• Breaking News

    Monday, January 25, 2021

    Legal Advice - I'm going to lose my job because I don't speak Spanish.

    Legal Advice - I'm going to lose my job because I don't speak Spanish.

    I'm going to lose my job because I don't speak Spanish.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:32 AM PST

    Edit: I've been in training all day, but want to take the time to thank everyone who has been reaching out with resources and support it is beyond appreciated. I will be meeting with a spanish tutor tonight thanks to you guys. I have a meeting with the hiring bosses IN PERSON this week. Not ideal, but not my choice. So if I'm not fired this week, I will continue to try and pursue learning Spanish as fast as possible and keep my eyes open for other opportunities in case I need something to fall back on.

    For context this is in CA. I just landed a dream job working for a nonprofit public Service agency. All paperwork has been signed, including offer letter, and I've been training for the last 3 weeks. It came about conversation that I was the only employee that did not speak Spanish fluently. When I asked my trainer if that would be an issue she advised she wasn't sure and that they hired me knowing my skills so it should be fine?

    That same week my trainer accidentally left her mic on during a zoom session while taking a call from my boss. I overheard them talking about how bad they feel about letting me go because I do not speak Spanish. They went back and forth about questions whether I was asked if I spoke Spanish, who interviewed me, and even what nationality I was. From what I took away from the conversation somehow I was hired even though I didn't meet the minimum requirements for the job (that being to speak spanish).

    Of course when my trainer realized her error she had to be honest with me about their conversation. She was able to talk to the director and sway her to believe I could pick up Spanish quickly based on how quickly I've been picking up the training. They told me that they would allow me to have my 120-day probationary period and see where I'm at after that. I start working my caseload in February and do not believe I can gain the skills I need to speak fluently with families in that time. I've been reminded that my trainer is not my translator. I've been offered no support in paying for Spanish classes, tutoring, or even access to online programs like Rosetta or Babble.

    The worst thing about this is I relocated for this job. I have rent due next month and I have no idea what I'm going to do. I priced out options for courses and private tutoring but to be honest it would be a stretch trying to make my regular bills and paying for the classes I need. It took me like 6 months to find this job, the idea of going back to looking is grim.

    My question is what is my recourse?

    What can I do in this position what might my employer be obligated to provide to me. I feel that this situation was no doing of my own and that they should be a little bit more responsible. I would like them to either find me a job that I can do within the company that doesn't require the language or at least assist me in paying for services to learn. all my communication has been through my trainer and from what I'm gathering they are simply offering me my 120-day probationary period. I'm pretty sure that means you either sink or swim.

    Course I understand what is the right thing to do isn't always the legal obligation.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/enzoo00oo
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    I’m being sued by the drunk driver who hit me for a million dollars

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:27 PM PST

    On New Year's Day 2019 I was involved in a accident where I made left turn on a highway and got rear ended by a drunk driver going over the speed limit, now that drunk driver is suing me even though I was not at fault,my insurance sued her insurance and what not, I want to know what leg does the drunk driver have to stand on I'm in Central Texas

    submitted by /u/seanlundqvist
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    Employer held a handgun to my head while in the main office

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 03:39 PM PST

    **Update: The mentioned director has been released from jail with the federal detainer dropped pending the investigation. Lawyer must be amazing.. The mentioned firearm has not yet been recovered but they are executing a search warrant on the office where this occurred. I don't know much more than that at the moment but I'm a little surprised he was able to pull off having a federal detainer dropped.

    I'll try to keep this post organized and explain the situation as best I can. I greatly appreciate any advice or guidance provided.

    A little background to begin. I am a manager at a midsized home health care agency in PA. I have been at this company for just shy of a year. We typically operate smoothly with a little hiccup here and there, never anything major. Recently due to an issue beyond our control, the area that I currently operate was running a bit in the red. We held a meeting in office today to address the ongoing issue. During this meeting which included the Director of Operations, his assistant, a HR Specialist and myself, a disagreement began over what the root cause of the deficit was. During this disagreement, the Director of Operations began screaming and reached in a drawer at the desk he was at and proceeded to pull a handgun out and point it directly at the side of my head while threatening to kill me. The remaining office staff ran out and called the police who showed up rather quickly and the situation immediately deescalated when he noticed the police outside. The police then determined he is actively on federal probation and he was subsequently arrested and charged.

