• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 24, 2021

    Legal Advice - Roomate is neglecting her pets.

    Legal Advice - Roomate is neglecting her pets.

    Roomate is neglecting her pets.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 06:15 AM PST

    This is in Georgia.

    I own the house, and I rent a room to an acquaintance who moved in with 2 dogs and a cat. The cat is isolated in her room because of a parasite it shared with my cat a few months ago and she still hasn't taken it to a vet. Her dogs are left in the back yard and since they like to sneak out of the yard she either keeps them in their kennel outside, that she never cleans, or she ties them to bushes. We rarely see her and for a while I assumed that she was taking care of them in the mornings, while I'm usually asleep, but noticed that the dogs are losing weight. Now that I started paying attention she basically "takes care of them" by showing up for an hour once every 3 or 4 days and gives them food. I can't afford to keep feeding her animals as well as mine.

    My question is, is there a way that I can report her without legal ramifications for me as the home owner? My wife was told that we could be charged with animal neglect because "we allowed it to happen" and is worried. Please help.

    submitted by /u/Chaosdragon173
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    Apartment is limiting men from accessing pool/hot tub (Louisiana)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 04:18 PM PST

    Throwaway account. I am in Louisiana. I don't want to say which city, but I don't think it matters.

    All residents of our complex recently got this notice by e-mail, and I would like to know if it is legal.

    "Dear residents,

    We have recently had a few incidents and several parents are concerned about the safety of their children in the recreational area. Accordingly, effective February 1, a new policy will be in effect. Males who are over the age of 18 will not be permitted to use the pool or hot tub, or enter the pool deck area, unless accompanied by a female household member. Males who live alone and wish to use these facilities may request an exemption to this policy, which will be granted solely at the discretion of management, after completion of a background check.

    This policy does NOT apply to the gym or clubhouse.

    Please note that your lease agreement clearly states that the use of amenities such as the pool and hot tub is not guaranteed, and is subject to such regulations as management may implement from time to time. We have been advised that this policy is not discriminatory because it addresses a safety issue, but nonetheless, if any legal complaints are filed, we will have no choice but to simply shut down the pool and hot tub completely.

    We realize that this may pose an inconvenience to some residents, but we thank you for your cooperation as we work to keep our community safe.


    [name removed]

    submitted by /u/HovercraftLife9057
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    HOA is trying to charge me $10k in repairs for damage that happened before I owned my new home

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 02:19 PM PST

    I recently purchased a home in April of 2020, and in October 2020 I received a bill for $10,133.00 from my HOA. In July of 2019, the entire community was damaged in a hailstorm, and the HOA stated that I needed to contact my insurance company, as the cost of the damage failed to meet the HOA's threshold for their insurance to kick in. I contacted my insurance company, in which I pay yearly for $50,000 in loss protection, but since I purchased the home and activated the insurance policy in April of 2020, they said my policy would not be able to be used to cover this damage. I told the HOA this, and they recommended that I simply go on a 6 month payment plan and pay them out of pocket, increasing my monthly HOA payment to $2000 a month, on top of mortgage. While I have access to this through my equity, I'm trying to figure out if what they are demanding is even legal. My insurance agent said since this damage estimate wasn't disclosed at the closing on the house, that he doesn't see how I could be held responsible for this.

    I asked them for documentation proving that I am responsible for this, and all they have sent me is a typed personal letter saying I needed to pay it immediately.

    Any advice on what I should do going forward would be much appreciated

    I'm in Westminster CO

    submitted by /u/AlienLifeFormZ
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    Fedex truck destroyed my lawn bench, now ghosting me on compensation

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 08:30 AM PST

    GA/USA This happened about a two weeks ago. A FedEx driver for some reason went through a turnabout I have on my property, and backed over a handmade brick and marble bench my father in law handmade for us. I know exactly what happened because I have security cameras and literally have the entire incident caught on camera. When I called FedEx they were initially very receptive, emailing me a claim form and everything. I went through the proper channels, providing video of the incident, and the tracking # of the package being delivered, etc. Now they've gone silent, and nobody I talk to seems to know anything. I've called their claim line four times, and my calls aren't being returned. What do I do at this point? Should I just file a suit in small claims court or keep going after them? My latest attempt at contacting them led me to being on hold for over an hour and then being disconnected.

