• Breaking News

    Saturday, January 23, 2021

    Legal Advice - HOA changed status from dissolved to active right after I closed on a lot. Can I get out of it?

    Legal Advice - HOA changed status from dissolved to active right after I closed on a lot. Can I get out of it?

    HOA changed status from dissolved to active right after I closed on a lot. Can I get out of it?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 02:41 PM PST

    We closed on a vacant lot in Idaho, and months later, the community HOA protested our water rights application and contacted us to let us know we are under their jurisdiction. They sent us updated CCRs and Bylaws that mention our lot and subdivision.

    The realtors had said there may be an HOA and emailed us some 30 year old scanned CCRs but said that the HOA appeared to have been dissolved and the sellers had never paid an HOA fee, so it didn't seem like it would impact us. I had looked up the officers listed on the documents we received, and they all would have been in the > 87 age range, so probably no longer alive. There was old rusty broken down heavy equipment on the lot when we bought it, so it did not appear that CCRs were being enforced. The old documents did not mention our lot or subdivision. They did, however, mention a lot that was part of another subdivision that apparently was divided into our subdivision.

    We looked up the HOA in state records and found that their status had changed from dissolved/inactive to active/in good standing like a week after we closed.

    Are there any legal documents that need to mention our lot and the HOA for it to be legit? We have not signed anything about an HOA, but the updated CCRs that we are just now seeing do mention our lot.

    Is there any way for us to get out of the HOA and/or CCRs? The fee is only $20/year and we are not trying to do anything that would be out of line with the rest of the community, but this is a disappointing surprise, and we hate the idea of having to apply to a board before changing the color of our front door.

    submitted by /u/cattunic
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    I'm in trouble for getting robbed at work

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 11:06 PM PST

    I had a guy come into my work and steal these really expensive pieces at my work(I work at a glass shop to clarify)

    I followed procedure, called 911/reported it, and didn't try to chase down the guy. I also had a customer witness it happen from the parking lot, so I had her stay with me when talking to 911 to profile one of the guys I couldn't see. (she had useful info)

    It wasn't at gunpoint, but overall still traumatic due to the "what if" factor. It could've been worse, but at the same time IT COULD'VE BEEN WORSE! I'm a 24 y/o female that usually closes solo, which has me quite concerned due to the increased crime in the area.This also leads me to my next point: I'm an easy target in this situation.

    My job thought it would be a wonderful idea give me a write up for it, which is fine. I can live with that.They're also expecting me to pay back $4,000 worth of lost product that is clearly not my fault.I will also add the product is RIGHT next to the door which is out of my control, and we have nothing in our handbook that states this.

    I feel like I'm being forced to pay for having a traumatic experience by my own workplace.

    Wondering what the legality behind this is?

    (Edit: I also live in Washington if that helps)

    submitted by /u/buttbuddha
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    College I never went to in Wisconsin is asking me to pay for college fees for the last 4 years

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 05:42 PM PST

    Almost 4 years ago I got accepted to go to a college in Wisconsin. I had applied and received an acceptance/offer email for my course. However I received an offer from my first choice college in The Netherlands. So I went and studied in Europe.

    I forgot to contact the Wisconsin college saying I wouldn't be originally coming. I never chose an accommodation however I selected courses for semester 1 in my first year and signed up for some sports teams.

    I sent an email to someone who I thought was an admin at the university who had sent me some information about the college, I emailed stating I would not be attending but it was a very informal one a few days before enrolment. Apparently looking back I had emailed a recruiter.

    I have never even stepped foot in the US before. A couple days ago my parents got a letter from a collections group that works on behalf of the college stating I owe just under $128,000. My dad called the college who confirmed the agency are legitimate. They are asking for payment for 8 semesters of courses as my name was held as a "spot" for that specific course and each of the mandatory classes.

    I'm a UK resident if that helps. Prior to going to college my family was well off but things didn't go to plan. Luckily the uni in the Netherlands was relatively cheap and we managed.

