• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 26, 2021

    Legal Advice - My mother is planning to wrongfully claim me as a dependent, which will cause me to lose out on a LOT of financial aid for college.

    Legal Advice - My mother is planning to wrongfully claim me as a dependent, which will cause me to lose out on a LOT of financial aid for college.

    My mother is planning to wrongfully claim me as a dependent, which will cause me to lose out on a LOT of financial aid for college.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 10:35 AM PST

    Background info: My parents are divorced and have a parenting plan in place which states that my older brother and I have split custody between both parents and each parent gets to claim one of us as dependents. My dad is supposed to claim my brother and my mom gets to claim me.

    At the beginning of 2020, my mom kicked me out. I moved in full time with my dad, and have been putting his financial info on all of my scholarship applications, financial aid applications, and on the FAFSA since I lived with him exclusively for almost the entire year. Now, my mom is saying she still plans to claim me as a dependent. Im worried that if I have 2 parents incomes listed instead of my dad, I will lose a lot of the government assistance I was planning on getting. The parenting plan does state that she gets to claim me, but I am 18 now and she did not provide any of my financial support this year. Is there anything i can do to prevent her from claiming me?

    Edit: I am in Colorado

    submitted by /u/Cherry3_1415
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    [MD] My parents filled out several medical forms specifically intended for me which resulted in my ADHD diagnosis being repealed.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 05:15 AM PST

    My parents do not believe in mental health problems. I am however, diagnosed with ADHD, Depression, and Anxiety which requires a 504 plan at my school. I had a virtual doctors visit yesterday to confirm if I am eligible for the 504 plan and my parents took advantage of that to take the forms which I am supposed to fill out and they filled them out and submitted them.

    This resulted in numerous things occurring...

    •My prescription for ADHD medications is going to be cancelled

    •I am no longer eligible for counseling from our insurance

    And worst of all

    •My 504 is to be removed

    Now one of the forms was specifically designated for them, but there were two forms specifically designated for me, the patient, which they completed "for me".

    I examined the results of the questionnaires all the questions referred to whether I had felt a certain way mentally in the past few days, weeks, or months, there was no way they could've answered those questions.

    I am only 15 and I feel like my parents crossed a line. Can they legally do what they did?

    Edit: formatting

    submitted by /u/Aidan_M_172
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    UPDATE: Found mom's will and she wanted the house sold, but I want to keep it.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:49 AM PST

    Hello! I'm from Texas and my mother passed away last week. I have been asking in this sub of what to do going forward since she passed without a will and I am her only child. My SO and I went to mom's house and found a holographic will. However in this will, she stated "I want my house sold and all proceeds to go to my daughter." Will this legally hold up? I planned on living in the house, so I don't want it to be sold. Should I show my attorney this will or just pretend it doesn't exist and proceed with probate and heirship?

    submitted by /u/toomuchnothingness
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    Landlord put out rat poison without notification. Dog got into it.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 11:23 AM PST

    I live in Chicago, IL. Landlord put rat poison in a common area outside without notifying residents. It was placed under a neighbors deck. My dog got into it when coming back from a walk. She's at the vet now. There are children and other dogs that live in this apt complex.

    Does my landlord need to notify residents of the poison placement? If so, could he be responsible for vet costs?

    Edit: The active ingredient of the poison is diphacinone. It was not placed in a container of any sort. It was spread out on the ground.

    submitted by /u/anonomous_in_chicago
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    Can someone help me understand the eviction mortiorium? My 21 year old son used our family summer home for a week (with permission of course) and one of his friends refuses to leave and keeps citing an "eviction moritorium" Its a crazy story but I would love soom insight... thanks!

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 12:32 PM PST

    So we own a family vacation home that my wife and I purchased a few years ago its about an hour from where we live. My son and his roomates from college wanted to stay there over college break so they werent going to their respective families to quarentine (and also to avoid the potential spread of covid) so I happily agreed. I had only met 2 of the 5 kids going but I figured there would be no problem. I have a "Ring" doorbell on the house so I had seen no more than 6 cars in the driveway the entire time, meaning there were no parties being thrown (which was one of the agreements) and I had figured everything was fine.