    Update: So I tried reaching out to them on Facebook. I got a response and a claim number from there, and I guess they're moving forward. If course, this is what I was told when I spoke to them before.

    submitted by /u/kruuth
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    I'm recieving money I shouldn't be recieving anymore

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 05:49 PM PST

    A case from Perú. I own an appartment in Lima. A mormón church did a contract with me so 2 people can stay in the appartment and the church took care of they paying. Everything went well until they decided to leave the appartment. The contract ended way before that and wasn't renewed. Last month I checked my bank account and saw 2 payments more so I checked again and saw that the private bank that was doing the payments kept paying me. I don't know if is even legal yo take that money. I don't have any way to comunicate with them again. I want to know if I can use the money or if I should save it in case they notice their mistake so I can return it. And in case they ask for the money back if I have to return it.

    submitted by /u/HiddenSymphony
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    Received a W-2 from a company I never worked for

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 02:59 PM PST

    Hi! I just got a W-2 from a company I never worked for. What do I do? Background info: it's for $15,000 and my ex-boyfriend is the owner of the company. After thinking about it, I realized he was trying to figure out ways how to get more people on his payroll so he could get more out of PPP loan back in April(?) Is it possible he used my info as one of his employees? As my boyfriend he had access to all my personal information, needles to say I never saw any of that money. I'm hurt and confused about this. Did he commit a crime with the PPP? What should I do?

    submitted by /u/denygat
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    My tenant who lives in the basement wants to add a baby that is not hers to the lease. Do I have to be concerned about any legal recourse if I deny this request?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 12:05 PM PST

    I am currently living in Maryland and I am renting the basement of my house to an older lady. The older lady does not speak English well and her daughter helped her move into my place. The basement is located in my house but besides the connecting staircase, everything is completely separate. She has her own entrance, own living space, kitchen, bathroom..etc.

    At the beginning of December I started hearing a baby in the basement. A few weeks into the month, I had to go down to the basement to check something out and I noticed the basement was set up for a baby. I continue to hear the baby crying throughout the weeks. I contacted the daughter and asked her for the status of the baby. She responded back, "The baby is our family member, due to Covid restriction he is unable to return to China right now so my mom is taking care of him temporarily. We can add his name to the lease if you need it." I asked her if her mother is the legal guardian. The daughter said she is the legal guardian. I am aware of the Federal Housing Act and the Familial Status. I know the Act protects tenants that have children but my tenant is not the legal guardian of this baby. Am I under any legal obligations to have to approve this request for the child to move into the house? Could my tenant sue me for discrimination if I deny the request of adding the baby to the lease?

    submitted by /u/Panda189
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    Estate drama - Michigan

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 07:21 AM PST

    My father passed away before my grandmother. When he passed, she changed her will to leave me the 1/3 of her estate that would have gone to my dad. (I am my dad's only child) She lived in the same town as I do, and was her only family close to home, so I spent a lot of time with her. Also named in the estate are her two other children, my uncle in another city in MI, and my aunt in CA - who is also the executor.

    Shortly after her passing, Aunt and Uncle where talking about how I should just let her take care of everything and that he and I don't have to worry about the details. They said this while handing me a check for 60k. I will spare you the details, but I had reasons to not trust either of them. So, I asked for a copy of the will. You would have thought I asked for their share. She adamantly refused. So I asked for a copy of the will, plus an accounting of the the distributions. After months of back and forth, she finally sent me a photocopy of a redacted bank account statesmen.

    Well, it's been a year. There is still a condo that hasn't been sold. And another 5 acre plot. She will not talk to me. Will not respond to email, text or letters from an attorney. What to do? Clearly she is hiding information, but how do I get it? preferably without hiring an attorney in this mess of COVID.