    What do we do from here? My parents and I can't afford to pay this. My father is considering getting a loan to help start a payment plan but my mother would prefer getting a loan to pay for a lawyer.

    submitted by /u/collegelegalneedhelp
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    My father passed away last year and in the will, he left his house to my sister (who lives in the house with her fiancé), her daughter, my brother and I. My sister has no intentions of selling. How do my brother and I approach this?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 11:47 AM PST

    I posted this in r/advice and was referred here.

    A little context: it's a 6 bedroom house with an apartment in the basement. My sister, her fiance and my niece had lived there with him and my step mom (also deceased) for a long time prior to his death. Upon his death, his will dictated that if the house sells, the profits should be split 4 ways between my sister, my niece, my brother and I.

    It's not a really nice house, but it's nice enough that it's probably worth $300-400k if it sold right now. 6 bedroom, huge backyard, decent neighborhood. But the value of the house isn't entirely the point... My brother and I have discussed the fact that unless she sells, we'll never see any value in the house. Neither of us have any intention of being shitty or getting lawyers involved or anything, but even if we net $50k it would be life changing for both him and me. I spoke with my sister about it and she doesn't really understand - she said that since she's not planning on selling, no one is really benefitting... but it's entirely paid off. She's living mortgage free, in an appreciating asset, that her daughter will inherit and benefit hugely from.

    I asked if she'd ever considered buying us out and she said she hadn't... so how do I approach this? I don't want to bully her or anything because I truly believe she has no intention of screwing us over, I think maybe she just hasn't considered our position. How can I make her see reason?

    I understand that we'll need a lawyer to sort this out. What I'm trying to avoid is ruining our relationship over this. My brother and I see it like: this is $75-100k that we could be investing, planning for our future, that you're sitting on, and we'd like our share. It's not malevolent greed. None of us come from money so that amount would literally change our lives. But how do I make her see that's where we're coming from versus: we're just after money and trying to screw her over?

    EDIT: sorry, first timer. We're in Ontario, Canada.

    submitted by /u/notbuildingrockets
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    Custody of children after death

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 06:33 AM PST

    Tw: death

    My (23F) mom died last week, she still has two children at home (16F, and 15M). Their dad died 8 years ago so they have no living parents. Our grandparents are wanting to take them in, but they live in a different state and the kids want to stay where they are. My grandparents said they would move to where the kids currently live so they can finish out the last few years of school here. We aren't really sure where to start with getting paperwork done. The funeral home said because it was an out of state death it was going to take 25-30 days to get her death certificate. I guess I'm just needing help getting started on the right path. The kids live in Oklahoma, mom died in Oklahoma. Grandparents live in Missouri and funeral was in Missouri so that's where we are getting the death certificate from. I'm not sure if any other info is needed, but if it is I'll try to answer best of my knowledge.

    submitted by /u/momofanawesomebaby
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    Can I have my daughter removed from my home because of alcoholism?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 01:11 PM PST

    My daughter (52F) and two grandchildren (8F and 17F) are living with me in Oregon. My daughter has been an alcoholic basically her entire life. When her 17 year old daughter was born, she was removed from her care because she was born with alcohol and other substances in her system. After 6 weeks of clean testing, she was able to regain custody. Both the girls fathers are not in the picture. Lately (ongoing for the last year) she has been drinking non-stop. She has been extremely angry and verbally abusive, threatening them with violence almost everyday. Last night she forgot to get her 8 year old from a friends house, she's been too drunk to get her 17 year old from work on multiple occasions, forcing her to call friends to get a ride home. Last night she blew up at the 17 year old, cussing her out and flipping her off and telling her she doesn't give a f**k about her. Without getting too deep into it, it's really bad.