    They were staying there for a total of 35 days. I had texted with my son and about 2 weeks in spoke with him over the phone. Everything seemed fine. Then I spoke with him a day before they were leaving and he told me 2 of his friends said they wouldnt leave... and that they were saying because of an "eviction moritorium" they had a right to stay there without being evicted after staying for 30 nights. I figured it was a joke and just told my son to make sure he's the last one out of the house, turn off the lights and electronics, lock the doors, yadda yadda.

    Well the morning they were supposed to leave, my son went to get coffee at a local place about 10 minutes away while everyone was packing to leave/leaving. He called me and said 2 of his friends had already left, and 1 had met him in the driveway saying that 2 kids (who I will now call A & B) had locked themselves inside and refused to leave. My son had tried to go to the door but it was locked and a chair on the inside was blocking it from even being opened. One of them had left an envelope taped to the door citing an eviction mortiorium, and basically saying that A & B would only be speaking with the home owner from here on out.

    At first I had thought this was a prank because its so unbelievable, but when they refused to come out for 3 hours I knew they weren't kidding. I had my son leave and go back to school, and I got in my car and drove down to MY house to try and convince these entitled brats to get off my property.

    I pulled up and walked in through the back door, because I always keep the master key for it. My kitchen was a wreck, there were plates and pans all over the place, empty bottles and cans around the table, it was disgusting. I went into one of the bedrooms and found A&B playing video games on a TV they dragged from the master bedroom. I unplugged it and they told me I legally had to be off the property because they were there first. They just kept telling me that if I had an issue to speak with their lawyer, but I told them to stop playing these stupid games and to just leave. I also should note that I told them both to put on masks and they refused, so knowing that I was potentially exposing myself to Covid-19 I just left the property telling them that they had no knowledge of the law, that they never rented my home so it didnt apply to them, and that they better leave.

    Now here we are a day later. My husband drove down there at around 4AM and noticed the light on our porch was turned on, and heard speakers. He saw A & B with a bunch of random college aged kids partying through our living room window. He came back home and this morning we contacted A's parents, we got the parents contact information from our son's friend. The mother was super nice bjt basically said her son doesnt live with her anymore and theres nothing she could do.

    These kids refuse to leave my house and are trying to deny us access. They are telling us because of the Covid eviction moritorium they can stay there and quote "the lawyers" will work out the payment and stuff after the Covid crisis is over or when they "feel like" leaving.

    I have suspended the cable on the television and disabled the bedroom ceiling fans and lighting (they are connected to an app on our phone actually) and they contacted my son informing them that violates the eviction moritorium and to "reinstate" everything as was when they arrived.

    If you want to picture the type of kids A&B are, they are your typical douchey frat boys that wear the pink shorts and button down shirts.

    Im not one for reddit, but aside from getting an actual lawyer involved in these college kid level antics- What should I do? Im pretty sympathetic to the fact that college kids do crazy and spontaneous things and that they can be entitled, but this is another level.

    submitted by /u/ApplicationMindless1
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    Deceased mom’s “Husband” wants her death certificate to read “married” and not “single” ????

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:55 PM PST

    Ok this is some messy stuff so buckle up:

    My mom had a debilitating case of bi-polar /paranoid schizophrenia and spent the better part of the last 17 years drifting in and out of lucidity and making some very irrational decisions along the way. She passed in May of last year.

    During that same time frame, I learned that she had been living with a man from another country for approx. 3 years, and at one point had claimed that they were married. We were all under the impression that they were not, and never found any legal documentation that would make us believe otherwise. This guy had been deported by the time I came into town, but I believe he was back in the U.S. by July of last year. We believe he has a wife and 3 children in (country).