    Also, her only banks main office as well as the condo and plot of land are all local to me. If that helps any.

    submitted by /u/Semi-Private-too
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    I (17M) ran away from foster care in CA due to abuse and neglect after multiple foster placements. I began running at 15 and police/CPS never bothered to listen to me or take my accusations/allegations seriously. Can they still force me back?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 11:41 PM PST

    This is a long story. I'll make it short.

    I ran away 6 months ago on my 17th birthday. I had it with the system and the abuse it forced me into. I'm tired of it. Don't ask me to go back to it.

    I rented out a room and worked under the table for about a month until the police/cps found me. The police officer said he wasn't going to do anything since if I commit a crime I could be sentenced as an adult (hinted it, never said it directly). The social worker did nothing and left me there.

    I tried asking for emancipation, and I called a lawyer but they said since I'm being rotated around different foster care placements the abuse can be considered fixed if they move me around and since I moved out there's no longer any abuse.

    I asked CPS to sign forms for emancipation but they straight up rejected me and left me there. I asked the police station on their non-emergency line and they told me they couldn't do much to help and that since I could be charged as an adult they wouldn't detain me either (they hinted something like this, but never directly said it).

    They refused to offer me any services and I only qualify for healthcare and S.N.A.P. I can't apply for unemployment even though I was laid off multiple jobs because I'm underage and working without a permit. They refused to offer therapy, counseling, or even legal help.

    I go to online school, but I'm deathly afraid of the Police since I'm 17 and CA laws say anyone under 18 is a runaway. How can I solve the problem?

    If I can be charged as an adult as young as 14, why can't I legally leave the system at 17?

    submitted by /u/AbolishThePigs21321
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    Need advice for a car wash incident.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 05:43 PM PST

    On October 26, 2020, I went through a corporate automated car wash (Car Wash USA) in Lufkin, Texas. and there was a 12 foot strand of barbed wire entangled in the microfiber cloths. Once it had completely ruined the front end of my 2019 Dodge Charger, I stopped mid-wash and laid on the horn until the attendants shut the car wash down. The employee acknowledged that the truck 2 vehicles ahead of mine had the barbed wire in the bed and stated, "I knew I should have taken it out of the truck bed but I just didn't." There accepting responsibility for mine, as well as 2 other vehicle's damages. I had the city and county police agencies file police reports on the incidents and filled out a damage claim form. I did not hear anything about the incident until 11/12/2020 when the GM emailed me regarding estimates for repair. He stated I needed two estimates from local body shops. One body shop quoted $7,292 for repairs while the other one estimated $5,980. In both estimates it says approximately 14 days time for labor and paint curing so I would need a rental. Through 20+ emails and 200 or more unanswered calls, I get an email 12/28/2020 stating "CHECK RELEASED TO _____ COLLISION FOR VEHICLE REPAIRS. $5980." No call, no email, no mail, nothing. I FINALLY get ahold of the claims adjuster on 1/4/2021 to inquire about a rental. When asked about a rental she said, "I don't know anything about a rental so there's nothing I can do for you. A check was already released so it's too late for any more funds to be given." And hung up on me. Since then I have reached out to the General Manager who hangs up in my face and ignores all emails.

    What can I do about this situation? How do I get more for a rental and am I able to get the funds that they sent to the collision repair shop or do I HAVE to do it there?

    submitted by /u/_tactifool
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    Can my employer make us sign over our health record to essentially force us into taking a leave of absence?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 07:01 AM PST

    Oregon here. I'm a teacher and my district is gearing up to resume in person teaching. Last week they sent out a survey seeing who is high risk for covid to see about accommodations. Following that survey they sent out this extremely fishy form saying we need our doctor to sign over our health records to HR (nobody there is a qualified medical professional) in addition to getting a doctors note saying we're high risk. In addition to wanting access to our entire health record, they said we would probably be forced to take a leave of absence. To me this sounds extremely discriminatory. Side point- the HR guy this would go to has a long history of "accidentally" putting employees social security numbers into emails that reach community wide. He did it twice last year and still hasn't been fired. I don't even trust this but with the info he has now, much less private health information. Any help would be appreciated! I did call two lawyers on Friday after the email came out and left VMs but who knows how long it will be to hear back from them.

    submitted by /u/megorio
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    I am about to leave for the military and family is insisting I sign over power of attorney to them

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 04:35 PM PST

    I leave for basic training in one month and my aunt and uncle are insistent that I sign over a durable POA to them and that "everybody in the military does it". Their logic is that they need to be able to manage all my affairs in the event I get incapacitated overseas or otherwise need something done on my behalf while deployed. I have no parents or immediate kin.

