks ago as last week.

    Please help

    submitted by /u/thesingingfox
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    [NY] Landlord required to give notice of non-emergency water shutoffs?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 05:18 PM PST

    My landlord often shuts off my water with zero notice. I just go to the tap and there's no water. Once I call my super, he usually tells me that it's due to work on some other unit and is not able to provide me with an estimate of how long the shutoff will last.

    My sense is that this is not legal, but I don't have a law to point to to back that up. Any NY landlord-tenant lawyers able to point me in the right direction? I Googled around but couldn't find something directly applicable to my situation.

    submitted by /u/honesttickonastick
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    Just found out I’m getting my wages garnished on a vehicle that my credit said was a closed case. Help how do I fix this.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:34 PM PST

    My grandma is threatening to call the cops on me for hanging out with my sister

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 04:58 PM PST

    I tried Google but Google didn't help much with my question. So recently I moved out and I still care take of my younger siblings that live with my grandma. I take my sister to and from school/work and my brothers I pick up from school. Today when I picked up my sister (17) we decided to hang out. At first she forgot to tell my grandma but when my grandma called she was pissy but allowed it. We were 30 to 40 minutes away from the house and the moment my grandmother called angry and demanding she come home before dark, then hung up without letting my sister speak. We left but then unexpected traffic hit and the drive ended up taking an hour. When we were less than 3 minutes of the house my grandmother called for like the 3rd time in the drive demanding she come home that instant but we were on the way, less than 3 minutes. We can't do nothing about the traffic. Then as we were approaching the house she was yelling into the phone that my sister come home now that she's going to call the cops on me and make them force my sister home. She hung up to "do it" then called back bc she realized she wasn't finished with what she wanted to say. She was saying she'll tell them that I kidnapped my sister and I wasn't bringing her back and stuff like that till the moment I dropped her off. I could hear the yelling from the backyard of what my grandma was saying on the phone, that's how loud she was.

    So my question is, can I get in trouble legally in a situation like that? We had permission to hang out and the moment my grandmother called we were on our way back as fast as possible.

    As right as I was about to post this my sister messaged me that my grandma was going to message my boss (my grandma's old boss/friend + my sisters and my boss) to tell her to fire me and to withdraw my sister from working. So legal advice can I get legally trouble for what just happened and can my boss fire me based off whatever my grandma tells her?

    I do have a backup job that will 98% take me in but it's a lot further and lesser pay.

    submitted by /u/everlinedear
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    Dog Divorce

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:23 AM PST

    This is occurring in Florida.

    So my buddy (T) and his ex wife(A) got a divorce a couple years ago and they had a verbal agreement to share their dog (bought together). One of them goes out of town the other takes care of the dog, but the primary caretaker for the weekly care was T. Initially, they stuck to this agreement but then A would leave town for a while for work or vacation and T would essentially take care of their dog for a longer term (at least all of 2020). I'm not aware of any "child support" payments made in this situation, so its safe to assume T has been footing the bill financially for their dog the entirety of this arrangement. The dog is microchipped and in T's name only. Opinion: There is no question that this dogs owner is T. Not saying that A doesn't love the dog, but who doesn't love dogs?

    T has since remarried and the new wife no longer wants him to have contact with his ex wife, which I completely understand. So T, being the good guy he is, willingly gives this dog to A for one last time and lets her know his plan moving forward, which is for T to be the sole owner of the dog. She, as expected by everyone but T, takes the dog, sends a string of texts stating she doesn't like the new agreement, and blocks his number.

    Is there a legal path to get this dog returned to T?

    Edit to Add: They had a dissolution of marriage so no assets were involved

    submitted by /u/sznz-greetinz
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    Will DNA test result trump Affidavit of Parentage for Child Born Out of Wedlock?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:50 PM PST

    Hi all,

    I'm the Representative of the estate of my dad. My mom and him divorced a long time ago and he died a few months back without a will (in North Carolina)

    I've been doing all the legal paperwork on my own to inherit his estate, and it's a work in progress. I don't have any attorney to ask this question, that's why I'm turning to Reddit.

    I just got a letter from the attorney of his girlfriend, claiming that her son should also be one of the heirs. I asked her to do DNA test but she refused, saying that my dad signed the Affidavit of Parentage for Child Born Out of Wedlock, and that's enough to claim a part of the estate.

    My question is, is her claim correct? If the DNA result proved that her son is not his son, will that invalidate the Affidavit paper? And is there any way to do DNA test when my dad was cremated?

    I'd appreciate your responses.

    submitted by /u/logitech112
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    [NC] My hobby business suddenly got really popular and a business consultant advised me to become an S Corp. I have no idea where to begin with all this.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 02:02 PM PST

    Online, it looks like all I have to do is fill out a form and send it to the IRS.

    Several issues...

    1. My LLC is a digital marketing agency that I started 2 years ago. I started a completely different hobby that people started paying me for so... new business, but same LLC name. I'd like to change my LLC name.
    2. I filed through ZenBusiness and they were not helpful when I asked him for help. They told me to "call the IRS" but with COVID and stimulus checks being backed up, I don't anticipate getting an answer anytime soon.

    So, I thought to just dissolve my LLC and hire a lawyer to help me start an S Corps from scratch? Would that be stupid? I have no employees, it's just me and an independent contractor for now. I don't want to bring on more people until I have this situated.

    More info: this is a completely online business that sells digital products and a service. No physical location or shipping at all.

    submitted by /u/grumblegrumblegoblin
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