    Recently, a family member received a letter from the county my mom lived in stating that he was trying to get her death certificate to state that she was married to him. I am livid because I think he is trying to use this as a way to stay in the U.S. and feel that he may even have forged the documentation. If everything goes through and they change my mom's death certificate, what would he be entitled to? Is there anything I can do / should look out for?? Feeling very helpless here...

    submitted by /u/your_dad1
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    Landlord is stating we can not leave at the end of lease term and they will be increasing our rent 800$ from 1700 to 2500 for the last two months we are forced into

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:50 PM PST

    We have been negotiating our new lease for weeks now. They have changed the terms from our previous lease and we have been arguing they honor those terms as they have to do with painting the walls and we already did. Our lease ends on Feb 11. We told them we will vacate and now they're saying we have to provide 60 day written notice in order to do so and we will switch to a month to month tenancy which includes a 800/month rent increase. Our lease was 30+pages and with tricky wording it can be interpreted that we must provide 60 day written notice to vacate. I'm in Utah. Are we screwed and need to eat this or is this illegal?

    submitted by /u/jillkillsbeauty
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    [California] Seller on Depop is demanding sports bras back after I paid her for them; she's claiming I'm in possession of stolen goods and is demanding compensation

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:25 AM PST

    I bought six sports bras and two 90s crop tops on Depop from a seller in New York, now she's been messaging me via there demanding them back claiming:

    You got stolen goods, I got the goods on you.

    Jenna (the seller) is demanding compensation for the goods which I paid for; I sent her money via PayPal.

    She's threatening to get her sister to come and get me unless I send her the goods back.

    I spent around $200 via this Depop store and thought I got good customer service.

    I've also had phone calls at 4am from this depop seller, and had gifts delivered to my house (mainly alcohol and candy) and emails to my work address (I'm on my company's website) demanding compensation.

    I don't know whether to go to the cops in my area or in NYC; who should I go to.

    This has gone on for six weeks now, and the seller is insistent about me sending the sports bras back within the next 3 weeks.

    submitted by /u/gawnett-2h-hha
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    Zoom therapist holding our sessions with her husband in the room. Confidentiality breach?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 07:40 PM PST

    I can't see him. I can hear him. Talking on the phone, doing dishes... normal, milling around the house sounds. The first time I heard him I told my therapist I was distracted by the background noise and that it sounded like someone was talking. She acted confused, pretended to investigate. I took note that she was not wearing earbuds. The next session she said, "I got new earbuds. These will cancel our sound better if my husband is making any noise" and immediately after she said that I could hear him loudly cough in the background. I believe she made it a point to bring up that she "got new earbuds" because she simply was not wearing them before. If she admitted to not wearing earbuds she would be admitting to breaking confidentiality. Even if she is wearing earbuds, her husband can still hear half of the conversation. Additionally, nothing is keeping him from looking at me on her screen. Question: Isn't this a breach of confidentiality whether she is wearing earbuds or not?

    submitted by /u/Way-O
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    Fraudulent Demand Letter with Stolen Letterhead

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:15 PM PST

    I recently had an altercation with a neighbor, specifics not important and they are being giant dicks about me owing them money. Again, specifics not important.

    Today I got an envelope via FedEx that I signed for and inside is an envelope with a law firms name, logo, and address. Inside the envelope with the same law firms letterhead. The content is maybe best described as a demand letter but written like an 8th grader pretending to do law using terms like "We" "my" and "our" and asking that I contact said neighbor directly to resolve the issue by paying them to avoid more legal stuff.

    So obviously this is written by my neighbor. But playing dumb I call the law firm to be sure and turns out neighbor works there (not as a lawyer) and the firm confirmed to me that they are not representing the neighbor and will handle the matter.

    My question is, do I have a responsibility to report this to the local DA? What's going to happen here? What if neighbor does take me to small claims court? (as would be the correct normal and sane way for neighbor to try and resolve this if we can't agree)

    submitted by /u/Minute-Singer1327
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    My old employer copied my signature

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 09:31 PM PST

    I live in Colorado Springs, CO. I recently was put into a situation where my employer highly suggested a resignation with the other option that I would be fired soon. I'm under the inclination that there was some malicious intent in this portion, but I'm not as worried about this as I am about the fact that I found out my old employer actually copied my signature from one document and pasted it onto another document to signify that I had seen this document. Normally I wouldn't think too much on this, but now I'm starting to worry about what else they feel comfortable pasting my signature onto.