    At first they told me I could check off what I did and didn't want them to have access to, but they changed their minds and now want "all financial, banking, and insurance transactions as well as benefits, retirement plans, taxes, and medical decisions on my behalf". Effective immediately even though I'm of very sound mind and wouldn't be deploying or otherwise unable to handle my affairs for 2 years at least because of my training pipeline. I'm also early 20's if it matters, and have no assets, not even a car.

    I suggested I'd just sign over POA when I'm actually facing a situation where I'd need their help with a specific problem, but they didn't like that. They told me they have one on each other, but they're in their 60s.

    So my question is, is this actually something I need to do? I would like the peace of mind knowing someone will be managing potential issues for me if I'm unable to do so, but that's also pretty unlikely and is it necessary to give them complete control over everything? Constructive advice appreciated.

    Location Update: Kentucky

    submitted by /u/NoNestForTheThicket
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    Condo purchase turns into condo nightmare.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 08:02 AM PST

    Hi all new to this sub but don't know where else to turn to. I live in Massachusetts.

    I purchased in Oct and started renovation to my condo up until Dec 15. The condo is a basement unit and to my contractor discover there was black mold behind the drywall that covered the foundation wall. There is clearly a foundation leak somewhere because during times where there was rain the insulation etc gets wet. Notified the building manager and management company about issue. The management company is completely unresponsive and never picked up the phone. I received only one communication below:

    "Before you hire a mitigation firm the Board would most likely use the one that they have used in the past. I can schedule that for Monday also. They would start opening the wall and continue opening the wall until they reach a point where there is no mold and mildew. There could be mold and mildew under the flooring so this may need to be removed also.

    Send me your cell # and we can talk about it. We are dealing with a similar situation in another basement unit. Have you been in touch with your closing attorney on this? It's not worth calling your insurance company or the association master policy insurance company until we know the extent of this. Who advised you not to stay in the unit and what is your alternate accommodation at this time?

    The Board is aware of the fact that mold was discovered in your unit and there is a procedure to follow with this."

    After this email there were no response for any of my questions or inquiries. I have not taken any action but it's been over a month. I can't live in my unit due to the mold and I'm stuck being dragged around. What are my legal rights in this situation? The building manager said they hired someone and was going to start the repair this past week but again no response and no one actually came to do any repairs. I'm very lost. Hope someone can give me some guidance.

    submitted by /u/Such-Ad-8707
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    Had a car crash in November. 1 month ago I was contacted by the other driver's insurance to ask questions about the incident, stating it might have been a fraud. Now I received a letter stating another person from the same company needs to speak to me urgently.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 07:02 PM PST

    Orlando, FL

    Bad accident happened in November. I was initially found at fault. A month after that I was contacted by what I assume to be an adjuster who asked some questions about the incident then advised the accident is being investigated as a fraud on the other driver's part because the details of the accident did not add up.

    Then about a few weeks after that I texted her for an update and she responded by saying they are waiting on an affidavit from the other driver.

    A month later, today, I receive a letter from another person from the same company (another adjuster?) who stated it is critical that she speak to me about this case and has previously tried to contact me. I called today, no response, left a voice message to call me back.

    The question I have is why are they trying to contact me now? Did they make a decision on the case? Could they have really labeled it as fraud or are they trying to get more details about the accident? I can't really think of anything else. Not sure what to expect.

    submitted by /u/leechlamp
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    I have been cyber stalked doxxed and threatened on instagram. Cops won't do anything nor will instagram

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 08:56 PM PST

    Someone has created 6 accounts with my full name. Two of them have my address, and one has a photo of my house. He has threatened my workplace. I made a police report but they basically shrugged it off. I have reported it to instagram but they won't take it down. I don't know what do do to stop this. I'm worried for the safety of my family I don't know who he is sharing this with. What do I do? [Minnesota]

    submitted by /u/ThatLeapDayAccount
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    [IL] Tow yard demanding I pay tow fee to get my belongings out?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 08:50 PM PST

    From what I've heard, this is illegal.