    I would like custody of both girls, mainly the 8 year old, and have her removed from my home. Do I have any recourse to do this at all? My plan is to call social services or CPS but I do not want the girls removed, I want her removed. What can I do?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/blondephotographer
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    Posting screenshots of private conversation on fb of woman who ruined my life

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 04:34 PM PST

    Utah. In the 2016 a woman and her roommate tried to ruin my life by falsely accusing me of sexual assault because I didn't want a relationship with one of them. They dropped all the charges against the one woman immediately but kept the roommates charges going . I spent 7 months in jail over this then my lawyer got text messages from one of the women that proved she was lying. They dropped all charges with prejudice. Then she admitted everything later on in a Facebook conversation with me and (I'm not kidding) she offered to give me a blowjob. I told her I hope she gets murdered and hit by a bus. Then I get arrested for retaliation against a witness but it was deducted to electronic harassment. Which I plead guilty too. Even though it's a misdemeanor i cent get any of the jobs I want. I didn't die them because the statute of limitations is up. My question is how long till I can get it off my record? Also can I post all the screenshots on Reddit of the conversation I had with one of the women where she says she was lying to shoe the world what an evil woman she and her roommate are? I need to find a way to get some kind of justice (legally of course)

    submitted by /u/stilltrickling
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    Ex-wife refuses to comply with our separation agreement to sell our house

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 06:10 AM PST

    The title summarizes the matter in a way. But I have a separation agreement with my ex-wife where it clearly states the house we used to live together needed to be sold after our divorce. She has been living in it for 2 years without any intent to sell. I want her to sell the house so I can take my name off the loan, and get my 50% share. She says I'd have to get her killed to see a dime from that house. What is my course of action here in this case?

    submitted by /u/sonofbaker
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    Moving company destroyed my $2000 tv. After reviewing my claim, they offered $25.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 06:52 AM PST

    In early December I hired the well-reviewed International Van Lines to move my household goods from San Diego to Austin. They hired a local broker to move my goods.

    They packed several of my high-value items, including my television. The packer at the pickup site told me that any items damaged would be reimbursed to the full value because they packed it, regardless of which coverage I picked. I did not take additional insurance (which would have been an additional $1200 or so) which would cover items the movers did not pack.

    I am aware that I could go to small claims court with this. What are my options? There is no apparent appeal process. The contract says any lawsuit will be submitted to the jurisdiction in Los Angeles County, so does this include small claims court? I don't believe this is worth pursuing beyond small claims.

    Lastly, is International Van Lines, the broker, carry any responsibility for this since they hired these movers?

    submitted by /u/dumb_vet
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    Would my buddy and I have been justified in using my car as deadly force in this road rage incident?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 08:40 PM PST

    Fortunately nobody ended up getting hurt in this scenario but it could have been much worse. Relevant info, I live in Kentucky and there was no provocation or verbal exchange from us to the offender at any point. Here's the story:

    Me and my buddy were driving to his girlfriends house in my car late at night and spotted a parking spot on the other side of the road. We pulled a u-turn at a 4 way stop sign and a car began following us very close (4-5 feet). Distracted by the car, we almost miss the spot and have to brake a little harder than normal, nothing crazy though. We think this is what set the guy off because he flew around us and stopped his car a little down the street. At this point he got out and began gesturing at us and yelling. We were confused until we saw him get back in his car and start turning it around to come back at us. We frantically began to turn our own car around. The guys stops inches from us and begins to get out again just as we are able to pull away. This was the beginning of the chase.

    At first we tried to maintain road rules thinking the guy would just follow us, but we soon realized he had every intention of wrecking us. He would pull beside us and try to force us into the cars on the side of the road so we had to accelerate to get away. We were going 90 mph at some points on small curvy side streets and he still stayed right beside us and attempted to pit/ ram us several times. Thank god my buddy is such an awesome driver there was never any actual vehicular contact. At this point I was on the phone with 911 screaming at them to help us and that we were going to die because we both genuinely believed it.