    Some background I am a registered behavioral technician and I work with children on the autism spectrum and per my code of ethics under the behavior analyst certification board I'm required to obtain 5 percent of my hours as supervised and to prove this we have documentation to state that yes this happened. I resigned from my company on Thursday January 21 and today I received documents from december 8 and January 14 and they both very very clearly were copy pastings of my signature. I know for a fact I did not sign these documents.

    My code of ethics states that I first confront the offending party but as I was just basically forced to quit that company, I don't really feel comfortable going to them. Second step is to follow the next legal steps as this is fraud I believe. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/Pr1nc3ssP34ch
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    Two different drivers hit my house. Do I have any legal options?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 07:26 AM PST

    Location: Wisconsin

    In August of 2019 in the middle of the night a presumably drunk driver

    drove blew through a stop sign, ran across my neighbor's yard and hit my parked car in my driveway. Then his car continued sideways into my house. I woke up immediately and within 60 seconds ran outside. His airbags had deployed and he had fled the scene but left his car there. I called 911 since I had no clue what to do. The firefighters and EMT showed up and they towed his car away. My car was totaled. The house had quite a bit of siding and chimney damage. Since the guy fled the scene and I have a totaled car along with house damage I filed a claim with my insurance. 1 month later, the driver showed up to the local police station and provided insurance information.

    I handled my entire claim through my insurance. It was estimated that his speed was 90 miles per hour to go airborne like he did and go the good 100 feet through my neighbor's yard.

    In April of 2020, I was on the deck in my backyard and it happened again. This time, a woman kept driving through the stop sign and plowed into my car and the crashed into my deck. I was trapped for a few minutes until I could get my leg loose and I then went to see if I could offer her assistance. She tried to restart her car and pull away, but her car was pinned in the wreckage. Another call to 911 and the police arrested her and towed away her car. Another claim to my insurance company to replace my again totaled car and rebuild my deck and additional damage to the corner of my house. I believe that she was also insured but since she was high, non-cooperative and being arrested, I didn't have the time to get her insurance info.

    I asked the village where I live to do something regarding these accidents for public safety. The responded by installing signage with a concrete base to deter drivers from crashing into my house. My house was built in the 20's and nothing like this has ever happened before. If I showed you pictures of how far my house is from the road, you would think this isn't even really possible.

    I then received a non-renewal letter from my insurance for both car and auto. My rates about doubled for car and about tripled for home.

    Obviously, this really stinks since I wasn't even driving or doing anything other than sitting at home. Plus I won't lie, my partner and I have been a bit high strung over these incidents and get a bit stressed out when we observe traffic doing the old rolling stop at the sign once in a while.

    My question is do I have any legal remedy for any of these additional out of pocket costs? I kept a log of time I had to miss work to deal with contractors and such for these repairs. Additionally, in the first accident I lost equity in car. Also, my rates increased dramatically for insurance. Do I have any recourse for this? Are there any other options that I have? I realize that you can sue anyone for anything, but is that feasible here?

    Any advice is appreciated. Thanks for reading the long story.

    submitted by /u/throwaway126210
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    Seller sold house while under contract with me

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 07:49 AM PST

    Hello everyone -looking for some help here:

    I was under an Agreement of Sale for a home until 1/31. Closing was supposed to happen 1/29 and the seller apparently sold the house to someone else as a cash sale a couple weeks ago.

    Currently my title company is trying to see what solutions they can work with all parties.

    I have only talked to one lawyer so far who seems to think I can only sue for damages for my inspection/appraisal costs.

    Does anyone have any experience with this? I was doing a full 203k where the property was going to most likely have equity in it, and there are no properties like this in my area.

    I am in the state of Pennsylvania

    submitted by /u/dregan777
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    Yelp - HIPAA violation?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:13 PM PST

    Hi, just wanted some quick opinions on this.

    My mom posted a negative review on a doctor's Yelp page, and the doctor posted a pretty lengthy response in which he identified the patient (me) by my first name and last initial. He did not discuss the procedure I'm planning to undergo, but he did mention details such as my consultation date ("three weeks from now"). My mom's review did not mention me by name—just the procedure in question, as well as her complaint. (And the review was posted from her account, under her own name, so the first mention of my name came from the doctor.)