    While I have an idea of what the next steps are going to look like for him, I have absolutely no idea what my next steps are supposed to be. Obviously I'm pretty upset by the situation and clearly cannot return to this job. Do I have grounds to sue? Can I file unemployment while I'm seeking my next job?Do I just stay thankful I'm alive and keep moving? Any advice on how I should approach this would be appreciated.

    Thank you in advance everyone!

    submitted by /u/issabrnt
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    Wife picked up a needle in her foot at the gym, her class sinstructor broke it off in her foot. At urgent care, what do we do next?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 06:52 AM PST

    So long story short, my wife was at the gym and after a couple of exercises in a class, as she was walking to the cleanup station and suddenly noticed a shooting pain in her foot.

    She wasn't able to get her shoe off, and her instructor came to help and just sort of yanked her shoe off.

    Turns out it was a sewing needle. A very large one. And when he yanked off the shoe, it snapped in half. Leaving half in her foot, and the other half was found in her shoe.

    Now like many middle class Americans, we do not have health insurance and are sitting at Urgent Care waiting for someone to be able to help us.

    My question is, what to do next? There is no way this came from our home. And the actions by the instructor (albeit he was trying to help) have led to this. Do we present them the medical fees? Lawsuit? What's the best course of action here?

    Edit I am posting here because my wife and I have never experienced something like this. Regardless of my situation financially, the bill was paid for in fu up front.

    However, knowing that we don't even own a sewing needle (millennials, sheesh) and that her shoes live inside her gym bag, the only thing we could think of is if someone had a sewing kit for buttons in their bag and it fell out and was brushed aside until it was picked up in her sock. Her gym is filled with elderly people, and trust me, elderly people carry sewing kits, at least in our area (for emergency button repair).

    Something to point out, I am not looking for an excuse to sue anybody, I am simply looking to see options for umecessary and unexpected medical payments and the excruciating pain my wife is now experiencing because of it. She didn't even want to ask the company about the medical bill. Which is fine. I just wanted input, advice, and possible options and outcomes.

    For those with serious answers I greatly appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/Crunkwrap_Supreme
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    If I were to report my mother to CPS or an authority of some kind for not sending my brother to school for the past three years, what would the legal consequences be for her? (Michigan)

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:53 PM PST

    My mother has not provided my brother (15) with a proper education over the past few years; as he did not enroll in the second semester of eighth grade, did not enroll in the first semester of ninth grade, and was not enrolled in the first semester of tenth grade this year and she provided zero homeschooling.

    My brother has really bad anger issues; such as punching walls, kicking holes in doors, etc. I feel she might be a bit scared to get him to attend school, but she is doing absolutely nothing to help him prepare for the future. He has some type of learning disability and has struggled with school a lot. He is playing video games all day and has been staying up until 6 AM for the past few years and I am very worried about his mental and physical well being. I am also quite scared for my own well being, as I am scared he will harm me in some way - as he has threatened to a few times. I do not want him to become a danger to society.

    What legal consequences would be in store for her if I were to report this? Is there a way to go about reporting this without this seeming like it is entirely her fault, or will the law treat her without remorse? I've read that I have 30 days to move out if she does kick me out for reporting her, is that true?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/EggsAndToast23
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    Neighbor demanding I pay for property damage (NJ)

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:20 AM PST

    I am a volunteer emergency medical technician. The street I live on is laid out in a very standard manner. The house is set back about fifty feet with a driveway on the left side of the property. So your driveway goes right up against your neighbor's property.

    The other day I was on duty when my pager went off for a serious call. I grabbed my gear, ran out the door, jumped in my car and began pulling out of my driveway. However, I realized that my neighbor was having work done and the contractor had parked his van directly in front of my driveway. There were two more vans in front of it, lining up with, but not blocking his driveway.

    I jumped out of the car, ran up to the door and pounded on it. A worker answered the door, but didn't speak any English. I shouted that someone needed to move the van now.

    Someone came out who spoke very broken English and said that he would move it when they were done for the day. I told him I had an emergency, he was blocking my driveway, and I needed it moved now. He said nobody on site had the keys and walked back inside.

    I ran back to my car, reversed, drove over the neighbor's lawn, out his driveway, and drove off to my call. When I got back, the van was still parked there, so I parked on the street in front of my house.