    This is where the climax of the event occurred. The other driver managed to pass us going in excess of 100mph on this side street and blocked the road with his car at a three way intersection. This is where I'm unsure of legality. He immediately got out of the car and started full force sprinting at us with something in his hand(not sure what it was). The street was too small to effectively go around the man and we fully expected him to start shooting so we weren't taking any chances. My buddy gunned it at this guy. Fortunately, he blinked first and dove out of the way at the last second. We swung a left and managed to lose the lunatic. I finished up my 911 call with a description and last location of the man and we went on with the rest of our night rather traumatized.

    My questions come from my reflection on what might've happened had he not dove out of the way. We were certainly prepared to run him over with the car at that point. Would we have been justified in doing so? Even though he was on foot at that point? Even though we didn't know if he had a gun or not? I'd appreciate any advice to ease the "what if's" in my head.

    submitted by /u/TooRushy
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    Neighbor won't help make fixes to fence, insists I contact her ex husband who doesn't live there

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 04:50 PM PST

    Thank you in advanced for any advice.

    I started renting a home in California, and a shared fence has collapsed, and trees from their side have fallen into our side. The woman who lives in the house is divorced, and she and her husband are going through legal battles. He no longer lives in the home but he holds the home insurance. She insists that she can't do anything and tells me to contact her husband for fixes because she won't talk to him. The woman I am renting from doesn't speak much English, so I am trying to help her hurry the process along because the falling fence and trees are quite dangerous.

    Essentially, it seems this woman is using her divorce as an excuse to not do anything. Because she lives there, is there any legal obligation that she is held to to fix the shared fence? She keeps passing me off to talk to her husband who won't respond to me messages, so I'm not sure where to go from here.

    submitted by /u/purplepotatoes321
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    Debt collector notice, it’s been over 10 years!!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 11:19 AM PST

    When we were poor, we sucked!! Totally admit it. Today, for years, have been perfect with debt. But I got this notice from a debt collector last week. With this in the message:

    The account went into default on Dec 8, 2008. It was charged-off on Jun 9, 2009. Please be advised that LVNV Funding LLC the Current Creditor-Debt Purchaser, has purchased the account referenced above.

    I know there is a year limit to report to the credit, Experian Equifax Trans Union, but this is over 10 years.

    Who do I report this to so I don't have to 'dispute' it if it does get reported?


    submitted by /u/Past_Ad_2944
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    California - My mom helped me purchase my car. Both of our names are on the title. She is currently using it to manipulate me. Is there any way to get a duplicate without her involvement?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 05:29 PM PST

    I originally posted this on the DMV subreddit, but nobody responded so I'm hoping /r/LegalAdvice might be able to help me. I know this is not lawyer-type advice, but any advice is greatly appreciated.

    So back in 2016 I bought my first big girl car and my mom helped me with the purchase and said she would split the payments with me. Over the years she has become more and more emotionally unstable, and our relationship has started to fall apart since then. She is now saying, "You have to do this if you want the title to your car." She is using it to manipulate me, and I refuse to play her games.

    My car was finally paid off last year. Both of our names are on the title, but it was mailed to her address. She will not send it to me.

    I'm the one who's been paying registration over the years, so the car is tied to me and my address in that way.

    Is there a way I can request a duplicate title without her involvement? Can I get her name taken off of it? I tried googling but I couldn't get a clear answer.

    She has never driven it, nor does she have any keys. This is in California.

    Thank you for your help.

    submitted by /u/thespianomaly
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    Help me find a spot for mother-in-law!!!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 05:23 PM PST

    So let me begin by saying I live in WA state.

    Yesterday I had my wife arrested for domestic violence. She's going to have a 14-day no contact order put in place when she goes to court on Monday. My issue is that her dependent mother lives with us and there's certain parts of her care that I'm not able to do. Bathing her for example. My wife has all her cards... debit, credit, and medical.. she also has POA and is the financial responsibility for her mom so there's not much I can do in certain situations.