    I tried reading thru Illinois law on this and couldn't understand it.


    I can't afford the tow fee due to being unemployed. The car is totaled, they can keep it for all I care. I just want my stuff back...

    What are my options?

    submitted by /u/Creep_The_Night
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    Neighbor thinks she owns the street in front of her house.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 03:51 PM PST

    So I recently moved into the neighborhood, that has street parking that fits 3 cars(1 of hers and two of ours) without blocking either of our driveways and leaving plenty of room for our cars to come and go. When we first moved in our neighbor greeted by saying that we are parked in her spot, which is dumb becuause it is public parking on a busy street. Time goes on and she just ends up getting angrier about us parking in front of our house. She has called the owner of the house saying that we are bothering her, blocking her driveway(which is a lie) and that we have too many people living here. It is literally just my gf, 1 year old and me. Now she is putting a rubber wheel stop right behind my tire on my sedan(My car is always parked in the middle since I work from home). We live in Seattle, wa. I normally won't post here but she is telling the owner lies and I can't have guest or even park my car without her looking out her window and staring at us.

    submitted by /u/AlessandroTheGr8
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    Owner lost control of dog, dog attacked our cat on our property. Cat has injuries, dog owner only willing to pay half of vet bill (oregon)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 02:54 PM PST

    A woman came to our door to let us know her dog attacked our cat an hour after the incident. Found the cat injured under the porch. Vet says she has fluid in her lungs and a hernia that may need surgery. Dog owner said she is only willing to pay half of the vet bill.

    I believe in oregon, since it happened on our property the dog owner is responsible for the full bill. We are currently talking to her about the whole situation. We have video of her pulling her dog by the collar off our property.

    Legally, if it comes to that, what are our options? The bill is due when we pick the cat up (hopefully later today, but we are not sure)

    Edited to fix mistake

    submitted by /u/absolll
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    (Tennessee) Lease says I have access to laundry room, but I have to enter landlord’s property to use it, it this legal?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 09:39 PM PST

    I signed a lease that started 1/1/2021. Because of COVID I wasn't able to visit the property in person, but the ad claimed there was laundry machines available, and both the photos provided (as well as a video I was later provided) showed a laundry room with a washer and dryer. Though the video provided did have a cut before showing the laundry room, considering the lease was for a single family home I assumed the laundry room was located within the home. The lease also specifies access to a washer and dryer.

    The problem is when I moved in I realized there was no washer/dryer or laundry room. So I contacted the landlord (private landlord with ~5 properties in the area) and was told that we did have access to laundry, as we were allowed to go to their personal house (around a 15 minute drive away) and use their laundry room any time. We were told that the lease specified access to laundry facilities, not that there would be facilities on site, and that we never asked (again, all ads said there was free laundry, and during our previous communication prior to signing the lease this was reiterated by them as a feature of the home).

    We have tried to make it work, but not only do we have to share one washer and one dryer (not commercial either) with the landlord and his family, but at least to us it appears this is the arrangement he has with all his tenets, with basically no organization, schedule, etc. This has meant there have already been several times where we drive our clothes over there 15 minutes only to find they are in use, and occasionally that there is even a line to do clothes.

    Basically, we want out of the lease, but we looked up the lease and indeed, the wording regarding laundry facilities does say 'access to laundry machines' rather then specifying they are in house, or some shared laundromat style system, so my question is if there is any legitimate chance to break the lease here, or if it is not worth the effort.

    submitted by /u/Eatmoorcornne
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    [WA] HOA Tried to Enforce Rental Cap - Did Not Get Enough Votes; HOA Increases Renter Move In Fees AND Wants to Homeowners that Rent their units out $800/year

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 09:28 AM PST

    As the title said, the HOA wanted to have a rental cap. This vote failed and did not pass. They never sent out results regarding the vote to inform homeowners.