    Later that night, my neighbor came over screaming that I had destroyed his lawn and damaged his underground sprinkler system. He wants me to pay $12k to replace it and completely re-do the front lawn. I calmly replied that his contractor had blocked my driveway in a life or death emergency, had left with the keys, and nobody present could remedy the situation. I would have gone over my own lawn but both my neighbor on the other side and I have shrubs lining the driveway and my car would never have gotten through.

    I responded that he should go through his contractor's insurance as it was their negligence that created the situation. The contracter is claiming he was in the house with the keys, I never bothered to ask for him, and that his van was in front of my driveway for no more than ten minutes while they were unloading equipment and he would have been happy to move it if I'd just asked.

    Since I was gone for two hours and when I came back the van was still blocking my driveway, I know that's bullshit. I looked on my Ring camera and it was there for over nine hours.

    The camera shows an American looking gentleman pulling up in a fourth van, getting out, walking towards the house, and then coming back with eight workers, getting into the vans, and driving away.

    I don't know if he was the contractor, but it seems like the guy parked the vans, took the keys, left, came back at the end of the day, and misrepresented to my neighbor that he was there all day working. He's refusing to submit the claim to his insurance and stating that he isn't liable.

    If this isn't on me, and I'm well aware that it could be, I'd prefer not to run this through my homeowner's insurance, but I really don't know what the law says. If the contactor isn't liable, then why is he lying to my neighbor about the circumstances?

    Edit: MS Paint as requested

    submitted by /u/PropertyDamageLegal
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    My father wants to use my paychecks and my name to get a loan for a house that he doesn’t want me to live in

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 03:49 PM PST

    How do i go on about this? If he applies by himself he won't be approved for enough money and wants to add me. I was ok with this when I thought i'd live in the house (and contribute to the mortgage) but now I'm just finding out that he doesn't want me, my husband and my baby in the house. Apparently his reason was because he thinks that we might not pay rent. That's my name he's going to use for the loan, the bank will come after me if he doesn't pay. It will be technically my house too. Wtf is wrong with him?

    submitted by /u/xonorlax
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    Is It Illegal to Post a Twitter DM?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:45 PM PST

    This guy got mad because someone retweeted one of his tweets and I commented "Get his ass" underneath it. He then DM'ed me and called me a tough guy and was inviting me to meet up and fight, so I posted a screenshot of the tweet. In his Twitter bio, he put a bunch of his private info so now he's threatening to sue me if I don't delete the tweet. Is what I posted actually illegal, or is he just saying nonsense?

    submitted by /u/The2TON
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    My College is finding every reason under the moon to try to hold a very important scholarship from me.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 12:39 PM PST

    I attend a small town community college in southern kansas that seems to be having some financial difficulties. Something about some old football coach was doing some sketchy stuff... I'm not really sure but it's very evident that this school is struggling.

    Every semester I receive a scholarship specifically for the purpose of paying my rent while I attend classes. I was previously a foster kid and this program partnered up with me and is helping me with my housing situation in order to reduce our areas statistic of foster kids not getting a further education.

    I explained all of this information to the school, and a few weeks prior this woman and I had a verbal agreement that I could come in and get my check the second the school received it. She swore it was "no big deal" and that she "could totally do that".

    Well... my scholarship showed up at the school Friday, I went up to grab it, and ran into some issues. Apparently it was misplaced by a receptionist so they now had to get this woman's boss involved to unlock the room my check was placed in... I then hear this woman's boss talking badly about me saying basically that she doesn't want to give me my money. I explained that I do not owe the college any money (there's no reason for them to hold my check) and that this money is for rent.

    They then begin to ask if I have anything saying it's meant to pay rent... well I had something vague saying "direct college expenses" but that wasn't good enough for them so I actually had to reach out to the scholarship people and get it in writing that this scholarship is sent to me to pay my rent for an off campus house. I got that in writing with no problem at all and I immediately forwarded it to this woman at the school. This was on a Friday so I was forced to wait over the weekend...

    It's now Monday and I hadn't heard anything from her, so I sent an email asking if I could stop by this afternoon after work to pick up my check. She is now saying I can't do that because she now needs the Vice Presidents permission to give me my check.

    Today is the 25th and my rent is due the 30th.