    My main question is, does anybody know of resources that I can get her mom relocated? The house feels very hostile even after my wife is gone.


    submitted by /u/WholeKaleidoscope827
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    Apartment tenant rights... Is my unit "habitable"?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 07:49 PM PST

    I was given the keys to a new apartment unit in my current apartment complex (very large 5 story complex managed by big management company). I am moving into a single unit as my roomate is moving.

    This is a "luxury" apartment in Cary, NC built in 2015 with rent going for $1200 for 1b1b 693 SQ ft apartment.

    I walked in, and the odor of the unit is awful. I couldn't stand being in there for more than 10 minutes without wheezing and my eyes watering. In the lease it says tenants are responsible for any appliances carpet AC ducts that have to be removed and changed due to severe odors. I refuse to be responsible for this odor.

    I look in the hvac and the air filter has not been changed and there's pile of dirt in the hvac unit.

    There's holes and cobwebs on the walls indicating the walls had not been tended to after the previous tenants moved out. There's small pieces of trash on the carpet and floors, indicating a thorough cleaning did not occur, nor vacuuming.

    The bathroom tub has dirt/mold in the grout. I went to open a bathroom cabinet and the cabinet door fell off.

    The worst part and I think my biggest issue besides the odor, is the balcony door. There is a half inch crack between the door and the metal frame. You can see outside from the crack, and it's big enough for vermin like roaches, mice, frogs/ snakes (common in NC) to come through. If they deemed my apartment move-in ready with this huge space between the door and the floor, I'm seriously concerned about previous and current vermin and infestations. This is a major safety and health issue.

    I have not moved anything into the unit as I don't want odor and potential vermin to ruin my items although I paid a security deposit and rent and signed the lease.

    There are 3 other units with the same floor pla. That are available right now, do you think I can be moved to another unit?

    What are my rights here?

    submitted by /u/kiwi-tron
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    (California) Can my boyfriend’s boss mandate that I get a coronavirus test?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 07:47 PM PST

    Hi all.

    My boyfriend works full time at a cafe. Tonight I developed a 100 degree fever that I believe is related to my period. As mandated by his work, he notified his supervisor. She messaged back that she would like BOTH of us to be tested. I currently don't have health insurance, and also don't work for this company. Obviously I'll be isolating until I know one way or another, but surely a company I don't work for can't mandate I get tested every time I have a fever? Can my boyfriend find himself in trouble for my refusal to provide them with my results?

    Thanks all.

    submitted by /u/tesseracht
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    California Staffing Agency Drama

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 08:41 PM PST

    I work for a staffing agency in California for a high end retailer. My boss at this retailer approached me via email 2 months ago saying if I am willing to switch to this other agency they prefer, they will pay me $10 more an hour. I said let's do it. A month passed and I heard nothing other than "we are trying to get you out of your contract." Finally, someone from the retailer (who works with my manager) emailed me and said they decided to keep me with my current agency and that my rate will be bumped up $5 per hour. I was a bit bummed, but still happy to get a raise. I expressed that I am still willing to switch if the offer ever arises since the rate would be higher.

    I immediately reached out to my agency asking if they have a new contract for me. "Oh, yeah. Tomorrow." I finally get it a week later and it's for $11 more an hour. It's signed by the director of recruiting for the agency and myself. I wondered if they made a mistake, but the next day in a zoom happy hour, my boss asked if I got my new contract and explained that they were able to negotiate a rate that would be on par with the rest of the team. I figured, "Yay! So this is legit."

    When I got my first check after signing the contract, it was for the $5 more an hour rate. I emailed the agency about it and they apologized and paid the rate on my contract. My next check had the contracted rate plus retro pay. My next check, however, was also the $5 more an hour rate. I emailed them again asking to fix it. The director of recruiting responded that he apologizes and that it will be fixed once and for all. That was last week. Today, the director of recruiting called me and told me that he'd done some digging and this was a mistake. I should not have been paid that much and that they are going to dock my paychecks for the overpayment. Again, the rate they paid me was in the contract and signed for.