    When I emailed him and asked him to remove my name from the response, he told me that Yelp "anonymizes users by first name last initial," and that his reply will disappear if my mom deletes the whole review. She has refused to do so.

    Is the doctor violating HIPAA here? I've reported the review to Yelp but have no idea when/if I'll hear back from them.

    submitted by /u/throwaway11752
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    Critical meds are covered by our insurance plan, but the pharmacy is trying to charge me over $1000 per dose. No one can tell me why and I can't switch pharmacies. Help!

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 07:34 PM PST

    Hey y'all! I apologize if this isn't the right place for this question, but I'm at the end of my rope.

    My son is trans and has been on lupron for a little over a year. It's a hella expensive medication regardless, but initially the insurance + copay assist paid all but a $10 copay. Perfect. Better than I expected. Last year at some point it went from $10 to $100. I don't specifically know what happened, maybe the copay assistance ran out (it pays a total of $1300 per year), but that's still doable for us. But I went to fill it last week and they're telling me my out of pocket is over $1000 per dose. We can't just use another med, but we can't pay for it.

    I'm currently trying to track down wtf is even happening. My calls to insurance all end with them telling me it should be $100 not $1000 and they have no idea why it's doing that. At one point last night, the insurance rep tried a test file claim and initially it gave her the $1000 amount. She couldn't figure out why it would be like that because that's not how my plan is set up, but then when she ran it a "different way" it came back to be the $100. She told me something like they "reclassified" some expensive drugs or something and now people are running into issues. I was supposed to call the pharmacy and "tell them to run the claim properly." I asked if she could give me any instructions as to how to do that and she refused. Did...they do something shady so that the claims would come back funny? Is this a way to con their patients into not refilling?

    Every time I call, they're giving me some different explanation for why I owe this money and I'm no closer to a resolution after 20 hours of phone calls. And then randomly the amount that I owed went from $1100 to $1750. No one seemed to notice or have any idea why. I know my medical plan and I don't owe this money. I confirmed 5 times with insurance that I don't owe this money. But I can't convince CVS specialty pharmacy of this and I have CVS caremark insurance, so I literally cannot fill this prescription through any other pharmacy.

    I'm not making any progress and my kid needs these medications. What should I do? Would a lawyer or a disability advocate be able to help me? What would you do in this situation? I'm in Indiana.

    submitted by /u/Hysterymystery
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    Is my neighbor liable to repair a block wall that his

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 09:27 PM PST

    California. We experienced 95 mile winds last week. A neighbor's tree swayed, the trunk of his cypress tree caused damage (fallen bricks everywhere). We spoke to the owners kindly and invited them over to our backyard. They Looked at the damage and immediately stated that they didn't want to spend very much money. We haven't heard from them. What should we do?

    submitted by /u/glensbabe
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    Ex-GF Threatened to Sue Me for My Car

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 07:04 PM PST


    I bought a car and let my ex-gf (current GF at the time) use it. The car is financed and titled in my name only. Our agreement was she would give me the money for the payments and pay the insurance. She has been late multiple times but is currently current. We originally agreed she would purchase (or her family) the car from me by December. Now that December has passed, she has violated our original agreement.

    She has violated other conditions of our agreement such as letting unauthorized people drive it, missing payments, and not selling her own car. This is was the originally reason the car was purchased.

    Isn't this promissory estoppel? I purchased the car because she would be carless, she agreed to make the payments then purchase by December. I relied on that promise to my detriment. Now that she didn't uphold her side of the deal, I am now damaged.

    She threatens to sue me for all the payments she made and stall the sale of the car in court. I want to sale this vehicle as soon as possible because the deal has been broken. This is in Alabama, USA.

    Does she have any right to sue me? Do I have any right to sue her?

    I would appreciate any help on this situation. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Jdndjdj737373
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    New homeowner - The garage got split into a second address

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 06:55 PM PST

    Hi everyone I need some advice since I'm not sure where to look or who to ask. I live in Quebec (Canada) and just bought a house. The house is on a pretty big piece of land. So here's my dilemma.