    I'm about to pull out my hair over this whole situation. If need be, do I have any legal legs to stand on? This is so unreal to me... these people are holding money that's not even close to theirs...

    submitted by /u/justlurkin19
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    (OH) My girlfriend is being sued repeatedly but the plaintiff won’t provide any information or show up to court

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 12:34 PM PST

    Hi all,

    Girlfriend got into an accident 2.5 years ago. She was hit from behind, which pushed her car into the back of the plaintiff's car. The car that hit my gf fled from the scene. This is documented in a police report in my gf's possession, speed estimate around 20 mph. My gf's father said he had her insurance "under control," but he was pocketing the money my gf was giving him for the insurance so my gf was actually uninsured at the time of the accident. DMV suspended her license, made her get SR-22 insurance, and she paid the entire repair bill for the plaintiff out-of-pocket. She was compliant with all of this and eventually paid all of the $3k+ repairs out-of-pocket as well as SR insurance.

    Plaintiff, 2 mo after being hit, then demanded my gf pay her another $3,000 for suffering and lost wages. She did not provide a copy of her medical note or procedures done, nor any proof she lost wages. Gf couldn't pay out-of-pocket for this, so the plaintiff initiated a lawsuit. After the plaintiff rescheduled the trial date 3x, the final court date was 10 days prior to the 2 year anniversary of the accident. She promised to "make sure (my gf) would never drive again" through text. Again, the plaintiff did not show up to court, and the magistrate ruled in favor of my gf, dismissing the case.

    6 days after the 2 year anniversary of the accident, she filed ANOTHER lawsuit for $85. Plaintiff refuses to communicate with my gf and we frankly don't know where she got this $85 figure. The trial date for THIS suit was today, but the plaintiff rescheduled the date again for two months from now.

    Is there any grounds here to countersue for abuse of procedure or something similar? Or even a restraining order - these court dates are getting ridiculous and costing a lot of gas money back and forth. The plaintiff will not communicate and seems to just be stringing this along for as long as she can. Also, is it true she can't sue for personal injury claims now, given that the accident was over two years prior to the day she filed her new suit? Statute of limitations for these cases in Ohio seems to be 2 years.

    Thanks all.

    submitted by /u/ohiocourtcaseburner
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    Lottery divorce

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 06:07 PM PST


    So without giving any identifying information, my father won the lottery a few years ago and after his most recent threat to kill my mother (he has a recorded history of domestic abuse), she decided to pack her stuff and leave. I live in a state that is considered an "equitable distribution" state, Missouri. So a month after my mother moved out, my father emptied their shared savings and checking account into a personal account that she cannot access.

    He purchased the ticket with money from their shared checking account.

    My mother is concerned about health insurance, since she's still a few years away from being able to be on Medicare and she doesn't want to be left high and dry, after raising me and my siblings and not really able to establish a career because she was a full time parent (my father didn't do much raising of us other than physical and verbal abuse).

    Is she legally entitled to half the winnings, their shared home (paid off), and would she need to provide her own insurance until she reaches the age for Medicare?

    I told her to get a lawyer if he can't settle things amicably but wanted to check to make sure she has any grounds to stand on. Thanks for any advice.

    submitted by /u/KingSh1tPost
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    Halfway House Took Food Stamp Card

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 02:46 PM PST

    A friend of mine applied for SNAP benefits back in October/2020 and received them in November. I recently spoke to him and he told me an official at the halfway house took his benefits away, saying he can't have them. He is 21 and this is in Connecticut. Can they do that? Or does he have a right to them?

    submitted by /u/Emotional_Quality_96
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    $18k Rental Auto Accident Not Covered by Insurance

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:53 PM PST

    HELP ME!! My boyfriend and I took a trip to Montana where we rented a car. I was the only driver on the renal agreement and used my Chase Sapphire auto rental insurance. On the last day, we woke up to catch our 7am flight but I was feeling nauseous, lightheaded, and threw up. Being only 10 min from the airport, my boyfriend decided it would be safer if he drove. A deer jumped out right in front of the car, creating extensive damage.

    Although it seemed that it was only the front that was damaged, Enterprise claims it was totaled and WE OWE $18,000!! I got a medical note from my doctor I was unable to drive but have been denied from Chase because I was not the driver.

    My personal insurance (Connecticut) will not cover it because my boyfriend is obviously not on my families car insurance.

    My boyfriends insurance (Ohio) will not cover it because he was driving a rental car he was not on the agreement for.