    What can I do?

    submitted by /u/Donteffwithmefellas
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    Can I stop my housemate from bringing her abusive friend into the house?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 05:33 AM PST

    I'm currently a postgrad living in an undergrad house with my girlfriend and a few of our friends in the UK. Recently I found out that my housemate, we'll call her May, is friends with somebody that coerced another one of our housemates to take LSD while she was very drunk and then tried to have sex with her when they were alone. This guy also encouraged one of my friends to selfharm in front of him during one of her manic depressive episodes.

    Neither of my friends want to involve the police, and I have to respect their wishes, even though I want this scum behind bars. So I just want him out of our lives. I said to May that if she wants to continue being friends with him that's fine, but he cannot come to the house anymore. She's not cooperating and I'm at a loss. I don't know what else to do aside from tell the police she's breaking social distancing. I don't want to have to unnecessarily escalate the situation if I can avoid it.

    submitted by /u/AAwutta
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    [PA] Buyer was erroneously given a refund by eBay.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 07:44 PM PST

    A few months ago, I sold an item on eBay for about $800. The package was shipped via USPS and delivery wound up being delayed several days from the expected delivery date. The buyer put in an Item Not Received claim with eBay while the package was still in transit, and it arrived the day after.

    Because I didn't include signature verification, the buyer was automatically issued a refund a few days after the item was delivered. I was unaware of a policy that requires anything over $650 to have signature verification, and despite a couple weeks and hours arguing with eBay about this, they wouldn't budge, citing that policy. Obviously, I was very stupid and a lesson has been learned.

    At no point after the package arrived did the buyer ever contact eBay or myself to say the package had not been received. All of this was triggered by the original Item Not Received request, which had been filed while the package was in transit. USPS and the buyer's local police blew me off.

    The buyer and I live in the same state. I mailed off the small claims petition (to the magistrate judge in their jurisdiction) this morning.

    This should be an easy win, right? I have all of the documentation that the buyer received a refund and that the original claim was before the item was delivered. Is there anything I should be aware of?

    submitted by /u/EmpatheticSocialist
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    Landlord to build additional unit in my backyard, taking away garden, chickens, best perk of our home...

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 01:40 PM PST

    To start this- I have a very good relationship with my landlord, no problems, very respectful, good communication. He is a good person and has good intentions.

    I rent a single family house along with a few friends, all 30something professionals. We have the whole property, with a very good backyard as one of the major perks of the home. We garden, we have chickens, we use it constantly. We have been here almost 4 years, no issues whatsoever. Our landlord has decided to build a second unit in the middle of our backyard- a 1bedroom, 2 story 700ft2 building which will take away our entire yard, with the exception of some very small patches. I will most likely have to re-home my chickens, we will no longer be able to have a garden, we will lose all of that space that we use every day. The yard was one of the major reasons we chose this house- so losing it means that the value of our home to us drops significantly.

    He agrees that we will be allowed to choose who moves into the new unit, no strangers, which helps. But- Not only will we now lose our backyard privileges, but we will also now have up to 7 cars packed into a driveway that can withstand no more than 5 and still be useful for in/our ability. We will also have to deal with construction for months, and we all work from home- some of us literally work in the backyard.

    He wants to build this house to obviously bring in more money, but he is a very kind person, and expressed that he just wants to provide more housing for people.

    I could really use some advice as to what our rights may be, and if there is anything we can ask for or do about this? I don't want to create issues with him but I'm devastated by this, and had planned to live here for many more years, but the yard was solitude in a stressful city...

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/AdministrativeWay378
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    I think my landlord is trying to scam me - part time student HMO

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 06:08 PM PST


    This is my first reddit post so bear with me.