    Because of this, the HOA is now increasing renter move in fees from $250 to $350.00 if you are a landlord and rent out your unit to a tenant. There was no vote for this increase.

    Further, HOA also wants to add a Quarterly Rental Administrative Fee which would be almost $800/year. They even are proposing to double this (~$1600/year). There was no vote for this proposed fee.

    Is there anything that could be done since it seems the HOA is trying different routes to discourage rental units, however, if there was already a vote that passed stating that majority of the homeowners do NOT want rental caps it is obvious that these fees that HOA is trying to access is an attempt to discourage rentals and bypass the vote.

    submitted by /u/susiecee
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    (CO) Hospital refunded my payment and then sent me to collections

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 12:20 PM PST

    In July of 2020, I had a planned surgery that cost about $1200 after insurance. I paid for it in full the morning of the surgery with FSA. I still have a receipt showing that I paid the full amount. At some point, I'm not exactly sure when, the hospital I had my surgery at signed me up for electronic statements without my consent or knowledge. These statements go to their portal, not my email. I do not have any log in information for their portal. In August, the hospital refunded about $800 of my payment to my FSA card. This statement went to their portal, so I did not know it was refunded. Since I'm still young enough to be on my parents' health insurance, my mom is the FSA account holder, and neither of us thought to check the account for a refund of any kind. A week later, they sent me a new bill for the exact amount they refunded me, also to the portal. Evidently they have been sending me statements about this $800 I owe to the portal, including pre collection notices. I did not know any of this was an issue until the beginning of January 2021 when I was sent a letter from a medical debt collector in the mail. After a lot of calling around, I learned what had happened. The issue is, the FSA account doesn't roll over, so I have essentially used or lost that $800. I never saw any statements about the refund or about being charged again, and I paid the entire amount I owed in the first place. Colorado has a Surprise Billing Law, would this situation fall outside of that law? And beyond paying the debt collectors, is there anything else I can do?

    submitted by /u/iamnotcurrentlyascam
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    Hospital refuses to take my grandfather off life support. What are our options?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 02:50 PM PST

    My grandfather has been on life support for almost a week now. Before they put him on it, he called and let us know (also told the doctors) he did not want to be on life support, and if he absolutely had to be, to "pull the plug ASAP."

    He has seen only mild improvement since then, then got worse, then went back to the same level as the mild improvement. He has been the same for a couple days now with no improvement at all and the probability of it going backwards is far greater than it ever getting better. I asked my father how long he'd be willing to wait this out as we are already grieving don't know what to do but we want to honor his wish and don't want him to suffer.

    That's when I was told that the hospital (referring to "pulling the plug") "does not do that here". I feel like they are trying to get more money from us and will keep him on it for way longer than he needs to be after it's determined he will not make it, if that happens to be the case. Even though we are not ready and haven't made the decision yet.

    What do we do when the time comes? Can the hospital refuse this? Do we need to pay out of pocket to get a transfer somewhere else that will, or do we need a lawyer? This is in the state of Indiana. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/ifr3akz
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    Neighbor drops dog poop bags in our front yard every day.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 04:50 PM PST

    I live in a house in a big city in California with 7 other people. For a while, we have left our trash cans in an easily accessible part of our front yard, as well as a fairly large pile of trash. Because of these two things, there have been multiple people who would drop their dog poop bags in our trash cans. However, there is one neighbor who stands out. Although we have never seen him/her, this neighbor has left dog poop bags on the trash pile, in our trash cans, and in our driveway every single day when walking his/her dog. My girlfriend and I cleaned the pile of trash and moved our trash cans to the side of the house, but now this neighbor just leaves the poop bags on the brick pillars in our walkway/driveway. What should we do?

    Note: I understand that leaving a large pile of trash in our front yard is not very neighborly, and most likely not legal, either, but five of the people I live with are very messy and lazy, which is the main reason we had the trash pile in the first place.

    submitted by /u/UmmmHunter
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