    We are screwed. I am 23F in a long distance relationship and the entire payment is now my responsibility. Any advice would be great to hear!

    submitted by /u/sigad2020
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    [UPDATE] NY (upstate) Backed out of a home sale and seller wants title fees

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:33 PM PST

    Original post:


    About 3 months later and I finally got a check for the full escrow amount. Lurking this sub all of the time is what made me question the demand in the first place. It literally saved me hundreds I could have just handed over on an empty demand.

    submitted by /u/deconstructor9xx
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    CA - Being sued by a disgruntled girlfriend

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 05:36 PM PST

    My cousin lived with his long-term partner for 20 years, both have purchased property separately, finances were pooled, taxes were filed separately, bank accounts were separate.

    She left him and served him a suit stating that she wants half. As they were never married, we are uncertain of the type of attorney that he needs to respond with.

    She lost the majority of her money (spending spree with her new partner) and now would like alimony as my cousin has continued working and saving his money. She also has verbally stated that she wants his condo to live in and cash for all the years she put up with him (her words).

    Any advice as to who to seek out? Divorce attorney doesn't seem to fit here as there is no marriage but then again, we have no idea.


    submitted by /u/SlapThis
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    [CA] I live on my own, but my parents still have access to my SSN and have been changing my banking information. Police won't do anything about it since they didn't actually make any purchases or steal any money. What do I do?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 11:41 AM PST

    I am an adult living on my own. My parents naturally had access to my SSN when I was younger, but have refused to relinquish it now that I am an adult. I recently discovered from my bank that they called the bank, impersonated my identity by providing my SSN but also provided their own names (which is how I know it was them), and changed some of my banking information (removed me from accounts). They didn't steal any money or make any fradulent purchases.

    The police where they live won't do anything about it since there was no monetary loss on my part. However I don't want them to have access to my SSN and want it removed from their knowledge/sav ed pictures on their phones by any means necessary.

    The account isn't an issue since I increased security with my bank. It's the fact that they have my SSN.

    submitted by /u/CardiologistFormer45
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    My fiancé is dying in the hospital and his family won’t let me see him.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 10:31 PM PST

    I tried to cross post this from r/relationshipadvice but it didn't work, so I copied and pasted it because I don't think I can type this all out again.

    My fiancé was brutally attacked outside of a gas station on the 23rd. He has been unconscious ever since and due to covid the hospital will only let him have one visitor. His mother came from out of town to be his one visitor but she won't let me call and speak to him and she told the hospital staff not to tell us anything about his condition. His family is ignoring my calls and texts. I don't even know if he is still alive.

    We have been together for 13 years (since we were teenagers) and have lived together for most of that time.

    Is there anything at all that I can do? I am losing my mind and each second that goes by that I don't know what is happening is chipping away at my sanity. He is my everything. I just want him to hear my voice and to not be kept out of the loop.

    Minor update: I spoke to the hospital administration who forwarded me to patient experience/patient advocate. They said they would do what they can and would speak to the staff on his unit. His brother finally texted me and said he is in stable but critical condition and that he will update me, but not to contact them or try to get information from the nurses.

    Quick edit: Thank you all for your help and for taking the time to comment. I feel a bit less alone.

    submitted by /u/lowhangingfruit7
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    I'm 17 and was caught in prostitution sting

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:17 PM PST

    I am 17 and I decided to hire a prostitute, which turned out to be a undercover cop. I was wondering if the fact that I told the prostitute that I was 17 before purchasing would help me or harm me in any way?

    submitted by /u/PlantOld
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    Can I get a restraining order on someone who hired a PI to put a tracker on my car?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 02:46 PM PST

    Long story short I'm in a relationship with someone who is going through a divorce and got caught 'adultering' with me at the end of 2019. Their divorce is ongoing and even though my information and admittance is in their documents, his ex-partner hired a PI to put a gps tracker on my car and I found it and she admitted it.

    Do I have claim for a restraining order or harassment?

    submitted by /u/pinotmeow
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    Our company was stolen from us, and now they are stealing our ideas and products

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:04 PM PST

    We are based in New Zealand!