    I'm a part time masters student in the UK. I started renting a place in September, I signed a tenancy agreement for a single room in a HMO. I have the tenancy agreement to hand as do my other housemates. All of my other housemates are full time undergraduate

    I received a council bill council that was addressed to myself earlier this month which states that I am liable for the council tax for the entire building, totalling around £830. I contacting my letting agent who said that this is correct and that I should pay this. After closer reading I realised that a HMO leaves this bill with the landlord, calling the council confirmed that this is case which eased my anxiety about the situation. I informed by letting agent about this situation.

    Shortly after I had done all of this, I received a letter stating that my landlord has requested to change the status of the property formerly from a HMO to a small HMO and a dwellinghouse, meaning that I will have to pay council tax.

    Landlords are evil

    I would love some advice as to what will happen next. I'm so confused as to the legality of this as I signed in September as a HMO. Will I be liable for council tax if they manage to change the status of the property quickly? Anything would help. I can provide more information as need. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/madisonfeeney
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    Does someone threat to file for harassment against me hold any water?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 08:45 PM PST

    So I did a swap with someone on Reddit back in March. I promptly sent my item to them but the tracking information they provided was simply wrong and the item they were supposed to be send me never showed up. I kept in contact with them for nearly 2 months and they kept on reassuring me that it will show up and if it doesn't they will send a new item. Then in May/June I got a message saying they purchased it and will send it to me and then I stopped hearing from them. I tried messaging and no response. They had agreed to do a swap with one more person on the same post so I texted that person and they had also not received their item. We then decided to try find them on other social media platforms and finally found them on Imgur so we texted but did not get a response. We also had their office address as was one of the address they had given me for the swap. I sent an inquiry on their website asking for this persons contact information but never heard back. Finally in September after trying everything we reported them to the subreddit and they got banned because apparently they had done something like this to someone else but the two of us still thought there had to be a miscommunication and we had faith that this was all a big misunderstanding so as the last resort I wrote a letter and sent it to the two address they had provided when we were doing the swaps. I mentioned that we just wanted the item or the money that the item is sold for and that they can message me with my email address.

    I got an email from them after 3 weeks and they were extremely rude called me names and blamed me for getting them banned on Reddit and said they are never going to give me my item and threatened to go to their local authorities and file for harassment and restraining order against me because I sent a letter to their work place and I had submitted that inquiry back in the summer for a way to reach them. Can they actually do that? Am I the wrong for trying to hunt down the item that they promised to swap with me? They shipped the item using stamps and the item could not be shipped using just stamps as it was bigger and heavier than allowed.

    I live in MA and they live in NY

    submitted by /u/Starfishdoodle
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    Can my ex(25m) sue me(22f) for gifts he bought me during the relationship? NY

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 05:53 AM PST

    Yea basically my ex bought me a lot of clothes, shoes, even housed me for a little bit. Now that we've broken up he's threatening to sue me for all the stuff he bought me back. I'll gladly give him the big expensive gifts back but the small shit, I need time to give him back bc all of my stuff isn't together. He's giving me a ridiculously short time period to give him everything back, like 2 days. I need like a week, does he have any traction?

    submitted by /u/someonethoughtthis
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    2021 Hyundai Palisade Lemon Law

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 03:14 PM PST

    Bought a 2021 Hyundai Palisade with 18 miles on it in IL. With 34 miles on it the check engine light came on. I was on my way back to IA. 300 miles. hyundai said to drive it and get it looked at when it's convenient. I got to a local dealership and they diagnosed bad CAT and it melted the exhaust pipe. Parts are nationally back ordered and not available until March. So I sit with a new car at the service center for the next 1 1/2 months. Iowa Lemon Law says any car inoperable for 20 or more days qualifies for lemon law.

    Do back ordered parts qualify for Lemon law and is covid enough of a reason (national disaster, war time, etc )for hyundai to reject my lemon law claim?

    submitted by /u/Builder611
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