    The previous owners turned the garage into a separate address. It got filed with the city and everything. Not now, but in about two to three years when all the renovations are done, I would like to reclaim the garage. And that's where I'm lost. The garage was originally part of the house. Now it's not. But I didn't just buy my house but the whole land the garage (new address) sits on. From what I've gathered, there hasn't been too much renovations done in there except to make it livable. It's basically a studio now.

    And that's where you guys come in. Does anyone know if I can reclaim that house legally? Because at the end of the day, the "studio/garage" is on my land.

    I don't have any plans on evicting them out of the blue or any time soon (especially with everything happening) but I still need to figure out if it's possible! The previous owners basically leased the garage/studio to other tenants and it's a two year agreement, signed just before they sold it to me.

    Thanks in advance everyone

    submitted by /u/Tilou_wondering
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    Do I have to change my youtube channel name if a phrase is trademarked?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 06:40 PM PST


    I created a cooking channel this year called Season Liberally. Its a small cooking show and I don't make any money off of it. I may try to eventually if it gets big enough to notice. That being said someone who watches my channel said that a company called Penzey's spices have trademarked that saying.


    Should I be worried or should I rebrand as the channel has under 50 videos on it.


    submitted by /u/cecilxx
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    How to handle noise complaints in an apartment?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 06:20 PM PST

    I just moved to Tennessee and today I received a noise complaint letter from my landlord. The letter says there have been several after hours (between 10pm and 8am) complaints. The building was built in the 70s so the floors and walls are thin and I can hear a reasonable amount of noise from my neighbor above but it's typical 'living' sounds that you'd expect to hear through a floor built 50 years ago. Would the person below me have to prove that I am unnecessarily loud or can my landlord evict me due to multiple complaints from one person?

    I wear slippers to muffle my feet when I walk. Especially when I wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Accidents have happened where I stumble or drop something. I sleep with the tv barely audible and made sure that any sound producing electronics aren't on a shared wall. I called the office to speak with the manager to discuss the sound that is being reported and I never received a call back. What can I do to prevent this from becoming a problem?

    submitted by /u/swaggot
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    [CA] Tenant/Landlord: Am I responsible for concessions my Landlord has made with new tenants on a lease takeover?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 06:59 AM PST

    I've been renting an apartment in Los Angeles and my lease ends at the end of February 2021. I've been looking for a new tenant to take over my lease since November 2020 to save money in areas I could due to COVID. My landlord found someone who wanted to rent starting in February 2021, which would start the last month of my lease. Lease was signed and I was tasked with moving out immediately the weekend of 1/23 as the tenant wanted to move in 1/29. I did not mind giving up a week that I paid for in order to accommodate the new tenant.

    However, once I handed in my keys, my landlord informed me that they had offered the new tenant a three week concession in order for them to sign and that it would be my responsibility to pay for those three weeks. With the expenses I incurred to move everything out so suddenly + this sudden information about paying for the concessions, I would've been better off just letting the lease run out for the final month.

    I have a trail of text showing discussions that the new tenant will move in 1/29 and that I was never informed that I'd be responsible for concessions beforehand and that it was only stated to me after I dropped my keys off. Do I have any Legal recourse to push back? I believe they will not give me back my full security deposit if I refuse to pay.

    submitted by /u/karate_tiger
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    My lawyer is trying to force me to petition for financial support from my soon to be ex husband. Is this standard practice?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 05:19 PM PST

    My STBX and I are pursuing an amicable divorce in Illinois after over a year of being separated. We have comparable incomes, and I am not interested in pursuing any form of financial support. We have also already divided our assets, and arranged a 50/50 custody schedule of our one child.

    We hired a lawyer to take us through the divorce process to ensure everything was filed appropriately since neither of us are familiar with the process. After two verbal conversations with the lawyer expressing the above, they sent me a petition that included a request for child and spousal support and stated I did not have "adequate income" to support myself and my child.

    I have responded 3 times over the past two weeks to my lawyer stating clearly that I am not pursuing financial support and am not comfortable signing a petition requesting support, or stating that I have "inadequate income". Each time they have responded that this is "standard practice" and pushing me to sign the petition as is.

    Is this actually a "standard practice" or should I find a new lawyer that better represents my interests? If I do have to pursue a new lawyer, can I get my retainer back?

    submitted by /u/starrytardis
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