    My parents owned a company for around ten years, selling a product. My mom mainly ran the company after she was diagnosed with cancer and was unable to work a normal job. They did everything themselves, and eventually the sales started picked up. Once it became a viable company, they started looking around for help. One of my dads old friends (P) worked in marketing, and said that he would help us out. Him and his wife were given 49% shareholders of the company, but there was no offical contract signed (we do have records of emails if this helps?). It all went well for about a year, until it turned out that the friend couldn't do the marketing, and him and his wife wanted to bring on another 'friend' of theirs to help, and then split the shares evenly between the three parties. My parents were not okay with this, however they met with the friend. It didn't feel right to them, the friend didn't seem to understand anything about marketing, and they gave a firm 'no' to bringing him onboard. This caused a huge rift, and ended with P and his wife locking us out of the website, Facebook, instagram, EVERYTHING. They had our entire client base, all of our promotional material that WE had paid for. They said that they would give my parents a 10% share if they gave P and his wife $70,000. My parents obviously said no, and that was the end of it. P and his wife took everything and set up a new company selling OUR product. We contacted a lawyer and was told nothing could be done, as we didn't have a contract. We set up another company selling the same product.

    Fast forward three years, my mom is working 14 hour days trying to make this viable. P and his wife are our main competitor, but they don't have the understanding or the brains that my mom has. We were releasing new products and ideas, but after a month or two, P would turn around and release the exact same thing. They have been reporting us to the government regulations for 'violating' a law (we accidently had a phrase on a pamphlet that we weren't allowed to say) despite their entire website and Facebook page violating COUNTLESS laws. I have reported them, and nothing has been done.

    This is driving me insane. When it first all went down, I was too young to question what the lawyers were saying. Now, I can see that this is destroying my mom, and P is still stealing our products and ideas and marketing it as theirs. We are loosing an insane amount of money to them. The reason I am worried about this now is that my mom is bringing out new products/services and I am wanting to know if anything can be done to stop P from stealing it.

    Is there anything we can do? 'Sueing' isn't really a thing here, but we could take them to court (although our original lawyer said we wouldn't have a case). Can anything even be done now that it has been three years? Thank you so so much for any advice.

    submitted by /u/AerieCrazy776
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    Could I get sued for candy in my packages?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:11 PM PST

    I put cross posted in the title cause I also put it in the small business Reddit before this, if that's ok!

    Alright so, I want to include a lollipop in my packages with the stickers I make! But I don't know if I could possibly get sued in any way shape or form. I want to be sure before I start doing that.
    I am a small business so I want to make sure everything is ok! The lolipops I got as a pack from Dollar General

    Sorry if this question is dumb/in the wrong place!

    submitted by /u/RyanWowza
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    Creditor harassing executor of insolvent estate?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:53 PM PST

    We are in North Carolina.

    My aunt passed away early last year. Her estate was insolvent, with less than $2000, which immediately went towards funeral costs, which in NC take priority over medical. My mother is the executor, and paid for the rest of the funeral etc out of her own pocket. Because it was such a small estate, per NC law, there was no probate and the estate was closed within 3 months.

    My aunt passed with medical bills. Her former dialysis clinic told my mother "they refuse to accept" the insolvency letter, and continue to send bills to my mother and harass her for payment. Though I've told her many times that she is not personally responsible for her sister's bills, my mother is a senior citizen and falls for guilt trips and the "moral" payment argument. It is possible she's already made small payments out of her own pocket on this bill - she won't tell me. However I know that at least 10k is still "owed" by my aunt's estate.

    What steps can I take to let the clinic know they need to accept the insolvency and stop bothering my mother? Every time she gets a letter or a call for her dead sister she, understandably, gets upset. It's been almost a year since aunt passed and almost 5 months since the estate was closed.

    submitted by /u/oldies1007
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    Auto Loan - approved then rejected

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 04:33 PM PST


    I submitted an auto loan application through BoA and got approved. The letter they sent says approval, and they ran my credit when I submitted the application. Today, I go into a dealership, pick a car, put a down payment on a vehicle and signed a purchase agreement.

    I was speaking to a representative from BoA during the process, and they said they needed to submit the purchase agreement to their billing dept to cut a check. 4 hours later, they give me a call saying that they misspelled my name and have to rerun my credit, fine. A decision comes back and I am now rejected.

    My loan officer has been horrific during the last 30 days and he says:

    1. That's it my own fault for my rejection
    2. They would have ran my credit before sending payment out to the dealership. So his mistake has nothing to do with the bank running my credit again.
    3. As a courtesy, he put in a request for his manager to make an exception.

    I can't find anything that says they would run my application again in their disclosures or on anything I've signed. Will I have to assume responsibility for the vehicle becuase BoA will not back up their approval. Do I have to honor the purchase agreement or can I tell the dealership that I'm backing out?

    I'm anxious, I would appreciate any advice.

    I'm from NY, dealership is in CT.

    submitted by /u/cavani512
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    Emergency Room Visit & CPS (NC)

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 10:33 AM PST

    I have a 2 year old son. He is an active toddler (Kid #2 - so all the wild tik tok kids of kids being climbers ect...). He was also diagnosed with NF1 and is currently undergoing chemotherapy for 2 optic nerve gliomas (non cancerous). He has rashing on his face/body from the medicine and a bruise on his cheek from jumping off a bench to chase a bird.

    My son was at daycare, fell and hit his head. They called and notified, then about 30 minutes later he threw up so they called EMS and sent him to the Emergency Room. Nobody was concerned about the vomit - everybody felt that they were non-related to the fall (no bump or anything from the fall). No issues. We are ready for discharge.

    They come in for one last visit and I point out a bruise on the top of his ear that I hadn't noticed before. They became concerned and suddenly I'm sitting in limbo for about 1:30 wondering why we arne't leaving... but ok.

    Eventually the attending came in and told me that was a sign of abuse, kids shouldn't bruise on the ear from a fall. Ok. I told her it was possible he had it before today, I just hadn't noticed (he was in bed when I got home the 2 nights before). The Dr. leaves I text my wife to ask about it, she says it happened at daycare and we have the incident report. I don't think anything else of it and wait for like another 1:30 before they come in again. It was really sort of off-hand (hey, he's got a little bruise here, I'm not positive where its from). They never asked a followup.

    The Dr. tells me that this is now under CPS investigation because it's a sign of abuse, it doesn't mean they are looking at me (the father) ect.. I tell them about the medicine and that it causes him to bruise a little easier ect so she orders up the labs to confirm.

    Eventually a case manager comes in, I show them the incident report (my wife had emailed it to me at this point). Give a statement to the police about the daycare... wait for another hour... Dr. says they may hold us overnight since I may not be deemed safe??? I ask for the case manager and we are released.

    CPS arrives an hour after I get home. Me, Wife, Older son and (not) injured son are all there. Talk to CPS, she reads the statement from the Dr. (which said the concern was unexplained bruising - I had the explanation from the daycare). We show her the incident report, she asks my older some some questions. At that point she doesn't understand why she is there since the ear bruise is documented, she gives us the assessment with no risks highlighted. Only thing marked is Other: Fell at daycare, will monitor for signs of concussion and seek care if necessary. She says case should be closed quickly once the regular case manager gets it.

    At this point I'm annoyed, but understand (I am a mandatory reporter as well, I get why CPS has to investigate the claim).

    Now here is why I'm making the post:

    My sons PA calls my wife to follow-up from the ER visit (again, NF1/Chemotherapy. We are in this hospital every month). On the internal report that the ER attendant sent it said they were concerned that I was abusive because the bruise on the face and that I told my 2 year old "You need to be quiet or I will hit you).

    This is patently false. It did not appear on the CPS report. It was never disclosed or discussed. It doesn't appear in our hospital discharge. The first incident of this quote is on something she sent only on private notes.

    To recap:

    - He fell at daycare. I just happen to work closer so I went to the hospital.

    - I pointed out the "suspicious" ear bruise, and then showed documentation from him falling at daycare (poor balance is part of his NF1).

    - At no point was the cheek bruise mentioned to me, at all, as a sign of concern. The only thing we ever talked about was how kids should not get a bruise on the ear from a fall and it seems like it might have been grabbed, twisted or pulled.

    - The face bruise was never mentioned by CPS, the case manager or anyone else. The only mention of it appears in the notes the ER left to our Hematology team.

    - It was based on a quote I never said. And if I said it, why was that never part of the CPS report (that was read to me when they visited the house)?

    I understand mandatory reporter, he had some bruises they need to check it out (no problem). I am absolutely livid about the fabricated quote - and how the internal notes do not match the CPS notes. Do I have any recourse to get the quote removed from him files so every dr I see for the next year doesn't think I threaten to hit my 2 year old for crying... IN THE ER!

    submitted by /u/SvenDraconian
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